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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1893)
REAL RUK AL READING A DEPARTMENT FOR OUR LOCAL AGRICULTURISTS. Cnnere should Cerefolly Cwnlt tbe if.H(t(-A BonwB Row Marker Varl-ty In Paetaro Cheap Food Bark nomcbcrriM aA Currant General Farm Notes. Consulting Ike Market. To meet a demand for special pro- ducti, one must know wbat the de mand is. write a correspondent of n agricultural Journal. The special requirements of a market may be nothing better than a mere whim or caprice, but they must be met if a ready tale it expected. If the market requires brown-shelled eggs it is folly to offer those with while shells. Tbe latter may be just aa trood as tbe for mer, hut so long as tbe former have the call tbey are the ones to be fur nished. Or if tbe market requires yellow leg and yellow kkin on dressed poultry, It h unwise to offer poultry with white skin and dark or white legs It is true thajt people do not eat tbe shanks of fowl , ant" some of tbe best table fowls In the world nave white, or dark shanks and a white skin, but so long as the fancy of the buyer demands the yellow color, that Is the color to supplv. One cannot afford to spend his time education pt ople out of their whim sical notions, if he expect to make money out of his trade. So long as oo principle is sac-fAccd, so long as their notions can harm no one, not even themselves, tbe poultry ral er Is not bound to sacrlce bis profits In attempting to remove the prejudices of hi ustomer.4. He Is raising fowls for business, not for fun, and must adopt business methods, always re membering there is some good reason for tbo public taste and fashion. A Row Marker. To Insure straight rows in garden, the ground should be narked before plant ng. a conven cut im plement for this purpose is shown In the accompanying illustration, Irom tbe American A six Inch pole twelve feet long, of red elm or white oak u has a tongue pinned below it and braced by an old arch of a two-horse cultivator morticed through the pole and pinned above the tongue. A second pole 6 four loches th ough Is attached to the fir t by p cces of one-fourth by one and A HOMEMADE MAKKKK ooe-fourto inch strap of l;on passing loo ely around the front pole, but bolted to the (locks e which are twenty inches long and six Inches through and pinned above the back pole. The boie. lo the ma ker pins should lie bored where needed. Wood pins ne 'd one and one-half inch holes, Iron pins one-half inca. These holes should be -o bored that the p ns will slant back while ma king. The pins d which fasten tho back pole to the. connect ng Mocks f should he mado six inches longer fo th ! purpose. A double tree can h; attached to the tonguo n the - n-ual manner. Hy us ng a bc;iy l ack lo;,', an excellent clod crusher, Icveler. or weed and eornstsk breaker can be made. rarnur.ii Kpiwnlatort. "Talk alwutpeculators," said a produce denier .he other day; "the o Isn't a greater speculator out than the ta mer If t he price of any prod-: uct goes up he never wants to sell; ! no matter how high the p ice, he always wants more. After the pr'cc . beg ns logo down he wants to sell,! and u ually gets a lower price than' be might have o'-tiined." Unfor tunately there is loo much of truth in this statement. The dealer in que Hon c ted several in -lancet in support of h s statement, fcvery seller wl hes to get all possible for his wares. This Is natural and right, ' but it isn't always easy to tell just i when the right point has been i ieached. It is- generally better to sell on a ilsing than on a falling ma:ket. When an unusual b g.) fig-. u e has beeu atta ned, it isn't reason able to suppose that that price will be long sustained. Rural Xew- Yorker. MooMiiirrrlm and Currant. Goose crrics and currants' do best when planted on a north or, east slope. Too much sun Is not good for them. Hut, hoth irooselierries and currants mu-t have lood culture and the worm ma 1 1 killed as soon as they are hatched. They hatch out on the lower leaves about blooming time, or a l.tlle later. Tbe grower must keep bis e e peeled, fur It only takes the e pests about two days to strip on every leaf, and that means no crop. There are several broods of them In a season. Tbe Hint coming before the fruit Is formed may be killed with parls green; later broods with hellebore. The