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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1894)
THfci AMERICAN V f rin it. I' i I , w ''. . . .,11. 1 1 ! t4 tk I ( Ktt i'' 4,,., It It . Lat., .. ,,xt ,. l W-t'l.j l. I : Itw t rt !th Iw , ,t "'1' l.,l. 4 . . . in w I.. ).. .) I j U . t. I '. Miwwili it fa' t M . ka'i It IVM'S r it r l'!Ii,H I f r... nvnlnl ,, " Hint is,nt rulu. Oif a-.i . . e "W IT! l .,Mal.tllM t)l K.'"! Il l all liuman hi.tstn i.l ii .hi ... . ,ai at. iaa . ..lliljf ,l tO lahl. " ! tb Ii, i. an .r Ul air if mi 1 liat nil i.f ilir H!iimh ,,f (i,,, j,W r unink)iitii)!l iii 1. ,,t iitt ii ii - . - . " I'HKIII lull r It'll , M I.) how lh I,, i-n-c.intininli nt., H. rrlii m ImI.,1, uj unbu rn, t-vi n .V The rlvll U U rt. riviij fnihi limn, l ul ih nili l,uo(il r v'mnm Uw U il. rlii-U fllns ily tnmi ,y I.l, It thv imi(r cn. lact.t(mv( hli hi )n lm., n,ak con- UluUm lor Hip li,ili ilirlUit World, : hilli-r iilrltuJ, coiH-crniiig the nlvatlon of oii, ih1 Hie rifiiit novcriiim iit t,f Uii Shun-In antt If mvi wary Juiljro hiol (JU)e ar mi un iciunil pooiis uf Hlli'lirlMiiaiin. Ifl. A Uin tio, holtlliitf or t'ii lilii)j fHlae lirtrlno conccriilnit iliu hiuthiiii'IUh. U cx Nnmiiuiitiined nnU i-triidil, mid lmiidt-d )vor to the MH'uliir court. 17. Ovular itrliiocs unwilling to wiar to ncffud the cliurcli HKali.At lirrvilrii ar cx cmmnuiilcaU'd, mid they uiu lulu under an .dk'riiirt. IS. llio ftnodi of iH'rotlcs are to bo con- fiwaicd Hiul applied to the church. 19. Ad vocatvs or not arlcs, fuvorltiK here tics, or tholr defender!), or pleading for them In law suit, or wrltlnjj docuini'iiM for them, are infamous and suspended from ofhec, 20. The secular powers, whether pernia. bent or Utmporary, are hound to swear that they will exterminate, according to their power, all heretics condemned by tin1 church; and a temporal lord not purging his laud of heretics. Is ex-communlcated. 21. Those signed with the cross for the extermination of heretics, rejoice In the privilege, granted to the crusii.lers for the help of the holy land. 22. They are absolved from all obligations who are in anywise hound to heretics, 23. Whoever dies 1 butt le against the un fcollevlng, merit the kingdom of heaven. z. we uu poi esteem those homicides, to whom It may have huuuened In their eal for thalr mother charjli against tie ox-commu nicated, to Will some of them. 23. Til it I'rlncas are bound, both by civil an loom n in law, nol to receive or tolerate burettes, an! much more aro not to permit their rltns, or other exercise of thulr religion, or raitur, tholr falso sect, but are most solum 'ily bouitd evrywliuro, to repel ana ex nol thum. 20. The following toinpural punishmnnU are to be enforced on heretics: 1st Infamy, ana trie consequent dhijuallHoatlon for all Civil acts. 2nd-lntostablllty, as well active as passive (that Is, they can neither make nor will Inherit what Is left to them by . t""rlj)i- ilrd Loss of paternal power over Chlldren.v 4th Loss of dowry, and other uuuuren. lu liuss oi uowi prlvllogoiVauted to womon. tlon of uu 1ii)ds, (lth"Th!i lave and uJiers are free I SthCouHsca -That vassals and frum all. even worn obligations duo to their lord or an other. 7th--0apKal corporal punishment, especially death, and perpetual Imprison ment. L27. The canon law forbids all toloratlon. 28. That metropolitans and bishops are to i-oomrnunloale hlin who grants liberty of Conscience. 20, No oath la to be kept toward heretic princes, lords or other. 80, Heretics are to be deprived of all civil and paternal rights. 81. The pope can absolve from all oaths. 82. :Kvery bishop Is ordinary Judge In Cause of heresy, The reason Is bucause the bishops can ex-o(llclo, and ought to extirpate uuruuci, aim mulct upon mem Hie aue uuu- Ishments, and to this are bound on paln.'of deposition. Besides, ara the Inquisitor es pecially deputed by the apostolic sue Every bishop In hi diocese Is thought to be, and In reality Is, a natural Inquisitor, (liter ally born Inquisitor), so a to have the same powor with those already mentioned In a cause of heresy, 8.1. In every promissory oath, although absolutely taken, there are certain condi tion tacitly understood, amongst which arei lt If I cam 2nd -To nve the right and authority of a superior! Ilrd-Wliun the oath uppoNu the honor of tho apostollo see to be Illicit. 