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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1898)
THE AMERICAN. AMI Ml K AMI Mt ASH " Wr fc.-M s'tl nm nr It i ... I . t t I. t I i it..) M.I. nli.l a n t ..-Mul.- tM Ml , ntUsK, l-'IMIM V, Mill MIU U rt vh I I MY M V fclVM'I.K, Vol I Ml VI I J MOORES' ORGAN NOW CHARGES It Says the Men Who Were Pushing the Prosecution of Its Pet Offered to Stop Action for $2,500, but that Moores Declined. SOME QUESTIONS TO ANSWER. The People Are Asking mailers?" and We Challenge Mr. Rosewater to Publish Their Names. It may not b generally known, but It I nevertheless a fart, that the charge agalnm Frank E. Moores origi nated with a brae of blackmailers wbo offered to suppress them for 12.600. It la to tho r"Jlt of Moores (hat he rejected the Infanioua proposal and defied tht scoundrels to do their worst, confident that no Jury would convict bifri of Intentional wrong. Omaha Bee. 'f ba above statement appears for the A rut time In the columns of the Omaha Dee of Heptember 2, 1HK Th Ameri can haa learned to take all statements made by the U with t jet deal of allowable, especially where the char a ter and political fortune of Frank K, Moorea are at stake, Hut tier a statement which la sufficiently direct to Justify an In iuiry, If any responsible citizen did la fact, attempt, to secure hush money from Frank E. Moores, tat fart will cot wsaken In any degree lha decision of Ilia snprema court walr h ronvlcta Mr, Moores of being a "wllfull and In tntlinar dufauliar, but should ba made kuewn to the people. In order that tha blackmailer may bava meted out. In bleu that degree of jwblle. op probrlutn which his acts d'ei ve, It Is well to note in paaalnt that (he charges against Frank K. MKres tould nefi-r hava ln posabln bad tils records oof furnished th erldence tit bis guilt, 'ih points on wbbli the aapreme rouri inad Its findings yejat d to only a small part of bis wrings and misdoings, sjmI It Is a plf of Impertlneiica for lb editor of tha Jiee to attempt longer to defend a ion. vlcted man wbo ba not to this day tendered an arcciunliug of his affairs to his surceasor In office, and who stJII reialns many thousands of dollars In tils hsnds which belong to other peo- pls. It U also passing strange that If tbers was any substantial ground for tb charge of blackmail that tha at torneys for Mr, Moores did not bring I hut fact out In the great trial which look pluca In tha court botisa IWors Heferea Clements, Tha American Is in a position to know that tha charges against Frank Moores originated at a meeting form ally called, of men who desired tha sua csss of the republican party, and wbo believed that tha party did Dot deserve aucress If there was not vlrtua enough in It to purga Itself of tha corruption that had been engendered through the ofhVa of tha clerk of the district court during tha IncumlM-ncy of Frank K. Mwres. The American has a partial list of those who werfl present, and proposes now and here to call tbem to their foet to answer the charge made by the Uee. Fred J. Sackett (Rosewater tai com BLACKMAIL "Who Were the Black missioner): Did you at any time ap proach Frank K. Moorea directly or in directly, and agree to suppreas the chargea you swore to wherein you sought to Impeach Frank K. Moores of all the offenaea which the statute lays down as a sufficient cause for re- moval from office? (Paretic h. Chaffee; Did you lend yourself to a "brace of blackmailers" who offered to suppress the charges against Frank B. Moores or 12,500? James Walsh:' What have you to say? You were on of (hose who met to prefer the chargea agalnxt Frank B. Moores, Did you agree that Mr Moores' acts sbouM tie kept from the public for 12,600? W, (i, Wbltm.ire; When you were lu the leglalature Koaewaier made eral chargea against you which the people did not believe, We know that you have demanded an editorial apology from lilm for theae charges, and that, the most he has ever done Bits been to admit to you privately that ho was mistaken, lie now makes the sweeping statement that the charges against Frank K, Moores orlgimiied wUh a "brace tit blackmailers" who agreed to snparess them for 12,600. You were one of the citizens of the county who thought Moore should lie brought to Justice, and we want to know whst, you have to say to this charge? James H, Winspear: You were one of those who had the temerity to sign chargea against a protege of Mr, Itose water, Ife'fore Mr. floeewater would consent to your spH!nt merit a member of the Hoard of Public Works, be gave you a trial In his own editorial rooms to determine whether you were blamahle. for the payment of 1 1, Goo made by Frank E, Moores In order f hat he might buy his way back Into the office of clerk of the district court, there to plunder the people of their money, Mr, floeewater consented to your appointment and you held th office for several years with credit to yourself and the community. The American wsnts you to stand up and say whether you were one of the "brace of blackmailers who offered I to suppress the chargea against Moores for the aum of f 2.