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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1898)
THE AMERICAN. Father d'Aigrigny, mingled with so calm and eerene a daring, that the reverend father and the princess were quite confounded by it. They Ml themselves overawed by this little old man, so sordid and ugly. Father d'Aigrigny kurw tuo w U the custom? of the Company, to believe his humble tecretary capable of assuming to slid 'denly these airs of transrendant superiority with out a motive, or rather, without a positive right. Late, too late, the reverend father perceived, that this subordinate agent might be partly a spy, n-it-tlv fin ovnurium o.l fiFsUtallt. wIlO. i Vol-'! 1 II l! I'""'.' -1 v ,v to the euiistitrtiuus of the Orlor, had the power and mission t depose and provi.-ionally, in certain urgent eases, the incapable person over whom he was stationed as a guard. The rever end father wa not deceived. From the general to the provincial", and to the rectors, of the col leges, all the superior members of (he Order have stationed near them, often without their knowledge, and in apparently lh lowest capaci ties, men able' to assume their functions at any given moment, and who, with this view, con stantly keep up a direct correspondence with Home. From the moment Kodiu had assumed this position, the manners of Father d'Aigrigny, gen erally so haughty, underwent a change. Though it cost him a good deal, he said with hesitation, mingled with deference: You have, no doubt, the ri-rlit to command me who hitherto have commanded." Rodin, without answering, drew from his well-rubbed and greasy pocket-book a slip of paper, stamped upon both sides, on which 'were written several lines in Latin. When he had read it, Father d'Aigrigny pressed this paper respectfully, even religiously, to his lips; then re turned it to Rodin, with a low bow. When he again raised his head, he was purple with shame and vexation. Notwithstanding his habits of passive obedience and immutable respect for the will of the Order, he felt a bitter and violent rage at seeing himself thus abrutly deposed from pow er. That was not all. Though, for a long time past, all relations in gallantry had ceased betw een him and Mine, de Saint-Dizier, the latter was not the less a woman; and for him to suffer this humiliation in presence of a woman was, un doubtedly, cruel, as, notwithstanding his entrance into the Order, he had not wholly laid aside the character of men of the world. Moreover, the princess, instead of appearing hurt arid offended by this sudden transformation of the superior into a subaltern, and of the subaltern into a superior, looked at liodin with t. of enriositv minded with interest. As a woman as a woman, intensely ambitious, seeking to connect herself with every powerful influence the princess loved this strange species of contrast. She found it anions and interest ing to see this man, almost in rugs, mean in ap pearance, and iguobly ugly, and but lately the most humble of subordinates, look down from the height of his superior intelligence upon the nobleman by birth, distinguished for the ele gance of his manners, and just before so consider able a personage in the Society. From that mo ment, as the more important personage of the two, liodin completely took the place of Father d'Aigrigny in the princess's mind. The first pang of humiliation over, the reverend father, though his pride bled inwardly, applied all his knowledge of the world to behave with redoubled courtesy towards liodin, who had become his superior by this abrupt change of fortune. But the ex-socius, incapable of appreciating, or rather of acknowledging, such delicate shades of man ner, established himself at once, firmly, imper iously, brutally, in his new position, not from any reaction of offended pride, but from a con ' sciousness of what he was really worth. A long acquaintance with Father d'Aigrigny had revealed