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About The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1898)
THE NEBRASKA INDEPEDENT March 24, 189 Maximum Rat Cut, 4 To Editor Independent: To the atu- ont of political event, it Is of eeln tiflo intercut to look back over the Ne- hrn.ka rate cane, recently decided by Mr. Justice Harlan and Me oaaoclaUsa. The railway, under mutual agree went, make and maintain rut baaed on all or more tlian the traffic will bear, with diBcrlniluutJon againet comnioditlee, M well a againet in dlvlduula and eommufiltlea, without Minaidfrinff the rlifbta of the iiuMie The public then endeavor by fcglalo. tive action on almllar line, to apply the anme arbitrary rule, In other word, each parly to Uie ucuon iuei the position that one wrong Juatlflea another; end the public labor under the tnlataken notion, flowing irom me coiling lawa, that material value can be act by Jaw. , OIUPXTS OF COUKT8 OF LAW. For Jut uch condition, we have court of law and they buae their find ing on that which la preaented thein, modified by publlo opinion or, if the matter pre n tea la not too ronivai w be auatained by public opinion. Jt hu been charged tliat the an prcme court ia in partiierhlp with He I mont, Vandwbllt, tiould A Co., J5UJ' THAT IH NOT TMJK, We have aa much reaaon to charge Mr. Juatle Ta ney with having lwi in partiwrablp with the alave holder in tho Jred Heott dedalon. In tiiat cnae it wua de cided that the negro l"l KUi which the white man waa bound to rv peet, and it waa upheld by the beat (?) mind and properly holding eluaae for year; and until overthrown oy civil war. Utile the altuatlon fa guarded by the public, our court are now on the point of holding that th natural per aon' right ore eecondnry to thoae of the artificial iieraon and that will mean more than the blowing up of a Maine and linpoaalblo to quell by the bond holder, who know he can make more reprlaiil by law than by war. The fact ia, that the iienduluui of Judfelil dedalon, awing In the vortex of public opinion, driven by the wolght of individuality in the doiuluantminda of private and public affair. 'Hint I why the commercial and pu ternuliatic clunnea dominate in nation al affaire today. That i why we have a great ami good eunach in the harem of the truafa, aueeeedlng the great vul gar tyrant at Waahington liwlead of a ia teaman. VAIUOUH KINDH OK CAPITAL. There are vurlou kfnd of cupilnl, according to how It ia created. Tliat which ia created by fho hand of the (idler, I of alow growth and expand by agea a do the coral lied of the ocean. It J IndivldtiulUI Ic, and on It accretion rent the at incline of hu man advancement and liberty. That which i created by the mind work In the dominion of law, ia pa ternalistic in if nature, and compared with that created by the toller, get aomcthlng for nothing. That I why in a mixed aoclety of capital, cupltnl-of-tlie-luind f liable to fx: looked down upon by eapltttl-of-thc-brulii, when by chance in fail into vulgcr hand and conflict with law. That I a moat valid reaaon, from public policy, why mind mode capital aboiihl be accondury to Inbor-miide capital why acml-publlc function audi aa railway ahould be hedged ulxwt by fixed rate on the poatut baal; for the average railway muiinger I not bleNMcd with any too much political wiwloui nor bunlne acnae. HI great exeetitlve, ability when unreatrtilned become dictatorial and when thrown out of harmony of combine and division with hi fellow he I prone to deatroy hi road' reve nue by rate war. The Miiiicliou by the inter Mate couiiiiIkkIoii to do that vio lence ha jimt now been granted to the Troiia-Coiitinc ntul line for that very purpose in competition with the Ca nadian line. Mr, Jiiaticn Taney m1 1 11 ply reflected, with hi