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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1893)
0) THE AMERICAN (3 1i The Son of Si-m t . ) 11 IW t-f ri Mi 1 41 ', Ih )' !! !i ( j , In the r.aitie ( I .4. .f (tiMitlHl iil M. Hill". f! nililntl. lilM j Hibh pit Itu ttfc'M ! J t'jthii H l"l mj Htoih. t Vl a 1 m, I iii!.l i II liim Hie fcinmnl, tun! I! l.t 1 ml the Hi; M U . t;int n litoiliir, ! In1 the ilfclil l.t s alt H,ln-t r Will uny man y m' Tom Morman. I v.ilil go, it 1 wouM, InniKii) t.tnti.l Army I1' Into tmy Km M.n Uxlf, for tly iiv iiiriiI), Imhu ih1 (nir, mid If I ilil t Intone.) of them Imlpn mid ti ll oni-lt nlli of what I It no, oiio-lHi'iihihh vtti of tnhiit I know, H would knium' I ho II rv of itmti IiinnI In them mi tlml in flvo nilmit' they would Iw n. tuly to t-r lhc fol low limb from limb, nnd thinw 11m liml In llio wwrr Hint llioy might Ih rnniiHl out to mn, Hint they might U lont forovor In thitirf. Tom Shormnn. 1 nay lhl, it month boforo idootlon, or two wi'i'ki Inforti vlot'tion, JIy for nn injunction ngHlnnl Hiono Italic, URttlimt evorylxKly, ovoryono from ny mich action. Furthor, 1 y, wml your do twtlvo. to find out who thorns turn am, and brand thorn; put out lleUof them; put Hutu In your Catholic jtaiwrd, put 11bU on the foncim that men may know who thews mon are who dare to be traitors in America. I there a man now that would dare call hlmm-lf a knownothlng? Is there one? Them men are simply knownothlngs, Tom Sherman. Further, remember this: The world knows that though tho Jamill order has been wubject to a tlioiinand mccubii tioiiH, nobody yet ever put a cowl on his head, for a cowl belongs to tho monk, and we are not monks. And no body ever put a rofury around our neck, a ruttary 1b not worn atytund the neck, and therefore you show absolute g noranco of what you are talking alxmt. Tom Sherman. LOYAL OKANUE lNS'lIIT'IION. K)ii"ikIn of the Proceeding of the Su preme Grand Lodge. The annual convention of the Su premo Grand Orungo lodge was held In Minneapolis last week, and a great deal of important business was trans acted. There were over two hundred delegates present from various parts of tho United Slates, representing in all over (150,000 members of the order in good standing. The meeting was called to order by Most Worshipful Grund Master 1'aden, of Pittsburgh, who delivered his annual address, which was well received, and 0,0(K) copies ordered printed for gen eral distribution. This was responded to by an address of welcome by Rev. A. W. Wright, of Minneapolis, and others. After this standing committees had been announced, an adjournment was taken till 2 p. in., when the annual re port of Secretary Mllligan was read. Tho past year had been one of the most prosperous of any in tho history of tho order In the United States, and the lodge's finances are In excellent con dition. Twunty-llvo new lodges were organ ized in Michigan during the past year. This lead was followed by Mlnnusota, Massachusetts, lVnnsylvanla and other states in succession, Tho report of Grand Treasurer Cald well showed a good fat balance In tho treasury, with all bills paid, Tho Wednesday morning session was addressed by Hon. Koht. llirmlngham, M. I'., of Toronto, Can., secretary of tho Triune Council of tho Universe, In which 1ms gave many Interesting facts regarding tho order throughout the world, esH!clally dwelling upon Its growth In this country and Canada, ills address was responded to by J. C, Mclnlyro, of Minneapolis. J loth ad dresses were very Instructive. Tins afternoon was taken up by tho annual election of ollleers, which re sulted us follows: Most Worshipful Grand Master, Francis C, Campbell, of Mlrinupolis, Minn,; Most Worshipful Grand Deputy Master, William Glllen, of Thlittdelphla, l'a.; Most Worshipful Grand Chaplain, M, L, Zook, of Omaha, Neb,; Grand Secretary, Thomas Mll ligan, of Kverett, Mass.; Assistant Grand Secretary, Win. Dawson, Iloston, Mass.; Grand