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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1889)
T11E FARMER. A 1 l,a. ""' j I orirdena add Wjt Wu 6 n r , .n,l health, not only rL- family, but in many L of others. " , t 1 I bo eay u,e w,m,J ;wit vou. should a . . ii :..b- vkti it r arm Jrtthe worse lor wear, nnttobe happy, marry a . innatriouscountry Weiauu"" - J . jersey cow, ana p.ani u rr bed. and you are there. Iftbe gmall things on the f .n,,r This is true of Urturinfc enterprise, and Ctfa manufacturer. At tj-mrwrature of the milk Lfiltf -six d.-irrwm an possible. I ' . Luj.tu-t. mould doi i wu ,bnetiie p"" Lntrin Missouri has sold 32 of corn-fobs aurinif mt; r : Ud to a pl ,:""' " I V..I.., ..... .111 r"' oi in row. iiT milk fitter j,,0 Her fleah and our Il.;i.. i: i -doWU,hh hin 0-r ow' sanative condition. Liul ,b 1. .:.. f nrlifilip nr-id Swiff SOlU l"" ---- . . I Ml . Lw, poured into nolo, kuih it toiuhes. and tup sur- WIT ' , .mediately take tiieniwivwi D. I'ark. U a more sensitive to out L than milk, cream and lut die air of any phi' win-re r-scondiH-ted miiMt te kept lion cannot be poundiH into Wind treatment insures ..... ... VMion of an Miiimal, whim fllrll t IS Bill O I" "!"' it w wctiry business for a "toliftatnortftnjro that takes sfliU licft efforts and keeps i'tiif tine under n preMsinjr; ii . i .... .i ..... pressing load. II usiuuiuiiiii u. made birds for a purpose. ibpro, learn their habits, their i Ml - - I... awu.aml vou win neier w Jaf killing one Cim-n's Fruit t. iut man a right to more land fckrtoa how to farm with C Him he a right to misuse rprriate that by which the Na mit lire? Vermont Journal. ikrm will do its liest unles the tt eipewled in making the returned to it in nomo w ay, tb more the ln'tter. Where en iW tb proportion ofmanur ifavwl i nnirh gn-atr than rtarotlierRyHtem. few! apjietite indii-at.e good 4 It is no dwadvantiip to 'Minimal that in a heavy feed Soch antinalH UHtially prtwluce ortioisately to the qmint ity con rf. Tbefood i tiniply tin ina ito be converted into prolii'-tn. w been deiiionnt rated thnj as be led onensilae withtul 'S. Mi'l that where they are jsim! to do wrvii-e, as in Win- fi&irBiice of 'AO pound ol en perday will keep horae in Icotiition. flwnt, ehunniifi: ia tet tT than Jtigte mam of neoerate milk- M mixtur of (Team i.f ditT..r.nt kwBuinilljthecai) of poortwt- IH rtlMlh Iiv ping the cream uh noon a it ia . ... . '""'ji urn ''."''"'"""'"ontrihuteto !,,. nam, .emu, A cow gut1(.rill fn bycW.unhHUtbyHlahleS 'ttiber milk flow -minute ba-term that taint the fluid anl ultimately corrupt human bbou - The value of skimmed milk tnr ri ia much better understood than it uned to 1. (im, it ftH M nmwi exclusively to pigg, HBj tlmt wjth little other food. It Ilm(e the j.ig grow, but not letter than ground corn and oat a mixed with wheat bran A more profitable u f Dljlk ig tQ feed it to benn for production. If kept gw,.t, na it will be in the cream- prv iirt ux.ti.M ...:n. i i . lk may more .mmuoiv ieu to oowa, who aoon learn to like it. It ia alw, pool for growing enlvea nnd heiftra p to the Hum iiihj TOme m nuin themwlvrt. "IxKiking over my recorda," aavs 1'iof. Alvord, -I find thut with cow of like age and breeding;, thone which .It'ujl In . . i . . ,.u...-w in .-.-jm-iiiiHT nna iictoiier pave from Will to 1,000 poimda of milk more jkt year, than thote that were in the prmr. I ls() fid that the winter milk ia eonxideruhlv rich erthnn that made from aucculent iuni urage oi uie noring and earlv Hiimtiier, and Irom one to twoquarta lennoi ii ia reiimred 10 tnaKe a pound of butter. 