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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1895)
THE AMERICAN A. A WEEKLY NKWSP . i Volume V. "AMERICA FOR AMERICANS." We hold that alt men are A oerieaus who Swear Allegiance to tha United States without a mental reservation In favor of the Poimj. I'UICK FIVE CENT OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1895. Number 110 NOTES AND COMMENTS. Some seventeen days airo J.V Wol fe, the lea i in g Popu list of Lancaster county, found It necessary to address a letter to Silas A. Holcomb, actlog a governor of the state of Nebraska. In that letter Mr. Wolfe said: LINCOLN, Neb., April 30, lion. S. A. Holcomb, Governorof Nebraska Dear Sir: Yours of the 24th inet. at hand, and while not a total surprise to me. and consequently not a personal disappointment, the In formation is much to be regretted from a party standpoint. You say that "af ter giving the matter four months con sideration I today arrive at a conclusion In regard to the matter of the appoint ment of a warden at the state prison, and George W. Leidigh of Nebraska City has Ken named." This is indeed a singular admission and quite con trary to the general rule. Crimes and offenses oi all kinds have generally at least one mitigating circumstance. They are generally committed in haste or without due consideration. But you undoubtedly do not regard the act as a crime or even as an offense, but coupled with a number of other appointments of a similar nature, and especially with Mr. Dahlman's, another leading Demo crat, made at the same time, and who was an applicant for the same position, you are charged with party perfidy and a deadly assault upon "the independent party" organization in this state, and upon this charge you will have to go upon trial before the bar of our people, and may God defend the right! Being an applicant for one of the positions given to a Democrat, and therefore liable to the usual charge of "disgrun tled" shall not deter me from assi ting in the prosecution for I think my past record will bear me out when I say that I can accept defeat with, at least, mcd- erate grace. My motives are and have been, much higher than any personal consideration. It is because I am a Populist from principle, and because I believe the triumph of the principles of the party is common humanity's last and only hope, and because I believe that any alliance with any other party will not only retard our growth, but, in the end, will prove fatal to our success that forces upon me the unpleasant duty that I feel called upon to per'orm. I acknowledge it is a very unpleasant duty for our personal relations, and the personal relation? between myself and all your appointees, so far as I have any acquaintance with them, has been very agreeable, but I feel that I occupy a peculiar position, and at this time a very responsible one. Like yourself (if Indeed you are at all out), I came out of theoDemocratic party. And in all my experience in trying to advance the interest of our cause, I have found no greater obstacle anywhere, or at any time, than that thrown in the way by Republican orators and the Republican press when they have charged the In dependent party as being a tall to the Democratic kite. The Republican party having ruled in Nebraska since it be came a state, and being largely in the majority, it could be readily seen that its overthrow depended largely, and mainly, on desertions from its . own ranks. And manfully have they come, and loyally .have thousands of them stood by our- organization even when the party lash has been most severely applied, and steadily have wo moved on ward, and steadily has confidence in our integrity been increasing. It Is true I have denied, and still deny, that the Democrats inthe Populist sarty, had any sympathy with their old party, as an organization, but it has been left for you to give the charge new and addi tional force,'lf cot practically to demon strate to many its truth. I am not per sonally unfriendly to Democrats, or to Republicans, us such, but politically I am as much opposed to one as the other. No, governor, since I left the Demo cratic party IJhave "cast no longing, lingering look behind." I, too, might possibly have held office if I had acted otherwise. I by no means thiuk you are a bad -man. I only think you have proven yourself a weak one. You are by no means.the first man, even in Ne braska, whose "ambition haso'er-leaped itself." The political highway Is every where strewn with its wrecks. You have neither been in a position, nor in the condition, since our reform move ment began, to be able to grasp its full meaning. You have been in good cir cumstances and drawing a liberal salary. Your mind has been occupied more with law and with loans than with distressed homes and an impoverished people. You did not, I believe, attend either the Cincinnati or n.St. Louis conference, or the Omaha national convention. There are other minor parts in your letter I must refer to, but must be veiy brief. You say further. "I regret be ing compelled to disappoint so worthy a Populist as yourself." I certainly ap preciate the compliment, but I utterly fail to see where the "compulsion" comes in. Any information upon the subject as to who "comelled" you would be thankfully received. 