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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1893)
a THE AMERICAN, FII1ES STILL BURNING.! i j nmn km tn ri.m! i Rn4 IHI4 al IM I. . mtiitx ktitliit. matt. 1 w. mU at Data WttHltH"ll, Wl . June l.- IV ttt trm iti H viih Mm so. I rV1lim I'siinY m Mill lutn At HrttiUnn l,hiwHi'i ImuU-r yrl ai. aiv(l ilm liim; itteii ilwtmviil, rniii lot- on the Noi'ttt Nior iiM I wi'ii, Mt It., r-iitiMv tie vllt.. Tim .iii)(n at Hi'lil-lm, war AxltUii't, w lilt ti whs report oil to have lan ltiriHil, la Mill aafe, 1'lit ltiilgi of thHmli Mmre near JiiUin IhimkiI tHitvlav nljjlit, awl nil Houlli Mmr t ml as leave their tratk nt 1 mlwil. li h., ifoititf tn Aahlnml Mil l.akeHhorn il, (lion via tho Oinnliit ami Miihi Juliet Ion, where they aahl stnkn their iwn liiid fur tin rlty. Net tiers In vleinlly of Hnnlmrii stmit glet! ileaperately imnlimt thn flame. Hoirw wort sueoeaaful t soma e .xlent in keeping tliiin fnmt (liwtmyiiitf their WeintfitiK, whilo others failed. Two chllilron wore rejtortixl to have is'riatitM t Mmi(ii. The Haines nt IiHii Ulvcr, Win., urn nullum! by a dispatch to have won thn work of firoliiiKn. Twice a liv iy nUblti was ulilaro, but luckily It m Mtiiiiruialind lieforo tt (rot to'voml control. If the incendiaries nrn appre hended a genuine southern lynching will t the result. In addition to tlin lively tahlfi, I, on Hum Hams' placo wim also firod, bnt wan saved. The school build ing in the heavloat low. The ngHTcgato Iiim to Iron river, nil told, will tie alxmt $10,000; lnsnraneo not known. Along thn Mouth Hhore anil Northern Padflo railway may Ihi mum little patched of fire from Superior to the Michigan Htate line and beyond, Every thing la very dry, having been no rain for several week and the fire make Tapld headway. A gisxl rain would ex tlngulsh theso fires and put an mid to the foam of many settlers residing In din triote whore the flre has failed to visit, 1 11 Uraat liulnlh. DuLtmi, Minn., June SI, The Bun nell building, a Ave story frame itruo-tiu-e, and a regular fire trap, was do utroywl by fire shortly after tiildnlght, TTWe in every reason to fear loan of life, though no detail can lie anetirod, O. F, Hmlth of the fire department, tote tliat when he arrived women and children were In the upper atorim, ai.d thn etairway were in flame when the ladder arrived, cutting off eacBjielji that dlrei tlon, and they bad to be taken from the window. Klh In NMln - "DKTnoiT, Mich, June 9 1. The forty. Unit annual meeting of the council of American Elk wa calbtd to order by Hatlonal Councillor Jauie Cranaton in Cowle'a ball. There wa alwnit 100 delegate preaetit, reinwentlnij every late In the union, and a iih 1 1 1 TthTi i jAf SOO.00O, After an addrem of welcome and a reoponne, the convention went into secuUve aoMlon, during which the manual report of the national councillor, the eeiTetary and tho treiwurer were read and referred Ui the proper commit- lee. IIIUliffd Net In ttananr. . HcwroKT, I. I., June 2l.Dr, Ran It In, one of the phyiilclan ha jnt made etAtetiient concerning the condition of Jmitioe Iilatihford. He ay that the Judge ba Niiffered two alight nhock, mt 1 now doing well, There 1 no -dangeroti algn at preiMtnt. The pa tient Mill retain hi mental facnlttc, bnt la unable to lgn hi name, (i mm and daughter are aiwlntlng blin in coin Xdeting aome urgent buMnee, Anll-Cbnlnre Mnuarn at at. Imlfc &t, Lotm, June 81, The flrat anil cholera atop to lie taken by the city offl dtt1 1 tho examination at the Union de pot of all the emlgranU by the health department. Tlili inaction will tie carriel on regularly, All Incoming train from tho eaat will fie tKiarded, A pecial lit will lie kept of thoae Intend inj to