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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1889)
f The Sioux Journal, JAH,H,ISO:tNr, ISTEB., AUG. 15, 1889. County TUP SIOL'X COUNTY , I pttcron, Proprietors, - WmUw to sub-, rib-fr Tup on miW.ption at Tut ' j -Wood take,, Ji i;.vu. i :! . ... time Tbl'. titiV. By., I'as-nger. I , i,ave Harrison at 10A" A. M. C4 IWnson at 2:31 P. M. -H fail t,. I .! .1. ' ne an , combination offer. antage of our Harrt-ou Market gutter. Mirv-.l-T-lo.. ."0 to 3. 0,.t, ,.rlWB.1.40 tVw. .t 100 B. V. Brtui. per 100 Ml. 10. Potatoes, ir l.u. !'0 , phui. r "' 0tl(W. r 1)11. ft. 50. Beans, per lu. f 1.00. -Summer a.i,) trimming, at enst. al Mi-. .,,,, i-.r -We want a immlie, ,,f load, of wo,,! on uU-r.,,t,n ut Tin: J..ri:NAi. (.flu x.i iiiwn properly l..r sde or r.-nt ' '"'al' I'.V V.'M. S H..M3AI M. lo not f.ul t .all ,, Tiik .loi if you want a e of printing done. U.n'1 forget that Tl!K J.h-ksu. i. .n-nl.Mlo;, kind. of job priming m a n.-at ami laty manner, on short notice. , If my & I'.illaiil havepienty loan on improvnl farm al ol unv II mi in -TV luil damaged (I. Outline' flax titm Toliiy evening. -TV fannen are busy putting up If auvl pvt 1in ready f'"- comfort next Lrn. (dinger had tin; misfortune to ti tram run aay with a hay raki ii4. Miwlav. Tin result was a Uully tafalized rake. Mr. and Mr. Frank Simon are hup Lw t!x arrival of a a bran n;w wife ...irlwiuw. un last Saturday. All f yi.mrernt arv lining well. -4 nut fail to onliT one of tlm-f WofSioux county Ix-fow tliey art H. II. Smith ban them Mr sod uVy are w ell worth the mom- lurone. -The hit are Iwing laid to ronnis- Bid's livery lurn with the city Wirork. This w ill I liiurh belter dM'rnhnn on a windmill to furnish K.nrv of water. AlE. Andrew lias two w win of antlers which he. will take rJihjii on liin return to liinghamtoii, J Y. TVy will '. highly ,r-X in Mr. totnV tsi.stern honm. 4ynK fnun the noij mado by the ikiit niL'lit eitU-r tlw l it v treasury is !tTmg a pood deal of money from tlic tetai of el the Uw u not Unite -f "Tr!lmnn? f Ihfl dogn inaken fit bsikxHIS. -Hi L J. SimnioiiH and Mrs. II. T. Utktiire nrMiiirl to hike euro of the kacbufall who mwd anylhinif in the ik arawmukinv and all order en- stoifolliem will rweive prornpt at- wwoaiKl wtistaclion cruarantMxi Liwlirii in lit! IU4.0CI ntine!in4 a Wttiecoiiritv lurk for a miw ial I ' IrilMnf ll....iml ,,ll ;i,v, Aug. 20, IHhu. The rail iwtkconsideration of the petition for itowtosell liquor in White River pre- to tnitiwict urn h oilier h"M- reiV t-roiM l iv come ln-fore the art. A eOOll KtAintr tl..u-u. ..It,.,! (I,,, Mify but Saturti :tv f-'Viininc nilil fill Buai-iy eveiiins the ,!, n-i.ited inift tlw ground w an well tnoistenotL pWbiJiOHrarswere aecomnaiiied hv a HW'lt tlllimlr un.l 1i,rl.l.,i.,.r :lll,l !fe'ultalluitUittirwa purified "ery one felt refreslK-il and invife'- nilllilier of exi ni-siniiiuls lire MtoUI,i i ' 4 .... ... .i i....... uuvunuije Ol lll i iit-it i tarvent exiurKioiiK. Would it not 1 Krl 111 fTf.t..ik h tl... .....1 ainull Ijl " II LI IV Hum lli iiiv. v lla tUttl I..II, t: . , . i. .1 'i riioux county VO uiem r Hut 1M. . .1 . ;Si to. incanx wlio luul not in- I -AlKltinif fVi.ninr .....I.:.... il. ,i.:.1 iln - h1 uUiRlllli low iiuivi 4... Wiu .... , . .. - iau.1, Yi'ttn, rtotue nan leu l U kliuwer Tuesday evening. At mit iK ,jUi Hi,ilH.H w,,re quite wttliere wo .but few of them. "Nelwalitie, a greater quantity of fj e" a'd did Home daimijro to prden """mimioiHirMc-tiiiilv infonni u ("""ii Jetixon i in bad hape. and rWtalktlat a ip,! of inutility Quired inU) ho tlwt if tlie vid-iw ''Rood cAtiuM tin ii tu.tit in the U1 fnr ...i...-. I. .;n 1 rutil iki....! II.. iu ti ( iifi;il - 'niiifiiiu "3 in 'tfto' l, time and with prOr iikhI- "Wrtiunhe miirtit vet tx-come a nan. Holmc has taken up a ie 'J1 U)I of miles from town and fe a iriwl .1 . L-... I:..:.... ( k.l mmn Ul ni living vi.. . m.i f -I. it iii iw IIIIHIVIUI M) UUIIIV. n ' liktlv 1 1.