1 may be mistaken, but I understand you are the governorof Nebraska and that the governor by law appoints the warden o' the penitentiary. I fin 1 nothing In the law giving such power to a private secretary, to an ex-democratic congress man, or even a United States senator. Where, therefore, I pray, is the con polling power you speak of when you say, "I regret being compellid." You further say, "I will be glad to talk the matter over with you at your conven tecce." I certainly will bo glad to do so, although it seems to be a little late II you had told me bciore the act was done that some one or some power was about to "compel" you to do an act you did not want to do I might have been of some service to you and to myself; but still I will hear you, and only hope you will be able to fully justify your course. My grievance, however, is by no means a personal one. WThile I think I bad a right to expect different and better treatment I Lave no personal spite to gratify. It is true that I have spent more time in trying to build up and to advance the party's interests than you and all jour appointees to gether, except Mr. Powers, and the movement has cost me more money than you all, without any exception, yet I only ask that our principles be adhered to till enacted into law. Since Silas received the above com munication he has made some more ap pointments, but these last appoint ments, like those formerly made, do not meet the approval of the Populist leaders. In Douglas county there Is much dissatisfaction, as can bo seen by this communication from Hon, Daniel Burr to Mr. Rosewater's governor at Lincoln: Omaha, Neb., May 14, 1895. Hon. Silas A. Holcomb, Lincoln, Neh.: Dear Governor As much as I regret adding to your annoyances and per plexities, I feel justified In again ad dressing you on the subject of our last Interview. While many of our party members are loud in their complaints, I try ti put myself in .your place, and, doing so, I am convinced that it was an error of the head, resulting from a mis representation of the facts by Interested parties outside our party, and not a willful Injury to our party in Douglus county, for such it really Is. When you cemsider that 90 per cent, of our leading Populists are either out-and-out A. P. A.'s or in full sympathy with them, the displeasure they must feel at the appointment of one known Catholic and another who always tr ains with that crowd and fully sympathizes with them, is not to be wondered at We have tried to keep this churoh question out of our party and let the two old parties fight it out, but the church party have done their best to force us to take u o the Issue, and now they have succeeded, and they will find us as ready to handle that question as any other. Regarding It from the standpoint of policy alone, to say noth ing about principle, we cannot afford to Ignore it. The Democratic party are openly and avowedly the Catholic church party, and the Populist party must either suffer their fate or come out flatfooted and refuse to truckle to that giant church corporation. Even If, for policy's sake, we should longer remain silent, it would avail us nothing, as they justly consider "he that is not for us Is against us," and the support of the church would be with the Democratic party, whom they know are with them and It remains for us to accept the Is sue and define our position on that as well as all other questions. And I as sure you that Douglas county will not go unheard from. We have straddled that question as long as we can, and very much to our loss. Wo met It last fall, and our un defined position lost you nearly or quite as manyjvotes as the Catholic church gave you in this county. Mr. Rosewater's greatest strength in this county comes from the Roman church, because he knows by standing in with them he can handle their voters by working with their priests. His support of you last fall should not entitle him to any consideration at your hands. He got all the glory he was entitled to in defeating his arch-enemy. And I verily believe that, had the Democrats held together and Rose- water remained neutral, with