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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1893)
faintly Malm Um dan. gerof m iidtcriininau um of tit baking powders uowndars Imd4 opon eirj hand, and which at org ad upon eoqeumer with ueh per sistency by peddler and many grocers '- account of to I If profit mad In tbatr !. Moil of the powders an uiad from sliarp aud caustic acid md alkal which (tarn and inflame the alimentary urgani and causa Indiges tion, heartburn, diarrhoeai deeaes, etc. ul;.lturic leid, caustic potash, burnt alum, ail ars used aa ga-produciog agent ia such baking powder. Most housekeepers are aware of th painful e (facta produced when ibase chemicals ara applied to the external fleab. How neb more acute must be tbeir action upon the delicate iuUrnal membrane! Yat unaeruploui manufacturers do not hesitate to use tliem, because ther make a ry tow-cost powuer, nor to urge the um of their powders so made, by ail kinds of alluring advertisements and false representations. All tb low priced or so-called cheap baking powders, and all powders sold witl a gift or prize, belong to this class. n .li . . swung powuer m;iae iromcuem ically pure cream of tartar and hi-carbonate of soda are among the most useful of modern culinary devices. They not only make the preparation of nnar ana more aeuaous cookery pos sible, but the; have added to the di gestibility and wholesomeness of our food. But baking powders must be composed of sucb pure and wholesome Ingredients or they must be tabooed entirely. Dr. Kdson, Commissioner of Health f New York, in an article in the "Doctor of Hygiene," indicates that the advantages of a good baking pow der and the exemption from the dan gars of bad ones In which the harsh and cans tic chemicals are used, are to be secured by the use of ltoyal Baking Powder exclusively, and he recom mends this to-all consumers. "The Royal," be says, "contains nothing but oreain of tarter and soda refined to a ahaaaieal nurltv. which whan combined' under the Influence of beat and mois ture produce pur carbonic, or leaven ing, gas. Ths two materials used, nam of tartar and soda, are perfectly hnrmlAaa an whan a-alan hut In thla' preparation they are combined iu ex net compensating weights, so that when ehamical action begins between them in the dough tbey practically disap pear, the substance of both having bn taken to torm caroonic-acia gas.' Hence it is, ho says, that the Hoyal' Baking Powder is the most perfect of ' all conceivable - agent for leavening purposes. It seems almost incredible that any manufacturers or dealer should urge the tal of baking powders containing injurious chemicals in place of those of a mll-trnnatn MM and wholeaom character simply for the sake of a few cents pound greater profits; but sine they do, n few words of warning seem to be necessary. , . Tlppla th Don '' At the Duke of Wellington's funeral, a lady having a tioket far a reserved at pre died herself at the wrong n! trano to St. Paul' and knocked vigor-j sy. Tit dean presently opened tbj door, pointed out to her the miatek she bad mad and indicated the proper u tranc. 8b quit unaware whom she was addressicg and mistaking him fop oe of 'he UDder officials, utterly re fused again to face the seething crowd and insisted on being conducted to her sat or ah "would report him." Of noara b had her wey and presently lippd halt crown into hr cicerone 5 slm. Needless toy, the oesn wa slichtxd and did aot fail to xbibit bis tip." Fotes and Queries. Tho Dominion Government has granted permission to the United States athnritiM to proceed with th work of; improving the Detroit river channel at lAm Kiln crossing in Canadian water) . .. .... l j it.. .iin. latlng, however, that suoh permission is without prejudice to Canada' rights of possession as defined by treaty. The Prinoes of Wales ha perhaps jnvonted almost as many novelties a nay on in th knioknaok trad. Sb draw with hi wn hand th;pln for th pocket smoking csm which th prino Barrios' jvrywhr with him. ScrofuJouTSores rfJrTsTyneek when a young lirL My uterine YMnroiiwt". as4 1 fell to get relief. Ths continued to uktrT freely, ejus- !l!