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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1898)
THE AMERICAN 1 f Fifty Years in the Church of Rome y -"'.,, ,. f 1 ' v;;? AT ( v.V I- MY. KI-V. C)IKI.1..S UIIMOI'V, TOUKTHEH WITH THE AMERICAN For the Balance of 1898, for The prle of Hit) 'wu'k 1 'lie at ret ill U J 2.". hut you irt h'th thu book ard thepiMtrforJ((t S. nil In your order ACCOM PANI ED 11Y TU K CASH U AMKHHJAN I'll HLIS11 IN(. CO Ml AM Y, 1615 Howard Street. OMAHA. NEB. Is Marriage a Popular Medical, A Sensible Boofc for Carious Pcoplc-A Useful Book for Everyone BI XIW lORK'S MONT CELEBHiTKB MUtlt Al Al THOU AND STKl'l AUNT, DR. K. B. FOOTS. ih;',: REALLY KOUR GREAT BOOKS IN ONE LARGE VOLUME. m I.-DISESES AND THEIR CAUSES, PREVENTION AND CURE. Wf M.-CHRONIC DISEASES OF ALL SORTS, AND ALL PARTS, INCLUDING "PRIVATE" FOR BOTH SEXES BART IR, PLAIN TAIK ABOUT CONJUGAL RELATIONS, ERRORS, REFORMSi MARRIAGE IN ALL COUNTRIES. PART IV.-IMPROVEMENT OF MARRIAGEi A GUIDE FOR THE MARRIED AND ALL WHO HOPE EVER TO BE T TTTT'nT V Contain! over 200 prescriptions for relief and cure of acute and chronic dijordort A PH Nil IX common to adulti and chiWreni complete table of antidotea to poisonii Illustrated directioni for resuscitating the drowned) hygienic rules for the care ef Infants. Yjn P 2 TT? TDP J of r,r,"M", ,,f O1'" ,M1"k 1 th atlsf(ietlon It given to thougtlf ul, AlW i Xilki iUjtmi srnl a msely innniititire ptople can bo properly elated here. 10 rXtTS3. 30 CBROiaOS. 900 ZLX.TJSTRATXON8. 'fcA'!,0",' of "' Wornani The Origin of Mfet .Mn from the Kc: ll.ra.r or lb kiai rnrreal I-niiniiin.i 1 hree Klraanl Uer 3U llliimrailona of Kial .uiuniira ii v oior i iiaiuaraiiiv . lu 'lie I ulura. Are You Wed ? eon tlKALTll ! n rure hs.Hn too K,trlly "tHiIiHil. TIiom1 fortnimiiiy tiiu in dowfd from trth mv ma to rtn klewi of their licrtiace. It ! to 'y ttt hm) t.r dtU Iittii It n mt mt KV If now NIC inky ImUs-d t ttVv hm t-ttNr rnouKii im iriirii now in lnmtHiH. TIha U t in tlo lv rmiltttii "l'UIn Home l'lllk"oU ttM (HIIM1I Ot ill- raw. error In tih t, mniltr, eetwiv liu't rHitnif, t And cotter itrtuklitK, tin iihi and ahuttt? of U oiilen, itto ImiI lutliim of ihlUtren, tlif Drt'valeneti of rrrnri if Yttth tht OBderTnlnft viror of tnannHMl-A eUapter ton caoH Iw rad anil he)el tooeanerly, Thentltrr fcrtlv BiimcrtMia tUft f ad u I la, th to)aee Itoawa, tigtlit larlug to women, en, etc., ami the ali poarwful ciiatoina of awlctv WiVrvny many of i lit meat of both ee are dmiim(t to"a(ti'UI atara Vo. Thla chapter ahowa why ttmuirliiifaa yuiinc ftka Ro aairav, how prtwtltutlon h Imtoihi yw -ai, whr ll will not down, how Ita hanefnt tlfae rrtvavvwl to the ,lnnoceulM uimi tartlm ami tuuortant facta to know. Thff reaulta of a mad chaa for wraith, of or rfc, over-atuttv, failun1 In hti!inea, the fart thttt, betn la th h(la of wealth not r wrw ami ttt uea and erTtvta of horrlhlo melaiualiolv-thm r aJI niaueni it would be well for you