84. That tho council of Tront, (tho last and great authority of Homo), decrees and com. mandsthat tho sacred canons and all gen eral councils, also tho other apustollo enact ments Issued In favor of ecclesiastical per- on of ecclesiastical liberty, and against It violators, allot which by this present decree It renews, aud 'iiiustubo exactly observed by all. CARDINAL'S OATH. "I. .cardinal of tho Holy Roman church, do promise and swear that, from this time to the end of my life, I will bo faithful and obedient unto He. I'eler, the holy apo tollo Unman church, and our most holy lord, the pope of Home, and his successors, canon- Ically and lawfully elected! thatl will give no advice, consent or assistance against the pontifical majesty and persons that I will never Knowingly ana advisedly, to their In- uryor dlsgriico, make public tho council entrusted to me by themselvos, or by me.- ur '"""'nil aiso inai i win give them any assistance In retaining, defending and recovering the ltuman papacy and the regalia of I'eter, with all my might and eudoavor, ao far a the right and privilege of my order will allow It, and will defeudjthum against all their honor and state, and I will direct and dofond, with due form and honor, the l'.r:lu,B,M - omer Denence committed to m kenulnai l ok caiun u ii ii ru-1 1 m fir i ri h a unuii tl Irt aa committed to mr keeulnsi and I will cordially co-operate with thein nd treat them with honor In their coming, abiding and returning, and that I will resist unto blood all person whatsoever who shall attempt anything against them, Thatl will, by every way aud by evory mean strive to preserve, augment and advance the right, honor, privilege, the authority of the Holy Roman bishop, our lord the pope and hi before mentioned uccessors, and that, at whatever time anything shall be decided to their prejudice, which is out of my power te hinder, a soon a I shall know that any top or measure have been taken In the matter, 1 will make It known to the same, our lord or his successors, or some other per son by whose means It may be brought to their knowledge. Thatl keep aud carry i it . i. t I H ' ft)iwl . i s- 4 tiif Mfc M.v ,( -. , . ,-1, i . , , . . S'ft t , ,ftt -, , -J , lx i !. ft . . i. 4, i t) H 1 i .i ..,, , ,q iw I .n "..,. Til l , .. i ! , 1 1 ti..,.iiV'"ti 1 M 1 1" ) ,-1 "I t. m I- ! i , I ,, Ifc v in i I t. .. , , Hi.,-..- it,.,! .; iw. ' U I -.1 " it I... 1 . -fl t r 1 j iit i t0 OfctH. ' - ' Ml i.f !. HI ''. mil., l,t .. it, a , ,i,,(M X' .l I lH I 'i I. I II,, A, Mr I I tlif ll.J ! I 'll . "Ktlttinif . . . I t . IBB,,, !!J. ,,, (ji.Jf, ',)) , tJ f Kttll: tmi M M lV nllj lli:l:( 111, 1 I IVl Inl n.l t. ,f llt tin if fx ., ., t i't liali.U l m.Ji ar ( !rn lniiii i ti !. tl,, I,,, , r li nw haiwM ti r. I l.e i ,.iil m, l,l. h Ihi jf linll tiittuat li.e l y ll,i!.,, U, Hi. ir i,i,w uf, i,.r , iti i. I mil i, Uo. Insly h-rl to any, t.i ilu-lr i '" !iill. i-, I ill help ii,i i,i t, tl f, i hi,,! k mi,,, ;,,1)R, .i,s, y Hlu the l.v.i 1 1 1,-- ,f M S i r Hk'nln-l all leen. 1 f I'nI uf the ktuHiiilii folnil ami iMhilntt. iU hiHioralily tn iil an,) lli'lplll Ills Hihi.IHi . The Ithu, iiitintx prtviu gi. and Kiithmliy of the llulv li.iinmi rtiuri'li ofoiir '.itnl, the iiih, mid his nfotv- nald suivivimim. I will 1'iiiivHVnr to pn-w rv,,, ilefeiiil, Iiicmum' and h Usii. e, 1 U , lH in any coiiuwl. netlou or treat r. In uhleh -hull be plotied Hgulin.1 our ald lonl and lloiiuin ehun h, anything to the hurt or tiru Juillee of their persons, rU'lits, honor, Mate or pewer. mid. If 1 shall know any hiicIi thing to tie treated or agitated by liny what wwver. I will hinder It to my utmost, and as soon as I can, I will signify It, to our said lord. The ordinance and inundates of the pope, I will observe with nil my might, and rauso to Do observed by others," --lereues, sciiisiuiuics ami rebels to our said lord or his suiTessors, 1 w ill to my ut. most persecute and oppose." 