delegated authority a one of the great ilmnioii of government, it public opinion. So now doca Mr. Jtnttiee llarlau in till ciimc, any pnu'lically without not ing the weight of the fifth amend ment, that a railroad i a "pentou" (an artificial pernon it. i true) bidding proicrty which our law protect, e curis from tnt coullm'iitiou by the fourteenth amendment of the consti tution. To the ordinary mind, It may appear a forced conat ruction to couple n mil way with on enfritiiclmed negro. Hut the principle I there, the tlilTticnt A rorULAR MISTAKE Regarding Romodios for Dyspepsia ami Indigestion. The national di.n of American I iiiditfwatiou or, hi it chronic form, d)-iH-pma. nml lor th vry reaaon that it la ao common innii T hoIh nealeet I ak in rur treatment for ahal they con aider tntliiiil ktotnaeh trouble, when an liialtr ol fact, liidiHllo lata ilia foun U at 10 11 or man, ineiirahla diaanaee. No wrou with m Vinorou, healthy atom arh, will (all a victim to roeouiiiptum kUnv kidaey iliaKMwa and banrt trmtWa ! Ibeir leiilaulaK Iroiil Hmr di( (inn; Una, mrvou ola arw ftlijr an bwauK tti if aiiiniHi lt ar nut ol Kir; WMrjr, laiiMtt d, I1.h om( nne oa the r cou'lniun tu iiiiiwihrt dinntiua, H lira aerljr avt r ria f 04 ut 1 iltltrl4 wild ak tltnealioa II Hi lo't aurpruniii litat iitli rvry mt mt nl md 1 u om la iwerinl vlatnia to b vara lot iliiia. a lit uibrr iroutiha, alara In tact, a lr, Vrtkr thora k hul tauta dit'ia tur wauti la U tir m aa tvliftltw, an J, HtortNitor, ibte raii U aot i.uat ( tua, I' nl ia (ibo MiitihiaaHoN tit ! 'M (tr Ihim aiH4i a-tir), vttat'M m. twe. trail anlUea-l tfiiaia, tl Ulaol.l I-1 irta,'t aoilnf aut id Utaarl' iili4 Taiat. titratariaai tialiua era lual ) larw, tal lot la.H MlMa or aai aiowavli lruatks aiaait Tltilwl 1MU aroi mf aha l id aa raady ( d T B imi ! M tktaa. S11 tlM-nag M tmoaari, aiHiittr Ml all lte i4aMK lhtt )u aiaal tad la lalU J 11, tar raaU, all la aiowaca awila la a ial. aaa niaarl a I'tM-l Tattle t M dag I a aura 4 4g tittft. ttiUit td IIm UhWie al rpwktf. Mine immi oa iiiu diMHta aa iaiiaaiai ir- tj 4dnMag Ulaai I IV., ! la. Mar kail, tut "peraona" In thla caae doca not alter the fifth amendment which aay: ' 0 aeraon ahall be deprived of life, lib erty, or l'KOI'EKTV without duo pro- ' u,hih niu'tnient waa de- ITM t ....... aimed to protect the natural peron from the rapaeny 01 we w i" on, which principle ahould not be ap . .'. ... ....... I nfTair in like manner a wa In thl caae applied tho fourteenth amendment, neiuier u ,1...,.iifl(.n drawn to the fact that in a conflict of right be tween tliat of the natural peraon ami that of the artificial peraon the rM' of the riaturtii peraon ore llUIM'l" It could and ahould bo ahown that ..........! u 11 1. ,.n from the natural peraon without due proccaa of law by the artificial peraon, or ruiwu, ... ,...ll...,l,i,i nil (llloWM! iy.ii''.',.'n - .... . J For inatttiice, on a cor m vm 01 fourth cliia gooda.aiu'ii aa grocenca, 4s a ft 1 In i. four luifidn(l wU'M out of Chicago in Iowa on any of the trunk line leading to umana, wio rate 1 If carrleil on one hun dred milcafttrtherto Omaha the rate I the aame Th inltitory and ti-r-mlnal coat being the anme whether carried one or a million m I lea, granting the aliorter haul rate I reaaomibly low which in thl caae I not true, it I renaotialde under the ton per mile theory that the one 1 1-...1 miia iirilu.p of haul or llUfliuri ..... - ; , , whechige, ahould be dlaregardwi. Hut auppoHO the car coniinue on we 01 Omaha, for i! mile the rate I then $2HH frmn Chicago, in other word J 00 mile of haul 1 dlaregarded in Iowa, but 11(10.00 I added for 100 mile of haul in Nebraska, on that car. To put It plainer, 1'J0,00 on every car load 0 fourth da ooda, Chicago Int" Kearney, 1 exoctwl