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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1889)
Sioux County Journal. 1 IIA3?,E,IS015r, 3STE3B., J"-A2J 3, 1889. 2STO. 16 r, 2B. HIE jnd the will re- to t Federal ,ffice.' r J filings vi or de- SdfanltW t 'EN E. .8. liind Jrtment. Is I from " from Jm fur in imil , Hfcrfiil 1 west . , M lst A i'w mi it- 1r f h to le. t 1 e ii h V, i II Ski I'll Akr' ,s. i I THE 8 OUX COUNTY : O W. E. Pattroa, Propria tor. t With tlie dose of the old year we have perfected nrrangemtnts whereby we as sume, wiith this number, entire !ontrol and ownership of the Journal and in ac cordance with our convictions on Na tional topics, will present our readers lerenfter witli an Independent Republ ican paper. We shall contnue to show up oflicial rottenness as in the past, without fear or favor, whether tlie crucial he Rcpubli- ioofitis, it was imj.osMhle not to notice , i , (,,....,, the change that recently came over him. can, I tmocrat, or Mugwump. n - J From the light hearted and sometimes Our object in running a newspaper is, ! . ,)e ed to have deveJoed, without a single THE MYSTERIOUS "AGESCT." Everyone who lives or has ever been in the little village of .Yatesville knows liarley Hrown; not tliat lie has any striking peculiarities of miud or of body, but his warm genial nature makes him a favorite with all. t liarley is studying medicine and not long since left his village home to attend a course of lectures in tlie city of C. t is here I became acquainted with him and here that the strange circum stances I am about to relate, or ratlier 'barley's body's portion of Idem, (if this tale be true) took pl.v-e. Being thrown considerably into his company, and often visiting him at his tlie La- first ti rjsuparvtJ our srniw'iit shat tered Mock of ready cash, cecond; to work to the good of the Republican par tv; nnd third and l:t-t but by no means least, the improvenient and setti ng up of our county and upbuilding of town, in whose successful future have unliounded confidence. To our many emoe rat and Union )or friends who have so generously as- i sisted us in the past we return thanks and hope that the change now made may le no bar to our future friendship and trust that we may work togt-tlu r in the future for the furtherance of justice as in the past. Ri lieving that our course in the past has I ee n mu h as to merit your confidence nnd pi rnl nticn, nnd hoping that our future a t orn will tnti tille us to a continuance of the fame, I am Yours Most Respec tl'ully, W. E. Pattepk)N. gradation, into a staid, dignified investi gator into the mysteries of Materia Meeli ca; in fact ever3'thing ejse was forgot ten: the learned lei tyres on anatomy were neglected, and even the mysteries of the dissecting room itself ceaiicd to have any charms. men wnv is it not possilile to temporan- Iv separate tlie two, and for tlie reason for the time teing to soar above earthly things, or rattier to direct its self to any place upon this earth, in a mo ment, as from its immaterial nature it is surely able to ilo it once freed from this incumlering liody." " n thinking over this matter the thought took possession of me, that if some agent could lie found that would accomplish this separation and still leave the body capable of being filled with some other intelligence, how great the value of the secret would lie in this age ijof rushing business transactions. For .instance: I have a business acuuain- Itance in New Orleans who has some par ticularly private busines in this" city to transact and I am desirous of going y there for a short time. By taking a dosarl of this discovery of mine (for I was su-1 eessful in my researches,) carefully prta-l jiared with reference to the length of .'time he jircposes to (-penel in this city, lie is at once released from the trammels .of distance, and arriving here he takes pos session of my body and gees about his business, his reason identifying itself by' .certain signs Unit have been agreed on. IIIIM ICIM I IVJ Villi, IIII.