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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1893)
c .. , . rJT r.n n n til rrr--n rr mrif iri-TniitT- inmf ni'iT i tnirriTiiiwHf ir-niirarffi'iMiiii i'HiiiuruftaiwiMWilirfiii) I llaW ... . . .. . . - . . - i muni in imiMir nr"! Th3 Sioux County Journal. ESTABLISHED 1883. OUOeSI PAPER IN THE COOTY. BUST PAPER EN TUB COCSTT. (INLY REPUBLICAN FAPKE IK SIOUX OOCKTY. BAA THE LAHOESr CIBCCLATIOS OF ASY PAPER PUBLISHED IN SiOCTC COUNTY. J2.00 Subscription Price, L. J. Simmons, - Editor. Enured at tlie IlarrUoa pest office us sec ond class matter. Thuesday, October 5, 1893. The Washington correspondent of the Omaha Bee assures the people of Ne braska need have no fear of any radical tariff changes by the present congress, notwithstanding the declarations of the democratic national platform. It has been decided that the acts of the supreme court commission are legal as tbey appear of record. Some litigants who lost their cases by the decisions of the commission attempted to establish that tlje commission was unconstitu tional but the court held that the law ig all right and so that point is settled. It is reported that Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma will ask to be admitted to statehood in the near fu ture. There, is no reason why it should be denied to any of them unless the Mor-moni-iin of Utah is not yet thoroughly pubdued. That one thing has kept that territory out of the union for a good while and it will not likely be admitted now unless the blot of polygamy is removed, It is estimated that the United States will pay twenty millions of dollars more for sugar this year than it did last on account of the drouth which has pre vailed the past season in Germany. Under such conditions the government should lend every aid possible to help the sugar industry along in this country rather than threaten to remove the bounty on sugar made from beets. No effort should be spared to make the United States as near independent of foreign countries as possible. The republican state convention is in session at Lincoln today and there are a - number of candidates before it. Tiiose who have kept tab on the conventions in the various counties claim the at most Maxwell will have 33ft votes on the first ballot, a number of which will will drop him after the first vote. The other can didates are Abbott of Hall, Kinkaid of Holt, Frick of Dodge, Powell of Doug lass, Calkins of Buffalo, Hayward of Otoe, Cobbey of Gage, Harrison of Hall and Chapman of Cass. From that lot of candidates a man- of integrity, ability ope possessing all the qualilications nec essary to fill the position with credit to himself and his party should be selected. A notable case was disposed of in the district court at Wilber a few days ago when John W. Lytle, formerly president of the state Bank of Western, pleaded guilty to the crime of having re ceived money on, deposit when he knew th? bank to be insolvent and lie was sentenced to serve a year in the peni tentiary. The receiving of deposits by an official of a bank when the institu tion is insolvent is a crime under the banking laws of the state and all would ik to see it rigidly enforced. When it is definitely understood that a crime is a crime, even if it is committed by the most hightoned and best dressed man in the town there will be less danger to the depositors of banks. . It is a noticeable fact that a number of leading democrats have appeared be fore the ways and means committee to urge that the protective tariff be re tailed on the manufactures of the United States. The disaster which has befaer, ffg. cation when free trade was tfrnpfy threatened has opened the eyes of a great many people. A man who fcdjqoeaies a thing because he believe it to be right is, as a rule, willing to ac knowledge his mistake as soon as he jtods, that he has made one and there Vie qaariy democrats advocating free ' rade who did not realize what it would tortag aVou.t until, they saw tlie indus of th nation shut down because of bp prospects of a removal of the tariff Mr. Verity seems to take what The Jocks al has said of some of his dirty, contemptible tricks very much to heart for he came out in hU 1 st issue with a tirade against the e..o. . 