by the rowl from the pcojilo without due proce of law, and that prior clple hold good on every Um of every chia of mcrclmndiae carried inl tlie afiife of Nebraaka went of Lincoln and Fremont, Hefore tlie paaaa.g of the Intcr-atnte cimmerce act, ratea ilrat claaa from Chh'ftgo to Omaha were made fiO ct or lea by "open aecret," rebate. Boon after the act of congrca under agreement, the rate waa mode afablo at fi5 ct-e, with a lighter lounge than now, ami they are now 80 cf. and Nebrnaka ami nil the tmna-Mlawiurl country paya on every hundred jwiiind at that rate. Ami fnrf lue u in rati-a. If the iicoide at Kearney and In Nebnwka would Mimtfilu me in enjoining the collection i.l ..v .Oii.p limn mi 11 vcrnie rule UN outlined In my pica 011 the 3rd of .June before too interainre commerce nine ti.Luirm at. li IiimitIiiu- In Cli lea !'. we could whip the corporation on every ,11,. i.t IIh.Ip riiiid. before UllV COIII't of competent Jurlartlef Ion. Jt would pro- tcet tlie rignt or me rooo, prou-ii the public ngalimt dlMcriminalion, make the rate ao reasonable n to l,.iit.1i.liotiiiiiniieiiiid nlace the t.nniN- porfafioii queatlon in conformity with the gcniu 01 our ponueai 111111 in ion. It wa proven In the lower court, before Mr. .luatlce Hrewcr, that a bucket of whltewaah wit a bucket of paint, and the wat'r In the whitewash ill In the 1 ii 1 11 1 . which oil Im- cume ancred under the law of tvmtrnct mid vcatcd rlghta at a fixed Income. JlKNY ItlOHT OF CAPITA L. A till Unit, tiolnt wn denv the rltfllt of capital to a fixed income, whether it I exprcHKcd 111 the num-in aim bruin of labor, or in the vetil or dl vealed value, and maintain that if by the act of (iod, it hilnir are abort I ve, capital Hlioulil to I lint cxti-iit wora ior ii,.ili)nir. If bv 11 failure 01 croon the road have dearth of tonnage they are not entitled to higher rate thereby lieeauHe of their Invent nieiit or mort gaged condition, nor becutiKc they are wealthy paiipcra. The forgerlea In MtiM-ka and liond that hac been float ed on our artillciiil ci'koiim are citll- luir f.n- uniii'l illi-nl inn bv till' blood (if the lamb, (alicttcd by iiiiinerou he gonlH who arc looking for an oppor- , . . 1 1 ' ... t . I , I . . . ! u .. I tunny to 110 newiNe. wnn i-neir u-i-lowtt) tlirougli master In chancery mil oMiclal ai'lM, 11 11 1 1 1 Home 01 our In Hint I'll 11 be ilnnliciili'il tor tlf- ti'cu 1 1 01 1 Mil ti4 1 dollar for a mile call lug for an Income on one hundred lliirty-flve thouitaud douiii'M per mile. Ami it, I none in a niMcriiiiiiiiuiug way, otherwiMe their toigerle would mutually become acknowledged alue. 't in. i'kl imnli'il tnbli'H. Iireiiared bv Mr. lillwoith of the atate Itoard, ac- tuallv khoMel a miiiiII Income for the load than did the estimate (i:S M VTCK mind you, for conlriiry 0 WW, I nere are no complete iih ih uiiiiiIIimI h to lot-Ill toillUILre lit llH'ltl lit le-) made and t. ntltied to by the rail vvnv ofliciaU IIh iiim Im,, and on thoxe iibnliltioiiM, ifiiiii'd by the M-iitc a at'etil, Mr. ,liiliet Hrewer, hill l brliiL' lim II111I111L'. M..VI' AT M:t UCTAUIIX Vtul. bv the Mitv. the (.!' It'l ill it'll of the hlatn Uaii'tl of traiiKpttrtulUin ul uhim liut lui'ii. uiul Hie iitiw utiiMilht- etl to Ian (or imliili itl rennoiin or lor llwiMiilH'lewey or ihhii, ii i.itn wm ary pultl to the iiiri-e wn paid to one man, ami a IWteeii hutnltt'd ilollitr r )mr rata clerk aUeu to til in, willi Hi Id of our attorney unural, a a tml Itl'M plOlNMllllttl ,rttllth I'Otll'l lllrtkB trout thira to lU tin.ilon a er. ilk all due rcp-vl to Mr. elt r, it.a tlutliitfiiliilirtt attoriiev for the tu I In iimtliuuni rule ', it ia tutlltektrtl tltt ll vliclil iiuiiimhi by It lmlr.l utitt lat to a grtaW r tie Kir than waa ll by . Il-Mati irr htksm itti ln-ilti ami litti llijfrina lhait kata citUeii it in i.l 1. 