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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1891)
THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL - i. L. SIMMONS. PiopUetor. HARRISON, - - NEBRASKA - . Executed By The Guillotine. The Paris Muraerer Pays Tin Death Penalty. The Grt Knife Dallied Downward as the Manterar-a Head Fell From Tha Body. A TERRIBLE BCKSE' Paris, Feb. 4. Michael Eyraud, tl - 1 ln Tula Iftfif mlirdflre Bbr&uivx, wuv 1U v Mi - , Notary Gouffe in Paris, was execute yesterday morniug. The crime (or which Mhhael Eyrau suffered death by the guillotine consist ed in his having in Paris, in July 18s. with the assistance of his mistress, G; i brielle Boinpard, strangled to death notary at Paria, named Tousaaint Gouff. After the oommureion of the crime tL oily of the victim was convened in s vrunkto Millory, and deposited in . tu cket, where 01 August 13, 1890, i u na discovered in a state of decompot .ioc. Ia Januaiy of the following yei ' :&h.-iells Bompard made the confe6si.. to tho Parisian police which led to hi arrest and imprisonment, and tinall; :tfter a most exciting chase, to the ca. lure in Havana of the strangler, Eyrau who was brought back to 1 aria for triii The most renarkakle feature in tha set e-atiunal legal proceedings which culm naled in the sentenoe to death cf E: , fund and to twenty years' imprisonmeu for Gabrielle Bombard, was the uusuc . essful attempt of the counsel for th r'iompard woman to prove that in th' n urder she acted her part while unde .ibed by Eyraud. O wing to th stern rules of the Prencl id ministration of justice in such cast-. -,nlv the moat meagre details of th manner in which the stringier face death are obtainable. 17 is certain -howevor, that he died with fortitud Vhen the Governor of La Rocquetu prison and the chaplain entered the Cf J jf the condemned man he was found t te already completely and neatl. ire sued. When invited to drink a glas of cognac Eyraud shook his head i declination. All offers by the chapluii Abe Faure, to administer religious cot eolation were refused and at the la moment when the erim face of the gui utine was all that stood between E. rand and death, the murderer's nerve of steel and iron served him in his tin angry refusal to be subject to religion rites. When Eyraud had been pinioned to the plank the aboe bent over him to place upon bis forehead a last kiss. With so much of a oontemptous move ment as rrs Donas wouia anow, auu with an air of sullen resentment the tr angler repelled the priest. Then straightening himself out Eyraud await ed the knife. A - moment later the irreat knife dashed downward and the murderers head tell from the body and 1 dropped into the sawdust fillei basket beneath the platform. Death came simultaneously with the blow ol ,he knife. The body has been handed er to his relatives. . Teniae Explosion. Newcastle, Coi., Feb. 4. What al most proved to be another Mamoih mine disaster occurred here last even ing in the Grand river coal and coW mines. Just at 6 o'clock, aa the day c!iif t, composed of eeventy-fl re men. about to leae the mine, aJterririi explosion occurred. Above the roar o' the escaping gas the pitiful cries of thi imprisoned miners - could be plainly heard by their wires and children Rood willing rescuers brawl the great danger and started thehoijting machin ery, relieving one another as fast as th workers became exhausted. Soon t wentT-fiveminers were brought toth surface, half of them more dead thai iilive. They were taken out none toi soon, aa the flakes immediately reacher the shaft and cam up with such 'forc hat everybody wan driven, away. Ex plosions have siDoe occurred ever twenty-four honrni" It ia thought the Teral men trave perished. Had tn xplosioaa occurred when the miner J" rre at work not one would have a capad. Shmywobt, La, Feb. 1 Horn r,V : pa rub. seat of Caliborne, baa been , socB of excitement the pan two dav Saturday night a mob battered a bol i o the jail and six men entered throug1 i va paesajaways to ki 1 L nk Waggoner i desperado recently captured. Lin