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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1888)
t ioux County Journal ZEIA-IRRISOILSr, USTEIB., ZDZEC. 6, 1888. IsTO. 12 it It J 'Ik t.s. - r r ;nd the i w- '. --t i$ . (tttXft Ewrison." " 4t1CV.H land (Mt 1 apartment, win eastern ( wHi from . JCfcuid from fi ltt. He fur '""' 3Ha TMtors and iUI.IMIlt wonderful 1 8 idHm north west : 3 MM of tlio best lvt THE S'OUX COUNTY CrOTTJEllST JlTj. -BY TUB JOURNAL PUBLHHiXU COMPANY. io qtpion Vtedness? j . -0. F.DL I . ...-lie, " nri. -'1 1 5 Y'Vvil ; I r' , ""4: , . . 3ANT IC.;,. wait upon 'ettt; i P. T. Barn um, the showman, in a thing1 of the past. ' He has settled up his business, and lvcently announced that he h:ul turned liis whole ciruus over to Mr. Baily, who will own and conduct it, and that he himself had forever re tired. Advancing years and a desire to enjoy his old age in quiet, are the causes that led Mr. Barnurn to close out. He pave a farewell dinner and is now alxmt to occuyy a plain little hrick cottage overi(oking Long Island Sound. M". Barnutu is (L-ettinj; to lie infirm. lie shows his years, and he repeatedly an nounced that the cosy littlu hrick cot tage in which' lie intends to pass the evening of his life luid been huilt ex presi,ly (or his young wife. The deeds are in her name. Mr. Barnurn has made his will, which is understood to he a "cUbt iron will." Besides the usual wit nesses Mr. Uarniiin has secured the sig natures of two leading physicians that he is in his right mind. Ho is estimated to he worth 10.000,000. llisprj in Western Kansas, Wichita I ispatui The depopulation of western Kansas continues with won derful rapidity. Richard L. Bent ley, r-j- resenting the St. Louis Mercantile com pany, who has been over much of the western part of the state, in what is known as the "New Country," is in this city. Ho says that in Ness City, light on, Scott City and many other places, not 100 jieople will winter in any of the towns. Two years ago most of the towns had from 500 to S.OOO inhabitants each, but the streets and almost the en tire villages are deserted and the fov in habitants left are unaMe to get away. A year ago these people passed a winter almost without coal, there having teen fuel famine from the beginning of cold weather till spring. Already the fatal blizzards have set in and one or two fearful storms have swept the plains, killing much stock. The people are dis couraged and heartbroken. They raised no crops this year, and have been com pelled to leave their homes from the fear of starvation. fit JOM, Qroceneti, j t i J Prices. ? -AALL AND NOEI, remain undisturlieil, as we are not aware of having lost any, and sliall therefore make no claim to any. Two of the monsters were brought in Saturday, and submitted to tlie gaze of our citizens, some of whom had seen and killed larger tears, under more exciting circumstan ces, hut no pa))Crs were produced con firming the validity of the statements. H is teaiiy possi bible they may be true. Custer Chronicle. ANTELOPE VALLEY ITEMS. Fine weather and corn all in the crib. Clarence Leehng raised 800 or 900 bushels of torn this year H thinks he would not exchange his plat e for any chance to rent in Iowa. Sheritr Moses passed through Ante lope valley on the 27th, with a prisoner supposed to be one of the men that at tempted to rob the pay car on the nar row gauge road about a month ago. l?e is also charged with keeping a rope with a horse attached to one end of it, to 1 away on. Mr. liidpath is now canvassing t!is part of the county in the interest of the Black Hills nursery; glad to say, as near as we can learn, "He is having good suc cess." Sioux county may yet be knol n as a fruit country. If any trees do wll paper that tliey would not print were they its editor. They may seem as friends Judge hut the v do you harm. Poor demented Judge! I do not declare myself a personal friend owing to your record, but feel sorry for anyone who has fallen so low and would like to see you do tetter. I o try once Judge. Brace up and look wise. So long. Respectfully, Weed Wrestijoi. A Bear Story. The presence of one or more tears in a cave near Bull Springs being known to Hank Lovett, William Smith, William Wright and William Barnliart, residing in that locality, the quartette of tear slayers, armed to the teeth, proceeded to 4he vicinity of the cave for the purpose of investigating the situation with a view to the utter annihilation of the en tire menagerie therein Contained. Hank, prompted by an irresistible desire to de termine the nature of the situation in side the cave, with more courage than discretion, advanced to the mouth of the cave to reeonnoiter.when to his surprise, and as may be easily imagined, to his utter discomfiture, met the head of . the family at the door, a full grown speci men of the Bruin family weighing a least six hundred pounds. ? No saluta tions were exchanged other than