-4ei Moodl Sersa SSliT Alter Ttwo sTeathsthe sores heaen ZJZwZi and pMttt Sm loo ob (ood -a kidiMT trouble hMBiors loot uv ' j aTvaw. I stunt always bv food word Hood'sCures Md'i rills r ths oe 'rm headache, 2.. per no i . Jinn nil In sT" "V CHAPTER V t waited no longer; hastily packing n few clothes in a bundle that could carry in my hand, writing a note to my lawyer, instructing him to collect the rents, and remit the proceeds as I should afterwards direct, and giving him permission to rent my house, I clasped my boy by the hand, and I re member to this moment with what thrilling fervor be returned that grasp, anr out into the darkness and a torm we went together my boy and L Cared I not whore I went, nor how fearfully the storm raged, how vivid the lightning, how swollen the streams, bow dangerous the bridges, for tho danger ahead, no matter what it might be, even unto death. If death would come to both nUke, was sunshine depthless joy to lb immeasurable horror of the din gar whloh larked behind. I wee by no means poor. I had on amy pton quit a sura of money. But money than waa dangerous. It might are me Into the very jaws I waa flee ing from. To board the midnight train simply meant that on the morrow the tolftaph and the law would stay my Jawraay. To procure a conveyance and sis across the country to a railroad Satien where' none knew me, or my way, or my story, would only put pur suers on my track, l need not relate that night s experience. I refer to it now with dread and horror. I found kind friends who aided me and my boy , to flee. 1 One afternoon we reached the village of Sandy Lake, then a quiet little set tlement whore I felt my boy was safe. I changed my name to Patterson. It was my grandmother's name. I need not excuse that act. Before my God I I felt that I wasjustified in doing any thing not crinTvJ, that would prevent being robbed Stray boy. My life here is familiar to you and the good people of this neighborhood. I have sought to do good to my fellow men and fellow-women, and trust that when I am dead some one will have cause to say that the world is a little better for Mrs. Patterson having lived In it. Four years passed and I was begin ning to make myself believe that my hiding place would never be discovered by the father of my boy. It was not to he so. On evening, just at dusk, - my dar ling Louis came running into the nous, all out of breath, and when he ould sneak, he told me of meeting a stranger who had asked several uaflttons about his mother, and had had him run home and say that Silas Qroundwig, an acquaintance of years ago, would call to see her at once, the bov had finished his message, the man came. I remembered too well that name. It was my husband, the father of mv bov. Mv heart ceased to throb. At least I thought it did. When the hot blood ought to have coursed through my veins at lightning speed, it failed to do its work, and I stood be fore the man transfixed with horror, but fortunately I did not lose my con sciousness. " Well. Madame, this is rather a mid recention to extend to your hus band after the long ohase you have given him . His voice brought me to myelf. In n moment I gathered strength, not the ounv strentrtn oi a woman, dui me strength of a giant. The blow he gave aae years before on that bed of pain seemed to be Inflicted again, and again Is atnns' me to the heart. I looked about me and saw we were alone. I was M thankful my ooy bad returnea to nis play. Cool and calmly as I write these wanU I rued at that man. I saw he was a wrck, and that kind of a wreck which is ail danger. I looked him Sriht in the eye. There was no nn thre. His Hps were closed thauffh livid with an ashen hue. I saw the color come and go in his face, as if hl nrain waa busy with the past. With the utmost deliberation, and with a boldness that chilled me through, I replied: "Sit down, sir." "No, I prefer to stand." "As you please," I answered. Kiin Groundwiff." At the mention of that name I started a though he had struck me and my boy another blow. I was subdued in a second. I became meek and weak as a little child. All my great cour age had gone from me. I was help less and powerless. I felt I was again in that man's mercy. A dread of a ter- ihln anmnthln? about to happen un nerved mo, and I waited with breath less anxiety the next step in tne arama. Was it to end with a tragedy? "Susan Groundwig," and I again tji-tH at the sound of that