I bo had two revolvers, shot two of th. ' an la the arms and held the others s bay. Waggoner was rot in his cell am di t the shooting from the corridoi v dodging into different apartments. Ii tiyiag to poll open the door of a fellow prisoner's cell tha latter caught tin door with on hand to keep him out. whoa Waggoner drew a knife and ca .off th fallows' iofa-sv : Th aheriff sa bW Mason mat famWahim with arms Am aty tmr 0eamaan, ... I Ok why this re ; IlJ I; : -Cartalnly, doctor! You mow ey ataar mm a lawyer, to if XU' ray of papa's money 1 Jersey knryar alao Muaa,y MBRASliA STATE SEWS. An eleven year-old bu of John II all 3t Nebraska City, accidentally swallowed a screw nearly two inches in length- It stuck in bis thioat and a3 cut cut ly i surgeon just in time to save tha lad s ife. William Mcintosh wa arrested at Nebraska City with stealing a purse and 13 from James Kirk. He wilt have his aearing Monday. Waltor RarnA't. ced nineteen, for merly residing a few miles northwest of Arapahoe, and lately returned from Missouri, where he has beau serving a term in the Jacksonville pcuiteaVary at Jeffersonville, was rearrested o,i a complaint for house breaking at Sedalia, Mo. Ancffi.ial from Sedalia arrived here on the early morning tram find took charge of the young man, who has been held for two days in custody of Constable C. IL Watts, who bed con siderable difficulty in convincing the Missouri official that certain and neces sary perquisites of;his offi e must be paid before he would turn his man over. The $S0,000 court house bonds have been sold to the state at par, to be paid for out of the permanent school fun 3. As they will draw interest only as the money is med, this is equivalent to con siderably above par. A number of cap italists who were bidding f'ir the bonds are very much disappointed by tint action of commissioners, but the people oi Cass county are very well salitlied. Mixed Pickle?, puolfched simultan eously every month at David City Neb., and E gin, III., has made its iippearanc with W. II. Price as editor and E. D. Streeter as business manager. The paper, like the substance from which it is nan.ed, is supposed to be sharp. The proprietors of tho Ttkamah can ning factory are endeavoring to eithei sell or lease the plant. Daniel MiMuilen, a former resident of Dakota City and a prominent Oddfel low, recently died at Leadville, Colo. Zsnas MtCoy, a farmer of Burchard, held a post while a neighbor drove ii into the ground with a sledge, lie it now minus a finger. A party of lads at Emerald enjoyoJ themselves the other day by firing n charge from a shotgun into a passenger train. The shot shattered the car win dow, but luckily nobody was injured. A. Berry, aged about thirteen, 6on ol J. A. Dunlavy of Uoldrege, Decide tally shot off his hands, losing the entire member, except the thumb. The boy was riding on a wagon and took hold ol i he muzzle end of the gun with the above result. It is reported that F. M. Coakinghani a prominent Humphrey attorney, tilled up on whiskey the other night and went home and whipped his wife. As a con tequence Mrs. Coakinghnm has com menced action against the saloonkeep er who sold her husband the liquor. An Arapahoe business man has oeen taken into the extenlof 105 by aC. O. D. expreea package which consisted of a cigar box containing two brass, rings He garnisheed the expre33 company for the amount as soon as he discovered the fraud, but the probabilities of his recovering are decidedly shin. hile Patrick Mahon, a farmer living west of Jackson, was in Dakota CiU procuring a license to wed Miss Brid get Smith, his intended was eloping with a farm laborer named John Curnd Burns and Mies Smith have not been seen since ana ramcK nas a marriage license on his hands which-he will sell at reduced rutes. An incident occurred in this uity a couple of days ago which, did we not know to be true, would sound like a novel, eays the Superior Journal. Ihe father of Rev. C. M. Shepherd, the well known pastor of the Methodist church, lived in Washington City. Every once in a while he sends