1 CHtiiniite that two pound of butter will bring na much money in winter tut three pounda in auinmer." The old horw-ahoi-s that accumu late on a farm are not pant their UHffiilniKH. They willdo to ntn ngth cn a post that haa a tendency to aplit nt the rail hoh or to make a grae tn llifi. Nail one aide to the aide of a poat and lay !is;ht poles iwroaa from one aide to the other, resting in the arch of tlw ahoe, which ia nailed on upaide down. The ad vantage of thin trellis is that a deli cate vine can 1st dropped to the ground and covered with manure in the autumn, by dimply taking the polea out of their reata, and in the coring the polea may be replaced and tlie vine retained. A or., i.d,M,- luri.?" liie. milmppilT ,n t"nday M. JbV.u- tl:"i!"rk,.u? wi.M u- thV-r. COTOlus 0Ver tlie "'" A he . riw,M1""i'aii.S he .wains ZL X ","J' . a11"1- tL"'K SLT l M,llv -""'- M. boutet, howew, was not w, fortuS h ini i ','!eC f ,liB br"ke" 8'" "ck i 16 ."eek a artery. e tned to staunch tlie fi. t,m. "f" 0,11 f. tl,e 1"J"st, ' 'f'e d'rec l"JU 01 a IK IL- llMllil.a. ,lr;.,.'. .1 nt U fell down fuiau,,. erie reai.hl L iu,'1 ,wo Lo"" fterward he ""'"tu um last. F.r.w.iuo lh Hu.tlr. n,, Jeunply of folor 4t tlie Marlbor ouU House was extrordiuary, but the 5T .,"'re Simlle ftni1 m"ch leaa extrava-ant than m former yeara The IIHTH' tl aa n. . i' . e . . L.; """"""j: ooni an (esthetic point of Tiew, as it marked the epoch of tlie entire abandonment of the fashion Mlicl, Ir nilll,y yntH llwjled tU(t h ties gon na were to have an artificial ex crescence l.el,i,,d. Kvt rvone, with veiv lew exce.tu.i,K, w,c perfectly i.laiii a r V'ltl,11,t,le "r 110 b'imiuias. and as nt iM-hindaamfrout-a fashion most M-eomins to iiKi,t figures. iaWs in the Tribune. DEATH IX THE WATER. Absolute I'oUoa in Nearly Every Ameri can City and Town What Will be the Result Before the End of Summer. HAT did you find.'" "Aluiust CTerythlnK; t u jast reckiog wiui poi- jOG."- '1 u kbOTe remmrk was mad by prominent td fiititt to tlie board of ne<b officer jnsi after exam aanj a drop of Croton, Keir Vork. water through tb mn-njacope. Tbe water of nearly every city in Africa u filled wita uoifjoo. It is caused by decay tn lujiu-r and animal life. What is tbe result? A fearful increase of aieknens and death, both among children and grown peonle. The papers are alle4 with acoounta of it. Millions upon'miliiunsof germa of ferer, cholera morbus and contagion are in every wallow of water. But people say: -What can we do, stop drinking?" "So." "Resort to stlmulenu?" a. KID the germs in Uta water and before they can eome into the body. Three drops of Perry la- i' rata Killer poured into a glass of water before drinking will kill the germs and make the most pol onoas water pure and healthy. The best medical talent in the land have asserU-d this for yeara, and she sxperienre uf eyery man and woman who bis tried it prore It." Travellers through the jungles of India drink the swamp water, even though It is ailed with slime and covered with scum, but they Invariably purify it by addlag Pain-Killer. Stanley, the Afrit an explorer, sever undertakes a journey without a plentiful sup ply of "Bangilla," as the natives call Pain-Killer. If ttm trend medicine is so effective In regions where death lurks on every side, where it reeks