'lleretlcos, schlsniiitleoK et rebclles eldem Domino nostro vel sueeessorlbuH predict is pro posse pcrsequar et oppugnabo," "l will come to a council when I nni called. I will visit the threshold of the apostles every three years and give an account of our lord of all my pastoral olllce and of the things belonging to my diocese to thn dl clpllne of my clergy and people. 1 will In llko manner humbly receive and diligently execuiu tho apostolic commands If am detained by a lawful lniiedlmcut, 1 will per form tho aforesaid by a member o my chapter or u iii lest of my (lloecsc, fully In structed In nil things abovo mentioned The liossessioim neioiigliig to lny table, I wjl neither sell tmr other wise Hllemilo wltl'iisit fl,.,l I ,1 . I...1 ' i.. ..e ...... ,, " ' I oimiiniiiK ine liomau lum 1. So lu. , v.,,,, t.,, uiunv liwi, uosoi'IMlll liotl. (Signature), win. i.oine ivoiu i.hIi iuuuager PRIEST'S OATH. "I. , now In t uo presence i. vimignt.y uoa, tne messed virgin Wary, lh ilessed Allchael the Archangel, the blessed H.John tho Itupllst, the Holy Apostles Bt eter and St. null mid the Salnls and tho acred Host of Heaven, und to you, my lord, I do declare from my heart, without mental oservallon that tho pope Is Christ's vlcar- ;enerul und Is thu true and ony head of the ml venal church throughout the earth, und hat, by virtue of the keys of binding und nosing given to his holiness by Jesus Christ io has power to depose heretical kings, irliiccs, talcs, commonwealth and govern tenti, all belt,. Illegal without his sacred onllrniiilloii, und that they may safely be lestroyod. Therefore, to the uimost of my lower, 1 will defend this doctrine and hi ollli'.ess' rights and customs against all isurpers of thu Protestant binhoi It y what- oever, especially against the now pretended ulhorlty und chuch In England und all dheronts, lu regard that they be usurpul .ml horotlciil, opposing tho sacred mother, ho church of Home. "I do denounce and disown uny iiiicBiimei. is duo to any rrotestant king, prlnco or ..riM. , late or obedience to any of their Inferior IT'.cers. I do further declare the doctrine of he church of England, of thu t'alvltilsts, Huguenots and other rrotcNtuuts, to lie Jamuublo and those to be damned who will not forsake the sunii. "1 do further do iarotl,..n nui net p, assist id udvlse all or ny of his hoi linens' ugente i any placo wher .'ver I shall be, and to do y utmost to extl pine the rrotestant doc Ino and to do roy all their pretended ower, regal oroth rwlsn, I do further prom. ,e and declare til it, notwithstanding I may e permitted by d.Apc nsntlon to assumo any crotlcal religion (I'roUwUuitdenomluatloiis) ir the propagatlo l of the mother church' iterest, to keep ;cret and private all her penis' counsels as they entrust mo, and not ) divulge, directly or Indirectly, by word, rltlng or clrcuin luu'es whatsoever, but to x ecu to all which shall ho proposed, given t charge or discovered unto mo by you, my tost reverend lord and bishop, "All of which I, , do swear by tho leased Trinity and blessed Haerameiit lilch I am about to receive, to perform on iy part to keep ltwlolahly, and do call on II tho Heavenly and Ulorlotis Host of leaven to witness my real Intentions to keep ils my oath. 'In testimony wh reof.I take this most holy nd blessed Kitcrmn 'lit of the Eucharist, and ,'ltness the aiimo further with my nume rated hand, In the presence of my holy Ishopuiid all the ptlesls who assist hint lu ,y ordluutlou to t io priesthood." EXTREME OATH OF THE JESUIT8. 