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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1893)
I : The Sioux County Journal. 5 - . VOL, IHULIRISOlsr, USTEJB.. JULY 20, 1893. IsTO. 4:5. THE SIOtTX COUNTY it. J. SiiumoiMi Editor and Proprietor. . F. E. & M. v E. E. Time taMe. Going West. Going East. So. 5, mixed, ..11 :1! Ho. 6t mlied 6:25 HARRISON MARKET. tf heat Jr bustiel i.-; :;:;z-- Wats per bushel ..- torn per bushel-M...-:...: - Snorts per hundred ft. a - Uran i'n hundred Feed cfcoppcxf per Eiindred lb - Potatofes per tmsticl ; Butter per t Eggs por doz. ; Poultry per dOz... -i - : Onion per ft. . - 301330 30 40 i 00 80 1 25 50 15 10 i 40 Beans per fcoal per ttftu.- ; Wood per cord i,tmiber native per m. ft.- WCorrected every Thursday. 4 50 8 50 15 00 The Perkins windmill is the best Sold by J. H. Bartell, Harrison, Neb. . Hugh Smiley has the logs hewed for his house. If you want to sell your land, list it with Simmons & Smiley, real estate agents. A shed belonging to G. Guthrie was tipped over by the wind one day last week. For rent or sale at a bargain, a busi ness lot and building in a. good location " " ra Harrison. Simmons & Smiusy. The board of county commissioners was in special session yesterday, consid ering road matters. C. B. Underbill starts today witli a car load of cattle from Seward, lie comes over the a. & M. and will drive from Crawford. Take out a policy in the Preferred Mutual Accident Association. it is fe'heap and reliable L. J. Simmons, Agent. T. O. Williams had the misfortune . to lose a part of his drill while at work tin a well for Henry Covey and he is now Engaged in "fishing" for it. The Rushville Standard of last week reported that six Indians who were in a tepee on the reservation, north of that place, were killed by hail a few days Hero. from Harrison to Hot Springs Stj- food returning for thirty days, will be Sold for one fare for the round trip over the F. E. & M. V. On July 24 and 31 and August 7 the : E. & M. V. will sell round trip tickets On the excursion coaches to Chicago for Ode fare for the round trip. Such rates Will not be in effect on any other dates and Will be good to leave Chicago returning t)ti two dates only, four and eleven days from date of sale. r-Pa Tuesday rt-e made a trip to" Van tapsel to witness the cutting out and loading of a train load of cattle.. Six teen cars were loaded. C. F. Coffee had 680 head, W. L. Hoyt had a few and the rest belonged to Wyoming parties. A number went from here to witness the loading. A valuable horse belonging to N. L. Tipton was found in the pasture Satur day morning with one of its front legs broken near the shoulder. The animal Was swung up and the bone set and at last accounts was doing as well as could be expected and with the chances favor Uble for recovery. -A horse belonging to D. M. Sutton which was running in the Weir pasture Was found in the wire fence a few days bgo dead. It appears that the animal Was standing with its head over the fence Ud lightning came along the wire and kills! it as there were no marks on it to Indicate that it had been struggling in the (wire. ins have fallen in streaks during the past week. Some localities which had been dry got a good wetting and Others got light showers. Commis sioner Weber says that in the east part of the county the straw will be short but the headtf will be longer and are fill ing) better than it did last year and corn pre mises the best ever known in the his orv of the county. Taking all things' into consideration the poeple of Sioux county have no occasion to com JTn Kansas thirty counties have ap- .plied to the state for aid and more are expected to do so in the near future as the result of the drouth which has pre vailed there, and in otner places it has been nearly as bad. Letters have been received from Seward and other places in the eastern part of the state which say that the small grain, hay and pot&' toes are almost a total failure and corn is suffering terribly for want of rain, while pastures are so badly burned out that nothing green is to be seen in then When things are in such a condition in places where land is selling for forty and flftv dollars an acre and rent proportionately high it means hint times, especially for those who have l pay cash rent. Screen doors a the lumber yard. Old papers for 'sale at The Journal office. 5 cents per dozen. Cal Greenlee is preparing to build a house on his homestead near Royville. 