Treasurer. Jas, Caldwell, Philadelphia, l'a,; Grand Ix-cturer, A, J. MacLeod, Iloston, Mass.; Grand Director of Ceremonies, Wm. Mo Cullough, Pittsburgh, Pa. This elec tion took up all of the afternoon until the time of adjournment. Tho first business after the now officers were installed was the disposal of tho reports of various committees. W, J. JI. Tray nor, from tho committee on ritual, reported a revised setof obli gations in the various degrees which were adopted with a few changes. A resolution recognizing tho Grand Ladled' Orange Association of tho United Status as an auxiliary of tho Grand Orungo Institution, was adopted, and a committee consisting of Mclntyre, of Minneapolis, Zook, of Omaha, Ury ant, of Minneapolis, and Reynolds, of Chicago, were appointed to act In con junction with a like committee from the Ladles' L. O. A. to agree upon a plan for such recognition. The com mittee were also instructed to invito the ladies to hold their next annual His Father ' .g.',itl tVt will j: ihi .ic '- j (! i4 I'm 1, l". uh !" 't.ntiii.,l by IV. I '.'i, tint th jwivsnnf i'tvl.-tWuil w i r iMH u'inir 'and tin tr MUle. n I -( ii Tl" 1 tin' Uitio of tin vliufi h t.iiUj Th ati'ttlim of Tommy lr'li'd U h' l-n Mil I'niyvllottl " llinimrum Ctitus," tlvn U thu world In l"l. Ho ivnld not l Into lutlr MiiMni Imlp im without U'liijf Miiathrma tlisl by th oh and w ithoul Imvlii) t rct undor thi Imih a tviry Ma-ni doc. 1 Our friends will notice Tommy In Hcveral years behind tho times. All this hits been done. Look at mywolf, a month ago a quiet student; a month ago a monk, and now ready to give tho lant drop of my blood for any Roman Catholic in the land. Tom Sherman. When did he lie? convention at tho same time and in the same city where tho next grand lodge shall meet. On Thursday morning Grand Master Paden, after a year's efllclent and hon- I orablo service, surrendered the gavel j and affairs of his ofllue to Past Grand I Master Harvey, as is tho usual custom In tho Orungo order, who proceeded at once to install the various ofllcers-olect. Captain Harvey, an old resident of Pittsburgh, Pa, and Iiro. Knox, of Iloston, are veteran Orangemen and have attended almost every supremo grand lodge meeting in the past twenty five year or more. In this connection it may be well to cull attention to the fuct that Grund Master Campbell is probably the young est man who hus ever held that chair since the supreme grand lodge was organized in the United States. He Is a native American and Is possessed of considerable ability as a presiding oflleer. Wm, Gillcn, the grand deputy, Is an extensive harness manufacturer of Philadelphia, Pu. He Is one of the old "war horses" In Orangelsm In tho United States. M. L. Zook, the grand chupluln, Is a native born American, and hus never been east of tho Mississippi river, He Is ulso chairman of the committee ap pointed to compile the constitution and laws, which meets In Clove-land, O,, in September next. Thomas Mllligan, grund secretury, and James Caldwell, grand treasurer, are re-elected for tho third timo to their respective olllccs. They huve proven to bo efllclent officers, und their re-election Is a speclul murk of the con fidence reposed In them. The remaining ollleers are ull men who would bo a credit to any organiza tion to which they might belong. Tho speclul committee on constitu tion and laws reported, recommending tli ut a committee be appointed to com pile the siime arid huve It printed and luhmlttod to the various subordinate lodges for their approval or rejection, which was adopted, and Messrs, Zook, Tray nor, Hryantand Ilurvey were ai pointed, tho expense for printing, traveling, etc., to bo borne by the supremo lodge. Resolutions of thanks wero unani mously extended to the citizens und brethren In Minneapolis, also the press, police department, and Acting-Mayor Snyder for the kind treatment received at their bunds, An open meeting was hold Wednes day evening at the Lyceum