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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1898)
THE AMERICAN. 1 l ONE ENSIGN AND FOUR MEN KILLED. BATTLE IN CARDENAS BAY. Tkm -hip f th Illnc.aJtn- float Baler lata aa taa.mal With tha (panliH (laaboaia fha Mlnslu WiHt4 by a hall Ilia taaHnit Maia Ilia Attar. Kit Wmt, I'la., May 1.1 Ther. u o rnirairement off t aniens ye ten ay at I o'clock In the f ternooo, Th- United Mate, giinlxmt Wllinli.g o, Commander C. C TouM, the tor pedo boat Wluatuw and the auxiliary gunboat Hudson wore ciiif aeil. One officer and four mm wero killed iwid M'eral were wouiideil. When the United States pun boat Hudson came up to the government dockets o'clock tliia morninif Ave dead into were lyiiiff on her deck. They were the bodies of Kohln V. Bag-ley and four member of the crew of the Winslow. 't he boiliea were cov ered by the atara aud stripe. la the rahln of the Hudson i Lieutenant John II Hernardou of the WIdhIow, who Is slightly Injured in the left leg. Several other of the Wlnlow' crew who are klightly wounded alao came with the Hudson. The name of the dead are: Kit alga Worth Hurley, .lohu Varvorls, oiler; Joslnli Tuunelt, cabin cook; J. V. Meek, fireman, and J. Duoiel, lire man. AMERICANS MADK ATTACK. The ngageiuent took place Inside the harbor of Cardenas. The gun boat Wilmington, the torpedo boat Wlnslow and the gunboat Hudson were the only vessel engaged. They entered the harbor for the purpoie of attack i it; mniii Spanish gun boat which were known to be there. These latter, however, were not discovered by the American force until the Span lard opened fire. The Innd batteries ot Cardenas supported the tire of the Spanish gunboats The battle, while it lasted, was ter rifle. The Wilmington aud the Hud eon were ahead unci opened fire upon the Spanish boats, which were lying at the docks. The tiring began at a range of 3, ioo yards. A few minutes later the Wlnslow came up aud also opened lire. In aa Instant the entire attention of the Npaniith gunboats and laud batteries was directed upon her. From all sides shot and shell poured In on the little torpedo boat. The Wilmington and the Hudson still kept up their fire, but they could not turn aide the terrible storm of tire and death pouring iu upon the torpedo boat KNOCKED OCT HKR HOIMCR The crew of the Winslow, however, ever faltered for a second. At 2:4.1 a olid shot crashed into the hull of the Wlnslow aud knocked out her boiler. In an Instant she began to roll and drift helplessly. Then there was a moment of awful suspense. A fierce cheer of triumph went up from the Spaniard on the gunboats and in the batteries and again a storm of fire waa opened upon the helpless boat. The gunboat Hudson, which waa lying near by, started to t he assistance f the Wlnslow. She ran alongside the torpedo boat aud tried to throw a line to the imperiled crew. Up to this time with the exception of one shot, which disabled the boiler of the Win blow, the firing of the Spanish gun boats had been wild, but as they saw the Winslow rolling in the water they sighted closer and the shells begun to explode all about her. TRIED TO RKSCI K THE M EX. It was difticult for the Hudson to get near enough to throw a Hue to the Winslow' crew, so terrible waa the fire all about her. Finally, after about twenty min utes, the Hudson approached near enough to throw a line. Ensign Bagiey and six men were standing in a group on the deck of the Winslow. "Heave her, heave her!" shouted Bagley, as he looked toward the com mander of the Hudson and called 'for a line. "Don't miss it," shouted an officer from the Hudson, and with a smile Bagley called back. "Let her come. It'a gettin? too hot here for comfort" A SHELL IX rHEIIl MIDST. The line was thrown and about the came instant a shell burst in the very midst of the group of men on board the Window. Bagley was instantly killed and a few others dropped about him. Half a dozen more fell groaning upon the blood-stained deck. One of the dead men pitched headlong over