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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 10, 1889)
Farmers, Merchants! Stockmen! EVERYBODY! Do you want to see the county set tled and the val ue of your proper ty increased? Do you favor an economical admin istration of county affaire? boot & shoe maker . - . FIRST CLASS OOOIS At REASONABLE PRICES. First door north of Bank of Hornsea. C, F. romx. 8. E. Brttstes, President Vice. Pres. CIIAS. C. JAMESON, Oshieir. Commercial Bank. DiOORFOHATED. A. General Banking Business 03ST LIBERAL TEBMS Harrison.f 1 i 'i Jones & Verity, The Sioux County Journal. HI 1 ' Pul Ii-hwl every inursuay. S-iWrjtion Frit. ?2.00 XT. E. I'altrron - rdilor nU rrop. Filtered at tlx? fMo!!ii a). Harrison !l StX'OnU CMS llliliuri. Harrison I!rd (Tirade. Do you favor a "FAIR vote and HONEST count?" . Do you believe in justice? r yn ttat you have been robbed fcj the corruption of county officials? lo you want the EEST LO;AL PA PER in the county? If so, then subsc ribe for TR ANSA7TE ).- Harrison Market. Butler, 20c. poultry, per doz. fM to f3. Oats, per 100 It. l.OO to 1.10. Torn, per 100 lb f MO. Bran, pe r 100 Jl. H.IO. Feed, clipped, i r 100 B, f J.40. Potatoes, per bu. Sorghum, per gal. 50f, Onions, ptr lu. $1.00. Beans, per bu. $2.00. HaRRISOS, C. H. Andrews & Co., Scalers in- Drugs, Paints, Brushes, Oils, -AN j- THE Sioux County Fine Toilet Goods, STATIONERY & PERFUMES. BEST CIGARS ix the :;;ty. J J Our Chililiing List Jiicoh Marking was in town Tuesday. Ilenrv Bruiididge and wife were in town yesterday. M'ss ITenrv. of the Harrison house, is Nebraska. visitinir lit her home in the valley. Win. ( hrislenscn has moved his hard ware stock from Crawford to ( hadron. El as (J. Fisk is visiting his iarents at Tr'p, I nknta. lie 1 ft litre last Tuesday. Mr. Williams reports that he has Mr. Hester's well dow n 27 a ft I and no wa- i'Tyt-t ( has. Bifid? li ft for his former home in Iowa on hist Tuesday, on a sev eral weeks business trip. Mr. A. W. fv attergood, of A'nsworth, is lu re visiting his old time friend and la-ismale, S. II. Junes. Mr. Tli'imas 1 unn is able to le nloutj :iin after several weeks confinement caused by a 1 rokm leg. The horse power at t lie Novclt v Works proved inadetpiate Vi the bisk and a lar- r one lias u-cn secured. James Sl.itt.-rv was in town yesterday making calls on his mim rous friends and attending to business matters. There w ill lie a dance und oyster sumier at the Boggy school house on Wednes day evening, Jan. 1 5th. All inviL-tb a.t. Mi rrilitld left these twits last week ami lias as vet failed to disclose , to any of the parties here who are inter ested, his whcrealxnits. Mr. Alfred Bartow, a leading jnttorney of the luulron I nr. was in Iuimm Monday and Tuesday attending to some- legal business Utore the ..ounty ouit. Jean Bigcow, who was so unfortu nate as to have his leg broken by Wing throw n out .f a wagon by a runaway team several weeks ago, is now able t 1 up aided by a crutch. . On Tuesday morning the wind hud dled toirethcr nil lilt (lmil in It.. The cit'rt ns cf Harrison imd vtcinty t ..I T..,ub Jt V.'i; nt!lt-A hist III ri v ... w Thursday evening nnd organitd a hosird of trnile, witn tne it now ing 'iutt-rs: l H v r t v. i rtitb nt: C. IL Wclh r Vice Prtsdt iit J. C. Northrop, Treasur r.A. J B-tliuj k. Recorbng rxs rctary IL T. ( 'onley. Corresponding ,Sert-tary. Tlie oflict-n to le the exectutive com mittee of tlie Btwrd of Trade. Messrs SI norland, Patterson and Junes were cits Ud to at t as assistant corivsrs mding so rebiries. Messr Bal- tocknnd tmley were njipoinled to drift constitution and by la and nxrt nt next meeting and the meeting adjourned to meet again Saturday evening. Hoard met Siturday even'ng pursu ant to adjournment anil adopted consti tution and by-laws. The Secretary n jsirtnl a mi niUrsh'p of over 5ft and hi II increasing. Busntss matter of ltiut- al important e w re talktd over and tlx." meeting adjourned to meet again in one wick. Much good t an undoubtedly be ntvom-pli-Jn-d toward hastening the M-ttlimr no of the country ami wc think (lie right stt jw are Ifing taken. A 10. 