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About The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1897)
3 December 30, 1897 THE NEBRASKA INDEPEDENT VOICE OFJHE PEOPLE. la this Minna w will pcbtlih eommsalcatloaa el a worthy aad en! table aharaeter, received feast abeerlbers to tfcia papa. No ommool aaMoa tbould eootela nor than M word, Mywapt alWtaiwa. f Mom tllitorjr Ijnin Coin Kettemptlon, Editoh Inwei'Biihent. Bin-Friend Uryant very properly calta attention to what Inslguiflcant questions the American peoplo have used hi an Issue to organize political parties upon, and some ol tlittin still seem dis posed to rully 00 nothing. Tlie repub lican go to the bullott box to the jingle of the word "proU'ction." The democrats are equnlly us enthusiastic over a phrase pier, or ineunmgiean " far as its economic application is eon 1 oerned "frre coinage." Jiut we nern; not to expect to flud much difference iu th Immiikk if the two old tmrtles for there ha been no real difference for JIO years. JJoth aimed to sorvs the money ttower but in slightly different ways Itut so far aa the tolling musses were concerned thcro waa not a farthing dif ference between them. At the present time the republicans promise the mono y power that the people shull produce wealth and exchange It lor one mot Hi ftrold) to liniiidute the Irulubt (mIim'mh hold them by tlie same money power, while the Name power Iimm absolule control of the whole gold supply, ami can make 11 aa hard for the people to get it aa they please. Thi power ia aupronio tlie world around. Only starvation can break their control of the price of what the people produce and from that they are to be Mild, Voter, what do you think of a people who will vote that they must pay their debfa in a material owned and controlnd by the fullowa who hold the debts. And then expect pros perlty from audi pay merit I And what do you think of a lot of fellows (mis.) called statesman managing a nation ao that it tnkea every dollar's worth of wealth produced to pay the Interest on the debta they owe and the indebtedness Increasea thirteen millions In IU years In my opinion no hell whs ever hot enough for such villlans, lint their rns ealllly Is no greater than the utter im becility of the voter who supports them. Our democratic brethren are a little more on the compromise order, as is usual with that party, and they protnisa the money power that the toiling Kinases hall make the same pnyimmts In two metals (gold and sliver) but they too are promising to make naymont in some thing which the other fellows absolutely own and control, both just as much as they do one of them. The principle Is the same in both cases. We are com pelled iu both cases to pay in something we have not got, and that the sover eignty of our nation cannot produoe. Ho fur as the Hhyloiks are concerned it can make but small difference to them as in either case all. It makes no great difference to the tolling wealth producer, aa either one means homeless peasantry weighed down by'endlees debt into the abyss of servitude. The foun dation of money is the nation's sovereign power, and both these parties debase that sovereignity and violate the prin ciple of money, With a money system based on its rightful foundation, the sbylocks are powerless and can exercise no control over the people's wealth. Hut with the coinago of gold and silver with a "coin redemption" promise, the dominion of the money power is abso lute and the people are serfs.; Ho you will notice that the record of the two old luti lles ii still unbroken both serving tlie money power, both bound to accomplish the same result, both promising that the people shall make "bricks without straw." And the people, what of them? Jl'oor fools. In stead of burying both those untrust worthy and traiterous organizations in the same grave, and tnking their own, they carry on a great pow-wow troedel durn and treedle-dee. One party says that the people shall