successful growth of any of these fruits for market demands constant care and attention, and also knowl edge anil skill. Over Manuring Oraln Crop. The fact that stable manure con tains too much nitrogen and too little potash and phosphate ma.ves it un suitable for manuring the small grains To furnish the mineral ele- n a, t m fk,, ipaln rianflirA an uafiMUI IUUV ' w avri1fiaA nf manure must be fflven. i and this makes an excessive growth The annoyance of having too many ef straw. If the stable manure to males among the flock of hens ought pplicd to corn and potato crops, the to cease soon after the eg for early rrops of oats, barley, or wheatgrown chickens are dropped and set. Few tbo second or third years will need people make anything from the late only mineral eloments. This Is set eggs, and .he hens will produce especially true of wl ter wheat It more eggs If not maae fertile than is swwn after more or less summer Miey will if the rooster is always in uitlvatton which has developed , their company. decaying matter Id A ! for a Feed Hark. mis reed rack, described in Farm and Home, is simply a square box, no uuuom in, ana open at top. Jt Is 10 IL long, o"j fL wide and 4. ft. bi"h aub letters a show me lower part boarded up 20 in. The letter? Ii show the top board 1x0 in. The let vers u are tne upright boards lx ;x4 ft. long, all well railed together with wrought naih and clinched. Each sido of tbo rack is made icparaudv, then hooked together with hook and altrocen froj tbasolL arz n hyr staples at each corner above and be low. The feed is thrown in at the top. Cattle reach in through the spaces between the boards C to eat. This rack Is intended for hay, corn, fodder or feed of such kind. It is far better than the old X rail racks, as cattle do not need to reach over head to eat and get their e.cs full of dirt, but reach down, which Is nat ural. Neither can they run over their feed and dirty and wa-te it if intended for sheep made tho spaces for reaching the feed smaller or the sbeep Will jump inside. Variety In Tasture. Farmers do not either for meiaow and pasture ,-eed down with suflicient variety to make tha b3 t leed. Only amateur wealthy farmers sow the sweet- cented vernal gra-s. Yet who has been over a field that has had even a little of this in haying time, whohainot been delighted with its f ngrance. It is good, too, in tbe hay t iow, for the sweet perfume perme ates the entire mass, and stock of all kinds eat it better, Uosldes, with a var cty of g a- there is su e to be a good stand, one succeeding where an other has failed. It is far better to have a vaiiety of the be t grasses in pasture thanja scattering of timothy and clover and all the bare spaces tilled with weeds. Clean Cultivation of Small FruiU. Strawberries, raspberries, and other 6inall fruit plants require frequent ,and clean cultivation to produce the best results. When grown in large quantities, they should be so planted as to admit of horse cultivation. On land free from stones, a careful man with a steady horse and tho use of the improved cultivators the work can be so neatly and closely clone that but little use of the hand hoe Is re quired. The great point is to com mence the cultivation early, when the weeds are small and easily de stroyed with shallow stirring, which disturbs no roots. Work for Rainy Day. It is so often necessary to work over hours in pleasant weather that when a rainy day comes in summer the farmer may profitably devote it partly to intellectual imp ovemcnt. Ho can at least then take time n cstim ite carefully wh it noods to be done rd plan as to the best way of doing it. This will require study and prove the best possible intellectual cxe.ciso. It at least requires as much executive ability to keep everything on a large farm in o dor and working smoothly as it dees ts manage a manufactur ing or commercial business. Rapid Cooling of Milk. The housekeeper always sets milk in a cool place, not merely as she says "to keep it better," but to in sure thc: more rapid separation of cream from the water and casein with which in milk It is always mixed. The creamery docs this bv enclosing the milk in ice, so suddenly cooling it that the cream rises with out havibg the milk soured. Its pro cess is patented, but the idea is not, and explanation of the principle will helD housewives to make more and better butter, even