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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1898)
THE AMERICAN. THE WANDERING JEW. t !. Ml U Ari KU I V dtH f tl M I ;r.t 1. 11 t f t l. IM Mbl Smi" j t ivo f! th iti-trf1 f.u, lie ,. t dHr4 all HI iu. t, 1 iM'i Ihr J?Jt w, i un ! 11, If; tfl .1 f.lKtf fU ft'' tt;ll.t,lf - . -.- .'. . I l.t.,".!!..,, f..-r I f.M-l. d MI ) ai, 1 lit flb t 1-0 . C: tt.,.r.l lit in to U't in hit 1, "Mj ,41 f,,r4. tu til 1....1 ht j t Uif 'D.ith tthe Dri.M.r!' . . 1 - t-r . M tho fiWr. 1mj MfMii, i-Hi i tih Vi, t Vo it. M he ho pOittrd thor H-'i lt use, mi l, hie Jtnir. If, I h htm lomcl y thfui " Well, fmhei' , iisf.uiuf of the uftY. inssof the v.u tfth jihr, I had Men nh the iitive reitamty thai I .leieiei Hi b ! t II ttirt. f the Comtivm Dollij; h htch t r ft .m of high rank in ttif nmit of ,n that tile, I" Vtiiu, offering t nmi that Hill faithful (-0jj jt to the Emperor's memory, the meant of com uvmietling Uh lJi King of Kmu. uI jihap of ivin) linn from his loncnlT " V)iit noxir" - -oikin, t.M.king fist vi)v n "Sii's Njleou II once t v " "Wliat nexl?" oxrlttimo.l tlo inarluil. Tlicn ho iiMe1, in a suptrc8f(l voin: "lo you lluiik, Hint Franco i inscnihlo to the hu i illation the hires? ! von think that tho incuiory of the Hit unu ' Fni fahfr, ti h hiK M.,tt)J Lent I rr t (Ml I . Jk ' ! kin III " hi h iniiv tA lo finti 'U, fivnt lsV lvihtrn rtiJ frt'iu toy oth r t-hiM " "Vht pthrr hiM?" Tlii noil of my oM fnm,l,th lnhn jrim " "Pjlmii? It thrrr anything th inMler ith him"" "Fth. r, he frightm mo, I t.-VI you, father, of hi m'l ntl unhnpi'V jfliion for Mtlll1. lc Oartlovillf." "P.u tlmt frighten you, my tm?M t!4 the oh! man looking nt tlio marshal wita surprise. "Pjiilnui is only eighteen, and, it tliat ago, one love drives away another." "You have ik jtloa of the ravage which the pa!i!ion hn already made in the ardent, indoru itahla hoy; xoinetimes, tits of savage ferocity fol- Jiiu' tlm iiwwl iiuiiiful ililiit iitn Yi'strrdav. I lent came suddenly upon him; his eves ero Mood- Kmperor b extinct?; it is, above all, in, hh features contracted with rage; yielding the days of our country degradation, that she to an impulse of mad fury, ho ws piercing aith whispers that sacred name. How would U ho, hia poniard a cushion of red cloth, wliiM he ex- then, were that name to use ghmous on the claimed, panting for hreath, !!! Mood ! I will frontier, riviving in his mm? Do you hot think have blood!' 'Unhappy hoy!' I said to him, that the heart of all France would heat for him 'what means IhU inaune jiaasion?' 'I'm killing "This implies a conspiracy against the pres. the man!' replied he, in n hollow and savage out government with Napoleon II for n watch voice; it U thus he designates his supposed word," naid the workman. "This is very ser rival," bus." "There is indeed something terrible," said the "I told you, father, that I was very unhappy; old man, "in such n p ission, in such a heart." judge if it he not so," cried the marshal. "Not "At other times," resume I the marshal, " it is only I ask myself, if I ought to abandon my against Mdllo do Oardoville that his rage hursts children and you, to run tho risk of so daring an forth; and ut others, against himself. " I have enterprise, but I ask myself if I am not hound to been obliged to remove his weapons, for a man the present government, which, in acknowledging who enme with him from Java, and who appears my rank and title, if it bestowed no favor, at much attached to him, has informed mo that he least did me an act of justice. Ilow shall I Ie lusnected him of entertaining some thoughts of eide? abandon nil that I love, or remain insen suicide." 8iblo to the tortures or tho son of the Fmperor "Unfortunnto boyt" of that Emperor to whom I owe everything to "Well, father," said Marshal Simon, with pro. whom I have sworn fidelity, both to himself and found bitterness; "it is at the moment when my child? Shall I lose the only opportunity, per- daughters and my adopted son require all my so- hups, of saving him, or shall I conspire in hia licitude, that 1 urn on tho eve of quilting them." favor? Tell me, if I exaggerate what I oe to "Of quitting them?"