1 r i.l Ul lit llila uli-r- I..-.I ui.titii. ...ilu 111k Wild .iilirr uii h tm-it t atriHig tidt Mualtt, atiilt a tkdwiuHl, an.leibill, tint. 1 1 4 to. K'vali Matruw and iuk, la th Mlniiiiii ifitii'i input, nw tttw ink iuIihU a W, J, it)it, . a & t k a lor AlMl, llUMr IIOIWMWU WMltlt I lrul will le Mtir Hrt heiiwturl Jltf Uwvll and tth nn4 il lnli M. milt i, trtl, trMi4 and litwral, Ui ml In Vi'Mtf with ur lieu Utt I tiipira, lit.. Ika wttt t ttltttf Imh tit rat affidta t ! national, No In ittrn lit aiata mailrt. I It) H (if I'AHflfH Our paid fidithtti ttiad U .wiuttlMt (it ktk Uoi la HM-r f a M ' wku a.uwa the loibtte rlfhk lMrnf the aeUM f I ha ImI atatw tll' I tit Ik wrlUf 'rfrr.t m Ull iw Intinir naaaenirer rate it calle4 ' for the iaaue of a five hundred mile tick et at two cent per mile, good In the hand of the bearer. A card ticket i and alwaya waa good in the hand of tlie bearer,and there ia no valid reaaon that a nilleage book ahould not be good in like manner, the aame aa a iiound of augar or nalla that have been paid for. The bill wua presented to the Honorable Fred UaylordCpopuliat) of HutTalo county, to be put upon iU paaange. It waa atraiigled In tlie womb of tlie legislative mother by aticii medlco-legul aborllonlt u fol low that particular calling', known to the public men of our atate ami prln tera ink need not be waated tf name them. The minlatcra of our afate ore given httn-fare (a-rmif. that they may inault the memory of the Naiircne and aliare In the fieah pota of exertion 011 aucb of their poor purlahoner h are mulched lnt three cent per mile. M'l'KAh TO VO'i'KJlfl, Xow, my voting friend of Nebraaka, when the time come thut public c pin ion look unon the tmbllc man, wno can not deny hiiiiaclf the paltry bene fit of three cent per mile for what he travel, AH A wldO THIhu then, and not n.. then, can we hope to con- vin our law maker that all trav eler ahould pay a lower rate and tnat none ahould travel free. There I no valid reaaon wliy contiuitlon and atrlfe Mhould exlat between the railway ami the public, No one Jnduatry or agency minmtera to the advancement and comfort of civilization to a greater degree than doc trauportatlon, i it were conducted 11 It ahould be and there are funny able, conccntlou men engaged In that hmdm- who are willing to ao conduct it It will atand Mccoud to none ict each man pick the mote from hi own eye, nod there w be no licarn In the eye of the atafe or federal au premc court, for we the jieoplc, who untie (Jordlan knofa of current event with the ImluatrlouN, educated knbe of (tommou acuac, are the looking glio that reotui their cry u't. r, (iuoim, Kearney, Neb,, March JO, iHW. BRYAN IN ALABAMA, Oreat Enthuifaim and Trcmandoua Ova tion at Talladrega, 'J'lic following dcMcriplloii of the iminucr in which Mr, J'.yun waa re ceived at Talladeegn, Afatmma, hiet week I taken from the Hentlncl, u middle of the road opullMt paper pub llahed at l.ewlaburg, 'J'cnn, It ahowa that Mr, Hryan'a iiopularlty in the aouth In greater than ever before. The Hentlncl wiy: "Mr, Jiryaii hn been given u per fect ovation here. He wa met at the depot by Ncvcriil thoiiMiind people and eacorfeo through the little city by the local band and military. He wit taken directly from the train to the real denee of Hon, ('cell Jtrowue, by whom he ha been entertained lurlug hi alay here. After dinner at Mr. Hrownc where lie wu prcHcnfed to a it u in I mt of prominent AhibiimiaiiM, Mr, li yiiii wn driven to the court honae where for fifteen minute he en cournged the friend of biiuetalliam in the work they hud o well com menced In thl country. He wa flit-u driven about the elfy for an hour, after which he rented for ecveral hour. "At the iiMNcmbly