1C0 icres adjoining Harrison for sale at a Uviyain, if taken soon. A Simmons & Smiley. ( jAl. A. Priddy has arranged to have a well put down on his homestead. A good well helps a great deal toward making a home. The ice cream social at the court house Friday evening was quite well at tended and a good time reported by those who were present. Work on wells for J. M. Smiley and the Phillips boys will begin in a few days, and the former will likely build on his homestead in the near future. A hail in Minnesota last week de stroyed in two townships about 10,000 acres of grain, and the loss was total as the crop was nearly ready to harvest. A valuable stallion belonging lo J. M. Smiley got into a barbed wire fence the first of the week and cut his leg pretty badly. It is thought by good tivilmcnl ho will unnn lw nil ritrlif i i-W, E. PontiuS has received a new Smith-Premier type-writer which wilf prove a great convenience to him in his work." Typewriting has come to be al most a necessary business qualification for a young man. From the number of building logs which are l)eing hauled by W. CI. O'Con nor he must be going to have plenty of shelter for his family and stock. All it costs to provide shelter for stock in this locality is the labor and hence there is no reason for stock to be allowed to suffer when storms come. Rev. Glasner brought us some wheat fiom Pleasant Ridge, and J. AV. Langdon brought us a sample from his neighborhood on Monday. While the samples are not as good as they might have been, they show that there is not a crop failure in Sioux county this year and the settlers will have plenty to live on and some to spare. A special to the Bee from Geringof recent date states that artesian water was struck at that place at the depth of 331 feet, the water rising to a height!) of several feet above tha surface of the eroundtPhat is "tha nearest--artesian wntar that has been obtained to this place and indicates that a successful test couldbe made in this locality at a small cost. If some of our farmers would get a prposition in shape there ought to be lilt trouble in raising the lunds to pay forfiinking a test well. i Vlj E. Phinnev. M. D., will be' here - u,- - s about August 1st to make nis home. He has been engaged in the practice of his profession for years and has a well es tablished reputation as a physician. Dr. Phinney will also bring a complete stock of fresh, pure drugs and medicines and being a pharmacist under the laws of the state all who deal with him can rest as sured that he supplies them with what they call for and that it is put up in the proper manner. tr. Phinney has an ac quaintance with nearly all of the people from Seward county and they will be irlad to learn that he is coming, here to locate. County Superintendent Southworth informs us that he intends having an in stitute for one week, notwithstanding the fact that the commissioners made no annronriation therefor. He expects to pay an instructor what he collects from the teachers who attend and his bills will be put in to be paid as usual out of the general fund. The Journal has al ways advocated the advancement of the educational interests of the county and has the same feeling now but since the board has decided not to apply any mon- ev for institute purposes it does not -look just right for the county superin tendent to make a farce of the matter by attempting to have an institute with out funds and expect teachers to go to the trouble and expense of attending a gathering for only one week. The trouble of the institutes in the past has been that they have not lasted long enough and to make the time ono-half of what it was before makes it appear very much like childs play. It has been hardly just in the past to the teachers who have attended for people have been granted certificates and employed in some of the best paying districts who attended no institute and had been to no expense in the matter. The commis sioners evidently made no appropriation for institute for the purpose of economy of county funds and the plans of the superintendent seems to be to defeat theip- plans to a certain extent. He would feel bad if the board should re fuse to allow his bill for the time he put in at his one week institute, and after their action on the matter it would be no more than should be expected, for they have made their plans and know what use they can make of the funds at their disposal. It is hoped for the sake of justice to the teachers of the county that Mr. Southworth will re-consider tl matter and not put a hardship on them. PERSONAL. D. H. Griswold spent Sunday at Chad' ron. J. C. L. Ragland was in town cn Sat urday. Miss Minnie Crane was in town on Saturday. W. A. Bigelow returned from Omaha on Saturday. George Walker went to Chadron Tues day evening. H. II. Russell was