locate in MUmmri. Mlh ImhoU Mir KnlfhU. HtriKijf, 8, V., June 21. The 10th an nnal conclave of Knlghtji Templar, Jnriadlctlon of ftmth Dakota, I In Ion here, with Orand (loinmander Bight Eminent Hir Oeirge W, Iiurnile of Hionx Fall prealdlng. Nearly all the grand ofllrcr are proeent. A grand ban net, excbwively for Hlr Knight and their Iwlle wa eerved. I'marhnr AtrtmtmA tor Imrnnuf, Dimvr.n, June 21. Iter. T. C. Pork nan, a Mtholixt priHclier, wa ar rtDttM on a warrant charging bim with larceny a bailee of several thouaud ooiiar oeiong ui ine new xora i-ire in entrance company and ficrman Inanr ance company, of which he wa the Den ver agent. Oakund, Cal June 21, The grand Jury ba rejKirUxl wiciwation agalnxt Htiperviiior Dailey, Morgan, Helonw and Martin, and call for the prosecu tion of the tm of the Arguand 6tatnman. Tbi coim of the pawing of certain bill by the legislature, AnarlMM WhM tjangrtm. CtliCAOO, June 21. The third annual meeting of the American Whint congree began here. The tie for tlie Hamilton trophy between the Milwaukee and the National Capital, left over from tho New York congre, wa played off, the Washington club winning, Mwina Itrilm In fe-Mlmm, Dea Moinkm, June 21. The national meeting of the expert judge and the Iowa Htate Breeder' awa4atlon mot iiere. Delegates are preHutit from Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, Kanua nd Minneeota. flit. HI vK tll'lH I fnti 4 iii-i 1 1 of ( i .m ii Miiivn Jtnw I WmAIv it n t t H, tuMti-i' l t l jjHi ulliiial b M-mti l!ili.'ti liisint dtli bM and it tiM'l bn Ntf'tn, lUn l - m.t.lliiit iiill lfi "il tnt inMnHi.4 t l (tv iiiii t',.in flow. In Ml'ltlv Bhl P.VUili-nni Ih-I ihMuHh I ft l lb -l Jil t a R''t i n pi '. tje k" timtlr I'M'tv b nt Ik (iiiIim male Ml rniwthi ml. nil I olli.-r unmll kmIii bn nu li'itol N.nih lfiktn ti 4n Mi(wt latb fnlt of h ilvi- UU tlill, Willi h I loiW III tine cttii'lttMl, Smih I wWf ft Miiinll Bialim unlTi'ilitrfi riitnd'tii'i lli,il itti nmbul badlv, Ni'blkn i'm bat made tapid ptMlh and U In iniflb-iil i-oh-blliiiti Mll.lll Hlllill tl!rt(l!lll lll'lil!y. Kaittin Unhifll nmiiinll,v dlMrib Uttil, but Vi ir gi"l br ell ciope In the railcriniMilii uiifuvmable In the went. limit I Hrnlhti Hull, Waiiiniii-hn, June 91, -lliiiKlnnenap-oiird In llm i Hiiilmil court ami ipinll lleil for Coiitrai'lor tloorge W, latit,whn Win Ihi In led III the verdict of the eon Her' jury, fixing the riwpoiirtlhlllty for I he dentil of the Ford theater vlctitiH, The amount of bail wa lo,(HM). Klltrf I'lin liitar. Wahiiimitiin, Juihi 21. The treasury department iiiiiiouiicihI Tiiembiy that It purchiuieil ho,(MM) ounce of Mlver at .HilHO. The offer were 7H,IMH) ounce. The purchaMcff tint far thl month amount to 4,tl''H,000 ouucihi, I'mliiinalpr AiIiiImI, Wahiiinotiin, June 21. The total number of fourth-da tKiHtmiwtor ap Miluted Tuesday wa 1110, of which lil ero to fill vacancies cauaed by resigna tion and deaths. Orrgim Hank Fall. Washinotcin, June 21, Comptroller Eckel is Informed of the failure of the Linn County National bank of Albany, Ore., capital f 100,000, Hank Examiner Jennings ha been placed in charge. Appelntnil In aClerlmhlp, Wahiiinhtiin, June 21. Itobert A. Cochran of Illinois, ha been appointed confidential clerk of Indian affair, llr, Oram t'n Again, Dknvrr, June 21, Dr. T. Timelier Grave ha surrendered himself to the authorities, and hi attorney will nt once go before the upreme court with a motion that he lie released from cus bxly timlcr a writ of habeas corpus, or the ground that there is no legal reaaon for a continuance of the case, and no appropriation ha boon made by the commissioner for the trial of the case. The commlwdoner have simply agreed to defray the excuse If they do