- tho memory of the Emperor? Decide for nie, "Yes, to fulfil u still morojacred duty than that father! During a whole sleepless night, I strove imposed by friendship or family,' said the war- to discover, in the midst of this chaos, the line 6hal, in bo grave and solemn a tone, that his prescribed by honor; but I only wandered irom father exclaimed with deep emotion: '. bdecision to indecision. You alone; father you "What can this duty he?" . alone, I repeat, can direct me." "Father," said the marshal, after remaining a After remaining for Borne moments in deep moment in thoughtful silence, "who made mo thought, the old man was about to answer, when , what 1 am? Who envo me tho ducal title und some person, running ncross the little garden the marshal's baton?" opened the door hastily, and entered the room in "Napoleon." t which were the marshal and his father. It was "For you, the stem republican, I know that Olivier, the young workman, who had been able he lost all his value, when, trom the first citizen to clfect his escape from the village in which the of n llepuhlic, he became an emperor." . wolves had assembled. "J cursed his weakness," said Father Simon, "M.Simon! M. Simon!" cried he, pale and sadly; "tho demi-god sank into a man:" panting for breath. "They are here close at "15ut for me, father for me, the soldier, who hand. They have come to attack the factory." have always fought beside him, or under his eye "Who?" cried the old man, rising hastily." for me; whom he raised from the lowest rank "The Wolves, quarrymen, and stonecutters, in the army t) the highest for mo, whom he joined on the road by a crowd of people from lh loaded with hmiHito mid miirls (if nflWt inn for neighborhood, and vuirabonds from town. Do - - - - - - - - ...... - r - me, ho was more than a hero, ho was a friend you not hear them? They aro shouting, 'Deatl and there was us much gratitude as admiration to the Devourers?' " in my idolatry for him?" When he was exiled, I The clamor was indeed approaching, and grew would fain have shared his exile; they refused more and more distinct. me that favor; thou I conspired, then 1 drew my "It i the same noiso that I heard just now,' sword against those who had robbed his son of said tho marshal, rising in his turn. the crown which Franco had civen him." "There aro more than 200 of them, M. Simon," "And, in your position, you did well, Pierre: aid Olivier; "they aro armed with clubs aiu without sharing your admiration, I understood stones, and unfortunately tho greater part of our your gratitude. The projects of exile, the con- workmen aro in Faris. We are not above forty spiracies I approved them all you know it." here in all; the women and children are already "Well, then, that disinherited child, in whoso flying to their chambers, screaming for terror name I conspired seventeen years ago, is now of Do you not hear them?" an age to wield his father's sword," Tho ceiling shook beneath tho tread of many "Nupolen II !" exclaimed the old man, looking hasty foot nt his son with surprise and extreme anxietv; "Will this attack bo a serious one?" said the "tho king of Rome." marshal to his father, who appeared more and "King? no; he is no longer king. Napoleon? more dejected, no; ho is no longer Napoleon. They have given "Very serious," said the old man; "there is him some Austrian name, because tho other nothing more fierce than these combats , between frightened them. Everything frightens them, different unions; and everything has been done Do you know what they are doing with the son lately to excite tho people of tho neighborhood of the Emperor?" resumed tho marshal, with against the factory." painful excitement. "They are torturing him "If you are so inferior in number," "said the killing hira by inches?" marshal, "you must begin by barricading all the "Who told you this?" doors and then" - 'Somebody who knows, whose words are hut IIo was unable to conclude. A burst of fero too true. Yes; the son of the Emperor struggles cious cries shook the windows of tho room, and with all his strength against a premature death, seemed so near and loud, that the marshal, his With his eyes turned toward France he waits father and the young workman, rushed out into ho waits and no one conies no one out of all the little garden, which was bounded on one side the men that his father made us great, as they by a wall that separated it from the fields. Sud once were little, not one thinks of that crowned denly, whilst