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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1898)
THE AMERICAN. 'AMI pH A iM A V Mt AN " t tl '. r An.u ... Vii, t ., , ,,. o.r ,i.,t ...., , . ,..... ....Mat . ...m t ni:iu:ahk a, hiiii.ny, siTir.Mitr.u k iv. A vii Kt v m.w i a r i k . V..M Ml. Vlll I'Hl I. I l I, I ISM Nt Mint ;.h PROBLEM OF THE WAR Yittoiy KnUiU Krtpomil'il Vnit'Viottiiu i AW rt mnmt ti? t Mi ttnr tW tUSHOPX. -firtntitif fAJt ,,t 4 ,, tun ti (tnuuirti't'A.CMftt ucm InmiiMiiii itit '1 lut ..' New to Am rit.i. PtHS ...'rrti(,ir, Mil AntAfl aJ j)f jr-Si, i n1" rr'j'n i IUnr r I fcrrf fl K it n c Html i f I lie riiiiiiitiHf. (uim ( rtu Will !M Hi Haft lMNr,l.iil I HarUI iHlti'imrrt, II I riiwiii t-t ii it I i - n I i i e i ,i i ii 1 1 tit'M. ! lh Atlantic M,.nHiv. Hint llii" win I r rt.f . . (fm- It m on, ..if, ,i MMllli' Hull i in ii,..l ,i ,,itj in,) o riripplly - Til li. for th Hnilh mill lltea. Mini, III ptn i,f ),, II -'l tin iiiuiai urn, if if n i-ii i n ri - r i r , i i I n r tilt make fur t lviliKHtioM. Thcr wii ni viT n Juiilii i hut II wi.ull fni 'i'h Mil A in. rli n victory; hut lint I ho vie lory would Im mi eauily and no cheaply won win fmi fiinn"! u, Nor v,i'tn the Incidental luiiftlii fMr'fti, fir i h---r ftr lii'ld ntal hem-nt a aT-nt nn ih main rult Itwlf. I'tifnr'H" n, alno wit th nw nbllgitlori i tint hav 1mii lntfioed nn tin. Th problem of governing n-untrl not only 'iratd from f hn l'rltd fUt'-H, llllt rfiutafd by different Mr-en and acr-uatrrrn ti different Inntltu I... from 'turn, In a ir-w problem tut It la a problem that our t.'nrll'h klnimiii hav o MtccKfolly ,lved that w ahall 1m dull Indeed If w do riot ijecd, with thdr Mrperlene to Inalrut u, Th pr'tit popular moid rrdlng thla nw tank, a regarding moat other larg undertaking In which A national aplrlt muat play an Import ant part, ichhii to b dp-iifd and far moral. Th foil, ihr f-nrt hardly tm douM, rtr to rtSri th trrltry that fiaa fll-n t lhm ly th frltin ff war, and lh"y do n-t har lh forchofllnf ot tha lntlll'nt minor! ly, whi Indlvldiiflllarn atrenBi thffn from lh national f-llnc, and who jrrava dflnirf Ui Mir instil m Kotia n auh addition ti our rcilitl'ftl lnk. National fccllna; l a nfVr ld Ui natlofial d-Vtl(fiffinf fhan Ihp rti-r raaonlt ,rm m nf crltl' l rrilndu, Ai any ratf, It at laat Wrfn thi only uld, Th dn"r in our auwaxfiil mn mi-fit of full and F'orto HUn, or ivvn f lha ltilli,iln. Inland, fofmlnfa, riot In ihMr dltanr from our ahor hut In IhHr dl tfftw of iiulatlon and Inntl tnllofia from our, Thy r annof h con vri"i iniri nmwttn atatf i,y any (tut, and no la ran r-fianjr ihMr ttinttr, Kor fa ihr any n"-d that thy ahould now or vr l Tonvort'd Into Affi'Tlmn !(, W ar i-omnilt. l-d to two duff; W hv hy on ,' fiiioot takn Kfon furlv a olimn tidllaailon to lh o(i of ih urn twt1 Inland to lfturf tfib nov f-rnrnTif, and lh nadir of our iimtftu. lion forhlda that w nhould ! tifi any form of novmrri''tit t-rr,t on that at lh oarlliat r,oiiiB rnotri'-rit hll to. (otnti -lf, Kvcn if w wlnh"d w rould not hlrk th" riotif allilllll-a, We annul ny h fof, of thia Inland fthr to fh-lr own ft, tr to I ha irn'n y t,f th now 4i f"8fd ami dlaorjr nixed Kfianlali rul, or y-t o lh mwy of any irda!ory nation that mlifht ffhi them, Wa ar hwmiw r. afioiiNiiii for thflr dvdoimnl, l'r lly what form th ifov rniii ril ,f tha viMil Inland ouitlit lo take ran li d(riolfi"d only afd-r ar-fiil atudy of fhHr fifiiplf and cfinnftrvatlv fl'rlrinrit with th'm; hut to ,rdl(f thiit w ahall mak fallur In tha ef fort to .r-far them for "lf 'v-n-fiif-nt I I'hlldlnh dlntrunt of our in- j' liy, W hav n-vr had a lank junt Ilk thl, hut w hav had lni trior dim ulf, Nor will our undertaking u h a tank Involva u In niariulnint with Kuro,.an nation, if w ud. Th Kuroif-an nation, It o hNiifn, will look with noiiKH hitt nr-at-r