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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1898)
THE AMERICAN THE WANDERING JEW. IV M UICMC x K CIIAITKR XXVII T11K Kilt ST LAST, AM) TIIK l.A!T II It ST, The carriage 1 1 a 1 travelled rapidly to saint Dizior llouso. iKiring all the way, Kodiu re mained mute, contenting himself with observing Father d'Aigrigny, anl listening to him, as he poured forth his grief and fury in a long mono-! louge, interrupted by exclamations, lamentations, and bursts of rage, directed against the strokes of that inexorable destiny, which had ruined in a moment the best founded hopes. When the carriage entered the court-yard, and stopped be fore the portico, the princess's face could be seen through one of the windows, half hidden by the folds of a curtain; in her burning anxiety, she came to see if it was really Father d'Aigrigny who arrived at the house. Still more, in defiance of all ordinary rules, this great lady, generally so scrupulous as to appearances, hurried from her apartment, and descended several steps of the staircase, to meet Father d'Aigrigny, who was coming up with a dejected air. At sight of the livid and agitated countenance of the reverend father, the princess stopped suddenly, and grew pale. She suspected that all was lost. A look rapidly exchanged with her old lover left her no doubt of the issue she so much feared. Kodiu humbly followed the reverend father, and bofli, preceded by the princess, entered the room. The door once closed, the princess, addressing Father d'Aigrigny, exclaimed with unspeakable anguish: " What has happened? " Instead of answering this question, the reverend father, his eyes sparkling with rage, his lips white, his features contracted, looked lixedly at the princess, and said to her: "Do you know the au ount of this inheritance, that we estimated at forty millions? " "1 understand," cried the princess; "we have been deceived. The inheritance amounts to nothing, and all you have done has been in vain." " Yes, it has indeed been in vain," answered the reverend father, grinding his teeth with rage; "it was no question of forty millions, but of two hundred and twelve millions." "Two hundred and twelve millions! " repeated the princess iu amazement, as she drew back u step. " It is impossible! " . "I tell you I saw the vouchers, which were ex amined by the notary." "Two hundred and twelve millions? " resumed the princess, with deep dejection. "It is an im mense and sovereign power and you have re nounced you have not struggled for it, by every possible means, and till the last moment?" "Madame, I have done all that I could! not withstanding the treachery of Gabriel, who this very morning declared that he renounced us, and separated from' the Society." " Ungrateful! " said the princess, unaffectedly. "The deod of gift, which I had the precaution to have prepared by the notary, was in such good, legal form, that in spite of the objections of that accursed soldier and his son, the notary had put me in possession of the treasure." " Two hundred and twelve millions!" repeated the princess, clasping her hands. " is like a dream!" " Yes," replied Father d'Aigrigny, bitterly, "for us, this possession is indeed a dream, for a codicil has been discovered, which puts off for three months and a half all the testamentary provisions. Now that our very precautions have roused the suspicion of all these heirs now that they know the enormous amount at stake they will be upon their guard; and all is lost." " But who is the wretch that produced this codicil? " "A woman." "What woman?" "Some wandering creature, that Gabriel says he met in America, where she saved his life." "And how could this woman be there how could she kcow the existence of this codicil?" " I think it was all arranged with a miserable Jew, the guardian of the house, whose family has had charge of the funds for three generations; he had no doubt some secret instructions, in case he suspected the detention of any of the heirs, for this Marius de Rennepont had forseen that our Company would keep their eyes upon his race." "But can you not dispute the validity of this codicil?" " What, go to law in these ti mes litigate about a will incur the certainty of a thousand clamors, with no security for success? It is bad enough, that even this should get wind. Alas! it is terri ble. So near the goal! after so much care and trouble. An affair that had been followed up with so much perseverance during a century and a half!" "Two hundred and twelve millions 1 " said the princess. " The Order would have had no need! t look for