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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1898)
THE AMERICAN m mb In On War I in inr Will 4 k T hi rMt,i t . 11 IV ftp It MM Ml, n4tt-4 III Ikt (tffottl M4 lea II lal tnl I ft.,1 Wtiintt l Jwtt ti I .a tati Cirrti la a 4MtVU IVi litis IX. I1 attott ) h roMtvl'rl M Cathc.;t mhoUUtm, to ' blfWihM -4 'tt )' World. I fraeklr roafrss that Ca'boltpa aunt) hT tha ffltmtrv M tk -an Ira of tha tuMle achreiia t ht I would m . aflralnlntar ' annl to a tt In Oathdlca who an4 thwlr rhlUrr-n to public achools Paths Walaar. Too public rfeooU kava rrodad notblof tut a forties finrtlon of talrvta and blrjuardt Fatbor Bcbanr. ,.tPr n, inn VH of on mn It will ba florloua dar la (,t..l, 1M. an.t on lh fountrr whtn ,!,ui.l.- a bull lth a not- In it. arhool aritem will b abtTarcd to plTa. Catholic Telegraph. Tba public achoola ro nuwrlea ot Tic; tby art rodleaa and onlrat aup pressed will prora iba lmnatlon of tbta country. Fattaar Walker. Wa must take part In the lectlona. mora Id a solid mans In tvtrr atata against tba party pledited to atiatalu tba tntetrlty of tba public erhools. MCloakey. Tba common schools of this country are atnks of moral pollution and nor aerlea of bell. Cblcafo Tablet. Tba tlma la not far away when tba Roman Catholic Cburch of tha Re public of tha United Siatea, at tha order of tha Pope, will rfnne to rT their achool ta. and will send bnlMs to tha breasts of tha Kovernraent acenta rather than pay li. It will come quickly at the click of a tricar, and will be obeyed, of course, aa com. tax from AlmUhty Ood. M;r. Cnpel. "We bate Protestantism; we detest It with our whole heart and soul." Catholic Visitor. "No man has a rlRht to choose hli religion." A rertntsnon Hiighas In Freeman's Journal, Jan. 29, 1852. "If Catholics ever gain sufficient nu merical majority In this country, re lltfotis freedom U at an end." Cath olic Shepherd of the Volley. No. 23, 1861. "Protestantism, of every form, bas not, and never can have any rlnht where Catholicity Is triumphant." Dr. O. A. Prownson's Catholic Review, June. 1851. "We have taken this principle for a basis: That tha Catholic rellsrlon with all Ita rights, ought to be Mdunlvely dominant, In such aort, that erery other worship shall be banished and Interdicted." Plus IX. In his allocu tion to a Consistory of Cardinals, September, 161. "Protestantism why, we ahotild draw and quarter It, and bang up tba crow'a meat. We would tear It with pincers and Ore tt with hot Irons! rill It with molten leaa and alnk It In hell fire one hundred fathoms deep." Father Thelan, Editor Western Watch man. "Religious liberty la merely endur ed until tha opposite aide can be car ried Into effect, without peril to the Cathollo Cburch." Ulshop O'Con nor. The Roman Catholic la to wield bis ote for the purpose of securing Cath olic ascendency In this country," Father Herkcr, In the Calbollo World, July, 1S70. "Undoubtedly It Is the Intention of the Tope to possess this country. In this Intention he la aided by the Jes uits and Catholic prelates and priests." Urownson'a Catholic Review, July, 1864. When a Catholic candidate la on a ticket and his opponent la a non Catholic, let the Catholic candidate have the rote, no manor what ha rep resents." Catholic Review, July, 1894. "In case of conflicting lawa between the two powers, the lawa of the cburch must prevail over the