lu ihiuk over. Are You III? THKXrou arc Indeed arareman it you are not anxious to Urn how U came ahotii, vfaai'a the nvatter and what's to In done. Whether it be "only a rold." a chrouie catarrh, or aomethfnir. more aertoiia ttmt baa "arttlej on the Itiiigi" In bronchitis or Cimaiiuiptloit, the sooner you Hud out how serious u la, and what to do for yourself the iM tter. It yott must learn "how to live with one lunjr the earlier you gvi tins knowledge the loujjtefvou will live. ir. may te yi your particular weak apot la In the I her, atomarh or lAweiB. Theo you can make no mistake In learn In at the bet aWsttiodt of refrulatln these vital functions. If tm r full of aehea, palna, neuralnU or rhetiuia ttHi. It will aurely pay to look up tlie war to shake Uieia off. Surely you can't want to Deglcet the IiiskI tooa tvniptoma of Brighl'a diaenae, or otiicr th Mrocuve dtaeaaes of the "itenlto-uriuary organ," and yo better become posted on auch ilnna aa goaorrboa. ttrtct ure nd worse forma of rniitasioua liirtmi "by the book than bv eperleme. Tim aartcbwd will read with aridity all atioiit impoteney, toarreaoeaa, dlaeaaea of women. neroti diaeaaea, a at wta, paralyala, akin dlaeaaea, acrotala, etc. i et, FHmly, one book cannot cover all the tils that aarit la Mir to, and therefore to enture iUxtuetwNt r. iftxMe authorise the announcement thutativ pnr Xiewr U'T. V. T." trho foil to tindin a what he etcMtf contntt him in peraow or hy ietttr, tnthnnt eBVwrpe. and the inquiry will be answered, to the best f aiaaUUty. nOftfT TTTTXK yn ,re&1T '"e "somethlrifr, like It" or "Jnst as (rood." HnndredB hay lyv-'i'' A. X Aim iv declare,! tdat it t "perul Uir (ii;r, and far ahead of all oilier works HO N'T T?mjnPT"'1 wort isoirered tin H oim Oitr tunc merit tinil utllitT, and not -'v-'i- vuuui diatrtbttted In cheapform toa.lvernse proprietary irieillcinen. TPQTTAm'WT AT Q0' Uio most enthusiastic kind rom o;i countries where Engllen laipo- -Aj.3ken ,,ou(iifvpn inaaiaiiupe, on MpairesorthiaeiJe. PRDPFmON AT ,un'f " flosses, rttirgynien, anrlors, iutrpera, tailors, crltlca, have y-'A. xjjoxvJ.'Xi.iJgiven flatteriU(ieuilon,euienl; remarkably few critical. POPULAR EDITION, Cloth Binding, Prepaid by Mail, $1.50 American Publishing (p. v :;v , - .' - . ' t' ., 1 .'-" . . $2.00 Failure? $1.00 VBSJl Science Op Cocrse You Want to Know " ilAT EVKRYBODY OCOtTT TO KNOW. Ttte Yorsn now to oliooso (ho Itest ono to marry; Tiik Makkiku how to ho happy in marriage; Tiik Fond Parent how to havo prize babies; Thk Motiikk how to have them without pain; ThkOuuhjcss-Iiow to ho fruitful nnd multiply; The t'ruioi s-how they "growed" and came to bo; Tiik Ukauhy-Iiow to enjoy lifo and keep well; The Invalid-how to get well again speedily; Tiik Imi-iu ient-1iow to regain wastou energy. All who want knowledge that is of worth Find it in r. l-'oote's ' Tlain Homo Talk," 1,000 pa;es, 200 cuts, col. plates; 2t)0 recipe IM LIHKKAI.LI LIS'.KHI A HOOK KOIt THE MAbbESI 'lr I'll