1 ""w In tho presence of Almighty Clod, the blessed Virgin Mary, the Dlessed Michael tho urehimel. Ilm 1.1. I Xt John tho liapfiHt, the holy apostles Hi. I'eter and HU I'aul and the saint and sacred host of heaven, and to you my ghostly father, the sunerlor irenmal f n,n a,v.ii v ,,f .f. founded be Baint litnatna. l.oiobi in n,n pontlflcatlon of I'aul tho Third, and con- tinued to tho Present, do. bv tho womb of the virgin, the matrix of Ood, and tho rod of Jesu Christ, decluro and swear, that hi hollnes. tho pope, 1 Christ's vice-gerent, and I the true and only bead of the Catho- lie or universal church throughout the earth and that by virtue of the key of uiiiuniK mm loosing Riven vo nil uoiinns irzzz tiinn nnll Vim. nnrl iinmnnle sail tmlHM I . ... u .. .. i t il . ;:.T-.rh..r u.,nim, o..u Hint ! tin .l,,lu,l.H Tl, I -ioiu, iv the utmost of my power, 1 will defend thl doctrine and hi holiness' right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Trotostant authority whateoover, especially the Lutheran church of Germany, Holland. Denmark, Sweden and Norway, and the now pretended authorities and churches of Eng land and HcotRind. and branches of tho samo now established In Ireland, and on the continent of America and elsewhere, and all adherents In regard that they be usurped and hertlcal, opposing the sacred mother church of Rome, I do now renounce and disown any alleg iance as due to any heretical king, prince or state, named Protestant or Liberals or i . s . i -ti I!.,. ,,- . .. , ii .,. .. !-.i. ii .i ,. it ., ' - I II, v . 1,1 I Atf fci tii r, r,i.lF l,r .. I "tliH. A,, tn l, 1 (! ,rt, k.u ,. ,. .- I.. .:... ,! la i,t ', ,.ni i iM tie e l. lt..;Ut.4, IVnw.ata N:mi I ! l t l iit .t M.i r ll Hi I , t 11. f :H,,I... , . ,, (.. e,, ,i. , ,. ri.l at r ili..,l .i tla ,nl i,a I, tin , v . n I 't-f'nl H sliien . . .1. , i attlliilt .nsvi, x.t hfil it nth, t ) I rtio!. f ,ii. 1f ami iWtsm W N a)m,iK.1,i. nm, ,1 m-4 1(li In iii.mii. fiy Tr!,-t.4i t.t;.'t f, h hi,Kati,4l uf Iho n-oilM-t il,f I i lni.n.l. 1,1 fci p ""I ml 'nti !l hrt ;vi,i' i-,.n, tla frtHn lltiir Mil,., It,, f i ,i!,. i,, an, ml l. itmiU'e, it iv, tly , i,.1im-l. If "titMl, tiliiit or rtniiHiiui tiiir'r. iml torus i,i. alt ii.i thU l in,-..,t. ftvt n t itis?. ir 1'iii'm iini.i i,i.. . ya my b.iiy father, or any of this en-4 imTnt I dn further ,i.n,lw anil )ivUnlhl I nlll navfi no oiiiiiinn tir mil of i,.y mi or any menial rew rvatlon mhstanrier, rven a enrpm or(Htat-ir iK.rlii,l , chiIuvim, but will unlii'sttstlnely otn y ineh and ivir rnninisnd that t may m-i-tvi- from my aupcr- lora In lh militia of lh pope and of Jean l-hrt.t That I IU gn io any part of the world whithersoever I may bo sent, le the fmnn regions of the nort Ii. t lie burning shihU of thu dewrt of Africa, or ihn plngles of India, Io the centers of rlvlllrallon of Kurom, or Io tl.ewlld hnuntsof the barbarous savages of America, without murmuring or repining. and will ! submissive In all things whatso ever, communicated to me. I do furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly or (is'nly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberal a I am directed to do, to extirpate them from the faceof tho whole earth, und that I will spare neither age, sex or condition, and that 1 will hang, burn, waste, boll, Hay, strangle and bury alive theso Infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs mid wombs of their women and crush their infiiiils' head against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race. That when tho samo cannot be done openly, I will secretly use tho puis. onouscup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the polmird, or tho leaden bullet, regard less of the honor, rank, dignity or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition In life, either public or prlv- ate, as I at any time may bo directed io to do by any agent of tho pope or superior of the brotherhood of tho holy father, of the society of Jesus. In confirmation of which I hereby dedicate my life, my soul and allcoporeal powers, and with this dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my name, written In my blood, In testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken In my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of tho militia of tho pope cut. oir my hands and my feet.and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the punish ment tlmtcun be Inflicted upon me on earth and my soul bo tortured by demons In an