the re port of Hank's rifle, which was quickly followed by a proffered embrace on the part of his bearship, which Hank some what reluctantly uocepted. The situation was now regarded by the balance of the party, as well as by Hank himself, as being somewhat critical, as the deadly struggle which was now go-, ing cn I etwetn the bear and Hank, had every appearance of resulting favorably to the hear. Hank called lustily upon the boys to shoot, but his close proximi ty to the tear rendered such a course dangerously uncertain as to whether Hank or the tear would te liencfitted by the shot. Tn the meantime the tear had succeeded in getting Hank down, ,apd was amusing himself by planting his huge teeth in Hank's right arm, ankle and thigh, when liy( an almost superhu man cll'ort, Hank raised the tear np to a sullicient height above him to enable one of the boys (Smith) to shoot with com parative safety, which ho did, the ball tilting effect in the region of the heart, from the effects of which the tear died in a few minutes. Threw other bears who, doubtless hearing tlie noise on the outside were carious to know what was going on, then appeared upon the scene, which were kilted in turn as they came out from their hidden retreat. Hank's injuries are not very serious, but at this writing he his not entirely recovered, a fact indicated by n. well de fined limp, which renders his step less elastic than it was previous to his en counter with the unfeathered bird tailed the teai., Thii is proliably the most Hiiccessf ul raid that has been made upon the tear family in the history of the Hills, and yet it is said there are still a few more, bean left in that locality, which, so far I'm we are concerned, have, permission to it this country we 11 link it would, those raised near this climate. Friend W. II. Zimmerman has gone Towa for the winter, glad to know til he will return early in the spring, and is expected that he will bring one of f fair sex with liim to share the lot of Sioux county farmer. Any lady wotj certainly be pleased w ith the home be has built on Antelope. Come and see us Mr. Z. as soon as you return and give ;us an introduction. Mr. Buff Coffee was down on lower Antelope last week dehorning cattle. 'llie w ay he has of taking the horns oir does not seem to bother them in the least. He is a good hand with the lasso rope. ) Mr. Gerlai h was at the Hub bust week. No new cases of honesty is reported. "Railroad," is the talk in the valley. Will probably build a depot on or near our c laim. If we could borrow one or two men out of Harrison we could easily bond this precinct to raise money to build a court house. Messrs Bigelow & Seymour were look ing over this part of the country Sun day. Like all others who visit the val ley they were highly pleased with the soil and lay of the land. Just as we expected! On the 24th inst Mr. Ragland met that lady at the train and conducted her to her sister's house-, and the teys are all engaged in making horse-fiddles, gathering up hells, tin pans &c. Better give Mr. Story the pleasure of tying tlie knot Jack, you believe in protection now patronize home. We would have settled this a month ago for a cigar but new you had tetter give us a dance and we will be, yours with kind regards. Misfortunes never come singly, hence the election of Harrison, defeat of Walk er and 1 in debt to Mr. Ragland a new hnt on the election of president. No. 2 We notice an article in the Sioux Co. Republican of Nov. 20th concerning niy seff. The poor demented Judge! Ho seems to think it a disgrace and shame to get in debt and not be able to pay. Many a )or man has been disgraced if such is the case. I am ever ready to acknowledge that debt and will pay the same as soon as I can. 1 was not pres ent when judgment was rendered, nor vas I summoned, but, I acknowledge fO.fiO and trust that is what it is. Now Judge I wish to refresh your dizzy 'lead and memory. I am informed that you did not pay for th:,t wagon you drove to this country. A certain man in Harrison received a letter from the firm wishing him to collect $75 for a wagon you liaJ gotten and failed to pay for. 1 am ready to prove this Judge, and the person was not Walker either, but wo can produce the man that said he got a letter to that effect, but don't get someone else to prefer a charge and take us into your court. I will state below my opinion of your judgment. There is one difference between you and me, The attorney tliat received the letter, above referred to did not respond, but you would, as a matter of course, deny the debt. Hope you have paid it before this time. In speaking of your good quali ties Judge, I will say that I have never teen accused of wifo beating-hut I will stop, it would corrupt the morals of any paper to publish your record as it is (ex cept the Republican.) That thing who presides as county judge and is shaped much as a human being, wo are always ready to give the