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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1898)
Pi 0 1 T THE AMERICAN ASSASSINATION OF PRES. LINCOLN Every Person Implicated In the Diabolical Plot a Ro man Catholic. Standpoint Occupied by E Priest Chiniquy. V. ho was the Pres. IJcnt's Close Friend. l.tlUOlQ Father Cbiniquy. the apostate Cath olic priest, who has been Iwturins in Baltimore, in conversation with a Morning Herald reporter, made a ni.mhor rst Blatempl.tS regarding, the U UU WV a ' - assassination of President Lincoln, which are not to be found in the his tories of the period, and accounts for that lamentable tragedy: "I am a French Canadian by birth," aid he to the reporter, "and was born In Kamovaska, Canada, in 1809. Both of my parents were Catholics, and I was, of course, (nought up in that faith. From a very early age I was destined for the priesthood, and my education was conducted with that end always in view. Having been ordain ed, I arose very vapidly in the esti mation of my religious superiors as well as in popular favor, and was soon looked upon us one of the most prom ising members or the Canadian priest hood. My work in the cause of tem perance brought me Into special prom " mence, and I became widely known all over Canada, and, indeed, in the , Catholic church everywhere. "In 1S51 Catholic bishops and clergy from all over North America met in secret conclave at Huffalo. N. Y.. and there the question was discussed, and It was decided to seize the cities of North America fur the Catholic church. The plan adopted was to bring Catholic emigrants from Europe In sufficient numbers to gain control of the city governments by 'popular vote. The attempt was carried out to some extent, and was successful at least in New York. It was particu larly the desire of the church to get possession of the school fund in the various cities in onicr id use n no the benefit of Catholicism. The well remembered strtmnle for the expulsion of the Hible from the publiv schools In Cincinnati in 1S70 was the out growth of the action of the conclave In 1851. "At this same conclave I was assign ed to go to Illinois with a band of French Canadian Catholics and to found a colony or co.onies. Colonists also came from France, and early in 1S52 I founded my colony at St. Anne, Kankakee county, 111. A chapel or church was built, and, we had a con gregation of about .r 'tt souls. -Jn IS.aS, after seveial years of Btudv am! many trials. I determined to leave the Church of Home, whose doctrines I no longer bej eved. It was on Saturday evening that I reached my final determination, and the next morning I went Into the pulpit and told my congregation of the step I was about to take, and my reasons. After talking to them for two hours I put the matter to a vote, and all but fifteen of my 300 parishioners ex pressed their intention of following me. Tnis action, when it became known, created no little excitement all over the country. About a year later we joined the Chicago Presbytery, and afterward the Canadian Presbytery to which we still belong. "Previous to this Abraham Lincoln had defended me when I wag prose cuted bv the church, and when, some tim after our withdrawal from the church our colony was theatened with destruction from famine, he came for ward and for our benefit delivered a lecture, in which he denounced the or der of the Jesuits with the greatest boldness. This made our former friendship all the stronger. "In 18C2 a Canadian Jesuit priest was converted through my teaching and from him I first learned of a plot of that order to assasmate Mr. Lin coin. He told me that the plot was first laid in lSfil. I went at once to Washington, and in a conference with Mr. Lincoln warned him of what I had learned. He told me that he was al ready informed of the matter by Mr Samuel F. U. Morse, the telegraph in ventor. who had heard it by chance while in Home. Mr. Morse was not a Catholic. "About a year afterward 1 convert ed another Jesuit priest, who had ab solutely wear, but makes a written declara tion. October It), 1SS3. duly signed, saying that he told Conweil and Mr. Bennett that he had hear this rumor in Ola SlOre IlOm wuu mum in and out; but he cannot reuiemuer from whom." That lapse of memory probably saved the landlord's tife. The priests of St. Joseph we.e of the plot to assassinate and Seward. Without a bingle exception the con spirators were Roman Caihoi'c. It is true that Atzeroth. Payne and Har old asked for Protestant ministers when they . '' be bung, but they had been cons; lered Catholics till then. John UiUes Booth was a proselyte to ( ii 'niicisui, and w were Atzeroth, Paie and HaroM. Put had their f.u:i ' confessors appeared with them on i:ie scaffold that would have opened the eyes of the American people to clearly see that the assassin ation of Lincoln and Pewavd were planned and executed by Jesuit p l s's The murderers were instructed to con ceal their