T t upon rn"tl(in ffort at th gov. frrnmi-nt fvn of Murill than th-y would hav looked l month ro, Knt without too urent regard for Kuroi-an iilnion It lirt'iniin our duty aolemnly and iatrlotl ally rtow lo lak our new riutlea and reniionnllfllllle In hand, and, a a ret nation roirimltted lo on treat imllcy of government, to woik w nut then irohem for lh advoii' i-nie-nt of civilization, Th great riuhllr can hav no trlhut-ljarlnir colonlea; hut It tan help wak ief, to alf-gov. mmnt. Ant It will t found that th gov- rnm-nt of ah Inland will iraent Haelf, not a It now ,t- n l(lf to tha timid, a m lank Involving evolu tionary darnel to ourwlv and nn (illeatlon with th other government of th world and a. denial of th d" trine of th father, hut rather a a tank that i,r''t, and natrMI fnen can u'fully ioro,lfh, Th main reault of th war, th fre- dorn of fuha from Kanlh rnlnrule, haa heen w hlved, hut th fu'l fruit of It will ripen mor lowly than moat men at flint ui,oed, Hyrnafhy with th f'uhan Innuigent ha led many lron to regard them a at one e. ahl of ef government; hut th ofi- din t of part of thrn during lh wr ha i'onfirrnd th Judgment of Ihoa rrM-n who knew th'-m lt-tht th removal of Hinfh rul will not Imm. dlalefy nor eantly had to th ef-gov. ernment of t"ul,, Th romolet con- ii-t of lh Inland l,y i Ivlllal Ion will ha uii omjilmhed through Amer ican In- lat ry and commerce-, which will rwiw ollow th Amertcan arm, Krlgand or a rerialn wher r'ndn ar licking a rhlllort tvher governrnejit la ji. renlv, Kut th fultir of t'uha j,re. nent no )nmi il,le dlfTt' ultle, though It nut;ecton to civilisation may t- (ulr a cormlderahl time. In lit proc lamation concerning the government of Hantlago, th Jicaldenl Indicated the roer limine lo jmrnue; i al govern ment to l (ii-rniltled, to h r'Ulred, In fact; ih 1'nlted Ktat lo maintain military control long a military onlrol I fifery for lh' aecurity of llf and property, dnt to r'la It, and at lant lo give It up, when a com petent local government ha heen cre ated ai.d teld. The proem will not t different In prlri'lpl from th proeenn of th rwonniiuction of th local gov ernment of lh outhrn tafe thlity year ago. If tha Cut, firm do not at flint how ca pacity for ef (f,,vernment, th certain Jn rmv of A in' W nn Influenc and vn of Anwimn population In th iMlarid will greatly hanten It coming. Tha engineer will follow th oldir, Th tiathor of Havana a, III h oerid lo th gulf tream-a necennnry arid eany pe, i,f nanltary work Hint the Hpunlard hav ln going to do for a centuryi th cltle will h propily dl allied, and yellow fever will he elim inated fi'im th coiiige of our own hor. Cuba will prew nt no -rlou dilflculty till tli tirix com when It may wlnh to . ' ! Mi Ib lil 7 It. vv Lit r ' .'t'.w n spQi IT'' - tvvi i 1 v i. ill., i i if. Kf; fl w , r..!" h admitted Into th Arnrlrn union a alat. liut au' h wlnh I not uf f)ent rain for It drnllon, And th nam i,lnri whereby oal i aelf goyemment will b hullt up In Cuh will apply, with modification, lo I'orto !tcn, fin inland will hecom an lndpndrit territory under our guar dlannhlp; Ih other will h dlr'fly ce. ed to ua, Hut tha enneiitliil element of thetr government under our tti !) mnnt tf lh aarn, for th moral ohll gatlon that w hav anumd ar Ih m, and lhr I hut on great prin ciple of government that w ran adher lo, How much territory ft may h win to retain In th" I'hlllppln Inland II I Imponnlhl lo for; hut th principle that ahoiifrj govern our action I clear, W want no "colonic," can nded hav no "colonic," In lh continental -ne; hut w munt fulfill every ohliga- lion to Hpaln' cori'inered nulJect that our I'onduct of lh war In AMntir water ha put upon tin, without r grd lo th colonl,lng amhltlori of th European nation; and w nhail hard ly fall, morover, to kp what ver ntrateglc advantag our navy haa won In either ocean, Tli