three full tickets in the field and party lines drawn on general issues, we should not only have elected our governor, but the whole state ticket, with a majority in the legislature on straight party prin ciples. Our gains from both the old parties would have been sufficient, but when many of our people who had been republicans saw us lying down with their old enemies the Democrats, they went back to the Republican party, and others who were ready to come refused to be made over to the Democratic party in that way. Had your coming rea known to our leading men, you would have had no room for doubt as to their sentiments, and you wouid have found that my view would have been seconded by 90 per cent, of our people. Very few knew of your being in the city. I only learned It by accidentally meeting you on the street, and you could not arrive at just conclusion of the situation from hearing Deaver, Rosewater and tholr satellites, and only onj of the opposi tion. With full confidence la your motives, I regret to be compelled to say tha you made a grave mistake, but I still have the honor to subscribe myself your friend and true Populist, D. Buim. Tiieur is no subject of so much interest to tho homeowners of this country as that of mortgages, This Is so for this reason: Nearly every home is covered by a mortgage. In the June number of The JVufum is an interesting paper on real estate foreclosures by Attorney John O. Yclser, of Omaha that will repay anyone for eruslng it We make th following excerpt: "The law provides that after thirty days of the most public notice that could bo given, that the land must be offered for sale at the most public place in the county seat, and cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of Its real value, which is stated to ho the same as its ap praised value. In the light of this law is it possible for a court to hold that land may be appraised at merely what money could be realized from Its sale? How can that be true when the stat utes say that although the land is pub licly advertised and sold at the highest price obtainable the sale shall not be confirmed unless the amount bid is at leust two thirds of its real value? It is certainly clear to any one that the value Is not to be regulated by the amount of money the land would sell for. The mortgagor relied upon these con ditions, believing that if he could not pay his debt at maturity he might avail himself of a nine months' stay and believing that at the expiration of this time the mortgagee might sell the property at not less than the enormous discount of 33i per cent, upon Its value n order to raise the money duo, or the mortgagee might bid in the prop erty and take it at this di.-count, but not rob a man by taking it below that price. That is what it shows. That is the plain meaning of tho conditions of a mortgage, and every mortgagor is war ranted in believing as I have suggestad. How can a court conscientiously per mit appraisers to value land at just what it will sell for in such a depressing season as the one through which we are passing, when the statute provides that the value shall not be based upon what the property will sell for, and puts the minimum price, which, of course, Is the highest bid, at two-thirds of the value of the land offered? According to the provisions of the statute, which, of course, as stated, are conditions of the mortgage, is It expressly provided when the value found shall have exist ed? No, it is not. Therefore I main tain in the light of all reasoning and the general law of contracts that such value should be determined, as it existed when the agreement was entered into when the contract or mortgage was made." Poisoned the Water. Cleveland, Ohio, May 10. My good neighbor, Priest Rosinski, gave it out in church that I must be removed be fore Easter Sunday, and that there should be no service in our church on that day, for the church would be burned down. And, do facto, they have poisoned the water in our well. My self, my housekeeper and an old lady we had all got very sick and wo were sick for over two weeks. We immedi ately stopped the use of the water, used good medictr.e, and recovered. Now we cannot use the water. In the even ing during holy week I was followed by a few murderous rascals while going home from church. Our good people had to guard me and my house, and we had to watch our church closely to pre vent its being burjed. We are contin ually persecuted and attacked in the streets, and our children are interfered with in going to or from the school. F. KOLAZEWSKI, old Catholic. 