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About The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1898)
I lira Tli e Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. NO. 44. VOL. IX. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH a4, 1898. TAX K 6 OTIAiTONS Yarioua Plana in Varloue Places for Securing Revenue From Terioni." PINGEEE'S SPECIAL SESSION The Kansas Seoretary of State's Plan Edgar Howard'e Suggestion f Progress Already Made. A Subject For DIcolon, The amolug growth of corporation and corporate wealth in the past twenty yean, the prospect of still further growth and consolidation of then Interest, the great difficulties thrown in the way of securing proper assessment of the property of these corporations bo that they shall pay their share of the burdens of govern ment, are leading the people rapidly in the direction of direct taxation of corporations aa a condition of their corjorate existence. The decision of the United State supremo court that a corporation it a "person" within the meaning of the fourteenth amend ment to the federal constitution U Ukcly to still further attract atten tion to the subject. Governor Plngree of Michigan haa Just called the legislature of that state together In extra session to act upon measures prepared by the governor for Increasing the taxea upon rail road, express, telegraph and telephone cvmipanles. The special session met Tuesday of thl week and began 1U work. Governor ringrce rend his cor mratlon taxation message to the joint tension. It leading points were that the fruitier of the state constitution Intended that all taxea be baaed on the cash value of the property; that taxea should be levied upon public franchise aa well an other property; that the present system of specific taxes upon railway earnings is unsat isfactory and wrongr that tlie tax up on Michigan railroads has been less than quarter of 1 per cent upon their own sworn valuations and leas than one-eleventh of the percentage iaid by other taxpayers. The governor recommended authorization of the ap pointment of a state board to make equitable valuations of the property f such corporations at their cash val ues and to assess them at the average rate of all the taxea. A bill ,wae intro duced covering; all these' points,; In Kansas Secretary of State Bush has done considerable delving into the laws governing corporations. He has been enforcing some old laws that have been dead letters for years and thinks there is a need for some new luws. In regard to restricting wildcat corporation Kccrtary Bush says: "By innking every coporation char tered under the laws of the state, pay one-tenth of 1 per cent for every dol lar of capital stock, wildcat corKra lion would be done away with entire ly. By wildcat coriKriitioiis I mean those 'that organize with thousands and sometimes millions of capital stock, when not a dollar is paid in. Tii riTirt-MtMitatives sro out and 'trull' the people into buying stock with the glitter of an enormous capital which, in reality, doesn't exist. "Our present laws governing cor porations really discriminates against the home eorMrutiou in favor of the corM. rations chartered under the law of other states. There is no provMnu requiring coqairntlona that a . y bartered under the law of 1, u to make a retort to this dexirtme.nt, and that they are free from other re quirement as well, 1 liclicve they should 1 made to my a heavy fee for authority to transact buaiueaa iu the state." Wisconsin derives moat of her reve nue from the various corHnition chartered Under her authority. Her statute lsok prut idea the following schedule of taxation: lUllronde-4 cr cent of sll gross earning on all roads where the same c,,il or eceed fl.OOO per mile, h its dollar r mile fir etrry mile of road ruWnt by eoiMnle whim gross turnings sr'e less thtui $1,ii tar mile and I per cent additional of the gross eaMitutf of sll companies whose trrosS earnings are lln u !i,.Vh sud l.oiw r in'le, Insiirsiicx toiiisiili- 3 ier ovnt of groaa liicon.e after deducting othcei' salaries sad ortVe ripriisea. Telephone eotuWa-One per rent l( grosa Income, lelt'tfrsidt uniue One dollar wr loil r annum on all lines with one. n, M tents adddtooal fr set ....! Mite, t eritts .l lill.M.,kl for third ire, ;' ,nu additional fur fHirth (tiii I sc,rU f is lies. In Nbrt, t'llytr Howard, editor of th l"sjHii limes, tddly ash , sir tl Utit of latltowd oris.r lt. Im the tit the privileges if corporate iWt grat4 ttsew I t -miM r of the Hd, the hwl W UUtiue Htssei isee last I I that duv the tt teUliatf the eifne el srt Urt f sit MB.Uf tru of tSt' h th I', " lisy st I H.'t f imottti.