the side of the boat, but his feet caught in the Iron rail and he was hauled back. Bagley lay stretched upon the deck, with bis face completely torn away and the upper part of his body shat tered. AT MERCY OF SPANISH GUNS. It was a terrible moment The tor pedo boat, disabled and helpless, rolled and swayed under the fury of the fire from the Spanish gunboats. When the shell burst in the group on board the Winslow, another wild shout of triumph went up from the t-puii bout aud batteries and again 1 a heavy Ire u opened oo the tor pedo boat Finally, the Hudson succeeded In getting a line on board the Wioslow and a lowing lu-r out of the deadly range when the line parted, and airaln With boats were at the mercy of the Spanish tire. ' . rii i.iit roit an iurn. The engagement commenced at S u p. iu. and lasted for about an hour. The wounded are: R K. Cos, gunner' mala: D. Me Keon, quartermaster; J Patterson, fireman; F. Gray and Lieutenant J. 1 1. Bernard oo. All are slightly wounded eieept Patterson, whose condition is serious. Ensign Bagley was appointed from North Carolina on September ?, Isltl, and had l-eeu out of the naval acad emy only one year. At 3 .'.0 p. in. the Hudson managed to get another Hue on the deck of the Winslow, but there were only three men left at that time to make it fast Til E WINSLOW TOWED OCT. The Hue was finally secured and tho Winslow was towed up to Pedras Island, where she was anchored with her dead aud wounded on her deck. Then some men from the Hudson went on board the Winslow and took the most seriously wounded men off. Three who were taken on board the gunboat Machias died shortly after want At U:15 o'clock last night the Hud son, with the dead bodies and some of the wounded, started for Key West, arriving here al B o'clock this morn ing. THE COMMANDER'S STORY. Lieutenant Bernardou of the Wins low was wounded In the left leg, but not seriously. Lying In the cabin of the Hudson he told the story of the fight He uld: "We went into the harbor under orders. The torpedo boat Winslow wa the worst Injured. She had five of her men killed and I don't know how many injured. "The Wlnslow wa ordered by tho commander of the Wilmington to go In to th hsrbor of Cardenas and at tack the Spanish gunboats, We steamed In with full head and were fired on as soon as we came In range. The Spanish gunboats were tied up at the docks and had a fair range on us, The batteries on shore also opened on us, and 1 think we received most of the fire. I don't know whether snv one was hurt on tho Wilmington or on tlte Hudson, but I think not "I have no fault to find with the Winslow's crew. They acted nobly all the way through. The men who were killed fell at the same time. We were standing In a group, and the aim of the Spanish was perfect A shell burst in our very faces" The success of the American ships In every action thus far has been so overwhelming that it is hard to realize that death has at last come to some of our ineu. Ensign Bagley was about 26 years old, and while the fleet was stationed here he was one of the most popular men in the service. The news of his death came as a terrible shock to all who knew him. It has always been a foregone conclusion that the torpedo men were among the first to fall, as their work is most dangerous, but In spite of this, when the fleet was stationed here and changes in assign ments were frequently made, all the young men of the service were eager for torpedo boat duty. Th Hudson shows the effects of the fight Her smokestack is punctured with bullet holes and her cabin and deck are smashed and splintered. SPY HANGED HIMSELF. Wlthnnl Waiting far Trial tha Discharged Sailor Tosh UH LI fa la HI Call. Washimutox, May 13. George Downing, the Spanish spy arrested here several days ago, committed sui cide this morning by hsnging himself at the barraeks where he was con fined. Downing was discharged from tha Brooklyn several month ago and at the time swore that he would make It hot for the navy. It was recently dis covered that he was