up from An drews Saturday. County Clerk Lindeman was at Craw ford Thursday night. Mrs. J. M. Robinson started Friday evening for Omaha. S. L. Ellis' mother and sister arrived from the east last week. A. F. Hill was in town Friday and called at this office. J. W. Earnest returned Friday from a trip to Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Tinkham were up from Bodarc on Friday. A. McGinley was up from Running Water the last of the week. W. H. MeCann and C. C. Jameson came up from Chadron to help load the train of cattle on Tuesday. Arthur Green returned last week from near Casper, Wyo., where he jiad been engaged for some months. C. E. Haas came down from Casper last week and expects to go to Chadron in the near future. P. E. Baird, of Chadron, was here last Friday looking after his interests and called at this ollice. Mrs. O. Carpenter sends us the cash for a years subrcription from Locks Village, Mass. Such things are duly appreciated by the ynntor man. Judge Barker returned from Rushville Friday. His father's condition is the same except that he is losing strength all the time. Significance of Flowers in Japan. In a country favorable to so luxuriant a growth of flowers in a wild stale, it ceases to be a matter of surprise that from birth to death flowers are in some way associated with the daily life of the Japanese; or even that for many years after theirjleath. their graves continue to' rWeive tribute of fresh flowers. The draus of women of quality is always in harmony, both in color and in the designs embroidered upon it, with the seasons, the (lowers and the productions of the dillerent months of the year; and, as has been before mentioned, all festivals have their appropriate flowers. For wed dings', red flowers, being recognized as symbolic of the masculine principle, are chosen as the bridegroom's (lower; white ones, as feminine, representing the bride. If she goes to the bridegroom's home while flowers, in compliment to her, predominate in the decoration; while if the son-in-law is received in the bride's home, red ones are most prominent. Cn occasion, however, for house warmings, all red flowers are shunned as of dire omen. The Japanese word for red hi is phonetically the same as that denoting fire, so red dowers are avoided, and also all those whose names contain the ominous ideograph hi. On the black list of (lowers thus prohibited we find the sun-flower, lychnis, and UUum. con color, or hivie-yuri. From "A Japanese Floral Calendar," in Demorest's Family Magazine for August. American yit. There is probably not another people in the world who appreciate and demand such an excellent quality of wit as does the Yankee nation. This is partly di:e to education, but chiefly to the fact that the American people have a quick per ception; they think and act rapidly. Again, we demand wit, we are deter mined to be amused, and by some natural law, not yet explained, it has been demonstrated that werever and whenever there is a demand, there is also a supply. It is a question, some times, if the humorist, like humor, is not cultivated. Are wits born? or are they made by circumstances or neces sity? The busy American newspaper editor, whose supply of "funnyisms" has run out will go to some one of his editors or reports and say", "give me half a column of humorous paragraphs," and forthwith they are written, sparkling, bright and bubbling over with clever wit. It is not the work of the profess ional funny man, but the 'paragraphs have all the freshness and humor of one who has worked long s t the mill.- It is a question if this sort of work, often done on the spur of the moment, and without previous thought or study, is not more crisp and with a better finish than that which requires more- care in writing. It is not by any means the so called professional funny man and he has grown to be an institution who is doing all the brilliant humor which sparkles from the pages of our daily and weekly press, or our periodical literature of to-day. The Search Light in August Godey's, Happily Wedded. "A telegram in the New York Sun of July 13 announces the marriage at Wobura, Mass., of Dr. Edward Andrew Weir, a recent graduate of the Harvard medical school and a resident of Nebras ka, and Miss Ada Cledell Hummell, formerly a captain in the Salvation army in Woburn." The above appeared in the Omaha lit 4 of last Sunday and will be of interest to our readers, as the groom was for some years engaged in business in Harrison and lias many friends here who will extend hearty congratulations and best wishes for a long and prosperous married life. The newly married pair are expected