though they can not afford to buy a creamer. Came of Soar Silage. One of the principal causes of sour silage is cutting corn too green. Dr. Miles tell us that sour silage may often be caused by too rapid tilling, excluding the air, so that the temper j ature is not allowed to ri-e high i enough to kill the bacteria causing ' the lermentatioh Cases are cited where sIjw Oiling and loose packing have resulted in excellent sweet til age. It Is probable, however, that the maturity of the corn has more to do with Its acid condition than the manner of filling. ' Poultry Note. Dcst Is death to lice, and the fowls should bave free access to It Once a week parch a little cracked corn quite brown and feed to chicks. Chickens, like sheep, cannot be crowded together In large flocks with out breeding disease and becoming an easy prey to death, A Prion duck lays from 120 to 150 eggs in a year, and It is not bard to make a pair of young Pcklns weigh ten pounds when ten weeks old. They are a profitable fowl Likskkd meal is excellent for poul try, containing, as it does, portions of nitrogen that is of benefit to fowls. It is not intended as a regular daily food, but once a week is not out of I I""1- M4AM4.4,A4f You can Economize By using Royal Baking Powder to the exclusion of all other leavening agents. The official ana lysts report' it to be 27 greater in leavening strength than the other powders. It has three times the leavening strength of many of the cheap alum powders. It never fails to make good bread, biscuit and cake, so that there is no flour, eggs or butter spoiled and wasted in heavy, sour and uneatable food. , Do dealers attempt, because times are dull, to work off old stock, or low grade brands of baking powder? Decline to buy them. During these times all desire to be economical, and Royal is the most Economical Baking Powder. 4 I -r ii -5 -4 Wild geese fly from Florida to Con necticut io 11 hours. Oldham, England, has a furnace for the destruction of tbe town's refuse vbl'h burns at such a high tempera t re hat us beat, applied to raising steam, urnnlies sufficient power to more than over the cose of the collection sod buroing of the refuse. There is now a ventilated boot, the veotila'.ion being effected bv means of a -mall bellows attachment to the leg of the boot and conneot 1 by a tubs with h perforated extra insole, the act of walking keeping the bellews aottve. The Parton Wina a tTaual. Annie Thomas is the only woman in Ksmabia county, state of Washington, .She is a squatter and lives io Rattle- SDPke Hills. 1 here has of late been a great strife for her hand in marriag amo.ig the rough settlers of that re gion. Il'ink Monley and Jerry Woods seemed to be the highest in her favor, and eo it was finally agreed that these two men should settle the question be tween them by a duel with bowie knives. After a desperate fight in whioh both were wounded the battle was declared a draw. Ir. was lhn agreed that the matrimonial question should be settled by a ;'Hine of neve -up. The fortune of cards favored Monley, and be was de clared the wiener of the squatter bride. A parson was calied in to assure him 'lis priz. The tickle Annie had a long talk with the parron, and, though she had never seen him before, she at last Announced her intention of marrying the parson himself and not Monley. In vain did tbe hero of the bowie knife duel and the victor in the game of seven-up object to this proceediug. The woman was firm in her intention, an J the upshot of the matter was that the parson got the woman. A Moorlh City or Today. Seville is today as much a Moorish cltv as it was 300 years ago, at the ex pulsion of the Saracens. The arrange ment and plan of the dwellings are the B ime as on the Euphrates and Tigris, out, mey are more oeau titled end en nobled t'y art and by the wealth which these Moslems in Spain and Sicily had at their command. It it a remarkable fact that the Arabe, who in their native land have never risen above the lowest stage of civilization, but have alwavt been a nomadic, pastoral people, be came in Europe the bearers of know ledge sod refinement. Poetry and his tory, mathematics, astronomy and architect reflouriahed with them when the Christian west had sunk into dark barbarbism. There is no more beautiful poetry than their lamentations for their lost paradise or uronads, and in tneir en