the shouts redoubled in violence, a child, whom they are stifling, till ho dies." shower of large stones, intended to break the "But you think of hitu?" windows of the house, smashed some of the panes "Yes; but I had first to learn oh ! there is no ou the first story, struck against the wall, and fell rllxrU H I VI tm IVM M til I VM MR It M thiut t vi tho f (rvh f lU Ul- rr h ! tit.t t f h nhiy h I I.,. ,, .,, f.u! !., Mtrhl Fnn fs Uhr o wt ll.Fto that the Vdve he. r 1 1 o I the thoir ttck. Tb pm-iptttini or t'eir mar u, the hull thy hxd nude t two publie-hoU'i n the road, their arleut iitptiMi e f r tho ap pro n hing struggle, had tnlhime I lhco men 1 1 a high pitch of VAgo excitement. Hiving dis charged their tirt shower of tm , m.t of the aisaiUnts stooped down ti hok f-r m ho hiuiuu nition. S mho of them, to do so with greater ease, hell their bludgeons between thoir teeth; others tad phieod them against the wall; here mid there, groups had formed tutnultuously round the prin- iple leaders of the hand; the most neatly dressed of these men wore frocks, with caps, whilst others were almost in rag', for, as we have already said, many of the hangers-on at the barriers and p-o- de without any profession, had joined the troop of tho Wolves, whether welcome or not. Some lideous women, with tattered garments, who ah ways seem to follow in the track of such people accompanied them on this occasion, and, by their cries and fury, inflamed still more the general excitement. One of them, tall, robust, with pur- le complexion, blood-shot ryes and toothless jaws, had a handkerchief over her head, from bo neath which escaped her yellow, frowsy huir. Over her ragged gown, she wore an old jdaid shawl, crossed over her bosom, and tied behind her back. This hag seemed possessed with a de mon. She had tucked up her half-torn sleeves, id one hand she brandished a stick, in tho other sho grasped a huge stone; her companions called her Ciboulo (scullion). This horrible hag exclaimed, in a home voice, "I'll bile the women of tho factory; I'll make them bleed." Tho ferocious words wore roceived with ap plause by her companion?, and with savago cries of. "Oiboulo for ever!" which excited her to r ------- frenzy. Amongst the other leaders, was a small, dry, pale man, with tho face of a ferret, and a black board all round the chin; ho woro uscarlet Greek cap, and beneath his long hlouso, porfoctly new, appeared a pair of neat cloth trousers, strapped over thin boots. This man was evidently of a different condition of life from that of tho per sous in the troop; it was ho, in particular, who ascribed the most irritating ami insulting lan gunge to tho workmen of tho factory, with regard to tho inhabitants of tho neighborhood. llo howlod a grout deal, but he carried neither stick nor stone. A full-faced, fresh-colored man, with a Fu im id- able bass voice, like a chorister's, asked him: "Will you not have a shot at those impious dogs, who might bring down tho cholera on tho country, ns the curate told us?" "I will have a better shot than you," said tho little man, with a singular, sinister smile.' "And with what, I'd like to see?" "Probably with this," said tho little man, stooping to pick up u largo stone; but, in ho bout, a well filled though light bag, which ho appeared to carry under his hlouso, fell to tho ground. "Look, you aro losing both bag and baggage," said the other; "it does not seem very heavy." "They are samples of wool," answered the man with the ferret's faco, as ho hastily picked up tho bag, and replaced it under his blouse; then hts added: "Attention! tho big blaster is going to speak." And, in fact, ho who exercised the most com plete ascendancy over tho irritated cowd was the terrible quarryman. I lis gigantic form towcroi so much above tho multitude, that his groat head bound in its rugged handkerchief, and his Her culean shoulders, overod with a fallow gout-skin were always visible above tho level of that dark and swarming crowd, only relieved here am there by u few women's caps, liko so many while points. Seeing to what a degroo of exasperation tho minds of the crowd hud reached, tho smiil number of honest, but misguided workmen, who hud allowed themselves to bo drawn into this dangerous enterprise, under tho pretext of quarrel between rival unions, now fearing for the consequences of the struggle, tried, but too late to abandon the main body. Tressed close, am as it were, girt in with the moro hostile groups dreading to pass for cowards, or to exposo them selves to the bad treatment of tho majority, they were forced to wait for a more favorable moment t, , !, bu t iM. M jxMit l I ltt 4;nh '! i .,,, -t"t A !rp itlfiHf futnS1do- by Ott t ! no ( t! $ imiMn "V;,o V-.Uo ho !.