aiite." Plus IX, Ryllabiia 1804. "We hold the iraft to be only an Inferior court, receiving Its auihorlty from the church and liable to have lta decrees reversed upon appeal." Prownson'a ICssays, p. 282. "Wa do not accept this government or hold It to be any government at all, or aa capable of performing any of the proper functions of government. If the American government la to be sua talned and preserved at all, It must ba by the rejection of the principles of the Reformation (that la, tha gov ernment by the people), and the ac ceptance of tha Cathollo nHncinle, which la the government of the pope.' Cathollo World, flepfmbar, 1871. "I acknowledge no clrll power." Cardinal Manning, apenklng In tha name of the Pope. 8. It. 8., 1871. "The Pope, aa tho bead and mouth piece of the Cathollo Church, admin isters lta discipline and Issues ordera to which every Catholic under pain of aln must yield obedle ."Cath olic World, of August. 1868. "In 1900 Roma will take this coun try and keep It." Priest Hecker, "The will of the Pope Is tba supreme law of all lands." rcbblHbon Ire land. We have plenty of the Issue of Jan uary 28, containing the exposure of Romo'a plot to take this country by the aword. Ten for 80 cents; fifty for 11.28; 100 for $2. 600 for $7.60; 1,000 for $10. Have you sent any of that num ber to your friends? You ahould! They should not Bleep longer. LakeLlndon,Mhh.,Pob.,2Il im Dear Sir: U I received your Atlas of the World and I am well pleased; fur beyond my expectations. JOtlN COLLING, No tnan'a Influence Is bo small bl what he could make It tell again Roma. J ihmi v ia kH im isn l -.-. t 4 a e e 1 f t I. . . ni t 1 i i 1 I n t hi ' I ' t t.fe It t I 1 ' I in I : I. It. l.t f lilt ,- I I II i'.iht 1 ! i I lit (in K pHvt i tl . t. I r ' III , tli ' .1 !l I H. ' 4 v4' . ir i t a I ! u . , HP. I l I 1 1. i . -i! I I , n,.t I .il p, ,1; I . i i I it t.. '.mill nil 1 li i i il i in i .'i I tin ti I Halt ii i t . I, te i h I i n r .ii. r t'fl In the ami ! ti ii ' r i in ir tth 1i n'-t tic t,, l.i'if 4t.ti- aaai aa mhit !iilal. 1,kP 4 tlMt hsMlall.lll If I not. We went m ant tumul Hi ht mikee, tetnattis nf ftitr men, iml! 1. h bail i)i'l hi mi Miihl. I t j.nlitn fri'H' apH-rni ft Onr !i tiiii asalttat Hi mill In a HMi jiii!on, Th'i ilijf dir.t nil ih mi ll', ihv iiii-ni In a dot n.l riori thing bitrnlni ilrv rvMrutly Inlm.liM to ! rant s.lrlft It unlit ihejr w-a four Knglleh srsntiin. fitaronneit hy the captain, left tit die. The note wan tinted ISIS, and I stippo they bait bren there dead In that hut for over thirty years, ami they mint have illoil of bust one day ami dried right tip. We left them where we found them." ROOMS WANTED. tin W Mill KoliiB l ataml An? Mort lliiW'lierlS Kimm-iimi. "I'm going tu buard, Junes," quoth the Detroit Free 1'reas. "What's the matter, now?" "Nothing; only been taking down the m'H'i'tm, while my wlfo boaaeil the Job. Did you ever try to do anything uniler thomi clrciimatanresT After near ly falling out of tho third-story win dow, 1 l)iingid my thumb with tho ham mer, Jtininii'd a finger In a spring, hol lered murder and Hfiyjicd on Hie dug and hml my wlfo dike him up In her aniiN mill monn mid snli over him. Yes, sir, she wiia Inconsolable over the yelping liruie, hlle 1 danced around like ii wild I ml Inn minting my lirulned thumb nnd my Injured finger, 'flint's a wonuin for you! No sympathy for me, while I "Thin I atarted