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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1893)
f .'. r V The 19. VOL. 5. r Sioux County OURNAL. . I 1 - A THE SIOUX COUNTY O i i j L. J, Simmons. Editor an4 Froiirietats P. E. 1H.TR. R. T(me uble. Uolng West. Going East. Ko. 5, mixed, .11 !l5 Ko. ?, mixed 6:50 HARRISON MARKET, Wheat-per bushel.. . . 45g3Q Oats per bushel . :, - i;oru per bushel ... 40 Miortu r hundred - 1 00 ISran K'r hundred 9. . - - "0 feed chopped per hundred I 1 26 Potatoes per bushel . Butter per lb.. . 90 Kggs-ior doz. Poultry per doz . 40 ihiions per Ji 3 llcans per 0"' . r 1 'oal jier ton , , t 50 Wood per cord, . ... 3 50 l.ninlicr native per in. ft. . 15 00 (irrcptid every Thursday. Hiiles bought at the harness slipp, Turner wants your butter and eggs. Sailer Kiuut at the ranch supply Jiouse. GliiWen Barbed Wire 3.7."i at Tu rner's. ! Go to Turner's to buy your boots, )hoes and overshoes. Old papers for sale at Tims Journal otl'ute. 5 cents per dozen. -O i to Turners to do your trading ,.,! 1" to "0 rc'it, ' on the dollar. -il,;iU'st market prices paid for w I .eat. Grant Glthkie. Bock Springs and Deer Creek coal constantly on hand at the lumber yard. Don't forget that Harrison will have jt mill before another crop is ready for market. . Improved farm for sale, cheap; one and a half miles from Harrison. Inquire at this office, J. W. Smith has been limping' for the past week from the effect of running a nail into his foot. Happy and content Is a, home with "The Ro chester," a lamp with the light of the morning. Catalojrues,write RochesterLampCo.'ewYork. The work of Hooding the skating -tTnk has commenced, and ?'t,lie weather I'-ontlnuflajwJt.iaJtVaU'ag will Von oetllc lerortWBay. ' . It is reported that the F. E. & M. V. will build a round house here ih the near future. It is expected that work will be gin thereon shortly. . - Last Thursday a son of H. Konrath was hauling hay when the team ran .away and threw him off the load and in falling he broke his arm. He was taken to'-Ft. Robinson for treatment. i Ex-Commissioner Green was up . from Royville Friday. He iuformed us that on the evening of the 10th a party -of fifty-two gathered at his home and spent tlie evening. Suoh gatherings are alwtv pleasant. The advertising that has been done for Sioux county is having an effect and people who want to get a home are writ ing from all parts of the country aslrinj -about the homestead land and cheap farms to ho liad. It will not be many years until homesteads will be things of the pust. General Superintendent Hughes and Division Superintendent Harris made a trip to Casper (during the past week. Everything indicates that it will not be I long until material for the extension of road will begin to move and that means lietter train service and increased pros perity to this part of the country. Dr. Shafer camo up from Rush vi He h: the first of the week to close up his busi- tiess affairs and returned last evening. I He lias lieea practicing his profession (here for a number of years and he has many friends here who disliked to ' : see him leave. In his new location he will not have so many long drives as ' here and that wan tlie main reason for liis changing his location, i A few years ago the village owned a Hue set of pump, pipe-cuttiug and tlttrag fxiols and a set of dies. They have been borrowed by one iwT another IWtil they rJ)avbeen greatlyydamaged and nam- , important pieces' lost ax to oeueve max vue free use of any one and Ise is locked they do not staple or effect an en- a window and when done on tlie pump or lnust be hunted up or i private parties used. r the Tillage board to rohibitiug any tool t of the puni house an entrance he The windmill v, moj use jieoaH iMK. If A Ure work on the needed to nave prop- romM m morally eti' to kme be- i f . C. EberspecJier ws ifl towo Mpndy, ! Slieriff Reidy ret'.irn.l frpn Chajlrort j Saturday. j B. F. Johnsqn returned Saturday fl-om Cheyenne. N, D. Whi.vvi ccoilibuted ftn subs;rip; tion yesterday. Sam Tebbet yas in Vo u Tuesday and called to ipe u. . A. McGinJey went io Crawford the first uf the week. Joe Decker was up from White Riyer last Thursday and called at this oftise. H. C. Foster and W. P. Waters added their minios to our list of readers yesterday.