counters with Christian chivalry the; often displayed a romantic valor and generosity wncn served lueir eoemiee fjr a model. Viol Ike. Mrs. Hodgson Burnett and her sister picked and sold wild grapes to gel money to pay for paper, envelopes and -tamps whi b took ber first stories to juw editor from - the Tennessee moun- :Biue, where liiey lived. John Cuikin. the new laureate, wrote his first book, '-Modern Paintere," not ts ho said, for fame or for money or for :ons3ience sake, but nt necessity. Yet t brought bim both fame Mid money, The ship oanal aoross the isthmus of Corinth will probably be ready about next September. A Little Red Spot Appeared on my left leg below the knee, and it gradually spread until I was covered with blotches and patches, . which the physician called psori asia, itching and burn Ing terribly. Rev Father Cantevel nrged me to take Hood's 8ar"aparl!la. I did so with wonderful result. The large soales iwnled off, tbe itohing and bnrning antv sided and I am psrfse' y enrsd Til so, Ossricas, Green Bay Wisconsin. Hood's" Cures ROOS'I FILLg are the best after-dinner Pills, swlit digestion, ears hsadache. 2) ii - Roundsman We ought to perfci charges against Officer O'Houlihan. Captain What for? Roundsman For conduct uabe-on. ing an officer. "It was awfully clever of baby. He had n3ver been told what flowers were. but the minute he caw t.iem be saiu Bwobsl' " 'But what does 'Bwobs' mean?" "Flowers, of cours3." Bazar. E hoi "But you wero well off before you were married." Maud "Yes; but I didn't know it." Lite. The Meager Pay or a British Private. While the nominal pay of a British private is 1 shilling a day, or 24 cent-, bs really does not receive much mor. than bait that in actual cash. Deduc tions are charged to his account for ex tra supplies of rations and tor washing. which bring the net amount placed to his credit down to about 4 shillings or $1 per weak. Most of the table su - plies which the ordinary citizen would rate as necessaries sre "extras" in tbe soldier's bill of tare. Butter, tea, cof fee, sugar, any excess ot meat above half a pound daily, vegetables, fish bna everything beyond his pittance ot men' and bread bave to be paid for out of hit J 24 cents. From the same slim soury also has to come the cost ot repairs t his clothing and the amount of tht practically compulsory, though nominal ly optional, subscriptions to tbe cricket thooting and athletio clubs oonnecte with the regiment. A still further d- duotion of 10 cents per month is take ff bis diminished pay for tbe cost o "repairs to barracks," a mysterioua iten barged in acooidance with a venerabn ustom, of which no one in the arm; ;an give any satisfactory aocoun iher than established custom. - Philadelphia Times. The Same Then as Now. Where are the croakers who say th everything was all right in "the goo id days?" Here comes alt ng a diar written by a lady ot fashion some lift ears ngo, and among other oomplainte. tvhich are like echoes of those we hea wery day, are these: "Our Btreets ar- not wide enough for the carriages, no tbe week long enough for one's engage- uents. There isn t enough money, o enough time to spend it in. In short .ucb a mess I" Also, the writer ot th d arv, Lady Oeorgiana de Roe, sbj: 'No wonder girls are delicate if they eai mutton, chops before dinnerl'' Mew Faith. Augustus Ihms, a German who ownt a farm across the river from Dubuque, la., has announced his purpose to fount a new religion. He is getting ready 1 new book of revelations, and will shortly open headquarters in Dubuque. Hi calls it a natural religion; does not be lieve in any hereafter, but will strive U provide a heaven on earth, aa there it no room tor any other. He already hai- several proeelyteo who will join him in preaching tbe new faith. The Comtesse de Mirabeau Martel, more widely known to tame by her pen name ot Gyp, and accredited by one oritio at least with being the cleverest newspaper writer of Der sex in Europe, is a blond and no longer young. She i of medium stature, with wavy hair and large, brilliant eyee. MissF.orenoe Marryat, daughter of tbe famous writer, has always made literature a profession. She livee alone, attended by two servants, at a pretty little house in West Kensington, Lon don, where she has a remarkable collec tion of "pets 'dogs, birds and flowers, Ario Bates, the Boston novelist, ha-i been