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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1889)
ioux County Journal, HRKISOliT, 1TBB., JAJST. 17, 1889. 3STO. 18 i I. f FUTURE. 1 RE. CARBED471RE xl a Big - Lowest Prices K) TO 1IS170L D'S. I wire CHEAP. I have just received a f it now. Your for business, i D. H. GRISWOLD. CAR not do Better UPPLY HOUSE t Goods, Groceries, Flour, Feed &c. T and DOST from ; Reasonable i leeI io every particular, . is quality of Goods. I r nerat office F. C, SurewreK, Secretary. "ALO OiAP; DAKOTA, ) P LUTJBER CO.. -Dealers in joal, Gram, Lath aji SMngles.. Doors Plaster, me COMPLETE STOCK Di OK' HAND THE SIOUX COUKTY J"OTJRlsr-A.Ii W. E. Pattrrsea, Proprietor. C0MMI8NI0SER PBOf EEMXJK. Harbison, Nea, Jax. 8, 1889. Board met in regular session. Full Board . present, also ex-comnuseioner Klein and clerk. And now conies Henrv C. Hunter be fore tlie board and state that- he ja il legally assessed for school tax on- the following real estate, for the year 1848, viz: South-west quarter of Sec. 23, Tp.1 83, R. 54; $3.32. North lialf of tlie N. E. quarter of Sec. 56, Tp. 33, R. 54; $1.67. S. E. quarter of Sec. S3, Tp. 33, R. 54; $3.32. W. lialf ofS. W. quarter of Sec. 12, Tp. 83, R. 54; . N. E. quar ter of N. E. quarter of Sec 14, Tp. 33, R. 54; $2.51. S. E. quarter of N. E. quar ter and E. half of S. E. quarter of Sec. 26, and "N. E. quarter of N. E. quarter of Sec 35, Tp33, R. 54; $3.34. N. W. quarter of Sec. 26, Tp. 33, R. 54; and personal property amounting to $20.91. Total, $38.41. Tlie same having been returned by the assessor as being in Five Points precinct, and in school district No. 14. He claiming the above proper ty is not within the boundaries of said school district and is therefore not sub jected to tlie above tax. After counsel ing witli the county superintendent, the lioard is satisfied that the above state ment of H. C. Hunter is correct, and said Hunter having paid to the county treasurer the above amount, it is order ed tliat the clerk draw an order in favor of 1L C. Hunter, on the county treasur er for tlie above amount, treasurer to charge it to school district No. 14. Also apeared Samuel B. Co free and stated to the board that he is assess ed for the year 1888, on N. W- quarter of S. E. quarter, and W. lialf of N. E. quarter of Sec 27, and S. W. quarter of S. E. quarter Sec. 22. Tp. 33 R. 54, for school tax in school district No 14, in the sum of $3.54, and claiming that tlie above land is not within the boundaries of said school district and asks that he be relieved from said tax. After ascer taining that the above statements are correct the board ordered that the county treasurer strike the tax from the list. ......... . - And now comes before the board Chas. D. Plimpton and asks that the board re consider their action taken April 13, 1888, in regard to damages allowed him on account of the location of road No. 4. At tliat time the board was informed that said Plimpton did not reside upon the land and liad no improvements there on, and there being no evidence that he in tended to claim the land, and no damages were allowed to him on account of the location of said road, And said Plimpton filed with the clerk a notice of his inten tions to appeal the matter in the Dis trict Court. Now the board finds- tliat he has perfected his claim to said land, and it appears in justice tliat he should be allowed damages on account of the location of said road. Therefore the boa r4- rescinds its action of April lit, KW8t- taken in, the premises and allowed said Chas. D. Plimpton $50 as damages on account of the location of said road over and across his pre-emption. Tlie amount being allowed on the general fund. H. T. Zerbe made an estimate of work and material for court house in favor of Murphy & Whitney in tlie sum of $2,000. The Board ordered an order to be drawn on court house fund in favor of Murphy A Whitney in the sum of $1,700. being 85 per cent of said estimate. On Motion it was agreed to allow tlie County Superintendend the sum of $5. per day for each and every day he is nec essarily engaged in the duties of his of fice for the year 1889. Onmotion tlie County Clerk was al lowed $400 per year, payable quarterly, for services as clerk for Commissioners, and $700 per year for one deputy as pro vided by Statutes. F. E. Caffee complaining to the Board that he was assessed in Montrose pre cinct for tlie year 1888 on personal prop erty consisting of 200 head of horses at flw rate of $20 per head, which is in ex cess of the actual valuation of the same, and the Board, being satisfied that such is the case, it was ordered that tlie County Treasurer reduce on the tax list the valuation of said assessment to $8,208. S. B. Coffee appeared before the Board and states that the 8. W. quarter of the 8. K. quarter and E. half, of 8. E. quar