name, I'Vm, An not answer. Do vou not know vourname? You may forget it, but you cannot forget you are my wife." "Silas Groundwig," at last I found strength and courage to say, "you have no right, sir. to call me by that name. When a husband strikes his if and her unborn babe a blow with Intent to kill both, he has no right to over again come into that woman's and pollute the air she breathoB with a word from his lips. To n mv child from your merciless clutches, I fled from my home. To all I held dear on earth mv boy and I bad ternal farewell, roomers grave, f.thi.'a memorv. the honu of my child' hood. nil. everything, I fled from, to escape your t rat to oarry off my ohiid. At '- on ham lonnd nan. And now, Silas Ground wig, what is your wish?" For more than a minute, which seemed an hour, he stood before me and answered not a word. He was pale and white and still as a dead man right from the grave. Fi nally the painful stillness was broken by Groundwig's exclaiming: "Suean Groundwig, the business which brought me here can be easily arranged, and long before the clock strikes 10 I can be on my way out of your presence as my presence seems so hateful to you never again to re turn. It is for you to say not for me; or before the clock shall strike again, I can signal my comrades, who are hard by, to seize your boy, aud take him forever from jiir sight." I was stunned for moment and it took me several seconds to collect sense and strength to say: "Silas Grouadwig, what is it you ask?" -'Madam, I want nothing but you can mmnlv with. I am Door: I am an out cast in the world. I have been driven to desperate deeds to make the world give me a living. I am at the mercy of worse outlaws than myself. They have come hither at my bidding to obtain money. I know you have it in your house and I want 15,000. I must have it and don't care to areue the matter It is useless to sav that to comply with my request you make yourselfand your ooy neggars, ana, in laeopuuuauijuui neighbors, yourself a thief. I care nothine for such pleas. Neither do my comrades outeide, whose mutterings you can hear this moment. There is no time to lose. I must signal them to come in for money or your boy. They have been promised one or the other. Where now was mv uoa lonne didn't strike that wretch dead as he stood there, with such words on his lips? Iam to rob myself, rob my boy rob my friends and go forth to-morrow a beggar and a thief, and for what? Heavens! to save my child! Can I lons-er hesitate? Monev. honor, repu tation, everything I have in this world must go if I would have my boy stay. Mv bead crrew diuv. The room was whirling round. I involuntarily led the way to the bed room. He followed me. I took from its hiding place key. I unlocked my writing desk. I touohed a secret spring in a drawer. I pointed to the exposed money. Not a word is said. JUe seizes tne roil oi bank bills, gave me a demoniac look and passed into the darkness without. Then 1 swooned away, w nen i came to myself I realized what I had done. MyUodlthe thought was killing me. I had violated the trust and now was a thief. Had I not pointed out the money to that man, that monster? I called upon my Creator to help me in my ter rible distress. Next dav I wag watching from the window for my little boy to return from school. And when I saw him he had a letter in his hand coming up the lane waving it. Another moment and he bounds into the room, and throwing a sealed envelope into my lap, fairly shouts to me to open it and read it quick, be cause the postmaster has just received a dispatch asking him to deliver tne letter to me 'at once and have me telegraph an answer. There comes the postmaster up the lane now. "Open it mother; read it, quick." looked at tne roy in amazement. A dispatch. A letter. An answer must be telegraghod quick. What does it mean? More trouble9 Is not my cup full? Is there room in this fast throbbing hof for more sorrow? Can there be any more weary tears in these eyes? Mechanically l tear open the envelope. The letter is from my New England home. I care not for the date. "Dear madam" are idle words. A piece of paper drops to the floor. My boy picks it up and holds it before me while I read: 'Enclosed yoa will find draft on the Bank of Commerce Citv of New York, for the turn of three