to him the inferiority of the latter. " You threw away your pen," said Father d'Aig rigny to Rodin with extreme deference, "while I was dictating a note for Rome. Will you do me the favor to tell mo how 1 have acted wrong ? " " Directly," replied Rodin, in his sharp, cut ting voice. "For a long time this affair appeared to me above your strength; but I abstained from interfering. And yet what mistakes! what pover ty of invention; what coarseness in the means employed to bring it to bear ! " " I can hardly understand your reproaches," answered Father d'Aigrigny, mildly, though a secret bitterness made its way through his ap parent submission. " Was not the snccess cer tain, 'had it not been for this codicil? Did you not youself assist in the measures that you now blame ? " "You commanded, then, and it was my duty to obey. Besides, you were just on the point of succeeding not because of the means you had taken but in spite of those means, with all their awkward and revolting brutality." "Sir you are severe," said Father d'Aigrigny. " I am just. One has to be prodigiously clev er, truly, to shut up any one in a room, and then lock the door! And yet, what else have you done? The daughters of Gem ral Simon'- im prisoned at Keipsic, shut up in a covent at Paris! Adrienne de Cardoville? placed in confinement. Sleepindutr.' put in prison Djalma? quieted by a narcotic. One only ingenious method, and a thousand times safer, becau-e it acted morally, n'ot materially, was em ployed to remove M. Hardy. As fo your other proceeding? they were all bad, uncertain, dangerous. Why? Be cause they were violent, and violence provokes violence. Then it is no hom er a Mnue of keen, --kili'ul, pcr-ewr- uj; met:, seeing through the ! nkn - ni w h icii they walk, but a match of li-tie'iil-, in bioa-l lav. Though we should be always in action, we should alwavs shrink !'i'n view, and et you oniM Im 1 no belter plan than to draw universal afeniioM to us bv proceedings at once open and deplorably notorious. To make them more secret, you c.ill in the guard, the commissary of police, (he gaol ers, for your accomplices. It is pili.ibi", sir; thing but the most lull i.tut success coiiM -uccc-s has A4Nr the Top U krrp Hit Hl Wrtl trrrtl. I."nJcii, April :i - The Home r ri (xitulcnt of tht lUiijr ChMMilfle y: "Au't.hithti Mrlliu-:li, 'I dele gait of thr K umn C.ilhoHo church In tin' l'iitiJ Stati. I a cuViril ,t tl i'n to ah-Vxio (rum t I il im n.trat iiim of sjmnnO y with Sa'n w h a h i inild fXi'tte the I'rotr-1 u.t M-nt mi r.t f tlie lull it S'u t elnl the Roman I 'nth o'l ," Wiltll llllllHIl 1'it' i. Apr '. .M It l , r - -il tliiC -( i ' i -'i i" ' ' - l: M' x if" i n ill :i w ! it In ' li - 1. 1-: r'.liu: ii n o' arm n ! f ! i v jin hi t 1 e i.-hi- lii.l.ani i. a i - ill 1 1 u i ! i:jr irj Mi . ! w . f i . i-!--'i.t iff ! r. pilar raviury ! Ir : - n; U r ih.- I-I t -r. not cover such wretched folly; and thi been wanting.'' "Sir," said Father d'Aigrigny, deeply hurt, for the Princess d Saint-Dizier, unable to conceal the sort of admiration caused in her by the plain, decisive words of Rodin, looked at her old lover with an air that seemed to say, " lie is right;" "sir, vou are more than severe in your judg ment; and, notwithstanding the deference 1 owe to you, I must observe, that I am not accus tomed " " There are many other things to which jou are not accustomed," said Rodin, harshly inter rupting the reverend father; " but you will ac custom yourself to them. You have hitherto had a false idea of your own value. There is old leaven of the soldier and the worlding fermenting within you, which deprives your reason of the coolness, lucidity, and penetration that it ought to possess. You have been a fine military officer, brisk and gay, foremost in wars and festivals, with pleasures and women. These things have half worn you out. You will never bo anything but a subaltern; you have been thoroughly tested. You will always want that vigor and concentra tion of mind which governs men and events. That vigor and concentration of mind I have and do you know why? It is because, solely de voted to the service of the Company, 1 have al ways been ugly, dirty, unloved, unloving I have all my manhood about me! " In pronouncing thfse words, full of cynical pride, Kodm was trulv leartul. 