be crucified on a cross of gold, the other one says No! The cross must be 10 parts silver to 1 of gold, and the wooden hooded voters say yes, we prefer to have the cross made of two metals Instead of one, la It not grand? And wise men look more wise aud write books about bow much bet ter it ia to have tho cross upon which oasis to be nailed made of two metals instead of one. And great campaigns are fought over it. Verity, "what foola these mortals be." And the man who damns them both and refuses to be crucified ou any kind ol a cross, he Is a craxy crsnk and can't see how nice it will be to have the olllces no matter if the ieople do groan. Hut populiets, Is it not rather disgust lug to think that the men whoorgauixed for frmlom dropd down Into the wallow and took a hand in this Miy lock prepared Inngleover metal unmet? And do you fully comprehend the wide differ ence Wlwa It and 1'opulism? The "w lid eat" banking syatem was a prom la ol "coin redemption and stole mil. lions from the lampl lor the Hankers. The Infamous ''credit elrwugtlutnlugarl" was a promt of "wtin redemption" and under its rover the government stole ;uo,tKH,(HH rt.m the aud gave il to the money sharks. Tb "jc rmumptioa act" aa an other proitil ol 'txita redemption." la under sut a promt as tan that our people hate Um alitto! a hutttel and propertjlwa pMipla. t'onttaunlly aad forever patting the avail ibry pro dur lata tb aorwrawd ia ul lb 'Vin promtM." I'm I, m trienda, the ttxino-ratie pint, (orai at t'hu-agti ritll ibia promt tdvian retlemptktn," 1 1 end fcy that prwmiM ami ol the abut aria p4 ay Ik fvpahlsaa parly aad .tml- It-ell l fvniiatM I boat. Aad lb mIuImI par If at U I ha ballot twit aadM4 lb "vr4tt alratba l4 a l" proMtwK, lb rtt.iaiw tarv ptoaoa, lb 'il.l eat" Uak aba, Kf my lnads i'i4 u aaata la alt. kuyoa Ikiak tt illtrUtuaMala N?r, Nis Nevvtl I t b aUadardul IrMKiiini U aata tm4 a4 t Uri Waainaai Jtanaa wbusx b tba a b).Wa. ia a,t aarry tt, tb trM4 kit Ural tim4 t a,a at ill Uaf It alWt. la Ik kriM t4 sy bii, 14 Ikat Iba i.Hir 1 ? bad a U hlMlrt4 wl Mif a by kataol g4 I atU prat 11. UtartMa will r. MU ibat ia a W attlb at lk aat, gulo. aad atitat dtMp itmiad trvwi aV aad , aad p larr Iba Ikat tb gumaM tut vaaia4 tattaad ad aU Hl pay three month's expenses." That was SO venrs aco. Do you think that they are less powerful now than then? The same thing has been demonstrated a dozen times in the last one hundred years, but still our Bilver friends tell us that il we elect them, we will have two metals to j.ay with. We will, if sbylock H(s fit to let us have them, but he will only let us have enough to pay our In terest, aud we never will have anything to pay with until the nation does its dutv and exercises Its sovereignty and Immiihh a currency for its people. Homo people may still lie found who honestly thiuk that !coin redemption" is a necessary nualiflcation of money. will prove to you that such is not the cuee. and bv our own history. Tho greenback was issued as only a partial monev. The Government herself dis honoring it by refusing to roeive it for custom's dues. 1 Ids was tlie money power's scheme to give them a chance as speculate and tliey old so relatively 10 coin depreciated the greenback. 80 when tho war was over, (in 180!)), they had commies ones a solemn promise that theee denreclutod iireciilmcks should be redeemed in coin. -Now if coin redernp' tlon Is necessary to maintain money, they would have immediately advanced to par with coin, but they did not, and not until ten years alter um uieyreuuu that point. Aud what was It which brouurht them ud to imr with coin? On Jan. 1, 1M7W, we were to resume specie payment, but wlien tlint dny arrived, ic was discovered that Hhylock still had tho coin and we could not resume with it any more than we could light the war Willi it. Ho to save the nation iram fi nancial dishonor, Becrutnry John Hher man. ordered t he customs officers to re ceive greenbacks for customs