theatre, preceded by a purude composed of ftOO Orangemen on foot and sixty-four car riages of tho Ladles' Loyal Orange Association, headed by a platoon of pul lee, which was presided over by Grand Master Campbell. Acting-Mayor Snyder delivered the welcoming uddress, and judging from the manner it wus received and numer ous complimentary remarks, it is hut fair to predict that it will bo "Mayor Snyder" before another year rolls around, lie was followed by Rev. A. W. Wright and Charles N. Hunt, one of Minneapolis' rising young lawyers, who is not afraid to be known among patriotic people. Gen. Reynolds, of Chicago, known as one of the fathers of Orangelsm in the west, and esoeially in Chicago, gave a very interesting lecture upon the pro gress oi ine oruer. i J Tin' Mv4t WM tut. ' 4 ! Ttv U It I J i M , t ii'i J Ot ' .' I - n f ,-, I i HUlt ll I ll.t. (Ml) l .,!,!. M.M lh in UK Bn.l , in,, ii. i,i n in i.i r Kiii t iii i, wi'.l t v lllUll th j'Sal i lt'ttlili, In liul i k- ui til iMn bi Jul.) cHiwSiitf tnt'iti ti Tti Ami Kii ., f ttntntm, wnil Hit ,1 t tillllflllll, WHIN MC UHQUUMT iMl BLACK (MLK IWr Dm Mt In 1 1 to t UH Mi tmiri t . 4 ' 1 It a no ry tsm titiij Miihttton thwl liolirt Younj' lni0wr ht rhi'Hhe4 II In-r lif. Mm (mi ti ty ijuii lly in th wvxti rw piim Turin to which rh Mtld lirr hlllmnl Iml K,', tiO'thnr bi-w thry worw Ix-lh young. Mindid tiotrxjHVt In Im rich oriven think alxxst It Mm wm content with th homely round of her daily lifi. Hometime hr liusbatut uw-'l Itifciv that If they had only baiM'iuil to go uror thpro, when' dome of tin friends of hi youth lm1 found copter or silver, or wtrnck oil, they also might have been worth millions, but the wlfa always answored: "It wa'n't to bf, Johnjlt wa'n't to bo. And we'vodone pretty well, as things go, but 1 should 'a like one good black silk dress. This was the only wish that Robert Young had ever heard bis mother ex. press, and he used tosny to himself when he was a loy: "Bless the dear mother! She shall have it the very first money I earn." Robert's father, too, planned In his own mind the same thing, but one year the harvest turned out badly, and an other tho children had diphtheria, and so it was that the good black silk had never been bought, It was a strange thing that the son of John and Rachel Young should have been an artist. Dut Robert begun tc 4raw before he could write, and at last he got hold of a box of colors through tho kindness of one of his Sunday school tenchers, and then he made picturos that dazzled the eyes of his prairie noighbors. As he grew oldor he got orders for portraits from proud parents who were willing to give fa for a daughter or son's likeness, and he saved these small sums until by the time he was 18 he had enough money to take him to Boston, where he hoped to find a good teacher and to do something really worth while, His struggle in tho city was hard enough to begin with. Evory snowstorm was a friend to him, for wherever he shoveled off steps and sidewalk they were sure to want him again, he did hil work so cheerfully and so well. Ho paid for his lessons by taking care of the studio of the artist under whom he studied. He was ready to do any honest thing to earn an honest penny, and at lust, even in Boston, people found out that he had a special talent of hil own and began to buy his pictures. Thore were so many things at first to do with the money that he earned I Ue must have a little studio of his own where people could come, and it would not answer for the artist who had hit own studio to live like the youth whe used to shovel off sidewalks. He did not forgot the good black silk dress or th mother who was to wear it; be only waited. At last came a spring when he had been fairly prosjierous, and ho planned to go home for his mother's birthday in August and to carry the dress with him, but just then he received an invitation that flattered him. His former toachei was going to Ipswich for a summer oi sketching and