building of the Alabama ('iinutiiu(iia tonight he wn met by .'1,000 people. AIhiiiI !2,000 or them were from (hi county, the re mainder having come from the conn- tie adjacent, (IikIncii had alx cur load full and the territory between thi city and Calera had contributed Hcvcial liundrcd pithoiim. "Mr. liryan wu exceedingly bourne Saturday night, ('onutunt Hpcaking and a cold lind coutrlliiited to make IiIm throat aorc. Hi apeecli, however, wa a vigoroua and u well reeelved a iimiiiiI, and the Iiiiiiiimihi; iiiidiem'e appreciated It thoroughly." Di'inixriitic paper iIchi'I'IInmI tlie meet lug a one of the grcatcHt and one of the moxt 1; 1 1 1 1 1 u hi 11 nt it' ever known in the ntatc. An Army nf Heror. It. i nnnoiincet that rri-Nident Me Klnley Intend tii give to Flthugli la-e 11 brigade In the event of war. Through'a retention at Havana by a republican lulmUtration and the cordial relation between him and a republican preaident, the country ha already fell, a rare warming of the heart anil eonlldeui'e In tho MTx'tiuil brothi'l'liootl of Aiiiei-leiiUM. If Mr, Mi'Kinley I wine enough and geiterou eir.iiigh to ntMigii tint gull nut confederal! noldler to a ih)mii1 bit army command, he will olllt'itilly iiiitiotince that the ciiil war I over. He will have at hit dill the inuiilintxl of the Mttith, uiul the reMiiitie to hi 1 .ill will be mtide with the eiilhintlionit which create an army of heroc. In the rltalry aa to who ahall do ami tint the uuii.t the noitli iiiiitit evt t I all hUtol V If II iiiiihI exti'inl the until h.- HI. I oiiU Kepuhllc, tiiiii-rnor I'Iiikiw liiel a iitanlfea In wui iiinijr the meiitliei nf the Mlt It Igun grt.rtal aioeiubly, who were call ttl by I1I111 to luerl In geiteial tioit ak-alitkl the acceptaiit of fr rliritt ticket or pMi ami tetnhidid thiitl that a Uw on III l.ilnle IhmiV ( ItiMt ktatu tot bld imi ti tSmiproinUlng ileal. A kMl iiMnitllwiaiitk Vhu U Crtuc n, I'runwaa nf WalMWar tuitiug u iUltlttui lu latudoM rvMHlly, mi rvU,i th tUtty drMatM I ha lltw vMlllt la Ik mR4(vri "I kav alwai thai Ik tt batter In !.iicUi4 tutu trvut IWHuiata, I it ur' lk MM Mt haaltatml a imMul au4 Ik mi aald, 'Kis yotir kttttHv: ltuMiuik Md m th In J tliva, kul iMuttaktf id m latHf," ..liny People Cannot Drink lat ll apod W. adrih tl4a tWN aad hmp Ml a lea. 'n tiraia.ll mlatimaitWi ll aitatuk, iu aa4 miUokaa4 Uatwt ttl Ik tmlMitt, r m , J g C.f.1 aA taddrNt Utaia O I Ik Hrtal. Wattatrvt trafift, IM a Mlaitrtai tf Burnt M llf 'IU ll d tv8, Uaa4li rTOHTINO THE RAILROAD TRUST. A Combination for th Purpoa of "Obey ing" th Law, The United State aopreme court laxt week heard theargumenU ia the eiise brought by the government againxt the thirty-one rallroada which have combined to form the joint trade uaaoclutlon. The rallroada were rrpre acntcd by Mr, Jamea C. Carter, Ex Kenator Edmund, and ex-Mlniter 1'hclp; the government by Solicitor General Hichurd. The charge agulnat the Joint iralllc amM-latlon wua that it ugrrementfor the dlvlMlon of other- wlae competing traf!lc,ao oa to aure each rood a araiclflc ah are, wa in ooen vlolutlon of tiie anti-pooling clan of the interatatit commerce act and that the agreement fixing rate wu a oonv bl nation in restraint of trade forbid den by the anti-truat law. Mr. Carter, who opened t lie cuae for the rullroiul, lnftcd that unreatrlctcd competition among them wu even more injuriou to the general publlo than to the toek holder, and declared that if the Joint Truflc agreement to make rate atable and equul to all patron were unlawful, "all competing rouda muat be Toumi daily violating a criminal law." When uked by a member of the court whether "tlie railroad are to be expected to dlobcy the law un- Icaa they are allowed to give a bond tococh other to obey It," Mr. Carter