furnishing In formation about the navy to the Span ish attaches in Canada Letter written by Downing were intercepted, giving statistics of the Washington navy yard and promising further information about the new Holland submarine boat Little's Saoeettor Chosen, TorERA., Kan., May 13 James Lew is, editor of the Kansas Graphic will succeed Ed Little as private secretary to Governor Leedy. Little resigned to attend to his military duties. Disappointed Urlda. Chh.I.!cothe, Ma, May 11. Mrs. J. & Lane, formerly Edna Whitney, who became widely known as the "Queen of Labor" by reason ot her carnival experience, ia again a shader In a oigar factory. She Is now at Gallatin. The Queen married J. B. Lane, a druggist of Stuttgart, Ark., about three months ago aud returned here three weeks ago. They could not agree. In view of Mrs. Lane's recent notoriety, her latest experience has caused quite a sensation here. Tha frisky Tansararle Sgalo. Biiehos Avbks, May 13. The Span ish gunboat Temerarlo returned to th river Plata, entered the Parana river and is now (teaming up that river. It passed to-day off San Nico las in north of Buenos Ayre province, It i seeking a port to repair damages caused by th last storm. It will probably not stop until it shall reach Pa raguay. Hogs Are Cp Ceata. KaHSAO ClTV, Mo., May 13. -Top hog sold for St. SO and tbe bu lk at 14.10 to f 4 .1". to-day. Ob th top sale th advance wa Sti cent and on the bulk of tale U0 to 24 cents. rkoaa la Maaaa4k Cava. Our Kiiide aek us to keep silent; then, lifting the heavy, broad paddle 1th hli b he has been propelling our boat, be strut- with all hi strength the flat aide on the surface of the mat er. Instantly th uLterranean thunders of this under-world are let loo. Fiotn all direction come rolling waves ot sound, multiplied a thousandfold, re ceding, and again returning -it- in creasing volume, lii.nerlug for niauy seconds, and finally dying a-y in sweet, far-away nielidies. Then, when the last faint sound have reased. he agitates the ater with his paddle, and ask us to listen. The receding wave, reaching ravltlles In the sides of the overhanging arches, break the (illness with sweet bell-ltke sound. Home notes, striking the key-note of the rock, multiply the musical melody; some notes are soft and low; other are loud, almost with an alarm-bell clangor. This music, such as ranuot be heard e. sew here on earth, gradually dies away In receding echoes, coming over the waters from far-away hidden chambers. Tbe echo Is not such as we bear above ground or in buildings, but a aucceaslon of receding waves of sound, lasting for about thirty seconds, and adding an Indescribable melody to all sounds, whether from shouting or from Instrumental or vocal music "The Mammoth Cave of Kentucky," by John It. Proctor, In tbe Century. Artificial Ruble. In a recent lecture Prof. A. P. Brown ot Philadelphia described the methods now practiced for making artificial gems. Although minute diamonds can be made, with the aid of the electric furnace, none large enough to be em ployed In Jewelry have yet been pro duced. But rubies of large size, and as One in color and avpearance as the best natural gems, have been made. Tbe ruby Is composed of oxide of alum inium. A certain method of detecting artificial rubles is by examination with b microscope. The natural gem is al ways filled with minute cracks. Invis ible to tbe naked eye, but perfectly dis cernible with a high magnifying pow er. The artificial ruby has no cracks, but, on the other band, is filled with minute bubbles, or gas-holes. This test, according to Professor Brown, is the only one by which the best artificial rubies can be distinguished from tbe same gems as nature makes them. Youth's Companion. ii .4 , ? Church Hurled In tha Hand. Engineering Magazine: There are several instances where lighthouses have been increased in height because of the sand which has engulfed thera. In one place on the New Jersey coast I once stumbled upon the corner of an old rail fence which had been buried