asked Robert to go with him. It seemed an opportunity too good t be lost. So he wont to Ipswich, and th summer flew by as if on wings, and Rob ert did not go home in August! he only wrote a letter. It was October before he started for the faroff prairio farm. Once on his way, he hurried forward by night and day until he reached tho littlo station that was nearest to his home. He had written when he should arrive, but he did not see liis father waiting for him ns he hud expected, Ho felt a momentary sense of injury, but just then an old neighbor came up. "I s'poso you might as well ride home 'long with me," ho said. "I told 'em I'd fetch ye, as long as yer pa couldn't." "Couldn't! Why?" "Waal, I sort er hate to tell ye, but yer mother, she had a shock er palsy yesterday, and yer father don't like tor leave her jest yit." There was a strange choking in Robert Young's throat. The good black silk dress was In his ratise, but he had brought It too late. Youth's Companion. Tha Illcliffi of Cnlnlialiltml Nicaragua. Mr. J. Crawford, a well known resi dent of Managua, has just completed a tour covering about 13,000 square miles of territory of the republic of Nicaragua. Mr. Crawford reports that the uninhab ited contral mountainous part of the country is very rich in agricultural lands, excellent for raising cofloe, tobac co, grapes, almonds, corn, potatoes, vegetables, sugar cane, rice, cocoa, in digo, plantains, mangoes, oranges, limes, lemons, bananas, etc. In the forests are to be found mahogany, ce dar, rosewood, walnut, India rubber, nispero, gnanocasca, etc. its lodes ar rich in gold and silver, while large de poults of marble, granite and magnesian limestone are to be found. ranams Star. Rev. G. M. Brown will please ac cept our thanks for nn Invitation to at tend tho central Chautauqua assembly in Fremont from June 20 to July 21. Rev. Frank Crane will deliver the Fourth of July oration. If you want to enjoy independence day, go to Fremont and hear Rev, Crane. Ho always says something worth listening to, Wanted. Young man: wages Mo per month. Inquire at this ofllce. itiot la ifci I HiMit ftitt ). tl, H- w i ! rfj Atii u, iww ti. tf ii mm t M 1 1 i K rtlt. l 1 W ? t ilH'fc ll t tr I .1 It. 4, in- w mi ji . w slh )! ti llil ili lit itb!t, tut . - ULl) ! t4 pH. nUr t. r l'MMl, W ). h tik t It -III lll wtr ,4 4lnr m tii miH r hh AlUt-ttc t nt uni tlh M lht (i nn Mm in ! )tt . it, i iWtui At i,-Hiiiit fnr ll-t w ln it . il.n wtt. thi lii.tni liial tA jit t, II illicit, M tlMllltl( W INHlhl UU, ll liith tnifcMy tc fl. in tin iitvmo tt ut.maj Mittiht 1 mill di p tn ti t wnbU-ww ! tt liiiht W tmtillig m ttiw nrfais lit lti rjii!iMil r-wiiii It inik' t I timed ttt tlH'Ulllf on tlilintv f N. Helena; It Illicit tw Routing at tli liKiuthof thfAmnxniij tt tiiihl l ilT the 0n nf Omhl Hep vt amid the Anturi lic liTlrK'm. Would any retannaMi man who df strcil to (ditain that iiutiii and ixlrior dinary wlmen fur lit collection tin Wk'me that if h went down to tlm ctnuit of Omw-all and liftisl asinglodrop from the Atlantic he would have such Incon ceivably girfxl fortune as to find in It this rare diatom of which but a single individual ex tut iil throughout the mil lions of cubic miles of water which coin pose that mighty ocean? Of course the mere statement of such a case Is suffi cient to show its absurdity. But the improbability that the ardent naturalist would secure the prize in the way I have descrilied is not one whit greater than the improbability that even if there were a central sun it should lio within the domain of our scrutiny. Sir Robert Ball in Fortnightly Review. Fnopla Who Forf t Umbrella. "Oh, that's nothing," said the clerk as he gathered up the abandoned umbrella; "we find them here every day." It was in a railroad ofllce, where peo ple came and went every fow minutes. And it was raining too. "Now, you'd think," he continued to an amusod gentleman, "that anybody who had sense enough to come in when it