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About The American. (Omaha, Nebraska) 1891-1899 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1893)
THE AMERICAN PSRRY. la It. ttl jvar I 4, lrf l.v..t, i xnv', t mf Ut.r n4 Vi'r Kh rf faitbful Jimtie bJ fa.Wft-Ta'.Vn Hl in lrr tr, tt under rltviiuiwH 4 t-d erwdty, tsti wrrtsl tvvr br lit brlpb tN- that UiroWtvd in Ut artr,, prunptii f tht b' l smsmlng him from llxw pry ktil a ad pike, trrtM lirr tvmatn a wikv1iiI and dhut j;-cttor l t1i lnrnr. Shaw OtVtih, r, returning Irom t WU U th neighboring barvny, had provi dentially rcaed falling in with the kMWMln; and hy him he til burn a ay from the scene of blood, nearly In ut of lnnlty. Long, very long, it wa ere her lacerated mind could rmliirc the slightest allusion to that hour: and even then th wildest spirit of vindictive pasidon that ever raved In the unnuMued bnwom of an O'Neill, would Impetuously break forth as she looked upon her sickly child, and vowed to train hlra for the work of vengeance. And well was the qualified by nature for nch a perecptorshlp, the masculine strength and daring of her character bavin? been conspicuous from the cradle. But better thing were In store for the bereaved nnd desolate sufferer; her deep affliction molted the heart of a pious minister, who had brought into a strange land all the devoted ardour of a Scottish Covenanter, fie, too, had his tale of wrongs nnd domestic anguish to toll; and having thus engaged her sympathy, ho turned to the bent nnd holiest of purposes the advantage gain ed. Beforo hit white hairs descended to a peaceful grave, tho widow of M'Allster was enabled to cheer his dying pillow with those swoet words of gospel promise which hod sounded strangely to her ear when first brought under his teaching; and tho boy, so early dedicated to the work of unhal lowed wrath, was trained, and lived, and died, a meek follower of his com passionate Savior. But strong, indelibly strong, was the Impression left by that fearful sceno of massacre; and her mind would pondor and revolve It under every change of character and circumstance. She had beheld those murderers kneel in prayer, before they plunged their weapons Into bottoms that pleaded for them with their lasy throb for the M'Allsters were "more than nominally christians and she had also seen and heard their sol emn act of thanksgiving over tho mangled bodies. The retrospection led to deep musings on the nature of that delusion under which they acted, and the Lady of M'Allster had achieved the noblest victory that human nature Is capable of, in its renewed and sancti fied condition; for her keenest wrongs now formed an argument wherewith to disarm her own and others' resentment; and she dwelt upon them but as an in centive to redoubled exertions In rescu ing souls from that mothef of abomina tions, so drunken with the blood of the saints, with the life-blood of all that had been most dear to her own agonized bosom. When a blessing had been given to her zealous and patient en deavors for the conversion of some poor ignorant follower of Jlouie and more than one or two had crowned those of' forts she would smllo, and say, "Bo' hold my triumphant revenge for tho slaughter of my house!" It will not bo doubted that the pro gressive advanco of James II, towards a ro-establlshmcnt of pojiery, had ex cited In her mind the most acute and painful Interest; while a just view of what the Scriptures inculcate of sub mission to constituted authority taught her to shrink from the prospect of popular insurrection on the part of the aggrieved Protestants. The act of , abdication, therefore, by which the monarch subsequently vacated his .throne, she hailed us a most provider tlal Interposition; the very name of William of Nassau sounding in her ears a tale of hope and joy. Beneath her calm deportment, there lay con cealed an anxiety the most