'The Nation" for June. The June number of The Ration will contain many excellent papers on sub jects of general interest to everyone, among which may be mentioned. "Democracy vs. Pultocracy," by Hon. M. W. Howard; "Our Mortgage In debtedness," by John O. Yeiser; "Tne Mocey Famine," by Hon. Paul Van Dervoort. These are articles which will set men to thinking, Inasmuch as they eleal in questions of vital import ance to all citizens. All newsdealers sell The Kat'on, or It can be procured by sending 10 cents to Ihe Nation, 1613 Howard street, Omaha, Neb. A YETEIUVS HI It ML. Comrades Pay a Ijisl Tribute U a (rand Army Brother. The funeral of the late Oliver Anson to k place Sunday afternoon from the Broadway Metheidist Church, tho large auditorium being crowded with old sol diers, friends ai d relatives of deceased. In the early afternoon the old soldiers proceeded to the residence and esvortod iuo remains to tne cnurcn, wne re tJom rado Paulson presided. Prayer was of' fore J by Chaplain Snyder, and the military record of deceased was read by Adjutant Spera, followed by re marks by Rev. Mr. Dudley. 1 he remains were then removed to the hcarsd and the funeral procession took up Its a. rch to Laurel Hill In tho following ordoit McFadden Drum Corps. High School Cadets. Abe Lluculn Post, No 3, G. A. R. Encampment No. 8, Union Veteran Legion. Ladies' Auxiliary, No. 17. U. V. L., Am! a long lino of friends In carriages. Arriving at tho grave, Lieut. Col. Coelcr conducted ritualistic services, the closing scono being a parting fa lute, three volleys by the cadets, fol lowed by the sounding of the taps by tho encampment bugler. The record of Mr. Anson as read at the church was as follows: Comrade Oliver Anson, at the age of 17 years, enlisted as a aeldler in the volunteer service of his country on De cember 3, 1801, for a term of three years, as a private In Company II, Six teenth Iowa Infantry; was promoted to first lieutenant and adjutant of the reg ime nt, and after a continuous service of three years and seven months was mus tered out on the l!)th of July, 18(15, by reason of close of the war. During his term of service he served on the staff of (Jen. Giles A. Smith, commanding fourth division, Seventeenth Army Corps, Army of the Tennessee, and on the staff of General Illckenlooper, com manding Crocker's Iowa brigade, Third Brigade, fourth division, Seventeenth Army Corps. Ha participated in tho following engagements: Shll h, Cor inth. Iuka, Holly Spring, Tuoelo, 9lego of Vicksburg, through the At- anta campaign, and was captured be fore Atlanta, but was exchanged in time to join in the march with Sher mm irom Atlanta to the s-a. ii was mustered as a comrade of Encampment No. 8, Union Veteran Legion, on the .'1th of December, 1887, serving two erms as adjutant of the encampment, one terra as lieutenant colonel, and on the 10th of January, IM!)3, was mustered as colonel of the encampment, which position he hrl 1 at the time of his eath. Council Muffs Glube. Koine's Program. Letter topics, as texts and topics for sermons, and both should be fresh and suggestive, come, we scarcely know whence, but we may believe the spirit helpeth. Somewhat perplexed today, and asking, What shall wo say to our readers? a wideawake pirlsh'omr whose Protestantism and pleiy rone queetlon who know him. ran direr rell, ard left a aper tha' f nni-ho a fruitful theme fo." an Observer letter. It is the progM n for a "nusle 1 and l.tcrary entertainment." last Sundav evening, in our Aeademy of Music, under the auspices of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, and entitled, "An Even ing in Ireland." Of the eight page paper, with twenty-four columns, less than one column and a half tell of the aims and objects of the A. O. H. The program of music and addresses by two priests and a lay gentleman occupy small space, whilst the restof the paper is filled with "ads" that pay. Several points will interest your readers, and bear upon the public wel fare, upon which everybody should be posted. C mcerning a Sunday evening entertainment in a theatre In Wash ington, in which ministers of religion are chief figures, there can scarcely be two opinions among friends of morality, to say nothing of religion in a Protest ant christian counlry. Patriots and philanthropists, even though they do not profess faith In Christ and in Christianity, can hardly fall to see the close connectiem between the godly con science, which Sunday observance edu cates and fosters, and the peace and goed order of society. If one thing Is more Important than another In Amer ican citizenship, it is the enforcement of the decalogue and the golden rule. Entertainments in a theatre on the Lord's day cannot do otherwise than loo en moral restraints, whilst lawless ness is now rampantevcrywhere, espec ially in our cities. The time is here for Sinai to