1 this paper i-i which such weighty argumentsas "liar" . "coward"' and '-pup' are freely used. As Mr. Verity s reputation for truthful ness is nearly as good was that of George Walker when he occupied the position now so ably filled by Mr. Verity his mere statement goes a long ways. He says Simmons lied when he said by insinuation that he ever charged any one 6 per cent a month interest. Let us see. According to the statement of the lady, whose word is fully as good as that of the editor of the pop organ (even if she is related to the editor of The Journal by murnage), she went to Mr. Verity on theid day of January, 1893, and borrowed $10 and put up a school warrant on the district iu which she was teuchinir for security. Verity told her he would let her have money on her warrants as she needed it at 10 per cent a year. Ou May 25, 1893, she paid back the ?10 and paid $3 interest for the use of it. He says Simmons lied when he insin uated that he (Verity) had anything to do with the proceedings to vacate the village corporation. We have it on good authority that the matter was taken up from what was told by Guthrie and Briiiguian and it will take more than the word of the sham reform editor of the pop organ to make any one who was at all conversant with the relations sus tained by those men to Mr. Verity be lieve that it did not originate with that individual. He says Simmons lied when he insin uated that he had anything to do with the school district-village case. Of course Mr. Verity's word is good but the way things are worked by Mr. Guthrie and Mr. Verity and the fact that the latter is on the bond of the former in the case in question makes it look very peculiar. Veritv savs Simmons lied when he said a scheme,, was planned to elect school treasurer who would let the above casj go by default. Certainly his word must be good, but the circum stances connected with that election in dicate quite clearly th:tt that was the plan of the little ring and it would take strong evidence to remove that belief from the minds of the taxpayers of the school district. Again Mr. Verity says Simmons lied when he said that Verity and his asso ciates did not act in (rood faith when they published that declination to run for village trustees. The actions of the leaders of that movement and the result of the vote are pretty good evidence of bad faith even if the leaders had not been overheard fixing op the scheme. Men charged with crimes frequently go on the witness stand and swear that they are not guilty as charged, thus giving the lie to all who testify against them, but their evidence has little or no weight against the circumstances as brought out by other witnesses, and for Mr. Verity to howl "liar" at the editor of this paper does not alter the circum stances, which not only indicate a scheme but a conspiracy. Mr. Verity parades himself before the people as being a bad case of injured in nocence. -Because he considers himself such very smooth people that no one knew of his knifing the editor of The Journal in the back at every opportu nity althougn pretending to be his friend and because circumstances were such that we were compelled to ''grin and bear it" and now he bowls because The Journal shows up some of schemes. As the court records are still in exis tence it would seem that the less Mr. Veritv said about the history of the bank while under his management the more plasant it would be. Since the editor of this paper has been a resident of Sioux county Mr. Verity has not made a move but what he has figured to be either for his personal ag grandizement or financial gain and his friendship for no one has been strong enough to deter him from cutting their throat in order to, carry bis point. His selfishness is astonishing and the only instance where he has ever been known to forget himself was when he at tempted to brand the editor of THE Journal, as the greatest liar of yie nineteenth century. The Silver Compromise. Liucolu Journal. The administration democrats accoid- ing to the dispatches from W-" . r lave thrown up the sponge, ........... that the majority in the senate can never pass the repeal bill, as