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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1895)
( Ltik Dr H v i r T u J. mm i ' i 1, A ii inui .unoi nt'KU. VOLUMK V. ? LITTLE ROCK ROCKED By a Public Demonstration of Popu lar Disapproval Of the Slanderous Statement Made by a Daily Paper of That City Against the Ladies Who Attended Mat ter j's Led u re. There has been a shaking of dry bones In Little Rock, Ark., recently. Joseph Slattery, the ex-prlest, has been there. And go baa hid wife. And they have been talking;. And the daily papers have been watching tberaund have been watching each otbor. And the result has been that the com' munity has become thoroughly aroused. Probably Slattery was partially re sponsible. Certain it is the daily papers were. So between thera they have wakened up the metropolis of Arkansas. To begin with : The daily papers advertised that Slattory would be in the city and lee- ture to the citizens in Pythian hall, at the usual prices. The Press published a "Few Words About Slattery's Past Career. " It also published the cut of an eye with this statement: (The eye) "of the Press is on the A. P. A. What is the scheme, boys? There is nothing more necessary for the people to 'down' than the gold bug conspiracy." This occurred on May 3. On May 8 the Press still had its eye on the A. P. A. But it removed it long enough to in sert this item about Slattery: "Last night Pythian hall was crowded to Its utmost capacity with people who came to hear the first lecture of ex Priest Slattery. "In order to preclude the possibility of any outbreak of disorder during the lecture a squad of police, under the command of Sergeant Botsford, were distributed throughout the building, but this proved unnecessary, as the audience. as all Little Rock assemblages are, was orderly and dignified. "At 8:15 the ex-priest, who is a mag nificent specimen of manhood, and is a true orator, mounted the platform and stated his subject to be, 'Why I Left the Roman Catholic Church and Priest hood and What I Saw Therein.' His first attack on Romanism was upon its moral theology, 'immoral theology,' as he styled it. The convent and its methods were also attacked and ex plained. He said that the American people should demand that all convents, monasteries and parochial schools be subjected to public and official inspec tion as other institutions are. He laid special stress upon the necessity of the people of the United States keeping their eyes open to the encroachments of Rome, a The public school system and the open Bible should be appreciated, honored, revered and protected. The speaker praised the numerous patriotic organizations in this country, the Pa triotic .Sons of America, Senior and Junior Order of Mechanics, and the American Protective Association. He said that the American Protective As 'Bociation, with its six million member ship, would hereafter play an important part in the politics of this land. It has been the practice of politicians to scramble for the foreign vote, but in 1896 the American vote would besought for and the party that put other than an out and out, pure and patriotic American' on its ticket would find it self nowhere." Of this same lecture the Gazette said: "Pythianihall was crowded to suffo cation last night when ex-Priest Slat tery lectured on the subject, 'Why I Left the Roman Catholic Priesthood, and What I Saw Therein.' "In and about the lecture hall a strict police espionage was kept. A cordon of bluecoats guarded the street entrance, and upstairs at the door to the hall several minions of the law kept vigil, while within ia few more lent their presence in order to nip any violent demonstrations in the bud. 'A pugnacious scene, with the ex priest as a central 'figure, was enacted just before the lecture began. Slattery was standing. tat the door receiving tickets when a young fellow approached and tried to enter the hall. His ticket was called for, but be refused to pro duce one 'andfcin response to a demand for payment of the admission fee, he sprang at Slattery and the two men clinched. A'icouple of officers very quickly seized the belligerent stranger and marched him off to the calaboose. At police headquarters papers and let ters found in the stranger's pockets in dicated that his name was Philip Fin negan. He had 135 in money. When questioned as tojwhy he attacked Slat tery, he averred that he did it 'just to "AMKR1CA FOR AMERICANS. have some fun.' In his lecture Slattery raid the man came up and said, 'I saw you In a house of ill fame in Da' las The scrimmage thea followed. Slat tery then proceeded