intense; and while her thoughts pursued, with eagle glance, the relative position of the contending parties throughout the British Isles, that little spot to which the family had been recently removed, acquired an Importance abundantly verified by the sequel. She doubted not but that a perilous fermentation pervaded the Scottish clans, and that to secure a northern point of rapid com-ni'-'icatlon between that country and Ireland, sucjj M tjj6 0j )jrry cou j supply, wov4 imni eMential to the success of Jameb, h0 hftd iuffloleBtjy shown that he hopea,,,, r b torCf what in a moment of paukj- ha(1 gQ hastily relinquished. Thesi, views often communicated to her liUIe family circle, as an Incentive to mor earnest prayers, since nothing short d Divine power could Interpose betwten tVo pro ject and its accomplishment, firyan was fully convinced that she predicted rightly, as to the importance of that post; and the subject was frequently canvassed among his young companions, 'who entered Into its discuieloa with ! it4 tWlnf .4 WMlfc! T) t . tj i-4 kvt ( Jltn.4. ft t. its t St fc ".! Ws mU-t JtjUe iM ttsm iMl) l lv.,, tj. - rUi-MHr r I'll to !.( tt Oi ntftf bwilrTfc.ti d m h b f -r ff tt Jf tfvi mhUh U f ii.ft t,l alt tfct!dtn t I Urr ti tiiHj tl $ ftyf hmA r .tmd th tr k t mr to U Sr lri -um !( nitH t, and n,, t.t!t !mitvtry i.(h r !m f rt.'t" fttrnMigly jarrlwiH-d y tti fM !! l Jftmrn, IV (ry t Kjojrd th iU'S!iir yri U-$n f W li.g urnl r tbp f mrdiftnh!p 4 brr ritlt VhWp r iti In the trt that h a prlfihtf im).t tt v lightly rrlii)jthed; and lk tniw elnH-nt than onl ave fn-jvciit plelge of mutual fUli-lHf, aa tmm their Itarrler-walU thry g?d b the wind ing rVyle, and ealculatej the fttrviigth of their xltUn. Hut them were ebul lition of youthful spirit, extorting the smile of pity, or provoking the rebuke of prudence, from their more exer- leneed companions. I'lurrr-it n. Tho chills of lVcemlter were now striking their paralysing influence into every detriment of tho natural world, and its snows began to whiten on the neighboring hills. The Protestants of Dcrry remained unmolested, but con sclous that perils were thickening arouml them; tho numerous Roman Catholics within its walls generally wearing an aspect calculated to Increase tho crturhatton, and with trembling solicitude wns the BpHnranoo of Bryan M'Allster hailed whenever ho ap proached tho retired dwelling of his kindred. Even old Shane now found a ready audience for his exaggerated reinn'ts; and It was with no slight degree of ter ror that Letltlaand Ellen beheld him break abruptly into their sitting-room, after a short absence, with a counten ance full of important information. "What is It, Shane?" was the anxious Inquiry. "Indeed, and It's bad enough for tho like of you to hear, poor fatherless cratures that ye bo I It's out and out true, the next Sunday, the ninth of this very month, every Protestant soul will bo murdered. I'm just after seeing tho letter come In from Ennlsklllen, whore tho brave lads are defending the place; and there's a big array coming up upon us, to bo here In no time at all; and the bloody Papists whetting their knives In open day, all over tho town. Musha but we'll all be slaughtered Uko a flock of sheep!" Before the old mon could recover his breath, Bryan entered; his counton anco was pale, but an air of fixed do termination pervaded every feature, and seemed to nerve his whole frame With a rapid but silent glance, he scanned the agitated circle, and then rested his intelligent eyes on his grand mother. "It is true," ho said, "what Shane has no doubt communicated to you. A plan of general massacre is divulged, and the day after tomorrow fixed for its penetration. Lord Antrim's regl mentof Irish and Scotch, alike hostile to our faith, is on the advance toward us; and the ferocious sold lory are even outnumbered by more furious womon and wild young boys, armed