and exposed again on the ocean side. It marked the site of an old field. On the North Carolina dunes, chimneys projecting above the sand belong to the houses of an eld fishing village. In France and other parts of Europe vil lages have been burled. At Soulac in Gascony a cross was discovered pro jecting above the sand. Further in vestigation showed that it was attach ed to a steeple, and later a well-preserved church of the thirteenth cen tury was excavated. The church is now in use. Telephone Rates In Swltserland. The Swiss government has put into force a new telephone tariff. The for mer charges for the use of a telephone were 80 francs (.$16) per year. The new rate is only 40 francs ($8) per year. This gives the subscriber con nection within tbe town where he lives. As In the t'nited States, an ex tra charge is made for connection with points outside the limits of the city or township where the subscriber resides. But these charges are also vastly low er than here. The switching charges, with a three-minute time limit, are as follows: Six cents for up to thirty-one miles, 10 cents up to sixty-two miles, and 15 cents for greater distances. The World' Alphabet. The Abyssinian alphabet consists of 208 characters, each of which is writ ten distinctly and separately. The Sandwich islands alphabet has but 12 letters; the Burmese, 19; Italian, 20; Bengalese, 21; Hebrew, Syrian, Chaldee anmrltan, 22 each; Greek. 24; Latin, 25; German, Dutch and English, 26 each; Spanish and Slavonic, 27 each; Arabian, 28; Per sian and Coptic. 32; Georgian, 35; Ar menian, 38; Russian, 41; Old Muscov ite, 43; Sanscrit and other Oriental alphabets have SO each; Ethiopian and Tartarian each have 202. Skates of Olaas. Through persistent experimenting a process has been discovered by which glass can be hardened to the consist ency of steel, and its first practical ap plication is being given to the manu facture of skates. The product has so many advantages that it is certain of being a successful competitor of steel skates, it having already withstood satisfactorily all the tests to which It has been submitted. It is of lower cost, much moi durable, lighter and faster. Barr4 Bloomer Barred. "Our society," said tht young woman who belongs, "has decided that bloom ers shall be barred." "How vulgar!" said tbe girl who doe not belong. "They ought never to be In other than solid colors." Indianapolis Journal. Caught liar Kteady. A uuu .-uaryiauu wiuuw set a near trap In front of her smokehouse door, and her first catch was tbe man who was luuriuif uer. bllilr ' l iin lut. 1 Tbe amouut of exerts? n cbldhuo-l and youth tbould be tarefully reguUt- ed as in many instances aaibiiii-is children will far exceed their strcng. In tbe trnrt to avoid lieing outdone t y ' older and more robust companion. Iu Infancy the almost iuceasant move nieuts of a baby's limbs show how Im perative is the instinct of nature muscular exercise. Hence it is im portant not to restrict too much tii freedom of infants, and tare should be taken to prevent their clothing being too to allow ample freedom io' the limbs. Even the cry of a Jtiuiu child is ofteu umIuI 4s a im-n. of ex ercising the muscles of the chest, ind In moderation must not be discourage I. The best muscular exercise for young thildren. says a well known writer, is ths movement to which they are led by their natural playfulness. They, if left to themselves, w ill run, tumble .mil wrestle with each other like sportive kittens. Each limb and every musrie ot their bodies will by turns rise and fall, swell, contract and perform all the actios of which they are capable. They are haroly at rest a m.uieut,.