(f Hiutr tt s old I U wouM h l only It S-V Tht Us, howrtcf, nly ihsrss a ! foe r-..rjiatuHs (I l'vk e fSUN h -'ttlStl t,itu iu tt sUte a a utualftoitt fte voatiitiMMt rotiit lteue, Wirr twsy Us 4vie U pursue clear that any state can require pay ment from corjorations xor the priv ilege of being "persons" artificially tli rough the Incorporating power of the state, TO REDUCE FREIGHT RATES. Board of Transportation Ordsra Bscrs tsrissto Proceed in the Tlbblst Case. The state board of transportation has decided to make a move in the matter of reducing freight rate In this state. The complaint of T. II. Tibbies against all the roads of the state, claiming that the rates charged were one-third higher than they ought to be, was filed with the board several months ago, but waa laid over until a decision waa reached in the maximum rate case. Now the board has decided to go ahead with ' the hearing and grant whatever relief is necessary. At the meeting of the board lost night the following reso lution was adopted: Whereas, Decision adverse to the state has been rendered by the Unit ed Btatea supreme court in what is known as the "maximum rate case," and. Whereas, The bearing of the case of T. II. Tibbies against the several railroads of the state demanding a reduction in all local freight rates, haa been held awaiting a decision in said maximum rate case, There fore. Hesolved, That the secretaries of the board proceed at once with the hearing in the said Tibbies case, for the purpose of determining whether the local freight rates now charged and collected by the several rail roads are just and reasonable, and in case such rates are found to be unjust and unreasonable, that the necessary steps be taken to reduce such rates to a just and reasonable basis.' The date of the hearing has been set for April 6th at 10 a, m. and notice or the same has been mailed to an tne railroad companies doing business in the state. HAVANA APPEARS GAY. ASscts Jeress Miss While Drtsdlsf . West Mar Com IIlTAA, March 8v Havana is very gay to-day strangely so, when the losses of Its well-to-do and the dire poverty of its proletariat are consid ered. ' Of course7 the presence of the warships, with their large comple ment of officers, has much to do with the festivities prevailing. Then, too, there are , centuries of customs and scores of proverbs similar to the familiar "to-morrow, another day.". These tend toward inducing a some what mercurial people to forget the tad things while they may In singing, dancing and all the rest that goes to make up social rounda But there are many serious ones, who, if they join in the laugh, drop Into other moods than joyous when left alone. You can see them frown st the absurd caricatures of Uncle Sam and his minions, with which the comic papers of Madrid and Havana teem. Yon can see them sneer at the fleets of formidable war vessels pic tured In the magazines and illustrated journals and labeled "part of Spstn'a great navy." You ean hear them laugh sardonically at the foolish rant ings of boyish ofiloers when they sar (as the writer actually heard one say to-day), "We'll land our army at Key West, march straight Inland to Wash ington, and In a week from lending we'll espture McKlnley and all his ministry, unless thy run away." WAR CLAUSE IN CHARTERS rIUS Skip ftwssrs Asllclpsls resBlsl Hslwsss Amsrls sad apsis. Nsw Yohk, Msrch tt.-English hip owuers have cabled to their sgsnts here thst all charters must cuntalu the "war clause. " This clause, which l posted in the msrilime ca ching, Is a follow: "Tht tUsmar is to t unty employed ia strictly neu tral trades) is axil to carry contraband esrge between ports dselsred under blocks le; slso, in the evsatof wsr Wiug deulifed by or sjfiut Ureal Uritsiu by m msrtWiue power, this charter It to be null sud vuut st the cad of Uie then surreal vtiysa 44. fse I a U 4 Hsallsra Wa(mitu. Msreh U Wrri Imm,1 at eu tdy determlaed tt brlM lata ssrvlve the eight slsgl tarrtted tMellr es tlunurf lb wsr ssd ly st ltftti Ulsnd esj rsrd, I'MUdsiphk. lie issued ordsr thst the eiiuf Ihklt sad lhih Iree4 ta iiu