to say that he had been in a good many close places, but had always managed to take care of himself. Dis stalwart appearance did not belie his word. Slattery said he believed very strongly in muscular Christianity. "After the lecture Slattery and his wife walked unmolested to their quar ters at the Richelieu hotel. A large crowd lingered in the vicinity of Fifth and Main streets to see if any violence were attempted, but they were disap pointed. A great many people dis cussed the ante-lecture scrimmage, and some of them were Inclined to think that the affair was designed for ad vertising purposes. "Slattery talked nearly two hours an tagonistlc to Catholicism and papal su premacy. He is an IrUhman, a fact that needs no elucidation to those who heard hitn, by reason of his b -ogue. II explained that the first circumstance that caused him to waver in the taith happened while bis clerical duties in Ireland carried him often to a convent In which he discovered evidences of a lack of that sisterly love and harmony which should characterize a christian institution. He advocated the opening of convents to government inspection Ho criticised the seven sacranierts of the church of Rome, and was particu larly severe on the doctrine of Intention Speaking of Ireland, he said the kind of home rule the Emerald Isle wanted or needed was the kind that would free it from the rule of Rome. 'As long as there are Orangemen in the north of Ireland, there will be no home rule from England,' he declared. He said that Mgr. Satolli, an Italian, who could not speak a word of English, had come over to America to teach the people of the United States how to run their schools, He wanted to know why Satolli did not remain in his own country, where 75 per cent, of the people could not read or write. 'If you had any of the grit of your forefathers, you would metaphorlc ally ram him into a cannon and fire him back,' dramatically exclaimed the speaker. Slattory pictured Spain as the foot ball of the bigger European powers be cause It was under the rule of Rome, and, on the contrary, lauded Germany as a potentate among the nations of the earth because it was not. "The ex-priest extolled the A. P. A. He said it was having the i fleet of open ing the eyes of Americans to the 'dan gers of papal influence.' According to his reckoning there are 6.00,000 A. P. A. members in the United States, and he added significantly: 'May God have mercy on the political party in 1890 which do '8 not put out a ticket of gen uine Americans.' "Throughout his speech the lecturer was liberally applauded. It was evi dent that the majority of his auditors were in sympathy with him. In the course of his remarks Slattery de nounced as untrue the reports that he is addicted to the use of liquor. "This afternoon Mrs Slattery 6peaks to the ladies only, and tonight the ex priest talks to men only.' " The next afternoon Mrs. Slattery ad dressed the ladles of Little Rock in the same hall. Her lecture was well attended, and of it the Dcnmcrat said: "Mrs. Slattery addressed a large number of ladies, the best women of the city. Her lecture is said to have been vigorous and enter tninine." But how diffen nt was the notice published by the Gazette, one of its con temporaries. Embodied in its contemporary's re port we find a Romanized estimation of all women who listen to the truth. That contemporary said: "The Little Rock engagement of ex- Priest Slattery and wifo close J last night minus fireworks. Several hun dred people heard Slattery descant on Satolli, the American Pope." A fea ture of the lecture was Slattery's ap pearance in the vestments of a priest. During his talk he paid his respects to Mr. A. F. Brady, the gentleman who attempted Tueedry night to defend the local Catholic Knights of Pythias from the charge of trying to prevent Slat tery from lecturing in the Pythian Hall. Mr. Brady was not present to defend himself. "Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Slattery addressed about 300 ladles (?) on 'The Celibacy of the Clergy and Its Terrible Effect on the World." Mrs. Slattery is a vigorous talker, and she held the at tention of her auditors two hours. "Mr. and Mrs. Slattery leave this morning for Pine Bluff. ' "One result of the ex-priest's advent here has been to give an impetus to the P. A. council organized in this city last week. Slattery warmly espoused the A.'tP. A. cause in his lectures and advised his hearers to link their for We bold that all m. n are A pericaos who OMAHA, NEBRASKA, tune with that organization. Several hundrtd of them have followed his ad vice, and it is