eleoted professor of Euglish litera ture in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Mr. B ites ie not only a writer ot books, ' but an experienced journalist aa well, having been editor ot the Boston Courier for several years. Sir John Gilbert, president of tbe Royal Sooiety of Painters in Water Colors of Great Bntsio, has not sold my of his water oolors or oil painting? for many years p is (blending to build a gallery tor them and present the gal lery and pioturss to tbe pnbli?. Do not make too many visit, and where yon go be sure that your visit It a convenient rat. tb. YuruVdeL. as' Nobody ever knew what became 01 no one h. s ever 6eei: a cemetery. All I em able to say is 1 hat tbe body of tbe deceased is placed ; o a black mule, destined exclusively for that use, and thus carried to a nountain. There I am not awsre chetber it is cremated or burried; but ts I was told that they also take a Leaf of firewood, it is safe to believe hat cremation takes place. A. T. M. i'Aodria in Popular Science Monthly. Frets towels folded as usual through ur clothes wringer and save your laundrees. Faith aa aa Element In Curiae Iilaew. It may be atksd whether I am not a elitver in tbe faith cure. Unquestion blv I am, ss every physician is forced 0 be before be bsa been many years in 'sc ice. But I beHeve in the fai b cure only when it is subjective. I have not a grain of be ief in it when it be comes objective. Ant more thai tha', 1 beiieve in It only as sn aid, as one of the remedial agents which help tbe patient. I bave no belief in it alone except in a small class of nervous diseases. It is peifeo ly we. I known hm llie pbjsicittu wno is most sucoesb- ul with a patient is be in whom that at lent has tbe most confidence, and it it qually a fact ihut tbe belief which the majority of patien. s bave in the power j! physicians to help them is one of the nost important, if not the most impor tant, factor in the successful practice of nedicine. What are these but variant f the faith cure? Every physician baa seeu cases in vhich tbe patient was convinced be or ihe would die, and this trsme of mind 1 of sll tbe most dreaded by medical men, for when it appears drugs lose much if not all ot their power to aid But while we recognize all thsse things s oan yet condemn and laugh at the iraotice of the faith curists, for they declare their power to be objective, and hey olaim for it an extent and range which are absurd. Cyrus Edson, M ').. in North American Review. HALL'S CATARRH CURE is a liqnid md is taken internally, ana acts directly m the blood and mucons surfaces of the astern. Write for testimonials, tree Manufactured bv F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O, B jhvia is not printed on any English uaps, and no representative is Ban here Irom (ire at Britain. Tbe caus ,t this is that some 30 years at ago a din ner in that country the Bolivian ruler f 01 ced the English minister to kiss the foot of an aotresa who had been Invited to the dinner. The minister returned home and reported the oasa with the above result. Dobbins' new Perfect Soap retails for 5c, and is nnappoached in purity, quality, and appearance by any 6c soup made. Your grocer will get it. Try at once, yon arc using 5c soap. Palgrave describes a plant growing in Arabia whioh produces peculiar seeds, Any one taking them begins to tzrxh loudly and boisterously and then sings dances and cuts all kinds of fantastic capers, the effect continuing for abou an hour. When the excitement ceases the exhausted individual falls into a deej eleep. B. F. Allen Co.. 365 Canal St.. New York, are sole agents in the United State for licecbaru's Fills. 25 cents a box. Before going for a midday sail ru) your face, neck and hands with simph cream and powder gently with corn starch. Wipe the powder off, and 01 returning wash the complexion well 11, arm water and with castile soap. Ladles' Home Journal. N. K. Brown's Essence Jamaica Oine er is a perlect pain Killer, is one net ter. Try it. 25 cents. A worker in tbe Youngstown iron mills has hair that is naturally white, ut after woraing in the mills a few hours and becoming heated it turns e brilliant red. When tbe man leaves th mill and cools off, bis hair assumes its natural color. It one holds his breath be i f igainst the sting of a bee. 1 ,.sc aaid the bee may be held by tue legs 4od be will try