war, then, hring within Ih apher of Krigllnh-apcHkliig civilisation IWO of Ih wont valuahle of Ih Afl- flllen; Incidentally lh Hawaiian Inland and perhap th fhlllppln group; and thea ruit r an h only good, liut In achlwvlng them wa hav achieved oth er rulf oulf a greaf, and no en great hecaun they wl Uliegpe led, W hav terovefed our own national feeling, four month ago w wer great man of people rather than compact nation corn.' ,,un of national trength and unity, f!y forgetting ver, for thl hrlef ilm our im al difference, w hav welded oiirnelve info cori mloii unity umli a th republic ha not felt ln It early day, Not only hav th north and the noufh orgot I'n, In u certain !), that they wer ever at war -for Ilm and Indunlry had already well niKh benight Ihi r- NUlfliut Ih I'arlflc ntatc ar nearer lo tb rl of lh union than fhey wer before, and lh gnat middle went I no longer Jealou of tha na board. W can work out our own problem and build our own future Willi ntedcr pUIM,e, Thl eoniK'lounrien I Ih keener h. raun of Ih linreaned fenpeit that other nn Hon hav for u, Th I'nlted Htale wa never lofor underatood In official Kuro, p' ihn, nut .ven In official England. Vhen Ih war wa begun, mot of th continental nation failed tj conceal their contempt for u; lhy now repet ua a ihy nvr drcrnd they nhould. Nor I It only our naval vldorle ihat hav given the world nomewhat new ronception of American, gull a imprcaiv ha !i" th hnc of th old-tfm bar barlM. of war and of warllk vlndlfl. Ilvenena, To end horn acrona th orean captured army, lo fed nol only th victim of fpanlnh tnlrui. but Ih Kpanlnh (hemne)v, hnv (aid emphaal on other reaon for war than the ild r-aon of th puiifh merit of nmle and th conuuet f rribnt hearing ferrlfoty, Jn hunmnUf to th enemy thl war I without par. lief 11. ...u,. ..j .1 .t " '"""r """" in reii.imic ar mor clearly under. t"oi in than half ti.tiUtry of lit-Hilt ciuld hav revealed fhem, and fin no nplrlt of hoantfulnen w might add th American iharaler, a io. . Nor will ih Imfmin that eiiid lt"lf In fh war atop with th war. The (,!Mi ,,f fh pop 1,1,11. hating looked upward, Ameriean iuiiin Will nek new field of rvoi'ioenl ,y Uh'V and legitimate adveniur. roir lidVy Im revealed lo ouieelve fiof i than to the rent of the woild our right' fol pin among the nnilon Modem liannporfatlon, whhh w hv done monl I', develop, , I hNllg' d l lilt I Miflonal fKiliflcal ondMlm. f!y i'n non of it e r lrcdy "nangted" With other people In wny that the father could not f"re, and thai no P'Jky an prevent, Th gial outMard prenmn that all nn t Ion feel f ii. f,nmii- of cm. n,er for new market; and ntaic. ffi.ii, WiieM,er liny an, It or not, n.lnlater fo trad, and through trad t" rlvlligatlofl. With larger and fur lli r rea hfng pollfiial dutl.-n, , whlh appe io ,, lii.agltiMi.,n rather than to th piivi Ke,t f i, n. our plblc lf will olli !, ,iu i 1(W b ve of talenmaiiihc -- . il Ireland'. ed Hat. Horn, .pf, 12- Mar. fJul-l-i, audi tor of fh vallin, mild todny Ihat up to fh pretti, i,e ,,,, f,, , , given any order fr tji proiiiof ii,n ,,f Archblnho Ireland lo b a mrdliiul N'-veiiheli-n, Mar riui'i'i would i,i,j oi probability of ihl nomina. tlofi A powerful fa lion i working I'l IndUc Ih I,p f hKI, ,.,,V A" hblt,op f'orilgati l , i, farditml. - Special ,, , (1I)HK Tlibillie. -1o-Ms fr nr,r OuamnutMl,,, a i..i.n ..... . CHRI8F8 SECOND COMINO AN ISSUE Vint of a Series of Articles n the Subject by Kcv. A, I), Fairbanks. ' WlltlfllU tholllil ai I llCIU i'trt' fall, Th; Hill IbMililleni-l; II f illed With Inlrmtlnif I'ulnl. Junt what Ih ncriptuie lein h and nothing different. Th flint paper of . erle. Invlt fin-ndly crlilclarn from ' ur. I ' - A. I, I'AlltHANM. Any lllbli' luentlon hould '! , ml Upon lh lllbl f'r It eiprennloli, and the no,)ei t iif t'hrlMt' neoiid coming ought In I nubmlited li lh nil" tr)l)y