title of Judge for he is such u good judge of whiskey. We've thought he would nnuke a good import collector, because he could, toll just what ptr cent of alcoholic spires liquor contained, just by the taste. Cut again, it would take too much for him to tnste. I will close for this time Judge by ad vising you to havu those fellow? around town to stop 'writing articles for your Bod a re. Still fine weather. Coru picking is all the go. I. Sears is hauling corn to Mr. Morris' on a contract. Who says this is not a farming country? Well the snakes haven't all gone in their dens yet, as I saw one this week. Mrs. Loutzenhoiser has arrived in the s-alloy and is holding her claim down. A. Southwortli has hauled his wheat to the Crawford mill. It was good and brought a good price. Mr. Holly, who is still repairing his house, brought home four calves the other day. He has more cattle than some people have hay. One of our neighbors has a new way of working a horse. When all the hair is out of the tail then he can't work any more. Bring on your horses that have a fine tail of hair. B. & M. R. R. is the boom in the val ley, we look for the road to como down Boggy. All hands tire going to work on tlie same. Five Points school closed Friday the 30th. What alxiut those 61 votes cast at Mc Ginly's? If there is any Government land there I would like to locate as there would be plenty of neighbors, SlXXXM. ATTENTION! TO MEET THE I EM AND OF H 8 WAR HON NET. We will try to furnish you with something ti fill up with so you won't have to duplicate one column as you did last week. School in district No. 13 commenced Wednesday with Miss Mabel Robinson on the rostrum. Miss 'di Strand and niaster George Williams are spending a few days of this week in ( hadron. E. A. Andrews started Wednesday for a visit to his old home in Binghampton, N. Y. James Nolan, with his outfit of merry cow punchers, is home from the round up. Mrs. Clem. Leeling and Wilber Shep herd returned last Friday from a visit to friends and relatives ill Iowa. Miss Ida Stanard is having built a 12 by 18 addition to her house oh her claim. "A fine kit of Tools," those which lately arrived in the valley. Not many in the kit but each article warranted prune Al material and well made. Occasional, Glen Items. seemed to Have taken The weather cold recently. William Rodgers, of Soldier creek, is skidding logs on White river for E. McFarling. The Rodgers teys' mother is visiting with Henry Rodgers, on Spring creek. Joseph and John Rodgers are hauling wood to the Post every day. The Sunday School is prospering fine in district No. 19. They expect to close with a tree on Christmas. .Oh yes, we have another free range law suit on hand. A hearing- was had before Squire Mason and the case contin ued until Friday. J. Our Clubbing List Is complete and comprises every news paper, magazine or periodical of note in the United States. We can . save you from 10 to 2."i per cent on a large major ity of publications. Come and see our clubbing prices and note how much cheaper you can get your papers and magazines by clubbing them with the Journal. Don't Foryct Thai we want several more correspondents. Some may ( think they are not competent; that a person must lie able to write and spell every thing correctly. Not so. Send us the news as test you can and we will correct it and make it readable if not already so Try it once or twice. Harrison's New Mill. Mr. C. L. Tubbs has ail'led to the Nov elty Works a mill capable of grinding graham flour, buckwheat flour, meal, and chop feed or all kinds, . He will te ready for business after the 15th of Le-ceinber. Sioux Cjty will syad a . Com Palace train to , Washington, next March to help make, tljuigs howl on tile day of , inauguration. -.- INCREASING PATRONAOB lnJm. CHRISTEHSEH -Is now putting in a- FIRST CLASS ASSORTMENT OF- Cook stoves and heating stoves. Also a fine lot of CUTLERY, GRANITE IRON WARE AND TIN WARE And a full line of General Hardware ANl Builders Material ALWAYS ON HAND. H is a well known fact that as a rule the honest customers have to foot tlie bills of the dishonest ones, where books are kept and lawyers employed to collect bad debts. As we are doing busi ncss on a cash ba-sis) .those unnecessary expen ses are done away with, consequently we can offer to- our patrons SUCH PRICES AS WILL BE BOTH PLEASING AND PROFITABLE. Give us a call and see for yourselves Harrison, Neb, Respbctfcllt, Wm. CHRISTENSEN. J. B. FWSKY, President. General office F. C: 8m8lR, Secretary BUFFALO OAP, DAKOTA. BUFFALO GAP LUMBER CO., I!ealers in Lumber, Coal, Grain, Lathi And Shingles. Sash, Blinds; Hair; Doors Piaster, Lime; COMPLETE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND Harrison. Neb. G. GUTHRIE, Manager.- Blacksmith, Wagon, Carriage and1 Repair shop. (Jood stock always on liond. All kinds of work executed promptly wul SATISFACTION GUARAOTfcfiD. , ' &uth'of"Pfit'LiVery Burn - - - - - MSE'Mi!'