downstair with my arms full of screens, ami If I don't have the crowning misfortune to stumble end fall, 1 don't know which got down first, me or the scre-ini, but. we were all mixed up. My wlfii tailed out to know If I wis hurt, and I railed bark sarcastically thst I was not dead, at which she said: 'Dear me, what a shock for my poor nerves!" When departed she was atlll nursing Fldo and said she feared the poor dear pet had sustained Internal Injuries, Noth Ing shout my Internal Injuries, only: You do make Mich a fuss about a little thing as taking down screens.' nut I'm done with housekeeping, We begin boarding this week, sure." When Nlrli Waa a l.ahe. Extensive dnpuHe of ancient vol eanlu aah In soutn eiern Nebraaka have lately been tinned to useful ac count as a source of pulverised pumice, which has become an Important article of commerce. I'roreasor HiiiiKbury, or the University of Chicago, afier exam ining the localities where the aah Is found, concludes that It. was depoaltnd In wnler at a time when that region of country was covered by a lake, which Is supposed to have exlaled lata In the tertiary period, end the ash Is believed to have been borne thllher by winds, Iteeply Inlerealril, Jinks-1 would huva been run over on Hiuadway to-day If It had not been fur Winks, who was with me, He airang forward and showered blows on tha horses heails wnn hii umbrella, Juat us the umb,ellii broke tho team stopped mid I was pulled out from be neath the wheels. lllnks -Dld the urn- brellii have a sliver handle like a shep herd's crook? "I did not notice par ticularly and, besides, he broke It all in pieces stopping tho team, Why?" "lie borrowed mine yesterday," New York Weekly, Im Nit! Want aniirtay Work, Ily order of I he clly council of To ronto, Canada, a ballot was taken among the street railway employes to BNcerialn their sentiment on tho ques tion of running thu street cars on Bundiiy, Two hundred and fifty men voted. Of these 220 were agalnat Hun day work. That f-i.lll It. Itadgerflreat BcottI I'odklns, what a racket! Is there a fight going on In the flat above? PodklnsOh. no; that's a whist club. Iladger A whist club? Well, maybe you think I bellPve that! I'odklns It's a ladles' whist club, Hadger O hi JCnw York llnrald. Making Hay In Whiter. It waa in that part of Calais, Maine, known as Red Beach that a man was seen last week In a field mowing hay, with mittens on and stopping every few minutes to thraah bis hands to keep them warm, liar Invariable Ktile, "I don't Relieve in long engage ments," said MIhb Smaller. "Nt-lther do I." replied Miss Klttlsh. "Short eniagementt wllh plenty of them la my motto." New York World. Da careful where you step, and thosa wbo follow you will stumble less. 1 1 I'ltlMs t !.(( l i ! . ate r.i 4 C-'; I tt "t ( r- ti l a r-r'i t '(- t l i ii ) It Min,.t ri la i" (at u 1 1 1 e H e r,m! n.. a. r n f i ii m. k im in it ih tt iwi Ii J-1 ( rlN fld.l It Jit 1st If ti. hi. a pM a. u, Nii nh ran Walk With iIvI'Im. eM e'ay It) Hit if pTI tper ttltiim. Hume att a rrl'gtuua il 'ak, t baa a vli heart A nmfeaaiKhal Ihi la h !mb W telf rropet t. Westing a crta doea not eure rn- lieta. Hatred Is nuraml by papal prejudlrtx The brighter hMnry ahinet the dark er Home a record. It la bard to convince a paput who lets the priest do bis thinking. To know that popery Is curae makes a man want to rid the earth of It Keeping knowledge In the hands