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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1891)
uewly opened inliws at Xeifcatte, an 1 Va is b-ing us!iel on to Helena, Montana. T'ne P.u-ille Sh-.rt I!;ie his a line surveyed across the s.iiiheru p irt of the 5ri'.Ai- Uv.viY PAPER-J couiity, and the i.i i.i i,- u, ut inform us that Ijefoie the close of ao ithcr season i t will liave iLs liiie in op-Tatioti beyon 1 the we t liiw of Xebr.islci. The survey of i scriptioD Price, f2.00 ' 'h, - . . Editor. the II arrUon pout office us sec Atur. the Pacific Siiort Line huws that the roj 1 will h ive over :S miles of track in Sioux county. Tim H. &, 1L has a .survey riinuij west fro:n Alliance, crossing the south part of Sioux county and it is expect-' 1 t!i it it will 1 built, but as the amount of the k A pwnphlM of Information end ib-7 t , "cwday, Feb. 12, 1891. 'me wiiicli would tie in Sioux couaty is not kiowa, it ii njt Jig'irei in the ub)va sUitenu nt. M heu you take into consideration the fact tliat Sioux county has got so great a railroad mileage and has NO RAILROAD BONDS Obtain Paleuu, I ureal TruJe i auu, KwyTixma, Witt Jru.T maparilla purifies the blood. BronIf, fell poisonous eleiiKntii. Sold is-!? c: "w?- U.w tfi-.T!:M . i;kaK9Etlf w jux County Journal. 7 f J REE HOMES i is still a Iai'n'-e amount of tiOYERN'MEXT LAXDoicn U entry in I .,0', I yl. ,VV ''b V I W"1':. -A,. - 5 3&3usf?rw, tTT?ri-'-:'-i. 1 V-'-sC PA' i fe!---V-'Vl' 1 1- "1 VnVl Z1-' J O -Sf'1 i I Map of the Elkhom System. nx County, CKmG g county is in Uie northwest corner of thu p'at htate of Nebmska, nnil in irty milen'eaHt"inil'wit by nevutity niil north and .south. It coni)iriscs y, fine rolling-'tahls land anj valusihlo timhiT lan.t, Tho county rontain:? ) acres of land. Something near one-thir.l of this'aiva has been (ikd on by i a large number of whom have rnado final proof and Jmve deeded farms. finder is utill 0Hn to settlement. Of course there is a portion of this pt suitable for farming purposoM, a part being timber land and m tlieie totile aod otherHracts, too rough for cultivation, produce the moKt mitri raisea and are excellent for stock raising purposes. I locality hnan"alvant.igevhich ny oth ;r portion of Nebraska pos.sessed X Po3tsi and House Logs are FREE! i !1 , alone, m ikes it it wsible for a nun to improve a piece of land with a i if ;iu l iu ii : il I ii iv ! I i i i i t!i T p li'U of t lis state. Iffl wf, i 85 Miles, of Rfiilroad, 9UJI county rum lbs main line of the F. E. & M. V. railroad crossing it from p.wtrt and coone:ting with. the Cheyenne & Northern, thus making a line ,1i from Omtiw to .Denver anU.the Pacific coast, and also connects thin lol Jh Um co-J field junt across the line in Wyoming. Thin road has Si inileH ,M in Bioua county. M B. AM. crossei.the northoast prt of tho county nml has 15 miles of its iMrit fn WI- of Sioux nounly. Ti lis roa l brings tho coal from tho outstanding, and in fact, no county bonds of any kind have ever been issued by Sioux count v, vou cann it but see that it i far better olf than those counties that gave a large amount of bonds for a few miles of railroad. Ta i a voiupiiiyiii map! will give the rea l;r a good idea of the railroad ail" vantages K:.essL-d by 8uux county. 'file s il is of such a nature to eminent! y fit it for agrii'ulture. Eperiineut indicate that it will soon Im one of the mo.-t profitable sugar beet protluciug dis. tri ts in tlie world, and other crops will not le far behind. Th.;re are a great uiiniljer of siucill streams distributed througliout the county, furnishing excellent opportunities for stock raising' and still are not large enough to cause a heavy public expense for bridges. The settler can go to the sawmills in Sion t county and buy ive Pine umber or less than half what the same gra le of in iterial would cost livo hundred miles east of here. Good building stone can be easily obtained from various parts of the coudty; an excellent quality of brick iitv h:i mill a few mi les from tl seat; the quality of the water is the vert best and the climate is fine. Harrison is the c ounty seat and the only railroad town in the county, al though new town are lieing laid out at different points. The is a fine brick court house winch f lO,!)'