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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1894)
THE AMERICAN, a Lobcck-Linn Hardware Co., VI!tt I sAl AMI lilTAU." "T.? .Fj AN "AMERICAN" EMPLOYE ASSAULTED IN CHICAGO; "IiiNulllnn thfl IrUh." 'Ufa, of New York, mke tbo follow ing bumoroui comment on mmt Oc- eurroi!Ca: "Inn't It botit time that (top wu nut to ttu'M 'cnmi una unpatriotic in ulti' to mir Irtnh fellow citizen? They fcre modext and unaumlntr, the mft!) prmiair of innir ooninmiuon Toniid criminal ciamse wen Known, their wllllnpnM to nerve their country In imbllo ofllon Jim bwn frequently tfemonMtrftM and tliat any nubile ofllner nhoultl Und In the way of their flying the (wn flair over every public buildW In the Unlu-d Blaie, not only m Ht. ratrlfk'a Dy, but on every day In the year, a 'cruel' Inmilt unparal leled In the hUtory of the whole human eolve how a man of Mayor Hchleren'i Intelllffeno could inflict aucn an 'im patriotic' Inmilt on our Irloh fellow oltlena to Imply that the Hlnr Hlianjrlcd llannnr ought to be a good omniirh (lair for every American cltl ren. We think our Irlah frlondtj do (julte rtuht In threatening the tre aiinttiotia ' ofllmiholder with a gotd old J rlh boycott. Jf the people of Jlrook lyn ever confer another honor on tbla audachm American, they dorve to have every trlnhinan leave llrooklyn and come over to New York, where Irlnh have at l'itt ftoino rlybl that Americana arc bound o reflect." ,JSfb"fn TopU'i xayi. -4 "I never could utiilritnd why Mr. Uffwlit refiMl U r-cegnle the Irian lltiir when bo w mayor. 1 here l an nation right iutm In .Nw ork. fe are If nbl'tct, u Ihw to our 'ruler, Take down the American flag. The Ir Mi havetioime for that except wtien they have tried to blow up orn. thing In r:iiglijnd. Hang out the green llK, "II If ""T V"'" HUl ! fiver every other tmblle and every orlvatit building In New York, and on ', Ht. I'atriek' l)ay make every citizen .not of undlnjmied Irlnh birth take off ' hi hat and do homage to it. KorvanU, boy your mauler, " Jt J, till, Milliner, J5H Douglaa. total Hem. The Patriotic Daugbtera of America will give New Kngland aupper and high-five party at Myrtle Annex hall, Continental block, Friday evening, May 4. Ticket! 25 centa. All friend Invited and a j.leanant evening prom laed. Council No, 110 A. I. A. will give literary entertainment and dance at Idlewlld ball, corner Twenty-fourth and Grant atreeta, Friday evening next, May 4th, WH. Ticket 25 centa. All friend Invited. At Lincoln, Neb,, Friday evening May 11, in the State University Chapel, tboatudentaof Cotncr Unlveralty and the Ktale Unlvcralty will have a debate on the following: ''Reaohod, that the principle and jKillclca of the A. V, A, are un-American and Inexpedient, Tbaatudenta from Coiner Unlveraity taking the afllrmatlve and thoe from the Htate University, the negative. An Intereatlfig debate i fitlciatod. Ilow'a TliUt W offer ii fhinrtrnd lollr Itwiirl I for any i'uui of ( diiirrli that cannot uo cirl lijr V. A. t IIKNK.V kCO.. Prop,, T'.lwlo, . W Dm liiillnratlMiri. IlKVIl kflOfl V, I, flien fur lh Init l JO'r, "(! lmllvi blin imrfcetlir hoiiurntil" In oil tiiilniMi lrttniw.