- H. T. Merriam left Monday night for Doadwood q visit lii. daughter, Jrs,. F. D. finitth. County Attorney Ootiley started Tues day eveniug for a business and pleasure i trip to the Eastern part of the slate. Oounty Treasurer Gayhai't left Tues day evening for Lincoln to make his au nual settlement with tljo slate treasurer. Postmaste r Hough went east Saturday evening. Sirs. A. L. Baumgartner has been in charge of the office during his absence. Henry Bi'iindige was in tovn Friday and called at this office. His two brothers-in-law have recently located near Glen. Sheriff Reidy left for the east last evening. People will be surprised if he does not return with a prisoner bound with fetters stronger than steel. Treasurer' Statement. Senii-nrinual Btatement. of moneys received and disbursed from July 1st, to December 31st, 192, by the treasury of Sioux County, Nebraska. Ealanee July 1, 1S92.....".... 143 21 pqllootia.iis 1379 40 Balance 132 LI8T QF LANDS -IV- FOR Sale or Trde. 1512 07 SCHOOL I-AVU, FL'NI). Balance July 1, 1S92.I 226 19 Collectioaa S81 M Balance . W7 73 ' STATE SCUOOL FUNO. Balance 4"ly 1, 1 - 4i ('ollectiona (flues) 2 60 Balance 8 90 CUUS'TT GEXEKAL FCNO. j llalaucc July 1, im . SO 4i Collections . 2027 1S . Warrants redeemed Balance 2411 17 COUNTY UKIKCF. FPMJ. Italauee Julyl, 1H92 212 32 Collections 391 10 Warrants redeemed Balance 1S22 67 i ' 007 73 mi 73 i 95 8 95 . 7.17 tti ; ict3 si 2111 17 1. ICO acres oi sinootl( laud tor sajfi Of. trado for stock; running st;eaui ol line, purf. water; 80 acres under fence; 40 acres cultivation ; good nous and stables ; govern meiH land adjoining. A No. 1 farm. Ad dress C, Care Joi.rxal. 2. For sale or trade for. stock a (luaref section of goqd land located ve mlle from Harrison. Part good farm land ; tue balance good timber and grazing land with good stream of running, water with some oher improvements; also a good mill ultc, on the land. Address B care Joi knao. . - . . I ' 1 1 r . j " , l i All .. J.-I .. . ?'-,. fo ' . '! '.".,"-3' .1 I .. ,.'..(.l.-t'. 1 1 !'" F ; "i :. ft. Don't forget that Thk Joihxai. oflioe is the place to get nice job peiuting done. This office is having a good run of job work right along, Good work speaks for itself. A necktie social will be held at the court house on Saturday evening, Jan. 21. at G:'iO. in the form of a stinper. En- veloed neckties will he sold and the buyer can get his partner for supper by linding a lady wearing a similar necktie. Those who can't get a partner can get supper anyway. The Joibsal is in receipt of a letter from Supt. O'Brien, of the fish hatcher ies, stating tfcijt tie "Win De Here some time in February or March with a supply of trout for the streams in this locality. All who desire to obtain a supply should leave word at this otjice so that notice may be given when the fish car will be here. The streams of Sioux county may just as well be stocked with good fish as not. v The land seekers who came during the past week, like all who came before them, wei-o heartily disgusted over the trip from Crawford to Harrison. It would be a good plan for the people here to formulate a petition and sign it and send it to the railrood officials asking for better train service. It is decidedly un pleasant to work for new settlers who will lie of more direct benefit to the rail road titan to any other interest and have the company show such a total lack of interest in the matter. Yesterday H. C. Foster and W. P. Waters came up from Seward to view the land. The latter left a sick child at home and was anxious to return and the former saw enough so that he will re turn with his family in February when the crowd comes and they left for home last evening. Mr. Waters expects to re turn in a couple of weeks to see more of the country and he and his brother ex pect to be residents of Sioux county with in a few months. They report that the special train from Seward in February will contain not less than thirty cars and accessions to the colony are being made right along. Every one who comes here is well pleased with the country and from the indications the county will settle more rapidly withiu the next year than at any time in its history. 003 43 COUNTY BOAI) KI NK. Balance July 1, 1S92 . T. 130 10 Cqllectifms 40 90 Warrants redeemed -- Balance - , 177 12 BFKCIAL DKBT FUND. Balance Jtily 1, 1892 100 94 Collections H08 24 Warrants redeemed JSalance . 