establishme its iu foreign countries; , .i .... i ii t l ii. i,J Willi sucn resources, n wouiu nave uvcu nine iu impose itself upon France." " Yes," resumed Father d'Aigrigny, with bitter ness; "by means of education, we might have possessed ourselves of the rising generation. The power is altogether incalculable." Then, stamp ing with his foot, he resumed: ' I tell you, that it is enough to drive one mad with rage! an atfair so wisely, ably, patiently conducted! " " Is there no hope ? " "Only that Gabriel inny not revoke his dona tion, in as far as concerns himself. That alone would be a considerable sum not less than thirty millions." " It is enormous it is almost what you hoped," said the princess; "then why despair?" " Because it is evident that Gabriel will dispute this donation. However legal it may be, he will find means to annul it, now that he is free, in formed as to our designs, and surrounded by his adopted family. I tell you, that all is lost. There is no hope left. I think it will even be prudent to write to Borne, to obtain permission to leave I'aris for a while. This town is odious to me !" " Oh. yes! I see that no hope is left since you, my friend, have decided almost to fly." Father d'Aigrigny was completely discouraged and broken down; this terrible blow had destroyed all life and energy within him. lie threw him self back in an arm-chair, quite overcome. Por ing the preceding dialogue, Rodin was standing humbly near the door, with his old hat in his hand. Two or three times, at certain passages in the conversation between Father d'Aigrigny and the princess, the cadaverous face of the socius, whoso wrath appeared to be concentrated, was slightly flushed, and his flabby eyelids were tinged with red, as if the blond mounted in con sequence of an interior struggle; but, immediate ly after, his dull countenance resumed its pallid hue. "I must write instantly to Borne, to announce this defeat, which has become an event of the first importance, because it overthrows immense hopes," said Father d'Aigrigny, much depressed. The reverend father bad remained sea'ed; pointing to a table, he said to Bodin, with au abrupt and haughty air: " Write ! " The socius placed his hat on the ground, an swered with a respectful bow the command, and with stooping head and slanting walk, went to seat himself on a chair, that stood before a desk. Then, taking pen and paper, ho waited, silent and motionless, for the dictation of his superior. "With your permission, princess?" said Fath er d'Aigrigny to Madame de Saint-Diier. The latter answered by an impatient wave of the hand, as if she reproached him for the formal demand at such time. The reverend father bowed, and dictated these words in a hoarse and hollow voice: "All defeated. The affair of the Rennepont in heritance, in spite of all the care and skill em ployed upon it, has completely and finally failed. At the point to which matters had been brought, it is unfortunately worse than a failure; it is a most disastrous event for the Society, which was clearly entitled to this property, fraudulently withdrawn from a confiscation made in our favor. My couscieuce at least bears witness, that, to the last moment, I did all that was possible to defend and secure our rights. But I repeat, we must consider this important affair as lost absolutely and for ever, and think no more about it." Thus dictating, Father d'Aigrigny's back was turned towards Rodin. At a sudden movement made by the socius, in rising and throwing his pen upou the table, instead of continuing to write, the reverend father turned round, and, looking at Rodin with profound astonishment) said to him: " Well! what are you doing ? " "It is time to end this the man is mad ! " said Rodin to himself, as he advanced slowly towards the fire-place. " What! you Quit vour place vou cease writ- - a tj ing r said the reverend lather, in amazement. Then, addressing the princess, who shared in his astonishment, he added, as he glanced contemptu ously at the socius: " He is losing his senses." " Forgive him," replied Mrae. de Saint-Dizier; " it is, no doubt, the emotion caused by the ruin of this affair." " Thank the princess, return to your place, and continue to write," said Father d'Aigrigny to Rodin, in a tone of disdainful compassion, as, with imperious finger, he pointed to the table. The socius, perfectly indifferent to this new order, approached the fireplace, drew himself up to his full height as he turned his arched back, planted himself firmly on his legs, stamped on the carpet with the heel of his clumsy, greasy shoes, crossed his hands beneath the