thunder. The law and the gospel must net be divorced. Tho Ancient Order of Hibernians had its origin in Ireland, and the pur pose of its founders was to keep alive the spirit of Irish nationality, so dear to the heart of every Irishman, under the most trying circumstances and con- i dlllons, and to protect tho priesthood In the exercise of their sacred fuoc tlon." Planted In New York city, where, It Is said, tha Irish population is larger than In Dublin, the A. O. II is said to have extended to every state and territory lr this broad land. This Irish order enjoys the same immunity enjoyed by Masons and Knights and other secret order In the United Slates, even though these orders are Interdicted by the nope. If Romish secret societies are military and drill regularly, as Is alleged, the people of tho UnlU-d States should know It. We submit that, as adopted citizens. It is American and not Irish, not Italian nationality that Is vo be kept alive), as is done by our Protestant German and Scandinavian people as classes. Nor do Romish priests need to be "protected In the exerclso ef tholr aorol func tions," for our flag protects every law abiding citizen, even priests and ex priests, who are sometimes mobbed, not by our own American people, but by their own devotees. It will not bo for gotten that but a few weeks Ince, In Savannah, Ga., the mayor himself, said to lw an Irish citizen, was obliged to protect with the strong arm of the law an ex-priest, who, as an American citi zen, preiMscd to toll what he knew by experitnen of the papacy, and whose hfo was endangered by Koinau Catho lics. It Is not strange that such vio lence in Savannah gave birth to the A. P. A. In that beautiful city, all whose traditions are American and Protest- ant, free and patriot Ic. But probably the most remarkable, as It is the most deplorable, feature of this A. O. II. Sunday entertainment program of eight pages and twenty-four columns, Is tho advertisements. My friend had gone over It carefully, and put a red line around each "ad" of saloon, brewery, grocery with liquor attach) d, and restaurant. And with what result? Astonishing, and yet not astonishing when we remember that even Archbishop Ireland says: "Cath olics nearly monopolize the liquor trallii)," In this program aro seventy five liquor advertisements! The Sunday theatre entertainment the Ancient Order, to keep alive the spirit of Irish nationality, and to protect the priest hex)d the seventy-five liquor advertise ment! An alarming trio surely! That this correspondence stands for the broackist interpret Ion of Ameri can and christian citizenship, your readers need not be told. American cltlzons will not tolerate religious pro scription any more than they would tolerate papal interference with our public schools or the ballot-box. That our people aro apprehensive of danger Is manifest In the several American eirganizations. by wbutever name tbey are called, which live for the protection of American Institutions. Our people are not all in Pre tentant churches, but all true Americans, native and adopted, are Protestant as against any organiza tions that Imperil the freedom and purity, and sobriety, and sanctity that are tho H'e blood of the republic. We s'and for the Sabbath and the sanctuary against the saloon, a veritible Pan der.i of lawlessness and vice. So long as Romo suffers hers-jlf to be domi nated by rum, we must writ rum and Rome, the twin enemies of the s ate I ruly, etc., B. Washington Letter in Lutheran Observer. Lions Chase a KaU A renrgado priest named Slattery, who openly and notoriously, to the great eeandal not alono of religion but of common decency, consorts with a woman whom he presumes to call his wife, has been doing the devil's work in Savannah, Ga., by outrageous at tacks on the church he had abandoned for the flesh. A renegade Irishman Is a thing so low that even satan might hesitate before ajcoiding him accom modation in the Plutonian kitchen; but a renegade priest smells to heaven and pollutes the earth. These crea tures have become all too common in this country. The revolted "priest" and the "ex-nun" have become an old story in America. Tbey are generally patronized by unthinking persons of Protectant belief, who do not Btop to ask themselves, Why have these people left tho original fold? Catholics know only too well that unfrocked priests are chiefly victims of drink or debauchery of some kird. Some repent and return, but the majority do not. Slattery is one of the latter type. He Is a disgrace to his name, his race and his new-found creed, If he has any. He will die howling for mercy from the God he has offended and the church he has out raged. This has been the end of others of his kind. But