to arrive here in a few days. AVanted Salesmen, to sell our choice and hardy nursery stock. Many seeial varieties to oiler, both in fruits and or nameutals, and controlled only by us. We pay commission or salarj-, give ex clusive territory and pay weekly. Write us at once and secure choice territory. May Brothers, Nurserymen, 6-12 Rochester, N. Y. L. E. BELUEN & SON, Wagon and Carriage Makers. Repairing done on short notice. : Good work and reasonable charges. Shop south of livery barn. H.UUUSON, - - - NEB, SILVER'S CHAMPION. The Kooky Mountain Newt The Daily- I?y Mail. Subscription .price r.'diicc-d as follows: One Year (by mail) - - $11.00 Six Months (by mail) - - 3.00 Three Months (by mail) - - 1.50 One Month (by mail; - - .50 The Mekly-By Mail. One Year, in advance, ifl.00 Tho News is the only greut dally in the United States that is identified witli the pop ulist free coiniiffe movement, and should be in the hands of every voter, north, south, east or west. Send in your subscriptions at once. ' Address, The News, Denver, Colo. AGENTS WANTED on salr.ry and Com mission for THE ONLY AUTHORIZED BIOGRAPHY OF JAMES G, BLAINE, . I!y UAII. HAMILTON, liis literary executor, Willi the co-operation of Ills family, and for Mr. Blaine's Complete Works, "TWENTY YEARS OK CONGRESS," and his later book, "POLITICAL DISCUSSIONS." One prospec tus for these 3 BEST SELLING books in the market. A. K. 1'. Jordan of Me., took 112 or ders from first 110 culls; agent's profit jilOfi.50 Mrs. Ballard of O. took 15 orders, 13 Seal Rus sia, in one day; prolit ?'(i.25. E. N. Rice of Mass. took 2T orders in twodays; profit $47.25. J. Partridge of Me. took 43 orders from 30 calls; profits 175.25. E. A. Palmer of N. Dak. took 53 orders in three days; profit 9S.2B. excM'Sive territory given. If you wish to wake LARUE MONEY', write immediately for terms to The Henry Bill Pcb. Co. , Norwich, Conn. DO YOU WANT WATER? See the "Old Reliable" WELL DRILLER, T. O. WILLIAMS, Harrison, .... Nebraska. NORTH WEST EAST amy jui m SOUTH Purchase Tickets and Consign Your Freight via the F., E.&M. V.S. C.&P. RAILROADS. .H. O. BURT, General Manager. K. C. Morehouse, J. R. Buchanan, Gen'l Freight Agt. Gen'l Pass. Agt. OMAHA, NEB. McGINI.EY A STOVER, Harrison, Nebr. rn lollowing brand : -THE- COMMERCIAL BANK. ESTABLISHED 1888. Harrison, B. E. Brewster, President. D. H. GRISWOLD, Calief, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $50 000. Transacts a General Banking Business, CORRESPONDENTS: American Exchange National Bank, New York, United States National Bank, Omaha, First National Bank, Chadron, Interest Paid on C3TDRAFTS SOLI) ON You Want a Good Cook Stove 6RISW0LD & Have Just Received a Number of These Stoves. COME They Havo also put in the General Merchandise, JL3STJD ever brought to Harrison which they are selling at lowest living rates. Come and see us before you buy. GRISWOLD & MARSTELLER. PATEITS FOR INVENTIONS PROCURED Press Claims Company. Equal with the interest of those having claims against the Government is that of INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit of valuations because of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in employing competent and reliable solicitors to procure patents, for tha value of a patent depends greatly, if not entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. With a view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless atttorney and of seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY has retained counsel export in patent practice and is there fore prepared to OBTAIN l'ATENTS, UONMX'T INTKHKKUKNCKS, MARK Sl'KClAL EXAMINATION., 1'BK.SECrTK KKJKCTK1) CASKS, UIOGISTKR T11ADK M ARKS and COI'TTIUHTS, RESDlift OPINIONS as to St'Ol'H anil VALIDITY of PATENTS, PROSECUTE and DEFEND INFRINGEMENT SUITS, ETC., ETC. If you have an invention on hand send THE PRESS CLAIMS COMPANY a sketch or photograph thereof, together with a brief description of the important features, and you will be at once advised as to 1he best course to pursue. Models nre not necessary unless the invention is of a complicated nature. If others are Infringing on your rights, or if yon are mit the matter to us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the matter. - The Press Claims Company, filS F street, northwest " WASHINGTON, tt 0, P. O. Box 413. ..o;iN WEDnititBURN, mannaing attorn eX MTut llil out mid nonil Nebraska, Vic-?rt!(iJ?ntf Time Deposits. ALL FARTS OF EUROPE. MARSTELl AND LOOK AT THEM. Largest Stock of Hardware. BY THE charged with infringement by others, sub il.omllti.llli,m.ii'liln.lpi. .r it Willi your (iiijuiry. It 1 0 'Tf.., -I 1 k I i A. '