-r.d each movemcut they nuke is of lu freest and most eraieful kind. Noth ing can oe more favoraMe for the first development of the muscular system, and. In fact, for vigorous growth and sound health, than the motions of a child In the free Indulgence of Its play ful moods. During childhood and youth efforts should be made to exercise ev ery Important muscle of the body, each In its turn, so as to secure for all a complete and symmetrical devel opment and consequently robust health. Kdurate Railroad Men. The Vienna training school for rail road employes, now in its sixtieth year, does not, like the Duda-Pestli in stitute, prepare men for appointments, but is designed to Increase the special knowledge of railroad employes and fit them for promotion. Tbe lower yearly course embraces bookkeeping, trafiic geography, railroad technology; description of goods transported, etc., the higher comprising custom-house regulations, railroad law, politic! economy, traffic statistics and electro technology. The students are divided Into regular and extraordinary rlubws, and the small expenses ot the school are defrayed by the railway companies, which give preference when making promotions to students whose exami nations are most creditable. Net KiiKlaiiil a Early Currency. The earliest money, or substitute for money, used in the colonics except, perhaps, small quantities that were brought from England waa the In dian money,, known as "wampum," or "wanipumpeag," for brevity called "peag." This "peag" waa for a long time used as money both among the Indians and the settlers; though it would appear that the Massachusetts j colonists had some other kiud of mon ey in use, as In 1C35 the court ordered that "brass farthings shall be discon tinued and musket balls shall pass for farthings." Exchange. Trrhaps. Freddie', father had Just been strug gling with an old fashioned bureau and, retiring disheartened from an unsuc cessful effort to open one of its com partments, he moved to the window and looking out upon the lowering sky he exclaimed: "It's mighty strange that the weather bureau can't give us a change of weather." "Maybe," shy ly interposed Freddie, "they can't open '.he bureau drawers." Boston Courier. Uncle Sam Says: This Is America's Greatest Medicine. It will Sharpen Your Appetite, Purify and Vitalize Your Blood. Overcome That Tired Feeling. Get a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla and begin to take it TODAY, and realize the great good it is sure to do you. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Medicine. All druggists. I. K. ANDKKYVS. Attorney, 60S Mew York Life Bundle. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OV AN order of sale Issued out of the distract court for Douglas county. Nebraska, and me directed, I wlll.son the 14th day ot June, A. D. m. at 10 o'clock A. u. of said day. at the EAST front door ot the county eoar house, In the city ot Omaha, Douglas oouaiy. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash, tbe property described la said order of sale as follows, to-wlt: Lot number two (2) la Block number thpe (3) In the first Addition to the city of South Omaha, aa surveyed, platted and recorded, all In Douglas County State of Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy Nellie Burgstrom plaintiff herein, the sum f twelve hundred and thirty-three and i-tN tfl.2j3.05) do tars Judgment. To satisfy the further sum of twelve and 4S-100 dollars (912 48) cost herein, to gether wltb accruing costs, according to a judgment rendered by tbe district court el said Douglas county, at Its September term, A. D. 18ST7, In a certain action then and tbere pending, wherein Nellie Burgstrom Is plaln t ff and Harry Johnson, a minor, ls.defead ant. Umaha, Nebraska. Mnvl:ltb. lws. JOHN W. Mi'DONALP. Sheriff of Douglas t'liurnv. NubranKa. I K. Andrews, attorney for plainlllT. Burgstrum vs. Johnson. Doc. 60: No. 5-13-s Holding on to pagan superstltloa givci Rome a mortfago on your faith. 