with skenes, with pikes, and whatsoever in Instruments of destruction they can get hold of." Ellen flow to her mother, who with a sigh of silent despnlr clasped her arms around tho shuddering girl. Letltta sunk back on her sent, gazing with bo wlldered looks from one to another of tho party. Bryan remained, his eyes fastened on those of his grandmother, who raised them to heaven, whllo Shano exclaimed, "Tho gates, Master Bryan, we were talking of that!" "Of the gates?" said tho old lady casting an inquiring glance at her grandson. "There was a talk among us of elos lng them;" said Bryan, "but tho cor poration checked that suggestion; and yet grandmother where tho means are at hand." He was proceeding in a tone of deepening energy, when another young man of the city rushed Into the house. "M'Allster," ho exclaimed, "why do you loiter? Our lives hang by a wisp of hay. Those whlto-livered alderman are temporising and higgling, ready enough to sacrifice us all ns tho price of their own proper immunity." "For shame, Ross," interrupted Bryan; "you wrong them." "Then let them right themselves, the calculating drones. M'Allster, do you flinch? You were forward enough just now. Why, man, there are already two companies of Infernals arrived at the Wator-slde, attended by a host of furies, 'actually drunk with rage, and yelling for blood; while tho little butchering ruffians, boys from eight to P) 0i(i( Bre brandishing their knives, ana jn,,.!,,,,, t0 take thelr i. ltlatory lesson in tn t of topturlng from their more practised comtaJflng "Away!" exclaimed Bryan; and re gardless even of the cries that implored his return, in voices so dear to him, he ran off at full speed with Ross. To describe the state of the city is utterly impossible; groups of terrified ' IV itftMi ) ri ti tftt4 in tt. tv , tkrir M r a4 I.V W t.trf ft'f ) 4 -t m t., In ! I tttl- tttj ftttft .i ..t !.. ttiin'ht lift K lote, In ( ntitriit, mi I iwt) it rrrtji.-rtan telnWti r, with wni a rv-ttft.ati.Mn tii.l n Kl an.v, ntftbt It tiiisniMMftnif bit tn wiKHnif bmri'tn to a Rrno f trt la tho Mo! HU'h, tMhrrit tl.-ii. t.-j-, itb itWtrlal nn. Wit w bantft, and b r and Ifcnv a military i-ft'ii r, wrn froit) in i Ioin arid nrmt debate. lUpldly lng by ttn-w, tbn two jinmg n-in ri-m hi'd that qurtr of the city hlt h fnmtslhe r'jlei and then, m the ipplt lnk, rallt-vl the Water Hide, UrjRii Ix In 14 an ample confirma t Ion of his frk nd's n xrL At this jwrlml, the two olTlerra In command were cnlng tho river In a feny-lioat, for tho puritomi of demand lng admtwion for their comianlc; and thrto crowding to tlie water's edge, presented a most aptalling snc1clo to the devoted Inhabitant. Itos hail hy no means exaggerated the horrors of their asjH-et. A more formidable body of assailant tho Imagination could not picture. Wild, fierce, and restless, their very look was a menace; and the regular troops were mingled with such a motley crowd as gave them the asiwct of a promiscuous banditti; whllo the impatient gestures and shouts of their female followers, accompanied by an Immense numberof young boys, exactly answering to Boss's description, Im parted a character more dreadful thun could have attached to a regular army of military besiegers. The object of their cries tho Intent with which those weapons flashed in the sunbeam was but too little questionable; and maddening were tho thoughts that crowded upon those whoso domestic circles were threatened by a visitation so horrible. Our youths found themselves sur rounded by a number of lads and young men, apprenticed to tho different mer chants and tradesmen; theso eagerly greeted their arrival, and pointed to tho opposite aldo. "It cannot lie It shall not bo," cried Bryan "By timely resistance we may avoid tho effusion, of blood. Admit those forces, and our houses will bo deluged In the blood of their Inmates." "To tho gates, boys!" shouted