sJ the meaitur Nsfcsst ead Js W New Ya The jthes ssualtu'. Msahsttaa, lihie UiHtisss ssd t aaunUas, wtU rta ia I'htia Ulfhia wttsre tbe wk el lrrlsg la 1 servUM .U tefle iu4tteir fuss si is Ltwassiii Ksw, Msrvh t - I Hrysa ( ietUli here tat HltKI WW4 tH MMjlit II f se the stsle aaiverstt Ittals hu4, the iteri ( wale Uml4 be fltea tear a a pr fat iSe bsst essay mi the ; w whieli rt ear tree get eraateat DEMAND CUBAN INDEPENDENCE. The Independent sent a special request to the members of the Populist State Central Committee, and leading populists of this state, asking for a short nswer to the question: "What immediate action ought the United States to take In relation to Cuba and Spain." The replies are remarkable , for their similarity. All de mand that steps in some form be taken to bring about the inde pendence of the island of Cuba They demand that butchery in the name of war cease. The replies and opinions reflect accurately the sentiment ot the masses of the American people. The explosion and wreck of the Battleship Maine has crys talized and brought forth the expression of public opinion that has so long favored intervention by this nation to put an end to the terrible war of extermination and starvation; ' President McKinley need not fear to take withdrawal of Spanish soldiers will have the united and enthusiastic support of all American citizens. Party lines would temporarily disappear. He has but to ask and he will have at his command the lives and property of millions of freemen of humanity, liberty, and freedom. THE REPLIES. Any Action to Free Cut Editor Independent; Geneva, Web., March 22. In answer to your question, any action that will deliver Cuba from the oppression of the Kjmnish yoke and compel 8 pain to make good the Irreparable loss sus tained by the explosion of the Maine (If by treachery). u. ji. li. weber, ex- secretary state committee. Bombard Havana. Editor Independent: Tonca, Neb., March 1. In reply to our card will say: 1st Call Lee ome, notify all U, H. citizens to leave the island at once. 2d Land suffi cient Infantry to act in conjunction with CuImui patriot aa land force to to attack Jiavana,, while the men of war and other vessels line up in deep water outside of harbor, and give the Spanish Ave hours for unconditional surrender on their part with the dis tinct understanding that Weyler and all others implicated in wrecking tne Maine and murdering the men were to be given short shifts. Hefusal to com ply with these terms bombard the city. E. II. Wills, Dixon county. It Is Not Too Late. Editor Independent: Broken Bow, Neb., March 21. In be half of God and humanity the inde pendence of Culm should have been ac knowledged a year or a yeur and a half ngo. It is never too late to do well. If after the acknowledgment of Cuba, Spain refrained from war the question of responibility and the amount of damages for the loss of the Maine can be settled by diplomacy or arbitration. Taylor Flick, Custer county. By Force of Arms If Necessary. Editor Independent: Tecumseh, Neb., March 21. I am no Don Quixotic. Hut when my near neighbor treats his family in a bar barous ii ml Inhuman manner, It be comes my duty to Interfere. Without reference to the Maine Incident I think the United Stale ought by force f urui remote the Mwtnlli tinny from CuUii remote. Cuba from under tliesoereifnit,v of8Miin uinl Is-gln the work at once and without parley, Th.s I the only way of ending the atroci ties nnd Uirbarilh s of FiMiln in Culm, and git lug needed relief to th suffer er therefrom. Hud ('Ictclaiul heeded the toli-e of emiKiess, and glteu CuIhI Is'lllt'crcnt rltfliu. mniu-rs would not Hour be In their presrlit shait. Will I io. I fore he him? "Qulen NUe,M-i:. f. Ingersoli, Johuson comity. DftnanJ WithJrawal of Troocs. 1'ililor lndrendrlttl t oluinbus, Net. M mh St. in reply to lour i ins I ion the I'nlted Mules ilouil.l demand the liiiniei'i lie tcssa lion of hiMlttttlfs, the withdntwui of hpaiiUh troops from thw tluul and l.oil. riuploy tthstetrr forvti msv f Hrtrnt l IUW th dcMISIld ff it' ll I l AlUrt, I'Utte niunty, 0rUthSt4lltl Out. I ' I . . r i4rs-lolei4ti I'e udrr. Net. , sfth II HrpItU to isrd will t; I ts-iiete our i' tfc shottt I plow, t It ptotit iois, thtr BSlloM shoMM ln.lule Its luiof, mI luio4i. lit ,1, ii.Mtolt rl' f for lbs t iilwii. t oii.neiti ItSkott end piolU rail tr their MrIUifi f M,iUlt I latin t. It the lnlitfiio Ko ShiiU trtil..rv In tle Mine t .ie, we tJ.Mtlht dr Ur r Stfll then, !slt .fl cf the ttliu I an-l drt SjHihUK fftlltwtsMl ffoot t. If Ike y te trsydr was aa H-.t, whit h I matt thmbt, tMtr diy rail fr UHMtrdiSte St tUH It !