Of the priest starvea the minds of the people. You ran never tell what papist will do out of a church by hla looks of de votion within. Rome has trouble with the man who does hla own thinking. Popery throws the moat mud at the whitest garments. Uae Miwjer't Hop. Wor Tim U al In the Every fact la an antidote for some foolish fancy. I'aaticngor arriving at Chicago by the Chicago, ItiK'k Island k t'uclflo U ) can, by the now Union KlovaVd Ijup, reach any part (if tho city, or for a Ave. cunt fare can hu tuken Imnmil'atoly to any of thu large store In tho down town district. A train will Mop at the Il'xk Inland b tut Ion ovoy mlnuto Tbtso facllli.los can only bo offered by tho "Ureal I lock Island Houte." Addreas JOHN SKI1 VSTIAN, fJ, . A,, (Jlilcatfo, Holding on to pagan superstition, gives Rome a mortgage on your faith. Do you know tbat Sawyer's Hasp l tho very best in tho market? Ask your grocer for it. Inalst on having it and no other. When Rome gives money she always puts a chain of power on It Department Store Price Best which rieicr-iix the mt-i ai DR. WITHERS I doing all kinds of I)nti Work. Hut Toeth Hunt Hot Teeth.. Oold Kllllne-,... Bllver Fillings .. (Jold Crowns. Teeth Kxtracted r oo 7 60 .11.00 and up 1 (' 6 0(1 26 Tooth out In llio intH'iihiU" Now Otivn Hit mo ttity. All work ut ahout lUt.v what other Dcntistn Chiirgft. 1ft YkAIIH' Exi'KHfKNCK 18 !r. WITIIKKM, iX'ntfxt, Fourth Floor Ilrown 151 k . Sixteenth and Douglas Street TKJ.WHONK 1776 THE OKI! AT HISTORICAL RBVIRW. History, An IlliiatraU-d Quarterly, DKVOTKD TO UKCOHItlNff IMPORTANT KVKNTH, THO (IKK.HH AND OKOWTIl IN A IX COUNTHIKrt OF TIIK WOHLU. tory Has No Competitor. Agents Wanted Current Hlate ty la a at.lenilK: muKaiim for ananta to hamlln. Il liianl In ItitelliKent linnple, AH'ireaa NEW EXGUXI) I'lBUSH C CO, 8 HOMEH8ET BTBEKT, BOMTON, MAS KANSAS CITY FOR Pffl I nillO AND A LI Ol, liUUIJ POINTS SOUTH AND SOUTHEAST Tirket Olllff, I. F, forarr Hlk mi Kami IU t in it. I1 !! An. I I M t lul l M . - .1 I I ' I f I . t i i . , ..." I I I .1 I , l.. I I ... I J l l-l hi i : k t.i il r,.i ..I ... .k ti . i .ii i.n . . ,.,(, ... i . , .H I tt.l ,H - H . l I I . I,.M . I If i l..t In I In ' ft I ,.I'M I ' I Ni'1 l'i t M. ii Mm lii tvit r IMMI ti .mill J .1 In uK ISit'U Ms I II I I 1 Mil VI n Tali' lu ll r it'H fie Hi it .linn V llir till. I. ut I l..-lMi ll ft ' Il I'atli ti.ii " n i "1 1'i'Ml inn .lull itir"l- I aa u. II. tin- . III. a lit Ilia inlilit t l h if lH.ttul.ia f.iti.l. , 1 In" t'ttU' I tint ln. e .if l'iiiiii-. nf in till Ii ta lite ill l il litiiali N.ll.i-K.i Ilia ii.,irtl nan. I ' nf Ilia anix. la In .1.1 a tl ' '' I d l.-ill" Ikm, liill 1'i.ailna -inn imiiiiIIiiii an I mil.. i tHi tiitina an.) t .iiiih n( I V i tin line I lia allium. t i.f i ai.ill almli l lnmni'.l III alinti a ni iiwl am II til la mli fur at ltii lime nf lmim e mdl til lie Hull aaaaa4t.le Klia H tllV llle lit Mllm lil I.f ninti-ttnl in l ilml Thla rut i n t tint i .illlllii in e. Imalnaaa nil June ;t lli vw, nn l til iiMitlinie fm a i rlinl Of tlfH -m lltetrafler 'I'lie lilitlii-al niinmnl i'f ltnlelie,nra i t llnlilllll In Willi II Ilia ent tail HI Inn IllNV ll'i- (il l tin If la mi an nl In ln llilnli nf tlie 'ii I.I tip i a pll n I aim k The olll..i l.v Willi II tin- liiialniaa nf tlila nil put nl lull la lit lie rim. 1. 