religion. Such is the doe trine of the Catholic church. St. Liguori says: "'It is often more ti the glory of Cod and the good of our neighbor to conceal our religious faith, as when we live among heretics we can more easily do them good in that way; or if by declaring our religion, we cause some disturbance or deaths, or even wratn of the tyrant.' Liguori Theologia, li. XI "Dr. Mudd. at whose place Booth stopped in his tPght. was a Catholic and so was Garrett, iu whoe barn Booth was killed. "After the murder Father C'.ilniquy went to Washington in disguise. He found that the influence of Koine at the capital was almost supreme. The only statesman who dared to face the nefarious influence of Home was Cen. Baker. But several other statesmen confessed that without doubt the Jes uits were at the bottom or the plot; and sometMiie this would appear so clearly in evidence before the mili tary tribunal that it was feared it could not be kept from the public. Mrs Surratt was a Catholic, and her house was the common rendezvous of the priests. "Booth, the assassin himself, was confirmed in this very city of Balti more. He was but the tool of the Jesuits. He was taught by thein that I the pope had called Jeff Davis his dear son, and had taken the southern confederacy under his protection. He was taught that Lincoln was an apos tate, that he bad been baptized in trie Catholic, religion, had rebelled against it and broken his oath of allegiance to the pope. He was taught that it was his religious duty to slay this Infa mous enemy of bis ciiurcn. 'Compare other murders known to have been plotted and executed by Jesuits w'th this one and you will find that they resemble each other as one drop ot water resembles anouier. Compare the last hours of the Jesuit, Kavaillao, the assassin of Henry IV'., who absolutely refused to repent, I hough suffering the most horrible tortures on the rack, with Booth, who, with an unset broken leg, the bone al most puncturing the flesh, writes in his dailv memorandum: '1 can never repent, though we hated to kill. Our country owed all its troubles to him (Lincoln), and Cod simply made me the instrument of his punishment 1 found that the influence of Home was almost supreme in asinngion Several of the government men with whom I conversed told me that they had not the least doubt that the Jesu its were at the bottom of the crime They were afraid to let the crime come out lest the priests should be imnlicated. and in the event of their execution they knew that riots, blood fire and devastations must follow, and these the country, in its then divided slate could not sustain. A. T. A. PRINCiri.ES. The following are the deolaratlone of principles adopted by the National Coun cil of ihe. A. I. A. at 1 es Moines. "loyally t. true Americanism, which knows neither blrih. place, race, creed, nor parly, la Ihe rtrst requirement for uiemhorship In lh American l'rolectlve Association. "The American Protective As-tocbillon co-niiant l not a political party, an.l does noi cmi iii.,iiiiui muti.,n. .f it mem ber"; but it hc them to lie Inteus-iy active In tha illsclmtue "f their political duties in or out of party line. l'"'i- it believes that all problems controtltllul nur people will he bound solid by a con scientious discharge of I lie duties of citi zenship by every "While tolerant ol all creeds. It holla Hint subjection and support to any Inimi cal power not controlled by Am ru-aii cit izens, and which claim equal If not t; renter sovereign! v II. an the government of the Tinted Stales, in n reconcilable with American eiuxcnship. II I there fore opposed to the holding of ulllces in Mate or national government bv any subject or supporter of such ecclesiastical power. t . , "We uphold the constitution of the Tinted Slates of America and no portion of U mole than lis ginirantee of rellu.oua liberty, but we hold this re I uiuua iiocny t,. I... irliarilllleeil to the individual. II ml not to mean thai under its prote. lion any un-American ecclesiastical power can claim any absolute control over the edu cation of children, glowing up under the stars and stripes. "We consider the non-sectarian free public school the bulwark of American institutions, the lies! plate for the, edu cation of American children. To keep them such, we protest against the eiu .lo menl of subiecis. of any un-American' ecclesiastical power s otllcers or teachers of our public schools. W e condemn I he support out of the public treasury by direct appropriation or by contract of any sectarian school, reformatory or oilier institution not own ed and continued by public authority. "Hclievliu- that exemption from taxa tion is equivalent to a giant of public funds, we demand lb at no real or person al property he exempt Hoill l.iX.ttii 11, I lie title to which is not vestel in Hie mtu'iuil or slate g.Aerninenis, or in any ot then sub-divisions. Wo protest against Hie enlistment In the Tuned States army, navy, or llie uiililia of anv Male, of any person not an actual cili.eii of the I ihImI Stales. "V, e demand for ill- protection of our citi.eii l.iboicis the prohibition of the lin uoiiatioii of pauper labor, and the re striction of ad immigration to persona who cannot show their ability and honest .mention to hi-ciilll.