re plied: "It 1 powaibie to put audi ob ligation on men that it 1 not poaal ble for humun nature to obaerve them," Kx-Kenator Kdmuml and ex Minlatcr 1'help rcted the burden of their argument upon the fact that the Joint Traffic agreement wu avowed ly one to catabllah "jut ami rcuaon uble rate." Mr. Edmund uid that prevlou to cntvrlng into thl compact the road nud Jllcd their achudulca of raU-a with the lnter-atiilc commerce commlion, and tliat theae rate had been tti'.cepted aa Juat and reaaonable. Mr. Kdinund continued that the only combination In "rcatralnt of trade' forbidden by the Auti-Truat law weru Much a excrciMcd an injuriou re- atrulnt. HollclU;r-(Jenerol Jtlchurd urged in reply to all theae argument that every combination to rafe rutce, however little, wu manlfcally a re aLralnt upon trade, audi 11 the anti- Truat law forbade, and tliat the Joint Traffic ANHOciatlon'a ugi'ecme.nt to glva a ecu trnl board tlie power to make the rate would wipe out all competition. The Jnfi'r-atute com merce coiuiiiIhhIoii, Mr. Klchard iiolnlcd out, could not under the. pru- ciit law prcMcrlbe raU-, ami It wa not ri'iiKomilile that the railroad ahould be allowed (ii coimlitutc, a tribunal of their own with that power. SMALL HAPPENINGS, Mr, Hiithcrland Iin recently procur ed from the general land oflii'e a pat ent to anme VVcbsti-r county land that waa withheld on account or aoinc com plication. Judge (jlllam of Itcd (Iloiid rcpreacntcd the owner of the land, A proper allowing wa made ut tlie general land office and a patent wu iHHiii'd in the tut mi' of Joacph Hill and tniiiMmitted fi the Mi'Cook laud ofllce for dclicvcry. The Cnlon I'nelfli rnllwnv eotntinnv. one of the few remaining railroad roi poi nt in ceuu'ring at imiuhu thut de ferred taking atock lu the 'rniiiM-.MiHKlHNipfil exposition, ha an lioiiuced a HilbHcription of $.'i.OIIO, Thl bring the total uiiioimt auliHcrlb-i-il by the railroad up to $125,000. (ieorgo (ioiild Iin proiiilMcd a hiiIi Ncription by tlie MImhoiii'I 1'iu'iflc "when the road' earning will war rant, it." The road 1 expected to ub mtiIjc ul Icnwl $10,00(1. The AtimonoK, the cruiaer recently piircliascd ut New-CiiHtle-on-Ty no from the Itrailian goveriiment luia been chrlHtfiicd the ".New Oilcan," War preparation continue actively in every department. Governor I.cedy of Kaima come In for hi 11 h 1 111 1 kIiiiiu of abime from the plutocratic pri'H on account of hi i'1'ltlciiiui in the recent Huprcme court ileclKion on the maximum freight bill of Nchriotku. The chief point of at tack 011 the governor wa that when the AKHiM'iatcd I'rcMM iiituounceil ll "cleiiu tlctory for the railroad," he merely Hiiggexti'il that It Hccineil to It liu an "uncli'iiii" victory . For t la 1m he I M Initialized n a "ilaiigeroiiM man" wIiohi "fool friend" tdiould ccate to follow him. Twenty tlioiiMaiiil n'Mie lUtciiinl to V. ,1. liryan H'cnk at Atlanta, lot., Miiii h l and when he referred to the war mini' and eologUcil the conduct of CoiiHllI tn ln'liil Fitihugh I ce, Ull iHtiiitilctl eitthuniioiiil prevailed. I'lioiitioi I',, Wntmiit wu t'iithuin licit lly iioiiilniitctl by tlie itopulUt of ticorgia for gtwernor hut Yedmday, lie ouelil (ii be elected, ( iillliltuetl It intH'tittlc unprt iuitev lit the aontli hu I'ltH'ci'tlt'd In tunny of them, eon tilt hum nlmiliir to thme piiMltu itt In Ncbrtl'i by Iweitly year of reptiblb tiiltUiii. Mr, Walwiii rrprvMlil lite ndmuc. pruKiviilvit I limit; hi o( the m;e. 111 UhiI, r atilhutlly iiptoi Ida lit leg iptrttltut of tha d.iy. Ill rli't tloii aa gtitrritor of tii'iugbi would be a gnitilii tli lory fur Hipttititi ami prKtv. rMtiwlti tint a4gkli, I l .. t'r at fit ltKltrtf 114 K till! ltWM't l l m ilt a, ' hi ti, p, t tit at kit I the l aid t nit ..l'll ll'j l MM" - t ' . 