thousand dollar, payable (my eyee fail me. I can read no farther. There ie plenty of room for teera. The mist growe thicker. The poitmaiter bega pardon for Intruding on my privacy at inch a time, but eaye it ii important inai ne feiegrapn my anener b unca. i uiiuu blm the le ter anil ask him to finish reading it He read! : to your order. In reorganizing the National Woolen Mill Company there ia a eorambls going on for shares. In searching for the several shareholders it has been discovered that the assignment by your father of the; forty shares owned by him to your former hnsband was not only Irregularly entered on the trans fer books, but was a forgery. The company at onoe renaid the dividends, amounting to tni tb .usana aoiiars, ana inai amount x reran to on bv sncloaad draft. To enable the friends of your lamented father to obtain a 'majority of the shares In order to control the property and take It from those who are trying to depreciate lte value by bad management, so tbey ean buy : the stock lor muen less tnaa lis real vaiue. i ean sell the forty anaies wniea were your rather's for five thousand dollars. As the elec tion of dlreotors is to be held on tna mst in stant a speedy answer, and by telegraph, Is necessary. I advise yoa to esu. i ours truiy, "Samcei. KwnomnoK." It roauired but a moment for me to conclude what I would do. Mr. Ed- mondson had proven himself honest and faithful to my Interest I would trust t!"' a"." ,t ttvueub. iu a ion uivd wiuiuui uiau r . . t. .1 . . ji i... came, ana my iaitu in tnat aivinii.y which doth all things well was re stored, and from the most miserable of beings 1 Become tne nappiest. Thus you soe, my kind friend, that the answer I gave you when you asked my hand in marriage was the only one riage was tne omy uub ;eaSleUsf h Vtl to me for a severance 1 cuuiu give jou, uiuug me cruel and heartless, courts are open of tho marriage bond. But I can never consent to do an act that will serve to withdraw from me, in the least degree, the good opinion and warm regard of my neighbors. Your Friend, Matilda Patterson. UHAPTEB VL THE DAY OF SADNESS. What more charming and fascinating time and place for lovers than an even ing on such n craft or no beautiful n laker The month of August has fairly entered on its second week. Th slowly lengthening twilight bring with it myriads of object to see ana hear. The long shadows of bluffs and trees, which have darkened the water In big ipots, sesra to have spread until they cover all tha lake, and it is now 11 shadows, or to shadows, just as fan cy pictures. The fie ds are full of flow er, and the forest nr 3 full of birds. Tho kntyd'd 's whistUn r IU monoton ous not, closing with n low trill, nt- tjse UUWWt new OI sauauis us a whlspejr.and perched on distant fence- . 7T.L ,...!. ''imW tha uwi - i . ! weatner propnet s sou, are aunuuiw ing the prospect of "more wet." Tho prairie chicken drums and drums, and fancies the noiae a exiri, while the cooing doves, visiting pairs, make most plain- tin waitings, a tnougn mourning ana loving were to them the same. The owl, awakening from bis all-day sleep, stretches out bis neck from ne neath his wings, and beat a warning to his prey. The golden-rod, the wild sun-flower, the broad expanse of prairie blossoms fresh from their sun baths, nod in the gentlest of gentle breeses, and open their invisible mouth to catch the dews of night. The beauti ful daisy and the pretty morning glory have gone to sleep until the rising sun shall bid them awake. The whippoor will sits on the branch of an old oak tree near the water's edge, and tells all the world within bearing that be u a whipporwill and must be listened to. The blue bird and the wren hop from limb to limb, twitter and chatter, and goto sleep chattering. The cows with quickened pace move with single tile along the narrow patch by the side of the bluff, chewing their cud, looking so demurely out of their great Drown eyes, bowing familiarly to every mum and shrub, hastening to reao-h homft before night-fall. On the brow of yonder bluff, where the rays of the sun are lingering and depart' ng, it is said an inaian mauien threw herself into the waters below rather than wed against her will. The sky, too, is full of the glory of God, and lovers are both deaf and bund if they