and on the issue of that order, they stood pur Willi coin. 1 don't expect that, u hide-bound block head will see anything iu this, but the man who Is looking for the truth, will understand that tho only essential qualifications of money are full legal- tender power and fully receiveafolu by tho Government that issuea it, and that "coin redumption" cuts no fliruro. and Is but a vllo scheme to steal beneath. Yours, J I. 0. HtkwsIit. ONE IN EVERY FOUR. Ona Parson In Every Four Suffers From Piles. About one person in every four Buffers from some form of rectal disoase. The most common and annoying ia Itching piles, indicated by warmth, slight moist ure. and intenso, uncontrollable itching n the parts affected. The usual treatment has been some simple ointment or salve which some times give temporary relief, but nothing like a pormnncrit cure can be expected from such superficial treatment. 1 lie only permanent cure lor Itching piles yet discovered is the 1'yramid I'ilo Cure, not ouly for Itching (tiles, but for every other form of piles, blind, bleeding, or protruding. The first application uives instunt relief, and the continued use for a short time causes a permanent removal of the tumors or the small par asites which cause the Intense itching und discomfort of itching piles. Alnny Physicians lor a lorm time sun- posed that the remarkable relief afforded by the 1'yramid 1'ile Cure was because it was supposed to contuln cocaine, opium or similiar drugB, but such is not the cuse. A recent careful analysis of the remedy showed it to be absolutely free from any cocaine, opium, or in fact any poisonous, injurious drugs whatever. Hold by druggists at 00 cents per pack age. Kend to Pyramid Co.. Marshall. Mich.. for free book on cause and cure of piles. Tlie I'ranltlitnt'a Mamma ElHTOH NlCIIIMSKA I.NIiKI'KNDKNT: lu reading the present's message 1 got so disgusted that I threw it into the Are because I have never before read a document which was such an affront and disgrace to a country. The author of this trash must really believe that this is a nation composed of a mass of idiots who don't know anything nbout ioulionable rights ol mou, political, economic and duties ol government. The great philanthropist, McKlnley, before the election, in the sweetest and most flattering words, declared himself as the best and uoalterable friend of the farmers, laborers, and of the destitutes. He said if elected he would flrat of all use all his power to Improve the conditions ct the farmers, laborers and deatitulea by creating a demand lor nil our products, starting the Area aad the amoks ol our lactone thereby creating for every mau aa op portuuity to work at renumerative wage, which would produce a neutral proierity aud happineaa for all. Now a this pioua gentleman ha had a chance, aud aa his otllclal duties really demaad that h redeem his pledge to hi so wall beloved frteuUs, It muat bay torgottwa every thing about It. la th whole nieaeag you rasaot flud a aingl word about tb moat prvcaing ol all quaatious no! only ia thi country but la every milt! slat ia th world namely, the labor queatioa. ibibllatttbrolitaL McKinlev. aevar did rvad anythiag about tnaltabl righte ol ma lor Ida, hUftr and pur autt ol kapplu, that paopl ur4 aoio mh lor lb au ! ol life, aad Ibat gotrrauwat ara tnalimtd of anuria Ibva r'ahte, aal thai a la aioaarva-Ultlalt-a I tie govaraaiaata pru ul lor lb uVelituta. Hi autivina kward that aa iaaatiahl altiiua vlaaant aoot4 a IhiI t'U autail V4tttra awa, lariwf, aad UlHtrara uut ol Iba trait ol lbtr kard UUtra, bby etwatia gxavrad bkraplfy aad aar abrhi aollioaa td bosaat, iad4lfHaa aa are Ibroaa oa Ik slrael, chaavd Iroat hm May a aaolbrf bf d' aad inlwm aad il b 4m Sol ssov qaak aaoagb Ikat ae ab 4ia hk wiM bwtiau M ail tbtaMr. Vlktly Me kr4 aatlbt4, aad It ka Ut I k u ba d t ear lf il, a k la wot lb imwf tl kta Mot bar. lata viajMa il-Hi't ran l tkoaaad l laMiU aa ara ) a !, tbtta aada kk-W4 Ibrosfa