- ld," hi oiii"t. "M t h n f t.i w o 'hfr l-i-tl " V t,tt du tho iii o it -f thoir f,iri ry, ! tiit thrm t"t iif ultal f )d,' mi I the Itttle mi dh Ihr tViM ft o. h ippraro l t It tl.o thi-vi lv, .. iuhetie time would N ttTm "Whl d) 4!0 trop! h.ufiUo hi, Cib.Hi!?. "iu or mit, I wi'l the i hiit f tho Ho lory." "Yet, yt',M criol oth r hiloou cro.Uuret, as r.icgd n t'ib uile hortdf ; "c muU mt love all 1 1 tho mn." "Wo iiiut have our fun t!" "The wonion of the factory tav that all the wxiipn of tho neighborhood arc drunken drabs," cried tho little nuin with tho ferut's face. "ti md ! we'll pay them for it." "Tho woiiumi shall have their share." "That's our business." "They like to sing iu their Common Homo," cried Ciboulo; "we will make them sing the wrong side of their mouth, in the key of "Oh, dear mo!" This pleasantry was received with shouts, hoot ings and furiom stamping of the feet, to which the stentorian v dee of the quarryman put a term y roaring, "Silence !" "Silence ! silence !" repeated the crowd; "hear the blaster." "If the Devourers are cowards enough not to hire to show themselves, after a second volley of stones, the e is a door down there which we can reuk open, and we will soon hunt them from their holes." "It would be hotter to draw them out, so that none might remain in the factory," said the little old man with tho ferret's face, who appeared to have some secret motive. "A man fights where ho can," cried the quar. rymaii, in a voice of thunder; "all right, if we can but once catch hold. We could fight on a sloping roof; or on top of a wall couldn't wo, my Wolves?" Ye, yes !" cried tho crowd, still inoro excited by tho savage words; "if they don't come out, we will break iu." "We will seo their fine palace!" "The puguns haven't even a chapel," said the' bass voice. "Tho curuto bus damod them all 1" "Why should they have a palace, and we no thing but dog-kennels?" ' mt "Ilnrdy's workmen say that kennels aro good enough for such as you," said the little man with the ferret's face. "Yes, yes! they said so." "We'll break all their traps." "We'll pull down their bazaar." "We'll throw tho house out of the windows," , "When wo have made the mealy-mouthed chits sing," cried Ciboulo, "wo will make them dunce to the clatter of stones on their heads." "Come, my Wolves! attention" cried the quar ryman, still in the sumo stentorian voice; "one more volley, and if tho Devourers do not come out, down with tho door !" This proposition was received with choers .of Miiviiffo ardor, mid 1. ih miiirrvmaii. whoso V01C0 n- i 1 i ' roKO above tho tumult, cried with all tho strength of his Herculean lungs: "Attention, my Wolves. Make ready! all together. Now, are you ready?" "Yes, yes; ull ready!" "Then, present! firo !" And, for tho second time, a shower of enorm ous stones poured upon that side of tho Common Dwelling-house which was turned toward tho fields. A part of those projectiles broke such of the windows as had been spared by the first volley. To tho sharp smashing and crackling of glass were joined the ferocious cries uttered in chorus by this formidable mob, drunk with its own excesses: "Death to tho Devourers!" Soon these outcries became perfectly frantic, when, through tho broken windows, tho assail ants perceived women running in terror, some mill. 11,1 rm. ti, tlioie i, rum niul ollini-fl riii-ilmr their bauds to heaven, calling aloud for help; whilst u few, bolder than the rest, leaned out of the windows, und tried to fasten the outsido blinds. i (To bo continued.) NOTICE. Ifyouaronot a regular subscriber to Tub Amkhican, but aro in sympathy with tho ideas advocated in these columns, you aro earnestly requested to add your name to our subscription list. Tho subscription price is ouly $2 Per Year in Advance, which places it within tho reach of all lovers of Free Schools, Freo Speech, a Free Tross and of Civil and Religious Liberty. Address, s AMERICAN TUB. CO., Omaha, Neb,