several voices; and the mob ro-eohood tho wordB. The deputy-mayor hastily approach ed, and demanded that the cry should be silenced. ; , "Never mind him, boys," said IloJf, "he's In the pay of tho old papist. Sheriff Kennedy tells us another story." The courteous roceptlon given to tho officers, and the manifest determina tion of aomo among the leading men to admit their followers, Increased tho Irritation of tho apprentices; nor was this mitigated when thoy perceived tho foremost of tho two companies already in tho act of crossing tho river, to force admittance. "Now or never!" was shouted by tho agitated lookcrs-on. Bryan's mind was In a tumult of op posing principles and harassing doubts how far they should by justified in w slstlng what would soon bo an over whelming force, and thus Increasing the certainty of slaughter, was a mat ter of severe perplexity to him. But then tho firm conviction that their city was formed to bo tho earthly bulwark of a righteous cause an assurance that there was no restraint with tho Lord to save by many or by fow, and tho evident fact that butchery would bo ro tardod, If not altogether averted, by a measure so purely defensive all wrought with him to obey the Impulse of strong natural feeling. Ono fervent prayer ho breathed to tho Helper of the oppressed, and then raising his voice to its outmost pitch, cried out, "For our altars and our homes! To tho guard-house, boys! Sol.e tho keys!" and away they started, Somo sevore struggling took place beforo the keys wore wrested from those who had them In charge; but the rapid approach of tho soldiers to within three hundred yards of the gate, nerved everr arm among tho youthful band of resolute defenders with gujiernatural strength, Tho scuflle was quickly over, tho keys were won; nnd, with the rapidity of hounds in full chase, the boys rushed to tho ferry-gate, the draw bridge of which they instantonoously drew up; and as tho massive gates swung heavily forward, and tho coarse key grated harshly upon its wards, It told that the deed was dono a deed to which, under the all-directing power of the Most High, may doubtless, in sonic measure, bo traced the blessings that for one hundred and forty years crowned our country. A deed achieved by unarmod boys, baffling the wily counsels of kings, impeding the pro gress of victorious armies, setting at nought the exterminating thunders of vindictive Rome, and proving by what seemingly inefficient means the Lord of v'st8 wills to accomplish the dictates oi Atmifckkv windom. At the moment wt.n the ferry-gate was closed, Lord Antrim's myrmidons had approached with sixty yards of it portal. The other city gates were next f4 t4 (f 't. tf tb i Otott. j-lfit t tts. fcrt t,.!uM.n .1 f.ff th tl") Tt Ih4 J IW)ft I. ml tM o i.-nn.t' thr In BMIf trt r f,w aU Hi! oie t-ouM l!4, nl u li.l I, a h i -iiiilir.f ii m to It tt ftthtt ; -, ft'lTB taut att mi t n tH tt of the d pMty thftjutf to Indto-w k ri" tf the tt i), t. y fln mtlM to f l a r,iita'l horii,tM, by uhlth tlulr iMplett wib tiNt U- a rtM.r-! un Mlintf, and lb faW-a Uipob opn, Popular fili.g How too tm;)y pxh.d on their Ixhaif to lav any toiiM 4 Xhm fviral fn ftolutloa t de ft tn I the rlty, and the threat of N lug lug a ptee onlrmm-e to bear o tho Intruder, aent them In dltrj. r l k to tlo lr companion, leat lng the town to the guardian protection of her devoted young apprentice. During the whole of this tumultous scene old Khane had endeavored to kii'p Hi) an In his view; but the totter ing limb of the veteran worn unequal to the tk. Indeed, the celerity of the young man's movement was such, that to Shane's vision ho appeared as a flash of lightning, or rather a succes sion of flashes, darling along various points of the horizon. However, tho jxiwerful tones of his voice, continually rising almvo others a ho Minuted forth tho words of direction and encourage ment, were