909 1H SOI.IHEKS' KKI.IKF FUND. Balance July 1, 1I2.. 2S 85 Collections , 51 SI Warrants redeemed ... Ilalunec ; K0 0i AIIVF.UVISlXfi FIIM). Balance July 1, 1892 (i C3 Collections 45 20 Balance 88 45 514 97 003 42 5 00 172 12 177 12 3. 4Q acres of lino land in ouq body for sale pr trade for stock. Running water; line springs; plenty of wood for fuel and buildiug purposes on premises; government land udjpining; good house and stable; 320 acres under fence; 30 acres good plow laud, balance good pasture and timber. A bar gain if taken soon. Address C care Journal. 4- 100 aci'M of fine laud for sale pr trade Ipr stock, ltunning WMter and spring; gov ernment land adjoining; 100 acres good phiif land; balance pasture. Addresw Scare Jurri VAL. yyakj) this p,aco pext weefr. Ij; will contain something of ipterssf to you. GRISWCLD & M ARSTELLER. 215 94 ! 5- One hundrcMlanrl sistyaeresof land nine 053 2( ' miles from Harrison, Neur. 20 acres broken ; some lenced. House and other imiicungs; loodsqil; pure water and one mile from j j.inibi.r. For terms address 1! care Joi'rnai.. !KI9 1H 15 00 j 05 f0 8lt 00 j 51 SI 51 P3 II. (iooil 100 acre farm ; 30 acres broken ; all fenced.; good hewed .log house 10x18; addi tion 12vl; VA story; in good condition of repair. This farm is located 3 miles from railroad station. Address. It cure Journal. 51 83 r.UF.nxcT novo fund. Balance July 1, 1H92 21R0 SI Collections 384 2Q Interest paid . 140Q 00 balance- 1104 71 2504 71 2504 71 VII.LAGI! FL'NI). lalaiicc July 1, IH'.!2 . 122 07 Collections 217 95 Paid village treasurer. 74 48 Jinlanee ; . 245 54 . ' 340 02 310 02 '.ltlkitllil!taB FOKD. . ' Balain-...ln.y I, 1892 15 50 Colled i'.ns.-l 89 34 Interest paid..., ... 35 00 . Balance t ... 09 84 104 48 J0-J 48 HOAll 1HSTHICT FUXIIS, Balance July 1, J 2. 108 Kt Collections ...... ..... 40 90 Vouchers paid ... -, 50 79 Balance .... , 91 09 147 83 147 88 SCHOOL DISTRICT FUNDS, Balance July 1, I892-. 1293 83 Collections... ...".. 1711 35 ' Paid district treasurers. 1481 84 Balance 1528 ,14 ,'5010 18 " 3010 18 SCHOOL IIONI) FUXI). llalauco July 1, 1892 7M 01 U'ollcclions , . 247 91 Interest paid 105 00 Balance 905 62 1010 52 1010 52 WARRANTS IN 18&2, (ieneral Fund J3580 08 Bridge Fund 135 35 Special Debt Fund '- 3258 20 REOISTERlil) WARRANTS outstanding. (Ieneral Fund - - 0004 01 Bridge Fund - 472 85 Snecial Debt Fund 3954 15 Hated January 1, 1893. M. (iAYMART, Treasurer 7. Good farm of 100 acres; 15 acres broken; all good soil; near timber; one mile from school in good neighborhood and only 0 miles from railroad ; terms very reasonable. Address I! care Journal. 8, One quarter deeded land and one quar ter not proved up on ; all good farm laud but 10 acres; good running water; 10 acres broken ; log house ; timber; in good corn dis trict. 35fl casli and 350 on time or will trade for jjtock. Address F care Journal. THEY ARE GOV! Died. Myers At the residence of A. R. Dew, in Harrison, Neb., on Monday, January 18, 1993, John L. Myers, aged 46 years. Deceased was the brother of Mrs. A. R. Dew. He was in the army during the rebellion and from the exposure while in the service became consumptive ami for a long time he has been uuable to stand much physical exertion. Tlie funeral occurred from the residence on Wednes Ja Rev. VV. O. Glasner officiating. School Report. Report of school report for mouth nd ingJan. 7, 1893: Number days taught 20 Number pupils .enrolled , . 23 Number Jays all .attended ...810 Average daily attendance 18 Those not absent were Mary Sowers, Bertha Glaze, Clarence Rama and Grant Percy. Those receiving 109 in deportment Minnie Warner, Eva Burson, Minnie Hiiiwin. Amanda anil Ida Dove, Lorenzo The Hemingford Guide is urging tlie use of blue vitriol to kill the smut in wheat. Every paper in northwest Ne braska should do likewise. It is to the interest of every resident of this part of tlie state to improve tlie (Uality of the wheat raised by destroying the smut. 9. JiiOacro farm with running stream of clear spring water and nuiherous springs; best of black soil ; one quarter all farm land ; the other mostly line timber land; enough saw logs to make 100,000 feet of lumber; all under fence with division (mice; frame, house 14x2012 feet high painted inside and outside; cost tOOO.00; frame stable for 10 head of horses; granary; orchard of 50 young apple trees; finest kind of stock farm. Will take stock or cash. Address I, care Jourxal. 