000 edition of a mx column folio, dew riding tin country, will I issiitd alout the In of next month, "t is only net esrary to li t -c le know what a tine conn try this is to set ure immigration by the hundreds. OF HAW Harrison, Trnmactii a general h. ANj . loans Honey on V u.u e N ff A A Is -ompk-t and totiij rises every news- ! I1''!1 r- i'ipane or of note in Hie tinted Slates. We can rave you from 10 to 23 per cent on a large major ity of pul ben lions, come nnd see our clubbing prices and note how much eiiiiryouean get your papers and magazines by dubbing them with the JOfHNAL. IlavW iieighUali'xxl and tried to have a snow t from Unit fat Tlic addition to (iriswidd's re Is nearly completed. We at know It dgo a Lxntlenimilv call from Mr. Buir ollee. da Smith i JU:io sick withsoine-th-'ng like the mountain fever. We are j It nsed to at know ledge a p-n-tlemanly tall from thrte of the I unn Bros. Sioux courty is hooked for two terms of the is-tri. t ' ourt in 19. May 27th, and S. pteinUr Hth. fii hool conimenecsl again Monday morning nnd now the lhirrison stei-s are busy agam. A tomjnny of ra lircid mrvevors nre nt work at tho deiK.t but their inter. t:ons are ( us unknown. Mr. M J. f iityhart. of the firm a fbihnrt& Son, f Mmtrte. i tow n on Sat unlay nnd Sunday. II. T. ' on ley has leen Aornewlutt in. di,pt.setl forsev.ral weeks and confined to ii s room n part of the time. M ss Jcnn-c Hunt paused through Har rison Tuesday enroute to her home. She jti-t completed a term of hcWd on White river. The I b rirvenU rfninm.-nt last evening was well an, ,, 1.1 and enjovtd by all. Anoth.rotK. will 1 held in two "w.i ks NORTHWESTER First-Class in Even FRANK SIMONS - Thii Hotel haji luxn fitted tip rt-nrtllesnof tjs. To the coitifort and convenicme i he and jnirmancotin Best Accommodalions i UXSURPA-SSE.) IN HOME LIKE AI'POiNTM TABLE -TirE At l L The People's PAPER. If you haw it now subscribe again and end a copy to gome relative or friend d they may U toduoed to come and eUl here. Our oomspondenU are now more nu merous than ever and items from all ettled ports of the county will be had vnht.intly. If you do not want it a year try it for three month. Basptctrull, W EL PARSSOir, Proji "'" recievwi specuu prices oft nur- serypt.-k grow n at Sioux City, Iowa nyfl wishing to further inlroduceV the KiiKiier of fi-,,:c ; .... i .-i i . 1 i "i ui viuuuije COU1VV, J,.!,, t ... I I ; .1 , . i 'u"u; i;k mieiwui mim eu pneks. :ie same to bolj good unt.l March 101 j" 1HW9. Apple trees, :? to 4 ft, per 100 'berry " 3 to 4 It " " Plum :i ti 4 It " " (,'oncord gni-s, tt Riisptrl, ", ' Str;iw lurries, 't All other kinds of li u.t nnd equally cheap. Forest trees of nnv ,W on at prie s lower than ever Wore in Sioux county. All nto. k to Ihj in Kood t ond.t on wli. n . . a and true to name. Your ratromi.. i- respet tfully solicited. Tuos, Reidt. u stji-m but it was a failure. Two hour later a man drove into town wearing a ttravv hat. The Board of Supt rvisors met Tuesday aad rt I.eved Mr. Klein of roU-s ond plactd them upon Mr. Morns, and tr.insiU.--d a large amount of other business. Full prouced.ngs Will U. pui,. l.shed next week. " There was a dance at 1 1cm U-clings, onS,uawrtk,Tuesdiiy night, K.rJ alsut twenty couple were present and enjoyed tlienis. 