5 SiiK CUT-PRICE BOOFSS Here's a Book Bargain! Five of the Best f We give yon these just to make you hungry for other f'ij ' : A good things, TIicms books in cloth binding sell for ' t,-f fr",n ' " to Pr WPY- In paptr covers W J. tlJ.0. thev h.ive never been offered at less than a f IV'A ' ' 1 cents a They 41 copies , Vi or 40 nfc!r- VV Sim bargain UNCLE Uftl. It f C IT I. fllar of a Never imi and Htart tin " r i . rsr ft bound of possibility. It rontalntioverS'iU i(ef, printed from new plate. A BRIDE FROM THE BU8H. tt K. IV. HoRS'rXU. A Tntr A iwH-filwn Life. Tbttorf bH won lot HH Kitted autlM. a name and tame overt wocoiitinentH, There in no U k of thrillhitf dra HialM' NttuattotiM IhroiiKhont the Itook. The whole ntory Iihh lite tthd motion, pathetic and Ind U runs fMtiatioiiM follow each other In rapid Mu-ret-woti, with a happ) and ftaUafuclory huluulooked foreud lit It ia iaaciiiaiinif liook from cover to cover. TICKET NO. 10547. By EVELYX ADAU8. Illutrtfl TliUW a romantic tale of the wonderful adNfiiiuN'M of a onnn American in Mexico, flow he made Ml.UUU In three yearn, and won the hand t the fair 4'armetlta, hy the aid of tit. Let libit, in astrantje tory ot urdhip aud good luck, and uakofl liiUreuiiK reading. FOR THE DEFEN8E. Tlu B. T, FAKJEOX. ThlftfKoneof the bent and moat Interentln works of thi fainouaatiitior. U i a detective and love Htory, with a deep mystery cleverly unraveled by ttktllful work. It Im of thrllhiiif Interest from beylnninif to end. Mi patfeti of clear type. rNOTE THE PRICE One book, 10 cents; Three books, 25 cents; All Five books, 40 cents, postpaid. X w When Joy. Fills the Heart form, that A Year Agn W. S. DnWni All Anion the Slimmer Kose-i UutiriH Ah I tl NntlmiK KIhv To Do J. I,. Ihitlint Acnm the Seji Viiyinm o'lriW HrtiiK Kju-lt Thy Smithine Mart i'lamiurttt Hlue Kyt'M.... ...JitmtH MnUt'U ( 'oilll'iMle t'rlLr Mt illrnnitH I'oine ui the Sunset Tree ..Mm. Iiniutn Dream KttceH .....II'. M. linhhimni IHmttltt! Tender and True Latin Jnltn Srtitt Drenmim; of Home J. L. Ihttttm Down Below the Wavlnu Lindens " . . K. L. h eittr Vitdetl I.fuve Korifet Me Not " Kive O't'ltK-k 111 the Morning". . . . ilrl I Met on the Kami (The) . I'ttitf Itrttruni W'tlltelm (itim fliiriM Julia Kftnl ...."ill Hit hi (lolilen 1 ear Are r leenntc (iiNHlniuht ..Kitttttnm in ' Mnrtlia ' Hour of KcKtlThel JoWllfc llttffM Hiipv Little Country !irlM. How Will He Ever Catih Them f- Kliztibrlh Pltilp .oimc. V. Ttinltrn Tip T An Eimllslinifm Sir Aiflnir Sullinm I Whistle anil Wait for Katie .ii-siirt A"un I Heallv Don't Think 1 Shall Man y Anmi Jiim Toui h the Harp Oently I'hu. Ulamphiu .lenuv In the on-hard liniillfin Aitlr .liu k's Kan-well Jmf .. Mutiny Kate, Poor Kate, Comic Katr llnvlr Katev's I-etter 1.atli Ihtfrrin l.lttle Annie Koonev .Wii tiuel .Votan Little Fisher-Maiden (Thel I.uitvl) IVuliiinuim Let MuhIc Break ou This Blest Morn, ClirlKtmas Carol Little Buttercup's Song .Sir Arthur MHran live Soft, llreetllnr IV. L. Uttbrrt Love That Slumbers Milton WliiK 9 ril .heel music -l.e. nrinted allowing it to open flat on tbe music rack, elegantly designed cover, gotten up in fact to make IK riteriur a pleasing omaiueot, and its Interior a lasting Joy. Publisher's price is II. W. Our ' s- '. .. . Price, Postpaid, 50 Cents. These prices ar f; v 'Vpot csh': with your order. Remit by silrer, .cent postage Mampf, P. O. or Kx press money order, or bank drft. Address", CUT PRICE BOOK STORE 1615 Howard Street, OMAHA, NEB. TV'. A. SAUNDERS. Attorney, Merchant National Bank. OH F.K1 FK'S SAI.E.-By virtue of an order of sale Issued out of toe district court for Douglas county. Nebraska, and to me di rected. 1 1 on the aist dav of May. A. P. l. !t ten o'riock a. m. of said day. at the KAST front door of the county court house, tp tbe -tty of Omaha. Douglas foon'y Nebraska, sell at publ'c auction to the high est bidder fur cash the uroperty described In said order t sale as follows to-wlt: Lot thirty liKliln Heed's Second Addition to the city of Omaha. a surveyed, platted and reco-ded. all in Douglas county, stale of Ne braska. Said property to be sold to satisfy Walter k. Keeler. plaintiff herein, the sum of four hundred and one and :)tl-lu0 IWU.;kii dollars Judgment, with .lntr"st thereon at the 'ate of ten (101 rer cent per annum from Keb'u ary Tth, lM'H. tocether with an attorneys fee of fortyand 13 1( 0 i40.Ji dollars To satisfy the further sum of sixty two and Sti-lOU