ter of Sec. 87, and N. W. quarter of N, E. quarter, Sec. 84, Tp. 88, R. 34, was assessed in the sum of $3.23 for school, tax in school district No. 14, and that the said tract of land is not within the boundaries of said school district The Board being satisfied that such is the ease and that the said assessment is in error, it is ordered that the Cotmty Treasurer strike said tax from toe Hit.' The following estimates for 1889 2,500 200 700 2,500 150 3,000 3,000 3,000 Total, $17,550 Tlie Clerk was instructed to make a requisition on State Auditor for tlie nec essary revenue blanks and books for the year 1889, for tlie use of the county. The following official bonds were ex amined and approved: K. D. Sattertee county attorney, H. S.. Parkes, "constable Cottonwood precinct. I - A. E. Sliay, assessor Cottonwood pre cinct. John Mcintosh, road overseer White River precinct. - Joseph Decker, assessor White river precinct. John Serres, assessor Five Points pre cinct. Julian B. Burke, assessor Bodarc pre cinct. , Leopold DeBuck, road overseer Bo darc road district J. W. Pratt, road overseer Andrews road district John I. Tucker, assessor Andrews pre cinct. , E. J. Wilcox, rood overseer War Bon net road district. Chas. Davenport, assessor War Bonnet precinct. Peter Boffer, constable Montrose pre cinct. M. D. Jordon, justice of the peace Montrose precinct. John DeBeno, assessor Montrose pre cinct. Carlton Knott, assessor Hat Creek pre cinct. . . D. W, Woody, justice of the peace Hat creek precinct. Tlieodore Trimbur, assessor Bowen , precinct. John C. L. Rngland, road overseer An telope precinct. S. R. Storey, assessor Antelope pre :,, cinct. I Tlie following claims were examined and allowed: Gibson, Miller & Richardson, tax sale book - ' - - - f-OO Gibson, Miller A Richardson, jury and witness-docket - - 17.50 Walter Pitt, road work - - 10.00 Gibson, Miller A Richardson, blot'rs 1.50 W. H. Johnson, road work - 2.00 Isaac Kendall, road overseer - 18.00 J. J. Rodgein, " ' and ex tra labor .... 35.00 Thos. Holly, road overseer - 30.00 T. Trimbur, constable fees - 14.75 John Thornton, scraper - - 18.00 D. P. Davis, road overseer - 19.00 C. C. Jameson, salary A office exp.115.00 Herald Publishing Co., printing 117,69 E. D. Satterlee, salary - - 125.00 Tlie following claims allowed on spec ial bridge fund and warrants ordered drawn: Isaac Kendall, bridge plank - $12.00 A. McCauley, bridge plank and material and building - - 57.00 A petition having been filed asking the division of Cottonwood road district, it was resolved that the district be divided, the following described territory to com prise the new road ristrict to be known as Cottonwood rood district No. 2: viz: the east half of Tp. 33, R. 53, and See's 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 12, 22, 23 and 24, in Tp, 82, R. 53. On motion Geo. M. Burson was appointed road overseer. Petition of W. O. Patterson, S. R. Storey and others, asking that a road be established, to commence at the north east corner of Sec. 8, Tp. 84, R. 56, thence south on section line between See's 17 and 18, 19, 20, 29 and 30, to con nect with road established on section line between See's 29 and 30. The right of way being given, the same was ordered opened and declared a public highway. The Board heard protests and propos als from land owners over whose land the proposed road No. now adver tised, and it was resolved that the Board view the proposed routes before taking final action in the premises. Report of fees as follows received by County Clerk( examined and ordered placed on records Received during quarter ending - $270.15 ending 814.20 ending 828.55 ending 441.76 March 81, 1888, - Received during quarter June 80, 1888, - Received during quarter Sept. 80, 1888, - - Received during quarter Dec. 81, 1888, - Total, $1854.66 In this is included all fees, salaries and allowance for extra work on assessment books, also fees as clerk of District Court , Clerk instructed to order from P. Boy er A Co, of Omaha two vault doors to be as repreeented in cut No. 8, as sub mitted, to be delivered at Harrison- for $lt0 each; to bs itsea in court-house. P. Salaries, Stationery, Printing, Office fees, ' Rent, - -, . Bridges and roads, Indebtedness, Otlier expenses, . On motion G. Binders was appointed road overseer of Montrose rord district Adjourned to meet February 1, 1889. ( has. C. Jauron, Clerk. t frhool Rtaert, District No. 4. Sioux Co. Nebraska. For the month begining December 17, 1888, and ending January 10, 1889. No. of days taught, 18. No. of pupils enrolled, 16. Average daily attendance, 13. Pupils neither absent nor tardy! Eliza Effie and Mary Tally. Pupils not absent but tardy, Delia Dora and Ida Spears. Chas. Grove, Teacher, Little Cottonwood. Every body busy logging and hauling wood. A social hop at Mr. Tids the otlier night and a lively