1. I". I iifn (ireal lent, le pr'atileiil, treaautel, 'rtelMif ami ai'tii'tHl liinnaMi r, an. I a lamril tif tlii' e illrcclnra. II. r,tti.TitN. ii w ii:iiiiik r, !;wai,t, IHle.lnla . A. H!Mi:ll. Attorney, Merclianla Natlnnal Hank Hills. NOTH'K Til Nii.M I'r.S liKMT KKKKNIt AMU -Tni I, rl.tif. a l.'ll'iiiiniedlvu anil Mr I, Hi iiiinedli'ii, Iter liualiaml Brat anil real nams uiikuiiwn, nini ril cut ilifinil- Vnil are liri'liv Slot I M1 that nil tba lull dnjf of June. I', latnea I,. Hf.ine, llir plnlnlHT liiTi'ln. tiled hla petltlnn In lha Ma Irict Court In- liiiimlaa fiiimlV, NelirU, asalnall'lirl Hi IM.iii.ii.imIii ii ami Mr, -lllmtiiiieilieii. tier lin-lil)i Hrat nml real name uhkn ti ami ntheia di fenilania, i)ie tiljiict and prayer nf Which la In fnieelnaa una on ii In I n a cerHttcnle dated Nnvamlier Jliih, Inn!, upon the fnllimlna deacrldeil r al eat ate, ln H i I lia et nil' half iW ','lif lilt arven ('( In hliM H rnuritilii Klilnn a r'lral aldiilmi in the 0 ty nt Omaha limiKliia eouiily, Net- raN, 'I heie I" lln due noun laid eerllnVala the ii in nf imi wllh tnt'iiem al the ral nf ti n i Hii ir ii t.t n r arinniii frimi td tnhar fr.l, In',17. f ir whli'li a. ii in. wllh Inti rial an I ciau tnaiilher wllh an nMurn y 'en hilimiiiI'iik I i ten i remit or the Accrue, iniiu.ini jiiaya inr a decriie Unit ha hn n lliat linn iiinni auld real ralaln, that, the di fcfi'liiiila ainill i i theaane and In defmil therei.f t hat tha mid priipertir haauld tnaa laty the amiiiin fnwiiil linn, aim thai upnn aal thereof lh leftmd anta lie di'l.iirreil nf all figt title and lii'er eat In said real aitate, an I tor tilhei' ri)ii titn retier. Vim are a I mi liereiy entitled that "i'i and ea'h nf iiti are n iiifrei in anawer atilil pe. titiiin on or oeinra uimkui nay ui wi Hiimr. iwia. Hated t Omaha, rtnuraaK aapiem tier wm, JAmr.nit nitiiwiar,. rtnintiir, Ily W, A, Saiimlera, hli Altnrnay. (t-4 ln3,a,. Nn. art. W. A. MAIINDKItft, Attorney, Marchania Natlniinl Hank Hldf, NOTICK TO NOM-HKSMIKNT VMKSth A N TS, To Mwlna ('had wins, nnn-realdent de- fendanl t Vim are hereby null find that on lha M') day of Heniamlier, tuna, Jme t llmwne. Hie UI in Ii l III Herein, tiiea nil pniiiinn in inn ina trlct court nf lmil ciiiin'y. Nehraaka, asalnat Kdwlna (Jhadaick, Ilia nhjnct and oranen.f which ara to fnracliam one certain tin certificate dated Nnvemher lull, lata jinn th fiilluwlng Crwrliied rai raiate, to nine HO tn hlia-k two. In t V, Htnlth's adilliiim to thn tit y of Omaha, Oouslaacoito- ly, Nehraaka. There In now flu on aalfl earlM'"! tha sunt of titu Hi with liitereat, ut lha rat i.f ten per etil peranniiin frnin Septemiier 'ti, lasia inr which aiim, with Internal, and pnla InKather wllh an atinrneya fee khiihiiiI.iiiK tnten per cent nl lha dneree, plalnlllf praya fur a di - cree that he haa a lliat lien imi in aald ra ralaia. that Ihn dercnilanta ahall pay H.e ame, and In default thereof that the aald prnpurty lie aild to aalUfy Ihn an iini.l fn mil due, and lhat op h auln Iherniif the di fend. anla Iki deharred nf all rlnlit, tile and In i.,ri In a d real ealiita, anil fur other eiini Utile relief, Vnil ara rrij.ilredli anawer aa'o pennon ( n lit hefnre the lldynr iicinne r, laiia Omaha, Wet,., reptemiier i!i, twia J A MM I. MllirVK. fiitlfiOlT. Ily W A, gatinnera, lil atU,rt.V. HIM I lie', mi nil n. Altntney, Mer. liinila Nallnnal Hank Hid II NirTU'l', TO NON-KKfloKMT lKKKM AMTSi 1'n Aleiander M rerrlaand KimnaJ, Kerrla iiuiMml'Imil. defendant! Vnil ara