rains would have enough loft to take their umbrella with them if they didn't WHnt to go in, wouldn't you? But they havon't. There may be reason for a chap going away nndloaving his cane on the counter, but I can't exactly place those who deliberately go out into the ruin and leave a silk umbrella behind them. Yes, they come back sometimes some times they don't. There must be some thing in the fact of buying railroad tick ets. You see, they are not used to trav eling. Buying a railroad ticket is an event to them. Thoy show that by the questions they ask. They hare their minds gorged with tho important details of the proposed journey, the time the train is to start, the time it gets there, the connections, the checking of baggage and all that sort of thing, and thoy haven't room for umbrellas and canes and packages. It's the same on the cars." New York Herald. The f lrat Sight of Gibraltar. The first sight of Gibraltar is, I think, disappointing. It means so much, and so many lives have been given for it and so many great ships sunk by its batter ies, and such great powers have warrod for 1,200 years for its few miles of stone, that its block outline against the sky, with nothing to measure H with but the fading stars, is dwarfed and spoilod. It is only after tho sun begins to turn the lights out, and you are able to compare it with the great ships at Its base, and you see the battlements and the mouths of cannon and the clouds resting on its top, that you understand it. And then when the outline of the crouching lion that has faced all Europe for a hundred years comes into relief you remember it is, as thoy say, the lock to the Mediter ranean, of which England holds the key. And even while you feel this and are greedily following the course of each rampart and terrace with eyes that are tired of blank stretches of water some one points to a low line of mountains lying like blue clouds before the red sky of the sunrise, dim, forbidding and mys teriousand yon know that it is Africa. Richard Harding Davis in Harper's Weekly. Spontlnl'i Decoration. Casparo Spontini regarded himself in the light of a demigod, and when in spirations crowded upon him he donned a wide, togalike gown of white silk with a border of gold and a fez of white silk embroidered in gold, from which a heavy tassel hung down. With great dignity ho sat down before his desk, and if a grain of dust was visible on the paper on which he penned his music he rang the bell impatiently for his servant to re move the obstacle. Spontini owned so many medals and decorations that they could no longer be accommodated on his breast. At a grand musical reunion at Halle an old musician remarked to a comrado, "See how many docorations Spontini has, while Mozart has not one." Spontini, who overheard it, replied quickly, "Mozart, my dear friend, does not need them." St. Louis Post-Dispatch. "Lnckj fin" tha Fad. "Lucky pins" are the favorite little gifts of the hour, and several special pat terns are used to signify good fortune to the wearer. The mysterious virtue of the horseshoe has long been recognized, and of late years the mistletoe sprig has been considered equally fortuitous, while, ahled to the merry thought, it acquires new virtues. This, with the "Campa- nello Margheri'ta," which is the facsim ile of an ancient gold bell found during tho present excavations near Rome and presented to the queen of Italy, are the popular mascots of the day. The sides of the latter .bear tho inscription, "Toi Com, Veo Tet," of which this is the translation: "I (littlo bell) was made against fascination." New York Trib- nne. Itnniion For III Affection. The Wife Do you really love me more and more every day? The Husband Yes, darling, for you do not play the piano nearly as much as you used to, Vogue. Has It Occurred to You? 1 That we have an extensive line of Hoys ami Girls Wheels, Velocipedes, Tricycles, Ham mocks, Croquet, Lawn Tennis, &c, &c. STYLES THE LATEST I PRICES