eternal hell forever. All of which I do wcar by tho blessed trinity, und blessed sacrament which I am now to receive, to perform, and f on my part to keep inviolably; und do call all the heavenly and glorious bout of huavnav to witness theso my real Intention to koop this, my oath, , ' In testimony hereof, I take thl most holy and blessed sacrament of the eucharlst, and wKVioss the sumo further, with my name written with the point of this dagger, dipped In my own blond, and seal In the face of thl holy convent Ho reoelvos tho wafor from the gtlliorlor Htul wrlk'S his niurin with P0'"1 ' 1118 d'Wk'er, dlnpod in hlu own olotxl, takou from over tho hourt. Oath of the Clan-iia-Oael. Tho following la the oath taken by the momliori of that famous- Iloinlsh Cut hollo society; I (name In full) do solemnly swear In the presence of Almltflily Clod, that I will labor while life I left In me to establish and do- fond a republican form of government In Ireland; that I will keep secret the name and everything- connected with the Irish brotherhood from all not entitled to know such secretsi that I will obey and comply with the constitution and law of the same, whatever they may bo that 1 will preserve tho fund of tills order for thu cause of Irish revolution alone as specllled In the constitu tion! that I will deem It my special duty and mission to promote and foster sentiment of union, brotherly love, nationality, among all Irish Catholic) that I will not permit tho nomination In any political caucu or con ventlon of a person not, pledged to the prln. clpleof tills socletyi I will always Klvo i member of this brotherhood preference In all matter tif business, and will vote ad work only for Irishmen for political olllce, 1 take litis obligation without any mental leservatlou, holding thu same forever bind ing upon me, and that any violation thereof or destitution of my duty to the brother hood Is Infamous, and merit the severest punishment, so help mo Hod This oath tho candidate Is abjured to keep at the hazard of hi llfo. It was nrlntod in thn Chlcum ,, ' .... ,,. f(, , " " V , ,V MiS Wn t0 ,)u COI'feCt at tllO Cl'OIlIn rlal- 11 waB reported by said paper Deccinlwr 10, IHD.'I. Priests and bishotis act as ehnnliilna fon tl,lu t.l t i ' ' I '"' The IVlllan's Oath. "1 swear b ..I . ,i.. i . and earth, by tlio holy prayer-book of my holy churcli. hv t.i niotherof Ood. bv hurmrpn. cross, by her tear and walllngs, by the holy apostles Ht. I'eter and Paul, bv , t.,i,.... apostle of lreland-81. I'atrlck-by the niussoa and boiv church nf all K. n... . - ---- ---, .orhrrhe inZenrrof i . ... ... ... w :,",,r,'. ,, unt" 1 u the rouKoruor ino Hassenach (I'roUistanW for ii.. . . ' "'vniiiB inr ma Hiurious cause or Hat nn ll, (I ..I.. until not a single vestige, track nr f,w,i-... Is left to tell that the holy soil of Ireland was over trodden by tho Sassonach tyrants and murdorersj and, morover, when the Protestant roblier and brutes In IpnlunH shall bo murdered and driven luto the sea like the swine our Lord Jesus ChrUt. e,.,.i to bo drowned, then we shall embark for, and take England, and root out every ves tige of the accursed blood of the heretic adulterer, Henry VIII.. and ru..... selves of tho bests who have so long kept our Island of saints-Old Ireland-!., ih., chains of bondage.drlven us from her shores, exiles Into forelgiriaudTl"wTll""waUo lu'tlie bloodof Orangemen and heretic (Protest- 4,f A, f I ) v I v I ' .i.. . .i, ,4 mi i I. I..i !. k.!t I' v ! ! t r II ' i. 1 i 1. 1 i.i , I, , .m, .) ,... h - I ;s - It. i -l. In.. 1 i.i , f - I . , ti : a t.4 i i, t, ...,' i mil, t . mi tM ". I t-r- . t.Hi, tlilS nlh i l'till. ftH I,,,-, .! ttpai!fV it,. HUM hl.n,U It . Jl I IVe lieanr, TanliT IUlim 11, .f ll.efii! t.i t.v (t intil luitiH f a'loi:, l!l , a las tl linvati iie.l with ii, lh Kn'tiiw lie -1i l,.