-I.T nnuii 1 ,. ., , ...... , , , ,, , - , ,, ,. , ;AII the possibilities of the discovery can was caled a way from the cit v. and con-1 1 J seciiently harlie and his affairs, on a business trip south, whirl), through com plications, elongated int) about six weeks duration. On my return late- one evening, I had hardly got settled down to a comfortable supper Ik. lore i was as-tonii-lied by a inessiine from . liarley, de livered by a polieeman, requesting that I come at once to the central police sta tion and le ins surety for iif pen ranee I e- fore the police judge in the inorningon a I charge of drunkenneKs and disonleily o il i't. ,rn a n nj.n int for :harley's halnts had always be-en, to my know I edge, strictly temier.ile, I Imrrinl on my overcoat and ae-coinpanied the "1 lue coated guardian" to the station. Stating my business to the sergeant in eharge.the formalities were quickly gone through with and i accompanied him to the reception room or cell where those clmrged with minor offences were con fined, to release my friend from durance. There, surrounded by the miscellaneous assortment of plain nnd ornamental drunks, disorderlies and etc, that the pe-lie-e had gathered in the day sat l barley, ar.d in w hat a ccml.t.on! Hie usually pleasant countenance showed unmistak- piot .lie mentioned now, hut you can read- nblc hins of both Urunker.tss and elj Tlie Judge seems Jo have released his grip on the Ri pul Jicnn before downing the Mud, as he bns frequently christened the Jut'RNAl. and a few of its friends. We ore surprised, for (he truthfu1(?) Judge has frequently prom ised to "down the Jon.NAL if the ex pense reached to a thousnnd dollars even. Have you forgotten . your oi li gations to that promise Judge, or has your arduous dutie-s, scarcity of funds, or somtthing else compelled you to abandon Hint rx t sehenie of vour.sV "Of course you, w,th that massive u.telle. t j derly the eyes kith blackened nndunlHiundeelinnueme with the )e. J anu lace atmuiitu in every conceivai le pie of Sioux county must have surely I do!"ff" wnannted here nnd there succeeded had you only persevered -in with a P"'1 of strtfct ,,,ud' ffstnted a vour mind K''Jt 'hat; would have lieen laughable " ' f the "downing" process v. as jurt wil- j ll!ul re!' concern for my friend inter fully given up, then you are ent tled to ! urr witl' m-V sense of the ridiculous and have our sincere thanks, for we are! rose anu came lorwaru 10 us, u,s- aware tliat possil ly, nt sometime heme, playing ns he did so the lusually neat in the dim and mistv future, you might I Kv sun worn ny nun, torn auu nai.g Inve surcecl.-d in d.jiriving us or one ; ng in rags in numerous place and l.btr subsirib. r or possil Iv of a two inch "ad" j trilly Hread with the mud and filth of or a pay local, nnd it is the thought of the gutter where the police had found the poss.biltv'of these overwhelming ! h,rn- He w,s evidently much cxliaus eircui.istances tliat causes us to i;t U l1 in ll0(1-v- ns 1,e M 'a" thatfhareof our thanks to which we !1S llu im,e r,,ss tll,! r(,""' ,n,t 8"'K"- onsider .,. e nt tled. I ''"' 0,K,U-11 h,s h:"u h d (1 not stem to na ve impaired Mis s)ir.ts red his spirits much as his "Hullo Old Man strange situation isn't it?-' was as light nnd any as ever. We stepped iuto the street and getting into a cab, gave the driver the number and street of barley's lodgings, and then 1 settled back on the seat, expecting of cour.M!, some ex) la tint ion of such an un usual event, hut although hurley rat tled on about this thing mid that in quite his usual old time fiuh on, not a word did he say about tint day's occurences. But alter home and washing himself up nnd changing his clothes and 1 was about to leave h.iu, he stopped me with the sudden question, " id you read about Jokyle& Hyde?'' "Yes" I ans wered quite as abruptly. "Well" ho said and then stopped, and I settled back in my chair again, feeling that the de ferred explanation was coming. For some time he sat there evidently consid ering and then burst out in a loud hearty laugh. I don't think his mirth was con tagious, but the sight of a man with two badly damaged eyes, and a face looking as if it had lieen run through a threshing machine, with the teeth hooked for threshing flax, laughing lirst on this side of his f ace and then on that as either one or the other happened to smart the wnri, wan too mu.ili for my dignity to withstand and i joined heartily. I "Well" ho liegan again when (he lit The following committees have lieen w vr " re'"l tliat story ami the sug ppointed to arrange for the literary to Ktion of man's dual existence, contam he held Jan. fith: General committee, t. et my mind to work in a pecu MeHsrs Balieoe, Weir and Trimbur. j lar channel. We often read and hear of Music, Miss Hester end Mrs. Outline. person reason or intelligence leaving Intrudes and entertainment, Misses ''" under the influence of Iloggy Items, Thus. Holly is still picking corn. "Bill orcorun has gone to hold down his ( laim and finish Ins mansion. Mr. Haniu n got a notice t ) vacate his claim in thirty days. Mrs. Smith and mother, Mrs! Bixby, are at hadron attending the bedside of Mrs Bixby 's sister who is quite siek. More men are going to work on the railroad. We advise the Republicans of Sioux county to wake up, reorganize and re new your pledges to stand by the prin ciples of the party. J see in the Herald and Republican a statement that the t'.'offee Bros, spend fttOO or $400 each week in Harrison. They niust be very rich, as in a year that would amount to U-V-OO or20,S00. Wonder if the Herald and Republican be lieve tliat lie themselves? 