not ex-ci-ed $a,000. Mt Unlit, New Hisnronn, June 31, Thn argn. merit of the counsel in the Borden murder trial wa completed and at 1:41 after a recess, the defendant wa given an opportunity to spunk, Hhe aalds "1 am innocent, but I will leave my case in your hands and with my counsel," Judge Dewey then charged the jury, At 4:0.1 the jury retu rned with a verdict of "not guilty." Mm. ( Inrrlnml (inoi to llimaaril' llnf. New Yoiik, June 21, Mr. Cleveland, with her daughter and the nurse, ar rived at Jersey City, ai'cnnpaiiled by Mr, U, i;, iHnetliirt and another gentle man, They drove to the bsit of Twenty sixth street where they Ixmrded Mr, Bened et' yacht. "One da." to sa d - root for Buzzard' Bay, flMHKi Metltlim fUinM In a VT Hell. FoTH'rr, Kan., June 21. William Collins, t hief clerk in the Missouri Pa caflce roedmaflb?' depnrtment in thl city, wa rrestel by a company doteo tive, chargml with fraudulently obtain ing money through a systematic methsl of endlng in fictitious name on the pay roll, Ran en ftnn frsnMiuw Hank a. Bah Fkancimw, June 21. The Broad way bank, which closed wa an unlin srtant concern, A lively run wa kept up on the other bank until the closing hour, Blurt a Hunk I'rMldunt, Mciww, Ida., June 21, An attempt waaieadahy Mike II. Leltch of Pull man, Wash., to kill Itobert T, Browne, (resident of Moscow National bank, Mich 1 In jail. Iinr' Knlliir. DRNvrn, June 21, The Acme Dry Pressed Brick and Improvement company made an alignment. The company's asMtU are placed at U7,4.V), with liabili ties alsait ;IM,0MI, lip MuIiim Wire lio llimn, Dku Mojnks, June 21, The city conn cil ha jmhkI an ordinance to the effect that all telegraph and telephmie wire tnitt gi underground. The companies will fight the law, ( umllilula fur Hrnmtnr, DUNUf, Itt June 21, W, A, Davey of Crawford county 1 announced as a Democratic candidate for state senator in this, the Fourteenth diHtrlct. fuwa l(oiiiiin, Dk MotHVM, June 21. The Itipnbli can state central committee held a ses sion here and decided to hold the next state convention here Ang, 10, llrmilllnn l oinmliwlonxr llriwt. New YolcK, June 21, Marenchal Jo Bimea'i do Clivera, pntiideiit of the Brazilian commixnion to the World's fair, died at the Hotel Havory, llccoliitlnn la Itareclotin, London, June :!1. A dispatch from Madrid say that a revolutionary out break is reported to have taken place in Barcelona. Detail are lacking, kUta Itank of 1'lnlnllald, Kan Clmwd. Toi'KKA, June 21, The state bank commissioner ordered the State bank of Plainfluld cloaed. sTomi;s Aiioirr mix tut rcvt onv aHtciHiuicr HuUTNINMUlOnr, ' Ma j IIwm aa IbhmiI aliallit ! lMlt l ttiaittttlt ua Har ! hn i I liaiMMM lit Stan Afcl W Iim ilia Sim I twt4. Tin t t a tiy troiiiit Hi rnitf lb ttiti 1 1 tin i It.-. ! that iliHliii the Stigo of IS t lbut Uen.lal 1 a a tmiuHl (.o fi, in Ilia dutlesan l iI ihk. ii f bit ilti"H li pit k up and ' (vplm wi the It ii U of a In a het fall if iiing Mid that bad We. knocked 'down by V.b ml Mll, A aiimlar Utoty be Uii told of Llneoln t Ulna j Irate bis ! ndi-i lie of le ait.snd the ! probability la II. nt tlie fbn originated away bark In the rurly dan of t trlllta tlon. It I inoMly ! with the nintl.iti : htch liiirn In lite biMory of great luen j end events. When they are imt lnir- rowed fi-oiu the ancient end banded down through snecewlve getierntloiis, they ate manufactured by skillful writ er to suit particular diameter and tut ciiMoim, We may Im iiulte mire that (leneral never panned In thecourae of a battle to look after dlMreased bird. He wa a man of Hue feeling undoubt edly, but It doe not follow that ba wa lu tint habit of making himaclf aentl menially alwurd. The story, In short, I not characteris tic, and so It