his son a bundle of Washington papers. The other day Mr. Shepherd received a number of Stars, and, in glancing over an advertising page, noticed an adveitisement for heirs to an estate in England contain ing the name of Giascott. Thinking maybe the people ad vert iced for were some relation to Mr D. 8. Giascott of this city, he handed him the paper and he, after reading the "ad" over, discov ered that h, with his sister Mary and another relative, were the heirs adver tised for. Of course Mr. Giascott feels pretty good over his find, and is grateful to Rev. Sheard who helped him to make it A petition is being circulated among the attorneys oi Box Butte county, ask ing the appointment of another judge ia the Twelfth judicial district. Al though Judge Kinkaid is exceedingly expeditious in disposing of business, nevertheless the number of cases that com up for adjudication in the several oounn s in that district are said to be more than any one judge can attend to. 0. R. Steduian, who for the post five years has represented th Union Pacifio at Loup City as agent, has resigned his position and left for Denver to seek a mora ranumerative position. Mr. Sted loan went (o Loup City aa the pioneer agent on that branch and baa abiy dv barged th trust reposed in him. Be ris very popular ia social circles, a roraineut Mason and OdUUlow and a -wy indnsatial eitiam t KANSAS I V Kii;r. npOlUfruIU M .1' 1T30.1 tcl Sa.iM counties say the hog cholera is Fpivaa iLg with great r severity than knowi. in years. Hundreds are dyin ever dy. The damp weather icc-eiites tl. virulnoy of the disease. Neva hi reached II jrMa of a hor n Lie act of a woman, who has U-en hv;ij on a laim e viral miles west of Li re Mrs. Henry vv,..t-was left a widw to jearda; i-. i h three children de pendent oa h'3.". i ie fear of starvation so proved upon htrr miLd that the at tempted to kill her childrea' and h.-r self. Tiio elJwt, a boy of twelve, got asv from her after she had rut hl- thioat with a knife and then ran to a neighbor' and gave the alarm. The j neighbor hurried ti the housd and I found the place in flames. The wom-ri had kiilid the remaining two children j and after inll ctlng mortal wju nd on herself blie set tire to the house. The boy who escaped will live. Oa February 20 there will be held in Arkansas City a union meeting of all organizations of railway emplojee in the elate cf Kansas. Grand Master Sargent and (J rand Master Diebos of the brJtherhoTi of locomotive firemen Grand Chief Ilowtrd of tha brother hood of railway condu.-tora and other notables wil! be pretent. The meeting will loonecf the most inportanl labor conventions ever held in the state. The newly metalled county attorniy, C. T. Atkinson, is making war upon U.e joints and divis io Arkansas Cit. Diyingtlio pact three dins the two dozen or nira j jiuts ha.e idl Uwn titled i p and a dcz n or ci ro prosti tutes haie betn forced to leave the c.'y. tie atmouuees that he will ket p i l the war until ever) d.Vd ia llie county is closed for good. Judge A mos Harris, one of tho i io cetra of Sedgwick county dud MicUay, aged CS. lie was the of ihe iinul democracy, oryamzed the party und hud al;a)P been a leudur iu its lounciis. Ho was appointed judge of th.s d.fcLiict by Governor Ulick in ItSSi. Our fSuu a Star. Most young folks now know th:it tiic diiicreace between night and day on this piunet of ours arises siiiipiy l:uiii the tact, thitt anions thu iuimin T.ujif maltitu.iu ol stars there is one n.l. late ly nearer to m tii:ui nil tiiu rest; biua.4 so inucli nearer to in that when '.ic su it we have day. Wiien by tlie c;u tii t nioveir.ent on its axis the mui has it. iu the West we have night; at which time we depend lor light n;;un the more distant stars -ihiIum, iuJi'ud, tin. moon ia sinning. In the main, ,t ia trus tint the enor mous dii'lei'ence in tho imcasily of iht light that we receive from tiia sun in the one case, and from all the stars iieuii at night in the other, depenJj up on the (act that the sun is tha stai nearest to us, and tiie other Ktai'3 um suns iniinitely removed. -J. Norma.: Lockyer in Youth's Coin ani i:i. Wlieu Opera (iot-rs OuIiL tr Ia: A musiual director now in t.:j citj lias another idea besides inn "Complaint is made," hays h-, thai people who come to the opera are nerv ous ard lidgety and not respond to tin efforts to please, is it any wonder? T lie 0 to 7 o'clock dinners are the cause. Our belt paajih win g-j to make up the coloring of the audience dine, late, and as a rule they ilil in ie gardless of the laws governing health, and come to the operashall I spea& plainly? with enough rich food in them to make them stupid and unap preclalive. My advica would be to e:i sparingly just before tiia oir.i. The good ell'ecti; from the music waald as sist in the digestion of a goad dinner taken as late a3 midnight. .My notio.i will probably not agree with that ol your physician. ia it so. 1 am talk ing from a point which interests me. Gormandizing and music d ni't go to gether." Chicago Tribune. Future of W heat In Amm ic i. We have had a rim of prosperity for some years, and had been regaled with the thought that we had more food ma terial than the nation could cousin, e, and as much to spare m tha rest ol the world migiit want to buy. Tiie indica tions are that the day of lmyy surplus production is fast waning. Oar whe it crop in 1J7I was the magnificent total ol 512,700,000 bushels. It lias not kept at the upper notch, and in the year lO a ngurad a maximum yeild oi t'Jj,5Jj,uj j bushels. AVe have a greater population by nearly 15,000,000 than a decade ago, and the increase of home !insumititii would necessitate a larger yield and not a smaller. Economist. ,A Dramatist with Influence. Queen Elizabeth of Iloumania ha-, written a play which she is p.eused to describe as a tragedy, but which i really a piece of the most wildly and extravagantly sensational kind. It is. entitled "McisU-r Manollvf'an 1 it is to be introduced at the Vunua Coart theatre. The piece is of the old trans pontine order, with ghosts, tuuriien a wife walled up alive, and other ... sational epii-oues, and it is full of pre posterous mutation, absurdly si dialogue and Uombastes I'unoso decln mation. ueeii Elizabeth, wiiun u.u was recently at Vienna, invited ih. company of the Court theatre to m. oKinpuous uejeiiui r nt t'i Hotel Imperial, and tins c.i;iniii.i?a. in riven at the meal . n. r read the lay to her guest, who ; plauded it as a matter of connc n 't then Hie went to see the emperor, a i induced him to command tha t piece should be produced a', tho II j burg where, at a rule new piy, a . (""a " lid w, it ruie.nevv playi umivauuj accepiao,-l,qUU011 Xru'.U. NEBRASKA IECISLATIRE. Theiv-rant the House a,.-r -u- ; ;irpd and I!i,t! the M-nate that the liousft Dau p issed II. !!. N. 7'.), lmg the relief .ip . .1 .,.i;f.r.L , r. ;priati..u bill; ab' coiicurreiii res-m !,, n No. "i tixihg a time for the hear ji..Mt the C"ntet; also H. U. No. hi l"ng tiie Howe bond appropriation bill tor the rel.ef of the western suf- f.-rel'S. M-ua'.or Dysart offered the follow ,ii(r resolution: J move that all employes above IV liiunV-r of sixty -six be discharged. Senator I'.eck moved as a substitute that resolution ! referred to the con; inittee on i-mpli'ves. The substitute was carried. M-nator Snitzler offered the follow ing resolution: Wiii;i:i:a An erroneous impressioi. prevails in certain sections of the coun try, to the effect that the legislature o: Nebraska contemplates passing ven ridieal measures on the subject of n.