reported that the local A. P. A. now has a meinbt rship u wards of 500. The personnel of the council remains a secret." The next day indignation ran high A procession of Irate subscriber be sieged the dinette office, and its sub scription list began to dwindle. Ihen it realized that Protestant wives and daughters could not tie in gulled with impunity, and it made haste to crawfish, aHiloglztng as fel lows "A grossly malicious error was inter jected into an article clandestinely in the composing-rooms of tho Gazitte Wednesday night, and, without the knowledge of anyone of the editorial or reportorial staff, It crept into the local columns of this paper of yester day's lssua. The paragraph in question is disowned and utterly repudiated by the city editor, through whose hands all local items pass en route to the printers. It reads as follows: "Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Slattery addressed about 300 ladies (?) on 'The Celibacy of tho Clerey and Its Terrible Effect on the World.' Mrs. Slattery is a vigorous talker, and she held the at tention of her auditors two hours." When the city editor read the Item for the first time, as it appears in the paper yesterday morning, ho was dum founded and astonished. It placed him in the unjust and absolutely false alti tude of casting an aspersion upon 300 ladies of this city. An investigation was instituted In the presence of repu table citizens, and an examination of the original copy revealed unmistak ably that it had been tampered with by some malicious person in the compos ing-rooms, who interpolated the inter rogation point. The item had run the gauntlet of the proof-reader's inspec tion, and unfortunately passed, as al tered, into the forms. Not a member of the editorial or reportorial staff saw the proof-sheet of it. "The task of ferreting out the Identity of the scurrilous individual guilty of the outrage was instituted promptly and will be diligently prosecuted, to the end that he may be dismissed in oblnquy from the roll of the Gazette's employes. No one regrets the occurrence more than the city editor, who is striving strenuously to ascertain who it was that perpetrated the mischief, and he will not relinquish his efforts ij that direc tion until the, occurrence is cleared up." But its apology will not be accepted by the christian people cf Little Rock, if we are to believe the Tribune, which Is fearless enough In Its expressions to be adjudged an American paper. Of the dastardly insult offered the Protestant women of Little Rock by the Gazette, it says: "When Sam Jones was in Little Rock four years ago, Dickison Brugman re ported the meeting for the lying and slanderous Gazitle, which was de nounced by thousands of people in a standing vote in that meeting as unfit for public perusal, and by almost every quarterly conference of the Methodist church, south, in the state. "Thursday morning of this week, 700 respectable and pure women ladies of the very highest character were her alded to the world by the lousy Gazette, as of questionable virtue. It occurred in the report of the speech of Mrs. Slattery, delivered on Wednesday after noon, and nut a single loop hole wal left for any woman present to escape the vile insult. "On yesterday morning, after a tu mult such as never invaded a newspaper office before on account of people stop ping their subscription, that vile paper contained the following editorial para graph: " 'In the Gazette's report of the S'.at- tery meeting for ladies, which occurred on Wednesday afteri.on, an interroga tion point appeared in a certain line in the article which conveyed tho im pression that the audience was com posed of persons of questionable respect ability. The article, when sent to the news-room, was in proper shape and in no way reflected upon those who at tended the meeting. The surprise manifested by the readers of the Ga zette and the indignation expressed by those who were present at the lecture was none the less greater than that ex perienced by the members of the edi torial staff and the managers of this paper. The objectionable change in the article was made by some malicious person outside of the editorial depart ment of the Gazette, and who will be made to suffer for the gross liberty taken with the reporter's copy. The Gazette is deeply mortified over the matter, and regrets that it has in its employ anyone capable of being guilty of such a scurrilous and unpardonable offense. An investigation that will lead to the Identity of the scoundrel is being made, and as soon as discovered he will summarily and permanently be relieved