dollarstliii.Stlicosts herein. together with aiurrulnit costs accordinn to a Judgment rendered by the district court of said Done las county at it February term. A. D. 1HH8, lnacertain action then and there pendlnn. wherein Walter K Keeler Is plaintiff and Arthur.!. Wyrnan. Kleanor Phelps Sedleyand Mr. Sedle her husband first and real name unktown are defendants. Omaha Nebraska. Anril 2th. John w. Mcdonald, Sherlft" of Dointla" County, Nebraska W. A. SAL'NDKUS Attorney. Keeler vs Wyman et al. 4-"9 S Doc. 81. No. 4H. Ex. Doc Z. Page W. A. SAUMJKUS, Attorney, Merchants National Bank Bid? UHRRIFK'S SALE. By virtue of an U order of sale issued out of the district court for Douglas county. Nebraska and to me directed. I will, on the Uth day cf June, A. D. WW), at ten o'clock a. m. of said day. at the EAST front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property de scribed Id said order of sale as follows, to wlt: Lot four (4i. block three hundred and six teen (:ilo) in tbe original plat of the city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and recorded and all oelng situated In Douglas county, state of Nebraska. fald property to be sold to satisfy Harry J. Twinting. plaintiff herein, the sum of Fifty six and 78-ltlO iloO.Tgi dollars Judgment with Interest thereon at the rate of ten (lOiper cent per annum from September 27. 1N97, to gether with an attorney's fee of five and 67-100 (i 7) dollars which said amounts are a Hrst Hen upon said above described prop erty. To satisfy the further sum of sixteen and 60-100 ilH0l dollars costs herein, to- f ether wltb accruing costs, according to a udgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, state of Nebraska at Its September term A. D., 1897. In a certain action then and there pending, wherein Harry J. Twintlng Is plaintiff and The Amer lean National Bank of Omaha Nebraska, a corporation organized under the laws of the J nlted States. Samuel S. Curtis and K'tte Bird Curtis are defendant. Omaha, Nobraska. May lllih. lH!l u. ,. ., Jhm w. McDonald, . N'rllTof Douglas County. Nebraska. W. A, Haunuers. attorney. TwIltMBK vs Am. Nat Bank et al. Doc. til . So. . Kx. I, P. I4J. VI 1-5 Storks Ever Written. oiv. are yours at 10 cents per copy. 3 for 25 cents. The whole five books cents, postpaid. rIbty would be a at live Ur a dollar. TOM'S CABIN l or. l.itV Among the UAtiUiEt Hk.tA Hf.H Muiri.. No olhrr f jf alilMMLvh U r writtrn ovr firty yjtr otto th rWmir f Jf F"rMiufi l mow n-iMliittf 'l u l lorn iiii" wilh smiih ku h MitMit iliHl tftKiHifat hen aud Kiiiiottter expt-rirmTtl, for il i m immtk I hat will l 11 lit-ver irrnw old, um othr Kt-nentiKHiH will 1mku ivr Topty h'mI l y over Era ttiid I m-le Thh. It is printed in cleitr, rt-ttJ.utile typi on km. imper, rum ptete, tiiii-liMiitfetJ mid UUatbrtriift-il, Mlttl couUUU Hearty u laive Nt.ea. OUEEN MAB. By WILLIAM WE ST ALL. A i f Lf uml Ait'tnt ittr tm Ltntt n4 . ''UiM-rri Mb" In Without tlHiut the bet of tht mu- author ft work. It In mm trtrtllnr. realiMtlr and fH-inaliitr a the works of Jul- Verne or H. Klrier Hjtif:rl. and uVmU with tht) wonderful adventure voiiiiur Kii-Mi-hmtti on a vovuife to the trouha. the thty of l.otituuii C'ritmie have u h m ran ire advcnturcM Iteen recorded, vet sail within tha it finds expression in song, gratifying the performer and delighting the hearer. Nothing so serves to calm the wearied soul after a storm-tossed day as the sweet melodies that recall memories of childhood and those long gone to rest. Recognizing the need of a varied list of songs, in neat and convenient would anneal to all hearts and tastes, The Favorite Collection of Songs has been pre pared expressly to fill this want, and contains words and music of 70 of the choicest produc tions of gifted and famous composers. Picture to yourself an evening at home with the follow ing list of beautiful songs before you: j Ma ry anil John, or the Lovers' Quarrel, (Imi aM SlnU Many Years Ago Sir Arthur SuUiran Mother Watch, the Little Feet J. IV. Turtttr Saury I,ee .trjiSrn AtUtma Oh! You I'retty Blue Kyed Wit,-h.... W. V. Tailtir Old Harden liate (Thel IV. f, Wtlhitau, Jr. Old CoMaice Cluck (The) Jut. L. MflU.f Old n (late (The) II. Kullman r lay uiateM , , , .bamnnd ttn-ina a I 'oily .JttmrK L. Mttllim Kuth and 1. M. II'. ull SoinelHKly. . . ..... Slralitfei'B Yet SaililiK SH-uk to Me , S)M-ak lielitly That is Ijove The Sweetest Tune Think of Me Nevermore The Hoy I live Two hy Two The DcurOld Souk. of Home... The Passing Hell..... ...O. A. Mt Fit nan Vlaribfl Uixtfri u Mark ....Fubio t Viiiifdiita ....'