has no historical value, A distinguished man' fame i harmed rather than heljied when ho is thus rep resented a nmiiifesting himself In an il logical mid Improbable manner. It would Ihi easy to liolieve of Lee that he tooped to ease tho pa In of a wounded soldier or that he gave hi ration to a hungry prisoner, but It I not reasonable to suppose that bis Instinct of sympathy betrayed blin into the girlish act which thl story attribute to him, And thus it I with hundred of other anecdote that are used to impart an enlivening flavor to the dreariness of history. The anecdoto is a desirable thing in work which are intended to convey a vivid Impression of historical occur rence or celebrated personalities, .but it needs to lie employed judiciously and with a rational sense of fitness. There is no advantage gained when such mat ter is introduced for the mere purpose of giving variety where there would other wise be monotony. Tho anecdote' pros perity lie in it adaptability to the char acter that Is being portrnyod and it service na a striking illustration of an in dividual trait or tendency. We often get a Iotter idea of a man from some simple story of hi denoting taste or caprice than from the labored account of hi more Important proceedings, but the story must bo carefully adjusted to the logic of the man' life and the salient fact of bis career, or its intention will be defeated, Tho best historians and biographer understand this and are accordingly a painstaking and solicitous in the case of an anecdote a In that of a problem of serious Interest, They do not tell atorie of that sort for luperficlal effect or to quicken the reader' flagging attention, but to emphasize a given characteristic and to fill a practical want In the way of description or analysis. Tho anecdote supplement and illuminate the heavier feature of tlie narrative. It 1 used with discrimination and not in a light and promiscuous manner. The picture would not Is) complete without it. The character would be dim and distant In the absence of such aid to tho apprecia tion of governing motive and iiecullari- ties. It i not really essential that anecdote thu employed shall bo literally true. Borne of the liest of them are pure inven tions, which have the rare merit of Mug well Imagined. A story that ha a rea sonable degree of probability and that can be credited consistently with what I known of the general qualitic of a character I useful even when it i not ssltively accurate, There are mimo fic tion of that kind which are worth more In thiHr wsy than many ponderou and tiresome facts. All of tho great figure in history owe something to these con venient fable, They ore identified with certain anecdote that keep them In easy remembrance and that enable u to make close acquaintance with them. But tho anecdote must have the virtue of plau sibility, or they will not answer the pur pose, U nles they represent thing which might have happened without contra diction of the character to which they relate there 1 no justification for them, and they are a reproach to the writer who use them a well a a damage to the man whom they are designed to benefit, The philosophy of the matter 1 all contained in the statement that great men, like small one, are exixicted to bo true to the law of their live. Anec dote which come within thl rule are historicolly valuable, whether strictly true or only product of fancy, and those which full ontsldo of it are silly and mis chievous, regardless of the reputation of the author or the purpose of tho decep tion. Bt. Loul Globe-Democrat. Natura't I'rolactliin for I'nrlpa fruit, For protection from the animal world immature fruit have developed a num ber of interesting devices, Almost uni versally "green" frnlt so harmonize with surrounding color as to escape de tection, In fact, the hazel nut i envel oied In a leafy coat which render it in conspicuous. The nutrition albumen of the seed I often fortified by auch Im penetrable shell a those of the cocoa nut and others, Perhap there Is a for midable armament of prickles, a In the chestnut, or stinging hairs, a 1 the cose with some pods. Characteristic of immature fruit ore disagreeable taste and consistence, Compare an unripe peach, aour and itringy, with the same fruit in it lu clou maturity, But all these contriv ance fall to repel certain enemies of growing fruit. The apple' inconsplc uousness, toughness and sourness are of little avail against the young progeny of the genu homo. J. W. Folsom in Pop ular Science Monthly. I einHiHMt of IsMt i i-.1 . I ii - l il l naM.f S'alil, t,. a i i a - li' ..w.-,t tf ..'' I' . , t'. !. I 1 , aa A I I I t... Ut l.o ! ! I . . I, .1 l It M-I-ImI ..tfv I rrl,n. t I.? lra K, vim I -! I.. ' , I. M1 i i ii,. i . t - I u .i i. it a I i a iMildM liiw l"t. ! ! i'l' fciil, ! if? rai I A ') 1 - Aji'l I Muni In l'lni.H !. I "! I ' ' i k I at t at Slawmt. A clilliinill ln aUlnlMtfil fimrt tbiMU'Kiil aliii wt lii to lust i . iiVl a Vi'ir simple fi'inoily f..rthe Oiit..tiim: tt.i Into a 'l here )t will V qnnt kill klUie, tfet ftnliin book that ill li- eiat Imt lio! nlie ton an l sit do n ami rl two hours h'H. ! )nnralf, kiHpIng your ttstli logi-thor, lo Ihi rv ry two or thnu dnj , r mice a we k If very tlreKiine, alnsii tnkmg rr to Mil slolyainl dial lie tlv, nmvlng the bn, but imt the tiH'lh. Then, when con- Vcratng with ii .her, try to speak a slowly and diMiiirtly as poHitbln and limkoup Inlll.l that )ou will not it ii miner. Well, I tried this remedy, not having much faith in It, 1 must confess, but willing to do almost anything to cure myself of such an annoying difficulty, I read for two hours aloud with my teeth together. Tho first result was to make my tongue and jaw ache that is, while I was reading and the next to make me fei l a if something bad loos ened my talking apparatus, for I could ieak with less dilllculty immediately. The change wa so great that every one who knew me remarked it. I repeated thl remedy every fivo or six day for a month, and thou at longer interval un til cured. (Jowl Health. An Inaurano t'urloaltjr. "Did you ever stop to consider," asked Lemuel Hunter, "why it is that when a man is burned out ho always overesti mate his loss about 200 per cunt? This Is more particularly the case with fires in frame building towns, where the loss to the building is generally assessed at between three und four times what it cost to erect it, I raised this question not long since with a man who was burned out. He said the loss to his build ing wa $:i,000, but ho proposed to re build at an expenditure of $1,200 and have a better building, When I ques tioned the logic of his calculation, ho promptly corrected me by pointing out that the real estato on which the build ing stood was worth fully $2,000, and al though ha didn't pretend to argue that the site had been burned up bo scorned to think himself perfectly justified in in cl tiding tho value of tho 25 feet frontage in his estimate of loss. No one was In j ured by tlie calculation, und tho good man was perfectly justified in making it if he do sired, but If his idea is a general one it is not surprising that losses generally are greatly overestimated," Bt.Loui Globe Democrat, r Whan thn World Vails to fli. v The leading English scientist, June, nilton, et al,, are figuring on the proba bilities of the earth finally collapsing as a result of tho modern craze for tapping nature' great gas retort. Thoy argue that the earth Is a