8 LOCUM. The masquerade ball given by the Harrison ornet hand on New Year's eve was a grand success. The proceeds net ted a little over M for the band. The costumes were many and some quite One. Jt was the unanimous verdict that splendid good time was had. Weir, oan and Kroening. The JotHNAL is indebted to Miss Lillie Thomas for tlw compliment she so kind ly paid us in wearing a costume at the masquerade hall coiiioseel chiefly of JOf'PNAlA Frederick Boetacher has contested a tree daim in mm:. Bo, adjoining his pr iii.Ii. I some strong desire, and annihilating dis- i tauce, put itself in communication, in a moment, with persons a long way oil'. "These occu ranees of course have here tofore lieen considered dreams, and the liullucinutious of minds abnormally n t d UKn by some grpit exciting cause, I ot tliey always seemed to me to lie p .,-:-ble, fur considering the body and the r. son to he entirely distinct, anil uiiiUl on ly for tin sheirt space of this blu v iy fily imagine many of them." I ''You remember the time and trouble if took to discover this f'epabling agen cy" as 1 shall call it. Howl threw my entire sedf into the research; neglecting a I) other duties. I was at last suce.ess cessful beyond all my expectations, and rutin net a week ago I perfected the "agen cy'' to such a state that 1 was satisfied I was not only safe in mak- ;',ing an experiment ., but that I could also, by means of using the ingredients in certain vnrialle proportions, regulate the exact length of time that the ab scence might extend." "At that time Fred Jones was just starting to Boston, and although I knew of his wild ways, ; thought his ree kless nature would be just the one to help me with my experiment, so took him into imy confidence, and he heartily agreed tliat to-day we would both take a dose of the "agency" nt the same moment nnd d'rect ourselves ' ti each other's bodies. We were to change for just five hours. At the time agreed on 1 got all in readiness arid swallowed the portion of the "agency" : had set opart for this pur vnose. 1 will not try to descri'ie Id you .the sensation I experienced on leaving bchir.d me, myself as it appears to you, because T hope you will soon try the "agency" yourself. Jt is sufficient to state that this portion of the experiment was a complete success.. After linding myself freed, hy a simple ell'ort of the will, l was with Fral in Boston. Here however was a hiti h in the proceeding's. Fred had evidently forgotten nil about our contract, "agency" or anything else excepting the shortest way to dispose of a whiskey straight that w-as in hand at the momfint of my coming. concluded next week The Norwegian club gave a dinner on New Year's day. 1 id you see the partial eclipse on Jan uary 1st, ot about two o'clock? . Mr. Slingerland has been spending the past week on his claim near Bodnrc. The next club dunce will be given on Saturday evening, Jan. lUh. All are invited, i on't forget the date. Jud Woods expects to leave in n few days for his home at Ainsworth, nnd ex pects to attend college this eoriiing year. Jud has many friends here who are sor ry to see him depart. Notice the advertisement of the Ranch Supply House) in another column. They keep constantly on hand a large and well selected stock of General Merchandise, and at prices that are reasonable. a o to a r- E V. A. Pi o 3 i Pi a e a 1 4) o I c w a ? 'E A T3 a J a o n r -z M o o H in I s ! stov; D A fl D . . r ES, TINWARE, w- wmt, StoeS D. H. AND A BIG - and Lowest Prices GO TO enisaoLDs. This it the time to buy barbed wire CHEAP. I have just received a CAR LOAD and it will pay you to buy it now. Yours for business, I H. GR 8WOLa You Cannot do Better Tlian to patronize the RANCH 1 CHI PPLV HOUSE . vv nen in neeq o Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Flour, Feed &c. The LARGEST and MOST . Complete stock to select from. Prices Reasonable And satisfaction guaranteed in every particular. First Class quality of Goods. J. B. FnontY, President. General olfice F. C. BUFFALO GAP, uAKOTA. SmcNSKR, Secretary. BUFFALO GAP LUMBER CO., -Esalero in Lumber, Goal, Grain, Lath And Shingles. Sash, Blinds, Hair Doors Plaster, Lime, COMPLETE 8TOCK ALWAYS ON HAND Harrison. Keb. 1V JMi-M.Jf,. v"" i t, . 1 A I- ' 11 o-