1 tie 1 rincess le Saint-Dizier thought him almost handsome by his energy and audacity. Father d'Aigrigny, feeling himself overawed, invincibly and inexorably, by this diabolical be ing, made a last effort to mist, find exclaimed, Oh! sir, these boastings are no proofs of valor and power. We must see you at work. " Yes," replied Rodin, coldly; "do you know at what work ? " Rodin was found of this inter rogative mode of expression. " Why, at the work that you so basely abandon." " What !" cried the Princess de Saint-Dizier; for Father d'Aigrigny, stupefied at Rodin's au dacity, was unable to utter a word. " I say," resumed liodin, slowly, " that I under take to bring to a good issue this affair of the Iiennepont inheritance, which appears to you so desperate." " You ? " cried Father d'Aigrigny. " You? " ii j ' " But they have unmasked our nianu uvers." "So much the better; we shall be obliged fo invent others." " But they will suspect us in everything." " So much the better; the success (hat is diffi cult is the most certain." " What ! do you hope to make Gabriel consent not to revoke his donation, which is perhaps V hi I I .i T ,, i, . i,i t .i . . ; II:., im , lt"U' A li'i.l II,, Sltt'il,.; , I I "lit l lit :; , .... t (, , I . .I',.! i.'.H , I..),.' ,. i , . ', . . I ii .i.., - . - t.t m. II ''V .,( : . Ctll I' I' 'lilt .III .mi fi .V -1 . i rt ; ci.u iii i,r New V iH. K, 1M, Has 1. 1 I, a 1 i, Mi "i ),. Sit- -1 riri iii.l jo ir Atljn o' t'le World mid I Bin tt.'ll i!ci"il ; 'ar heyiiiul my ex pel t tlionn. JOHN LOI.U.NU Tin? man wlm pniice Martin Luther and ri'iirU (JililxjiHor Inland In 11 huye humbug. It Ink's patriotii-m to taml out ajrainst papal tyranny. To Cur, 'uiim l,ial inn t-orvr. Tnl.i-Ca-i iiii'Ih iiiuiv ( utli in ir loo i.r 'JiW If C C 0. fall to rlirp. ilr.iifi.'MH !- fun. I iiimih-t " I mean to bring into the coffers of the Com pany the whole of the two hundred and twelve millions, of which they wish to cheat us. Is that clear? " " It is clear but impossible." "And I tell you that it is, and it must be, pos sible. Do you not understand, short-sighted as you are! " cried Rodin, animated to such a degree that his cadaverous face became slightly flushed; "do you understand that it is no longer in our choice to hesitate? Either these two hundred and twelve millions must be ours and tlen the re-establishment of our sovereign influence in France is sure for in these venal times, with such a silm at command, you may bribe or over throw a government, or light up the llame of civil war, and restore legitimacy, which is our natural ally, and, owing all to us, would give us all in return " " That is clear," cried the princess, clasping her hands in admiration. " If, on the contrary," resumed Rodin, " these two hundred and twelve millions fall into the (Continued on page .".) J. T. PATCH, AtUiriu'y, ltuoiii 21 I'atlerMon Bltick. In On' liiMtrli-t Court of Douglm county, N liraxka, In On? matter of tin" estate of Charles II ITv.LnN. lllTfUHt'd. Tn l.viiin K. Simulillnl and UiiKerC. Kviiuh: You are hereby nolltled lliat the IHmrlrt Court of llouiilas county. Nebraska, made the fiillowlnn older In the above entitled ao tli.n. towil : Now thin c.aune oomlnu on for hearlnir on I lie reiiorl. of the administrator of the above f state of the ale of the W. at one half of Lot K uliteen UNI I'elbam I'lace, an addition to the oil v of Omaha, NebraHka. for the purpose of paying debts and expenses or ailininisi ra tion In pursuance of a license iiranled bjr this court ou the l.lth day of November. Is'.',, mill Ii miiii'Hrlnir