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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1893)
JmAl n" T r ?r - ' r. A -rAhsolutd AUKiOrCLl II.e l-APromcrCure: 2--A Permanent Cure. 3-t PerfecfCure. t ltto -2ls coTTisnrs", e. s. PRANK J. CHENEY MAKES OATH THAT HE IS THE SENIOR PARTNER OP THE FIRM OP F. J. CHENEY ts CO., DOING BUSINESS IN THE CITY OP TOLEDO, COUNTY AND STATE AFORESAID, AND THAT SAID FIRM WILL PAY THE SUM OP ONE nt'NDRBD nnil.IRa wcm teaott tun fvrnv nacre OP CATARRH THAT CANNOT BE CURED BY THE USB OF nuL o lAIAKKH CURE. SWORN TO BEFORB MB, AND SUBSCRIBED IN MY PRES ENCE, THIS 6TH DAY OP DECEMBER, A. D. 1889. a. V. CARSON, Scotland, Dak., aayn: "Two bottles of Hsll'n Catarrh Cure complete ly vuicu ui miie kit Notary Public HalVs Catarrh Cure in taken internally, and a:ls directly vpon the Blood and tntuxnis turfaces. E. B. WALTHALL A CO.. Drnwrla.i, Horae CTe, Ky., iy : "Uall'a Catarrh Cure cures everyone that taiea it." J. A. JOHNSON, Medina, N. Y., fays: "Oall'a Catarrh Cure cured me." rONDDOTOR E. I). LOOMIS, Detroit, Mich., aaya: "The effect of HaJl'a Catarrh Cure is wonderful." Wrtie him about It. J. C. 8IMPS0X. Marquem, W. Va., Bays: " Hall'a Catarrh Cure cured me of a very bad caac oi caiarrn. HALL'S CATARRH CURE is sold by all Dealers in Patent Medicines. Frioe 75 Cents el Bottle. Tbe only Genuine HALL'S CATARRH CUR IF. la Mannfacturcri by F. J. CHENEY Sl CO., Toledo. O. BEWARE OP IMITATIONS. Testimonials itnt frea n application. Tarn Witty. It Si not profitable) for a merchant to be too witty; at any rate, be should not try to be witty oa every occasion. Not long ago, in a country town where there are two groceries in the same street, a very green tow-beaded, timid looking young country-man came into one of them one afternoon at a time when half a dozen villagers were grouped about tbe stove. Tbe store keeper was waiting upon some one, and paid no attention to tbe new comer. Presently the timid young man said, in a faltering, half-frightened voice: "Do you keep sweet p'tetters?" "Nor said tbe storekeeper; "we don't keep 'em. We sell 'em just as fast as we can!'' Then he winked at the company around the stove who snickered appre ciatively. The green young man said, "Oh!" aud went up to the stove aud spread out the palms of his bands. The store-keeper went on waiting on his other customer, and used up about lifteen minutes doing so. Ihen he stepped toward the green 1 young man, who was still warming his hands at the stove, and said, brusquely: "Did you say you wanted to buy some sweet potatoes?" The young man turned slowly about and answered, "1 didn't say I wanted to buy none; I jest-ast-if ye kep' 'em." He warmed his hands a few minutes lorger. Then he walked slowly out of tut store, remarking as he went: 'I guess 1 11- go daown the street n' buy me -some sweet p'tetters.'" The laugh around the stove was iret at the expense of tbe greenhorn this tine. II. C. Kigby, Baltimore, Mil., Kpei-iai Ag'nt of the Mutual l.ile Insurance Co. of -ev 1 orK 8avn: "1 time pleasure in stai- iiKMhot In.-., .ti.i.tii.ali'.rm . . iv-il 'u ,n nil cur-ii me of a severe attack of lumbago." lirowne Kobiiison made a fearful mistake the other night. White How so? Browne Why he went to a prize figh; and told one of the puglilists in the -ing at tho end of the first round that he was absolutely certain to get whipped. While Well, as a matter of fact, he was wasn't he? Browne Yes, I believe so. White Well, then, what was Robin son's mistake? Urowne His mistako was in going to the light at all. Justice to All. It is now apparent to the Directors of the World's Columbian Exposition that millions of people Will be denied the pleasure of becoming the possessors of World's Fair Souvenir Coins J lie Official Souvenir of the Great Exposition rf The extraordinary and growing demand for these Coins, and th nart nf the nirertnrs that eaual opportunities mav be afforded for I their purchase, have made it necessary to enlarge the channels of distribution. I To relieve themselves of some responsibility, the Directors have invited THE MERCHANTS Throughout the Nation to unite