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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1888)
Sioux Journal. 1 o I H-AlIRRISCasr, 1TEB., 2STOV. 29, 1888. isro.ii JIN Ith! 1 I jr. .7 if- Arm t. 'ft"t rn 5f, frr, 4 "t from , 'pf '" V mid ;5 Jerful I west ".'.V. . ft '4 ., CMS In J M J i t . . .ST' genial V upon .'it- 3rs J v V t's - to & t sr V J NT THESOUX OUNTY - BY THE JOURNAL PUBL SH NG COMPANY. Ht They Followed Suit! So noticeable a change for the better Am is shown in last week's Herald is re tnarkal le, nnd lends thinking people t" speculate ns to the prol al le cause and results in the query "Have they follow ed su t?" Only two weeks ago the Re pul lican nnnonnced tlmt it would rise from out the filth and slime in which it hfd dwilt for so long, and strive for a holier and better plain of exist ence, nnd so the question is asked "fTas tlm Herald followed suit?' Would ' ' w r ug to suggest that alter years f "I run ping" in sinful debauchery a f t. r bnv rig stooped to arid tarried with fririn of sinfulness-Iiad lied, lieat- t ! n, rolibed, dabbled in all the i. ,v n r:hh nnd felt vexed liecause there i" n more in which to revel, would 1 r ng to suggest that for once they j i i! "follow suit" jut as a novelty ! l'i- 'i tlrni else? Thonh many higher i 1 i i tkr reasons might be presented. T! good hook teaches that none are v , IckI nnd sinful but that reientiince j 1 e tin r rtdirr 1 1. n, nnd we are in !. ' - Unit this is thw Herald's deternii i . n. A person, created without a uat n 1 dt-s're to do good should early seek t'i follow ff me one who is not ho unfort iirnte or nlio has reienttd and is travul- ng the htia ght nnd narrow path to fu ture good and future greatness. Rtpcr.t ain e nevtr i ernes too late though it' is ever so slow or so tardy so we cons'dtr the I est curse for the Herald is to "fol low su't" We ( fin poirt w th pleasure to the 1 titcficiiii results cf following or tak ng piitt m after littter or greater example than we are capable of t is sorrow mid regret that is exj ressed hy those w ho have gone troni the good to the I ltd, but all is joy and thankful ness that is expressed by those who have come up out of s n into the light of truth and r'glit. Try it Mr. Herald. . 'ome up and en joy the benefits of the beauti ful sunlight of a peaceful conscience and the joy that conies of right doing. TlyTrBfcrrfT arwniio" (it least; those abusive, degnid'iig desires and lie a man. Step out upon the higher plane that has so long known you n it and try the effects of fresh air on your "spirit soaked parens," and enjoy the peaceful pleasures that nccominy a dt terniina t:on to do right. "Follow suit" and lie convinced of the beneticial results. Chewing (Jtim Hurts the Eyes. " f the girls only knew that their eyes ire being ruined by chewing gum, they would shrink ffom if as they would from a viper" said a host nut street Optican vestirday. "We all know to. what an extent this chewing gum is carried on. md what a nasty habit it is. I would dvise all girls to stop it at once. f they have a big wad in their mouth while reading this interview let them throw it out and 'swear oif as Hie drink ers say, fur in one respect these dainty ifiris are like drunkards. f they are chronic gum-chewers they are heir to the inlirniitics that alllict the chronic whis key drinkers. T have three girls who were ndicted to the habit, but 1 broke them from it after a great deal of per suasion and some trifling punishment Die oldest girl has evidences of the hab it though, and will carry them to her j;rave." "How are the eyes affected?" "Well, the must les of the jaw-connect wi(h the spine, and from the spine there are I'ttle fibrous tissues running in ill directions. A number of these ex tend to the eyes and are tailed the optic nerves. Now, if you will watch u per son eating, you will notice a palpitation if the temples when the lower jaw moves up and down in the process of mastication. This is caused by the working of the optic nervs, which keep the inner part of the eyes in motion, and exercise the nerves as much as is neces sary to keep tliem in a Ilea I thy condi tion. The nerves are more tender and icnsativetoa degree than one would imagine. Wlien they are overworked tliey liecome shrunken and enfeeuled, and then the process of deterioml.on in tho eyesight begins. Of course, the shrinking of the nerve draws lack . the. ;y into the socket, and as it is connect ed hy slender threads of tissue to the pup. I ol the eye, this also becomes nl ietted. The tonsequente is that the c iiecoiues weak and looses its color, I becomes an unnatural looking ;gni. , mil the vision is mo much impaired by u Unit eye-glasses munt he resorted to.. ' " ")ne of my girl wears glasses just e mi.' she chuweel so much gum. Her t t niit is pm tmill" ru lied, and she a. . rows' feet r iiUIch nl out the outer . i iiers tluit are enusul by the flesh of tv liticks le ug lui'i ed upward hy the r t iioflliejim. Nik. is also troui.lccl i .ud.g'ent.on Ir.nii tlxt saniu cuusu. These are all symptoms exhibited hy a person who dr nks whiskey plentifully, and ben e the comparison. Partnt-t ought t t ike this matter in hand and see if they cannot rid their girls of the habit, t is a filthy one, outside the ter nible effect it has upon tlie human sys tem, f the ha rents will keep from their girls some of their little perqui sites unt l they stop chewing gum, they would soon give up tlie habit."