ur llal an Kprrlal Oriaai Detelnitiiiem; it True.tu-LUa Are You Engaged? pli noprtik? to ne at Set, iM-rhapa. Well, on't nurrv; and make Do U) Intake. It la ao aav to yet In and to difficult to vet out, that It ta well worth while lo "be a nre you are rliiht before you fto ahead.' There 1 tio book ao helpful in enabling you to select wlaely aa "I'lalai II o in r Talk." You can learn aomethtng from other' nilaiakea. The lliatorr of Mar rtage of all klnda, In an countrieR, the run nna eiperlnienta tome rations have made, ancient and mo.Vrn, harbaroiia and clvlllred, help ux to know what not. to do. Hie sexual Immorality growing out of uiiMHftsfleil nature and marriage nilatlta, the history ol prut liullon. lis prevalence, allurement, dangers, re-itili. ihe efforts of rehglona and asceticism to sub. due nnd control the donimatit pawlon-all these stud haaie fruitful in Indicating pttfalla to avoid. On the other hand chapters on adaption In nmrrlHgt idtvaieai, mental and magnetic on early marriage. Itiferinsrrlavc, rlopeiiienia, etc., etc., aid then'adcrto uake a good match, select happily for home and off s-prfiik?, to in nid "Lucifer Matches' and to escape the rat imp and lottery kinds of marriage. Are You Married? THERE are chap ter! equally useful In showing you "how lo be happy though married." Many married peo ple would get along oetter If they knew how to adapt them aelves to each other, and would try to un derstand one an other's needs. The? ought to read what lain Home Talk" about the true illoaophy of Inter course, t he " n a t u r- relattona of the aexes, the Influence on health and evil of perrersiona, "the worrrwood that emhittera social life," etc , etc. lanT will find much satisfaction in the chapter on barrenneaa which Ii as been the meant of great .K-v tomanv a childlew pair, aiding them to discover and remove the otiataele. Others like ita unique "eaaava fr married people" treating of equal If y. sleeping apart, ces, moderation, jealousy. In difference, pn-ventlon, continence, food for preg nant women, the explanation of rhlld-niaklnc. why children of second husband resemble the first, etc.. etc. In aiiorr, men and women hesitate to talk with their home physicians concerning many delicate enra liona that perplex them and that they really need to understand, and which thla book will enlighten them on out rtmeinbrr Mat tf it ail to doao. wewwfflor stun tin reffrfp to male for the ornv&ion by replying ret ( charge to upeciu! ItUere qf enquiry. V W iav WHAT BflMB TEACHES In the Year 1900 Rome Will ake This Country and Keep It Hecker. i Mir Uoasl.lhat IN liclou Mlwrly la Only j I iiflurt-a t'tatil lhrOMiHr Sblf ran j It- I'ut laslai I IT.i t nillKMit In- Jit r t to I lie i:miiu liuri'h. K.)u;itlon outsldw ol m Catholic' Church U a damnal le hereby. Pope 1 I'lii IX. IMiKi'.tlon must bo controlled by Catholic authorities. -vtn to war ami tiliioclhlit'il Catholic World. I frankly confess that the Ctbolle ,t;tnd before