huge balloon held up, lu part at least, by heat and internal gases, and that when nature's great gas main is eventually exhausted the earth's crust may break in and fall into mil lion of fragment! Ugh! The very thought of inch a calamity I startling. They arguo that the slowly belching forth of million of feet of ga every hour of the day and tilght Is surely caus ing a great vacuum somewhere not far beneath the surface, and that sooner or later the thin archway of earth crust will give way, Then will occur the grand climax of all earthly calamities, Bt, Louis Republic, Would Abellah tlia Tan CiiirimanilmniiU, Once, when being heckled during an election, a man suddenly shouted from tho gallery, "What 1 Mr, Merry' opln ion of tho decalogue?" Tlie candidate, turning to hi agent, whom he always kept handy at such times, asked, "What on earth dia-s the follow mean by tho decalogue' The agent explained that the man probably meant something about Buiiday train and Bnnday travel ing, upon which the candidate replied to hi questioner a follow! "I beg to In form my friend in the gallery that so far a 1 am concerned I would atiollsh the decalogue altogether," Lend (England; Mercury, A Itoimi In lliiokliigliarn I'alaia, One' reapect for the accommodation at Buckingham palace I considerably enhanced to read that over 800 women waiting to be presented to the queen were gathered in th apartment adjoin ing the thronerootu on the last drawing room. When It is recalled that each of these women was accompanied by her court train, or rather that each accom panied her court train, It I seen how noble must la the dimension of a room to accommodate 200 women and 200 court train. Exchange, The denuding of the mountain of France of their covering of tree ha caused destructive torrents to sweep over tho neighboring plains, laying waste rich agricultural land and producing Im mense losses, On retiring let the air Into the room by pulling down the window a short dis tance from the top and raising It equally from tho bottom. This penult that free circulation most beneficial to health, A "T" will work wonder if proper ly applied. It make bough bought, turn here to there, make tone out of one and transform the phrase "allo.v his own" into "tallow this town." To preserve health Is a moral and re ligions duty, for health i tho basis of all social virtues. We can no longer be use ful when not well. Johnson, J A Maine farmer U muking a good in come by breeding iwans, the market rates for which rang from $40 to $75 a pair. BOOK DEPARTMENT. t i l'raitM mut ,i,.aiM, Standaixl Anti-Roman Catholic Books Whiili rft,' Alutflian shotiM i,a in i.,er U krt ji lihiiPi-lf j((. , tipnti (h wtliht.l0 i f Hi jittjai ; Rif, Chlnlqufs Books: ' Mt It U M; tM lit i li) i 1. 1 liiMI I .. . ' , II - IV,. VI S AMI m iM I a Mi'N Al. ii.- t m Fulton's Books: WMV l'M1tl.l I hwi tv, ' -1 !, I -Hi (I ' W Jl!li,1,i H,; 1 p ,, T. M. Harris Books: 'As.mrtior i imhi n vn,h f IJ M,,t,. ri t ill Mr. and Mrs, Slattery's Works: nVVT I.U K r VIMsHi -p,.r, i evei. "M-'ilMT Of miMlsIt I'lill'ST KX Post '- en, ,., AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO., ffy-f.'l-f t Shvvly littwk, OMAHA. NEB. Wanted. A gisid rellnblo man with small cnpltal to tnko half Interest In the agency for one of the best Investment companies In Omaha. Old Insurnneo man preferred, but a KTHTI.KK will do. To tho right party It Is an A 1 osfilng. Address us quick. "X," cure AmkkicaM" olllco, 412 Shwly Ellott ltouso furniture for sala or rent. Also houxo to rent. (MX1J North 10th Street. Chicago Short Lino or th cuiojLao Milwaukee & St, Paul R'y The Best Route -roe- CHICAGO ANO ALL POINTS EAST. HOLIIJ VKSTIBULKD and STEAM HEATED, Trains daily wmatwttiw of