arahnl aad tb la aaliatti grl v4 oar aWUa vm tail' road, laiwattal ah la aaa trap, w II iaavt atria aajoaildroa. ara aba I aM tiaMi la SmiiIi ia iiag akpa. kU ka dw aad kaa ia rare Kk t )ra lc the mom Ma a ktr4 aa a aariaat Mart Haaaa aad it tkat It is kta oaty ilsty la wai w tka Rothschilds and this duty he performs to the full satisfaction of his boss. Al ready he sold to him the I'acinorail road, thereby selling soul and body of the people ol the west to tins naDoo as this road is the bread of life and the key to the great west and who ever owns this key is the absolute ruler of this flrainerv of the world. With this sale the government lost its last control over the road. To further please his boss Mr. McKIn loy recommends striking from our cur rency l'JOO.000.000 non-Interest, bear ing money and replacing it with interest buuringgotd bonds and usurer's proflt bearing batik notes, it is not enougn (hat this people has already to pay every day of the year f 1,5)00,000 Inter ests to Unglisli money sharks. We have to add about f 35,000,000 more interest to it. In looking over the natural resources of this country, Mr. McKlnley has found out that land, forests, mines, factories, railroads, telegraphs, telephones In foct all and everything is sold und owned or at leaet mortgaged for all they are really worth to Knglieh capitalists, ex cept 25,001,501 acres of land in the In diun territory which is the last reiuge of tho original Inhabitants of this country, to which place they were chased from one place to the other until they could not move any further, when this territory was grunted to them by the United Htutes forever for their support. This land Is the common property of the In dians, and can never be divided up, but Mr. McKlnley is ufruid that an Indian aristocracy will be established and the common Indians will not get the full en joyment of the common property, there fore It will be necoHsury to make this land tributary to the Lnglish nobility also. It is remarkable that Mr. McKlnley is so anxious to secure to every Indian his full share of the common property, but that ho never thinks to secure to tho common pooplo of this country their full share of the luud in this country the inheritance of all men, but now owned by a Hcully, Lady Coats, etc., in England, who never had a foot In this country and never spent a cent for its development. The time has arrived in this country which the wise und fur-seoing Patrick Henry described in his protest against the adoption ol the constitution when be said: "If we make a king we may prescribe the rules by which he shall rule bis peo ple and interpose such checks as shall prevent them from Iniringing them. Every death which is caused from want of food or fuel, is a murder which cries to heaven, accusing government, Sen ate, congress, supreme court and clergy of criminal neglect of their duty. The stomach 01 starving people will not become satiated by your making long fuces, singing psalms, reading bible vorses and babbling nonsense in cong ress. All that must be said for solving the labor nuimtion can be expressed with a dozen words, dive them shelter, food, clothes and fuel. There Is only one way to do this. You must take these necessities from those who have a superfluity of them and give them to the destitutes. If those who have a superfluity of the necessities of lite will not give thorn voluntarily to the destitutes, then the state must take it by force. Necessity knows no law, and the poor man has a right to his neighbor's bread. Issuing interest bearing gold bonds and ncronsing taxes on sugar, coff-m, tea. beer tobacco and everything that wo must eat, drink and use will bring no re lict to tho common people. The main duty of the government is now to create sucli conditions that every person in this luud can acquire everything that is necessary for tho sustenance of life. This must be done at once, without re gard to coHts. Not a single person should