the country at tho ene mies of the public schooli. Father lau. i I would an goon administer aacra m. nt to a iIok aa to Catholic who ; eUd thplr children to public achools ; Father Walker. The piihllc achoola have produ'-ed nothing hut a RodleHB Eeneratlon of . thl. ves and hlaCRuai da Father ; Srhaner. It will he a glorious day In thla country when under the lawa the , arhool eyatem will be Khlyered to plecea. Cnthollc Telepraph. I The public achools are nurserlea ot ; rice; they are godless and unlcaa aup- j pressed will prove the damnation of j thla country. Father Walker. We must take part In the elections, move In a aolld mass In every state aitalnst the party plcdced to sustain the Integrity of the public schools. McCloskcy. The common schools of this country are sinks of moral pollution and nur series of hell. Chicago Tablet. The time Is not far away when the Roman Catholic Church of the Re public of the United States, at the order of the Pope, will refuse to pay their school tax, and will send bullets to the breasts of the Rovernment BEPnts rather than pay li. It will come quickly at the click of a trlRRer, and will be obeyed, of course, as coca ine; from Almighty God. Mgr. Capel. "We hate Protestantism; we detest It with our whole heart and soul." Catholic Visitor. "No man has a right to choose his religion." ArchblRhop Hughes In Freeman's Journal, Jan. 29, 1852. "If Catholics ever gain sufficient nu merical majority In this country, re ligious freedom Is at an end." Cath olic Shepherd of the Valley, Nov. 23. 1851. "Protestantism, of every form, has not, and never can have any rleht where Catholicity Is triumphant." Dr. O. A. Tlrownson's Catholic Review. June. 1851. "We have taken this principle for a basis: That the Catholic religion with all Its rights, ought to be exclusively dominant, in such sort, that every other worship shall he banished and Interdicted." Plus IX. in his allocu tion to a Consistory of Cardinals, September. 1851. "Protestantism why, we should draw and quarter It. and hang up the crow's meat. We would tear It with nlncers and fire It with hot irons! Fill it with molten lena and sink It In hell fire one hundred fathoms deep." Father Thelan, Editor Western Watch man. "Ttelklous liberty is merely endur ed until the opposite side can be car ried Into effect, without peril to the Catholic Church." Bishop O'Con nor. The Roman Catholic Is to wield his vote for the purpose of securing Cath olic ascendency In this country." Father Hecker, In the Catholic World, Julv. 1870. "Undoubtedly It is the Intention of the Pope to possess this country. In this Intention he is aided by the Jes uits and Catholic prelates and priests." Brownson's Catholic Review, July, 1864. When a Catholic candidate is on a ticket and his opponent Is a non Catholic, let the Catholic candidate have the vote, no matter what he rep resents." Catholic Review, July, 1894. "In case of conflicting laws between the two powers, the laws