In every pool, does it not stand to reason that we can aafely meet the dgDgers of our own drinking water by lu cartful use? August Cth and 20Ui, Sept. 10th nnd 24th. and October 8th. the Frwraout, Eik Imro and Missouri Valley Railroad Co.. "The North western Line," will run a series of "Harvest Excursions" to points on that line in Nebraska, the Black Hills and Ceu tral Wyoming at one half regular rates, and if you desire some further inhuma tion, communicate with J. R. Buchanan, General Passenger Afeiit, at Omaha, Ne braska, who will fully advise you. Peach stones are used coal in California. ia tbe place of STJACOBSOU stEMElYAlftli XT COXTQI7ERS PAIN -Edmund liilrrceiliig ;t.,, u.Mdns, You can tell llrettc tiell . ...--I feels toward you by the wnv she takes your arm. If she doesn't care a cent you know it by the indifference of l,(!r muscles. If she has a treat confidence in you the pressure tells it, and friend ship is as distinct from love in that mode or expression as in words or looks. A woman can take the arm ofafellowahe likes tci y much with perfect comfort, even if she is six feet hijdi and he is four. lint even if the two are just mulched, she can make him feel disdain, contempt, discomfort, dislike, anvthiug she likes, by the way she does not hold on to him. I am told there is a grcnt deal of difference, too, between the way a girl fits her waist to one man's arm n's compared with another, but I hardly W.eve it. San Francisco Chronicle. J here is a man in our town And lie is very wise, sir, When e'er he doesn t (eel jnat rigli One remedy he tries, sir. It's jiit Hie thing to take in spring The blood to purify, He tells Ins friemls, and nothing else Is lie induced to try bCHIie, having taken Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Ilicovery to dense his system, tone it up. nnd enrich the blood, and find ing that it always produces the desired re sult, he considers that he would be foolish lo experiment with anything else. His inn 1 1 o is, "Prove all things nnd hold fast to fhst which is good." Thnt's why he pins his faith to the "Golden Medical Discovery" Lie ul'Ollw In Heavy Seaa. Many hundreds of reports have been published on the "Atlantic Pilot Chart," and elsewhere, relative to the great ben efits derived by menus of the use of oil to prevent heavy 8eas from breaking on board vessels, liy far the greater num ber of those reports have been received from merchant vessels, very many of which have undoubtedly been saved, with all on board, by the use of a few gallons of oil in the manner recom mended by the United States hydro graphic office. But, says Science, re ports from the United States nayal ves sels show that even aboard men-of-war the use of oil ia regarded as of the great est value. Old smokers prefer "Tsnslll s Punch" 5c. Cigar to most in centers. A 340-mile railroad is to be built across Virginia from Parkersburg. .. A. If. The National Encampment of the G. A. R. will he held this year at Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 26th to 31st. Agent of the Union Pacific Railway will aell tickets to Milwaukee and return at the lowest one way tirBt class fare in Nebraska and Kan sas August zi si to ZOMl 11. CIO"' -, I orado and Wyoming August 20th to 27th inclusive; limited to return leaving Mil waukee August 27th to September 5tb, final limit September 10th. Pol tliose who desire to return later than Sept. 5th the limit on tickets will be extended to