find no time lor tne ad miration of such grandeur. Yonder, almost in the zenith, is jupiter shin ing so brightly and looking so proud because he is king of the heavens even for a brief hour, and now the great, round, red moon breaks the horizon and climbs mysteriously up the clear sky, the big bright stars, and the dim little ones, all hide their heads, and even jupiter himself fades away, and the shadows come again and cover the borders of the lake with phantoms of various shapes, affording tne imagina tion an easy opportunity to fancy any image the brain can design or desire. Light breezes Bigh mournfully through the trees, and joining high up above the waters of the lake, the winds that swept from the distant prairie, seem like dismal murmurlngs and harsh mutterings coming from human voices above the clouds; or it may be those strange, wierd noises are voices of spirits from the tombs of the mound-builders hold ing converse with the spirit from the irraves of the long-buried Indians. These mysterious noises come from the darkness, and go only with the light of the morning. The moon is now well on its journey across the sky. The fields and river and lake and farm houses areas plainly visible as at noon-day. The symmetri cal stacks of grain stand out boldly as if saying "we are the staff of life for man and beast." The hay has been harvested and the long racks mean that well-fed cattle shall reward the husbandman for his labor. The fields and meadows have been shorn of their wealth of food, except the broad acres of Indian corn whose luxuriant growth makes the farmer smile as be dreams of fat herds and n fat purse. That snapping, crackling, rustling; noise which is the only sound that breaks upon the stillness of the night, is the growing corn. It is push ing, driving, and crowding itself out of the golden tassel into the ear, return ing to the plowman sixty and even ninety fold of increase, tho reward promised him for his labor and his faith. The lights in the farm houses have long since been extinguished. The stillness of the night becomes oppres sive. Strange that the bosom of the lake should be undisturbed by even ripple, while high up in the sky the elements should be at war. The herd man's dog gives out an occasional bark to let bis master known that he is an honest doe. Now and then a dismal howl, though in perfect concert, comes from some prowling mongrel. Save theBe lnfreqjt disturbers of nature's stillness, and the ever present commingling of those supernal voices in the upper air, all over the broad sur face of the lake, and all over the fields and through the forest, as far as an eye can see or ear can hear, there reigns the quiet of the church-yard at the mid-night hour. Some people would think it no time or place for youth and maiden of flesh and blood to talk of love. But lovers are on the lake Louis and Mary are there and they have been telling over and over again the story of their love. Of all this chapter recounts not a thing have they seen or heard. Mary annears unusually melancholly, per haps because tnis was tnoir nrst meet ing on the lake since her father's death. TO BE CONTINUED. Another Kind of O. Waahinton. "Traveling men are just as truthful as any other class," .began the drum : mnr and everv other man in the narty coughed significantly. j .'wei they are," contented the drummer, 'find notwithstanding you and everybody else seem to think i - i thov liara " i - The hotel clerk looked sympathetic. "Oh, hotel clerks ain't any better than the rest," said the drummer. "Only last week I stopped at a hotel in Muskegon and juat for fun I reg j )glere(j ; )gtered Washington.' j T ! particular in the namn, and 1 George Washington.' The ny thing began to talk. " 'Ever hear of him?' 1 said. "'Nope.' ho answered flippantly. ' 'Never heard of vJeorge Washing ton? "Tbe clerk examined the signature and took a gaze at my sample cases. ' 'No, never heard of him.' '"What, never heard of Geonre Washington, the man that never told n lie?' Oh, him,' and a flash of intelll- gsnce came to his face. 