- M'lf-MipporUllB Alllel icati citizens. . , . We demand the i hnnge of the natuinl thoriziug the naturalization of minors, wiihuut a previous declaration of luteii Uon. and bv providing that no alien shall be naturalized or p rinitlcd to vote in ii ii v- stale in the in. ion who cannot speak i.A i.., of tin. land, and who can not prove seven years' consecutive (teii.e III this country troui tno his declaration ol intention. We plotest llgalnsl tile gross - pence and laxity wiiu wne n irv of our In ml aiiniiuisiei no- naturalization laws, and against mu practice of natuiabzing aliens at the ex pense Of Collllllll iocs Ol ii"1""""" the most prolilic source of tin present prostitution of American citizenship to the basest uses. We demand that nospnais. iis reformatories, or oilier lm miliums "' which people are under rosii.iu.i, oe m. times subject lo pu i ins .-non. whether llu-v are mainl.i ilie.l n in. , co lic or by private 01 -porations or individ uals. , . . We (li'iuaiul that till nnpoiuu or state legislation alleelllig l.nancial. (Olllliu.l- 1 or Indus! rial Ititerc-is nn gei.ei.ii ii. li.iraeter mid in no instance in i.iv.n ..i my one section oi ute count., ot one cuss ot ttic people. anoMolle Kvery bishop In hla nhvui la thought to bo. ami In reality la. a. natural inquisitor, ihlerally Itorn inquis itor), ao aa to have the uiim power with those already mentioned in a cause of heresy. U. In every promissory oalh. allhougti absolutely taken, there are curtain eon- litlons lacllly understood. amoii(st which are: 1st If I can. 2nd- 1 o save tlie rigm anil authority of a superior, 3rd - When the oath supposes the honor of the apos tolic see lo he Illicit Jl. 'Hull Hie council of Trent (the last ami meat authority of Kotiiei, decrees and commands thai Ihe aacred canons ami all general count lis. also Ihe other apostolic enactments Issued In favor of ecclesiastical persons of libel l. in. I agalnsl Its violate! s. all of which by t his, present decree It renews, and must be exactly observed by ull. ertaln preeerlbe.1 tlmea. according te the tenor of lhal whiah I have Jusl iea.4 through. That I will aea-k out anil op poae, prosecute anil fight liimnl coiialu peraeculurum el iiupugnalui uini ngainat heretlca or schismatics win) oppos. our lord, the pope or Koine, and h a befoia uienlloiird ui'rhni . ami this 1 will tlo wllh evi-ry possible eff 01 1 " (Signal ui e) then aeiit lo the poae IIISIlKTS HATH. "I. ele.q nf Ihe resi- date of KXTKTMK OATH lT TIIK JI'STIT T. --. now In Itie presence of Al mighty Hod. the blessed Vltglll M il)' the blessed Michael t b.. A n !..i llicel llie lilss e.l St John ihe t..pis. Ihe holy Apost les SI Titer ami SI Taiil and I lie) Suiut't unit Sacred llosi of lieaven. and to you, my ghoslly father, the superior general of the soclelv of Jesus, founded by Saint Ignalus l.ovoia In the poiitillciiilon of Taul (he 'I hirtl, and contlnueil lo the present, do. h the womb of Ihe virgin. Ihe matrix of Coil ami Ihe rod of Jesus Christ declare ami swear that his holi ness, the pope. Is Christ's vtce-gere,nt. ami Is the true and only head of Hie Catholic or universal church throughout Ihe eaiili. and thai by vlilue of the ke.a of binding anil b.osli g given In his holi ness by my Saviour. Jesus Chrl-d he hath power to depose heretical king-, princes, stales, commonwealths and gov ernments, all being tlleuiil without bis sacred eorilirinalion. and lhe may be safely destroyed. Therefore, lo the ut most of my power. I will defend this doctrine and his holiness right and eus I mu against all usurper of Ihe heretical or 1'rotostatit aiitliorlly whatsoever, es pecially the Lutheran church of (ier many. Holland. I'enniark. Sweden and Norway, and ilio now pieteinlefl authori ties and churches of liiiglaiid and Scot laud, and blanches of Ihe Mime now es tablished In Ireland, iiud on the conti nent of Ainein a. and elsewhere, and all adherents in regard ilia! Ihev be us irped and, opposing the saciel chur'h of Home "I (lo now denounce and disown nny al legiance as due lo anv hetetical king, pinice or stale natiud Tiotc statu or Lib erals or obedience In any of their laws, nmgi-trales or ofbeers. "I do timber declare that the doctrine, of the churches of Tiigl.'iiid and Koollund, of Ihe "aiv ousts. Huguenots snd others of the n. Hue of Troiostaiit or Liberals to be damnable, and they themselves lo lie damned who will not forsake the same. "I do furl her declare thai 1 will ii-ip, assist and advl-o all or any of Ins holi ness' agents, in anv place wherever I shall be. In Switzerland, (iermaiiy, Hol land, lienniaik. Sweden, Norway. Lng- lutul. Iceland or America, or in