- llixm Mini BriHiirldllV lil" K carry (Mt any i.lillKttUoii iiowla ty tlit-lr firm., Vi -ml aii'l Truan, Wholialn VrmtitMo, To- IVHlillnif. Klnnun It Marvin, Wholesale f I'mvaut. Tiili-ilo. o. Ilttll iaiiirrli :ur I tahen Interna J00 Km SHOESI Cual nedaci Sfcckl lYcsl Ujit Sell. ny aurfaec of Om rn. I'rli', V:, U"f trt,I.H, I ful liniinmn irnn, 'llim rtlri'i-llv tilK'ii tli" I'l'w'l "'! iirraf' or tlta M liy all (IriiKKl)' Not Wanti-d In the IVnlteiiliary, The Chicago Inter (jcean of April 10 ay: A correspondent at Fort Madlaon, Iowa, write the Inter (;ean that N, N, June, warden of theatato ixnlten- tiary at that place rofuaca to apjxilnt Dr. K. L. Trevltt aurireon to the peril- tentliiry, algnlng a the only reaaon for hi actlofi that the doctor I a mem ber of the A. P. A. It aeern that Ir, Trevltt doi not deny the char ge, but rather glorlc In the met that Hi true, Tbo doctor' friend, however, are up Inarm bocauao they aay that ft mem-lxs-hipin that or In any other organ ization I no good excuae for refualng to rnnko mich an apiadntrnont, and that Mr, June will hear from thorn In fu ture, ' Well after all, taklngeverything Into eorwiileratlon, any men bor of tho A, I, A. would aeern rather out of place In a penitentiary. The Itomanlicvldently want to maintain a mmojaily kith on tho official a and Inmate. (F.OJTOR. , "- Korne ha ao wmnrfl the American. pwiple with the about of "bigotry" that they have allowed ber to fill the office with thug and thieve, loot the public treasury, attack the m iiooln, auUldizo tbo preaa, lotizzle the preacher and run everything, from tho white houne to the penitentiary, to ault the pofic. Journal, April 13, 1894. J, J, IJIIm, Milliner, 1514 Douglai. I'rlcatlr llrutalltr In I'elltlc. During tho election on Tueaday in the Boventcenth ward, ft voter came to vote about 5 o'clock p. m, Fr, BcbafTer of Ht. Nlchola parlab, hailed him and ak d him If he bad voted. He replied "No," "Well, I told you how to vote lat Hunday." "Hut 1 cannot vote the ticket tralght," Whereupon the nrloat alapped him In the face, and ald, ' Oo vote ft I told you," The jtoor Irlah alave went at once and votnd. and a be returned tho father (?)aked blm, "Did you vote ft told you?" "Yea, yer rlverence." Tte prleat made the algn of ft cro and placing hi hand upon bl head blenacd the unfortunate alave, aaylfif "(Jo home now," Tho above 1 well authenticated by cornoetont wltnoae.Bt. In.l True American. , r , , The U.ITec Habit UdlfBcultte throw off, fpncllly If nW epicurean lat pal to the ui of the all IlorHcn KaKla flrarxl (UmilttiiMrt Milk In thla popular tvaraaa, Ilaaupcrlorlty U cream I ae'rnltted. Bleb flavor and uniform con latency. Fat I)ybttirdc!IciouCrcarn Candle, fAn iJrMiglaa Bt, J, J. Ullaa, Mlllintr, 1514 I)ugla, Edward Daumley, for livery, 17th and Bt, Maryi Ave Builders' Hardware, Culloru AND TOOL9 m-ffffY uq OrVCff FOR LtyOK."!WK-,, 1404'DourIm St, Telephones 279. OMAHA NEB. is ty1 DUY YOUR TRUNKO WHtni THIT ARI MADI AND PATROriIZE mi INDUSTRY. I C. H.FORBY, MANiTACTunr.n or TRUNKS AND TRAVELING BAGS. REPAIRING! DONE. 14(16 Douglas Street. OMAHA, Neb. SHOES m BOOTS of all Kinds for the Next 30 Days, GREAT REDCTION. LADIES 8IIOEB worth M.OO will go' at W.75 MEN'S SHOES " liimt OoodM In the market. 