with the Banks in placing Columbian Half Dollars on sale. This is done that the masses of the people, and those living at remote points, may be afforded the best possible opportunity to obtain the Coins. THE FORTUNATE POSSESSORS of SOUVENIR COINS will be those who are earliest in seizing upon these new advantages. $10,000 Was Paid For The First Coin They are all alike, the issue is limited, and time must enhanci their value. The price is One Dollar each. HOW TO GET THE COINS: Go to your nearest merchant or banker, as they are likely to have them. If you cannot procure them in this way, send direct to us, ordering not less than Five Coins, and remitting One Dollar for each Coin ordered. Send instructions how to ship the Coins and they will be sent free of expense. Remit by registered letter, or send express or post-office money order, or bank draft to Treasurer World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, III The Soldier at the Sprint. "Usually the dead grow rigid after some hours. Previous fatigue is said to have to do with this early and abrupt rigidity. Tbe effect is ghastly. One of the greatest generals Sher man told me that at a spring in Georgia he halted to water his horse and called to a man kneeling with his bead at tbe water-level to move and make way for him. As he did not stir an aid dismounted and spoke to him. lie still remained motionless, and it was seen that while in the act of kneeling to drink a bullet had crashed through bis brain, and he bad staid as if of stone, Id the attitude in which the deadly messenger of fate found him. Dr. Weir, in Characteris tics. Slrauge (Jootina; of Si ripture. Bishop Wilson of Calcutta, was very eccentric. His sermons wore very racy. Preaching against dishonesty, especially in horseflesh, as one of the ! great Knglisli failings in India, he j went on; 'Nor are we, servants of the ! ailer free from yielding to this tempta- tion." Pointing to the occupant of the j reading-desk below him: "There is my j dear !nd venerable brother, the arch I deacon, sittingdown there; he is an in -j stance of it. lie once sold me a horse: ! it was unsound. 'I was a stranger, and j he took me in." Argonaut. A (iood t-heiiic. Tourist Do those scarecrows save your crops ? Farmer They work first-rate. You see every tramp that comes along crosses the lield to see if th' clothes is wuth stealin,' which they ain't an' that scares the crows awav. The Farmer Two tin cans, containing $1,900 in gold coin, were found concealed in the crotch of a tree, at San Bernardino, Ca,, by a wood-cnopper named Jones. A steam-derrick that easily lifts an eighty ton gun, and swings it around as readily as if it were a bale of hay, is on one of the docks at Hamburg. The Angora goat supplies the hair which adorns ordinary dolls. An Eng lish syndicate controls this product, and it is valued at $10,000,000 a year. The net profits of the Monte Carlo gambling house, for the past year have been $2,300,000. t it DM.! 1 XI II V VII 1 11D.HT3V Do Your Own Repairing Br uslnir Root', iiouwhold KepalrlDt Outflt for bait-ag n Any one can use It. Price iv ,P.5..;.V .foot iv ,a,yI. "0 lbs. Thousands already In use. . 1 'n mwiki.u f.,r TnaL-lnir in ill ruiiairliia all principal parts of ltJrnms No sowing, fiironloas A flCwlthpurslottea rivets. WTKAPS KK TO IriAKK IXP.atiylengthorw dUiyouwant, SftVMSOiS& Loops, Mk,1. M,IrTT Hi,rne Clips and Staples, Ely.-ts.ete, at a . BW rcoucuoa t-iiii c snLFSKSKsrK Hame- : T.lnf-n. luillnir prices. Many of these first-class kit of black- imllh tOO ROOT'S )li at a price low onougli to suit t he cloacst buyer, nmt Tlnwaro. Prlco. 5 cents. Every thlny mentioned AsenU Wanted. ' ROOT BROS., w uin. vn.w. rwults of bad eatlnfr. Cu Constipation D. m a w r II. f , XJ' I f yoKK.JjEiUtAMKA. 1 " sJ ajwlr forCaUrr!i la the Hj t' , I M to TJM. and Clmopcft. I I VJE2E2253aIJ J . i,' . J Ma. ft TV. UaMltliM, Wamn, Vt. Li 1 t 1 i BOOK BINDER can find a first class location by ad dressing NEBRASKA NEWSPAPER U0I0N, YORK, NEHK. 