any other kingdom or lemtoi v, I si nil come lo, and In my utmost to extlipate ihe heieiuiii Troleslant or Liberal doctrines, and lo destroy all their eieiided poweis. legal or otherwise. '1 do fun her promise niul di e'a e that. ncitvvithslanding I am dispensed with to assume any religion hcrcli. al lor the propagation of Ihe mother church s In terest to keep secret Mild private all her agents' conic lis fioni lime to lime. as tliev entrust me. ami noi to uivuige. directly or iinlnoclly. bv word, wrmiir or eircunistatit os whatever, but to exe cute all liiai shall be (imposed, given In charge, or discovered unto n.e or m ghostly lather, or any of red col vent. "I do fin i her promise and dec I will have no opinion or will of or any menial reservation wit evert as a cm or i auaver 'i cadaver), but each and evei y llts-ese. from lirticefut i4 will be faithful anil obedient In Si Teier Ihe Apostle and lo Ihe liolv Komau church, and l.i our hud. the holv pope ol Hani, ami lo his,n s, c.iiiomcallv enter In. 1 will neither advt, e. consent nor do ,t ii thing lhal l hey mu ue hie or mem ber, or lhal their peisoloi luav be s,ize.i or hands In iiiivkih,. ,i.j upon them, or an llijulles on.-led In tl.eiu undtM' iiuy pleteuce wtl.llsoevel 'I lie t oilllsel Willi tliei shall lue by lliriil- Selves. Ilnnr ll.esseui e of nltes I will no! kuowlnglv reveal to any. to Ihelr piejiidlte. I will help i hen in dt feud ami kesp Hie Hi.iii.iii apacv and tlb lovaltlea of St. Tqer agalnsl all inen. The le gate of the apostolic see. going ami com ing. 1 will homq. ibly (rest and help in Ins necessities 'I be rights, honoi a privi leges and authority of the Holy Houmn church of our lord, ihe pope, and his aforesaid successors, 1 will endeavor til preserve, defend. Increase and advance. 1 will not be In any counsel, action or treaty, in which shall he plulled uguirist our said lord und lioiiian .lunch, nuv liilng lo Ihe hurt or prejudice of Ihelr persons, rights, honor, stale or power. and. If I shall know any such thing le be treated or agitated by anv whatso ever. 1 will hinder ii to my uliiioat, ami is soon us 1 can, I will signify It to our lord. The ordiuam-e und mandates of the pope, I will observe Willi all my might and cause to lie observed by others. Hereilcs. schismatics and rebels to our said lord or his successors, 1 will to my utmost persecule and oppose. "Heretics, Bch.smallcos el i ehellea elrt- cm I lomlno ntislro vel sun e.s.u ibiis pie belts pro posse persequar el upi'iivnubo. "I will come to 11 .iiiiii-H wii. ii I urn railed, I will x lit the tlneshild ot the bv Voll sac a'-c that my own i I Kiev Hi ll utihesllain.glv obey mnuim! that I mav r Still I'nltrd. i'AMS. Jn. Jl. Unrlnt th dl In the Chamber of liepuileg today th tlmteg of th department nubile worahln M. llerard denoui the dangera of clerlcallmn." The premier. M. Mellne, dtolareal here was no ground for auch facrfx foiillnuliic he denied the, Kovarnmaaa, vil compose,) f clericals, or that M was under ptitittflrhil direction, addlM that Ihe ao-called clerical peril mm on iv nut forward lo invert auisuaa fiom ihe BtMiullst and revolutlotsVj peril. K-Mlnlster fJoblet Inen tnoM IM aeimrntioii or ine cnurcn nno evsia whb h w .H'feated by o9 to 192 Totaav Soveral niembera denounced tha lntB forenceof Thief Hiibbl Zaddot kanat Eft i..e ICaterhaitv Bffiilr. whiwupoft m. Menard replied that If the chief riiM had ncted Improperly he could b prlvo,) of bin aalary. M de Muhy cnlled attention i9 UM propaitanila of KiiRllsh and Oermaja. p.-iatora In various parta of Franc. ia notiucliiK them amid applatiaa fat "aplea" and na belnn a veritable parO to the existence of the fatherland." The estimates were then adopted. M. Dutrlex moved the denunciation of i ha coiicoriuit (or understanding ba l ween the French Rnvernment and ikm Vatican). The motion wai defMt4 bv a vote of 316 to 171. T 10 MAN 3 tIATII, by alinlchty (iod. by all In eallll. by tile lioly iniyer holy church, I'.V Ihe ble.-sed mother of Hod. by her sor- i! nt the cross, by her tears, by ihe holy upm.llea St. r and Taul. by Ihe gliirious upostle, Evading Real Issues. The weakness of the case of those who are vigorously opposing the im migration restriction bill is shown by their persistent refusal to meet fairly and squarely the real and es sential issue involved In the proposal of an educational test for new arrivals The protest of the German societies of Chicago and of the league recently organized in New ork, as well as the arguments advanced in congress bv such men as Senator Caff rev. deal with but one aspect of the problem They harp upon the obvious and ad mitted fact that illiteracy is not al wavs and necessarily a sign of vi- riousness anil incapacity, ami inuuige in irrelevant emotional appeals 10 principles which no friend of the edtl- for them In cational test dreams of surrendering That immigration has done much for the development of the country is not questioned by any sane man. That it can and will do still more is no knowledge of any other eouallv beyond dispute. That an edu- CANNON LAW. I. T!u constitutions or prunes aie not superior, but subordinate, to e-ciesiasii- I const n ut ions. :. ihe laws of I he emperor cannot lls lve the ecclcsjasi ical or cannon law s. II. It is not law tul for an emperor to exaci nuvlhiiig opposed to me apostolic rules. 