herrliV nnline l Unit, on lh tt day of Si plemlier A It ,K Jume I, llr iwne plnliiiiiT Herein men ma piaiiinn in inn ui irlct mmrt i.f lenitiliia county, Ni'iirua. i aalnal A In i ii nilor M r i, ril. kii'I Kmina i l i rrla.dnfeiidanla, thu nhln'l and puiyernf which la Ml Inrni lnae one n. i tain tasi-ernn ate dated Flnvelnliir I nil, law I lllnill III In. Inwliitf deai'f Hied rent ralale, tnwli: The nnilh iiim-th Ird (M. M ui l,nt elyht iai In lilm a eldhly nine .'ii in ihacit y nf omaiia. nil a luainll in linns I oilill 1 , lannriiaan. There la now due mion auld carl Itli aln tha II in of IHiiO HI Wllh Interrat at H.e ralanf ten ier cent 0 r an 'ill in frnin eeiitenila-r till x'j. for Which aiim. Wllh Itlleri at and cnala tnifether with an uuiiriiryu fee amnuiiilns m M il percent nr Hie mcnia. planum praya inr a decree that Imtm llnl linn upon auld real eaial, that Ilia defendiiiiia ahall pay tlieaama. Mid In default thereof that the aid iiroiinri v h aold in aatlaf if lha amount munil due, ami u at upon aum innreni ma ilcfciidaiila im denarrrq nr ail num. tine ami Intereal In aald real eatale, and for lithaf eniiltalila relief. You ara a nharehv not lied lhat vnil a no Mf h of ynu ara rriinlred to itnawer aald letltlon tin or nerore w jii nay ut ucinner alia. ImK'd at Omaha, Nehraaka, NepletnUr JJ, law. J A MM I,. HK'jw.'aif;, naitttirr, Hy W A. Naurnlera. hla atUirney, The Out llailrnatl lo i IiIcbkh. Wllh a JMy rcht Train: -ave Omaha H;li) A. M, every tlay arriving at ClUsogo the a a am fevenlnsf at 8.1f wli'.-rd cltiaa connufi tlons are matlo wllh all lines bcjoncl. This train U M years ahead of ttie Times and la proving linmcnaely I't pular with O naha fii'tiplo (Hhnr flylcfc" trains leave fur Chicago at 4 ,.5 an l fi '.l I M dally City Ticket OlHua MUi Farnam St., "Tha North-Westurn Lino Marat Tour linw an Wllh taarareta. Candy t'ntharllc, eura ennatlpatlnn forarer. VO, goo. iikV'i ft, 7'J'tau rtiunu money, 1 1 Popular Medical, Sal Scienca X Sensible Bool rorfwInnslVoplf-A Isdul W for Ewijow jiiiM y. Mnyv i i ncALLV roufi ohcat nooris in one unoe vouuml fSt I (HnlaSlI AND THIIR CatlBIS, NIVINtmH AND ri'St. rtsr CHsimic pisiahii of ait umia, and aii rsii, Mtnunmd "rivri- inn Horn rxr4 rSf Itl - Ham tIS ARiMJI COalUUM. MIAMI!!, ISSHSH, Sllima MMSlalil IS All COIlNTKHt. rut iv. trsoviiNi or narmauii A oniot fos im humid and ah who mm ivn to it APPENDIX 5 Ml I Se4 1TO r A TT? THTT K " ' tehm-aa i.f liU iiii'a ilViLA aareea and eiwly 10 FtVATBI. fke Aaaiamt ef Ma im an4 af Hnaai Tha Orlaln nf Llrei Maw (ram Ike Kfti llj.raaaa wf 1 Kraell..nai Ihrea f Iraaall i.ler Vlalea af 1 lialanS eeretal llr(aaw tl) IllHairailnna nr l-.iial INtelki,rii If Traa.lw-I.U 4 alarlltara fcy l ulnr I'liatnarapk , la rlta I !. aklai rweraai (Ner Aro You Well? ! IIMI TH la a rare K,hmi ten iwtMr iiiii"i. hi,!" irtliial If Hi" ra il,, aril In. in I'l' Hi are apt In I, rra kl.a nl III. Ir belli aaa. I la a,i lf I't l'ia nr li,. -v imle II lliai n r !'"" aia 'aaaf ,a t Inilnil If I I'T li" I f enmiall 1" h am Imw In I I maintain II. 