( ths tuliuitiss row tw t if the fAaih by . Uus twiliftrvnt tUKis l t'utW, I Wilts, tharsh ruaaty. a bold stand and demand the from tne island of Cuba. He ready to do battle for the cause Make the Crowned Reads Tremble. Editor Independent: Jioldrege, Neb., March 20. In an swer to your question I would say that uncle bam should, without delay, rec ognize the bcliigenenfy as well as the independence of Cuba, even if such ac thin were sure to embroil us in war with all Europe. Let our president take the position that sll Cubans i as well as the liberty loving people of ail countries have the tight to tnde peudnece, let him interfere ia the name of humanity and liberty, such a shout of approval and sympathy will go tip in Europe as will discourage the crowned heads of the old countries from interfering in behalf of Spain, L. C. Huck, I'belps county. ' Butchery Business Should Cease, Editor Independent: Falls City, Neb., March 20. In reply to your question will say that the porper solution of this Cuban ques tion may be fraught with momentous results, the character and nature of which it is almost impossible to fore cast. War in any form and for any cause is always a thing to be dreaded, and avoided if possible, consistent with honor, patriotism and humanity; but 1 think this Cuban butchery busi ness has already gone entirely too far. I think our government ought, in the tha interests of humanity, to pcrcm-l pturily order it to cease at once though it should lead to war with ail its fear ful results. 0. A. Abbott, Kit-hard- son county. ,,, Cannot Avoid Responsibility. Editor Independent: Lincoln, Neb., March 22. The Amer- lean people for a long time have fav ored the indejiendence of Cuba. A great many people feel that the United States long ago should have staid the Smiii1h1i liuud of blood and death on that Island. Kixiln has lost the heart of Cuba and can never win it buck iigiiin. Why then have we waited so long when the people have demanded that the United Htutes should recog nize Cuban independence? It i hint ed sometimes that Cuban Indcpcmb enee is Incompatible with financial in terests mid that therefore action ha Imcii delayed, if this be true, then wc have forgotten the teachings of the martyred Lincoln, If tills lw true. then the destruction of the M.ilne with its human freight may have been ncc- csaary to arouse us us a nation to im mediate action, I una must lie free and the United Mates can not longer stoid r'sMMislbllity. I do not know where the court of Inquiry will attach I lie blame for the del ruction of the Milne, Whether the Milne wsa aecb dentally destroyed nf whether HMitsh treachery did it has nothing to i In my judgment, with the duty of the I lilted Mate toward Cuba. I'lrsl, I Ultete the I idled Males government thoald Initio ihatitv demand from tlii the linl. n itileni c of t nUl. 't his is the p l.i li duly of this gtitei'iiliieiit, Vn.t six-lull), if t t found that spunUh treachery destrrd ur lst llelili Maine, thru the United Males .luoil-l deiitand fioiti hpttltt an Indetii MM. It ettlll dims not l'tii'lv With dir. jnt ilt, thru the I nil.. I males entities tloui tiefg t. I're. Favors tiHim. Mllo tldrx ! lit i ndiiu, rU, Msivh I) Mr sa uef tti )"tr ipirstloa by sid -f the lik u: lor fongicss l-i ! a bittou fecoifiiUln Ike lud. wiclHt cf t ul, drntand iteiMititt fuf loss ut I Us VJlna and vnf.xvs M ni il- tilue by a demand fur the ih.isl el aMtHlh (iiim tivut the tlad II, I, t iWMfa, t'lo tMHIHly, Al Aay CoM. '.lil- ndeNlM I'wIlertoM, NtU, Msnb, .