the wind of the majority seems good for a century, and are fixing up a program of compromise. The compromise talked of is tlie re sumption of the limited coinage of sil ver at the rate of two and a half mil lions per month to be continued until 00,000,000 silver dollars shall be in circulation. wiu mis cuuumuu " Sherman act will be repealed. Whether Grover will sanction tiiis trade remains to be seen. By a stipulation insisted on by Sec retary Carlisle there is to be a large issue of gold bonus for the purpose of chasing a supply of that metal with which to hold up the $700,000,000 of silver coin present, and prospective. This is making friends of tlie mammon of unrighteousness on Wall street. It is perfectly natural, however, that the first thing to be put on the statute books by a thoroughly democratic ad ministration is a measure for borrowing money and increasing the national debt. Probablv the borrowing is only com menced with this compromise bill. The party is hungry and will want a heap of money to expend especially in the south and many millions of southern war fluims have been nresenttd in various bills introduced by southern democrats. and if they are allowed on the grouna tl!thaBnntli is entitled to be paid back in cash all the "losses by the war' it may be necessary to swell the nation al debt to a figure equal or exceeding the war debt in 1886. This will make money "plenty" "vith a vengence. Nutire for Publlraiion. . Land Office at Chailron, Kttj., ( .sep. 11, Ml I Kotice In hereby given that Uw following- named wttUr has Itlwl notice of hw inti-ii-tion t.J make final proof i" support ol il- . .iut. ami that iuil proof w" he iiimle he fore t'ouni il l.imleinaii, Clerk oi tueuwmci Court at Harrisou, Nebraska, ou Ootoln-r 23d, law), viz : Anton lilieiii, of Moiitruso, Mur., who made homestead entry so. o..i, iur im lie. i4 sec. 2T, tp. 34 n., r. 55 west of the uth He'naiues the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aim cultiva tion of said land, viz : ...... ,. Theodore lMcRentirocK, lonrau uiii. Hcnrv Wasserhurger, all ot Montrose, ncm., I'eU't Henry, of oilchrist, icor. Kegister. hheiitf Hale. liy virtue of an Alias order of sale direct ed to me from the clerk or me uisuicv court of moiix County, Nebraska, on a judg ment obtained in K;iid court on the thud day of August, 1MB!, in favor of Sarah I. Hassett as planum ami a""1"'5"' ii.i n Simons, Slary Simons, saruh E. oavis ml I). I'. Davis as defendants, for the mini of fl017.4M and costs taxed at u..'J anu mc- ruinif costs, I uave levieu on uu lonu eal estate as the property of dclenduiits o witisfy said order of sale ton it: lx.t number Sixteen (10) m miotic numix-r . Oi) in the village of Harrison, Sioux Coun ty, Nebraska, and will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder lor casu in u urn on the twenty-eight day of October, m, at two o'clock, 1'. Jl., oi saiu njiun front door of the Court House of Sioux Countv, Nebraska, tnat ucmg me ine in'whieh tlie last term of the District Court was held, at which time and place, due attendance will be given by the un dersiifiied. Thos. KRiv, i t) eneiiu oi emu Final Proof Solices. ill rnvniis hH.villfir final proof notices in this luinnr will receive a marked copy of the nm-Hhiifliv n.micsted to examine then notice and if any errors exist report the same to this office at once. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Chailron, Nob. Sep. ill, ItlKi. Notice is hereby given that the following .w.....l o..ttl,.r li:,u tiled notice of his inten tu.n to make final proof in (support of his ni.,ii .mil ihni. s:iid nroof will be made be fore Conrad I.indeinan, Clerk of till! District Court, at Harrison, Nebraska, on October t, 18i)3, viz. Edwnril P. Maine, of Harrison, Xclir., who made II. K. No. 1KB4 for the lots 2, 3 & 4 & SC. 