'Yes, I've sard ot him. but drummers ain't that kind. Front, t ike fits gent to 44,' and that's ail the satisfaction I got out of it" Free Press. Tiiere is one thing you can always depend upon; no one will ever have good luck any great length of tiue. No man ever made a fuss about hfs wife's dry goods bills that sue did not say sb wss positively ragged. the Bank of England luAmm mmtrn exactly oo oact ami. No not is aver -avjed from to tiariK a seoobd time. On iu return it ia r oorded, kept cwtaio period, and than 'stroked. An Indiana farmer aaw an adorti aunt which promised, on receipt of 1.25, to give information how to rai beet easily and profitably. II nt ths cash, and waa told to "lake bold of th top, and pull." To insure your life ia an obligation yon w to yourself and to your fam ly.lf you have a steady iorome and have not ao Stimulated sufficient to I ear tho d ndnt uoon vou oomfortabl should I rou be suddenly taken off. In uch , 9a select a gcod company wber you lt insurance at a resonabla prio that is at the cost of insurance uth reason able profit added. There is oo raon hy you should b called upon to invest money with the company in order to buy insurance. You probably feel you can nake your investment to suit yourself aud that in any event investment in one thing and insurance another. Th feel ing is growirg that they might a well be kept separate. mat enre for cough. Mm. A. K. if orris, 456 Canton St., Philadelphia, Pa., writes: ''I took several bottles of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup for a bad cough and eras entirely cared. An object calculated to impress th ktmtr on his midsummer visit to th netropolis more, perhaps, than th Brooklyn Bridge or any other of the light famed in th rural distriot, is tb oorse's bonnet, of which a solitary speci men wss s ei in Broadway on a recent hot day. It was m tde of a wire frame covered with canvas, supported above and calculated to shade the top of the head and eyes. A sponge inside of the hat was moist with vinegar, so aa tb keep the horse's head refreshingly cool. The horse's hat was firat introduced in France last year, where it hul become so popular that it ia now on tale in all French towns. W. H. GRIFFIN. Jackson. Michigan, writes: "Suffered with Catarrh for filteen years, Hall's Catarrb uure curea me. Bold by Druggists, 7oo. Naccy Wa-cu-co-cah, a Miami Indian tquaw, died in the Wabash County, Ind poor house. The woman was forty-two ears of ase. A few years ago she bad the finest secti n of land in Wabash county, but married a poor whit man who squandered her property. When she was taken sick a few week ago there was no one to oar tor her and she wss sent to the poor farm. Before go ing she exacted a promise that she should be burried on her old farm and her remains were remo ved to the place Nkrvoi b and billons disorders, sick headache, indigestion, loss of appetite and A ship on the broad, boisterous and open ocean needetn no pilot, out it dare not venture alone on the placid bosom of a little river, lest it be wrecked by some hidden rock. Thus it is with if, lis not in our open, eipoeeo daeas that we so much need the still voice of the silent monitor a in the mall, secret, every-day acta of our life. There are some very mean thieves in Bayfield, Wis. They steal grave-stones from the cemetery. YOUNQ OIRLS entering womanhood ought to have just the special help that Dr. Pierce's Favorit Prescrip tion can give. They need to be started right The " PresoriDtion " aids and nromotee tbe proper functions. corrects the delicate weeJmeaees and derangements that might be come enrome, estaDiisnei regu larity and Health. seeaen pain. Tbey want a nourishing, sup oortine. strengthening- tonic. such as an experienced physi cian has especially prepared for the female system, in the " Pre scription." In every " female complaint and weakness, and in all nervous conditions, if it doesn't benefit or the money wui be returnea. Mk Maooib Jackson, of Barbreek, St. La Vy PaH$h, Im., says : I was lying sick for Some time with female complaint, and all tb BMi Mnp mv rnpnna sravtt me uiu me nu sroou. Death was approaching;; all my friends had Rveu me up to die. I heard of your woader il medicine, and 1 bouirht two bottles of it. Delore 1 naa raaen ine lasr, i sroi enureij wall. I am still enjoy In, gooa neana. yaet to praise your meaii Ine every whan I go.' "Mothers1 Friend" HUES CHILD 31RTH EAST- CoMa, Is. Dm. S, 189fl.