(00 f The American also thinks this la a proper time for you to make known the truth about your efforta to get Rosewater to ex- pose the stealings that were perpe- trated In the county hospital Job, but which he refuaed to do for fear H would defeat Dick O'Keefe for a third term?. E, P. Davla: You are another of the partlea who algned the chargea againat convict Moorea. "Nebraaka'a greatest man" who knows no law but hla own sweet will, who believes the supreme court should register partlzaa decrees, rr 1 ? ' ' , ' ' 1 i k' ur -1 I j' i - d n i ' ' ll I H'.W $C urn WSM'aa It 1 n l' ' &32&&S&f .1.V IMMUXAliY SCEXKif,, he iwnit, , home after th? DOCTOR UNCMi SAM : mate association with "venal h1 "blood -suck i leeches" your rooted and of so Ioiijj standing that pathic Remedies." You will bein with No. i and alternate the you have completed the course, if canism," to build tip your constitution. t)K. JOHN L J'NKSt KIPTIOX No, 1 : Round about the cauldron urii In the poisoned entrail throw. Toad, that under cold stone, Day and nights bait thirty-one Sweltered venom !erinj( jjot, Uoil thou lirt 1' the rharmed (Hit! I'KKHCKIPTION No. 2: Fillet of a fenny make, In the cauldron boil and bake, and who atops not to question either the wisdom or the authority of Its de cisions, has found out that a "brace of blackmailers" offered to suppress the charges for 12,600. Our columns are open for your anawer to tfcla state ment. M. II, Hedfield, ei -county clerk: After convict Moores had esraped the Hoard of Kducallon, after he bad been whllewsnhed by a Rosewater board of county commissioners, after the city convention with the aid of Roaewater and the "long green" had placed Moores upon the ticket, notwithstand ing the act that you had told many of the delegHtea that he was a defaulter and would oppose him If nominated, you had the audacity to make formal chargea of dlshoneaty and defalcation against the party nominee. You ran I he gauntlet that waa enfiladed by the batteries of the prince of character defamers, but no charge then that you had belonged to a "brace of black mailers" who agreed to suppress the chargea against. Frank B. Moores. When you went down In defeat after exposing Kosewater's hypocrlcy aa It was never exposed before, you were called as a witneas In the celebrated case, Your tentlmony went to the cor8 ' t'"' defendant's crime, and you w"r" """'Jwted to a searching and sen 8tl"na' " examination, but no woru WM ,m"r'a "y M00rP" lloray n,at tenM t0 Infrlmlnata you In the reprehensible work of "blackmailing" rran ,!" " nn nave you to my to lh ''harKi nm'le h tne B'? w Uroatch, you who have been twice elected mayor of the city aj Unst the wlah of "NebraHkaa greatest man," did you agree to suppress the chargea ngalnnt convict Moorea for the sum 12,500? Wright, Ransom & Shean, attorneys, T0" wr not the orlglnatora of the chargea, and the Dee man may not . i f-, ! :. 'Ar .... IVhtrnl i',i,i'ittee. at W,ihnittM llnll lt Satmuhm ni't.nmnn. Rosewater, your condition is very critical. I'roin yotir very inti- vampires," "corporation cormorants," "political fiwashbiicklcrs," whole sytcin has become corrupted. The disease is so deeply - the only treatment left is a course are you are still alive, you will WEBSTER'S HOMOEI'ATHIC REMEDIES. I AHAITKH t'HOM HIIAKKSI'KAN!',. Kye of mewt, and toe of frix, nol of bat, and tongue of loff, Adder' fork and blind worm 'a f.tinj Ii7.7iiird' leis' and owlet winjj, hike a hell-broth boil and bubble. I'KF.SCKIPTION No, 3: Scale of drug-on, tooth of wolf; Witclu-N, si. 11 11 1 111 v . maw and KUlf tf the r.ivin'd salt-M-j harp; Koot of hemlock digg'd i' the dark i have had you In mind. Hut your con nection with the case may lay you open to the suspicion that you are In some measure guilty, and the Ameri can will give you a chance to defend yoursnlvea, What have you to ssy? T, O, C. Harrison, chief Juntlee of the state of Nebraeka, come Into court: You are a late but a grievous offender, "Nebranka'a greatest man" aaya that you erred In handing down a decis ion In the midst of a "momentous campaign." la It pOMlble that you could In any way have made overture to Convict Moorea that, the charge would be suppreesed for $2,600? Did you solicit a bribe? Aa with all other "suspects" we throw our column open to you, and if we have failed to Include all parties In our list who have Incurred the Roeewater displeasure we Invite them to the free use of our space. Reviewing the whole altuatlon aa a dispassionate umpire, who favored neither Moorea nor Howell, but w.ilch Induced A. C. Foster to go on the city ticket against both theae men, we are constrained to believe without fur ther teatlmony, that If as a ma'Jter of fact "a brace of blackmailers" offered to suppress the charges against Con vict Moores he did not accept the offer. It would be doing violence to logic. The decision of guilt handed down by the court Is a consummation which should hush the voice of criticism. If the prosecutora of Convict Moorea were at any time tempted to fall down and worship mammon, It will be said that al lof them, barring the preiient city tax commissioner, recanted. It la not for tho American to look into the motives of another