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About The Sioux County journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1888-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1888)
County Journal. IOUX 1 v i; .... id HARRISON, 2TOV. 22, 1888. 3STO. lO n rio.v- SKI r3. -Jeeasrtaand the 1SY CM will re- :. . comaker. BO-. ' ' -,; . Ivifart of Harrison ' .-All Id OB, i(l)AJTO AGENT JTARfi EXPEREN" E. 4" T with the U.S. hi ml X aepnitment. tax comity end ensti rn fcM done work from iMM nlaiM. nnd from V bpi I'm ? lwta line. Hg fur- " sytAnui to victors and JM the mott won Jul ful iw. ft miles north west I w 440 acre of the best and iiv.i . ; ,. ' ft to the question uL b business? FB ETOR it', the- ulG bf jhr wobks, I Itttbbs, I FOIL. "XXJ) WAT TO KEEP -TTfi IEH03ANT -C3?' RHISOTST, y, (agisted by his genial mas Beady to wait upon a stamen with , (jg tsEt no . K I' , f ' I f ' r7Ua LJOee, Groceries, Rwer, Fee &c. 4c, at V ; -V ,' :c!i Prices. ' J A CALL ANO VlNCED, THE'S OUX COUNTY croTJZRisrL. BY THE JOURNAL PURL S1I NG COMPANY. A New Weapon of Defem. Two Nerraska ed low wlrp ped iu one day is a very unwholesome record. Ed itors who are n t built as fighters should adopt some means of st If difeme. It might le a gl st heme to eat garlic. The enraged subse riher wlio c-oulJ face a breath I'onipowil j riucipally of girlie would have to have his head wrapped in a horse 1 lanlut, and under such circum stances ho would be comparatively harmless. This thing of wh pping edit ors is hejom'n d.vidj 11 v m nit )iions. The average editor is u m;M. inoffensive sort of a chap, who deserves a better re ward for Ills work than an extensive sliifrgin modeled on the G thie plan. Ilia labors are principally of an intellect ual diameter, not pucIi as to enlaige and hanlc n his knuckles or stimulate the growth of his mus les. He is tiier, fore at a disadvantage when a big loafer with a hand like a 1 ase burner sails into him, and it is natural lliat he should be done up. It might he a good st heme for the editors of each state to form a prntec tive association Wit!i neau ouartt rs in some important town. A rolVssional lrulstr could 1 hired by the year at a n asona l le figure and kept ready for duty day and n'ght. Then, When somebody slug ged an editor, the bruiser could be slip ped to the scene of the difficulty, with iitrui tions to" pound the tar and otla r ingredients out of the man vi ho did the slugging. His expenses ayd fines could be paid by the association and he would return with vii tory pirclud upon h's banners, vindicating the dignity of the I rofession and carrying terror to the hearts of those who make a prat tice of whipping writers. This scheme is the only feasible one, and although it is the result of long yuirs of study and re search it is ollcrul as freely as the air we are buj posi d to brePthe. it is the only feasil le one because some editors would rather be whipped than eat gar licPrinter's Auxiliary. Any person who receives or takes a The Right of it. newspaer from a post office, and makes use of it, whtlhirhehas ordered it or hV; JorlKAL- n. t. or wither in his name or another, In tliu issue of the Herald can be is held in law to be a subscriber and iis a display of fairness and impartial!- i 4,.iV r..,. : .1.- . , i i ..m.c:i i c.- ii, ,, "j vi ""-j iuuu i ii iiie cuuiiiy raun anu !f substril)ers pay in advance, they are bound to give notice to the publisher at the end of the time, if they do not wish to continue taking it, otherwi: the pub lisher is authorized to send it on and the sul serilx-r is held iv-p iiisible until an ex press notice with arrears is given. f subscribers move to other places i . it-..:., .i .i i: i. I 4i wiiuoui uoi i ui :i;e pui'iMitir, anu iiiej pajiers arc s nt to the former direction, they are held responsible. ' The courts have decided thnt suhscril) ers who refuse to take papers from the postolfice, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prima facia, evidence of intentional fraud, and may be dealt with in the iriininal courts. If any person orders his pner diwon t'nui d, he must pay all arrearages, or the piibbhhi r may cont nue to send it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount whether the paper is ta ken from the office or not. There can be no legal discontinuance until payment is made in full. A postmaster is required to give no tice by b tt r (returning the pajier does not answer the law) when a subscriber does not take his paper out of the office, and state the reason for its not. being ta ken. Any neg!e t to do so makes the I postmaster responsiHe for the payment. The latest postal laws are such that newt -paper publishers can have arrested j for fraud any one who takes a paper and refuses to pay for it. Under this law the man who allows his subscription to run for some t ine and then orders it discon tinued, or ciders the postmask-r to mark it "rt fust d," and to send a postal card notifying the publishers, lays himself li able to arrest and line, the