flaps of his old, spotted coat, and, lifted his head, luoked fixedly at Father d'Aigrigny. The socius had not spoken a word, but his hideous countenance, now flushed, suddenly revealed such a sense of his superiority, and such sovereign contempt for a a ( m T T T"N It iT A T T 1HH IVlAKrt HjDmoNOFTHE AMERICAN CONTAINS A COMPLETE REPORT OF" THE SAUNA CLEWETT CASE AGAINST THE HOUSE OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. of St. Paul, Minnesota. fol THE Daily Newspapers have not dared to publish the proceedings in this celebrated case, M which iias been on trial in the St. Paul Courts for some weeks, but THE AMERICAN i$f will give its readers a full report made up from the Court Records. Everybody should read it. 'V .t t i i r. . f r i. . r kiit uwiiig 10 me large uemaim lor exua copies ui uic marcn 4111 tuition oi iiitv AMERICAN already booked we have decided to print many thousands of extra papers and will supply them at the following prices: 1,000 copies, $10.00; 500 copies, $7.50; 100 copies, 2.00; 50 copies, $1.25; 10 copies, 30 cents. Lash must accompany the order. AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY, WIS Howard Street, - OMAHA, XI3IS. i p, WIS Howard Street, - OMAHA, Aii. CONVENT HORRORS AND SECRETS it 17. nner X IV,. CONFESSIONAL BY R. L. KOSTELO. This book b one of latest additions to the Aoti Roman literature, hut is amnngr the best that has jet been written. It deals with the cor,fes-ilonal and other practices of the Komun Catholic Church, as well as the political intrigue of the Jesui s, in a clear, concise manner. 1 hi hook is now on cale, in paper cover at 50 CENTS, by AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., "615 Howard Street, OMAHA. NEB. HIS WORST BLOW YET FOR ROME BISHOP J. V. McNMftRft, The Converted Priest, has brought through Press Ilia New Book, entitkd it Rev. Mother Pose. A Bishop and Two Priests. Price in Paper Cover 25 cts. Sent by Mail. We have plenty of the March 4th la sue. We can fill your order. Your friends should read the sworn testi mony against the Roman Catholic House of the Good Shepherd at St Paul. Ten for 50 cents; fifty for $1.26; 100 for $2.00; 600 for $7.50; 1,000 for $10. Have you sent any of that num ber to your frianda? You should! They should not sleep longer. We have plenty of the Marrb. 4th la sue. We can fill your order. Your frtends should read the eworn teatl mony against -the Roman Catholic House of the Good Shepherd at St. Paul. Ten for 30 cents; fifty for $1.25; 100 for $2.00; BOO for $7.50; 1,000 for $10. Hare you sent any of that num ber to your friends? You should! They should not sleep longer. W. A. SAUNDERS. Attorney, Merchants National Bank. SHERUF'SSALE. By virtue of an order of sale Issued out of the district court for Douglas county. Nebraska, and to me di rected. 1 will, on the 12th day of April, A. I), lH'.'N. it ten o'clock a. m. of said day. at the EAST front door of the county court house. In the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Ne braska, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the property described In said order of sale as follows to-wlt: Lots four 14) In block l:4, and lot Hve (ft) In block lrtl of the Original Plat of the city of Omaha, as surveyed, platted and record ed, all situated In Douglas county, state of Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy Wal ter E. Keeler, plaintiff herein, the sums as follows, to wit: On lot 4 In block 131. above described, the sum of $1,807.00, together with an attorney's fee of flKd.TO ; On lot 5 In block 1K4, above described the sum of ftt'5.48, together with an attorney's feeof$7S4; Which said amounts according to the judg ment of the dlstrictcourt bear Interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from Sep tember 28th, 1896, and are first Hen upon said property. To satisfy the further sum of three hun dred and nineteen and 13-100 ($319.12) dollars costs herein, together with accruing costs according to a judgment rendered by the dlstrictcourt of said Douglas county, at Its September term, A. D. In a certain ac tion then and there pending, wherein Walter K. Keeler Is plaintiff and Phoebe Kebecca Elizabeth Elwine Linton and Adolphus Fred erick Linton, her husband. John Morris, Will lam Morris and Frank Crisp, co-partners do ing business as Ashurst. Morris. Crisp & Com pany, John Whlttaker Cooper and William Issac Shard are defendants. Omaha. Nebraska. March 11th, 1897. JOHN W. MCDONALD, Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. W. A. Saunders, Attorney. Keeler vs. Linton, et al. Doc. M; No. 179. Ei.-Doc. I; Pageflfi. 