faithfully echoed by Shane, whoso' inmost soul revelled in tho lux ury of what he considered tho first net of vengeance wrought on tho part of an Injured family. At length ho bethought himself of the terrified and anxious women, to whoso abode tho uproar must havo penetrated; and ho hobbled away from the sceno of action, to placo beforo them a glowing picture of Bryan's achieve ments. "Tho rcrnl M'Allster; the true blood of him that was now revenged." It was late at night beforo tho youth Could snatch an hour to satisfy his family that he was unhurt. The high est animation played ujwn his features, and enlivened every gesture as he ex plained the events of that memorable day; and the Lady of M'Allster never sat more erect In native dignity than whllo she listened to his accents, and marked tho strong traits of character endeared by cherished remembrances. Yet ft tear fell as the ejaculations of thankfulness for the past, and earnest supplication for tho future, ascended from her lips; and tho less subdued omotlon of the mother and sisters, who hailed In their most endeared relative a deliverer from lmmodlata destruc tion, sweetened Bryan's hasty meal Into luxury. But In the open expres sion of delight old Shrine far outdid all the rest, and frequently extorted l smllo by tho extravagance of his com mendations on the heroes of tho day, "What are you dreaming of, Shane?" asked his young master, archly; ''the honor and glory of an apprentice boy?" . "Hush, my child!" said tho Lady of M'Allster; ''and you, Shano, forbear to take from tho Lord tho praise which is due to Him alone. Tho Weakness, tho inadequacy of the instruments this day employed, glvo promise that tho work will prove to have been of God; and If so, It will bo a mighty and a perfect work, Ho who says to tho foaming billows, "Hitherto shalt thou go, and no further; here shall thy proud waves bo stayed,' may havo blessed our little fortress to bo tho feeble butsufllclent barrier against tho progress of His church's foes. Here Ho may bo about to kindle a flro through which they cannot pass; a flro whoso intenseness shall try us, even as silver is tried. We aro now pent up, besot by open foes, and in manifest peril of being sur rounded by accumulating hosts, not ono man of whom can set upon us to hurt us, unless tho Lord glvo the word. Oh, my children! shall we trust to an arm of flesh, and castaway tho shield of the Almighty, by boasting In our own prowess? Let us rather turn unto Hlrm In weeping and supplication, and pray that in theso kindling flames we may be purified, and made white, and shino for in tho straltwsii of this slego, tho slain of the Lord shall be many." She then read tho first two chapters of Joel, and offered up an Impressive prayer, "Grandmother," said Bryan, as ho took her hands on rising to depart, "when I ran down to tho por tal, when I laid hold on tho pulleys of tho brldgo, when I lent my strength to close those heavy gates the sound of whoso creak lng hinges I never, neyer shall forget the prayer of David was In my heart and on my Hps, 'Let us now fall Into the hand of the Lord, for Ills mercies are great; and let us not fall Into the hand of man!' " "Peace and blessing bo with my dear boy!" she replied; and tho tears of all mingled on his cheek as they bade him a reluctant farewell. "Heayen bless her ladyship!" mut tered Shano, as ho secured tho door, after wringing his young master's of fered hand, "tho likoof her isn't above ground for throwing a wet blnnkot, And she's right, too, I'm entirely cer tain, In resjHjet to tho siege; for when tho boys slammed the ould gates In tho faces of you spalpeens, thinks I, it's your heart's blood that'll spout upon 'em yet. jewels of tho world! And Shane O'Connogher'sold ears will tingle when your merry voices are turned into dying groRp, and the roar of big guns bo your ullaloo!" And, overcome with tlitt