- PIlUv delpbia Record. Some Little ThiBg. See to it that the children thoroughly warm their feet bhfore going to school, and on return'ng home. They are sel dom disposed to do it themselves. Many a serious cold, or other inflamitory at tack, might be prevented by attention to this precaution. Teach the children, when out of doors, to keep their mouths closed, and trtathe through their nostrils. This prevents the air the temperature of which may N zero from striking directly on the tonsils and the larnyx. As the nasal passages are kept constantly warmed by the breath from the heated lungs, the inbreathed air is warmed as it passes circu'tously through theru. Cliildcn who are liable to inflimmation and swell'ng of the tonsils, or to troubles of the ear. should wear hoods that come well down on the forehead and well down on the neck, Hats are dangerous for such children, and so are bonnets, un less care is taken to tiring them well down over the sides of the head. "u our fit es nnd large towns especi ally, children are inclined to sit together on the stone door steps, which are often ice-cold. This practice needs to be gunrded against. Every thoughtful mother will readily see how dangerous it is for her g rls. On returning from a cold walk or r'de, throw oil' all but the home clothing at once. The outer clothing Is nearly nt the temperature of the outside atmos phere, and, if kept on, must absorb much hi at, which might otherwise come to the wenrir immed ately. n dressing nnd undressing in a cold room move about as little as possible when the Kl'ppers are otf. The carpet just under the feet is warmed bv ab-sti-iw -ting1 "heat from the feet, and the per son has the advantage of it while every change t'lkes add.t'onnl heat to warm n new place, 'h undressing keep the slip pers on ns long as conven ent; in dress ing nit theifi on as soon ris possible. f a chamber is without a woolen carpe, lie sure o have a woolen mat or rug or bit of carpeting near the bed on which to stand. All sbppers for use in cold weather should have extra inner soles, to lilt the feet from the cold floor and retain the natural heat. Where nothing else enn lie had, such soles can In cut from card board,, and a thickness of woolen cloth should be stitched on e ther side. For ' women in the kitchen slippers made of woolen uppers and thick felt soles are desirable. Slippers are prefer able for home use to buttoned liools, as they facil'nle the warming of the feet, which is otherwise apt to be unduly neg lected. Youth's ompariion. A txnig Winded Orator. Long speeches a re common. Tn the Georgia l.rislature, when the question of expelliug the negro nieniliers was up, Aron Alpebrin Bindley spoke four d: ys. The Tichborne, trial brought i r. Kene aley to the front with a speech run ning through 140 days. But these speak ers did not talk continuously. , Adj.'um ments for dinner and over night, and for Sunday niiide their wqrk easy. The longest sfieecli on record, says the hicago Times, is probably the one made hy Mr. be osmos, a member of the leg islature of British Columbia, some tune no. A bill was lending wiii h, if pass ed, would deprive many settlers of their lands, nnd the temper of , ille major ty iiiule it ct-rtuin that it would pass. The legislature.was within a day and a hall of the hour of its gnnl adjournment and the vote was about to lie taken. At this juncture e . osmos rose to ad dress the body. . t was ten o'clock in the morning, and the members thought that he would finish in an hour or two. The clock struck 11, U ami 1 but the speaker kept right on. How long would he speak? The mem bers in a sp.nt of fun omitted to ad journ lor 1, niier, but e Cosmos spoke on without a break. At 6, o'clock he wns still on the floor. He wajt forced by llie rH!ikcr to stick to the question find as not allowed to pause- :.' ; 1 e take u drink Of water. Thu major. uecideei to continue the session Lirugh t,u n. glit slipping out in small parties to em and sleep. Ktill, without fullering, the orator poured forth his torrent, of wonto. ilns was the situation at midnight, ana also wlien tlie morning sun flooded t ie Imll with the. light of day. i- As tw hour I land of tho clojk p inWI to 1'Um limit prencrjbed by th. session Imd arrived and the wu ure j stood adjourned sine die. At the last ; stroke of 13 the brave e osmos stop ! ped in the middle of a sentence and fell lamt ng in his seal. He had spoken, standing on his feet, twanty-six hours. His eyes were hleired and red, and his parched lips wejfe cracked and running t lood. He wai nearly dead, but he had prevented th hill from becoming a law and had sawed the settlers their homes. Glen Items. ie following items from Glen