-. t lliull v:it I atlii;i, inn on S iii.l)-ei-tlit, Maei It H, It. Hiisii t'atluitli nal fure i ami alunn' lUplnln ami I'tMivaianls l tlu'l" liiett iiin trtil wltliinit N'lrn; l-iihjin Ul Ik Mob i lull nn or hstli'if Ilu-lr 1 1 vt thtvat mkhI, lint h li Uotiie Isejiv,!.,.,), bul i slin al lo i"Xav a luoh Hi la raiiMl against tb rn nUi r end his lite en ilttj;ftx-d, 1 Ills Is lliii K.ftsinl iilH ily now tmjiiviHl In lh t'tilloil Maloe .Mttenoa. a mi j untti atn muttc ho nay tlntt is mi ilanj-or Io tmr liber- tie fiintt llio (m'fia htinnils til Kottmti Ism. Our llhvrtii-e Iikvo nlroKily Ish-ii subverted; tho llU'i'ty uf shwU In not now allowoil in all jiiHi'i'n ihi'ii in iho etato of Miswnirl. And yt, jimiiii. k!ih i on In their ImlilToivnco, eoclne; no diuigiT. inrt r A nir rtVun, NkwsdkaM'Iks can obtain Tun Amkhican from any wholosulo news (Icalor. otir ciiHtonior will want it l'ut It on j our counter. In order to prevent a reimtion of tho recent disgraceful elTorts to abridge the right of free speech, The Amkri CAN htm undertaken to ralBo a fund with which to prosecute all perBons hereafter guilty of such an attempt. It matters not how Kmall tho um, every American who prizes that boon should help swell tho fund. Wo do not ask any one to go into thin, but will receipt for any amount sent in for the fund Wo have received contributions from Oregon, Arkansas, Iowa, NebraHka and Ajher points. The money BoraUed will dm usoa to prosecute all violations of tl law guaranteeing free speech. Our r reposition Is contained In this blank which contributors Blgn: M a a P m o o S3 Cs m O S3 V2 fl 09 a o a c p 1 & of a & a "I 01 a, (3 o o d B to 43 T3 0) at 4) a o SI - bo 9 (-1 Pm h Hi O 2 CmO .a in 4) CO o 2 z a "c g od O " Q O a 4 '2 u u a 4) 5 : a S - OS ri w 03 aT.2 93 rr4 M a Si 2 Ai many of our friends as desire to become contributing member of the League can till out and send to our ad- dross the above form, Those who only desire to boeomo honorary mombori can do so by sending In fifty cents and applying for acertiflcato of member ship. Let us see what can bo done on this line. Newsdkalkrs can obtain The American from any wholesalo news dealer. Your customers will- want It. Put it on your counter. Father Walter, a venerable prlont of tho Itoman Catholic church, who has inlnlMtored In Washington for forty years and was the spiritual confessor of Mrs. Surratt, died lust week, and It Is thought that there was burled with hint a secret of great Importance. On tho day before tho execution of Mrs. Surratt tho good father mado repeated attempts to obtain an Interview with President Johnson and Hecrotary of War Stanton, but as the priest had called at tho white house and war de partment so many times to plead for mercy, tho president and secretary both denied him admission, supposing that he desired to renew his pleading, A day or two after the exocutlon Secre tary oiunion sent wora that he was now ready to receive Information from Father Walter, but tho latter replied that It was too lato, and nevor went to the white house or war department again. He has boe frequently ap proached upon the subject, but strenu ously declined to reveal his secret upon the grounds that 1U disclosures could benefit no one. A friond writes us from Morris, 111 , that at tho oloction there last woek "wo buriod tho kUoru of tho podo'b biff toooutofBltrht." And bo It eocs from tho Atlantic to the 1'ucIQc. High Five or Euchre Parties should send at onoo to John Sebastian T. A., C. U. I. St V. II. R, Chlcajro. TEN CENTS, in stamps, per pack for tho slickest cards you ever shuttled. For 11.00 you will receive free by ex press ten pack. afcl BOOK DEPARTMENT. a ii iFiiaii tiftta ai ,iii.., Standard Anti-Roman Catholic Books W'huU fvrry rri'ttf Anirrirmi thml tt In rJtr l kffp ItlKltflf .lri upon Ili nUittiile tht ('aputv: Hit, ChiniQuj's Bocks: nttv iiti ii tttii im iii ii i.i i i ,.. 'Mtllt iiMI tMllltl Ml SI4 - I it, ,i Fulton'. BccKj: WMV I 1 allot i ViHtl'i-t . i. 1 1- Hi f i HM(tiil" IN TIIK kf ir lidVk - I'll. It t T, M, Karris Books: Af. KXh'S tK I IMtnLM '- n-iih Miiimh ii, fkN ill. Mr, and Mrs. Slatterys -Works: IVNVI NT I.II K lAPlinl'.li"-Paper 1 1 .'em. "Hi lit is up itiiMisn ntHsT I'UM-11"- I'tleii. lucent. AMERICAN PUBLISHING COH KIM otvnril iSfrc of, OMAHA, NEB. Dald, Dnld Heads, Bald Heads Cured, Dald Heads Cured Sure, Bald Heads of Any Kind, TONKENITE docs the busi ness, 2-ccnt stamp nets full particulars. Bottles $1. 