-My swer is, first for the United States to acknowledge the belligerent rights of the Cuban. Hecoud, demand of Spain a sufficient Indemnity for the destruc tion of the battleship ,the Muine, and the lives of the men killed thereon, and tho release of all the American citizens imprisoned by Hoain without the sanction of law, Tlie above de mands to be at once compiled with, and if not the United States enforce them at once at uny cost. A, Ed glngton, Nance county. Must be Respected. Editor Independent! Colon, Neb,, March 22, In answer to your question I would say that 1 think the United States should take decided steps to free Ciilst, It ought to have la-en done long ago. As to Spain, it depend largely ujion the re sult of tlie Maine investigation, which has not yet been made public. If the Spanish ovgernrnent was responsible for the destruction of the Maine then war should lie declared at once, The stars and stripes must be respected at whatever cost, J. N, Qaffln, Compel the Commission to Report. Editor Independent: Ulnden, Neb,, March 22, J 808, I be lieve that the time for intervention by this government with the affairs in Cuba is here and tins been hern for some time. The first action of our u-overiiment should be with its own commission that haa charge of the In vestigation of the destruction of the Maine and the murder of 250 of our soldiers. Compel that commission to report as it has had ample time to make a thorough investigation which Is all the time that should be given it My answer would be in accordance with the facts as we believe them to be. That the Maine waa blown up by external force, and that force was a mine Calculated for her destruction. That the murder of our soldiers waa of that cold-blooded kind that only comes from an enemy of the sneaking kind, that will not meet you face to face but will stab you in the back, lie- llevlng these to be the fact our gov ernment should at once demand that the Sjainlsh evacuate Cuba ami the Cuban given the right of self-govern ment or else annexed to the United States, at least they should bo under the protection of this government. In regard to the destruction of tbe battleship Maine, I do not believe in Icuvlmr our troubles with Kualn to arbitration by neutral governments, That there has been ample cause for this government to declare war with Spain I am thoroughly convinced. 1 am omsmed to accentlnff a money con slrteration for the lives of ohr mnr dered soldiers, but In esse we could tret nothlnir else but a reparation. It should be large and go to tho families of the murdered soldiers. This Is, I believe, the only manly course for our government to pursue, ' and u tins meoiw' war, let it come.J, L. Grand- staff,' Webster county. ' Indemnity and Freedom. Editor Independents Stanton. Neb,, March 22, If the re- iort of the (investigation shows that the Maine wits destroyed by outside agencies, and not an accident, then the United States should demand an in demnity of not less than twenty-five or thirty million dollars and the im mediate freedom of the island or lUba, If Soaln should refuse such request then this government should proceed to enforce the demand. E. 8. Carrier, Stanton county. Indemnity and Relief. Editor Independent: Meiulow (irove. Neb.. March 22. Till government should recognize the iK-IIIgerency or t ui deinanu run pay for the Maine, and an indemnity of not less than 13,000 for each killed or iMihled oldler,-C, T. Muffley, Madi son county. Immediate Recognition. I'ditor lniliH-li(elit: Rush vi lie. Neb., March 23. Humani ty ileiuamU the Immediate recognition of Cuba's Independence by the U. K snil such recognition should lie more substantial than by word of mouth, or the shedding of "cna-odlle tears," and let our relations with Spain take rare of themselves, aa circumstance would dictate after we have done our duty to relieve suffering humanity, r.l l lleath, Sheridan county, MtMUa fat at ressasa. ftrntiu. Ma, Msrch ft The war spirit ha brba out at Clifton City, Cooper county, where several promi nent and Influential eitlient have or fsslsed a eompaay of lea vulualeers, their sarvies ta be tea WreJ tit Presi dent Meklnley a the event of war with epain. The following efileer. have bea ehosea fur the eomuisnl: Joseph tally, vaptattti WMIiaui Mr it. first lleaUasnti J. O Cos, seeoad butnai All of then served a s,.WiM darinf th war of the r-U-tllaa, Masses tif ttiSasiMMi Sm taktlt, Ktsstst'ltv, Mis, Msr.