-Ky wlf vsfl COTEXB'S rSXSMD before her third armflnement, and aaya she would, not h without it for hundreds of dollar. DOCK UJLXM. Sent bv express oa receipt ol price. tttOaar be Is. Book " To Mathers " muled free. ' BKADflKLO KKOUUtrOH OO Meats st aueaveawre. WtajSTVn. $10 A Day Free I Enclose in a letter containing , your full name and address, aa outside wrapper of a bottle of Smith's Bile Beans (either ajatt . If your letter is the first one opened in the first morning mail of any day eicept Sunday $5 wiU be lent you at once. If the od, jd, ath, 5th or 6th, $i. Ask for the SMALL site. Full list mailedto all who send postage for it (a els.). Address J, F. Smith & Co. No. SS5 Greenwich St., New York. VT-a ' Not s grip fW r in a barrel of lr thm" asvaat SlVSrn at KM te TnaVIL. WetsS0 t WHN I B&leV to J S aaoath ft espansaa. ! TOKM WKLUWUVOK. llaUlaHl, WIS. T,aMn,. in lPPrn 0 Oae of th oarrlage of a f nnnral frn csion at PUiafiVd, N. J, ran ornrtj newt of hornet. Th nact rtlltal by ftttaoking and o toverely tb nvonrnsw and th hor . funeral had to b postponed. Ther la to be great rwjoioiog nt "dedication" of a eramatery in . ter, Ma. Tb dedication will b mamoraUd with a clam-oak, th nlsssst to b baked in th crematory ovon. "August 99 Flower ' I am ready to testify under onth that if it bad not been for August Flower I should have died before this. Eight years ago I was taken sick, and suffered as no one but n dyspeptic can I employed three of cur best doctors and received no benefit. Tbey told tne that I had heart, kidney, and liver trouble Everything I ate distressed me so that I bad to throw it up. August Flower cured me. There is no med- a. . . . . ev icine equal to it iorknzo a. Slkhpkb, Appleton, Maine. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement sal tends to personal enjoyment wbats rightly useS. The many, who live be ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products ts the'needs of physical being, will attosj the value to health ot tne pure inwi laxative principle embraced in tne remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is uub iu racuMBj In the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and trolw beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kidi neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drugs gists in 60c and $1 bottles, but it is maty. Sfactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on everjr package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed.jou will not accept any substitute if offered. Tho Qrestest Medical Discovery ot the Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, MASS.. Has discovered In one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula) down to a common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred) cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). He has now in his possession over two hundred certificate of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. A benefit is always experienced fro th first bottle, and a perfect cur is ws ranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs an affected it causer shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts beirtaj stopped, and always disappears in a wetkf after taking it If the stomach Is foul or bilious It wUt cause squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you can get, and enough of it Dose, one tablespoonful in water at bV time. Read the Label. Send for Boole rvjsieaaa iWEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY eaeeessorof the laaWtaaaa." lea yean spent la revising, MO editors pinpioyea, von sal .OWexpend, k Crand Educate Abreast orth Tints Ubrarylaluair Invalqable to the household, and to the teacher, profeaalooal map, aolf-edaoatot. Aak jnmr Bookaellerto no w it tojron, FnMMiei trf O. ClTERBiAU CO.,8riiitorrsLDjl Ase..TT.-a. P8eti4 for tree wisxjuis eontassUsf I 13 pages, uiostrsuons, sssunHmuus, i Do set buy isnrlats of aaetsnt editions. lssvm r iIt i the test perfame hare geap la is) bastes wttHoxi MUssy. It Is th tst tor eleaaslag iraetsvplpe. slnfeeUn slabs, stosate, waaaj ess. . . C. He. !-. Tsark, Mk Trani wnrrtM) n avr S " tho Lswaeiaw i V I rosNUredaisS fsiflsaaeaV I , . las (raiBimD.I I mt Ton(MtsjtdpirsslamS. I aasTt tJaltte eihar Lye, It bets a fs4 1 "r'Aaowasr an peeked tn aoan wtast J i sfremoTa Vs lidTUM contents a ala raaas-las aaa. WIU make. u