4.00 8. IK) 2.50 e.oo S.IKI 8.W 2.S0 H.(D) 2.M) 1.7S 4.N) 8.711 2.05 2.00 Children's and Boys' Shoes at same Reduction for CASH, for 80 Days O. LANG. 718 South 16th St. CO WITHOUT PROFIT! Corn In and 8 Our Man's Shoe, f 1,00, tl.26 to S2.60, Woman's Shoes from f 1.00, SI, 60 to 2,00. Mistas' Spring Haclt, Sl.00 to SI. 60, Child's Shoaa, 60c, 70c, 86c, VVM. N. WHITNEY, OMIto I', O, 103 8, 13th St. haiiK of Time. On ftnd akr Hunday, April Z'.ilh, tha MIourl 1'iMilfiO train for Kanaa City, Ht, joul, )U! wlij leave deriot atl.ltband WoU)r atreol at ;00a. m, and U;.'W (, m. Train will arrive at fi;00 a. m. end fiJfi v, m. Nebrak Iwal leave dally, except Hunday, at 6:10 j, m, J rrl ve 9:20 ft, m. J, O, I'M IlXff'I'I, A, (i, F. k l' A. . THOMA V, (i(H)VHKY, I'. & T. A. : J, 3, 1111, Milliner, 1614 Douglaa, Co to 2223 Leavenworth for eatlmfttef on carsnter work, t( JILLKNIIKCK , Sneclal Maater Commiaaloner's Sale. Under and hy virtue of an order of al on d:rtof forwlmura of uiortKaaa laaued out of tha dlatrUa court for IhhikIhh county, Nnhraaka, and to nie directed, I will, onth VIA an of May, lm, at i O'cioea p. in of Hlif day, at tha north front tor of tha county court houae. In the city of Omaha. iMiuKla county. Nehraaka, anil at puhlle auction, to III niKnv uiiuinr mr ciwn, inn (iroparty dnwrilaid In ld order of ale a follow, to-wltt ...... IaiI thirteen '!3 and fourteen (H) In block 0 1 ii ii In tha vlllagaof fiMiiilnjftou, Llouxla county. Nwhraaka, Halif proiarty tohoM toaatUfy H&mpUm buiiilwr Coroiany, olalntiff hrln, In tha Kiiniof two hundred thirty-four and 00-100 dollar itZMM) JudKinftnt with lnterat thoraon at rat of trn (7) por cent p t annum from K"'hruary,h, lM, To aatlkfy Chrlatlan Htelnart, defendant baroln, tha um of tji-iiavo and 4-l' dollar Wfl.M) Judgment with lnH!rat there on at ria of vn '7i per csnt V" annum from Keliroary th, law. To atlnfy llanry Hlmonaen, defendant bnriln,in the mum of thlfty-thraa and 71-l'W dollar .a,7Il Judament with liiterevt thnreon at th rate of aeven (7) per cent per unnuin from K!lruaryir, la9. To aatlafy Mary ft, llopkln, defendant heraln, In the humi of elvfn hiindri-d and ttirxa and dollar- II(M.; judiiiiit will, (ntrftt thereon at ral of elkht Wiper cent per annum from gehruarv tH. To atUfy the A erlen Nolonal Hank, defendant herein, In tha niiiii of to hundred wntr-four and a.f dollar WM.Mi with lno-ret thereon at tha rata of ten tV) per cent per annum from r)e;temler2l, i. To aatlkfy tha mini nt nlKhty-elaht and flnlUm ilttH Ato cunt herein lowelher wllh twrrulna col aM:orillnu Ui a JudKmu'it rendered t,jr tna dim net court or iio imhik liucoiinty, at Ita Fehrunry term, A If, Utttii, in a certain twitton then and there tfendlrui, wherein Hamilton l.umlier tionioaiiy wa plaintiff, and Kelrton ll,Ooddard, W, , lewlit, i.harlea V atrul.ton, V, i. HoUhkhi and trfhera were defendant Omaha, Nehraaka, April IT.Jwf. U, y, THOMAS, Spiwlal Mlrr tJoriimlnalorier, j,W, Carr, attorrii-y, f-V- W.R. BENNETT