were lived last week but too late for pub- ion. T. Mason is gett'ng out logs for her to finish his house. s Mr. Herald the Mud Ring did well bufjdid it honestly, and if it hadn't been for J he sudden increase in population in Ru jning Water precinct, and throwing oujfof honest votes, would ha be tr. Miner McFurling has lost s ve done some or Insliorses stioi T' caused by too much free ra Joe ecker lost a horse a few davsago. Mrs. Mary Kreeman has nearly recov en I from her late illness and will start east in a few days on a visit to her par ent in Uinois. Jfek made a good run hut the odds wee too great. Oiir old friend Hank Rodgers is keep ing very quiet these days. Yes the Mud Ring got downed, but theji we are noted for our staying quali tiesiand will be with you again next fall am perhaps the "gang" will not pull to gether so well then as now. fviveral of the voters in this precinct doubtless intend to stay on the winning side, judging from their actions on elec tion day. Married At the res'dente of the brides parents, Sunday, November ltli, Mr.J Joseph ecker nnd Miss Emma. Keilip Justice Mason officiating. After theceremony a bountiful repast was spread for the hungry, consisting of p es and puddings, a wedding cake many feet in diameter, roast beef, baked tur key and other good things too numerous to mention. Every thing went merry ns H marriage bell, exttpt in choosing pa'tners for supper when the young folks thought they should lie allowed to choose for themselves nnd plainly inti mated as much. We congratulate you Jost ph and wish you a bright and pros perous future. Here's to long lie nnd success, and we earnestly hope your troul les will nil be "little nes." Meluncye. Mr. Klein has not got his job on tlie ra'lrond Vet. The log contract is let. Mr. Miller of Soldier creek got the biggest part of it and Hurry Rodgers got the 1 a la nee. We understand at less than $3 pier thousand. line you will make money on it. J. T. Mason and McFarl n are cutting logs up the river to make a setting. Mr. Jc-wit would like to see tho logs rcll in along White River. There is another setting on postmaster Jcii.son'ft place. M. H. Green has a hu-ge iseting of logs ready for the mill on his place. John Shay has it set of house' logs hewn and on the ground n-ady to put up a house on his homestead. Johny Wall sold nil his things, broke up house-keeping and gone to Arkansas. We think it's about time for this row ing to cease on the river. J. B. E. Bovnioi), tlie president of the Settler's Union in Webst r county that has been lighting the is Mo: nes Kiver bind question in the cm, its for several years, recently I oiij. b: a t tie for his lands from th.- n.-sig".ei s of the es Moin es Railway ini'l "'.ivim't.ion onipany. t was suppo- .1 thin li hud given up the fight, but he hn i i l 1 shed a card, in which he sitvt lie was i 'impelled to buy the title of tlie company or lie ejected. n his card in says: " have spent part of two wiiih rs in Washington;!-5. C, searching ),h. records, and i llnd that the hooks in thn ieiiernl Land Ollice show this land to 1 e Government land. I have consulted Ifro I est legal talent the coun try alfoixls, so that I have become thor oughly convinced that tho pretended ti tle of tlie River JonqMiny is a fraud. I propiose to continue the fight until the question of I tie to the los Moines River lands is sett kd by tlie General Govern ment." W. R. Smillj sold last week, to Mr. J. L. Kay, cf "w nr. Bonnet, his fine Nor-mart-Morgnu .'.taijion, John. We have known this horse for several years and i.n record as n sire of good desirable oik In r v s . ail hardly be excelled, lie a dark lay er brown, sixteen and a !inlf handis h gh nnd weighs between lfi mtl 1 hundred pounds. Mr. Smith has a lino Perehuroif, stallion tltat he intends to keep'for use liene. , . Ilopier, Pritidy fjiriiishefl thL office wiin a Jisiu Ol HWiiiiuie "" -" ATTEHTSOtl! TO MEET THE I EM AND OF H S - - N. REASING PATRONAGE 17m. CHRISTENSECJ -Is now FIRST CLASS Cook stoves and heating stoves. Also a fine lot of CUTLERY, GRANITE IRON WARE AND TIN WARE -And a full General Hardware - ANO Builders ALWAYS ON HAND. It is a well known fact that as a rule the honest customers have to foot the bills of the dishonest ones, where books are kept and lawyers employed to collect bad debts. As we are doing busi ness on a cash basis, those unnecessary expen ses are done away with, consequently ' we can oiler to our patrons SUCH PRICES AS W.LL BE BOTH PLEAS NG AND PROFITABLE. Give us a call and see for yourselves Harrison, Neb. J. B. Finney, President. General office F. C. Skbhbkn, Secretary. BUFFALO GAP, eAKOTA. BUFFALO GAP LUMBER CO., Dealers in Lumber, Goal, Grain, Lath And Shingles. Sash, Blinds, Hair, COMPLETE STOCK ALWAYS Harrison. Neb. Blacksmith, Wagon, Carriage ahfi Repair shop. ' Good stock always on hand. All kinds of work executed promptly and SAT.SFACTiON GUARANTEE J. South of Liver, flrn - .'" fto; putting in a- ASSORTMENT OF line of- Respectfully, Wm. CHRISTENSEN. Doors . Plaster, Lime , ON HAND G. GUTHRIE, Manager. laterial