THE LOWEST. Zj THE COLUMBIA'S EMBLEM. Illar.nn Cnlnnilila' rmlili-m, Tim bounteous, iculilrii rnrtd Eon ato ut I he iin-al iiu' Klnw Ami llio Joy ol I lie rnrlli 'Iwaa born. From Huriiir' ulinre lo Chill, From tha otphii of dawn lo 1 lie wit, With Ha haunrni of ttii-i-n ami ImwIimI hn, It aprntiK st tlin kiui'b Im'IicM, And by ili-w ami aliowur from II natal hour Willi honey anil wine 'Iwaa fed Till the roiIh were fain to ulinre with mon The mrfaet fennl. oiituprniiil, Fur the nin-M Ixioti to the land thoy lovad Wan the corn o rich ami fair. Nor star nor hreene o't-r the fnrthoRt teaa Could find tt like elsewhere. In their holiest temple the lncas Offered the heaven eent malsta Grains wrotiifhl of Kohl In a nllver fold For the un'a enrnpl tired (fa.o. And lis harvoHt rntno to the wandering tribes As the g-ouV own tflft. and Real, And MonleJinma' feiilal bread Was made of II Barred meal. Narrow their cherished Held, hut otiri Aro bread a the continent's breast, And lavish as leaves and flowers t ho sheave HrliiK plenty and Joy and rest. For they strew the plain and crowd tli wain When the reaper meet at morn, Till blithe cheers rliiK and west wind ting A song for the gurnered corn. The rose may bloom for Knttland, The Illy fur Franco unfold, Ireland may honor the shamrock, Scotland lior thistle hold, But tho shield of the (jrcat republic, The (rlory of the west, Shall liear a stalk of the tasselod oorn, Of all our wealth the best. The arbutus and the Koldenrod The heart of the north may cheer, And tho mountain laurel for Maryland It royal cluster rear. And Jasmine and inaiinolla The crest of the outh adorn, But the wide republic' emblem Is the bounteous golden oorn Edna Ilean Proctor In Century. Disrobed In tha Ntreet. Thnro In young colonid dnmnol In WiiHhlnp;ton whone iioul la fit pretiont filled with wrath boeauno of the ium mary action tuknn by a nocloty woman to whom ulio hul boon handrnftldon. With way, that are dark and trick that are rain tho young woman proved her self converHant by making away with articlos of valno, Among Uiobo wan a silk dross of which Iter tuintroM had been especially fond. Though accused of the theft, tho woman ntotitly denied it and took her dismissal, vehemently protesting her innocence. Not long afterward, as the daughter of Ham was sailing down the street in all the glory of the stolon garment, slio came upon her mistress rapidly walking toward her with the look of a great purpose in her eye. Retreat was impossible, as was ft fail ure to comply with the astonishing de mand that she then and there divest herself of the gown, As the alternative was to be immediately handed over to the polico. tho perturbed young woman did as she was bid with all speed possi ble, and in as brief a timo ns it takes to toll the tale she stood with her ebony perfections exposed to public vlow while In an opposite direction her former mis tress walked away, bearing in triumph the stolen property. Kate Field's Wash ington. A Youngster' Quick Iteptjr. In one of the kindergartens tho teacher was endoavoring to familiarize the chil dren with the words "cold" and "hot" at sight without sjielling them by letters. Whon sho asked them what they wouM get If thoy went out of doors in winter without their coats and pointed at tho word, they caught tho cuo at once and answered "cold" instantly, but "hot" proved a puzzler fr a moment. "Now, Mary," said the teacher to the little girl in tho end seat, "suppose that you wero standing right close up in front of a great big fire, just flaming and flar ing and burning and blazing awoy what would you get'c" "I'd get right away from there," re pliod the child In a matter of fact tono that upset the instructor for the after noon. Cincinnati Commercial Oazetta A Scheme That Failed. A certain young man invented a novel plan for causing his landlady to linger in regard to asking him for her much overdue board bilL Ho was several weeks behind, and his landlady was ser