of his position on the Gazette.' Swear All, gtanow to the United StaU FRIDAY, MAY "The t-arue man who re-orted the Sam June mot-ting four year ago D.eklson Brunman is now the chief editor of the Gazittt, by the grace of the same owner and managers (if that false sheet. "The Intelligent public of Little Rock, therefore, need no further ex planation of the deadly, scalding public Insult leveled at the fair name of 700 Innoot nt mothers and sisters. "Tho foul, Kcouiidrelly sheet which will assail the charae'er of a woman will he guilty of any black deed for which publication is capable. "The Gitzt tte has fe subscribers now, and few respectable peVpIo read the execrable thing, but when the sua goes down on the first of June, no decent woman of Little Rock will allow the slanderer of virtue in her home." MiiNt Explain. If Roman Catholics would prove to the people of tho United States tho value of their protestations of loyalty to the public schools they iiuibt explain tho attitude of the papal church whore Its power Is supreme. In New Mexico, for instance, whore tho Roman church is in the ascendant, tho public school system was overwhelmingly defeated by Roman Catholic votes. The proposi tion to make the public school system a part of the ttate government was treat ed with contempt. For this the Roman hierarchy must beheld responsible. In Manitoba tho same hostility to the pub lic school syst -m is seen. The pope has recently soken in severest condemna tion of Manitoba Catholics who send their children to tho public schools in preference to the parochial, or who side with the government of Manitoba against the support of the parochial school through taxation. Yet tho Ro manists ask us to believe that tho pope Is friendly to our own public schoo's, and is not disposed to Interfere with the fullest freedom of our government, It is hardly fair tj judge a man by what he does under restraint. His character is certainly lest exhibitod where he Is freest to exercito his own will. Judged by this sensible test the Unman Catho lic church is seen to bo inherently and rrencdiably opposed to free govern ment and any satisfactory common set hoi system. The facts are too plain foriny protest to bo of value. Let Rome reform whero Bhe is dominant and we will believe in her good profes sions where she is under restraint. Pacific Baptist. Priest Has Hie Church-People Have the Money. Buffalo, May 18. A majority of the 12,000 members of St. Aua bert's Polish Catholic church are in revolt against their priest, Father Flaczock, Bishop Ryan and every other church uthority. The troub'e began when Fathtr Fiaczeek recently succeeded to the pastorate, and proved unpopular. That the priest might handle the church money skillfully, two trustees were made an advisory committee tj help him. The trustees bad keys to the inner door of the safe, and the priest hhd kej s to tho outer door. The trustees got hold of the priest's keys Monday, and locked up the money. They say he shall not spend a penny of the large sum. For this the trusties wore excommunicated by Bishop Ryan. Then the congregation, at a mass meet ing, decided to stand by the trustees. The priest appealed to the bishop, who told him that he should stay at St. Adalbert's and say nriss regularly, if he had to say it to empty benches. Fa ther Flaczeck has the church, the trustees have the money, and the 12,000 members are in revolt. A Katlier Tough Priest. Denver, May 8. Bishop Ma'z has deposed Rev. M. Lepore, pastor of Mount Carrael church, in this city, who was found guilty by an ecclesiastical court of undue familiarity with women of his parish, dishonesty In politics and other conduct unbecoming a representa tive of the church. At the trial, affi davits from citizens of Jersey City, N. J., alleging embezzlement, adultery, gambling, drunkenness and like mis demeanors on the part of the father while he was in charge of a church in that city, were presented. It was shown that he had promulgated a bla phemous revision of the Ten Com mandments, in which he exhorted his congregation to a method of living far from being in accord with the teachings of the church. Father Lepore says he will appeal to Rome. Must He a Header of the Omaha Bee. Rev. I. P. Mendes, rabbi of Mickva Israel synagogue, in his lecture of re cent date, delivered some forceful and appropriate remarks on the American Protective Association. The Jewish citizen, said he, was as much interested In the crushing out of this secret organization of roligious in tolerance as was the Catholic citizen. It was aimed as much at him as the without a mental nervation