10. 10Q acres of nice laying raw land, sell cheap for cash or trado for stock, dress J. care Journal. Will Ad- 11, 100 acre farm; 120 acres farm land; CO acres broken; comfortable house, stable, sheds, yards, etc.; timber and running water 011 place ; one and a half miles from school, $250 cash, $500 on time takes the placi! if taken soon. Address 1). M, care Journal, 13, 010 acres; 480 deeded land; 100 home stead; house cost HO0; barns, sheds, yards, etc., running water; all fenced and cross fences; 100 acres under plow, 1 mile from school; 3 miles from postolHcn. Price $4,000. One half cash, balance on time. Address A care Journal. 14. S20 acres in a body, 1C0 deeded, 100 homestead; 5 miles from county seat; 45 acres tinder plow ; 80 acres fenced ; two f runic houses ; stable ; well; convenient to school. rice $1,400. Address W care Journal. THE NEW SETTLERS, and we are here witri an increased Stock of Dry Goods, Hats Caps, Boots, Shoes, etc, Henderoon's !'Red School House" Shoes Will Wear Well and MaM the Children Happy. A FLOURING MILL Would be a good thing for the coj munity, but until we get one we will sell Flour at lowest prices.. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, All Fresh and New, all Ready for Old and New Settlers at Lowest Living Price!-. COME INSPECT THE STOCK ' A.1STX) GKET PBICES, RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, Jj. a-EISLA-CH, Prop, B. El Bkewstee, C. F. Coffee, President. Vice Pre's. ' .. D. II. GRISWOLD, Cashier. Commercial Bank. INCORPORATED. General BankingBusiness TRANSACTED.. Harrison, - - . Nsmiaska V. A. HESTER, -Ueausr is ' Lumber, Grain Lime and Coal. Sash, Doors, Blinds. Hair and Cement V 15. A flue farm of 480 acres, 3-i0 deeded, 100 homestead; good house; bank barn; cave; well; 45 acres under plow; running water and timber on place; three-fourths of a mile from school; all fenced. Price $'2,000 it taken soon. Address O care Journal. 10. A good farm of 240 acres, 00 acres under plow; 140 acres fenced; good frame house, stables, yards, etc., three-fourths mile from Catholic, church, store and postofllee; one-half mile from school; running water and timber on farm. This is a bargain at J1.500. Address J care Journal. A Full Line 1". 100 acres high rolling prairie land, i miles f rom Harrison ; 20 acres under cultiva tion; good black soil. For price, terms,' etc, address (1 care Journal. 18. 100 acres flue farming land four miles from Montrose I. ). 15 acres under cultiva tion. Will sell cheap. For termsj etc., ad dress G eare Journal. 1(1. 100 acres; .15 acres In cultivation. Watered by creek. Almost perfectly level. Native timber along creek. 8 milos from Harrison; black loam soil, bust quality. A burgaln at J5.00 an acr.. Address y care jornSAL. 9n.. tot .acres of deeded land two miles (rom llnirrlson. House, barn, well, windmill uhI US acres broken.. Trice $1,500; one-half eaxh. Address care Journal. SI, A hotel doing a good business; largo loe house and cooling room in connection. Address . cure Journal. H. A .ftood -paying drug business In a Wiv - t. railroad town. A splendid Furniture, Window Shades, Pictures and Wall Paper. Undertaking goods 0 embalming. Elf PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO MAIL ORDERS. Geo, C. Reed, Crawford, Neb. "Seeing Is Believing." And a rood lamp must be simple; when it is not simple it is t not Rood. Simw. JSeauttfuc. Good these ( wokJb mean much, but to $ee " The Rochester wiO impress the truth more forcibly. All metil. tough And seamless. And made in three nieces onlvj Xt IS Umutefy safe and unbreakable. Like Aladdin's of old, it is indeed a "wonderful lamp," for its mar? Telous light is purer and brighter than zas liehr. softer than electric light and more cheerful than eitluft Ixx for tniaUmp-Ti!K Rocbisstk UthclaadealtrlMtsttfaejmajM Bochesler. Slid the atvle vnil want anjl .a Ik. r. . in.... . . j . Tf 1 T 'S. ru"d,'re J,mP &r. y ""Pre-sour choice ofTe7lilwSw ; Wwun hww iuc U III Ml fKmtf, . r MOCHBITEn 1 1WD nt l ta - ' - vi -mm s-wm -uav nw awn J2y t: i V r "The Rochester' i iHiwlnaaud J).ve Clunciuie Knum. J"il Uf, ' V . L . r'l' 1 t if ,i' - -",., ' lb.i ... I V -'" ' f