iously contemplating ejectment. Ho was painfully conscious of the tardiness. Last Wednesday ho addressed a postal to himself stating that f 10 was left to his credit in a certain local bank. All would have lieen well had not the land lady examined the jntfital closely. She discovered that the missive was written in the same handwriting as that of her de linquent boarder. Ho was ejected uncere moniously the same evening the postal was received at the house. Cincinnati F.nn Hirer FOR KFN'T Two largo rooms, furnished or unfurnished, at IH04 Dodge street. In uulre at Hell Store Jewelry Department. CENT STORE !3l9lFnrnam Street.V.- ULfef Notice to Creditors. Hiat or NrniusNA, IkiuitliiH County. j " In llin enmity court of DoiikIo county, Ni'liriixka, .luiiii I'.MIi, A l. Ista. In the mailer of (lie estate of Clara liar burn Mimieibl: The rroillliirH of said palate nnd all olhpr person liiM-rested In Hiitil mutter will take notice thal tlio creditors of Nulil extute will appear before this court on Hie Ssth day of AiiuiinI,, imu. on llmlt'illi day of October, ISWI, anil on t he 2IHIi day of December, su:i. at 10 o'clock a. in. each day, for llin purpose of present Inn their claim for exam Inaljon, adjustment and allowance. Hlx mouths am allowed fur Hie creditor lo proxent, their claims, ami one year for the administrator In settle said cnIhIo, from the IJt li day of June, ikii.1. This notice will be published In TllK Amiikican for four weeksHUccesnlvi-ly prior to the "sib day of AukuhI, IHHil. All claims not Hied on or be fore the ZIHh day of Dcci'inlier, ISWI. will be forever barred from consideration In the dual settlement of said est ale, WIlnesR my hand and official seal this 12th day of June, lwi:i. j, W. r l.l.KU, Imkai,.! ll-2:i-4 County Judge. Sheriff 's Sale. Ily virtue of an order of sale Issued out of the District Court of DoiikIiin County, Ne braska, and lo me 'Eroded. I will on the JTitu day of July A. I). Ihu:i, at 10 o'clock A. tt, of said day, at the KAHT frontdoor of tha County Court House, In the City of Omaha, Doiiulns County, Nebraska, sell at public auction the properly described In said order of sale as follows, to-wlt: Lot sevenu-i-ii (17) block one (I), Madison Hiiiare, an addition to the city of Omaha, In DoiiKlas county, mate of Nebraska, salil property to be sold to satisfy Warren A. ( Iiiiiii I li hi i in of nine hundred, seventeen ami 4S-H dollars (IH7,4H) Juilitment, with In terest t hereon at rale of eight H) percent, per annum from Miiy 1Mb, iHVi; to satisfy Lewis l,ey tin sum of nine hundred and Mix dollars tftmsimi Judgment, with Interest thereon at rale of eight IX) per cent per annum from May Dtb, JMH3; and forty-two. and 2;i-HKi dollars (H'J.&ll cot, Is. with Interest thereon from thumb day of May, A. D. Wi, together with accruing cost's according to a Judgment rendered by the district court of said Douglas county at Its May term, A. D. ISM, In a certain action then and then pending, wherein Warren A. Cliipp wan plaintiff and Milton V. liny, Mary M. Hoys, and others were defendants. Omaha, Nebraska, June W, 1Hli:i. (IKOIIUK A. HKNNRTT, Sher I IT of Douglas Courtly, Nebraska). McC'ube, Wood and Klmer attorney. B-IM-B Notice. Jorgeri F,. Castberg, Kdward Stringer and Helta J. Stringer, defendants, will take notice that on the limb day of June, istill, Miranda J, Winch, plaintiff herein, tiled her petition In the district court of Douglas county, Nebraska, against mild defendants, the objects and prayer of which are to fore close a certain mortgage executed by the defendant, Jorgen K, ( uslberg, to one Daniel II, Hmltb, on the east one-foiiith of lot num ber sixteenth!) In 1 1 awe's addition to the city of Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska, to secure the payment, of one mortgage bond for the sum of eleven hundred dollars if I )' and ten Interest coupons In t be sum oftilS.ftft each, each dated May 1st, Isss; same mort gage bond due and payable May 