'i III'. i sec. 4, t. SI n., r. 5h w. lie iianira tlie following witnesses to pro- Ms continuous residence upon and cultiva- H..., nf uulrl lunfl. VIZ! Dwight II, (iriswold, Grant Guthrie, John E. Siarstnller, Kggert Kohwer, all oi liarri son, Nebr. also Kuwaiti P. Maine, of Harrison. Nclir., Who niade T. C. K. No, 1043 for the lot i, sec 1 t. .11 n.. r. 51 W. He names the following witnesses uu inyt his continuous residence upon aim ciuin a ti nf i...iiil litnil viz: Dwight H. G11SWOIU, r.ggeri noinver, , iuioi K. Marsteller. Grant Guthrie, all oi nam son, Nebr. S--J Kegister. Notice for Publication. Land Office atChadron, Net)., ) Aug 31, ltc.;3. ( Notice is hereby given that the following ..!.. h.i. riled ofllisinteii ii'r.n in iniilii! final nroof in support ol his claim, and that said proof will be made be f r i v. r,.ii i.lnileniaii. clerk of the ihstric nnnrt. at Harrison. Nebraska on October 10th, is!B, viz : William Keith, of Ardmore. S. Bali., i,n.eatmul eiit.rv- No. 4004 for the oi. i. sW. 21. tn. 35 ii.. r. 54 west of the nth n. m. Ho names the following witnesses to prove Ins continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: , Joshua M. Plumb, Isaac Hoy, David An derson, George W. Hcuihry, all of Ardmore, S-DUK W.II.MCCANN, Register. Lumber, Coal and Farm Implements, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Lath and Shingles. Windmill and Pump Supplies, Agents for the Buckeye, peering Walter A. Wood MOWERS, REAPERS & BINDERS. Notice-Timber Culture. V. S. Land Office, Chauhok, Xeb. , August 20. 1H93, Comnlaint 2H20 having been entered at this ofiice by l'eter Seiiaeier against Albert It. Tin, fur failure to comolv with law as to ... ..... v i .1 .. 1 1 . I AmruKt limiier-cuiLuie ciicj j vo. i.,i, lKrtl, upon the se H section l, iu nsm ! range 5I, in Sioux countv, fcernasiva, w it" ..; i,iw.,,i.i.nittiiiii of said entrv: con testant alleging that claimant has wholly ...l.l 1,, tliiu tl-U'lt- liV auanuuneu sjii-a viak ' . i.i-l hi? to irealc. mow or otiiei wise uiu- .mi' iiiirt.utii III S lid tracL since iintniMK saiil entrv: that no purtoi saiu u-acnius cvv been broken, plowed or in any way cum ...,,..,i ,i,i ti ii.,ti. if iniikint' this affidavit 1 lie said parlies are nereny sumuioiico w appear at tins oince ou iiieiwunj v.-."' x t t.el imtiiiv concerning saiu an;B-w tmi. liuinv nf witnessscs win wo umuii before D. H. Griswold, a notary public, hi his ofiice in Harrison, Nebr , on the 12 day ot October, 1863, at 10 a. in. T. . l'ow Ml. II. T. Conley, contestant's attorney'. Alias Notice. -Timber Culture. V. S. LAND OFFICE, ALLIANCE, NEB. ( Aug. 4, lsM. Cnmnlninl. hnviner been entered at j office by l'eter Maas against Mahlon A. Sny der for failure to comply with law as to timber-culture entry No. IiBlt), dated Dec. I.i, 1HSI5. lor the ne. a section o.i, unv iisuiii range 57, in Sioux county, Nebr., with a view ,.- -ll, , l i, hi ol said entrv. contest ant alleging that "claimant plowed about five acres of said tract during tlie first year of said entry; hut that since the tirst year of entry claimant mis laiieu u uuem.n cultivate said live acres, or any portion ol nine mid lias lalleu to di ci'.k uic sei-wim . acres as required oy niw uuu mu , ,- i 1,.,'j in,i,ti tur isl live veins wiiui- .,i,,,..,,ti null e-piiwn un to grass and tt-ccds. said defects remain uncuretl to this date, Slay 27, ls'.is." J in; sain panics me hnrehv summoned 10 11 incur in mis unicu o" tin, '27 (lav of fsoiit.. im, ut 10 o'clock, a. in to respond and lnrmsii lestiuiony concern ing said alleged failure. ,,nnnviifitllPSCH V. ill bC tllkdl 10 fnmvv. ll llulhert. V. f. t. Com., at ins ofiice in Gering. Neb., :-Kl)t. 20,, at 10 a. in. 411-21 JAS. 11. 1'A w.-,, imcunw O. W. Gardner, Atty for contestant. Notice of Expiration of Time for Hertemptimi From las Sale, tviiii-nn ll tionsnii. Owner: v v iw.n.liv not ilieil that t!; t:uic of Teiieiiiiitiim on the sale for tnxa of tiio cast lmif nf the northeast uuarter of section n,iriv.ii,M,i, ,iml the south half of tlie north Mii!n-ter of section thirty-four, all in ,.i,ii-, thirt.v.t hree north, of range llfiv- thnwiViutnf tha sixth nrineipa! meridian in Nebraska, taxed in the name of William n iif,tiUi,n unii sold at nrivate s;-;le for taxes on tlie eighth day of February, ISH4, by the treasurer of Sioux county, Nebraska, to the undersigned purchaser for the taxes assess ed thereon for the year 1800 amounting to eleven dollars, will expire on the eighth day of February, 18114. Dated September 22, 1803. ,i5J Minnie L. Marshall, Purchaser. TT anted Men to sell our hardy varieties V V of