of the church must prevail over the state." Plus IX. Syllabus 1864. "We hold the stare to be only an Inferior court, receiving Its authority from the church and liable to have Its decrees reversed upon appeal." Brownson's Essays, p. 282. "We do not accept this government or hold It to be any government at all, or as capable of performing any of the proper functions of government. If the American government Is to be sus tained and preserved at all. It mnst be by the rejection of the principles of the Reformation (that is, the gov ernment by the people), and the ac ceptance of the Catholic nrinctole, which Is the government of the pope." Catholic World, September, 1871. "I acknowledge no civil power." Cardinal Manning, speaking In the name of the Pope. S. R. S.. 1873. "The Pope, as the head and month piece of the Catholic Church, admin isters Its discipline and Issues orders to which every Catholic under pain of sin must yield obedle ."Cath olic World, of August. 1868. "In 1900 Rome will take this coun try and keep It" Priest Hecker. "The will of the Pope Is the supreme law of all lands." rchblshop Ire land. We have plenty of the issue of Jan uary 28, containing the exposure of Rome's plot to take this country by the sword. Ten for 30 cents; fifty for $1.25; 100 for J2. BOO for $7.50; 1.000 for $10. Have you sent any of that num ber to your friends? You should! They should not sleep longer. We have plenty of the Issue of Jan uary 28, containing the exposure of Rome's plot to take this country by the sword. Ten for 30 cents; fifty for $1.25; 100 for $2.. 500 for $7.50; 1.000 for $10. Have you sent any of that num ber to your friends? You should! They should not sleep longer. Admirers ot James O. Blaine can ob tain of ui a beautiful history of that eminent statesman. Price, $1.00. American Pub.. Co., Omaha, Neb. Union Elevated Loopi Chicago It runs on Van Buret. St directly in front of the - Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Station I '.-- ..rr . vln;; In 4 'bl.'.i ran, I y t h t.ew I 'ui. n Kit kitieil t a It i& v (j.trt of rlic ciiy ; tr. tw rtliveriii! fare., ran t ;i iioii.fO ately t '. Hiiy of Uif im allies in t lie litwn t(tn d'Mirl.'t, All 1 leva ed Tr -In-, w'U stnp al the li... k Niaiiil" iut'in Trt.iii vt ry mUtuir T e-4 fi' ti only 1 n1i'fil t-v ' ht-t-i;i:.T ItiK k Isi.AM KfrTK.M If y mi will M-uti ii I I'l'ii ht arnu fur pw-ta. e we will uiail VHi at mi' v a n w hird's ey e vU w t f t bicigo. Just i-ihiit d In tivH roltira. whu!. fiowa you Ui.t what you wnnt to Uttiiw ;i(uut -'hicagH ami the new l,n) itnd Klevuted v. tem. j h srnhp ynit sht'Uiti lnvo wlo t her ynu It e out of the city and rxt ret to M It or whether yuu live 1n 4 hii'Hgo and you t.r yi ur frleiulta conteinplutej toukliig a trip Add rest JOHN SEBASTIAN, G. P. A . 2-IT-f th nigo Department Store Price. Best describes the rates at which DR. WITHERS Is doing all kinds of Dei-ta! Work. Set Teeth $5 00 Boat Set Teeth 7 50 Gold Fillings $1.00 and up Silver Fillings I 00 Gold Crowns 5 00 Teeth Extracted 25 Teeth out in the morning- JJew Ones Same Day. All work at about Half what other Dentists Charge. 