!), and representatives of .almost all lines of business. There is no railrond land in Sioux county, it is either government land subject to entry; school land subject to lease or purchase, or land that has been taken up by settlers. VS'.'AME WE.iT, SEE AX.) SETTLE . t fa t Al M 1! t r a4t-Cii.l.'dK'4'i '4 i i i. o .a MARLM SAFETY! kti lii Vw4 4 : i v side: EJECTING. ft mi "zLk SOLID TOP, Weight, 6 Vb$. Using 32-20, 03-40 and 44-40 Cartridges. Bona for free rlfsorlpl ivo price-list of Krpnntinn lilllcn, IJoubio-AttHm IleviJversf etc., to tho HARLIN FIRE ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CT., U. S. A. imn pat. mis siqhts Art Uni'.ilic! bc(h far Hunting unci target Siiouimy. "IDEAL" RELOIDINB TOOLS Fer Difiss, Pictcis Shot Guns. !it-,V TO MttPARC VOU O'WN AMMUIIITJOrt, ! IB 0 4 H 8 Ji-pii l-f i .iriK-it nt r.nrM-W Hn ofw-rlt, U "a 1 45 q V(-m;v .) !.. i..,rh1v. IV tho.. of pi It H r f rMrr; b 4 it V t ft U wii- : -in An ilt n. rk. F.r.iy lo l"nin. Wr turnt-h ...r- .i.-ii ..,.. :s,ri,k. Vim tnit "lnvc It , ir b'i '-or turiH to Die work. 1 tii I mil H trioni r arc furi'i'i Irooi to f HI ( r ifk nud i-w mil", ml in' r n-r n Hilln inj ii, ,)-.. ( n Ktmlurl J on tht lti til.ij ini'Di i' t;li v .t; ' " T., Vu ,m f tu c).feii liorn 1 nil AAA r 5JUUU r in lhlr the ultumlen n o mrll"V Inl A YI-'AII ! I nnrUrmk to hriffljr (viiph miy tdirij' iiiiciitr''tit p, ruen if nitln-r "rii, who 'ti rrnri qui wrltf, i'H wm, hIht instrm 'lion, will wurk liHltiM'iloiinly,! Imvr to rnm Thrr Tiinnt Di.llartt ( ri lnfltlHoB.uhrri-tf? limy llvf.l will filun funnli' niunym',m,nr h lin n yi'U enn earn tl.! atttounl. Ji'Srlll. I (lt'Mlr lull (inn wnrkrr h ,!iiH, ,,r 1 ho Blromly Ijimrlil an-i prnvlfli'd with cinilnvnifiil n liid ntiml.iT, who an. nmkhiif nvnr flUMlfl a Trrruorh. Ii J ICW ml KtH.IIS, I'Hll iiarlicllUrii FK liK. Aililmnat imr-c, Hi.rk f"f it", lv Anna AuMIn, 1 -"ta. n nil .inn. iii.tni, i itiv'i", ' 'imp. iiiT'; tinniii. Vim fan ilf, the wiiih and llvn 1V w 5r 'S ' l"""". win rvi-r yi.ti rf. t;vi n hi-Kr35-V F'frn art fawtly pwmlnir (Vnm T In in i ii'rt yim. i.nn M erit tn -prtri' itm nmii tifii'itir Ihtfii. rifiit. I'urlli'ii lii r llt.lluliiMI A ' ,!! -.i. lll,n(I. MuJ..f T W V- f",itOf Onio, lit) i i "1 ni. l'l.tiinf inkn . V ti, tV a,.dw..iMf I Mc.e: fcTr'r'rifcl tm I c?i.E ac. a-a 0 g 11. 3 z 15-3 . e S ill figf I n 5 all1 5ll ft 0 9 o a at j) " HI i M ITJ IU - i 2S o 3? i Hi lias r Evarybody- Wagon" Mo. 47 With K-Jf Spnaes, one Scat, Cuaaton and Sii,ft. - "Qood Tiniberond iion Drjf. A' : TY" box 1s re ilv tiiknri otf rhI tho near lonirlhenea nut for tho use of carpenter and " s 't his " P" hi sieo .in llii'sa, is pamtoM lirisht and nttraetivo, and is strons and . Forap'.ieia1 immccsi--Jyiiauiili"-turLi; TH5 WINCNR WRUON CO.. o t.V.o Celebrated Kumifuid A agon, 1010 W. 6th St., Wintra. Mlnib BOOK HOLDERS. The Most PcurieT Dictionary holder. Folding and Adjustable Tables. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. R. M. LAMBIE, 39 E. 19th St.,N.Y. Are strictly first-class in every detail, possess an absolutely perfrct repeating anion bog oanasowe cases, may irar- ranteu. Are the best in the world, and have led &U others for vrars. Over 210.(100 in dh. The people are bound tn have the I iicsi, ana win nave nnno but tne t,M hi. Time payments or cash, as customers prefer. Call and nee ns, or send for Catalogues and full information. Jein 233 StatBSM,Cii!G. t-St. IvOUia I-Xouce, OIG & Olc 1-Jlivft.0ilf.l.ij:t., OJjva QJ