1 h ii int. on it t l tv N iirtlti' I t,iial'it, tliti i"watH4, A'tr to iev ttt'ttllt ot tlUv tk cttai k roMnrtiiw! Ike atuitiHatitm I T, ivtefty fe I tititiijf r tilt it ( iii.inUici. r, alt l l et 1. ttt.'dii .n tellatf t'f. d alt twl tktva, H(ilat a.n'k a lrV Ik "i ptttt, i f routw, mpi.w.l ait ail lit U a Uirt litKill In itrt.lel l-lir, Htfiiaii.r aiwtl rd a lr lrt IS.w.Uilf wttilra In t, tt tHi k ftprt lw tlnMiwliii-t.lli wptn ti tkn tut ly kliw la Malk llaiitia d-tndi IVwtlvtty, 81 1 a aaifk M taaaartW. aoy to Take aoy to Operate Are feature peculiar to Tlood'i nils. Small lo Ize, taiteleH, efficient, thorough, it one man Inloodl'i taiai " you never know you I..... ti..a ti, .in 1. , reaa 111 1 wncii m cm vtll iv 1 Bil all 4 over." zoo. u. 1. 11 00a & Co., if ja Proprlctore, Lowell, Man. W The only pill to take with Hood'i Bariaparllla. Dr. Hertzman, 83 Year In Omubu PRIVATE DISEASES A Specialty. Treatniflnt by Mall, ('onmji tat Ion FI1EK 516 North 16th St. OMAHA, NEB. Of DR. 0. C. REYNOLDS, Residence Phone 65S. Office Phone 656. Surgeon and Consulting: Physician Room 17, 18 I 10, Burr Block, LINCOLN, NBBR. Office hours: 10 to 12 f .m., 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday hours: 3 to 5 p.m. t TELEGRAPHY Are you In terra ted ia Mett rapLy? Youna; ladle and gentlemen can prepar tlnm el ve In ceinparatively abort time. The work la pleunaut a well aa profitable. An upcrl en cud operator in charge ol thla di'inirtrncnt. Student aNHlMtt'd in aecuring poaition when comiietent, Adilreaa, Lincoln Business College, Lincoln, Nebraska. Wyatt-Bullard Lumber Company LUMBER. WltOLBNALK AND KETAII Ofllce 20th and hard Ht. 1'bon 479 Writ (or Prioe. OMAHA, 1 j ; t NFH DR. McGREW II TUI OKLX IPIO I ALI8T WUO TBCATI ALL Private Diseases WMtMM m4 Wnrtt fff MEN ONLY 80 Ymre Exrwriiinoe. 10 Vmir in Oinahm. Book Vrm. (!tininlUv tloa r roe. Uox Tilfl, or. 14th tsd I'arnim 8t. UMAUAi NEIJ. TheMiHMOurl 1'nclflc city ticket offloi hue Ihwii removed from 1201 0 atreet U No. lOJI'J 0 treat. In the heart of Chicago. The V ilon I'HeiiKr Sta tion in ('hieao, Into whieh all UuriiiiKtoa Itoute train run, I hxrnted In the very heart of the city. Th principal hotel, the Urgent atorea, the tet the atr, tba hl;iftt bimlueaa iHitHiitiaiinient, ara ouly a ttw liltM'k tlmuiitlti rvai'ti 1 hem it Uni't even uecwuutry totakaaatrwtear. To reach C'hlcairo. II I neoeaaarv to take th Hur lluKtoa Iti. uti thai i, U I it you waul tba bet tbrr U. lUniauiher thla when ar rannlan your aril trip h. I'ur tiekti appiv at Hur lluatoa dopol, 7tk am) tri, or etty omea, nru lti(k aud Del rant. CIO. W, BONNCll, Ci ti A T. A Llacola, NeNnkA. Ta Ktai ! I Ktalk. Hthe ywa aeWltk alt-Uf roate y way 4Pl. Mwkaala, r Ik t er laad Htv l Pyaa, kgy, t'oor rltft, Tal a antia. y at irat raa a I'iium ivil l eatkaHalUa. Tat Km tlataaa fe ter Miit vtt. I fwaiii auk U i. twUrJMi4l.Jty , U Ik ekait, h rwl aa4 ft'p' tt t rae, )Mtkiati. Tawa f lltl. Tkrua laf (bar a4 ! riiala abate r (t le I 'i.t4 lata I rttia4. ( al Ui mat lkr Ik Koebiea a 4 tkewael ata aiavaal af la IM t4. Writ l a a.iu ii m a m.i. " mwm-m, ... I m ll 41 if Ut tut ay ai4ik K44V ItWiakiha, Ar t gotai In TI KW4.. f a k k,t. jrt l? wHto a hj '71 1 r; i A n tt il tT 4 raaiait Jf t4 1 I Mbka,t, mm CYTCDMINATAR 99 liAIUMIIIIlAIVn .o LICE KILLER i i Kill, ell lire, niltM, etc., oa I'oeltrr and atock. Hot wy wllk the Ubor ot daitlB. gntoa. I, dlpplne; or bAndllna ol fool Ut. Bluiel pli the ruoit polte Aid t I kex aad Mlt titrQi. tor doM (ke rixt. No miu will troi'.l MttlM Htn. wke Mite Kit.rmlBster le Died b.fore nttli lb Hen, kid lor Circular taut Ull all ftboat It. Halt (al ien tOej oat gallon 7te. - f JAMES CAMERON taVKN ClTV NKSl4Ka. Dr. Ketchuirr Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Gatarrh