Sept, 30th on application to the joint agent of terminal lines at Milwaukee. Ne braska, Kansas., Colorado and Wyoming should be well represented at this encamp ment and all should go via "The Overland Route." For further information apply to any agent of this Company or E. L. LOMAX.O P. A., Omaha, Neb. Relieves and cures EHZTJMATISM, NEURALGIA. Sciatica, Laabago. HEADACHE. Toothache, SpraiikV Boras aad SetMt- At Trrngrists ana Dealers. Tstt CHARLES a. VOGELER CO.. Balusaes. SM. Leisure Hour Music: THROUGH tlie heat of Summer, the cool days ... H.trinv it. ini lnratiiur cold aasaV MI MC is KIXU aw The S-w York Grant monument fund now amounts to $130,000. w ia well W her food Wat a fair market price from k MO per year, and the cure in W of milking, fading, cleaning Ml, etc.. ttjrti l.elrwe tl.oow. Y Pto50 per animal, or about reK for each cow well cured ' "wtcrn farm a. rrnn I.'...! il r'uw met arm Journals jWof keeping lie out 'of the I6? Hiasimiilva bnndfi.l nt 1 lime With II fi.r drnna nt in it, Hcnttcred through "J- o time nmwl I mtlS Itoxeis. Iilirnin.r hnv Hwitlikeroaene, " ochofth profit win iim.iy ,im 7 not attoinlin? to it Usenson. Whf.n it ia time ' "wnit need a hoeing it W fllSHl- Uli.. tt ....... "10Hd be pruned, and when 'npeitshouij U harveat- ucolt rwjuirea, ia plenty ol ' a ciean place to aleen. aliel- r hitti-e .1 ls f I . nwi aio, jriuiltv mi ITaaa nf ,i:r. i . i. - UIII.T.IL vaiit'iiiTn, r"".my without dunt. and 'oanu onta. I'nitj, in ill not so W..II nnr siy preitiiuirm. nor acll for 1 ""one y, but they will last. 1 demonstrated that nut- ("'""ton the value 0Cr-nni.l i Id nf i rHUrn l"g' Prflt Bt vyom nttv, Xnin. in (4 1 OB (arions Transailttal offerer, PoeUrn I'mt. Jn 18 Hi alioy of 8 years, the brother of the narrator'a wife, was taken down with scarlet fever nnd died. One of the principal amuse ments of hia iliac had ls-en looking over n large picture book. After hia death this, with several other uaeful plaything, wan packed away in a trunk. Tweiity-aix years Inter, hi 1h"2, the sister -in-law of the editor took the trunk with her on a journey to Knubind where he was then reaid ing. The trunk was opened the S.fxu.l .1.1 v .-ifh-r it a arrival, nnd the ! picture book una taken out and I presented to the editor's 2-yenr-old !aou. During the next fortnight the little fellofv waa attacked by acarlet ! fever. It was a wonder to the doctors who were called in conaulta- le h.. ilisease had been con- tracte.1, an there had la-en no scarlet fever in the place for yeara. At Just it occurred to the editor that the i.i. ture book might have trnns mittViItho diaenae, and the medical ,,. in atMidai. onla.-.r.gtold t. ic fnctH connected with it. agreed that it had retained the poison for 'twenty -aix yeara nnd eommunieated it to the child. Klllinsrof a (ireat The largi-at ls-ar ever killed (mtliiHconatwnHahot by il.l Tn.p ,.rHe.Kl.ix,uenrtheoun'eof Ba tie cm-k, in Tehama county. Tbe .1 l,nr Nnrtll. la-ar waa famous un-w"B" - . f-.iiiiornia as old wits the terror of tli Sierra. All who use Dobbins' Electric Soap praise it as the beat, cheapest and most economical family soap made; but if you will try it once it will tell a still stronger tale of it 8 merits itself. Please try it. Your grocer will supply you. The Eiffel Tower in Paris is 984 feet in height. He is well paid who is well satisfied. It costs $1,500,000 dogs in Ohio per year to keep Clubfoot,"HiU For 20 . i.i ....r-l tnls-araclKirm