time reported. W. D. Craner has returned from his Omaha trip. '" Miss Hattie Carey is superintending the cusine department at the mill this week. s ;, "Compulsory education is wrong and unpractical;" so said the judges at the debate at Pine Tup last Saturday night Special Offer. For the next three months we expect to publish a great number of letters written by parties here relative to the country and its many advantages for successful farming and stock raising, and if you are interested in having your friends back east know just how good a country this is, subscribe for the Jour nal and have it sent to them. For this purpose we propose to donate lialf and will send the paper at half price to non residents for the next three months. Remember; only one dollar will send the Journal to your friend for a year; fifty cents for six months and twenty-five cents for three months. Do this and assist in giving Sioux county a genuine boom. Will Yon do It? We want a hundred letters, testimo nials, from parties living in this county, telling how well they are pleased with the country and why. All can say a lit tle if they only try. Write a letter for the Journal and at the same time 'send us the names of friends in the east and south whom you think might be persua ded to migrate to this country of free homes and healthy climate: and we will send them a copy of the paper free. Now isn't this fair? We want to send out sev eral quires each week of these sample copies, so send us names anyone who wish and we will send them a copy of the paper. Be careful to write tlie names and address plainly. Write and tell your reasons for think ing that this is a better country than where you came from and why you ad vise friends to come here. Tell of the crops you have raised or seen raised, of the climate, the people, how healthy it is, how cheap you can live, the cheap ness of lumber, wood, hay, vegetables, and all about it. If you don't write send us a few names and if we have the papers to spare will send them copies containing letters of your friends and neighbors. (Jramercy Items. Ed. Journal: As I have noticed there- was no corres pondence from here, I thought a few items from here might be of interest to some of your readers. Philip Dunn returned home from Col orado last Thursday. George Davis has located near tlie head of Antelope, - Al. Lawler went to Crawford one day last week. Wilber F. Shepherd has built a tog house on his homestead and is now busy hauling logs to build on his fathers claim. The Leeling Bros, have five teams hauling logs, poles and posts from' Squaw Creek canyon. Tom Dunn, who has been cou fined to his bed for the past two months with a broken leg, is able to be around on crutches. -- Lum Crane is holding down his claim also is James Farnam, both on Squaw creek. "A bachelor carries the sway.'V Will Shepherd mourns the loss of two fat turkeys. They disappeared on or about the first of the new year. He has the sympathy of the entire community in his great loss. There was a dance at Clem Leelirigs last Tuesday evening, at which every pody bad a good time tripping the light fantastic until the "wee hours of tlie morn." Leonard Dout was therer ac ompanied by a spring seat and spring ohJcken. Geo. Turner,- our accommodating P. fcvisMlHr14asever.' L. O. HULL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. HARBISON, NEB. GEORGE WALKER, ATTORNEY-AT LA W. Will practice before all courts and the United States land office. Business entrusted to my care will re ceive prompt attention. HARRISON, - - NEB. H. T.CONLEY, Attoratr-st-Law. Wilt practice in all State and Federal courts, and United States Land office. Pre-emption and timber culture filings made. Contents eoitiated, prosecuted or de fended. Office on Main street, Hahkkok, Nebraska. - B. F. THOMAS, - AND GENERAL LAND AGENT OF FIFTEEN YEARS EXPERIENCE. Is well acquainted with the U. S. land laws and rulings of this department. Keeps plats of Sioux county and eastern Wyoming, and has done work from Cliadron to the Laramie plains, and from North Platte to the i'akot line. He fur nishes good entertainment to visitors and immigrants in this the most wonderful corner of Nebraska, 8 miles north west of Harrison. Have 640 acres of the best winter pasture to let. , THE- HARR1S0TI NOVELTY V'i'KS. AH kinds of Wood &Iron Work SATISFACTORILY DONE New and Improved Machinery is Con stantly being added'. I RESPECTFULLY Solicit Your Patronage. C. L. TUBBS, PrV VL 11 Oamekc THE- PIONEER MERCHANT -OF- Is alway ready, assisted'oy nisgnial; clerk, Mr thorna Reidy, to wait u))on' thffif tnnnY cttstlomofs with a c6mtm stock fU FAMJLT SUPPLIES. 0ry OBbofcaarf' SHouev Grortes, ijueeiurwaai V9r Feed Ac. efc., atf lowest Bed Rods; Prices. hv tarn a m Boyer ACa to ieTwrrnfrfott ame jHrVHna5Wr' ' dd convinces. - U f ', .5- u'l r Vvt' i.i ' a "fV." 7 l 7T o