peeteelM CaMfnll ntud. All tte reaaoaabl Offlo 4tk floor Richard Block, Llaol Hioudlb. What doe it coat to Rot thereT Wa and bow ahould on go? What abould on take? Where or th mine? How much have they produced? I work plentiful? What wuire ar paid? I firing cipuuaive? What ar on' chance ol "making a atrike?" Complete and aatiefactory replle to the above queatlon will be found la tb Burlington Rout' "Klondike Folder," now ready for dletrlbution. HI I tee page of practical Information and aa up-to-date map of Alaka and th Klon dike Fre at Burlington Itoute ticket offleea, or aent on receipt of four cent ia tatnya by J. Franein, (len'l i'aaaengv agent, Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. To Vaict Uouni mad Alaka I'olaU. Ttia Nnrttivualiipn.ITiilna Pacifla I th direct rout to th I'uget Mound and Alaka point. Morning and afternoon train make direct connection at Fre mont with through touriat deeper and) fre recliuing chair car to Portland. For correct Information coll on A. H. Fielding, city ticket agent, 117 toutb 10th at,, Lincoln, Neb. Tho Now- Union . ELEVATED LOOP in Chicago; "A'A Alkk I NOW OPEN, It runs on Van Buren St.. Directly in front of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific STATION. raaaonKer arriving In Chicago can, by the new Union Elevated Loop, reach any part of th city; or, for a fl re-cent fare, can be taken Immediately to any of tb large atorea In the down town diatrlct. All Elevated Train will atop at th "Rock Inland" Htation. Train every minute. Theae fucilitiee can only be of fered by the "Great Rock Island Rout." If you will aend a 2 cent etampfor poatage we will mail you at one a new bird' eye view of Chicugo, jut IhhuhiI in five color, which hIiown you ut what you want to know about Chicago and the new Loop and Kluvaled Kytam. Thia map you ahould hare, whether yon live out of the city and eipect to com to It, or whether you now live in Chinaga and jrou or your friend contemplate making a trip. Aildnn John Hcba tian, o. p. a., Cblcugo, NKW TOtKHT t'Alt LINK. Weebly I'ironlly rtiudenua Riour.lon to rortiaatl, Oro ?U MurlluKiua Ktittu. On February 17. unit evttrv ThttPti.tnv thereafter at 0. It) n. ni.. Pull until Imiri.k hlra, iu charK of our own eicumloo rtiliiliirlnrii. am tu'ln.iliil.t.1 I.. I.... J 4A, I I.l coin for Portland vln Knuvfr, lnilfille. nms i.ieiiiy,ii,t., H, tho Oregon Short Line, iiunninif tlirotiuii Hih IfPHIIll. eat Cflitrv id the Il.icklia un.l .im,.,!.,.. aoveral Imui ill at Kwlt Lake fit to J. low a lo the iiuiuy poiuUol hitereal there. Ilirtba, tieketa and full informa tion may bo ohtHliied at II. A l lltalKt Bt or City ticket ullice. citriiKn. ll Ik Hit lltlK. atrveta, (ik.i. W. li.ii i i C V, X T. A. ir rtal .IT la (-llft.ral aatt Ollioe r inanMt Iratalar. Tba above rwlnril,.n lima enniia, iv tha N'ttrlbwaatern t ainn 1'aeine rtttitM I ha lima u.BUKt orlS hmir. ra ttinn by othr linaa, Thi ht.mev, Urth rata, aad thtf- a ktiiir nf wrartaoin rr ritliag. At rimi.iti rtiititniinit im itlraet wita iKntUtfk lnuilal .l I 11 ti M OA Bh Aklaaa att A rkalrear tt vvr, tv..l, Halt I k it, I'ltril ind aad Ha raaeieiiv ! I:rar tSn.tuh In tttafitaal, (Ul M k ale a Nit twrlk .iii. ktkak aal 1 In, wt. llrkM aifut, Uf .k lOtlk ,, l.inrtilo, rfc, I ira IUi u I kaa all ik l k ti t i ..i- ... tb tt4rlialfa'a a. U.i rt al 1 1 U a.a.aaf Jm. ik..j..duM t.a. lira trai ul I'ulimaa eloir aad lr r IiuIh kir tr ti ..)fl tu 'lieaaw t J.jhiI, fa I al IV A M. dl tty fitt., if u a, T-aih trt.M M b-itk, la It m 4i uKtraaia. iiau. W, I At, A, aimi oi4 rtu. It tkoataaiulai a In I Hit Vfiak al l Urate (iy, k. lJVy, ltjp MditMl ttfiiilli Ahkkl fa law aa4 Miaa. I lat lb terf tata l "' ta4 4 aVatila, 0, W. tnad, C. r. T. A . iii Teata aa4 U tr-lv iltUt lns Uula NekiMta.