ktorw that M tafety ilh , ), !mhb aay to t,U MU i.iHi!t.f y. W IW1hm4 NtttNAlKA AMERICANS Ar VMf Nm tnrplUrf lh fit wf A. P, A.'i - N4 lb Prtitls. Wr baitfeei ht j th follenlng , tt from lh U .ret.l t.t of th Ameri can Prvt.ctlt AMorintii; Tdltor f TtiK Ami ntt'AM, Omaha, Neb, iVar Mr: llelletlng the put Ibation of an outtinu of tp principle of Ot A uuMi nn Proie, ike Awsn'la lion wmiM ho ViiefleUl to tho order In the statu of Nebraska, and knowing It HI heighten the lnt rei la and favor for the Boclatlon If the public l placed in stlon of a brief outline of our Jsilicy, belief Bud principles, I would npeet fully ask Jon to pub) M the fol lowing: rf The memlx r of tho American Protective Association believe In the crpctuatton of the public Bchmil system a It exists Unlay; AkcoiuI They believe In a complete soriitloii of church and stte; by which we mean no laws shall bo enacted respecting tho establishment of any religion; and that no money shall ho appropriated from cither tho national, state or municipal treasuries for sec tarian purHscsj Third They believe In tho right of every man to worship God according to tho dictates of his own conscience; Fourth They believe in free sjiocch, an untrammelled press and ono ballot for each and ovory citizen fairly cast and honestly counted; Fifth They esteem all persons whether rich or poor, high or low, who como to this country, with a desire to familiarize themselves with our laws and form of government, and who swear allegiance to tho United States without a mental reservation in favor of any foreign prince, potentate or pope, as men worthy of being clothed with that highest honor American citizenship; Aftxft They believe in tho restric tion of immigration, so as to protect the honest cltlzenl-aborer from the depressing effects of the criminal, con tract and pauper Roman Catholic horde that Is swarming to our shores; favcntli They welcome to their council chambers men of all nationali ties, believing that tho accident of birth is not a truo test of Americanism; JSiykth They are willing to lay down their lives, to spend their fortunes, and, if need bo, to take up arms in de fense of their country and her institu tions; Ninth They are unalterably opposed to priestly dictation and Interference in the affairs of state,' knowirlg that whenever church has been placed above the state, the liberties of tho people havo not only boon jeopardized but completely overthrown, Theso, Mr. Editor, aro what you ght term the cardinal principles of the order, and if they meet with the approval of any of your readers who are not members of tho order, we would bo glad to have them unlto with us. The order 1h not partisan. Demo crats, republicans, prohibitionists, in dependent and mugwumps compose Its membership. Thoro aro but two re qulremonts that you are not ft Roman Catholic arid do not recognize tho church a being above tho state, To conclude, If any member of tho order knows where a council can bo organized ho Is requested to com muni cute with mo, and upon recommenda tion from such member's council that he in rellablo I will grant a dlsponsa tlon to such monitor to organize a coun ell at tho point designated. By concerted action tho membership in Nebraska can bo doubled Inside of sixty days and tho number of council can mi increased even beyond tho ex pectatlons of tho most sangulno mem bors of tho order; and to that end I earnestly request tho hearty co-opera' tlon and assfstanca of every member of trio order, ixaus aiiiro to worK, Ask your neighbor what ho knows aliout too A. r, A, Know him the principles of tho order, If they meet his approval ask him why ho does not join, Let us work! Let us agitate. Yours in V, P. P J, H. Hatpikuj, Htate President. C'OLUMliUH, Neb., May 2, IMItll, Read and Reflect, A, P, A, Primmer Is just tho thing to work men Into tho A, P, A. organization. It is a 12-pngo