yeara ne o" - - . la-irigs nnu and hogs 1 . i.: hove fallen Victims 10 I'r - " ""nty-flve years in tim C.?nll have lawn mnxla 01 rT' ' regnliir crops. When a rM mora land than he can C"; wonld flnd it to bis ad st tttlWtw otWiUnnW, )T W boom other valuable f itrtrtmgttw.. " us. Mnnv human t-,, ..... - - .1...,,,, hundreds of cattle, mi; ''efnl.env, , ,U0W- 1)inl) Many ; - , . The but returneu " , 2.no0 la-nat weighed when drcaaui t. 1. ib largest nnimal of this Hen.irix iee j"-v . f f500 llL-hil.vemen ma P b I,,,, laMm m. de up tor . ''Tinrv'Tleiwalinmtherpoor county, i ' u ' . 0i(i nge had condition when al Ki , as cd f, l,..o-.l 1IH Uiuuu v'e.e.- - . Walking advertisements for Dr. Sage's Catarrh lUuncily are the thousands it has cured. Tlie Prliiceaa Growing Old. I noticed for the first time these many years a change in the looks of the princess of Wales. It is sad to have to any so, but the "sea king's daughter friim over the sea, Alexandra," is get ting old. She has for years looked like the sister of her daugtliers, only fairer than they. But, now? Well, now, she is beginning - at last to look like their mother. 1 do not po so far as to say that the foot of the crow has marked tlie eve corners, but she is thinner and more J . . .. . . i i .... i l. :.. worn in appearance ami oioet-iuukio than she waa hist Ascot. It may be j that the cares of the. season are telling! upon her. The prince is as jolly as ever, j Nolhius seems to affect him. London Letter to Philadelphia Unlletin. Tlie Women C Sweden. At the women's congress now in pro gress at the Paris exhibition, presided over by Mile. Deraismea, the "greatest woman speaker in the world," an inter esting paper on the "Industrial women of Sweden" waa read by Mine. Fries. They are bank clerks and managers, even professors in boys' high schools, working jewelers, watchmakers and en paged in every sort of wood carving. The education of nearly every Swedish girl who was not born to fortune was, the lecturer said, in a great degree in dustrial. There is no doubt, the speak er added, that the Swedish woman will soon receive equal political rights. A Lnckf fin". Dulath (Minn.) TrlbuDe, July 16. William Dalquist is the name of a lucky FinUtiuler who at present is a dny laborer in K. A. Gray's saw mill at the West End. The fact is, Wiliam, who has been in this country tor some six years or -mora and who has been a hard worker all his Mo, is i -.loin nt t cket Ol.oOo, wiutn one-fortietli oi i't" .... UJ drew the capital prise of $600,000. When Mr. Dalquist waa made aware of his ,od fortune by a statements th.l nbune t ahat,,e lucky one, he was 0 erioved beyond measure and was th. " nl many congratulations from his recipient of '" co J the ,rtln8 time nTste - of his good fortune tr W A foot. her. i mined ately offered 1 i ;!i.t ' 14 K00 tor his little slip ol pa r VTt Wi!Ham.ho,,cl,the would do his Taking it altogether there never was a time when our country was enjoying greater prosperity than at the present mo ment, and yet there are inousanoe oi peo ple in the land who are fussing and fuming about hard times. No doubt but what many of them are honest in their com pluiuts, and it is olten becauise ,they have not found the right kind of work or the rijht way to do it. Now, it business is not moving along with you satisfactorily, take our advice and write to H. F. Johnson & Co., Richmond, Va. It is more than likely that they can help you, at any rate it would