die from want of food or fuel. The time of talking common sense and acting accordingly, like intelligent men, has now arrived. Fkep SniwEiZEit. IT IS IlETTEIt to take Hood's Sar- saparilla thnn to experiment with un- nown and untried preperations. we now Hood's Kursuourilla actually and permanently cures. HOODS TILLS act easily and prompt ly on the liver and bowels. Cure sick headache. llryant Anawera Hand. Iditoii Imiki'Kniikmt: Haktinoton, Neb., Dec. 23, 1897. In your iseue of the 23d Inst, appears a letter from V. L. Hand, of Kearney. The writer refers to my letter la your issue oi tneiutn and asks me a ques tion. Now, 1 am a very busy man. and have little practically no time to de bat a political disputation. UUt til gautloiiiftu S question is so easily auwred that 1 will take time lor that, "Will Mr. Dry ant give usasatiatartory reaaou why th (HipuliMta, ailver-ilenio-rratsand silver-republican ahould not drop luaion, drop their mpurnt organi latlous and nam and lorm a union under a new name nut upon a single platlorm embodying all of tb nitwit vital lud tint rial nlortua, ui-b a free coiuag of kilvar, government tu ol all imia-r money, government saving bxuka, govvrunteat ownership ol lei graph aad teWphoue and niaa trat-k l' id railroad. muni-iial itwnerehip ol ail rily unlit-, graduated iacom tat, l.-vttoa ol prvaidt-al and I. M, a tor by tliret'i vol of Iba people? I da not uuaertak la meatioa allot tha aealial reform." Now, it hi y Irwad Irom K-ray had really read my letter , th tue la reply la Mr. Mteldoa a well a tb a la raply Ui l alber harder, k ruuUi kae otatyrai, Ibtak. Ilbaap. i mUi rta htta aa-ia kU will, I OWlis lb tak. A reaaoa la aa this, a ealiaWtory reaaoa la aii aaolVef Iblag, Tfce rvaaoaa glvea ara aaafa lory au lar a lb preaal artle la rw raed It tbey . ut attaty aiy ft lead Irota Kearay 1 a a b'p it. IUfar, I tt aaae h ihIkis at Ike rk al ruiMi. ly head waala la kw why aaa Uttm m mi tUDGrH LUMRIH CO., A 11. I lit. Iwto I Crir n ! tin $11, U'com. X riwM , , , I COAL & LUMBER i lwt tiutb. WW ft Editors I Printers If yon want to buy a nood lit- t1 Job and NMiit,pr I'lunt In Lincoln, dclrem "Kyle, car NohraNka lit(lienleni." I'luut 1 Idle, and a rldlruloiia. l.v Hmnll amount of i-anli will talt It SM down, 1 75 In on 4 fnr. Jimt flia ailndirt IMd which la entirely nnownpled In thltcouuty, liivutliitu. Print f Plant . 'aS I??? ?? I V" . party with a new natno and a single platform, with nine planks iu it (which lie specifies as "most vital industrial re forms,") and a lot more too numerous to mention. Mr, Hand hits a Platform of his own, and he does not see why everybody else should not bo willing to stand upon it. Just like trie. When I was a child it seemed to mo that my mother was the most beautiful woman in the world, and that my father was the strongest and brighter man; and it astonished me to learn that other peo ple did not all see it in tho same light. Dot, as 1 grew older, 1 found my parents were very ordinary people. Ilrother Hand is an excollentgeutleman no doubt and believes in tho election of the United Htutes senators by a direct popular vote, but there are a lot of people just us good men us ho Is who do not agree with him on this point, but do ugrce with him on the coinage question. The railroad problem is tlie hardest question of thorn all a veritable Qordian knot. The present writer has been a believer in government ownership tor more than twenty years, but I do not deny there are strong objections to ft; to make it ef fective might require an amendment to the national constitution, extending tho legislative power or congress and the jurisdiction of federal courts. Would not this tend to centralization? The initiative and referendum is the popular fad. Woe to the presumptions man who dares insinuate that it is imprac tical! Hut there are some people who do not believe in this, but do believe in free silver. Free silver is In sight. Why not stick so that, and not bunt for a dozen l'ari tian apples of discord. Mr. Hand criticises my history. The republican party was crystalized by the civil war, and not by a lot of fellows getting together and making a new party order. Just so now. Jet events shape themselves. 