pamphlet, !k by 3j inches In size. Ex press prepaid, f.f)0 per 1,000; 2.80 jor 600. By mall, 70 cents per 100, 8fl copies 25 cents, 3 copies 6c, Address, J, W, Hlle, 421 Minn Ave, Kansas City, Kan In ordering by council or as an A. P. A., stamp your order with the seal of your council for private instructions. Linen Stationery, Every attorney should call on Thk American Puhlihhino Company 412-13-14 Shocly block, and order a supply or nno Bond ulazed Linen Sta tionery, It is the finest thing in tho market, and docs not cost more than ordinary linen paper. Telephone 911, and wo will call and show you a sample Read and Take Action! If you buy meat it will bo to your Interest to irivo us a call, Our prices are the lowest, because wo buy for cash and soil for cash. Never havo anything but tho very finest meats in tho marnot on nana, we shall bo pleased to havo you givo us a trial. Tho C. O. D. market. C. F. Brkhhkht, 1921 1tavenwort Street. Remember the placo and give us a call. 4-7-4t n- 1. 1. i, If m r .! t ot Out r bi(v u h9 a wm. II of tin- A, V A. Inti luted In Hi loa u it b ril, an. will ri u to that 1. .1, IU find to lion er thl eu r l th Intituling effitr, ah HI lmmed ly rvponl and glv full ntr.i?tl.n for iwgaaUlng. V ou!d ) gl4 to know thai council of thl grand A merles a otder ha Wih !nHlitod In eiy bn tl.nHliimt th t'ltlM Htat, , and the nooner tl belter, IH lBBNdni!j;ervu, and m ImM that fury tru Amerban, ryiilli' of hi fflliatl., lll do all In hi ower to advance tho order In hit community, t'hurvh Bud tUte must b kepi w jrBte, and the "Mttlo IUd Sehiol lloiiw" proteeteil again! th eiiemletof free education. All com pondenet confidential. "A Dollar'B Worth for Dollar." A. P, A. Hut ton 4oo to fi.M). Jr. O. U. A. M. Plns7.,olo2.fKt. P. O. 8. of A. Pin II. (K) toll.fiO. Orange Pin 11.00 to ll.ftO. at JNO. HALL'S, f.7 N 10th Street. You shouUl all remember that C. F. Shaw A Co., 61M S. loth St., has al ways on band, Vegetable, In season also a lull line of Staple Grooerlis. Do not forget us when down towu, Amerioans Should Read. Rev. Charles Chlnlquy's "Fifty Ycara in tho Church of Rome," price 12.00. Also "Tho Priest, Tho Woman and The Confessional," price 11.00. T. M. Harris' "Assassination of Abra ham Lincoln," price $2.60. "Maria Monk," price 76c. "Secrets of the Jesuits Exosod," by Rev. Thomas Leyden, price 76c. "Our Country," by Rev. Josiah Strong price 36c. "Why Priests Should Wed," by J, D Fulton, price 50c and $1.00. Our FRIKND8 should all remember when they wunt a new hat, or an old ono repaired, to call on us. We will give them good satisfaction, . NEBRASKA HAT M'F'G CO., Over 207 North 17th St. Tuko your repairing to The Drum mond Carriage Co., 14th and Harney Sts. Opp. the County Jail, t ii It Costs 31 ore to stay at home than to take advantage of the Burlington's ten dollar excursion to Sheridan, Wyo,, Tuesday, May 30th. Ask tho ticket agent at 1324 Farnam street for further particulars, Sheriff's Sale, Ity virtue of fin ordur ef stiln Issund out of tint Irlnl rlct court of llmiKliis count v. Neb.. nun In ml lilfclAHl. I will ii, i Mm U7tli flnvtif Jiinw, A. I, Imwi. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said, (iny, Hltlii! KAST frontdoor of tliu county court Iioiiko, In the el t y of Omulitt, llouK'u county, Nttlirimldt, will Ht uultllc miction ti property dnserllMid In mild order ot tale as follow, to-Wit ! Lot number fourteen '14) In block number four In Iwmjm.c'k Third addition to the city of Omaha, In tliecoiint.y of lionxlan, and utauiof NebriiNka, mild (jroimrfy to b sold subject, t a certain tiiortiriiKH In tho sum of two thousand, s.tven hundred and llfty dol lar ifl.'