4. It is not lawful for kings to usurp the things that belong to priests. No custom of anyone can inwuri me st.ituies of the Holies. Let no resistance, be offered lo the apostolic (cannoni piecepls, but let them Im. s .hiliferiollslv fultille.l. The yoke imposed by Ihe jmiv see is to iie borne, lhongh it appear intolerable und Insupportable. s. The Tontut inn neither be loosen nor bound by the secular power. That the I'ontiff was culled nod t' the pious Trlnce Constnntine, and thai as find he ennnot he judged as man. in. That as tlod he is tar above me reach of all human law and Judgment. 11. That all laws contrary lo llie can ons and decrees of the Human prelates are of no force. i That a of the orn nances oi me Pope nre unhesitatingly lo be obeyed. III. He Ollgllt HOI even lo to "oo whom the Tope has ex-eommunicaien. 14. l'rlesls are fat Hers anu masieia, even of princes. i-. 'riio civil law is derived trom nun, but the ecclesiastical or canon law Is de rived directly from Hod. by wnicn me ontifT can. In connection wim nis pre- ates. make constitutions tor ine wmue Christian world. In matters spiritual, con cerning; Ihe salvation oi souis. huh no right government of Hie church; and if necessary iuilge and dispose of all the temporal Roods of nil Christians. Hi. A heretic, noiinng or teat doctrine concerning the sacraments, is excommunicated and degraded, and hand ed over to the seculinr court. 17. Secular princes unwilling m smi-n to defend the church against neieucs ;irA nvi'i.ll.nill nloateil. and tliy are laid under an interdict. Id. The goods of nertics are to oe con fiscated and applied to ine cnurcn 1!. Advocates or notaries, iiiviiuhk heretics, or their defenders, or pieauing law suits, or writing uocu- ments for them, are iniamous mm pended from ollicc ceive from my suneriors In the or the pope at..! of .eus ( 'hrist. " I will go to any part world whithersoever I n I be fl icoh regions of the ! Il.g sands of the ilesetl phigles of India, lo the zatioii of I'.uroiie. or to if the nt. lo h 1 h" biirti- il Africa, or the enter- of 'ivii the wild haunts of the barbarous savages nt Alneilca, wiihoot ninrmuiiug or repining und will be submissive ill nil things whatsoever, coliiin uuica ted to me. "I do fui'thernioie promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war. se. ietely or openlv, against all lietcta-s. liotcsl ants and' Liberals as I am directed to do. to extirpate them from the lace or me whole earth, mid Met I wi - 're i .'i'"- er age. sex or condition, and mat I win hang, burn, waste, boll, liny, st.a gl" and burn alive tlie-e infamous heretics: Hp up Ihe stomal h and wombs of ihelr wo men and crush iheir infants' heads Hgaiust Ihe walls in order to annihilate Iheir execrable nice. That when the same cannot be done openly. I will se cretly use the poisonous cup. the strang ulating cord, the st jl of the poinurd or Ihe leaden bullet, regardless or the tank, dignitv or authority of the person or per sons whatever mav lie their condlt on In life either public or private, lis I at any limn ni.iv be directed so lo do by any agent of" the pope or superior of the brotherhood of the holy father, of the .....(.a.. tf Iasiis in confirmation of which I hereby dedi cate mv life, mv soul and h II corporal nnwers. and with this dagger which now receive. 1 will subscribe my name, written In mv blood, in testimony there of und should I prove false or weaken In mv determination, may my brethern and fellow soldiers of the militia of the pope cut tiff mv hands und my feet and my ih.-out from ear to ear, mv belly opene 1 n.,,1 snlnhur burned therein, with nil th punishment that can he inflicted upon me on earth and mv soul be lortine l by .lemons in an eternal hell forever. A II r.f lel.lcb 1 oo sweat by ihe blessed trinity, and blesse I sacra ii Men 1 stni (low to receive, lo per form, and on mv part to k. e:i inv iolably; i a sn nil ihe lieaveulv and glorious i,.,..! of heaven lo witness these, my real intentions, to keep this my oath, i.. (siimonv hereof I take till at,i b esset sacrament m m" Till' I aw ear heaven and book of my It K 1 11 Marv row und gil a ul 1'eli of lieland-Ht. I'atruk-by llie blessed and holy church or nil nges, by the holy n ii I b u i a t' m a r I ,v rs , to Hi-lit upon th' Lisa soli, to light for the Independence of 1 : e-Innil-tn light until 1 tl.e, wiiiUng In Ihe red gore of I he H.ism -n o h ( I'l otestitntj for llie glorious cause id nai loiiiil ly , lo light mull not a single vestige, truck or footstep, Is b-rt to tell Unit I ho lioiv aoil ol Ireland was ever trodden by the Hasa enuoh tyrants atid muiden rs; and. inoie over. when llie rroleslanl lobbeis an I luiites lii Ireland shall be niuiilered and driven Into Ihe sea like Ihe swine our Lonl Jesus Christ caused to he drowned, then we shall embark for, and take Ki.g land, und root nut eveiy veslige of t..e accursed blood of the herein- adulterer, lletirv VIII.. and possess ourselves of the beasts who have so long kept our Island of saluls- ( hl Ireland-ill llie chains of blindage, driven us fium her shores, ex iles mill folelgll l.llloS. 