bv said report thai sulil ore-liulf lot w at, mlil on the 11 th day of April, In'.is, to Kimiia ('. Holiin for the mini of live hundred dollars i.m cusii in iianu paiu; n Is therefore ordered that all persona inier eatetl In said estate be notified f HUPt ar be me :il Court Itm in Nc. 7. of the lllstrlcl I'l.i.rt i,f I ouirliis ( iiimtv. Neliriiska. on the Hitli dHy of Miy. Is'.is, at IU o'clis'k. . m . of said day to show cause If any why said sale should, not be confirmed and a deed executed to 1 '.e purchaser therefor, by service of this orilir. publication or aiiiei ue in tne weesiy Amuiii an on nmi-ri sKicnis. Iialrd this llth day of April !! J. KAVVCKTT. .Indite. Hoc. (II: no. :i3rt. 4-1.1-4 w. ii. Ki;ssi:iJi. Allorney.f 111 New York Life ItiilldiriK, CM KK It I'S SA I.K..-Hy virtue of a Ind plurli s i,nliT nr sale Irissned out or tbe distrw c.iurt fur I)oiik1h county. Nebrska. aid to me illre. iei . 1 will, on the Ullli (lay nr May A l. l'.'s. at- ti-n o'clock A M. of said ,hiv. at I he KAS'I' front, door .f the ciiuniy court house. In the cltv of Omaha. IioiikIiis ci'iin'v- N'bri-ka. M'llalpublr auction to i be lilirhesl lilild'T for cash, tbe nreperiy scribed in said older of sale as follows, to wll : Tl.n , :. si or. e In, If of I lie soul II west ii ti art I' i K 1 S. VV ',i aed ihe wist foriy-nlne and Hi- Iini i V.i ;;ili ucreR or I r e west one- b iir or t lie soutbeasi iiuarteriW. li S. K ' i al I In n-elli n iiiimlier e jhl. isi ai.d t lie iioroi nineteen m nrriv of I be vest twenty-four and iw 1 (Hi ::i iisi acres of the nor liwmt iiiiatler or t lie ruirtheiist ouarter i.. VV, '4 of X. 'O I sect ion number seventeen OTiull In T wn ship sixteen iMl north of Km ire thirteen ibl i ilsI of t lie Sin b Principal Meridian cont ain Inn one hundred and for.y elrlil and ;;ii Iw) ills . H i acres more or less as surveyed, ano recorded all situated In Ioui0ii8 county stiilf. of Nebraska. Said properly to be Hold to uttlsfy Mlchl on Mutual Life Insurance Co puny, plain tiff herein, the mini of four thousand elvht hundred and ibirtv-slx and li.-liri im.s.h, n riollara liidirment. with Interest thereon at rate of ten illn per cent per annum from May 41 n. ihwi; To mitls'y Saloina Howinan defendant herein the sum of eiKhl hundred and ninety six and !."- Itat ifniH I n dollars Judiiinent, with interest t hereon at rate of ten i lUi pt r cent iter unnnrii from MllV ,ird lH.Iri: And to satisfy said Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company, plaintiff bereli, the further sum of one hundred and thirty-nine and (Hi-Km 'in,' lii dollars judgment for taxes paid thereon by said plaintiff in order lo pro-ij-ei Its lien thereon with interest on forty six and il'i-lno 'iliiO.)i dollars from July:ird ts'.'t. at ten (lui per cent per annum, and In terest on the sum of ninety three and Wl-HH dot ars at the rateof ten ilm per cent per annum from Oeeernber 2?th, lsii.V. To iatlR'y the further umn of one hundred and eiKhty two and ;;'l-10u iil;.l) dollars costs herein, together with accrulnir costa, according to a ludenient rendered by the district court of said Douglas county, at Its May term. A. Il issnl. In acertaln action then and there pending, wherein the Michigan Mutual Litfn insurance Company Is Plaintiff and Ju la K. Vandercook. .lames K. Vander cook The Mutual Investment ('ompany. .li lt ri L. I'lerce Kecelver of the Mutual In vestment Company and Saiou.a Kowuutn are defendants. Omaha, Nebraska. April l.jth. Wh. JOHN VV. McDoNALI), Sheriff of Douglas County. Nebraska. W. II. Russell, attorney. Mich. Mot. Life Ins Co v Vandercook etal. Doc. :l: No. 1st. 4 I.Vfl Is Marriage Failure? a Wrilen bv Mrs. Agnes Viveii Svvtfland, M. K I bis is one ol tbe latest publica tion-, l'eiii'j; somewhat of a romantic order, and in eutcr tainiui: fi"iii bt'oinniiig to end. Tor sale by booksellers generally . J (loth, $1.00. Paper, 50c. 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