CQ. The Most Popular Merchant in Omaha. . OUR GOODS ARE BEST, AND OUR PRICES RIGHT. Our Famous Excelsior Flour, $1.00 per Sack. We get this direct from the Mills, and can Recommend it ahead of , Anything in the Flour Market. A PRESENT IN EVERY SACK! Imported Sardines 12ic per can. 31b can Pineapple I2jc per can. OUR BUTTER DEPARTMENT"" Is always Crowded. We get our Butter and Eggs directum the Farmers, and thereby save our Customers the Commission Man's prolit. uvvu Jt'itiiBii uvvun, IjUW 1'KICES AND 1'IIOMI'T ATTENTION. J, J, Illlaa, Milliner, ISM Douglas, To Huppreaa ft Twaf (ttivent. MOTKKAL, opt. 20. ArehbUhop Kabre haa dwrldod to upprea the prlvftUi convent of Ur, Ja!rjuo, Tbla lnatltution I one of the trori(?eatof the kind In Canada, It la conducted In the dwtor'a own feouw) and wa founded attbotlmoof tho rnal!jKj ojldernlo, No ono know exaetly what I tadng; dono within Ita walla, but tha number olalateraatpreaorit U thlrUin, They are ail vounif, drea in red hata with white vent, and never u( " tho atrtt, Kat DylfftU' Candkft, VAH Dou'aa J. J. Bliaa, Milliner, 16M iJougla: .I..., - a- Tho Cabinet ltellab! Oaaollne Stove la Warranted for Tbreo year. It U the Moat Perfect jfaaolino tove mado, W. V. BTOKTZKL, I4 H. Kith, la agent for tho we,t, J, J. HIUfTMlinocr, 1514 Dougla. Take your repairing to The Drum, roond Carrlaf?" C6M iHth and Harney fit. Upp. tho County Jail. J, J. 1:11, Milliner, 1514 Dougla. Tire Amkiio.'AM can b obtained jf all wboleftl uewadcftlora. Alc your dealer to handle It. , j Soeciaf Matter Commiitioner'a Sate. I nder and hy lrtu of an order of ale nndeereaor rorecionura or rnonioiun inuei out or t. ha IMatr clCoort or loiiKltui t;ournv Nelirmika, arid to me directed, I wui, on uie wl day of May, A. O, IKH, at lOo'eloek . m, of ald day at tha anat front door of tha county court houM. In the ft r of Omaha, jmuKla leinty, rnei,raa. eu a uuimi; ui'ilon , i, t,hliiit hidder for chhIi. the proHirty decrlhd In ald order of ai, a follow, u-wit: Tha aouth two-third of lot lcht (Ht, In Matk aUhty-nlne iWO. In tha city of Omaha, fiouiOaa count y, Nehraaka, alif property to liaxild toat,lfy, flrat, tha balance due Tha Nort.hwtern Mutual 1.1 fa Inmiraiiea Oorn pany, and aeeond, ro aatlafy tha amounU nun iria rirai national iiitnn 1,1 wnunn ni tha Neliraiih National Hank of Omaha, toyttthar wllh a:crulna cola accordlriK Jo a jirdftmant and diwr rendered hy tha ll trh'i (!ourt of ald IfoiiKla county, at Ita Xeotamlier term, A, l. 'l, and uh- wiuent decree rendered hy ald iwurl in a certain a;tlon then and there iwnrlltitf. wherein Hrt National lunk of Omaha wn plaintiff, and Mver llellman. Mur a He man. Neliraeka Mi linn, I Knnk r (iniiili. Tha North wetern Mutual f.lfa lfiurric Company, Alenander Ma'reaoy. Ueoraa IHtwi, anil jonnwin (full and real name unknown) partner aa Oeorna lwl timpany. M, U, Maul, ad mlnlxtraWr of tha etiit of A. H, Mnowden, rt,.,,,,il llMiriM II. WhlMnek, Oeorva W, Tlllaon, J. i, (iaillfan, Hoard of lneet,r of Hulldlnif for thu City of Omaha, Maria llellman, ,eutrl of tha l,utn of Myer llellman, fleeeiowl, wero nerenoariM, Omaha, Nhrka April U, W4, aiieelul MitHUr timmlitMlriuer t?lrt National Hank of (oiiaha v, Myer llellman, Ifofl Si, No. IS. ' 4--S Jlotlce of Amended Article of Incorportv tl,.n Notice laheruhy given that at thaa-cl mnetiriK of 'rii AnaaiCA I'lraiiatr- INO IOMrAMT, r,,rlfirM',, "'ii, ,i,i.,i,r..". under the law of thn flalo of Nehraaka and dolna hiialnaa attOnaha In Hniivla county If, aitllj f"lnM, A ri.H'ie , i,i nri..i,oi ,.,.