1 Will Wade Ill I 111 bliio.l of ( ii aiigeinen und il'ro tcsi.itiis) wiio do mil Join us and become mil selves. Scotland too, luivini! given ml and suc rol lo lilt! benst. wo ll nl live 111 h 'r golM. We shall not give lip ulPil we I.UV" f sioietl our holy faitli all over tin- lir t si isies. i,. all of this I sincere v mi. I cons len- louslv swear with nil' evts led, not kiiow'iiig who to me n,l oitili. i poslles evciv three years I. nil an , ceoiint of our lol'l ol all mv I lllce niul of Hie thni",s belong. ug to my , I, ye, lo Ihe HIS iplilie oi in y cieigv I,, I people. I Will 111 like 111.. nil. I n'lini'iy I e.eive lilal illllgellllv txe. nle llie Ili'OSt- j olic cotninallils. II i am net (inc.. ot .1 lawful ilni.eiliiiicnl. I will l-eiloim Hi" ifolesald bv a 11 fill1" r ot my . H I cei to i jiiies! of mv ill tully insli -.n led in ill things above ineiiiloiied. The pos es- ions bel.iliglUH to 11, V I". I Wlil neither sell nor olhervvlse ttlb ii iu- wnuoui cou- lllllig the i. on. ..Ii l.oliu.l .--i; o o u. o Hod and these holy gospels oi ( -I Tig II I I li I , Sent to the Koint.-li Al inaK'T. The World's Great Blood Turificr is Hood's Sarsaparilla, Which absolutely Cures every form ol Impure blood, from The pimple on your lace to the great Scrofula sore which Drains your system. Thousands oi people Testify that Hood's Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Catarrh, Rheumatism, And That Tired reeling. Remember thb And get I Iood's And only Hoodj convert, and by him 1 was told the same story. 1 again went to Wash ington and warned the president After the assassination, while I was in San Francisco, another Jesuit priest gave me, for a third time, identically the same account of the plot In the order against the president. While 1 was seeking Information In regard to the crime I met the Rev. F. A. Con- well, of Chicago, who related the fol lowing: "Ninety miles northwest of St. Pajil Minn., is the little village of St. Joseph, settled by Roman Catholics. nd with a college for the education of priests. On the 14th of April, lSfia at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, two men drove up to the village hotel; one was the Rev. F. A. Conweil, chaplain of the first Minnesota regiment and the other was Horace P. Bennett, of St Cloud about ten miles eastward. While Mr. Dennett was attending to the horse in the barn the landlord. J H. Linneman ,who has charge of the friary, and was purveyor for the rrlest3. told Chaplain Conweil that President Lincoln and Secretary Sew ard were assassinated. And when cational test if applied a hundred or even fifty years ago. would have barred out thousands of worthy, use ful and desirable citizens, to the great detriment of the country, is also readily and cheerfully conceded. Why, then, urge considerations that have absolutely no bearing upon the ques tion we are called upon to settle here and nrrw? What is this essential question? Simply this, whether or not the coun try needs a rest from the work of ab sorption and assimilation Imposed by a practically unrestricted immigra tion. Today we only exclude paupers, criminals, diseased persons and con tract laborers. If we need no further restriction in the interest of the American standard of wages and liv ing, the educational test is indeed un necessary and improper; but those who admit that present restrictive measures are inadequate are bound to supply a better and fairer test than that of ability to read and write, a test so perfect as to exclude all un worthy applicants and admit an worthy ones. The champions of the immigration bill recognize that nere aw a.a.g,adaMm.a'gaaa l?W,'-,?1W!'2l iw. liiia ritlKSTS OATH. I , now In (he prose oil. Ihe hles-ed Vllglll Michael Hie Aivh.ll'g John Ihe llaptisi. Hi K-e of Mary. I I llie I llolv I binding bv Jesus etlCll coniinonwt a tha and holy and much their rites, or Mr. Rennett returned from the barn to and there injustice would result, but the tavern the landlord reiterated the they most emphatically deny that any tatement to both his guests. "This was not later than b:J0 p. m nrt the assassination of Lincoln did mot occur till about 10 p. m. Allow ing for the difference in time between BL Josenh and Washington the news rached St. oseph ac least two hours "Th two men make affidavit of th Tea. we have plenty of this Issue. . cn,nn,i.,r fi nit rvtn- We can fill your order. Ten for SO bTl8. 