set of men who held Influential posltlona In tho Moorea' controversy, but we wish to be Impartial, and will throw our col umna open to them to defend tbem- ml ih (!,, of tin- imMt'cmt ( ouifi - " of "Dr. J. I,. Webster's IIotWE- doses with Nos. 2 and 3. When take this bottle of "Pure Republi. I.lverof blaspheming Jew; 'all of ((oat, and siirm of yew, Silvered in the moon's eclipse, Nose of Turk, and Tartar's lips; Finder of birth-ktraiiKlcd babe, Ditch-delivered by a drab, Make the ktiicI thick and slab; Add thereto a tiger's chaudron For the ingredient of your caul dron. selves. We make no charge that hush money waa used. Hut a great many people would like to know what was tha moving cause that brought Mr. Rosewater to the support of the great est boodler n the Htate of Nebraska In this connection a little current history should be related. On last Monday evening a commltlei. called upon Rosewater to Induce him to withdraw his opposition to the repub lican ticket, Rosewater Informed thu committee that he would not support. V. H. Walker for the legislature, even If It lost him every subscriber ho had If It defeated Dave Mercer, Klerstead and the entire republican ticket When asked how he harmonized his position with his action In supporting rrank B, Moores, who was publicly and notoriously charged with defab a tlon before tho election. He said that the contest had narrowed down to a choice of evils, and of the two he. chose the least. Hut he did not say that he waa responsible for A. C, Fos ter withdrawing from the ticket, the only candidate whom the people be lieved at that time was fit for the office. Why did county attorney liuldrlge remain inactive when there was a de mand for him to put to work the crlml nal court of the county against Mr Moores. What have Judges Keysor rawcett and Klabaugh to say? Will Heecher Hlgby and John Hutler, Mr. Matthleaon, Captain Palmer, n. M. Ilaverly, Ralph Hreckenrldge, W. I. Klerstead, Henry Ostrom, T. VV. Black burn, Dave Mercer and several others explain their position. Will A. C. Foster explain to the people if It waa the pledge that he waa to have a nomi nation for governor that Induced him to withdraw from the ticket? The American also believes that the Continued on Page 4. I'M I, I IX I. I I.M H NlMIMt IT IS ROSEWATER Oil, ANTI-ROSEWATER That is tho Slogan in the State, County and Mu nicipal Campaign. Men Who Are Tied to, or, Who Are Known to Tear tht Dic tator Will tc Defeated. THE PIOPLE ARE SOVEREIGN. They Want No Sympathizers With Men Who Are Dishon est In Public Office. Ontlemcn: Now la the time for each and every one of you to ptaco yourself on record before the people oq Douglas county aa being opposed to the Hosewater Moorea rlng-the most corrupt combination which ever at- tempted to foist themselves on the re- I ...... publican or any other political party. l'o J. II, Van imsen: Usually you have been credited with 1 Imvinic a mind of your own, but It la kn,,wn ,u( l lhal al p"rl", ln tha " w"r ,n" ,wnn- water for the office of county attor ney, and this fact has laid you open to suspicion. You will have a chance to define your position, and If you wlt to avail yourself of the space of th American we cheerfully offer It to, you. We also tender space In our columns to your associates on the tick et Messrs. Crow and Noyes. To Miles D, Houck; You were nominated for the legisla ture by the Webster forces, but you have been a strong supporter of the Moores Rosewater machine, so much so that you are classed as a Rosewater man, The votera will require that you define your position. They will not be satisfied for you to simply support Mr, Webster for the Cnlted Hlates aen- ste, and serve Rosewater In other mat ters. Are you for Rosewater dictation or against It? The people would like siUHretoei answer. It. II. 01 Mini cil: You secured your nomination for the legislature because of the fight you made against the fire and police commission and also the manly fight yon made In the Interest of the farmers In the agricultural as sociation cases, and as a result of that police commission fight the city of (mm ha has hud foisted upon It a non resident for chief of police, In viola tion of the letter of the Inw. You did not vote for this chief of police, It Is true. The American does not hold you responsible for bis election, but what the people want to know Is whether you have a Rosewater tag concealed about your person, which menns that your vole In the legislature will be controlled by that Individual on any proposition whatever. Our col umns are open to you. To J. A. Heverly: Sheriff McDonald Is authority for tho statement that over a hundred pris oners were voted at the Fourth ward republican primary for the ticket bear ing the name of Frank K. Moores. What did you have to do 'tth this transaction? Does this account for the "flattering vindication" which the He claims that Moorea received at that primary? One other question: Did you go to the Hohemlan Catholic priest and request him to furnish men to do street work? Is II not a fact that you have made It a practice to consult tola priest ln the matter of the em- Continued on Page 5.