-1 . i ur --v li nuniner oi uio ' are holding down clainiH will - '"re uKy get a deed to Ineir 1 "II Iirove a Invfxtinellt for ib ttu. Ah. I Ul . ..I.. .u.,.l Ub -- "iw. rooux pouiiijf ! v Rood ptvperty to own ohliy of IlllilleV t tlie most r.'.i-iiialil- mti Sioux count v. it i.ii prmnre a of ('.,nlev li.-iilv & l'ollanl yon ian u- it oil' and procure a larger loan next jvar without mot. IteiueiiiVr Tiik Jul nxAi.i lulfr with almost any p;, r in tin' United state ami when ymi want any1!un hi tli" lim- ol miers or ri'Kln aN i all and st us and we an vive yon Mime inoni-v. r'iiil tli inline o! vn'ir lf:ei,d. in ilie liii-t who wi-h ti vis:t von. or win an - kiiiif iieiv h-at!nn. to .1. It. I! ( Iiannn, licit' 1 I'.!- ii-.t A,'' ii! of the Kremont, Klkhorn i Mi-Mi'in Vallcv It. II. t 'o., Omaha, N'cl.., In- mav send them tori relative to the (liie- I'are llarv.H F.xciirsioii," which incur Aue-iist I'.th and inth, S-,tcint-r 10th ami '.'I'll, and U t. "th. The Fremont. Elkhorn & Missouri Vallcv H. 1!. ami tl. Sioux fitv & I'acillc It. 1!. The Ni.rlli-iv.-.Tn Line." will m-iI tii I.ds from all stations on their luies at one fair for Ihe ronni! trip fur the National (i. A. K. Reimiuii at Milwaukee, Wis. Comrades mid otliers desirini; to char UT sis..-rs -hoiitd make their ant'itie- lllerits at once. Through coache. will run from important ta'iiiii to Milwau kee via Chii a-" w ithout change. Call on J. I'. Northrop, au't-n!, Ifarii m. or write to J. Ii. HiH'liaiiau. ' V A., Oinulia. Neh.. for further infurnia tion. The at the church last Friday avvidi' w u 'ended and ft pleas ant time was hy all presant. Thesi; N i..l (fatheriiiu't always create SjimhI fi.t-lins anions the ;ople. Mi-s. H. F. Thoiiiai has pun hasi-il tho rest.iuninl liu-iness of H- A. I'mldy and that jteiitlciian has taken his family out on his farm north of town. Mrs. Thomas will constantly keep on hand a supply of fresh white and brown bread, pie and cakes, and will serve warm meals at all hours. Hoarders taken by the day or week. -There is a enod d-.-al of talk Ik-Ii' in dulged in anions the business men in re-anit-. t!i.Mvat. r question. It is l( an exis-nse to k,s , up the supny water and the villap-is short of Muds ads.,meWay,.sso.lKhtoutof!l,e d,lli cultv. .Someaduxntelhe elmiffnh' " .tilers win. love not b"A 'l!s and ,,,i,,e here for water, so much ,r 1-ar-a-l. Thiswelshevewoul.ll-Mheworst .huihefK-stleof narrison could clo. If expect to have ,s,,ple locate with us and help build up the town a-,, ........tvwemus. make it as plex-aut fo then, as possible, and ,f tho Hetll-r lu louLninieoreaniiot aToi. o K down a well for the Int the to" ouKhttohclplumia every way llU" We do not believe there wouU ' anyo.,- !i r; Z the town for their wave, s..lrv ,:isu was stated to tla-m lf - tlK-y wei-ettsketltobiinh'a""'"" fir lumpin, na.,. In UhnK . new country it i- ,h' 1 . , w,,,.U together fur. he i.ole of the town . o ttiouB l'EI!S0AL. r S. II. Jones was at Crawford last Fri iv. The Misses Price left for tJie west Inst Monday. J. H. Cimk went down lh ron1 on business yesl(jxl;,y. Friiik Nutto. of Antelope, was in the oiinty seat on Tuesday B. Rosa, of the firm of Rosa & Tlionnv sm, is in Harrison this week. W. II. WVlnisr rami, f....o T,.A. ville hist Monday to attend a law suit. M. Ashenfelter was in II-.., -vi Tuesday making linal proof on his land. Miss ShalfiM- and Miss Seoore Wednesday for a visit Ru-hville." left on to friends at liios. neyeiijKirt.of White Kivor jire- iint.wasin Harrison on business Wednesday. :e 1 1. tH(ii . ... .1.. all w of tlie coum) "' ' , r ,,,,, i. would seem that "ll,Kr kUIIOOthb- 'I .... ..mmly the ciH'imistaiices a . ....a in the matter of olb- couliinei-""1:"" . .... .rU in a cer, salaries. 