1883. Landlord ' Linneman, wnt-; fifty for $1.25: loo for $2.00; 600 Durrtror for the Driest, refuse toll I7.6U; i,"u tor ivi.u. great number of desirable immigrants would be emit out or that tne law would stop Immigration. Are not the labor organizations better authorities on the need of further restriction than the societies now fighting the Lodge blUT-Chlcago Evening Post d. The secular powers, wt.emer perma nent or temporary, are ununu to sv.. thai they will exterminate, accordlmr to their power, nil heretics contieuineti ny the chun-h; and a temporal lor i noi puns- ins his land of heretics, is excommuni cated. , . 21. Those signed wnn me cioss km t extermination of heretics, reioice In tha privilege granted to the crusaders for tha help of the holy land 22. They are aosuiveu nooi d.. u.o.,. tlons who are in anywise bound to here- tics whnover flies In battle against the unbelieving, merits the kingdom of heav en. . ... w ,,, 24. Ye do not esteem mose ouuio e. - hom it mav have nnppeneo in ineir leal for their mother church ag-alnst the exoomniunicatea. to mu some 25. The CRinouc (irnnx i ou..o. Ke elvl nna common law, urn to roeeive or tolerate heretics, n . a Ttf.1 fn nernilt I.v... ...-, c their religion, or rather their false sect, but are most solemnly hound everywhere, to repel and expel tl26m' The following temporal punish ments are to be enforced on heretics: let -Infnmv. and the consequent d S'lualt h ratlons for all civil acts. 2nd-lntestablll- tv. as well active us passt.c o .nt thev can neither make nor will Inherit what is left to them by othersi P.rd-Losa of parental power over t tiinu.-i. . ..... Loss of dowry, and other privileges granted to women, otn-t. onnscaiion ot e . n-v. ... ,.,? anil alavaa all goons, tin-1 niti " ,, . and others are inm ti... c.c. obligations due to tlieir lorn, or anuiurr. 7th Capital corporal puii.siiiio-io. rc peclally death, and perpetual imprison- '"r?" The canon law forbids all tolera- "2" That metropolitans and bishops are to px-ronimnni'-ate him who grants lib erty of conscience. "9 No oath is to be kept toward here tic princes, lords or other. SO Heretics ere to b. deprived of all civil and paternal rights. 31. The rope cm absolve from all oaths. , ,. , , , T F.verv bishop t ordinary .Indite In a cause cf herei-v. The reason Is h-cause the bishops ran ex-ofl'.clo. and ought to entlrpale heretics and millet upon them the due punishments, and lo ihla ere hound on pain of deposition. Hesldea are the Inquisitors eapet. tally deputed by the most Pll- rl.-l r,.l Biiinpss the same mnuei. with mv name written with the point of Ihls tlagger tiippetl in mv own blood, and seal in Ihe face of this holy convent I He receives the wafer from the super ior and writs his name with Ihe poin! of his dagger, dipped in his own blood, lak en from over the heart.) Almlglitv (1 the blessed,l Stl Apostles SI. 1'eler and rd. l ull! anu inn Saints illltl the Micreil Hosts ... and In voll, mv loltl. I tin declare ii.iiii my heart, without mental reserv a t ion I hilt the pope IS Ihllsl s V :c. i r-golluml anil is Ihe Irue and only head oi me uiu- .....l ..l.ore t Ibrouir uill llie eaiiii, itiiu lhal bv virtue id the keys ot unit loosing given to his ho iness Christ he bus power in depi Uliius. iirintes. states governments, all being uiegai wim oui sacred ( onlirmallon. und lhat I hey inuy safelv he destroyed. Thereloie. to the utmost of my power. I will delend this ilocirlne and his liolliiess' r.ghts ml c a loms iigalnsi all usurpers of the I'n tftsi ... whatsoever. especially ...o.i.w( the now pretended author. ty chiucli in Ktigland and all adherents regard that they lie usurpai ano neieii. oimosing the sacred mother oi til ) ol Koine. , . "I do denounce and disown :mv an gl ance as tine to any l'mtestaiit king, pi nice or stale or obedience i.. uny or their Inferior officers. I do furthel de ... ..... ,1,.. .1,., iin.e of the church ot Ktig land. of the Calvanlsls. Huguenots oilier I'lntest. tills, lo he ll.i III lui bit! those to be damned who will not sake the same. I do fnttlief declare that assist and advise all or any lies agents III auj pi shall be. anil lo do my utile the I'lotest trov "II their To the j Klondike. Thousands f adventurous spir jits will start for Alaska in the I n-xt three months. The wisest Swill take the BURLINGTON ROUTE via Billing. That Is the shortest and quickest line Folder about Klondike at -ris-ic-r nrrirc J IBM FaHMH II, IIVRLl vrrivu, y OMAHA, J. B. REYNOLDS, Pawi'r AenV and in ills. 1 hurt-11 and and for- CARniXAT.'S OATH cardinal of Ihe Holy l(o- T man church, do promise and swear that from this time to the end of my life I will be faltnrul ano oneoieni umo nt. I'eter the holv apostolte Human church, and our mot holy lord, the pone of Home and his successors, cnnonlcally and lawfully elected; that I will give no advice, consent or assistance against the pontifical maiesty and person; lhat 1 will never knnwinglv