- poratlon of nail! Oornpany wa amended te rn. nm idiiirwa 1,1- w,i,, "Art tela IV, The capital atoek of ( hi cor poration hall le fifteen thomiHiid iftlA.rn dol lar divided Into one, hundred and fifty khar of one hundred dollar eae.h, which until im IUIIJ IH -,w ''. - HaOd at Omaha, Nehraaka, April 2Hth oirecryjr. Joe C, Tuoiii'aoa, Preldent 11 4 1 1U. u at U..nuluu TV , j, nHM'KTi r" rr,un j , Km ma V.'riMnio-,Triwur(if M,,,M,Ok. IOWA. nLnKr CITY IXIDNOI I. No 7- meet every Wedmwlay avenlna Id U. k. U. Hall, Uouncll oiurr. ta. , OUR WOODENWARE DEPT Has been enlarged, improved and a larger and much Finer Stock . . . t. V . .1 -i HI L - .It 11 !. put in, and at X rices tnav win count everjr nine, it ib Situated in the Hasement of the Annex. OUR CROCKERY DEPT Is also here, and many Improvements have been made in this also. Our Millinery Gents' Furnishing. Dry Goods, , i ri 1 T-l !j TT11 T- .boots anu onoes, r urmxure, w au raper and Carpet Dept's are Strictly in Line. Do not forget your Souvenir and Real Estate Coupons, UUi LMUAb LflSLIIIJUHUU UUUU 14; 1U 11, lUJ't, WIS LB A D()T11II Ii S FOLLOW! ORIGINAL OMAHA SOUVENIR DISTRIBUTORS. W. R. BENNETT CO., 1502-12 Capitol Avenue. CHRIST. HAM AN. Watchmaker and Jeweler, Fine Watch Kkpairimo a Spkciaih 612 South 16 Htrmit. C. W. BAKER, Undertaker Embalmer Iffornmrly with M, O, MuuM Tklkpiiowi WS. IS South 14th St., OMAHA. UAOV ASSISTANT rOHNISMSD. Omaha Express and Delivery Co. , TFXKI'IIONK IM. Moving and Light Express Work Trunk nd Prel Dllvri. HdllM'holl (ilKMlH I'lWkf rt.HtMWtl lllll HtllplMKl (OIK-, HID Nurlh mill Hl.r'tl. (itfl'f, N, K fur, JtM.h mi A l,Ki Htn-Kl. 'Jlo- pliontl 1OT9, ' KICKS W',?.A1,',!'f'i, J, I., llvKiNr.V, I'lano MrtvltiK a Hpw.liilt.jr, Miifinvr M. DALEY, MERCHANT TAILOR Suits Made to Order. OinirittiO'wi n jcrii, m .n fill hmi. Clutll- UK di'Hiiull, ayi'U linn rmiiiximmi 2107 Cumins St.. OMAHA W. H. LA NY ON'. M. D.. Physician and Surgeon, Telephono 747. Twelve 4vn.r continual liractlc.fl In Oinh, lt awtliiUntHtirifi'iin uHl.J(Mrph'ibmpll,l. otllcfl H. W, cr. Hlxtwritli arid ;hlAo Hm. Offlm lmnr 9M U II :H A. m.. to 5:(fD And 7:0(1, ltenlln!. 4711 ChArln Ht, M. O. MAUL, MufMor to Ddnol k MhmI, Undertaker and Embalraer 1417 Farnam Streot. Tii.npfiofm 22, OMAHA NEB Full Set TEETH fVCRPIOT FIT OUAAANTMD. Taatn ltractrl In th mornlnf and Nv at mad tha Sam Day. Tcctb Extracted Without Pain for 25c. DR. WITHERS, Dentist, Fourth Fluor Brown Blk,, 16th nd DougUi, Omnlm, JVob. yy IIKN Vdr.AUK lNN v.v.u ov Fire, Life or Accidental INSURANCE It will pay you to cull on tlm ntiilrtKnnil ripri't!iii,liiK viriil A No, 1 liiHuraaisa C!oiu piinltn, FRANK BURMAN, Ktfl I'axton lllock, T3HOTOQRAPHERQ 206 N. Sixteenth Street.