1.k or tonftli'furB711 "J, aili o i i ir the marshal is i- ;Bl;v,,r Z S - 'i.::i::l, ' itia,1 WOllllUliaHB-- " ,U";!.r : llihetwoinontbs ' ' . oirasion for a l"r,r: - tit the case of the two linn-,..., - . . i ie tin a th Kant h Hu'b " )(J lllurshalU-enawny... t() ; 2'"::''"7r the matter, vw i rh for C. K. Holmes leu yes II, in nfl Rushville to assist at the weakling of some of his friends. I). F. Mack, It. F. Williams and (ieo. Thayer, of Indian creek, were in Harri son 1he lirst of the week. B. B. Smith irnes to C'hailron this week lo look up tin- reconls with n view to making a map of Dawes county. ('apt. (!. W. Tool was in Harrison on Saturday. He is busy putting up hay al present and looks as il lamiing agreed w ith bin). Joe Powell, of Montrose, Was in Har rison Sunday and gave the lirst report of a heavy nun in that vicinity the even m'i liofore. A. W. Mohv called on last Saturday and added his name to our list, of readers an.! will in ft'l me receive Form AVins as a premium. -frs. P. N. Ib-atli, who has been visit- her sister, Mis. J. H. Cook, for some l irne ,i-,1. left on Wednesday lor lier home at t 'heyeuue. C. F.. P.lunt, of Badarc. was in Harri son on Wednesday and called at our of fice and enrolled himself among the readers of The EJ. 'Weir to liecn on Ilia sick list the past week, and is now conllned to his room. It is hoiied he will soon lie able to again be at his place of business, Conntv Commissioner Burke made a pleasant" call at Tme JouH-NAL heailipiar- lers last Saturday. He apriears lo nave the interests of Sioux county at heart. J. C. Crossley returned from Kearney . ... i n. ..I Tin: .Tifl-R- a fi.'W Uavs ago aim caneu on xai. ollice and gave us .some cash to np- .i ii, i,wriiitiiin of A. E. Cal- jll I'"- f'.eev . Iioun. t?..v. Skinner, formerly pastor of the M F. Church here, passed through Uar .. , ., ,i i,;., -.,, lo rison the lirst ol uie wee on ,n.s - Ohio, and stunned olf a day to shake hands with his old friends. A. E. Andrews, in company with Ins son, C. II. Andrews, made a pieah.uu. ... ii, is lii, e last Thurstlay ami oi- dered Tiik JofRXAi- sent to him at Ding- han.ptoii,N-Y.,for the ensuing year. Ii. Corbin, of Wichita, Kas., is here visiting his larents. Ins niotlier wii , . 1 ' 1,.,., f,ilMI1H(l !l ..Ir Mr. i ormri iJ.i- " ( Mi l IV no . i ,..,ilon ol' Sioux comity and con- lllJiJU W Mil'"" ;,nplateS coming here with his family to live. Nelson Pollard's new house is about ready for occupant')'- -Harvest is about all over and muin of the grain in the stack. last Monday the prel,mmai I.eari.ufintlHs.-aHeoftl.ehtaU vs. a so,. was la id Wore Es., Jones. Ihe rented hv auorney.s i-ase w.n i111""-- " , , , p lv and Holmes, w hile the J t i. defense were looueu a,. -j Westover and Hull. When the prosecu te rested the ease, a motion wa, inj ., . r in dismiss on a tecum1 - hv tlie ueieur. w , ily hut the motion was ove. r.oe,, , the court aiuline oou ''-., Jefendaiifs appearance ai u (.om.t On Tuesilay niorni..H . t' attorneys!" a rp i,. ,int in ltiP (Tiiiinf action in the eouiu.y -" " " .. . ,i. ,-ns'ut on liau laiieu u prue tliai. u'c t" . , . ,,. that the offense was committed in Sioux oiiuty. Theprosecuiionusse.. ... J ,;i.,ses to iirove that the Shad been raised and tho court is- ....i l.fra thev COllUi 1 nod tlieni an" , , wl.Ved the testimony of tl andoneofhisatlorneys was u ... t iiiit. and on their evidence alone fendaiit was released. It appears uta.H-.culiarruleofevide.HO to d,s prisoner on the evidence o hm, cnaigi.i'1 tho ir ,..,,1 his attoni'iy. J" f" v..