1st, IS1DI; said Interest coupons dun In the order In which they are numbered, one every six months from one to ten, that plaintiff Is the owner and holder of said mortgage bond. Interest coupons and all unpaid Interest and mortgage, that there Is now due upon said mortgage bond the sum of eleven hundred dollars and Intercut. coupon ten the sum of thirty-eight and MMoti (foliar ami Interest on each since May 1st, IHM, and mortgage, a sum total of eleven hundred and fifty dol lars, for which sum with Interest from thl date plaintiff prav for a decree that de fendants be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy tho amount found due. Vou the said defendant, Jorgen F". Cast berg, are required to answer said petition on or before the ;ilst day of July, s!i;i, Dated June 2lind, I him Ml KAN DA J, WINCH, I'laiiitirf. Ily John W. Johnston, attorney. t-i-4 Sheriff's Sale. Under and by virtue of an execution Issued) by I rank K. Moore, Clerk of the district court within and for Douglas county, Ne braska, upon a Judgment rendered In tint county court of said county on the Hth day of March. Is'.U. In favor of the Klrst National IWnk of Omaha, and against John K. Hamil ton and Frances A. Hamilton, a transcript of which Judgment was on the 24th day of March, s!, duly filed and docketed In tbo district court within and for said county, I have levied upon the following described property us the property of the said John K. Hamilton anil France A. Hamilton, to-wlt: Lot nineteen (I'M In block thec'iiln Alamo I'laa. an addition to the city of Omaha. In Die county of Douglas and stale of Nebraska; and I will on the a.t li day of July, A. D. ls!i:i. at lo o'clock A. M. of said day at the EAST front disir of t lie county court house In thn city of Omaha, Douglns county, Nebraska, sell said property at public auction to thn highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execu tion, the amount due thereon being nlno hundred fifty-one and S4-IUU dollars f i.M :!! Judgment, six and UVIUil dollars uM.Ofn coi.h with Interest thereon at ten (KM percent, tier annum from the 14th day of March, IstCl, until paid, and also the further mi in of three and llo-Kio dollars ifll.iKi) thecostsnf Increase on said Judgment, und the accruing costs on said execution. Omiiba, Nebraska. .June 21. Intel. OKOKOF. A. HKSNKTT. fl-2'1-3 Sheriff of Douglas County. .Nebraska. A written irtiarnnN' to mm. our curf i i-vimnm-nt sml ni a pfttrhlfiir up. ( iiKfii trnl olfrrJit yiMM iM hit vit n'Vfr K'rm nymptom biiicp. lv ilmN'rilim w fid l.r wi run tr'e vou hjr nmll.iutil wp (rivet lie Ntiiu t route fnirHittte Ut cnr or rnfutnl all SYPHILIS A SPECIALTY. ran ! nn ami wi w ill III -IM . ill.W I n-fer ti oornn hrr f4ir trrsfinfitt hot-1 ill while her fr we tall f.t cur W Chftllfhv thr Worl'l ftir araif that otir M Attlt; KKMKDV will u.-t rum. Writ for full particular an-i (r't thn arllm , Tho mo! crnlm-nt plivittana have never boon able tn It vf nior than t-HiMrary nhvt. In our oight viwrn' prm-tu- with tin MAiilCl KKMKDY It hai btfn mv difficult toovfrnnif th prt jiulicf n airalnit all o-illt aiiUilc. Hut nmlrr mir tttmuijf ruarnntv thouaantia arctrvlnirltamt In-hiit ctiml, ft'a omit met to rtirn tr n fnn'l pv-ry dollar ami a wt hav a flnaiirinl hM'klnir vt f.'M.0tn 1 1 la MTtVt tly aaftotrr tin. OMchnpnic. tlir a ati1 i'rm'I rurii In So t w ilava, .n(ifyat cur tWianoinl atamlfritr, our rt'putntloii a bulncM men. Writ ut fur imiiifN and mMrvn' uf thooe w barf curtMl who have irlvcn irmiwiloii to nfrr to thorn. If your aymptoma aro wort throat, nuifouf patche Ut mouth, rlicuniAtlNrn Iti tMUica and Jo fit, hnlr fallttta out, ruptlona on any part of the botv, fwlinif uf (r'nctil (Ifproaaton, pa inn In hoa1 or bonoa, writ at niuft. All oorroflptmilfnt-e aont 'ail tn plain envelop WpinvltPthonuirtt rufitl Invent lratiun and will do ail in our power to aid you In it, Addreaa, r.nnw RFimrnv r.n in y mrrnnd far hoth wnym an 4 Masonic Temple, CHICAGO, ILL