In favor of Catholic, although at firl this might not appear on the surface. It U the enemy of freedom, truth, peace and good will. It is dectruotlve t. friendship, broth erly love and charity, and ongendur discord and hate. It arouses ignoble passions and degrades man by appeal ing lo moan prejudices. Jts extension could mean nothing but harm to the spirit of personal liberty that sustains the American government. Rubbl Monde paid a tribute to Cath olics. He had found them tolerant, liberal minded and charitable. They did good for ( tliers, and did not con fine their kindly Impulses by religious restrictions. Politics should be a do main of conscience and not of creed. Men should supixirt those who are proper men for official duties and re sponsibilities, regardless of thoircrood. That is a matter between the citizen and tho state as a political institution. Savannah (da ) I'ress. Or. Itojd Champion Itomuni in. For to vera! weeks, Rev. W. W. Boyd, pastor of the Second Baptist church of this city, has teen devoting bis Sunday evenings to lecturing on various re ligious denominations. It has not been our privilege to bear these, except the one on last Sunday night. Ills subject then was "Propagandlsm us Illustrated by tho Roman Catholics." Thero is not a tonsured priest in this city who can pronounce a more fulHomeeulogium, or deliver a more llorld panegyric upon Roman Catholicism than did Dr. Boy J, and thero was not one word of censure or syllable of robuko from beginning to end. He could not crown the name of Paul, tho apostle to the Gentiles, with a loftier encomium than the chaplotof praito which ho wreathed about the brow of the Jesuit priost. lie said that It was tho liberty-loving 1 Catholics who extorted from King John the Magna Charta at Runnymcdo, and that from that day to this they had been the foremost champions of civil and religious liberty. That they were the first and firmest friends of this re ligious lirerty In Amorlca, and that they In turn have been humble, dovout, pious christians, who have suffered like martyrs at the hands of the Prot -slants for whom they afforded an asylum in the new world. He hurkd his scath ing anathemas at the cowardly, skulk ing A- P. As., and poured his withering sarcasm and denunciation upon their devoted headH, while ho portrayed with unwonted pathos the worthy zeal and undying devotion of "his brethren" the loyal followers of Je-ius Christ, the Ro man Catholics, who aro disfranchised and outlawed. If he were to say as much for Baptists as he did fur Catho lics, ho would bo charged with super abundant sectarian zed. We would not do him lnjuctxe. We could not sta'e his advocacy and ajwlogy too strongly if wo trit d. But what excuse he could give for taking a regular preaching hour to say these things from his pulpit t)a Bap'.lst congregation is beyond our ken. And how a man who believes wbBt he said can consent to re main in a Baptist church, much loss in her pulpit, passes our comprehension. He left no doubt as to what he really meant to say, nor of tho opinions he olds. If wo do him the slightest in justice In this report he has but to in dicate it, and wo will be only too glad to correct It St. Louis American B-v list Flag. BOSTON (ITIZK.N ITEMS. A New York lieroidcr special from Laporta, Ind., says the Roman Catholic Knights of Pythias if Indiana have de cided not t ) obey tho dejree from Rome that requires them to leave the order as a prerequisite of membership In the church. There are about five thousand members. Tho supreme court of Strasburg, France, has confirmed tho sentence of one day's imprisonment passed upon the Protestant pastor, Muller, for having spoken offensively of the Roman Catho lic religion in tho course of a sermon. This Is the usual Iiomish tolerance. Sir Charles H. Tupper, In the Domin ion parliament last week, said that thj Manitoba legislature has concurrent powers with the Dominion parliament, and that Manitoba is at liberty to act until such time as tho Dominion has acted. In other words, Home will not have separate schools just now. Messrs. Dexers & Delormier, of Mon treal, have ent-ired an action in tho name of Vicar General Gravel, euro of Beiooil, of Quebec province, wl claims $5,000 damages from the Patric, a French-Canadian paper, on account of an article published in which he was alleged to be in opjiosition to the bish op's views in connection with the Ver cheres election. The Indians. Why are the Roman Catholics so de termined to educate the Indians? Or, aa an A. P. A. might be inclined to say, keep them in ignorance, with the ex ception of something