same as for theft etc. Printer's Auxiliary. its officials in Sioux county In the first place I am found guilty by the Herald, as a confessed briber, and in order U show some testimony to sus tain that verdict the Herald publishes the testimony in chief of one Gotleib Schnltfc, arid upon that testimony I am convicted by the Herald of bribery. Oh! poor, poor Judge; fiow narrow and con truc'tt-d your poor mind and jndgment is. 1 oyou think that you are furthering the cause of justice by publishing the testi mony ui direct examination of a witness and iu give his testimony iu cross ex animation; b it how tan I expect fairness from you who have openly and without limi tation eaid that you would ruin me if your riower? KatUrlee lias time and at "That the Eaitor has to da. We apoIngTie for m:slakes made in nil former issues and say that they were inexcusable, as all an editor h:n t do is: To hunt news and clean the rollers and set type and sweep the floor and pen short items and fold the papers and write the wrappers and make the paste and mail the papers and talk to visitors and distribute typo and carry water and saw wood and read the proofs and correct the mistakes aud hunt the shears to write editorials and dodge the bills and dun delinquents and take cussings from the whole force and tell our subscribers that we need money we say that we've no business to make mistakes while attend ing to these little matters and getting our living on gopher tail soup flavored w;th im ig;nat on, and wearing old shoes and no collar, and a patch on our pants, obliged to turn a smiling countenance to the man who tells us our paper isn't worth 51 any how and that he could make a better one with his eyes shut. Exchange. An editor in this country does not have to saw wood, but he carries coal, makes paste, attends all the meetings, reads a lot of trash to get a l.ttle news, does job pr.nt ng, runs the hand press, runs errands, sweeps out once a month, makes out bills once a month and then makes them out over again next month and smiles sweetly on the man who has threatened to kill him on sight. Then there are some editors who "rush the growkr," "deal," "buck the tiger," get drunk, stay drunk and kt all of the be fore mentioned duties go to thunder. Ris ng ty Independent. The chief of the Crows is named Long Hair, from the fact of his having the longest- hair of any man in the nation. By correit measurement it- was found to be ten feet and seven inches in length. On ordinary occasions it is wound with a broad leather strap and carried under his arm, or within the folds of his robe. On great occasions however, his pride is to unfold it, oil it with Lear's grease and let it drag behind him, spread grass, black and shining as wing. Pipe Of Peace. out the on the raven's In answer to the questions regarding the night herd law, of several of our sub scribers, we here give the law in full: Compiled Statutes 1887, Chap. 2, Sec. 11 pg. 01. "Xo cattle, horses, mules, swine or sheep shall run at large during the night time, between sun-set and sun-rise, in the state ol iNehraska. and tne owner or owners of any such animal shall be lia ble in an action for damages done dur ing such night time." Mr. Nimrod I say, Mr. Editor, did you know that I was out hunting yesterday? Ed.tor-Xo; I hadn't heard of it. "Well, I was, and I thought jou might want to make a local notico of it, so I came over to give you the particu lars." "1 id you kill anything?' "Well 1 should say so. I made one of the most remarkable shots on record; killed two rabbits at one shot. Going to mention it, ain't you?" "certainly, Mr. Nimrod." "Can't you make it a little conspicu ous?" 'Why, of course. I'll have both of the rabbits you shot printed in double leaded type. See?" "That'll do splendid. Thanks-aw fully tliankst Good morning." Sittings. Newspaper Law. A nbwtpaper marked "sample is sent free, and no charge can be for taking it from the office. copy" made Glen Items. William H. Johnson, E. McFarlin and Weslv Rigdon have gone to prove up on tfteir claims. John Shay is getting out house logs with which to build on his homestead, lie will soon move on to it to live. Elick Mc olan is running a moat mar ket in Crawford and has hired a man to tend his stock. Mr. Kreeman has not finished his stable yet though he probably will soon. Mrs. Kreeman is going to Chicago to visit her friends. Mr. Frazier is hauling posts to the Hall place with two teams. We think he don't intend to freeze this winter by the looks of the pile of pitch he has by his door. Henry Rodgers got home from the west. He finished out a post contract. I wonder if Justice Mason will get his house painted this fall, I suppose he will givt a big free range dance. Wonder if he will invite his herd law friends to partake. The Free Range Ball at the hall last Thursday evening was a decided success both in point of numbers and enthusiam. Notwithstanding the preceeding cold day and snow, a large crowd of the pleasure seeking community gathered at an early