-h I Iwry W MsasUs el lilt adtdatie , a bnthr, w that sal prob ably fstsilf wuaa.U I by a h hr aiaa la Jwha T Harse's sUki at la dependent ad I j l a avense st M aeloi'li l aisV I vat aa tstsriaf nts an4 fS'iaf rwkr fata red ts taluwa aa I, after rwthlae the th drawer ef U ssd Kwiaf Mssn lr, he was a gV they Vse l eat tt the at see a4 tea aoatbt ) Ly4i sts sae, nla Ulf esrfspa. PREPARINGFOR WAR Tb Report of tbe Board of Inquiry Will be Made Pnblio Ibis Week. AST0N0MY NOT DESIR RH Oubon Patriots Demand, Complete Belease Prom Spanish Tyranny. Mo General LegUlstlon Bxpeeted. The situation in regard to Cuban In dependence remains unchanged, The board of Inquiry have been investigat ing the cause of the destruction of tbe battleship Maine, It is generally be lieved that the board bus computed Its labor and that the report is on it way to Washington. It has been ex pected every day since fast Monday It will be delivered to President Mo Kfnley, lie will examine it carefully and transmit a copy of it to tbe Span ish government, together with 'de mands for Indemnity or otherwise as the president may deem best. , He will also trransmit a copy to congress in relation to the matter. The cabinet will hold a special meeting to consider the reiwrt as soon as it arrives. In tbe meantime army and navy departmental are actively preparing for war, A bill reorganizing and enlarging the army has been presented to congress, and several battleship have been pur chased or prices agreed upon, from the 150,000,000 appropriation mode a few days ago. All the seagoing ?eseela belonging to the United State that need it are being repaired and put in good condition. Many large contracts for the manufacture of gun and amu nltfon have been made and many of the factories are running night and day in order to fill their contracts in the specified time. The war depart ment is considering tbe necessity of securing a coaling station in the vicin ity of the West Indies from which to supply United States battleships in case of war. Such a station could probably be secured by purchase from some friendly foreign power. After war was declared it would Ins impossi- , ble to secure such a station as such a proceeding would be In conflict with tbe principle of International law. Spain is also preparing for war. II er fleet is enroute for Cuba at tbe present time, and Spanish officials have been seeking a loan for several weeks, ' floe far they have' been unable to' ind a market for their bonds, i'Tbey hare also been negotiating for tbe purchase of several large battleships, among1 them the O'lliggins, the great battle ship belonging to Chile. Chilean offi cials have announced, however, that if the U'Ulgglns Is for sale It will be sold to the United States, aud not to Spain. Tbe United States pays "spot cash" and is regarded aa a very desirable customer. With $50,000,000 cash in hi inside pocket and a congress ready to appropriate $500,000,000 more If neces sary, Uncle Ham can go into the mark eta and buy almost anything that i for sale. The report of the board of inquiry will bring the matters to a decision in congress, with three-fourths of tne American people clamoring for the In dependence of Cuba, congress will be compelled to take some decisive ac tion. If the report finds that the des truction of the Mulne waa accidental ami that the Spanish government is not resonsible for its loss, congress will lie forced by public sentiment to take a broader view of the situation and recognize the Cubans as belliger ents, and demand the cessation of the Inhuman and brutal war and the with drawal of the Hpanlsh soldiers. Ilia Cuban patriots have refused to accept any plun of autonomy front bi'iiin, and the United Htates would not bo a party to a plan for autonomy aud leave Hpuln In control of the is lam I. Very little legislation will be considered until the Cubau quesilou Is disMsed of. el ss4 Wls4 la Stttlenrt Jsrrsasoa Citt, Ma, March It. A trems&doe amount of rain ha fallen la tals 140 1 ion of the state during the past forty-elht hour. It ports from along tbe tNisge river Indiest that the rainfall has been sttremsly heavy through the estlre vsltey of that see lion and fear are entertained ef e repetitive ot the disastrous 0ou4 of lajeeuiber, lx'. Usssral sar ! fan-Ss Wars Viplaelea, fUe, IUri, tsl, Mrvh it An (i plosion veoirred yetterday after aoa at the wwrksof the I'attad MUto nittokel I'owder iHiny near here, C A Jtnst, one of the aa. eetptoyea, sad a UUrr aud Jeasou) were silled. mm Mease es4 Mara Hteate Paes tin ii oiii, Ma, Mrh ll A ref Ut hurrh'sn twp! ever the elty yet terdty attfra'af a boat t w'th. Ilouwsasd haras were bla dawa, were btewa ast by lb root vh ate f I were tore trww kossea, tele fhonet ss4 sleetri iltfkt wire frvet i..le ss4 evasUlerable etser lswsg as da II ws th tt terrify las? wind that aa visited thiaiectieaslaee the UWhMHa4 tyslea ia Jaaa, till fnt