to etibg, but will never lucceed until tbe breath is expelled, and ben be will accomplish bis purpose with speed and certainty. Many a good bxk has bsen written n prison. Socrates, Cervantes, Bunyan, Defoe, Lovelace, Tasso, . Beranger, Raleigh, Gaorge Wither and James Montgomery all continued their literary abora while suffering from a curtail ment of liberty. A scientist says that 3C3 species ot piders have been found in the Upper Cayuga lake basin, 370,in tbe District of Columbia and 340 in -New England. From the polar regions 292 species are reported. IT00VB3A GOOD DEAL OF GROUND ur. nerce's uoiaen Medical Dlscoverv. And when you hear that it cures so many diseases, perhaps you think iii too good to De true," But it's only rea sonable. As a blood- cleanser, flesh-builder, and strength-restorer, nothinir like tha" Dls- eottrrn is knows to medical science. The diseases that It cures come from a torpid liver, or from impure blood. For everything ot this nature, it is the only guaranteed remedr. In Dyspepsia, BUjousness; all Branchial. Throat and Lune affections: ev ery form of Scrofula, even Consumption (or Lung-scrofula) in its earlier stages, and in the most stubborn Skin and Scalp Diseases it it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your money eacc. Tha worse your Catarrh, the more yon need Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Its proprietors offer $500 cash for a case of Catarrh la tho Head which they cannot cure. M. M. vTHa. S41.10 lork, Neb, WBRlf WRITING TO A AUVKRTISEIIS, SMtvartlMmea at ft Oaur Wilde is giving sittings for his bust to Henry Teixeira da Mat toes, the well known Dutch sculptor, some of whose work has found a place io tbe Iioyal academy exhibition ot this and past years. John Burroughs, the author, has 10 acres ot grapevines on bis country estate over-looking the Hudson. The preparation of tbe fruit tor market he scrutinizes as carefully as be does a proofsheet of one of bis new books. Allow double the amount of time in catching boats and trains that yon do la winter. August Flower Miss C. G. McClave, School teacher, 753 Park Place, Eltnira, N. Y. ' ' This Spring while away from home teaching my first term in a country school I was perfectly wretched with that human agony called dyspepsia. After dieting for two weeks and getting no better, a friend wrote me, suggesting that I take August Flower. The very next day I purchased a bottle. I am de lighted to say that August t lower helped me so that I have iuite re covered from my indisposition." 9 KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the'needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting In the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties "of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches anil fevers ana permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every murium, also the name. Svrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept anv substitute if offered. WiFT'S SPEUlhUo For ronovatinc the entire system, eHmiuating all Poisons from tbe Blood, whether of scrofulous or malarial origin, this preparation has no equal. MARS. "For eighteen months I had an eating sore on my tongue. I was treated bv best local physicians. but obtained no relief ; the sore gradually grew worse. I Anally took S. S. S., and was entirely cured after using a few bottles." Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis eases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. eans Positively cure Bilious Attacks, Con stipation, Side-Headache, etc. 25 cents per bottle, at Drug Stores. Write for sample dose, free. .V. SMITH & C0.rNem York. imV 98 LYE Powdered ami rartaiSMd. (FATEMTID.l - The 1 ma Mirtmnaitt and nureit Lvs mads. Unlike other Lye, it being a fins powder s,na packed in s, m.- nis rsmova, le lid, ihe eontents ars always ready for use. Will mak the bent perfumed Hard Soap in SS minutes utilhout boiling. It la the) bt for clean nlng waite-plpea, disinfecting sinks, closets. wasb lug bottles, paints, trees, etc. IKNNA. HLT M'i-M CO. Gen. Agts., Plilla., Pa. WORLD'S Column Emm Souvenir coins Sent post-paid to Any address . On receipt of 'One Dol'.ar. HEBBA8KA YORK. HEWS PAPER UNI05. REM Ay 81 A. J Best U Re? Plto'l Remetiv fur iim- i lim. s sen, bhimi to use, ana (.heapssk ei 1 SoM by DresilK orient by Ben. I 1 C3 S s Sam ; to a. . awni irsnea, n u