1 might add, what everybody knows, that I am an original populist, and helped to organize the party in this state. I am a populist still, having no desire to change my name. We started out ou three linee: (1) rinunco, (2) transporta tion, I'd) laud. Ivot us stay by our old creed, aud not go "chasing alterstrange Oods," to use the language of scripture. I am willing to work with the democrats on one of these three lines, but phmse excuse me from marrying them 'til they have courted us long enough to give us "a satisfactory reason" to believe that they mean business. In the meantime. if any democrat or free silver republican gets impatient let him join the populi-it party. Uiliii'u F. IIuyant. V. b. Allow me to call the attention of your readers to the communication from the pen of H. Win. Smith in your iseue of the 2.'Jd iust, which I have just read. It "hits the nail on the head." W. F. II. Polar Foi Change ll Color. The summer coat of the polar fox 1b dark, almost black. In winter It la ao white that the animal can hardly be seen as It runs over the snow. FRuBLH OF TODAY (Continued From First Page.) its most dangerous enomy. The most crying need of the time is for a man in the executive chair who shall have the cournge to proclaim the truth, and re gardless of personal consequences, to lead the battle on behall ol his country and ol prosperity. Thus far only two men in the whole country have dared to do this. The name of one candor com pels th adaptation is Denjitiuiu F. Dut ler, that of the other is William H. Uns een. That their surceaaora may speedily appear, armed with equal courag and greater insight Irom xperieuce, ahould b th ardent prayer ol the whole peo ple ol the l ulled States, TALKING IT OVER. teaa ate (area )t lfce ahr4 tetlW ai looe ! a iii " f vm M W l iMVI ' l In H eetMea I've lOMit f4 I He .t-ia l i4 eu a-l .!- tlat tmmm lal I "- - I s4i M etra rth aw! " na a .i ! . t ht M tH . tm Wei a4 l' -' W t Si f . v..n kloKta 1' t u-. ai(tai vtti i- i. imii rvT ls U . V- "a ifii 4 ASTUTE INSURANCE AGENT. Fooled the Man Who Tried to Claim Money on Horned Cigars. "Some time ago." said an insurance man to the Philadelphia Record, "a man asked me to accompany him home, as he had some things there to be Insured. When we arrived at his house he showed me 100 boxes of cigars, which he wanted insured, There were 100 cigars In each box, making 10,000 In all, and were valued at 10 cents each, bo I insured the lot for $1,000. A few days ago the man came to me and asked for the Insur ance money. 'You've had no fire at your house I replied., 'No, but I've smoked them said he, 'and according to the paper I am entitled to the money, as it says distinctly that if the goods are consumed by fire money Is paid on application.' As far as tech nicalities were concerned, he was all right, but I knocked him cold about a minute later by saying, In a very stern manner: 'All right, sir; you'll get the money; but, according to your own confession, I will proceed at once to make a charge against yon for incen diarism.' 'Well, I'll be hanged!' was all he said, and the room shook violently after be banged the doorl" THE JEWESS IN HER HOMf Iter MInrIou U the (loipel of Nwaetneal and Light. Emerson has said "If you wouli know a thing truly you must see It h Its setting." The setting of the Jewesi is her home; she cannot be known else where, and how many Christians eve see her there? If necessity, or per version of taste, or greed, place her be hind a counter, or bring her to thi marts where merchants do congregate she does not appear as her true self. metaphorically speaking, she doni 'man's garments," something forbldduc In the Bucred La w of Moses. The Jew ess was never meant