nursery stock, our own growing, mu urv or commission. Answer with references, 52,51 NORTH repubbcan county convention fliii whWi the cour house on 3ftturday ra nokable as havijig tbe flrt one that haa been held in IKP which there was no factional or Wjjflflrtrife, In, all the j,e liberations ooo veoliou there was great una- iitjr ftHbough it contained as 4IHtes men who were among the liiqwipMtia.ttaQK factfooar flgh tht fpf TfM ftwcJ! wUhini tl ' Mrt7 The delegate who saemblcl (plat eeemed to them, to be for the MNWta 9f th Pkrty wx! that too, itbout t dtetotto ot any one. Noth- if j d m UfHlerhMdtd nature waa done. r ot alt committee waa full. " ( J t!W W 'ny acta waa , -5p!ta4 hvymA quMtraa tbat :J tolNktU! ffOMjid ia tha - mm Boa Senator Stewart, of Nevada, wants the presideut itopeaQbecL A short time ago the pops of Nebraska in state con vention called for the impeachment of Judge Dgndy of the TJniteck State court but nothing more has come of it. If people have evidence that such officials should be impeached why dp they not briosr the Drooer action?' Charges in a speech or resolutions of a convention cannot be acted on by an. official or body competent to pass on such matters. The committee seat f root, Cfeadroa. to Washington to. ask that the Cbadron, land, office be continued, succeeded io cetting a stay of tea day in which, to make a showing why the oftee shoultj; be retained, it wouldi teem nat u, w facts in the case are nroBerlv orewated and the tateresU ol the settiers at all considered bv tha administration, toe order will certain be chftpged.. It is, claimed bv the ecretotv of the interior that tle oooeoMdationa were tnad air anant bv tha laok of f unda but the ov- nwMttAtnauiijr Win m ajt naru as ie Mjcoij o( a new cAnMixr. Tk Id my tNat the aoae. WEST err EAST SOUTH Purchase Tickets anil Consign Your Freight via the F., E.&M.V.S.C.&P. JtJUHtOADS, Ii Q. BIJRT Qenei-al Manager. K. C. Morehouse, J. K. Buchanan, Qen'l, Freight Agt. Gen'l Pass. Agt, OMAHA, NEB. L, E. BELDEN & SON, Wagon an4 Carriage Makers.. Bcpulrlnii done on short notice. Oood work wul eii4KaabI-charges.. SUiop south, t liyiirj; lturn,. NKB. Best Line to the East. The rs-.irlinn-ton Route B. &. M. R. K. is running elegantly equipped passenger traioes without change from Newcastle, Wyoming and Crawford, Nebraska, direct to Lincoln, Nebraska, making connection at that point with their own through t,m.ini for Denver. Cheyenne, and all points west, and for Kansas City, St. Joseph, St. Loui?, Omaha, Peoria, Chi cago, and all points east. Remember this is the only line by which vou can take sleeiiintr car from Crawford in, the evening arriving in Lin coln and Omaha the next afternoon, and in Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis the fol lowing morniug, For further information and tickets ap ply to nearest agent of Burlington Route B, & M, R, R HESTER SOI, DEALERS IN HARRISON NEBRASKA. SIMMS & SMIL EY, Harrison, Nebraska, Real Estate Agents, Have a number of bargains in choice land in Sioux county. Parties desiring, to buy or sell real estate should not fail to call on them. School Lands leased, taxes paid for non-residents; Jarms rented, etc. CORRESPONDENTS SOLICITED.- GEO. 1 1. TURNER, eries -AND (fenera Merch andise. Look at my Goods and Prices Dr. Leonhardt Limits his practice to. diseases of the Nervous system, (Such as Loss of Memory, Feeling, Mo tion and Will-power, Cramps, Fits, Gen eral Nervousness, and; all, forms of Neuralgia.) HEART, (As shpwn by Shortness of Breath, Pain, Palpitation,. Fluttering apdNunjb- ness in region of the Heart.); , WlfcL PI ACTIO IK All TUB dOCAfc, WAT : ftn4 fettoiol; ooortu nd XJ. 8.. Ltl ofllcet,. itOAL PAPIRS OARIFULLY DRAWN. ' . -. t I t I til. Ouch as Slfin Diseases,. Ulcers,. Exces sive Paleness or Hedness of the ato, Fain!liie88,.Diwi tc QOKSULTATION: FREE!: ADPIIKCS WITH IWMPtttS DR. LEONHARDT, Before Placing Orders Elsewhere. McCormick Binders Mowers. We are at the Bottom for Gash. and i A FULL LINK Furniture. XMm Shades, Pictures and Calt Paper. TTntiertafcliig goods embalming. T W ATTENTtOJT QIWS TO MAIL ORDETES.. Geo. C. Reed, rl Vwi v. at u VJ w r Jh4 mBZwi mm 4-. -A mmm mm ltmm 'mm, ' I T? 7, m mm - -t r --- f . . .