like the ghost- the Pope. I'liICK FIVE CENT NUMBKR 21 shirt dance, etc.? It has been stated by an officer in the army that the In dian war at Broken Knm was caused by the Roman Catholics. If wo take into c msideratiun tho temporal-power theory, and the raising of money for war, eUs., we might put things together and come to the proper conclusion. It Is the Roman who needs to bo taught religion. Protestant Median lis. Section 1. Resolved, That we, tho Mechanics of Kansas City, Mo., form a general American Mechanics' Union for tho protection of all branches of tho trades. Section 2. Resolved, That we make this a jKirmanent organization of Kan sas City, Mo., of all American Mechan ics, and none but Protestants will bo admitted to this union. Section 3. Resolved, That all rrlov. anee shall he submitted to a com in It too of one from each dlfferentdogreoof this union, who shall be rusidouts and men of families, to bo appointed bv tho president of this union, and that their decision shall ho final. Section 4. And that each trade shall constitute a degree of tho general union and that tho presld-nt shall aiinolnt three members of the different degrees to havo control of its degree business, under tho laws of tho general union. Lft'ct'tH of a Sermon. Once, when Cardinal Manning was preaching In Rome, ho recognized John Bright among his listeners. On tho Instant he determ'ned to preach to him, and dwelt with as much force and effect as ho could on the claims of the Blessed Virgin to our veneration. Two or threo years later they met, and Manning reminded Bright of tho Incident. "I remember it perfectly," Bald John, "and I shall nevor forget it. I was delighted with everything that morning" a gratified smile eamo on the cardinal's face "exceutimr vour sermon." Stop, Thler! "Experience is a good teacher, but charges high wages." And some of the politicians are finding this out when they continue to be the tools of fho Jesuits. Tho time has come when tho undercurrent of the Church of Rome will be chocked by an undercurrent of a half-dozen American societies. Men can no longor vote money from tho United States Treasury to the Roman church and continue to hold their posi tions very long. Tho Uniied States has had too much of tho paganized Chris tianity already, and every lover of this land should see that the Bible is in every district school In th i republic. Said His Maine Was Talbot. On Tuesday night of last week a man in priestly garb was arret ted in Somer ville for drunkenness, and for making night hideous while attempting to sing "Alter the Ball," etc. He wat tiken to the police station, whero be said he was F. Talbot, priost, of Cam bridge. In the morning be was sober, ar.d gave another name; but the im pres ion is that his namo is Talbot. A Somerville priest came and interceded for him, and he was allowed to go. Boston Citizen, The Nation is tho title of a new American magazine just leoeivcd, and which is likely to become highly popu lar with American reado -e. Tho pres ent number coi talus 40 pages filled with choice selections irora the pens of Hon. M. W. Howard, author of "If Christ Came to Congres-t"; Hon. T. J. Morgan, Professor George Wa ker, Joseph Brad Ee!d and others. During the coming year a number of ce ebrated public men will contribute to its pages. We cor dially locommend this publication to such Americans as wish to learn of the porilB confronting this country through Rome, assisted by tho capitalist and foreign bondholders. Send II to the American Publishing Company, 1615 Howard strict, Omaha, Neb., and se cure a year's choice reading matter. The first number of 2'lie Nation, a neat forty-page monthly magazine, pub lished at Omaha, Neb., by th3 Ameri can Publishing Company, devoted to the cause of Americanism, ha reach ed us. It is by far the best periodica1 of a like character that we have had the pleasure of reading, and its half tone sketches are sup-.-rb. We welcome it among our exchanges, and predict a large sale in the we t. Butte Lxan.iiur. Vol. I , No. 1, 27ie Nati-m, a monthly magazine published by the American Publishing Company, 0.naha, Neb., 40 pagis, brimful of good patriotic and historical reading. One dollar per year, single copy 10 CjnU. Address lJie Nth tion, lfili Howard street, Omaha, Neb. Fmdom's Banner. Rev. J. A. O'Connor, editor of tho Converted Catholic, writes us as follows: "Allow mo to congratulate you on The Nation. It is a very neat magazine," Think of the additional burden of taxation you will be forced to bear be cause of the incompetent hulks forced upon you through the efforts of the Omaha Bee.