-t'-rest and mortgages now, therefore to l or.ict said impressions be it. Hrsnlred, That it is the sense of the senate that it is to change the prevailing legal rate of interest. y.v.o?rrd, Furthermore that we deen it inexpedient lo extend the time o. stays ol execution on mortgages: .vrci. That these resolutions In furnished the associate press for pub lication over the certilicate of the pre siding ollicer. Objection to immediate consideration beimr made the resolution was laid over one day. Hv unanimous consent Benator Switzlcr was given permission to ex plain his objection in introducing the resolutions. He said a injustice Uad been done the state and the legis lature by fake reports having beei spiead abroad about the radical cours this legislature would take on the sub led of interest and stays of mortgage ii.dgtpeiits. It is a well known fact .'i;it the money lenders of the country h id withdrawn from the state and that I. was tiert 'o impossible to borrow my money, even on gilt edged pro perty. This was a great hardship oi the citizens ol the slate aim the reso liition he hoped would tend to give re newed conlidenco. He was satislieii that in the senate, at least, there pre vails a decided sentiment against any radical changes on the money tjuestioi and he hoped the senate would pass he rf solutions on Monday unanimous ly. Some senatO'8 came ere with in structions to vote for an extension ol the stay law, but after leing advised that this wonld give no relief to exist ing mortgages, but rather prevent theii renewal, they had changed their views, The senator was glad to say that in talking with the senators he found no opposition to the resolutions. Stebbins offered the follow ing reso lution: Wukkkas, doubts have arisen as to the validity, expediency and policy of the contract heretofore entered into between the state and one (.'. W. Mosli er, of the city of Lincoln, relative to the maintenance of convicts, confined in the state penitentiary, and the labor of said convicts; and Wukkkas, doubts have arisen as to the power of the state to farm out con vict labor, and convict maintenance, mid as to the means by which such con tract was procured; therefore, be it .Wowr, That the sneaker of the house of representatives shall appoint a committee of live members of the houss, to inquire and report to the house with all convenient speed, on the loiiowmg Biinjects. First-Full and complete informa tion as to the term of such contract when it began, and when it expires. rM'conu n netner the convicts now confined in the state penitentiary arc being subsisted and maintained under said contract and whether they are per- loruiiiig laoor miner saiu com; act. 1 ni ret hat profit per annum, if any. is being made or realized by said i . u. .vioslier under saiu contract Fourth Whether there is anv other leasible way of maintaining said con victs cheaiier than under said contract taking into account their labor to be perlormed tor the state direct. Fifth Whether anv im tinnier m,'in were used by said (.'. Vv. Moslier, or any one lor mm, in me procurement of said contract, i-foth Whether said convict labor as now nerforined, in any manner, con- mem wan, or cheapens private labor. .-M.-einu n ueuier saiu contract is valid ana binding on the state or not and if not, whether it Is advisable to annul the same. said committee shall have power lo ser.u tor persons and papers, hear wit nesses, take and report evidence and emp'oy counsel if deemed necessary. It shall hold Its sessions at such times and places as may be deemed nm nary, and its reports shall be accomp,,.. n u iri.willlia'iuiaiion. White moved to amend by referring the resolution to the committee on peni tentiaries. After considerable discus sion tiie resolution was adopted as !l,lltllufl I... t at..ln 9 l- ..... r ...... .mi. . ,j, a i,ie ui no W ill. jiieuouse went into committee of me wuoie wiui uowe in the chair for the consideration of bill ou general JI. It Xo. 25, by Kruse, for Ihe de etruction of Itussian thistles, was first considered. Kruse was called upon to describe the lUisBian thistle, which he designated as a plant rctembliiitr the tumble weed. 8 It was moved that when the commit. tee of the whole arise it report back Ii H.Xo. 25, .with the recommendation that it pass as amended. Carried. House roll No. 42, by Smith, to com- P1 J?i,w,,y comP'M to maintain encwf dnveways, under grade, fi " feet liih or more, was coi.suWed. All immlincnti offered to the bill wen voted down. e" - Sa;ni:?l W. ULa. a clerk iu Leis i l i iicaei .' ,.nrv in this ciiv. was oa a hunting in tt,e era pa-t of "7" uffll,t A isndmi .n by r the nameot Nalhau W. M-itf, at o pla. Shaw stopped, .jado a ttip to Veliowfctone park during that month. returning August iS. Three daj. later a gentleman named Ilarly, a etoreWo er at Haines' Fo'kp, on tho I'nwn !' ?,tic, stopi-d at M U' on his wy home from H.e park, bring cows f great excitement that ex ft"! brf ent s when tie stoppi mwo u.. .