'August Flower Miss C. G. McClave, School teacher, 753 Park Place, Elmira, N. Y. ' ' This Spring while away from home teaching my first term in a country school I was perfectly wretched with that 'human agony called dyspepsia. After dieting for two weeks aad getting no better, a friend wrote me, suggesting that I take August Flower. The very next day I purchased a bottle. I am de lighted to say that August Flower helped me so that I have quite re covered from my indisposition." Q MERCURIAL; Mr. J C. Jones of Fulton, Arkansas, says of "About ten years aco I con-1 t meter! a severe case of blood poi son. Leading physicians prescribed medicine after medicine, which I took without any relief. I also tried mercurial and potash remedies, with unsuccessful results, but which brought on an attack of mercurial rheumatism that made my life one of agony. After Buffering four years I gave up all remedies and began using S. S. 3. After taking several bottles I was entirely cured and able to resume work. Is the greatest medicine for blood poisoning to-day on the market." tf mercurial rheumatism that RHEUMATISM Treatise on nioo.1 and Rkln Diseases mailed tree. Swift Sfkcific Co., Atlanta, Ga. PHF.TTIE8T ROOK CTBIT I? KVKH I'HINTKI.. rKBB A BS 8 I'beali aa a irt OttUr. Ciir, par., btM. 1 ,000.000 aitraa.! lilntrata .;fttalaue tree. eUUHWAI, KiMiblord, 111. InfflNTFIlIf III UIB I I uu nit iu pur c Lt. Di'oiit. tn tirt'li' nuv WntM(l mi V(-ryfcouse. iucToj.o lor iiostHKe ott tiv suiuple. HAUa K Cu.. l'.U.liox Clinton. In. WORTH DOUBLE THE MONEY. ff Send at once to John SKnAsTrAff, O. T. A. C. R. I 4P.R. K Chlcaeo, III., and recolve, pontage paid the ftllcketit deck of carxl you ever handied. Only TEN CENTS par pack. Id tamp or ootn. lo WltfH l.ittlB m. Kariy Kin cm-a, the Famous Little PIIIh for Constlpatlon.Plck llcnd ache, Dyspepsla.N o Nauaea.No l'ain, Very Small, n r a wrrii" Um f nulrca. Itcferocixia L W Work new. Nocomp. lutotd. VVllEKLKKl'lU. CO- want a MAN WOMAN In every town to represent lenne or capital re .uuat ua Riven. petitiun. ray suar- Concoru, n. ft. M. N. V. No. 13 1 York, Neb. w hrn vritrriNO to auvtcutisebs uleauHi aar fvm aaw ib, Mmiwwii ka tbbi paver. and the Grocer. A grocer would not pay a farmer the price of a ten pound turkey for one that weighed but seven pounds. Why should a farmer pay a grocer the price of the Royal Baking Powder for a baking powder with 27 per cent, less leavening strength? The Royal Baking Powder is proven by actual tests to be 27 per cent, stronger than any other brand on the market. Better not buy the others, for they mostly contain alum, lime and sulphuric acid ; but if they are forced upon j'ou, see that you are charged a correspon dingly lower price for them. Told by a ea ('Uitalit. Capt. Perkes, of the steamship I.oo sole, voyaging between Hons Kontr and Shanghai, witnessed during the recent gales in that quarter of the phe nomenon (which has often described) of thousands of birds and insects which had got in the vortex of the 6torm and were beinj; driven hither and thither, apparently stunned and senseless with the buffeting they had received. Many of tho birds fell senseless on the deck and lay quite still while the insects, though alive seemed to have lost the power to sting. l'or Your Scrap Hook A happy and vigorous old lady in New Hampshire gives these rules for the secret of success of eighty years', living 011 this planet, which brings so much care and norry to many of her sisters: "1 never allow myself to fret, over things I can not help. I take a nap, and aomotimes two, every day of my life; I never take my washing, iron ing, or bakeing to bed with me, and I try to oil all the various wheels of a busy life with an implicit belief that there is a brain and a heart of this groat universe, and that. I can trust them both." Cincinnati Times-Star. Veteran, or -18I2." A charter has been granted in Phil adelphia to the "Society of the War of 1812." The society numbers, among its members fifty-five veterans, scattered throughout the union. David McCoy, aged 102 is probably the oldest, lie resides in San Bernar dino, Cal. When he volunteered in 1812 ho furnished his own gun and horse. There are several members whose age, it i3 said, approaches , 100 and A bram