6 for $3. AMES At CO.. Edison Park. III. IWMnntlon Chicago Annrlcan, The Bible Cabala HT N. A. LIBT. Now RcfliscoTcrcfl, PRICE. 12.90, OONTAIN3 and EXPLAINS! rh Snoret of all Bunroti, Th Truth of ill Truth loieno of all Noltinnm. krt Primrv.ti 11 of 'he Truth of all Truth. Art Pr(wrvtlvii of all ;tliln oi' all lithliia, Anolunt Arln, Lout (or Anolent Artii, Loo1 ver 6,01)1) !i n. itnigion oi an uuilg-lotil, Tnlilo of C'oritonf at rt,AT I, TITI.S I'AIIS. I'i.ath it. iNTnoiimiTiim. Tim Honn of tin) Vlnnyaril (ImhIhIi, Ch. V vh. 1-7) mill Hm "ChIhiIil.1' In vi. in Inn and It (im lvat iiiiiN, Tht living Irutkt tki llibli nd h,nu u f tad (Hum, 'rim Harmony of Nature, Hclimco, Kilili'a uuu KhIIkIiih, I'l.ATU III. Hiinir of Mm iti'viilui Inn il'rrivnrliB VIII. v. 2(i-;iii) ami iih Iiuihhm "( iiliiUa" i.Iio unit- oriKinur I tin Law of tun Unlvurau, I'l.ATS IV. Till! 11(1 VlinllllI.u nf III., "IIiiIiiiIil II. nn lock Uiu MiVHlorlou NtriiiiKliiild of IntelllK- imitlilliiK tiM to iimkn a iiriicllciil "luivisiun ' or tlm It i c, How tut U,liH our. ttlvtt it prturvl. iuit ai il kati bun Juki it tormn froHtt informs agu, Tim lllliln tlm "I'at.i-nt umcD-or ncuiiirn, Kllilc. Id. u on. thu In vuntlon uf tlm Patriarchal An, I'l.ATr. v Tim Runliin nf Kuvin, i luulul. Ch Yl Yi il,n Plan of I lie Arclilli'cl fur tlm lliillillnif nf mi! urcat, ryraiiiiu ilium rated liy Dla. Itrain, tlm liiiMNiiifi.. and cliamlicra nf llm minit. hliowii; liuw dliiiKimlmm con form to t lm "oaoain." niciinliiK of KKynt,. A hint why o iiiiiii i vriiiniiiK with Ii ll III,. 1 1, II w'liv rem of t,h 'J'hrim Umat Law of tlm Cut vitmo, liuw to liwiril iii"IJuIiiiIil" mill mulia It uiltiri'MtliiK and InNtructivn. Thn "Caliala" in u ut Iii! known to umlcraland thn llllilu In an it AiuauiiiK, Hcicucn, Mlilc. and lti'llloii I'l.jlT VI. Tli6 Kiinff of .loaliiiu. aftur Un fiiri,ni1nl the Hun and Moon ui "atancl still." Th tlm thcriiof and It nicanliiii, Certain oarl of J an I ma, "Knoch anil "jiiNliiir" to dcMirmlna tlinlr rolatlve ago, aud tlmlr ruiiiit'u uriKin. FLATS VII. Tllfl nmcaaa f.f n,l anil mJaillmr lill.U lilliiraium. In Nation HullUlnif. from the urnai, monm tn uiilvnran. Tlm Jnw did not writ thn Hlliln. and why, Tlm (IUihtbIoii of the Aulliuii of f lit' Hlbln, and t .improbable litllll. Krifl kVllU lff llata.1 la. I I.... U..I If u a. -- in'ni'i.Hi nilH 1WI Hum an lam, who and how dulinud, and whan and wnoro, PI.ATS VIII, Til" Armtractdf tllll "(laliulu" al.nuin In thn "1'aalma," Trovnrh," "Jul)," 'lalah," "IOl'l'l.llllli" ttnrl "H,.I, J ,.k L'...... of thn "Cahala" and tFrnlr mi.aiilim, Tkt HiHt farngrafkl" mr, "imluila" liivumm, "thB Cahala" rnvnal thn hlililcn triilh nf which It In tlm ayinhol," F, mini uiu nf t in. "(.'Hhui." Klvlnic vnraca I loll, Nalali.Ch, XVli aUoth nunilMir and II una ahowliiK "Cabula.'1 , , . ri.ATS ii. Aut.linr and lilai.nrv. Tha 1'uif.i It FltlSL th innaiilnK thun-nf. I'lmltlvn nvldimca that th Ullilii wua wrlltun In llrltaln. 'J'hn Tun tilna, at "Aliurv and Hi,inln.i. " I,, ill, ... dumnimtratn thn IIvIiik law of tlm CM. vi.rxn!" t.h lliiavon. and thn Conatitlliitlnri tlinrnof, exhlbltiid on llm i.lnl.ia ai. mi Imiiltn, In calllrm your klndlv alti-ntlnri tn llm CmiNinia nf llm "illhln Cahala" a Cnn- atrucU'rt hy th Hard of llrltaln, permit inn Hi)! iilmiNUri! to any i ;jin in no wiao ciifillict with thn H'trd r irtt "C'rtrtl" cnliHl riii.ti.fl l,v i,n,l uu ulu..n In thn "Wlailnm nf holdiimn C' tlila "key" of Holiimiin ai'i'ina to inl vi, hi.n muilii for H, liuriiciai- nf iin-aiTvlnij an OrJrr 0 ikt fruoki 4 tkillibli. Thu "Cahala" nf rliilnmnn, I auu- inmi i inn anala ' an nrinii rnfuwd Ut in Hlcr .InwUli and nthi-r 111 lifllllll..! .low., lit till! tirimi'iit film-: Il of llai'lf i.r..aiiii,i,. f l,a culNli.ticnof a "Cahala" then i'InIiik Iii llm l.lliiratiirn, and Ha conatriicLinn in,.iifiv in. tlmiiti.a that thn kiniwIiKlgii of llm form nf llm iikivIoiih or oldi-at, "Cahiila" had hewn tiinn loat," u that, lln. t ivo "t,'almla," Tho riKurn Cahala." and thn "Word or Viiran Cahala", aaalat iiacli ot her, t hi firtt aliowlnir thctHcl i'."'