1 ,es unt.l morning. A sj lend d uupir w as nrt imreil and ox: rv. one present st.-enud able to do justice to a sti mi re nu nl. f 10.00 ... . ' v W. flretrer's Ch,-:Ktm u.i.c oecu a i.uie now i.ut it came ilmriy f lbd to the I rim with marly n ,lov..n l;rr. . i.- , . " "eieiii kiiio oi nuis, seeds, a I ne leather cartridge, and pountls of genuine "hmg green" Macco. .t all came from a nephew in Misuri. Yesterd.ty at three o'clock the case of ri.iw vh: Jliiiioney was calletL By agreement of both parties only tlle t.vl. dune of Mr. Murnliv was in(rr.l,...,.,t ,.,i the Judge found Mahoney guilty of the 1 . . . . .a.e,.u uneti mm ten dollarn and costs. The defendant immediately op. pealetlthecaseaudliy givmg bonds of $200 was again get at liberty. The case of C. L. Columbia, ts: M. 8covile was called in lh i v.,mi, . etiun on Monday, A. Bartow, attorney for de fendant, filed a special appearance, ob jecting to return of officer. The Court lauea to pass unon the w-;,l ante, and U case wan continued J 40.00 So. 00 -7.00 3.00 3 00 2.00 shrubs inm. l- ..l: l mniii "f"i"Vrr"T- m , nunuel to iUa.,.c.-uiu'KLXaXVT; r : 7 '," . . nl,n and , -... CTU,ver, iiucastj waj mi ARCHITECTS & BUILOtRO H Edition cf 8cleBliCo Anerlctn. O I . ,4-i.. V The meml- rs of the cornt t band have organ-zed t'- ids. Ives into a Ms k com pany and j repose to run the thing on biisint ss j riiu iples. " Thos. 1,1,,. ,-ttumed fiitiiHuy even ing rmm nnt th. r two weeks tr'p' among the honest grangers, st Iling fnbt In esat lialf the price, and his Mock is Al. Sheriil ITot had order to catch a bird on the- tb.wn tra n Saturdav bllt it bltll (l,.,er, 4 " . . " " n onian 111(1 Mo, n seveml h..n,lr,d dollars at rnr tIflt Kv nnd wok s.ip,ysc.l to be nboarf the t:nn. Mr. J-'i'-obMarknig will give a genuine Oennan Ball on Monday en-ng' Mar l, 4 th, to which oil awinviteel who w,l U gcntleniiMily, ,l t ihemwlv,, :, gentlemen 1. Mr wilMlp fl,r. mshHltheneMs. V, ,hUm. a,A a gtKsl fine is sure to I bad IT...-Q , .. i- ....... " " ' v.s.tng you? Are you or any of tl.. r ..." ... "oiuiv t:r nt'it.i-.. fc...cwyr.navist? Areanv , t H, sit L? i " , " ' any lit ws you -- j our. If r r.eiKhl ors. .. .. , M nnat on that jou think our readers would le inter ostH in knowing? f so wr,, it, it - tu.uwjoiT.SALsow. ean pul. TllO nrfi. I.. : .1 - - ...iiiic LOti tltrrn.,. i..... , ,., , , -hJ IM'IIIS li,l week rt femng to U sUeUnn-nt made by both tlie It..-. I I 1 n v Co, n,(.. i"t the I'uiuuuvH in i J -...uu.iung u, m ar o,, weak year round: B. i.,.i . . author ttisavtl.,. v. . l"e rt'itrnv,,,,ui,,'t the -.. u,i ncpuniiavn who had so "".v mineaa tlic pcoi t,. a wit,.., 4- . ... HARRISON EGGERT ROHWEft, rro1nctor, Special Attention to Trade. FEE J STABLE LN CUXxH 'ikon the the 4 for hearing on Tuesday the 2nd o7 Z. fl T1 .of Ue men of ry. , "V "ampiontd by , i lmTIZ.'STrriV' - nimi i Tl.i . . . ' "ic-rn. 7 tt5T?lr.--rW.- : in the "'nty court l..,. I " 1 V,r',nia lt nX one III 1 I U Pl'llW'.':' Wi ' wa "'ntinucd until Tuv i.. ..-1 I mir Indt, Uj!aW":: Tl jury was not uh! in order to exne- A.. ,i -Tt UlAUmk. C- tlite matter rnJ II... . . . " war.. a d.- TRADE MARKS. rusiit nsMia u SMMKtn, , r ll.ta V. .. A . , . . H.w uiniuinirnn i ut i.iun ... a. , .. . , v" wiea Iks- ftmMlK. judge, lhe cane waH very .bly prntolonboth mAm, and the court founder the plaintiff. Motion for an appeal was AM by the oVfencknU, and UHiqution,, Uw be pumi upo. b, UM i, Court. this Unre- r'ritlay of Vlr- Mm. riost Koush, of ,ur"""y Hm Roxie A toa-We, J. F. Pf ost's Lif And Sale HARRISON Rigs Furnished With Driven Ranges of the cl Special atteaUo paid tt ' I Pannoro, lmxni(rraiits( niurf LT ' mw w which Lew r 7 s ; - AS, I '' ..V y"i ' . "i.v 'i