Dally, of Brooklyn who is over 97, signed the chapter without glasses in a clear, legible hand. A load of two tons can bs readily carried by a full -grown elephant. Kighteeen hundred girls graduated at the Boston cooking school last year. Since January 1, the cost of register ing a letter has been reduced to eight cents. A chestnut tree, said to be 2,000 years old, still flourishes at the foot of Mount Etna. It is 2Ki feet in circumference.' An analyst has made the discovery that California roses contain twenty pe,r cent, more perfume than those grown elsewhere. Fresh milk, applied every week with a soft cloth to boots and shoes, has a freshening and preservative eltect upou the leather. The ex-Eugenie is writing her Illinois. They will not be published until she has been in her grave twenty-' five years. Lobster and salmon are so disliked by the Shah of Persia, that when either is served at a table where he is seated, he leaves the rooip. Miss Sophonisba Breckenridge is a practicing lawyer in Kentucky. She is the daughter of Congressman Breckenridge. SOMETHING TO REMEMBER, if vou're a weak or ailing woman: that there's only one medicine so sure to help you that it can be guar anteed. It's Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. In building up over worked, feeble, delicate women, or in any " female complaint" or weakness, if It ever fails to benefit or cure, you have your money back. It's tin Invigorating, restorative tonic, a soothing and strengthening nervine, and a safe and certain remedy for woman's Ills snd ailments. It regulates and pro motes all the proper functions, improves digestion, enriches the blood, dUpels aches and pains, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and strength. Nothing else can be as cheap. With this, you pay only for the good you get Wild hogs in Yelasco, Texas, pursued a young hunter named James Weems. and he sought refuge in a tree, where lie was compelled to remain all night. Two sportsmen discovered him, and they had to shoot all the hogs before Weems could descend. When reappointed to U. S. Govern ment positions, the widows of Union soldiers and sailors will not be com pelled to undergo a Civil Service exam nation. Surprise and terror caused some zinc miners to desert a shaft they were sink ing at Webb City, Wis. As the open ing became deeper, they noticed that :be atmosphere became warmer. At lie depth of 1G3 feet the heat was so intense that work was stopped and soon they saw llames burst into the shaft. Several men who have outlived their greatness are now glad to earn their living as coachmen in Kerlin. Among them are sixteen nobles, seven retired army ollicers and three pulpitless pas tors. Three British notabilities now gleefully crack the whip as London cablemen; they are ex-member of Par liament, a baron and a marquis. Travelers who frequently patronize the Maine Central Kailroad read with pleasure the announcement that in consequence of the large business done during the year just closing, fares would be reduced. There are many other railroads that have the same good rea son for reducing tares; hut will theyfol low the example of the Maine Central? A bridecroom in chains was recently married in St. Petersburg. Alexander Petrovitch had been tried for murder, and sentenced to death; but the sen tence was afterward commuted to ten years' banishment in Siberia. lie was married in convict garb, and his chains clattered over the church floor. His bride and he ate a wedding breakfast, and she will accompany him to Siberia. ltussia has decided that its soldiers shall be supplied with handkerchiefs, at the expense of the government. IMPORTANT TO FLESHY PEOPLE. Wo have noticed a :ifre article in the Boston Ulobe on reducing weight at a very xmall expense. It will pay our readers to send two cent stamp for a "copy to lietina (.'irciilatinp Library, j K. Washington street, Chicago, 111. Little Hut Coma ;em Notwithstanding the diminutive size pugnacity is one of the most conspicu ous traits of humming birds. Even kingbirds and the boldest hawks are afraid of them, being compelled to re treat before the impetuous assaults of the tiny warrior, whose boldness is on ly equaled by the lightning-like rapid ity of his movements, and thus bafiling any attempt at resistance on the part of the more powerful adversary. 