- v?r the reporte 1 dro mug o. tay Hanrlton, whose tody had J'Jbt been brought in. Harty sw me uo ty n.d stated that preparations were being ;a lo for his buna'. n. i,urm: 1 1 ami' t ig's nam mn tionI Mott recalled the fact that hi a i en a man of that name at Sargsnt a when on his way to the park, and In i b'.so met htm on the tjouke river wren e'.urning from tha park. This wai ..n Annual '2Z H-imiiion, who at oa horseback, said ha had yul shot an an lei ope aud intended W crosl the river to get 8 pack atiiiu u of a l.!er tocarry his game home. The meeting oceurrr l near the ciidl lenee of Itutfalo creeil at. I the Siiuke river and wry near tiie u wnsre Green leported finding the bjiiy Mott and H i'rty compare I notes on Hamilton's appearance and agree I tha' the bodr seen by Hurty mutt hbH) lioan that of the man w horn M itt saw S ir gent's nu I after i.rd met ou tiie oai.U-. of (he Saake i.ver. M At had not at the time of nve'ving Hamilton heard any th ug f ti e scandal coiinecte 1 with iiis naiie. IlnniKh' or It iiT. St. ri.ii.i.nin:o, Feb. C P. ( H: cial. - I'm ce lJanatimky ai:d o'li-i meniiiersof the tuiteof ti e rz .r - i .! are returning l.oa.e in c iiiM-ipi' i.ew tt trouble on bourd the UanMai; ironclad I'annatz Azona, on winch tho Zire witch, accompanied by 1'rinra Or -rge of Greece, in making a tour of the cvl, The origin cf tho trouble is o'js -ure It is known, however, that IV. nee Iiariatiiisky, without consult iog Cij tain Lohti.unn, -o.nmander of the l'aui iaiz Azjva, underl -ok tc giv-i or.leM l the ere', and that on one occaf-ion In oidered the boiits to be launched fur the putpoto cf giving the czirewitch an ocean row. Cniita;n LjIi.iiuhi promptly countermanded the order, a there was quite a heavy ea at the tine and he feared that the lives of llncz ue witch and hi party might bi eudan jered. Some of the members of lh crew si ail with Prince Bar atinsky.ui d Caption Lcj mann in order to nwlon discipline had to threaten lo uce the most severe measures. Finally Ihe captain sent the mulcontenti out of th ship, replacing them with men from th warships escorting the I'amiutz Azova. Fonil of Mrrl-rt tVuuiin, Ca.ntj.v, O , Feb. C Late yestrdiy afternoon KdwurJ R')lert8, mamhal ot Ijouis.ille, this county, who has hereUj fore borne an unsullied reputation, was arrested ujioo omplaint of Morgan l.iindin, a well-known citizen of that town, on a charge of exceeding his au thority. Roberts was found in an com promising position with L&ndin's wife and when Landiu surprised the guilty couple Roberts arrested him and locked him in prison on a trumpsd up charge. Landin regained his libertv and began euit againBt his wife for divorce, and will supplement his ci.arge against Rob erts with one for adultery. Riberts, it is now learned, has been in 1 he habit o visiting married womon in the absence of their husband, and threatened pub licity has set tho town by the ears. A resolution declaring the ofliue vacant will probably be passed at the next meeting of the town council. At the hearing tonight Roberts was bouud over to court He is a married man. MrC'anhx Will Make II I'ahllc Londjn, Feb. C Justin McCarthy, in receiving a deputation of Irishmen at Lancaster yesterday said he had sum mooed a meeting of his followers for February 12, when he and Sexton would fr.-ely report the HoMlogne negotiation. He bad hopes that a union of the Irish pirty would be brought about. Lora Hartmgton at his lact speech, he said, was unworthy of him and would injur bim more than the IrUh party and cause. An Impending Htrik. 8?OTrnALE, Pa Fob, C.-AII the coles rogion is agitated over the probable lock out and strike next Tuesday. The miners will not rree to the reduction of 10 per uent, which the operators in it upen. The coke region lesdors are rousing the workers in all sections. There is a slight possibility of another conference. Coke operators are prepar ing io uraw mmr ovrtns. 