'H'" " ' ill l.i i.aiinis "I'laln lliiniw VI Yalk" mi the i a'naa nl 'I a? eaMe rrrnr In itli.l. iaiaall. a. rfCfl eiii'Mlla III"' eallll, ! aCl am) ri.fli'e illll.liliia, Hie 1 Hut amwe ' all , II, , Ilia l.l n.i.lia nf I lilli!ti.. Ilia iirnrali in a nf rrmra nf o ifktna nnitermlna lit-r nf iiiaalneal a r fl.a i.i,iirra.aii.lin"lt'eien'ilr H re ,, , rniia lee nf a4llll, Hi" In!' ";n",,,1' hi ne a, I ilii la ls In wumeii, nr . en-, and thy ail iH.a. idil i ,lina nf aiMjety li-lnl, h.mir " laat nf l,Mi ai iea ara dmened In "anelal alaria linn.'' Ilila i lia,ler Imi ulif lli'innliil' m "iina flki .i aairar, leiw irilllilllB ha l i mm; l.r. i irill, alir II will tint llnwn, le.w H " ''I' ""' rerimn.ved In III" "lnreMlM-iniii aiarlllna and hiiimiiaiil fai-ta tn knnw, ..,.. Tna ri-aulia nf a mad fhaaa f'iT wealth, nf erer. r., mer atnilr, falliirca III imalaeaa. in fm t tlmi .-nil la Hie !,! nf wealth iii.i ii. e,. and tii ra.ioa and i tti la nf ImfUM" nielani hnlr " ara all matlera II wuiild let Wall l"i I" "" ""' Arc You 1117 1 II C.X rtt are Indeed a rare man (f vi, ii are in it anili'iia In team inir tt lama, what 'a Ilia Inaller ami wtial'a I'l h dnlie. V. in ne r it he "uiily a enid." a rhriiiile catarrh, nr tntin il.lnil Innre w-rlnin that. h "aellleal nil the Innaa" In l,fna inua nr i nii'i al I'l It I nun tlila Ilia. Weak ?ii.,l. la In tli" llii r, ainniai n nr mwela, 1li"a r"ii ran tnaka mi miaiaaa in hariili.a the ta-at Slth'"1aof rellltln Hieaa Mal l.iw ll.-lia. If I'm tr. nil J aehea, palaa, ejiralala r th'm. Ilarn, (t wlllan'elf V'f t' l'"'k "M ",""." nut armtrtnina nf tlflsnl aliiu'llve ilia, aaea Iff li lha "yiijln iiiliiary nfKana," and a iwntfed nn aieh tlilnaa a t,,ii ianr taviam !" l,mirrliea,atrlrtiifeaiwl wrnaa fiirmairf rnnlealniia ilaeaaea ''hr lha lemk" llian l. efarlene lha mi, i.d will read Willi a f all alK.iit li;i"w, (Mrrrniieaa, dlx-aaa nf wniw a, nerinna aiaea.ea. iarla, parairaia, tain aieeaeea, . . fniuHu, lemk i amnd. envef "all lha Ilia that a-ah lallelr In.'' and tle refnra w tnturt mMnrUim, lit, riKiU aiiiniiH"t " ""''" tHianr nf II, '" ''' "" f" th iinnwtnfwni ti'lt tint pur- nl tit li u tint iih tMliava nimtitii mm in nrrtnn iit t,n fi-r, n'(ri.aiiifi4lJi'Hlry will ba Btwi!rel U tha lewi at tilt at'imy. jT-J.LM V 1 1 1,, lliaaiwiiier r'"1 fT'S Vh nnl. IniW terlima II la, and Wh ki v - il'J 1 It. i fur rniirai II the le-tlef, I U lrLA liiual Mara "Im In live Will hhf( imnC Ilia rarlh r yrni n f.V I ,lrtV ana-lr,luelhnl,,t,''-l tmiwlll li V'V " Or, marlm partlriiiar Vwav- rrXTiT rTTTTVT' slresdf fisva "snmefhlnf Ilka It" of "nal sa wvl " fOinifrada ftav I Uiv X X 1 1 1 IV IV rtiH lared that. II s'WMfr In llnflf," tnd fur nfu-mt lit Sll nilief wnr.a, I rv KTfP Vfttl I'rihal tlila work la nlTerad for Vmurn IrtlrltiHn ritrrll and Wllllf, and w lMJlV 1 fUlltl I4l tiairltaiieil In ihi-iiiitirrtn Inadtertlaa nfmirleiafr tnertli lna. n,'UTI1lfVI A f U nf Ihs innatanihiiaiaatla kind frtm all muntrlr whera Jtngllafe ISf V 1 1 JVH iX I A li kn, wwild, en In ataall trpe, flil M fiafeanf thiaaia, IUrAliMi'CUTi'iV A T mennf all ciaaaet, rierwmm, fin-Hm. ttitvr; ntllmt, erltlnS, feavaj IHr l4tmV)i?ilttwn fltlierihs emliiraenieni) remarkahly few tfHI'sl, q , POPULAR KDITION, Cloth Binding. Prepaid by Mall, S I .M American Publishing (p. Fifty Years -a , I, '-'.r ' ' - Vie jf Trfv. .. . V- ,.V i i " .v. r i . - i m .i ,.rri A V IIV. R KVi CHAR .VA CHINIQUV, TOOKTHKIt WITH THE AMERICAN $? 