hour from far and near, and the dancing began early. Messrs Galpin, Bartk't and Galpin and Mrs, Murphy furnished the music successfully and to the satisfac tion of all. The Harrison cornet band rendered several selections in the hall before the regular routine of business was taken up. Eight set danced at once, having very litt e room for lookers-on, though what was left was all taken. At lt;30 supMr was served at both hotels, over fifty persons partaking nt each place. After super dancing was again taken up and continued until a late no early hour and all had had thair fill and departed for their homes feeling that a pleasant evening had been'spent. Hof Still they come and get a square meal ftt the restaurant for only 20c, again thrown his most vile abuse in you court by calling me a criminal and saying that I would he sent to the penite.itlary by him; and all this in your presence and court, and without one word of remonstrance frdm you. On the ct-ier hand, if I should dare to say one w:rd you have teen ever ready with your Shut up; set down or I'll fine you for contempt of court." Heavens! what conte-ipt! You further say in that ve hicle -if slander and defamation; that if any doubts the guilt of Mr. Walker he is invited to call at the Judge's office. The people of Sioux county will in dui time find out who is guilty and who fc-, not. Now Judge I feel sorry for you. Hon estiy , 1 innk you would tie a lairer man if yon would drink less whiskey and beer and .' up so that what little Lrains(?) you have would hi able to clear up and I -dp you to do something more near ly rigid,. Yon must think that because you plead guilty to duplicating your ac count! against the county and swearing twice to an account of f 3.25 that every one else is in the same fix. In reply to the article in the Repulili- can headed "Facts and Figures," by L- w. nryan, I will simply say that it is laise. Mr. isryan ilul some work on a tie contract for which he got his pay in full f. nd not as he says only got his l)! ji an old pair of boots and a couple of Government blankets. At the time Bryan was working lor me l had in my employ from 20 to 40 men and here are the names of a few who are still in Sioux countv, and who will give testimony as to the truth or falsity of the statement made in the Republican. ( has. L. Tuhbs, John Mack, Joseph Johnson, P. L. McCrea, Chas. Plimpton, Leopold I eBuek, S. W. Kemp, Win. Benway, Geo. E. Coak, Albert Rand, Michael Ruffing, Jackson Kreisler, L). J. Majors, Joseph Parsons, Wm. II. Hawn, M. J. O'Connell, Wm. Schleier, Andrew lahhnan, Michael Schonebaum, Wm. Schonebaum and others. If Mr. Bryan had fulfilled his contract with me the same as the others above mentioned he would then have had some money coming to him, and he, like the rest of those that worked for me, would have been paid for every single tie he made. But Mr. Bryan, instead of doing his work as agreed, left the work and 1 had to pay John Mack and his men to complete the job, for instead of making ties he made a lot of culls that were re jected by the company. A few days before election Bryan stat ed to Joseph Parsons that I owed him f 100, but that if I would give him a cow he would call it square and vote and do all he could for me during election. I have not bought any votes and am not in the vote buying business. Mr. Bryan himself is a good worker, and I know, from the amount of work done by himself, he should have made more money, but he kept about him from three to nine starved out loafers all winter who cost him more than he could possibly earn, and if Bryan had kept account of his bills he wonld not have made the statement he did, for 1 believe him to be truthful and honest. Respectfully, Gborge Walker. Ask Your Neighbors to Subscribe For THE SIOUX COUNTY JOURNAL The Peoples Paper, ATTENTION! TO MEET THE L EM AND OF H'S -:- INREAS KG PATRONAGE Wm. GHRISTEHSEN -Is now putting in a- FIRST CLASS ASSORTMENT OF. Cook stoves and heating stoves. -Also a fine lot of- CUTLERY, GRANITE IRON WARE AND TIN WARE -And a full line of- General Hardware -AND Builders laterial ALWAYS ON HAND. It is a well known fact that as a rule the honest customers have to foot the bills of the dishonest ones, where books are kept and lawyers employed to collect bad debts. As we are doing busi ness on a cash basis, those unnecessary expen ses are done away with, consequently we can ofTer to our patrons SUwJI PRICES AS W.LL BE BOTH PLEASING AN"1 PROF TABLE. -Give us a call and see for yourselves Respectfully, Harrison, Neb. Wm. CHRISTENSEN. J. B. Finney, President. General office BUFFALO GAP, DAKOTA. F. C. Sikknsbs, Secretary. BUFFALO GAP LUMBER CO., Dealers in Lumber, oai, brain, And Shingles. Sash Blinds, Hair - JL2STJD Doors, Plaster, Lime, COMPLETE STO-K ALWAYS ON HAND Harrison. Neb. G. GUTHRIE, Manager -A. HART, Blacksmith, Wagon, Carriage and Repair shop. Good atock always on hand. All kinds of work executed promptly and sat.sfa:t,on guaranteed. Sou tb of Pfoht's Lmi) tun lu.n,uu, 1-t.Un.U.