8 imi 1'fXC men are employed about the mines and ovens. I'a.nnisT Train Di rallrd, Atmwta.Ga., Feb. 4.-A Dassenirer train oo the Savanah, G.fnn k North Alabama road was derail near Oiffln tonight, r ifteeo passengers were m vere y Iniured, but cone were killed 0 details are obtainable. HnnlhtxB yrlana. VVurrPniMT Ui. li-.-u r . Ding a oyolone dsmmiJ ihm.k, k. " imiiartoflJity-onuDiy, doing groat damage to seven nlanULin.. .i injuring Uiraa .egroea. Hararal other Ppl were slightly hurt. i.v.ectih V. ' I'et. C. Unn.i.!.. K rni-,i ft 1 L'l. - naper prints the fol (Job, February 1. - ,m who left for New Cstt, lies were uying lor lhir .vanes anu miiee ii ire on fire. The km .i aiiliiooe, as moimUia i' s rapidly Lurtii g h 't and smoke are n.j.: residing within a fw a (talioti are rapidly tm.r,c .11 - er . . - iOiU C It CT. IB. IlOrS dampeJing in all direct. 'c: trj running their t'jsft,1 angers to place of inV.;, j '' The Cjlorid j M .1 ci v wading owner of the en, I mil is a heavy lostr. I Tiia m'irR..i,tniia . miners is being realize tl',r kind act of provid-twt y ngs diepatchra did m lath uf hundreds f but,," lay force had jnst Bet Im1 he shuft for supiwr Li k 1 lll IJItlb Ollllll, L. U lUiJfiK a pro congregating ouU d. hen tho t-xplosini o; vt" appeucd ton minutes li;, nve la a repetition ot v iinia horror, ilow m'-ch !,";;. .ill oor.'.iutie ihJimpossiUtsvJi. ho fire coinpaniea in thc. )nregn' in frout of t.i't loUTitaio, it is doubtful f &, ould ba subdued. Tm.V llenwood Springe, a tott ab.tatits, thirty mihw tr re prepr.rinj; V) tw-k a m ime. Tho residents v ealy 103 milim from the ititbigiation con jilainlybj- !os eue n hno the nnoke lo ueri. in Denver. XV lint lllf W ar -j. Ni w YoiiK, Feb. 5 TV' . 1 t iithinf. Inn nruiiil sn?' i .., . , ent 1 1 cinnross ebu rust s . ary of war to supply a di- ; piarterntaater's uepar-D-i, ory of iho cost of i$rfi aign jut cicsied. The i V, 1 ;Wt,tXX) ix asked, the p; f ' , f wh'.cli nre f'.ft"., 1C t r ' r. f IroopN n il ei.ppiie iil u. ttra and(,-, WM go necftrinry lo fit out I, J amptiign, 570,000 to Ii p..-' roken do n iu tho ci np j he pu.'C'.ia o of pmies ar over the difference in cos-ft. .uii;!.R?ed fur troops in tuo lontract prices ot Vj -iich tho trix;p3 were .eie other exx-nses ui -it-.T Icp.'.rtiaent thin will if il k totai Ciist (if the ratJi ilMJCOO, a sum sufli:;i n. .n ihe Sioux the l(.i,C 'ft v. ( rcpriation promised tla-.i. i f twenty jobm. ril-f Ail I)ulmli Dlut.'Ql'K, Ia., Feb. 1 -i..ost disastrous fires thisci.p for years ojcurred in the L, f ... tais evening.- Mr. .So!omo-. of the firm of Solomon l jf ' i;oods, who had j ut move: ft., -a cigar from a traveling sut. aud threw away th sk match. It struck a f.ik ol ting and in a moment ttu which it was impossible f The store of Kolomon htA4 irely destroyed with woi hirge part of the GoMrf E i rttore, board vt trade rowal tileamboat intpectoi' Matthis A Oo' printing o '.ffiw above. The l H i.iated at f."0.0fl, withttiff Tom Ilurke, rlreman, km umoke and heat and ii i-4 fatally injured. Faruirra" Hrn(it (sPKlscriitUD, Ilu, Feb.i men.' Mutual Henelit mA sentntives are receivicg of letters and reeolutiuntrf and encouragement froml ents and fellow fHrniern. idly recomend the n titand firm for the party not all are of tin char. W. Rhedis of St. Elmo, HI muD-cation r quests ibm1! t ail for Palmer. "As tU. the choice of the biothtH of the aiuntry." G. W. Km 1th. eupfrirWI Vrcola 111., public wlwhi ould take up Felix 0. t r of the repree.italiv, Aeilna- f.nlr "" Mo.. Fl last few days nil theft"" city have been making Ixuea of cartridges in kl1 I1UII.IIIIIIVI nharlM V and "r Phalan. rantntlv propel fr Guatemala. Mior " acting under Instruction i mates comes from iovernment PlTTtiBCItO, PA ,Fht- coke workers, eel to W" aarBHoartaintoUkepI? atora and re prientt'",J manmatysntrday,"1,i poaiaff a pompromi i tnaopa ato s Inai.tea ) Baaanfaould accept alf tk all around. TM ; ttd aUpte cent