. T. ll'ri()lit ..fix JWftVlemioM tVuttz AH ;. i.itilrs ,iol. Smith Hiifiult ......Ai,lol fVrri Franz Abt i'larilitl The Country Cousin. Comic .Vinrrtit iAiris There's a Silver Lining to Every Cloud, i'Utrilttl Tell Me Truly A. .V. U'ufcrSrM Whell Sort Kves Smile Jiw. h. Htfrktl Why Tarries Mv Uive? T. WrliK When Twilight Uathei- In J. i. MoH Will Vour Heart esion(l to Mine?... A. 1). IHrirur When 1 View the Mother Holding Anon Watchman, what of theMgntr in. uoutwa Wst! Wst! Wst! Loo Nlllr Won't You Tell Me Why Kobln! ilurtM Whisper in the Twilight , Anthony Kith, on fine cream tinted paper wltb sewed binding. W. T. NKLSON, New York I.if.- ltuilcllnir. NOTK'KTO NON-KKSIPKN'r. To Kllen Sarah Helttier, mm-reslilent de-fi-nilant : You are hereby notified that on tile ."ith day of November, 1x07, Frank Thompson, HXecutor, and Jon It. Uane, aihninlslrator, with the will annexed of James Thompson as plaintiffs filed u petition In the district court for PoukIuh county, Nebraska, anil that you, Impleaded with others, are par ties defendant. The object anil prayer of said petition Is to foreclose a eertain'mort KHKe executed by Louis Heltner and Klleti Sarah Helmer on the th day of Deceim ber, 1S!, upon the iroierty situate in Dnutilas county, Nebraska, describwl as follows: lits fourtisn (14). fifteen (l.ri), sixteen Otil and twenty-two (tl). in blHk three Cl), Wise ami I'armelee's addition to the clty of Drnaha. to secure tht payment of a promissory note for the sum of $1.8im, with lo per cent interest thereon from date You ,ir also notified that on the 5th ilav of November. 1OT, the defendant T,"p, Farmer's Loan anil Trust company, filett its cross-petition in this case for the pur pose of foreclosing one certain tax certifi cate dated November 13, 1WI. issued to J y. Toy and hy him assigned to the Farmeis 1oan and Trust Company, and also mm certain tax certilicate, dated November 111. lti. Isjth of sfiiil certificates coverinn lot 22 in block 3 of Wise & Par maloe's addition to the city of Omaha, DoukIhs countv, Nebraska That there Is due the said 1'armer's loan and Trust company the sum of J43.50 with interest from November 5, 1W at the rate of ten per cent per annum ' And" this) cross-iK'Utioner prays for a decreet finding- that it has a first lien upon said real estate., the same to be sold to satisfy tho amount due with interest, attorney's fees and costs. You are required to answer said petition and rross-petition on or before the 13th day of June. IK. FRANK THOMPSON, executor, and Joe R. Lane, administrator, with the will an nexed of James Thompson, plaintiffs Omaha, Neb., May 6, 18K. Ky W. T. Nelson, his attorney. .rSL.'p.s?,1.eia1' vs' Hdmer el a. fHK. FAKMERS IX)AN AND TRUST By W. A. Saunders, his attorney Docket :', No. 11)1. 5..4 J. T. PATCIf. Attorney, 8 Farnam Strejet, Omaha. PKOBATK NOTICK. In the matt?r of the estate of Edward J.. Ponocken, deceased. Notice is hereby Riven that the creditors of suhl deceased will meet the adminis trator of said estate, before me, county Juden of iKuiKlas county, Nebraska, at the county court room. In said county on the 12th day of July. 1X!IK. on the V2lh day of September, and on the (lav of ' vember, 1S!(, at o'clock a, m. ein h day fur the piirM of pres..utln: their clalins fur examination, ndJiiHtmeiit ami allow mice. Six months lire allowed for the ciwl liors lo pies,nt their claims and one vi ar fur the administrator lo Nctt ', )p from the 4th day of May. IM ' luvi.Nu f iuxti:h t'ouniy Judue.