and advisedly, lo their intury or disgrace, make public the coun cils entrusted to me by themselves, or bv messengers or letters: also that t will give them any assistance In retaining, defending and recovering the Roman papacv and the regalia of Peter, with all mv might and endeavor, so far aa the rights and privileges of my order wi allow It. and will defend them "Palnet all their honor and state, and T will direct and defend, with due form and honor, the legates and nuncious of the apostolic see in the territories, churches, monas teries and otner nenences r t in my keeping; and I will cordially co-op erate with tnem anu ire,,, ...c... in their coming, abiding end re turning, and that I will resist unto blood all nersons whatsoever who sha'l attempt anvthlnic against them. That 1 w II by every way and bv every means strive to preserve, augment and advance the rights honors, privileges, the authority of the Holv Honuvn bishop, our lord the nope and his before mentioned succes sors snd that, nt whntever time anything shall be declde.1 to their prejudice, which is out of mv power lo hinder, as soon as 1 shall know that any step or me tsu-es been taKcn tu : ne niiti.e-. t io it known to mr same, our inro ors, or some tuner person it mav be brought, t I will h-ir. Of ills bOil- wheiever I utmost to exttr- ,nt doctrine and to dei- oretenile.i bower, legal or tlleiwlse. 1 tlo turtlier iu .lore that, not w 1 1 r sia iiouit . milled by dispensation heretical religion il'rot nil tie- be per- assume any tant denomina tional for the propagation oi me ' church's interest, to Keep set i j i .. ... ,.. . . ot.. ,t i ner aneius , (rust me. and not to divulge. indirectly, by SUnion Elevated Loopr It runs on Van Buren St directly in front of the - directly or owrd. writing or circum- . I.... to aVDCUtf a 1 SffK ,n .-hare-e or discovered unto me o reverend loru anu uijimii .. k o n.Kleb I . rtli ui o' uia blessed Trinity auti "'"" which I am anoui tu "-'","' nart to Rft- i tu ".. must do swear by the ment perform on my r. HoTot '.rekven -to witness my real my consecrated hand, in the presence of un- holy bishop nd all the nriei jt. mho assist him in my ordination to the priest hood." se ret onnecte l wl'h til not en- have male or his suce ... .. t.r,cM T,-eins ,,v , - .. .A -, , . a Wienre. I urn i ... m-i-' oo C-tllse ivthers to gee t Jlll'l father. OATH OF THE CI.AN-NA-OAKU The folllowinc Is the oath taken by the menders of that famous Romish Catho- " fmami in full! do VTT, the presence of Almighty t.od. lhat I w. II abo? while life Is left in rue to establish L,i .tefentl a republican form of govot n- . , Treinnti: ttuit 1 will keet ..' '. a,l ev. rv t Hit C . '' i,. hor.,i from all not the ll sii ''' - .... , .,,i titled to know sucn seciets, in., ... I ' , and complv h th" constitution and laws of the same, that 1 will pre ve the funds of this order for the c;,e of Irish revolution alone, as specl i ,n the constitution; that I wt.l deem It mv special duty and mission m pvo D.t foster sen: ments of the union. br,.the-!v ieve. n.itiontllty. among t t-.iiP this on w th-ut tntMiial ever ten ion tlo bvotv -ri their kne enrrv out and .-rv nut the rn't-i -rrers rirni'-.m.-es, t;is,.ei,'..,iioti-.. the holv tb reservations, provision dates end con"l!utlons Father Heilus, of hippv ap lu'.lc of Ihe memory itiiiti-llolv as a all ny rvn t. on, holding -he same ror- ipon me. and that anv vio ,r desertion of my duty to od 1 lnfatuous and merits i nun's:. ment. so I'.eip me r.,.,1." 'Ill's oath tV keen Ml (he 1 printed 111 Ihe was rwnrn to trial It wa e cnn.V.d.ite Is B'i'ur, aler.l oi his life it i lib ago Inter t (re be ciitrect st the te.l bv snbl .1 to was and t'ronln No vember 17. iwi . 1'rhsts and i bishop, act Father Heilus, Ol nappv niriiuiii. s o. Tr,,..-, - - k . , tt ,,r,1r vleltlnt the threahold. ot the apost e. et ' a. cbap'.'e tor thli holy lTi order Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Station it....n7r arriving In Cblcaio can. b the: new Union Klevated Loop, reach ai part W the city: or. for 8e cent fare, can te tatea. in. mediately to any of the larye ttorei la tk down town dearlel. , All hleva'eu rrsini win p at tin mjmm Island" Slathin. Trains every minute These facilities csn only ne onerru ut i-j (illKAT HOCK 1SI,AM K'll'TB." If y in will send a ! cent stamp for postaf mm uo n,Mi vt.ii once a new itiiu ro -tww i f l hicago. Just Issued In ne colors, whlca shows vnu ust what you warn 10 snow win I hlinit'o and the new Loop and Kleyated 8 js tetn. 1 h s map vnu should have whether 70 live out of the city and exiect to c. me to IV or whether you live In ChicKgo and you ot your friends contemplate ii.amug a vriy. AdU,FS' JOHN SKBASTIAN, a. P. X. IMT-f ' h-MO KHNSBSGITY, SteST. LOUIS SSinto isOUTH AND SOUTHEAST h and Farnaa U rft for INDIAN TEKKI TORY i'fATHE CHEROKEE STRIP r'.TOKLAHOMA, FT.SMITH LITTLE RCCK and HOTSPRINGS, A8R lidet Ollicc, I. L furarr i!lh a4 rnta m