3-115 RELIGION IN THE BHlEBICflK COLONIES, An Essay by Cba?e Roys, throwing a blaze of light on American history shows that the Jesuits were the cause of all the colonial wars, Indian an French massacres of t hose tjmes and many startling facts not generally known. In pamphlet form Price 10 Cents. Address: CHASE HOYS, Washington, D. C. THE NESTOR OF MAGAZINES THE North American Review has been in the tan of American thought for more than throe-quarters of a cen tury, ranking always with the best and most influential periodical of the world. It is the mouth-piece of the men who know most about the gre .t topics on which Americans require to be in formed from month to month, it con tributors being the leaders of thought and action in every field. Thoe who would take counsel of the highest knowledge on the affairs of the time, and learn what is to be said re garding them by the recogniztd author ises on both side?, nr. list therefore read The A'oith American A'evictc, the Nestor of magazines. ''Tqis magazine has for more than eighty years, within its well aeiined lines, sum d at the head of monthly puo lications '' Vhirwio liecord. "The Review may well be proud of its eighty two years, for truly it may be faid of it that, 'age cannot wither nor time stale Its inlinite variety. Fortunate is one who can sit down and feast on the good things furnished by the best literary caterers In the world." (rand liavids Democrat. "If any one na ne lo magazine litera ture stands for what isauthoratiyethat name is the NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW which for more ttian eighty years has remained at th head of the monthly periodicals." Boston Pod. "The Review Is filled each month with articles which should be read by every true citizen." Oddfellows licview, tst ruiu. "The Review has dona more for the better class of readers than any other publication of this kind In the coun try." Christian Advocate, St Louis. 50 Cents a Number; S3. OO a Year. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW, N. T. Mention The American when you write. W. A. 8AUNDKKM, Attorney, Merchants National Bank. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale Issued out of the District Court for Douglas county, Nebraska, and to me di rected, I will, on the Hist day of May, A. D. 198. at ten o'clock A. m. of said day, at the EAST frontdoor of the county court houstf In the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Ne braska, sell at public auction, to 1 he highest bidder for cash, the property described In said order of sale as follows, to-wit: The north one-half N. H) of the northwest quarter of section one (1), township fifteen (15) Range twelve (12) east in Douglas county, as surveyed and recorded, all situated In said Douglas County, and state of Nebraska. Said property to be sold to satisfy W alter K. Keeler, plaintiffs herein, the sum of one hun dred and thirty-seven and 75-100 ($137.35) dol lars judgment, together with Interest there on at the rate of ten (10) per cent per an num from September 27th, 1897, together with an attorney's fee amounting to the sum of thirteen and 77-108 (13 77) dollars, which said amounts the court Bnds to be a nrst valid and existing lien upon said real estate, above described. To satisfy the further sum of thirty-four and 10-100 ($34.10)dollar costs bereln.togef her with accruing costs, according to a Judg ment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, at Its September term, A. U. 1897, In a certain action then and there pend ing, wherein Walter E. Keeler Is plaintiff and Phoebe Uebecca Klliabeth Elvina Linton and Adolphus Frederick Linton, her hus band, are defendants. Omaha, Nebraska. A p ill 29th. 18W. JOBN W. MCDONALD. Sheriff of Douglas County, Nebraska. W. A. Saunders, attorney. Keeler vs, Linton et al. 4-29-5 Doc. 62; No. 233. W. A. SAUNDERS, Attorney, Merchants National Bank. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DE FENDANTS. To Archie T. Shaver, non-resident defend ant: You are hereby nctllled that on the2tstl day of April 1H.I8. Kittle P. Shaver Bled her peti tion in the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are obtain a divorce from you on the ground that you have wilfully abandoned and ceaerted her without good cause, for the term of two years last past, and have failed to support her for more than three years. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 8th day of June, A. D. lain. 4 29-4 K1TTIE P. SHAVER, 1'latntifr. for inOIAN TEKRI 1 0RY, THE CHEROKEE STRIP &52t0KLAH0MA- ".SMITH flW LITTLE Rfir.K and H0TSPRINGS, ARK Ticket Office. I. E. Uwt I'tth ni Farun 8U S