16 Ykars' Experience 16 Dr. WITHERS, Dentist, Fourth Floor Brown Blk. Sixteenth and Douglas Streets TELEPHONE 1776 "SGBuiDLiaB or tuewonrjv THE POPULAR LINE TO leadvilie, glenwood springs aspen, grand junction cripple" creek Reaches all the principal towns and mln Ing aamps in Colorado, Utah and New Mexico. PASSES THROUGH SALT LAKE CITY EN ROUTE TO AND FROM PACIFIC COAST. THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE UNI TO ALL MOUNTAIN RESORTS. All through trains equipped with Pullman Talarf and Tourist Sleeping Car. For elegantly Illustrated descriptive books fre ot cost, address E.T.JEFFERY, A.S.HUGHES. S. K. HOOPER, rmtudSMlkpr. Traffic Hananr. Ga'IP.ttltl DENVER. COLORADO. JOHN M. DALEY, Merchant Tailor Suits Made to Order. Guarantees a perfect fit In all caaea. cloth' In g cleaned dyed and remodeled. 504 !4. 16th St. : OMAHA, NEB. FO KHNsHi) urn, ST. LDUISapon,dntasu SOUTH and SOUTHEAST Tirlrt Office. I. E. Corner I3lk 4 Fanan SU The New I w I Magnificent Aggregation of Rewards t-rwlact by law t'opjrlf hi $70,000 $100,000 IN k Uaalaraa PrnM.ll laa 1 Haw r-0ratit Tkaaaaaae r Hullara firasaat aa4 fruSlmkla farlarnkla f nr lalelharat Mra, Maaira aa tklMraa-tvrtaae (jay kaark at lar Ihwr-alkia Vralarrd, Aulktae; baiard. LOUISIANA LOTTERY 4fnn4 iwata. H.. ...a.chiij thlr.h,rr.mir f H. llrl,, .1,4 t. m .' Bi. .... pni. Ih.l -h.Li h. t if ... rh..!. t lilrF..llhi m it. u,tf.iMj .1 td HUH fur aalUr, . . .1 I t t... t kt ll lt. OUR OBJECT: TlESJ witiH . nif I'll (till "t M 1 1...M. tori, mi ur. -.. pb-aiM. In-ni Vm I. dkag pri kali. i turtUl h 1 HI AM a-rMMktrii uK'tiile r sl tlie lrti.iv a-ri.-J ral trvt t .li-l, t. . t.. Urv i- r t ') t c.ti I J tirtut'ttMrais l WLIS, rrnit;l r HI 111. M 11 READ ON it n- i u'M i ni- li .t-d tUmt Um fellow muk Mtimr rwmtiy. -nnia iH.,.trlr. i.u.. -.i I- "To- ( . -r Kii-lin ' Am IB. ( -nbi-r I. " I ftHHutaxltf ui ll I II 111. " IV V M. ' i.4i--iiU"it- V iti--I rv rry ir tf f rn.'' ,.1 -n.l (, (ituvil tuiol ' tr fl. (.1, iinnr ttif r i tun ha-'tf-. " !)( IjflUIT, ) it-t liUCtfAif s-i' ltt'-fl. ' .." m Vii x-k" ---, ltr-l 1 tiltt'll!. fillll. , I. t,, ttHinT tin j itT-ithrr I' r f'..-t'initv hrv i l:-t i t lh hu d tuitr(, Diutiima, Bufu.i lr, H.ia.u, Uii4rt-l, L,lVhtt, WHAT TO DO FIRST: Anr r-run I'm. il-t M ith liir Ii ..'!- I c( 1 retiM !r t wiMiitli truU "n' 4r vtv li t of A'SU l'ttlfa tw I aW i -lk l t II M'tN il I liV f'.'i'U t'Mi'l Hi lU' 't I'aiK-uu n. !' n,i,f t; ia 1-ii.hik im! Wui. ... i itii'-K li t iiM-iH lorif ilaaUi'o ttr t.-iit , itfi ti.-innti Ku- a... ..... .1... ... Thw Ian (-!irlin rt-tasl l.W I it t - ii x,. am uAm ii.h. JU.iT piv tliif in-siiiH fTn it"'h. a ci iut win a Oraud Prua Evory Munta dud a Grand Tarauna) Prtza ta 4totf aa , ll..V. It m.