.'!"1''. ml It'-l'Klo" of the Hook, nf inn mom! inn aecniiii aliowliiK an order and arrantfeiiK-nt of Ikt llniika. In thn llltiln. Hend inline, to TlIK Ahmhicin. lint HoaupH aireew inr iii(acriill(jn, Wltlioul money. Nnilf Roarflf AnnrlranChart, Vol.1, Photo iiwn iiwuuj i.iin., .,kii AtorriN'co, fcUo. Invaliiahle In tlio.e who diwlra to h.u.i,i.. iu. qimlnleii with thn Hcimica and Invention ,of v,.n i'-iiu, a a.iuwn 1111 inn iiirun, feUHHaWV' SYPHILIS! rrlnmrr. flfirono Trtlrr IMrmannntlr mrwl In IH to lid day, wa auiiilnala all nolain from thn tfin, a thai thrra nan m,ar ha a n-ium 01 uimaa m ally r,nil. I'arllra nan ha rmatd at hnma a. wnK aa hara. (for tli aam. prln. anil iln.tArthaaamaruaranUH,,) but wtlh w no ,r,..ur j nra, vil.l all! nontrai-t to cilra thmn or n.fnn.1 WmW a,, moiirjrana pa enilra in of oonilnir, rallruaU fan aud huml bllla. Our Magic Remedj Nnr fVillnl to riira lh mnat ol ft ami miw. aIm.i. nata raw... WarhallnM m..rA f,.r ifu. varan notcum, Mincath hlalorr of nintl. lnv a truniiwin,. f..r s phllli, hulmn M,rht fur Iml narnr f.uiiiil iinill our Hairlv l'jiliiii Wa uiHt Ihn uioal unarm, rr rvm anil eh.illrny ih, awMoranwavraannf r. Thu dlwawi uaa alwar. hmtl th tkiH "tBUd nf 1.1 fna Noa eminent vKvuiHanm. 900,000 CAPITAL Knhlwt our iliirnmlllliinal auarant, i.,ll ,n,r arul asaini uu ai uli oaUun. AildiwM, iHt u ururnv tn. Basai OI IttaU !,, OUHf'in. Edith (TGofniiifs Wcfk'i: vi r i ii t; 1 1, .ii, ii ?i Rit. J. G. Whites WoU: ut 1 1 win- nvutv is 1 1 9 ' lum imm trii ir- I'rtee la fte ISi i at e. li a at ITU K'Vtllill I l'll..llfMlMIMk I Al la I 1 1I. Iu I I aeaala, Thomas E, Ityden's Works:1 "HIVUTINTH1 t TbiNilTJJMUITt - ,1i',M'tiia ""'I II 'IM ItV'-fsl.-Bt "MARIA MONK"- Price. SO real. UPPL1MINT TO THI AMIffl CAN l n r Inm.lMMli imi er Ihoueaati leileciiliy.lceiila. BEST LINE TO DENVER AND CALIFORNIA FOR INDIAN TERRITORY, THE CHEROKEE STRIP, OKLAHOMA, FT.SMITH, LITTLE ROCK and HOTSPRINGS, ARK Ticket Office. I. E. Corner l.llh and Fsmiii Ita for KflHSflS CITY, QT t flHIQ AND AU Uli UUUIU P0INT9 SOUTH and SOUTHEAST. Tlfkot Olflffi. II. E. fiifnff I'fljMind Farnin It. Fremont ElKhorn & Missouri Vaiiiy 1TOHTII OOXTTII FREMONT, NAgTINOd, Wahoo, Lincoln, Sewaiid, Supbrior, David City, York, Aldion, Norfolk. kirn At.u Northern Nebraska, Black Hills AND CENTHALj WYOMING. ONLY DINKOT UHt TO Sioux City, Minneapolis and St. Paul, Ticket Onica 1401 Karnain lrmt and WabU HtrePt L'nlon Htatton. H. O. atUKTt il. n. UCHANAM Uen'l Miiriiier. Unn'l I'amAfl, Chicago Short Lino --r ma CIIIOAQO Milwaukeo & St. Paul R'y Tho Best Route ran CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST. SOLID VESTIIiULED ELECTRIC LIGHTED qndSTUgHEATED Train. Oally-conalatln of th lUat Paf.AOl Hlwiilnif Carai Kl.muaT, Kmk l lmlr (!ara, l.rxi Hint;. Cimi lni., and thn Kino Dining Car In thn world. Kor ThrmiKh 'rickfU, call on Ilia tlnkal aitcnt at I.V'l r'arnam atrvnt and at L'uloa I'arllli' di'iiot. Ery attuntlon paid to pai!nrr bf Couruiou. cmpluyea of till cumpany. F. A. NASH, Unn'l A('t. Omaha. Nab. $12,00 to $35.00 A WEEK CAN RU MA l)K WOKKINU KUK If), rartlc iiroforrml who can fur n lull a liornn and trarnl throuifh tiiecuuntryi a toam, tliouxh, In nut nuiHiaanry, A fw vacaniMn In town, and f Itltm. Mini ami n. niin nf kinkI rharactor will and till, an ei rcptloiml opportunity for protltalilvnuuiloy fiiont. fparn hour. nniT Im uaod to good advantiitfn. II I". JollMON A VV lltli and Main Btroila, Hlclimond, Va. rri0ENlS 110 day al horn J I-ihiii i.miitiiiii ri.n.a 04 plsilii. J-w.liy, ait' liM, rM-ar, HiA.rl.1. l fiaia HUM! Jwl, f-Hl ai a-, t4 ,.n all klii4i,.f niftl wlih iwi.1, lli-rurnlkl. No lwrli.. Antnnaftii pt.ialha flrililfnrv. thmU a r1!"1. al rf hnaw. (iH.fltl namt-l-w. !llr al iIim, H fii!d W hoi. I le nr-nia & Illtw flii. atMMl illr. rtrpulafi fr-a. Hi Fi OelnoA Co. Dept. No. 0. Columbwa. O IMnpD to - fttrr 7riJ EAST, IC 3 ri fflSPt i