and fully, for f niy yearn, m whl h lime I hav given a laigw nhar of It to lillil tody, I hav devoted much of ihat Dm lo lament and plniiil In vend gallon of th nubje't I now piopo to iinnlder In fh four or f)v urtUU Whhh th editor of Til" Amrliui han kindly oiinented to puMlMh. It ban now been ihlrfyxii yeai lne I pub- Ilnhed a "H'flplur t'hait," neltlii forth my vh-w a linn held on lh ubj" I of "f'hrlr H" ond Coming, I then thought Ihat I had given Ih '( Uct I,, II ail lll nliiMjMlve illVenllKuliit, and rea' io d mn lualou that could riot be galnnald, puicly from a, Hrlplue ntandpolnt. Hut ntiange i ,y hu only dlnpod of l.fnnt of my bait when 1 dlnoveri-d a rlou blunder, and fid belli- willing tu mpn upon th pe',, an untilbllcal prudm Hon, I niin n,, ,, at on , the nale ,,f my laiioiloualy and mpeunlv publication. It left i,n my hand ;, unnold copp , whhh I hav mill, (if all liibl iju.. lion nitiu hu lion i .-tit, disjointed, and tangled mi than ihl. Thou natid of gllh tongue and pen have Jumped Into fur fe i,f e,loll with th meient ninaiterliig of knowledge of th lilble lreMw of the nubject t which w now Imv., refer- elli. Hut flillll. n the en,, ,rl ,,r th word of rimj not only eH at the door of auperfh tally Infoi uied men, but at th" d-eir of well (i,f,u med, ntudi- oiinly pMlrintuklnir linn in the latter claaa ian hw found notublu exumplin uuiolig our Advent fiieiidn Their ability and palimUkltig, a we Ha their h"iiety and ph-ty, can not b queathmed, All of thl I v i i .i eiiittlly Iru of other men who vlw of tha lllbl on thl nubJ- t wldnly dlf. fer from their. Tha treat nM-nt of ihi aubjeet, even from any ona d-rioiiiliiHtloiiul atand liit, hit l)n, thu fur, notorloualy kallHdoaeopIc! or, irhHtm, ihromn lrplcal, and for thla reamm anything; new or ntrnng ahmld not be careli-H. ly or nkeptically pann-d by. 1 will rpn Ihl IreallN by flrnt nolli Itu audi air ll'ti of th Ztlh chupter of Matthew a ar connldi-red by our Advioit breth. len to he In UniUeatiouubl' .lpKilt of their theory, That tha chapter la treat la of ""hrlnt'a necond Coming-" I am na fully w'inuui'd a are any who be. Ilev that It In; but I am im equally well convinced that Ihat which I vi tally ImiMirlanl lo a clear aril correct undcrnianillng of It iru itniairt I g'-l'llly Ovel luoitci). It In, I Ik-IIcv, needful Id hfJVO A iltlcal ciillghlenuieiit on th iunllon that th dl Iple proN!Uiidcd to Chrlat in lh Mount of Olive, ami, ul,, of that which led up to it. In oi ler tti ar. ilv lo a car undi-rtaii'liiiK of th fin w r. A may b a e-ri by thu firat vine irt Matt. U, Mark I'l l and Luke 21!,, the dl Iple direct CliilHt at lelitioll iki'lUHiVely (,, h temple. ''hilnl' Imuieliat.-olw. i vaU ii Imludi-a iioihtng mr. Hither their word or hla have nut the ri'iiuilwl jIIuhIoii to any other matter or ubjct. I'Vom thl fact it would be unite nut uial lo upHi lliat thu 'II l,lc, In their NUbeiU-nt lUentloll, Khll Willi their lyid in lh Mount of olive, would not anaociat two aubjectg ao dltllntlvely wide atmit, remold In lime, m evidently disconnected every way, aa munt be th two event, In caan they are year apart, or near ly that. I t U eliiinliiB into Die (juea. tlotl and turn on to It, in the way of In vi-tlKHllon, Much light ax Hie rcrlp turen afford. Th (ieaion rend, In th King Jttiiii-n veiHlou Mutt. 24 3. "Tell mm when nhall th no? And what ahull Ym the lgn of thv coming und of th end of th world" Hut in th Kiiil'lmtlc Illuirliilt the j line u inn Hon tend, "Ti'll u wht-ii th,e thlnM will be, and what will lie the ign of thy pieeiire and of the coiinuiii mathm of lh ag," " render ing that any nuih acliolur miiHt admit I borne out by the oiliilnul text. With refereiiif. ti, th word ulori, alonon, alonn, it In an undlnput-d fact that Ita fliat and well tjta.lilHhd nieaninK la age, dl)ntion, link-finite lime, and (Continued on 6th Fa.