.vi.'iui In favor of tb American bonn and Trust Company, and tosuiufy Frederick J. Miirnett th mim of four hundred, seventy and m-lirfj dollar 'IVn,Mi Judicmnnt, with In terest thereon at rate of win (10; per cent per annum from May ttih, lw; to satisfy tbu Nebraska 'avlruf and KchariK Hunk thn sum of nno hundredi five and ,'i.Vimi dollar (iift,f'i Judgment, wllh (ntirrest thereon at rate of ten doi percent, per antiiiui from Oc tober Hi h, issiii to satisfy Oeortfii A, Hoiik land the sum of five hundred, twenty-two and "il-ioo dollar m!VH judgment, with In terest thereon at rate of seven (7) per cent per annum from September , tmu; U sat fsfy It. V. MiiNtard the sum of ono hundred dollars iim.i JudKment, with InterxNt thnrenn at rale of seven 7 per cent per an tuim from May nib, IsMtj to ai.lsfy l lnirb' McKlnney the sum of nlnn-slx and ,i-IW dollars il,lpiJudKment, with Interest there on at rale of seven V per cent per annum from May ttth, IMi to satisfy (liarle Mc Klnney the sum of nlnefy- and ,W-1" dol lar iKU JudKment, wllh lnu.ret thereon at rale of seven (7) ppr cent per annuni from May Hrd, Isfdii to satisfy John A. Waketleld the sum of three hundred, forty-two and 10 tmi dollar itMiMn JudKment, with Interest thereon at rale of ten tt(l) per cent per an nuni from Miiyilrd, isidi ti satisfy tho um of llfty-one and Vt-UH dollar Vi1,fM costs, with Interest thereon from thn Hlh day of May, A, Ji, Ii2, uiirether with sVTrulnii cost accordlnK to a Jndionent rendered by thedl trlct court of said I'oukIii county, at lis May term, A, It, IMi, In a certain action then and there peiidlriir, wherein Frederick J, llurneit was plalm Iff and Frank K, liworak, Joseph liworak and other were defendant, Omaha, Nebraska, May U, iwci, (,koik;k a. hknnktt. II-2U-II Hherlffof lioiiula county, Nebraska, MoiilKoumry, Charlton and Half, atlonieys, Notice to Creditors, STATieor Nr,nitsA, i a Iiouulas County, In the Cooniy I'ourt of liouxla County i in Li4 th Nebraska, May ay nth, A, , SWt, In the unifier of the estate of Tliotnn flarrett I'hn credltir of ald estatii and all oilm persons Interested In suld mailer will lake nutlet! that the creditors of said simi ailll apnear before this court on the HHU tiny of July, law, tin the Slllh day of Seplember I SKI, and on lbe!'tli day of November, Iswi, at Id o'cliwk a. m. each day, for the purpose of pre unit lust their claims for en am I nation, ad )ust- iiiBii nun iiiiimiiiire, nis inonin are anoweri for the (editors to present their claim and one year for the admlnlstrati U toselt lo suld estale, from thn Isib day of Muv. Im;i. 'fhl notice will be nubllshed In 'I'iiu Autunu for four week successively nrlor Oi ii.h itih day of July, m. All claim not Hied on lierore t heZTIIi l av nf N,iv.i,,li.,r uwi 111 be forever barred from consideration In th I j ll mil seilinoif ill or Slllll HslaMl, Witness Inv ( ml mul ,,lluli,l hhi.1 II. I. tun. tnj ., ..inv, ini,, .. i .. .J,.-. " IHKAt,. 6-Z(l-4 J, W, K I, I, Kit. County Judiffl, Notice to Creditors. TTi!or Nr.nitssKA, i lioiiKliis County. ' In the Coiiniy'Coiirt of tioimla County, Nehraska, May With, A. I. IWW, f,l ,1... MU,.,.M .1... ..I II. I'lekard: f' The (;redltor of ald estate and il.i persons InteresO'd In said mailer will u,uM not ice that thn creditors of said estate will ap- iiviir iit-iiirn I ills coun. on l ll Zfilll nay or a lily, Istn, on t he day of September, Isftl, and on urn .n n (in v oi novemner, isih, at IUO CI(M:k A. M., each (lav. for the niirniisa of uresem- llitf their elal urn fur exauilfiiiilon. ml liiHtment. and Hllowauce, Six months are allowed for the creditors to present thelrclaluis, nnd on year rur tne executrix to sctn suld es- 1 11141. from I he llllli (Inv of Muv. IMii.'i. Thlsnollcewlll Is published In Tim Amkiikmi for four week successively, prior to thn iifit.h (lay of July. Ili;i. All claims not filed on not filed on or bsfore the 'Allli (lav of November, HI. will be forever barred from consideration In the until mm itiniiiii. ni hui,i mhiuih Witness my hand and olllclal Real thl loth 1 ly of May, lwiit. J. W. KM. Ell, . SHAL.1 8-28-4 County Judirt