why should the Catholics cf Sa vannah get into a rage over the mouth ings of this wretched being? What harm can he do them or the church, which has calmly withstood the storms of ages? Can the church that has not bent before giants be agitated by pig mies? Southern blood is hot, much hotter than thai of the ninth, and al lowance must be made for It vehe mence. C But, on tho whole, the hm-c Uclo at Savannah suggested a crowd of lions chasing a mangy re dent The mejio they chase Slattery thu more the bigots will glorify him. It him re main a rat. CitUm (llomhh). Wo copy the above by request, and proceed to express our opinion of the same. This man Klattcry claims to have seen the evils of Rome, to have been converted to Christ, and Is putting In his time, at the risk f his life, show ing the evils of Rome. Wo have awn many reformers, and can freely say the-y bavo a hard read to travel. If any men in any ago are entitled to a hearing for the evident courage of their convictions, It Is the men who tell what they know about Rome. The truth always cuts to tho quick, and so It Is not surprising that Romo howls about Slattery. But if wo were a Catholic we would blush to see what a sorry "lion" it is that socks the life of Slattery. Of all tho traitors that ever walked this American soil, these drunken Romish meibs aro, In our estimation, the least excusable Under the pre tense of religion they get drunk and go around see king to murder a man be cause he exercises the rlirht of an American citizen, the right guaranteed to all Americans, the right of which no one but a Catholic would seek to de prive an American citizen. Columbia Looking Glass. How Esteemed. Tho Anwricein Citizen (Boston) very truthfully says: "There are some A. P. A. fools who are Infinitely below the meanest Roman Catholics who ever lived, and these are the fools who aro constantly circulating home-made lies." Correct you be, Mr. Citizen, but you will find the same class of people In similar organizations and they are gen erally the ones that never subscribe for a paper or pay for it when they do. Protestant Htnndard, Toledo has its share of these, human posts, who are too cowardly to face tho object of tholr slanderous tongues and too dead to all sense of honor to pay for a patrfollo paper whoa tl.ey take It. But the worst ororcy of a newspaper and tho one who has the most to Bay against it, Is the one who does not tako It, ard If he does, never pays for It. Toledo American. Aliens Cuiiiiot Inherit. Sl'KiNtJFlELU, 111., M-,y 13. The Illi nois supreme court today affirmed a de cree entered by the Singamon county circuit court in tho case of Ean vs. Ryan. The case hinges on tho alien land ac. John Egan, a former wealthy resident e)f this county, left a will giv ing all his property to a nephew in Ireland. Two nephews Lvina" in this county petitioned to have the will Bet aside under the plea that tho devisee was an alien and could not inherit the property, and that they, as next of kin and citlz ms of the United Slates, were the legal heirs. The court granted the petition and entered a decree in their favor. The case was then appealed. So Aliens Seed Apply. Washington, I). C, May 10. Com missioner General Stump, of the immi gration bureau, has received informa tion that the Detroit and Cleveland Steam Navigation Company has decided not lo employ on Its fleet of vessels any pe ron not a citizen of the United States or an alien permar.ently residing in the United States. Porsens coming to the United States from Canada or elsewhere seeking work will not be employed. Mr. Stump strongly approves of the action of this company, and hopes that Its example will be followed hy others of like character. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Tho CuOiolic Citizen says half of tho soldiers are Catholics (Roman). It may be so now, but I am sure it was not so when there was any fighting to do. The French are taxing Belgian cor porations. They think they have had enough tf Romanism. There are some weak kneed, jelly fish christians who tiikcalorg breath when you speak to the n abjut replac ing the Bible in the public schools. We notice that the teachers of New York are trying to stir things. There are men who will shout amen for half an hour at a time when no one is there to molest them or make them afraid, but who are afraid to say their life is their own when they are asked to help in keeping tho Bible in the schools so that a chapter nioy be read each morn ing without note or comment. The ladieis of B. is Ion are postponing buying anything from the dry-good stores because they advertise in the "pope's papers" but not in the Standard. And tow lot me say It again, "Where are the Puritan women?"