cost you nothing but a postage stamp to apply to Miem. Smith's Bile Beans Are Invaluable for Liver wl Stomach disorders. Acton the bile, driveaway the lilacs. They sre the great Auti-liile Medicine or Cure for Biliousness, Slclihesdiche. Dysentery, Sour Stomach, Dis tress alter eatine. Pain? In the heck snd sidee, alalaria. C'OitivenBs. Chllla andFevers, Drow siness, Oflensive Breath, Call ? tones, Ac. BILE BEANS Act on the Mver and Kidneys, thereby driving all lmpnritiesfromthc.body. Verv economical, smalt dose. In little watch lisped bottles, price -ii cents. cold by Druggists or sent by mail. J. F. SMITH A CO., Props., St. Louis, Mo. the long evenings of Winter, an eniei tamer. Makt lli'f nrrrl atnl liappu bif irnimo : Whipple' Merry Making Mrl"ieavl OkKo.xI'a Mliymea ami luiiea. Sit. CliTl.lrena" School on;. 35 . Kmrrson'shriiK for I. Itle Slo;ei-.30c. Sours and Oauirs for l ittle (Inns, SJ. Of Kvenluti; miuu .'oie Sh,j ttuuie froma Fralae in Song. 40c. Voices r.r Pr"'. Ooapel of Joy, JSC Singing on Ihe Way, Vollrcl ioiimuf Smw for rrp ,.rit ,U.iciau,arW SONG CLASSICS, $1 00 SONG CLASSICS, ALTO, $1.00. FRANZ'S ALBUM OF SONGS, SZ.0Q. EJERULF'S " " 1.50. EVEREST'S " " tl.OO. CLASSIC TENOR SONGS, SUM). CLASSIC BASS SONGS, $1 00. CHOICE VOCAL DUETS, $1.25. M. V. WHITE'S ALBUM. $2,410. CHOICE SACRED SOLOS. I 25. , Minis far Social .S...i..i of tUe urU qilmHr iM tit - t -nli.v Knnere. 50c. : The same for fJnltiarsw Hi.l... SI I.: Minstrel Sone. a -v; ).: War Sunn, SO.-.; smerlcsn itatfaasBr oiie.VliB. ml Vocal Guitar A J Wasyv t.o.xl Old Songs We I neil t . lig. if- tatiun Honga, 30c. ,, Any boot lnauca lor rnao pr:8x-. COMPAM, Bosto OLIVER DITSjN y y v y 74vfr,tt SIGI.IIEADACS1E The nineteenth century dose of the year 1900. will end at' the CARTERS ITllTTL IflVE (nliivrlyriireil by llirsr l.llllr -in. Thev also relieve Dis tress from Dysliepsis.In- digeatioii and TooHearty Eatina. A cerfect rem edy for DiKziness.Nnttsea Drowsiness, Bad Tastrt In the Month. CoatedSJ Tonirue.Paiii In the Side roiieio tiivcu. rney reenlate tbe Bowels Purelv Vceetable. Price SK Cents, AHA U8lftEf'J!Stth5' . The l.argreet. am! nest. Kiptlpped School tLVar West. Thorough Practical DepartmaiiJL Send for College Journal. For two two-cent stamps we will send you one of the handsomest almanacs in the country. "Homestead," Omaha, Neb. There is no worse joke than a true one. 5. HAIIVRKT liXtTIHMONS. 5. Via the WABASH LINE to Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Tennessee, Mississippi and Louisiana at half kahb. Tickets will be sold August Cth and 20th, September 10th and 24th, and October Slh, good for 30 (lavs. Remember the Wabash is the quickest route south with elegant reclining chair and Pullman Buffet eleeping cars on all trains. For tickets and further infor mation cnll on or write 0. N. Clayton, N. W. P. Agent, 1502 Far- nura street, Omaha, Neb. The total lite insurance ol Johnstown victims amounted to $287,300. Itropay. We call the attention of those suffering with dropsy to the fair proposition ot Dr. H H. Green & Sons in their advertisement on this page. Try them; it costs you nothing to do so. Fifty colored men priesthood in lionie. . . CA1T3B MSWCniE CO., KSW YOiUL Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price, MiLJifvrLir.DC1 HUinLaAW V if3i din" LISslfcs DIMINISHES MOTHER Spll DUTCHER'S ST &r FLY KILLEE 5 Atakes a clean sweep. Krerwr sheet will kill a quart of Bieaw Ktops buxaina nrcini!d ear, diving at eyes, tickling jran nose, skips hard words imrt se cures peace at ti iflinj! e x pense. aeiid-i.lceiilaP.r.J alieetsto; t I) U TCll KH, 8t. A I bans, Tw-( IR O THEATKD FBEE.