'J he lance-like thrust of the needle-like beak is usually directed at the eye of the enemy. When two or more indi viduals of either sex happen near the sams spot spirited and often violent conflicts are almost certain to ensue. Wc eat too much and take too little out door exercise. This is the limit of our modern civilization. It is claimed that Garfield Tea, a simple remedy, helps Nature to overcome these abuses. It Wim'l The Sunie. The businessman was hurrying along the street late in the day, when the pit eous whine ot a beggar stopped nun. "Will vou olease be so kind sir," said the fellow, 'to give me some money. I'm out of work, and 1 ve got a wite and six. children sufferin' sir for the necessaries of life." "Get out!" exclaimed tho hurrying man. "I've heard that story before." "No you haven't sir,', protested the mendicant. "Didn't you tell that same thing not a week ago and I gave you a half a dollar':" "No sir. I didn't." whined the beg gar. "I told you I had a wife and four children. Weve had twins at our house since that." Too Historical. "I'm thinking of getting up a fancy dress ball, at which all the guests will have to appear iu the costumes worn by tbe founders of tbeir families. Wouldn't It be picturesque?" ! "Hardly. There wouldn't be any thing very picturesque about a lot of brick-layers and butchers and innkeepers. A wonderful hen is owned by a man in Waterloo, Oregon. It is as expert as a cat iu catching rats. It teases them a while and then releases them. The owner of this remarkable fowl has ob served that no rat ever comes the sec ond time within reach of its claws. A culinary academy has been estab lished by the head cooks of Paris. They meet once a month, discuss new methods of preparing food, and con demn some old plans as barbarous. Nearly one hundred years ago the Jesuits were banished from Mexico. It was known that they had immense hoards of gold, but feared to tempt cupidity by taking it all with them. What they did with the bulk of their savings has just been revealed by Pierre Cuirre, who says that 821,500,000 was buried beneath the old cathedral in the little town of Typozottau, and is. believed to be there yet. You Can Break Up a Bad Coi.d by tht timely use of Dr. 1. Jayne'a Expectorant, an old and popular 'medicine for Sore l.ungs and Throats, and the best of all Cough remedies. The costliest pipe in the word is smoked, on great occasions, by the Shah of Persia. It is set with dia monds, rubies aud emeralds and worth $400,000. "Brown's BroncUal TrocUss" will re lieve Bronchitis, Asthma, and Throat Diseases. An Von Look at It. Hustler To think that a man spe nds one-third of his life ir. bed! Slowboy Pumph! It's the otfcer two-thirds that trouble me. Puck. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing' to the taste, and act gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, p."pared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale In 50e and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM fKAMCISCO, CAL towsvtue.Kt. hew rim. n r. YOU'VE SPOILED IT I jj jjp nifin sour watcti.l'xipe you didn't Lave oroDer tools, How would you ltk to brntonitt a watchnialMrf Wo caii tfu-h you the trade Id our bonk, andturnish you all tlitj tools tif?refry. Book and tonla, $4 .;.. These tools (nee picture) without tbe book coat M wholrftaie $lfl- aJao teach bow to do plating, RildinK. etc. All Tit the hook, 'tools are Brst-cla .itmclcrti' tools, not cheap trash. A treat opportunity for profitable enj!loyruiit. vvu hruakrrn make bif money. Will b. acnt by eiprem on rpcr-ipt ot prlee, ft. or went 4)tO I), where fl accompanies the order, nclone htamp with tattera of Inquiry. Hofma 8c i ply Co.. Importer and Wholesaler, Springfield, O, sliiLonS) Cnraa Omrampttaa, Cngfe Caaf, ima m or aji uranaai mut For a Laaaa Side, Back or Chaal thiM' if. pi t , ffc Sr- I F: If V r i. MM 7 raaaat. . I Parwaj I I aatrt?' rium wiu grr ,1 . m.. .-- m hi i ..i