tha Ufr I'Af.afis Sleaiilntt I urn V.,mhn't, KliKS I'lnilr Citra, l,(ii iooi:a oiii'Iick, Mini tlis Klfieal IHnliiif (.'sea In tlia World, for TIifoiikIi Tlehala, call on the tlekat svaiit st. Karnsia atreet and at iJnloii I'aeifle depot,, V,vry Mllfnlliin (o iitaaaiiKar by courleiiiia employee ut Oila ciiupmiy, F. At NASH, Omi'l Ag't, Omalia, Nsh, C. W. BAKER, Undertaker Embalmer formerly with M.O. Muni,'mons mm, 111 South lth OMAHA. LADV AtHISTANT rURNIIHIO. THE NAME TO REMEMBER When llurlng BICYCLE A. IV. (JUMP & CO., DAYTON, OlIIO. S.'IO.OO'lo MI.OOaa1 on many naw ami arcoiKl-hand lllrilfa, I, lata free, Oor U.000 In aloek. aali or I ma, jM.KTI'S WANTKII, Miiimmttffimfffrffriftff1 TUU WANT A P IN THE WFflT. rCMtCAOO. MOCK KlnO AClf(C . Z p CALLED Til A WfcSItHh patflll all hnnt it j(wJi bmiit j H 111 52 t5 ill if 4rfM JOHN NrnAKTIAff, (ln, Tktit uA (awr.f Aftt, r. CWafw. IbM ltlMl m4 fulfU Hallrmwl, l',hitu, (II. -ai biii.aiumtituit.tiinaiiiuttivJ EditD O'Corman's Woik's: Vt'MINT Hit Mill III' fit.. i.Hh ti s R.v. J. 0. Whili's Works: I'Mli't tMKM I'MivlNrMli ti! .M titt )w A loV l M li 'I If i MHin til'lltl V I'll. I v Itrta t ai is ho mt. riori,i, - iiii Thomas E. Icon's Works: f i Nt-TISsttit Old. Til Hst IT" Se.TMla. nt It mt AtliV" ;e.iii "MARIA MONK" I'Hce ,M oenia. tUPPLIMtMT TO THt AMlftl CAN M r toin.ln-.l; ?ihi r ?li,iuaniti alngle copy. enu. Fremont, ElKfiorn & Missouri Valley ITOTtTTI DOXTTII Fremont, Uastinoh, Waiioo, Lincoln, Skwahd, Sui'KltlOlt, David City, Youic, Ai.ijion, Norfolk. AWU am, Northern Nebraska, Black Hills AND CKNTHAL WYOMING. ONI.V nillSOT LINK TO Sioux City, Minneapolis and St. Paul, TleketOfllen Ul Kiirniim al rmitunil Wubaler Htrent Union Htatlon, H. 0. UftT, Uiui'l ManiiKer, J. R. IU0HANAN Oim'l I'iimhAkI,, AMERIOAN8 TAKI NOTICKI I'or Keiitleinen, wn have a tieaiil.lful linn of Negliges Overthlrta hik Underwear froiii iini', nil, ii'ir wiiiiili'ifiil fur Hate at flSo. Aii all Solid Leather Shoe .from I 28 UD. In ani'ka, aiiNii.iilera, nei li wnr, iiiiifiri'lliii, el elc, wii aru In It, Don't forto't tlui plueu, LAN DEN BROS., von N. mixfwnlh. KOUCH & HOUCH, Carpenter and Builder. Maniifaetiirer and Itnpalrerof Sash, Screens, Doors and Windows and Furniture, ALL WORK GUAHANTKED, Shop! 1017 Davanport llraat, OMAHA. W. H.,LANYON, M. D., Physician nd Surgeon, Telephono 747. Twelva yeitra eiiellniiiil practlee In Oiniilin, lulu Hwilxfioil. Hili'Sniiil loHt,loNiiiiralnwill,iti (llll.'ll M, W, eor, HlSteeiilli mul Olili'ltU'l HU (Htl.'e lioura lo IIUKI a, In,, !I:IK In fl;il nn) T:'MoH:lllli, In, llealilenen, WII (iliitrlea St, M. DALEY, MERCHANT TAILOR Suits Mado to Order. ' Oiiaritfilena s M'hii., ni.n alleaaei, (Jlolli liiK eleiiiMiii, ilyml ami reuiuileled, 2107 Cuming St., OMAHA W. T. WHITE & CO., IOO NORTH tOTH SST, Stationery. Boohs and News, I'erloflleuU, Maffaslnna, Notlofis, IVIns I'iK'knt rm iery. nisnra, Toliiii'i'oa, ami Smolo.r'a Sun drlen. KverytliliiK Hint elaaa. Friends Palronsgt Solicited, HISSEM & TEETER Norttiaa.t Oar. 10th ni Ood Ut., roa am, sisus or Foreign and Domestlo Fruits, Mats, Oon factions, Olgsri nd Tolnooo. Tiileilioii 17H4, WM, NICKLAS, Brick Contractor and Builder KNilmatea furnUlii'rt oa all Hinla of llrlek anil Maaon work, 2230 S, SIVINTIINTH ST. Tslspbss 170(1, OMAHA, NRII, "THE MAN who h:is no Munlo In his Soul," li (If'uerviiiK of symoulhy, ttut not lil'ire no, limn HIE MAN who is without onnof thn hanilaoma, New Klyln Jirivlng Vohlclos ol Bki iii.ih A Co. One of tlia nrwaat and moaC at' Iriwllf nl llcaluiit TqJ Kroiiotnli al harnnati dnrnhle " I Of lli'att(iiallir 4c Workmanahlp llirOIIKIMMIll . I lnrpiialoan1 liisrealdrniand. and lor Cut and Deaerlpllona t WEPT, fj BAOT. f 8ECHLER A CO., CINCINNATI, 0.