- Posltlvely Cwred with Veseuble Itew fsr, rjs..i IBS CPwLAB0R ISPAM.-cpTOUFEn,. LESS 1 niuik ' wiminiaji . Mil i nrn ill FOR THE OlD RELIABLE 1 LI are studying tor the .m.nU lie will mke arr " hl. t.ther at once pro- fsithtar Mild V.IS.U ... ., . ..,d one oi rini"""'" i . v hia time had conimw. jwnl) former supple lirn hatn notable to PAffle P"- EWt hl.l.-an Francaeo HpecittJ. "vihera Thry Weaken. Thotiuiiaityofpeoi'l-n r.looth is frequently sliowu pnwncoofd -ttt hta 1 ben ft wit. himself fairest, daughters . utll.. Hiatnr. amUrJiortl; !U. Amerlenn rl' "r"' Xational Stockman thinlta it is a mis- f 'Zhrbest French cone and flleveland .irown trotter or wHially Ittdiw. r - - -ith about in a mUmm --rj -f the ,n. Paul rior rrsss. .... vi.rescnt. lllO over in? or law .tl'0ltin" rov... ..., them Closely in , rcd nor i f a(lino.ollt typo B' i verv d ff" retit st,p. Ho is by breeding, oim y m ftr. trotter, an.l tl e co aci u to ,,, tirtcia l one in . im. . . adTun sbj. I'1;;1' 'horse, and there horse he a a cai r aM . Uma i, . uK Pd a class for 0ye horasim , &or.Cnb:ndwh.)ruu,yu.l lanH 1MU Use. Opporliinliy to visit O-.Irn and knit Luke l. Utah, or iHllcy. Idaho. A grand eicursion to the above named points will leave August 20th via The Un ion Pncific, "The Overland Route,' and for this occasion the exceedingly low rate of $30 00 to Ogden nnd Salt LakeCity and return' and $35.00 to ilailey, Idaho, ard return, has been made Irom Missouri river terminals. This cicursion affords our patrons a magnificent, opportunity to visit Garfield Beach on Great Salt Luke, the finest bath ; -o.nrr, in the world, and also visit Hailey Hot Springs, famous tor their me dicinal properties. Tickets good thirty ''"poi- further particulars address, B. L. LOMAX, G. P. A., Omuha, Neb. Tlie grape crop in the Luke Erie district promises to be a large one. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she waa a Child, c je cried tor Castoria, When she became Hiss, die citing to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave tiiera Castoria, I ICaawllaM se Out, anitaassl ' V I ' Jam a Soraas I S Have cured many thouaand eases.. Care panel Sronounced hopeless by the best physicians. Vn rstdoM symptoms rapidly disappear, aad lot days at least two-thirds of all symptoms are reaa. 4. Send for free book of teatlmonials of nilraewbi mis.. Ten dava treatment furnished free by aw ifyoil order trial, send lu cents in stamps t ar posua. oil it. a. uubkn a sons, aiuum. ts- tmA The oldest medicine in the world Is probably ; Dr. Isaac Thompson's Uelebrated f.vk watkI This article Is a carerully prepareu i nysiciaa -Kriptlon,and lias been in constant use nearly a e3wvy. CAUTION. The only genuine ThasavsMM-ai JBvwe atter has upon the white wrapper of each hotllw aa engraved portrait of the inventor. DR Isaac Tnoarmak with a facsimile of his signsture ; alw note ! naaCi aigneil John L. Thompson. Avoid all others. Theewe uiue Eye Water can he outalnej from all Druggmta, 10HN L.THOMPSON, SONS t CO., TROY, W. T. I prescribe and fully ems dorse Big ii as the only speciac for the certain curss of this disease. O. H.INORAHAM.M. !.. Amsterdam, N. Y. We have sold Big G foii many yeara, and it baa. given the best of salta faction. I). It. DYCHK A CO Chicago, 111. 