-m wtiiI P.. Onh-rt if n .) silver or lv. i nt.,.. PRIZE8 FOR POEMS OR SKETCHES. e-Jiv iir akt' tt'lmi, ii-iiii; one nt tht- ti-ia( ion mrU iii- ntn, a'.Ti.iTvt wrIl'la.ara.Mi TlLU'SANU T 111 VAI.I AUI.K I'KII S. .,,,n ..l . Iih I. ml M AMI. n.l tit i,.,-.rlt..iit..ll.ri.llriK'..i inrnlol lh.-w..rk. f in.kuliu oB.-r to ui-..v. r Uiuit f.n-..i.f I lh.- Ir.ultg bubiLlvni iBtlM lull"! Th ...r wiu. aa liuuu at ru, D u, tua tun l-klilTl.. 37,50053 III GOLD AS HdiTiit mufti ri h - in ttte orl-t. Todothnwe muxt knoj thf cUm "f a M UiniL K HI rl('lW.imi fv.-ry MUMcrtbrr mav txnn - T ..... . i . a,ui.. .i.l,.tinll itiatrilmtf !....- aim Mr I t atttrv fl, t l.ld Ui ) lll"t la. in-iua i OOLD. Tlw.ll t-a,frfaie..nto.". popular ht-rary upinion I ifr.-t dfftra inaV wtn too food to ba t r. Ml at I'tu $300,000. OO i Pruea vurtb liaviutj. aliall tlo, in i Id every particular, unvi Tn ncT a pri7F IIU If lUUkini lliaaiaaa inaWT aki-teh, ptom, anewlote, adTertUina, or omewhei in ii, .r.ii..t lu torr tlm l.'itti d iv ttt the iiH' tt iMtie. eh ?,.VXTt m"m Villi lliHiltnliutJd dually Iba it RAN It in th tti-iit 'arrt aul'-vntw WE PAY PRIZES BEFORE YOU WIN THEM, llxlt a. m '.T qlt", wTlhT i.KiVxr WAITIIK1. KIMiS nl.a or w.lh 1)1 AMOS US and other FKM tt 8Tt NKsfsil V I K . ni I iOI.ll IIKAl KI.KM. SCARi' .ltd l.A K Ms, ., .lc, .t much la th.n rreul.raliol... inc lU.H...aarTalaa ul.rl urn lh. ...!. doe. aot r. pn-iil their vl, e ailUeml our niharribna .la K;iu" v cia k-P U .( t,.f..-...ry. .0,1 pay lor tt.. aat af th. rl. tly wl. .n th. inwithly aa.tda. ttaur,..r null w.a..w t..u f.. ."tuT.7velh.(.i KNOW ol CAV WINVAI.rABI.K I'KJZKS a ALL I.AVE AN EQUAL CHANCE TO WIN . JLK . ealiKBted have no brtu-r chaw han ' t?J!?iv iv. v ru and Voir WIS, :acH ANIIKVKRY MONTII. ,..,..,.. einiiuiur and Ml ti it tar 01 tna uoapai. iuniiii'ttatiua. .... .Kfy:" .Y . T.r.."".VT.;--t-.,.f1,rmtinri will lie strut eau'h aiioncnlter. tully explaiiiHUt eery iniiuL, "" TI,", f '""7."":,." a iaar-U. ' th. hlsk harUr and rdiabim, ol Ui. CKKAM f-l Bl-fsllINO COMPANft BkLP.iT, Ml. t'. . A.. J.. . law. To tm. Pitat tr--W. cheerfully errtify tht th, Ofllerr. .nd Dirertor. of th, CKKAM PI'Kl.lslllNIi Co. of thiaTSy pVm.nlTliy known . .nd th.f they .re n.uc..lly rr.,.n.,, thoroughly relt.blr. bonurabl. Ker.tletn.n. 's'u"1 j.,,, M 11 . khiu 4 li I!. . CIl. ol Cumoiii.. J Patthe, Tmi Citvol H.II..U siSt II Aula"! V. 6. M. k (irand Kep. U. Sovrrrtim Cr..l I-.le, I. 0. O. F. CREAM PUBLISHING CO., BELFAST, MAINE, MAIN STREET, NO. 130 Americanism or Romanism, Which? m - . . u..t ..... "The book is ot great value." Wcsleyan Mctliadlat. We will sent this book postpaid on receipt of price; or, for i'l CO we will send '-THE AMERICAN" ONE YEAR together with the book. AMERICAN PUBLISHING 16T5 Howard St.. DO YOU WANT Bishop Coxes famous Satolli Letters UNTITLED The Jesuit Party in American Polities Exposed and Expounded, beiu a series of eight letters written by BISHOP A. CLEVE LAND COXE, of Buffalo, New York, to the Papal Ablegate. This little