-- lJoggy Hems. Wheat is cut and in the shock. Every body is making hay while the fine weather lasts. The saw mill is still cutting shingles and lumber. J. Bowser visited Robinson on the Bth. Mr. Cruse lias an increase in his laniily of a big boy. He came the 4th. . Bannen & Co. have bought the Lout zenhiser cluiii. About t00 was the price paid. I. Kendall will go to the Black Hills in a shert time with his mill. F. Jerold has a herder now. Jackson Kreisler and others have gone to the hills for work. Little Cottonwood. Staekintr "Tain is the onler of the day. L. D. Harmon is building an addition to his house. AVhat's the matter Dow? It seems your house ought to be large enough for one lonely bachelor. Sunday school is iii-oL're.ssinr (inelv in district No. 3. The attendance averag iii'r from 30 to 40. Aaron Telly is back from an extended visit to Iowa. Sneai-s and firove have cut 12 acres of rrain w ith their new Deering binder The shrill sound of the whistle from another saw mill mav now be heard to echo daily through the canyons of Little Cottonwood. This makes the third mill on Cottonwood, and all are kept busy Si.eeletlie lumber business thrives if other business is dull. THE New Road Will lead direct to the Ranch Supply house, Harrison, Nebraska, Without Change of Cars, -Where you will find the - Largest Stock of General Merchandise Smith Bros., OK TIIK ONLY K1UST CLASS LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE Wish to call the attention of the public to the fact that they are prepared to - furnish at reasonable rates ! First Class Rigs On short notice. A Dray Line Run in Connection. Iji he county, Jones Verity. We have recently strengthened the firm by the admission to part nership of Chas. E. Holmes, one of noeih west Nebraska's ablest law yers, who w ill pay special attention to l:l,V .mil land nr-attice. We shall continue to make the very best terms on farm loans, and invite all to confer with us before signing ap plications with other parties. If you need insurance on your build- in o'u Willi I. to start a contest, or make entry of government land, come and see us at the old cornet1. FARM LOANS. At Prices as Low as the lowest, No shoddy goods Every thing first class. No old stock New goods continually arriying. Call on us when in town and we will give you aiSQUARE DEAL WIEJIH, & CO. RANCH SUPPLY HOUSE, HARRISON, NEBRASKA. Here' New Store, WE HAVE A. New Goods, New Prices, COME AND SEE US. AND WE WANT YOU TO Will sell you goods for cash and save you money as the Following Prices Will show, C. H. Andrews & Co., 8, worth 10 8. " 10 -Dealers iu- Drugs, Paints, Brushes, Oils, 7, 121 60 40 m 16 10 1.25 Pacific robe prints, 5 to 6, worth 7 and 8 Charter Oak " 5 to 6, worth 7 and 8 Old Time Simpson satin finish prints Simpson linen finish prints Extra w ide German prints Turkey red Damask Turkey red Damask Summer dress goods Lnported sateeus Fine Victoria lawn Fine lace curtains Fine Turkish bath towles, per pair, - - io- Summer veiling 15 to 20 worth 25 and 35 15 pounds bestt Turkish prunes, 15 ' 15 ' $1 00 10. W 75 50 20 20 15 2.00 full-grain rice full-ring evaporated apples the best 0 eYaporatedpeeled Cal- fornia peaches 6 Vi evaporatedjelly-cured apricots 81 pounds granulated sugar H '.' C sugar 24 bars of Union soap 3 one-gallon cans apples 12 pounds gloss starch 3 caps of corn for 3 cans of tomatoes for 25c 25c -AND- paidtlmn." - nPB U um " J . Masu o r t "S-H "UKteds until the dh- ,liewlKha otwr p thu 1Mttl 1,1, y w . -uhUl'r! ne. A new M f, wi 1 occur between t no mom i. --- . . to w uonu. - . i niore troiimiu v,1.1 " w . .....,tn i nuvlJ.n,nnl"11 ' , Wl U MS Fine Toilet Goods, STATIONERY & PERFUMES. BEST CIGARS m ino- - - - 27wortIi35 AND OTHER THINGS AT pROPORTJONATE.PRICES. We have a large and complete stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, SJfoes,. and, In fact, Every thing usually kept in a gen eral store. Rosa & Thompson. I tLAELRlSQN NEBRASK h V '4 ' nmrs to us i"'"';- Vy U tltla ttjp u' , ' '.''jiW'"' i V i ri , t ir , i . ?l -I i- s V'- ,