81.00. Sold by Crugrista,. Rio Pecos Valley Southeastern New Mexico. Choice limew stone soil: abundance of pure water; a delight Oil climate all the year; almost continuous sun-' sbine; altitude 3.600 feet; healthleat locality in. the V. 8., no consumption, no malaria. So acreav will yield a competency. Write for particulars, naming tbia paper, to Peeoa Irrigation A la. vcettaeat Co., 84 aSouroe St., Cblcago, IU I1UC All 4C ItKVKLiCO FI.OKAl. SSaikWasVO l liUS, 1U l'l-tares, Itln CO, ng, 1 1 en. Samples, ace, iw. uss Mount Carmel, Cunn. at .oavsslari f IMSlIlM If atrSsalyeytka V Ivmbs ffaaailasl fia V cinMiiinati.arVMao TnaswaaaaSMawbrsI IRRIGATED LANDSt? stone soil; abundance of pure Plao't Bemedv for Catarrb Is Beat, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest. n u Sold by druggists or sent by mall. 50c. E. T. Hazeltlne, Warren, Pa. the ft 1ST J Diet. Elegant treatment. Ily 'The Honor. evn ic. siauip for Manual. Theo. Wing;, rinlnllelil. uuiin. SPIT How to lie.luce It. Full rail i : ASTHMA KIDDER'S PASTILLES.pH?,bi? Jownstown Horror! Our New Hook, The .lolinstow ii Horror or Valley of Heath, tlie inosr Hn-iuiiig iiook erta issucd. AOKNTS WANTKI) in every lowushraa. Terms 50 per cent. Oiitilu m cents. National iMaw Co., 818 Clsrk Street, Chicago. 111. Hf asjaj STUDY, noolt-keeping, Pcnmaiwftrpv. rwl EZ. Ailllnuetic. Shorthand, elc. tin miL'lilv langht by iiuiil. I.owrates. Circulars f teas.. UltY ANT'S COIJ.KUH. aljl .Main St, Buffalov N. T.. W. N. sioSSstduy. atiniples worm Is -lanes not under horses' Icet. Pater Safety Rein Holder Co. Wrne HoP that Ittlongi aa wfilL Tulrt, .th7wlTo.l th. av.r- .moI buman w. ItUa-"-"1 eaitieai ta aof The vessels of our navy will hereafter be painted white. . A- K. Grand Reunion of the Soldiers and Sai lorn ot Nebraska nt Kearney, August 12th to 17th, 1889. Tho committee, have se cured tor location the spacious grounds overlooking Lake Kearney, and the pro erniii, consisting ( I Sham Battles. Dress I'nrndes. Artillery llrills and Duels, and magnificent tl splay of Fireworks, will be I he most attractive ever offered. For this occasion The Union Pacific, "The Overland Rout" will soil tickets from all points on its lines in Nebraska, nt rate of One Fabe for the Round I rip. i, lull to altcud. For other informa tion apply to your nearest ticket Aient, or E. 'L. LOMAX, Gen'l Pass. Agt., tIMAUA, 1KU. The Cherokee Indians support over 100 public schools, with over 4.UUU pupus. It la easier to give ad v lea than to follow it. v. i. KZtt.r to be lnnoccit than to be penitent. . - , . tnnvsnn lfarllna.. M. Y.. says Hell's Catarrh Curs .tired s.,r Sold by Prstjlsta, T6. I 1 M kt,K T0UR 0ROCES fOR III -p COW BRAND 1 1 nODaMS-LERJTUS. 3 Wi Will buy sufficient Pearline to do a large wash, clean a house,, or enough of both to prove to any woman its wonderful dirt-removing and labor-saving qualities. Costs almost nothing, but makes, the dirt jump. Does it hurt the hands or clothing ? NO, it is harmless. Many millions of pack ages used every year no complaints, but many women write :: cannot get along without PEARLINE. Why? Because it is. the greatest invention of the age for washing and cleaning.. It is the modern soap. . . . . Peddlers and unscrupulous grocers are offeranjr imitar-. g i lfirvn lions which they claim to be Pearline. or "the utie a V J adli LllJi 1 Pearline." IT'S FALSE. PEAKMNF. is never peddle ua JAMES rVLB, New Ystka. " mmmm Aaw.iJi a - a. u am