00 For the Balance of 1898, for 4Tbrli!eof the bia.k at reUll la 12 2.', but '''' , the rarxir for 92 W. Mend In your orilcrs At'CO.MI'ANIKI) IIY TIIK CASH to AM KM CAN 1'iriU.INIIlNO COMPANY, 1615 Howard Stroot, OMAHA, NED, Is Marriage a Or (Vrt) Vor N tr ti Ktiow m t I'i i n rn-t OtiiitT f ITwnW. a Tllf id 1 flow ,M li.aiw Hit t .fir dl ltarr TllR M hH!M- li In l" lin V III lltillll'ttfl 1 1I l ni I'tlU M - In" Ii !' .li l.'iliH') 1'IIK Wntiim l"'W IIh in Hli. nl mitt 1 its I tut i i t Imw I t In Iniitfnl nn l iiinlllif Iiir I 'i ii ini a linvr ilwy "pnivtiil "ainl i itnn in l j 1 itr lit ti i ti linw di mi ji iv Mi' nml np will J Tiik Im a i in Imw i p-i t a nimln eiaailily I iik I HI HI lrt limv lnma!il wnti i im -rar jr. All llH Vl'llll k llnt ImU'H t tlllt la llf llllial Villi Ui I llnl It ill IT l ' I I till ll.itiio'" I.O"" jHH-a, .tai t lita, Jlfl 'nl. j lilltui ia rtiWt. rHr al l. I l.taar.l a hinir ItiH TMR MiaaRUt C"ti aver TOO sraarflphwa) f rdiaf 4 (at f Halt t4 rartaa! 'IwraWa, tfiajtaai caeiaUlt lata f tat.italat If smk Htwttraksa. rtNaaMitillai Ins raK k;(iM! fatal far h ti f kwaata Ihla laa ami tha HlMtrik It alaaa to treaiflbfAaV m'a''ii',1,'a,a tpr'.flyiaiailh"ra. 99 onnonoi. too xLLurriiATXONi. Aro You Engaged? a i T wifnif to na am Set, tw-rhai walt na'i tnirrr, and aM k" nilaiaka i It aat a-r In m l la anal dun, nil i,i -i imi II Hi well wierOi While In "he nra yea aia rl'lit lafura ' a., a I " 1 wt kt Im t.,M,k an helptiil lab r'.aMli.g yiril In fla. 4 iir aa "I'lijlak llme lalfc,'' Yrnt ran learn toinaihitHa ti tn iiilnr'a u.laiaa-. 1l,f llimnrr nf lata. tlaan nf all II mnda, l all,,,illilrl.a.ll.a eajrl enaeiperlmenla tm ktih.fta hate n.ade, .n, i.i,t audi hin, haibarmia anil i talllnd, help ea in tan hal nl In dn lhaaeinal lli,inialll sr"Wng im i.f inaallaS. il nalnra and marrla tnlatlla, the hlalnrf nf, Ha tn vah nea, allnri-lnilila.doar, rm,li, II Ifnrta nf r I lar l'-la and aaielk lam Inanb. dm- and iniiifMl lle al"li all llieaaatn'i. Iiaain frulitiil In In.lhaili.a plitalfa la amid lit) tlia t,th,r hand ltia,l"ia nn ailapll'dl In niarllaa-w, I'lirahal, iii' inal and niamn tli '.a eafl n.airiaanav liili liiiarrlaa", ln, illenli, en , e , aid lln . a,l, vi I...I .. a a.,i,d niaii-h.f l" i li.iM; hmne ai4 , at,, mar. tan,l, " lf-i Man and Piaaiap IMI rat Hap and Imtery nf inairlaa. Aro You Married? TlirilR art eleta fert e,itally In al.i.ali.K f" "Imw In be htetr fli.inah marrl4 alaiir mmtuti ne,, I.le wntif't art an-ea ller If they Iwi mm In H,l ll-aa-pM lieatn ear h nlhaff, and would trr In ua mielarid naa aa lal.i f aeeedt Tte f (,..rl l In reaal What lata ll'rrien talk' aara ali"iit Itia lrat J,MI,,,,,f 1,1 Hil, .fliraa. n."nalr- I rrlallnna nf Ih a. i-a," I he InSneae a ,n lira II n ana an of aefterthrtu, "fha wnrfewmid !' f nit.lnert f W life," ete , eta. Manr will Snd e.ieh aaiiafarihea h III', -ir , a.av will n.i'i ,---. Ilie. liawrna karrewnrea hlli l.aala-'BilwaiM.aia. nf reat h.r In many I hll'll' a pall, adlli lliein Ut tl .,,r and feiimta the nlala, le Inle ra llfca nnl'ine "ea-art Ii mart I'd fn-,le" treaitna tit a..iaa lif.aieenlMtl arl, eeaa, h.rln, flint, a rtfffi reree, pri-ifttHtin, rtrhiHi't-, 1'tA f'rr a- riant wwnen, the e,.e nf rhllif-maklwf , why rhlldreanf aeennd knatianitreaj-mhleliri-Siat elli .aaaV In aluai. Inen and wnfinn h' allale In talk Wllh llealt h'liiex Miftk tana row i-mlnf Inaey dellrate aaaf. Ilnria that JH-ridef them and thai He r r ally ad i nwli raiand, and whkk ihta lea,k will eellahl'B tnait. nn l.ul t'm'ttih'T Until U Jttlllti av tmh rni-ir to mult nit ft if' aa t'plu r nj rhtitg in f if mil mutt reaniry. in the Church of Rome ., T, jr f Jl 'r 'J, Y . rv V :. , ' 7 ti Failure? $1.00