pamphlet contains 72 pages of excellent patriotic literature. Price, 20 Cents per Single Co py, postpaid $10 per 100 Copies, F. O. B. Cash Must Accompay all Orders. AMSRICAN FUBL1SH1K CO. Edith O'Gorman's CONVENT LIFE UNVEILED, $1.25 Law mt tha l llrd Matte. GRAND PRIZES -TO lit- DISTRIBUTED! I'laa-Jk tirrat r.bll.kiaa Hua.a Will IM.tribata f'ul t.l .u".. r- 1. nnirai i .tiff i to.!:. m. au.l p.. w im t h kwaMt plaa. rh,.iH4 S.4 .uim.. ,n. .u4 vi ,vrr dV.iM-il to' n rvm.l't' .ii-lrtl.t.l.-tu uf t .u.''-t ft - chat n.i .n ih.t itr .1 a .t (.,...tM..r. Il.vr J . Irh n.l , l.-,i . Ith ivH B- u.l . titr. .lU ..-.nit- Mtr .oar u. a l...uf litur ilK I.NU (ami!, mtfiiw r.m- . nt ... iw, i'IMf. III. StlkeMHUit. 14.1'-, a.l. " , I I'.' "H. 13. ll' -., SECOND. .. . -l th 'id N" "l!'-r Hi '(" h-tiir J rr 1 1 ei.In . a - .ol ' V', i--U' i, TrilKD. mJt,i!., FOI'PTH. I r - t ia...TW . . d . h r a COLD M IN E- inavth- iiuaaiMil -(! Ill Via l '('li til tl.-ll ! H t-ii if c jtiiir anuitti. -t I '" ! " I ' ' ifj I ii". T 'w jitinrni oaa aaaM in Hu.-uth4i.. - t ..I quotations, r . - h' -i Mt n!l"l -. mom H(.cuaa.lt4cv)tioB.U!t i n ti-p I tit. tnt Vu f nt4rcL(-d t t'ie aVMibl (t VIM. -T'i. I. "Im. ;.'.r. .r t. V lillf Wl til the (III t.l. y t her !i-ui! Hi. ?IH I.V , ff r , r aandi-lam.' 'irrn'sn fit tif-nl", ejT Ui, M, Ui lUn, l.tnm. Ofan Ci'ir! lr- -tt tn 'riv iL.i.W. wittiiiir u i). t than iratiTtuM' -f Am l(-)t IM itijtn'ii i 4 HI, AM. h sunt li' r. ...'. tt W i t I M Ii IH M I -' i iei i )r lur 44 rrul 1 r 6 nc-nii..' trial uUrrii.t). !! y Ws-iiiht, Itfttiilittiliy Wimiiflil. S. !;.( .irr I hiiu' !., nil if HU .mli-r), n Ktn tut ! '!ni i lil I iltl N-rt I'm, ii Kuttv. hiiiii'-inl or iiinraul Si, mt. m Tihlv r l'r.-D 00 l i $3 00, r tiK-rt-. V e narantea thM t,n.. to be jut-t THINK I . lKli: M ratara ra wiu 'in- Mt rt-ttil than ' CRAND TlKMINAL KHIIL) uulilh Over lOO C(Hilth If ait.iflf ill at yt sir, m-iU( In -Hi tHt We Miit b Uiaktj KI.AM the Mi.u-t fvjiiitar ittori'-K our iwili-n like rrd. I o -t-i min tli ufinil ua m U-r vinuain ty Toting lor um awry mar iiaa mh, jiua ail liatr HT lliaioriiT t.i tlie iwi v.--, f 1 1 n - ..t ijiiaHv. in lt.t im-iit lr twrvR't-i o rt iiilri-.. 17 500 00 IN ami .il .M-rinui-tl. k-..d .Vffi.'.!1? '"J'jn . triii of .(rrtiMtut- ahull otrtmnly have nt Hnmuiit flmt mil make uur JUtT Al wi aobcs. iuu take auchuc-a whatrwr. fahii nnNTH- : aanwil aiawae ,Kr , (,, CRKAM i h month, and invtn tha ptwm h month, and t'V prompt r'iorl to our a1rti AOtiBKUAtlit.V Of l.)NtllLY rKIZt. tail iwrra that thry lily ix plained J..'.-ZZ.V.'n.r,.nln.t.ntl.deert th. MTton. wtten IIIOKIIIK I'T ilieitt ill V nt .H. K KOK t'KAl'U. Vou kerp your rye. .Kteii, unner uir ana ira-i "" - . ili.u' ... ft taatifi tnr u auiiHi aiNtve. -BY- JOHN T.CHRISTIAN, D.D. Cloth. 280 Pages. PRICE $1.00 f AGENTS WANTED "Picturcsquo and able." Tlie CongregationdUaL "It ought to bo put In our public, schools aa a text-book." North Carolina BaytuL Draaqa, DsL