for a society lady nor for a devotee of the literary and poetical art; only In time of the deep est national emotion a Miriam or Deb- ora would arise. Although she knowi the use of the tongue as well as am of her BlsterB In other regions of thi earth, she Is never applauded for belin "a brilliant conversationalist." Neith cr Is she intended for a saintly recluai or flesh-and-world-subdulng penitent Her mission Is the gospel of sweetnesi and light, to smooth the rough placet of this world: to delight by her eraci and beauty, If so favored by God. Oth erwise, she consoles herself with thi assurance of her classical poet, that, after all, "Grace may prove deceitful and beauty a vanity, the woman thnl feareth God, her praise endurcth for ever." "Give her of the fruit of hei hands; and let her own works praiss her." Dr. Gustav Gotthell in Ladies' Home Journal. asy to Take asy to Operate Are features peculiar to flood's Pills. Small In size, tastcles, efficient, thorough. As one man IHood said: " You never know you have taken a pill till It Is all lOl " 1 1 w over." 2nc. C. I. Hood & Co., Y! I I 1 Proprietors, Itwcll, Mass. " The only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparllla. COOK & BARLOW Harness and Saddle Makers. Burlington Stay-On Blanket Itepairinga specialty. Full Stock of Harness, Lap Robes Blan Kets 225 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. Lincoln, Nob. t 9: sit fH I" H n Jean Da nesztte. let etM'Stttaat let JUyti Vt itw to W4rlwuhlh klmtall that w tuvt tm cluntot la fnmtu oa k war icrtul u." ( ewe ! e4e K.- lf iit(M4 la enatota ewt4 atMM,aaa a iitn, Oeaerwl Jti, iVfaAkS Hsk CkfOCCl) THERE IS A CLASS OF PEOPLE Who ara Injured by th at ot eoffp. Rematljr thai haa beea placed In all the grocery atone a aew prtparatlnn called GKAI.N-O. mud of par trraini, that takoa the place of coffee. Th mo delicate itumaca receive It without d lit roe, and bat tew cao tell it from coffee. It doe not eoet over Vt ai much. Children mar drink tt with great bant-flt. 16 eta. and 25 eta. per package. Try It, aekfor GRA1.VO, When billons or costive, eat a Cascaret candy cathartic.cure gnaranteed,10c,25e 213 U Street, Lincoln, Neb. Receives all kinds of Hides and Fori to tan for Robes and Leather. Hides tan'd on shares. Highest price paid for Hides. Ilonry IZolm rjrorr FINE WATCH REPAIRING. E. S. KING,. SCIENTIFIC REFRACTING OPTICIAN. Weak and Strained Eyes Success fully Fitted. .... No Atropine, no lost time. 1800 0 St., LINCOLN, NEB. $$$$ Portrait Land scape ms liihst. Gallery Ettabllabad 1871. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. FOR FINE PHOTOGRAPHS . . . GO TO . . . Kennedy's Photograph Parlors, 132 So. 12th Street. lne &aMmts, t.00 per Cozen. Satisfaction OaaraaUed. We make Orayos Portrait cheap and ta tb moat artlitla Style. Practice Limitkd to DR. S.E.COOK. 1215 0 ST., Lincoln, Nebr. Diseases of the Eye,Ear,Nose and Throat Hours from 0:80 to 12:80 a.m; 2 to 6 p.m. WHEN YOU WRITE TO YOUR FRIENDS who arc corning west to rlsit you, Just add a post script like this: "lis sure and take the Burlington Route. It's much the best." You are quite safe in do ing this because our service from Chicago. Peoria. St. Louis, and Kansas City, in fact all eastern, southeast ern, and southern cities ia just as good as our service to those points. And that as everyone who is ac quainted with it will testify, is the best there is. Tickets and time tables on application at B. & M. dopot, or city office, corner 10th and O streets. 3. W, B0NNELL, 0, P. & T. A. LINCOLN, NEB. The New- Union . . ELEVATED IS NOW OI'EM. It runs on Van Buren St Directly . in front of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific STATION. rnre arriving in Chicago ran, by tb ew I nlua KWvateJ I,,s reu h asy part i.lli-eeitjit.r. IW a flfvD fare, eaa I Uiea iutindittely to aay td tb larg atorea la th Uou toaa d,.trk t. yK "! T,'M will tp at th "Uork Ulan. 1 riutma, Trala every Ml Bill. Tkeae fn.-tl.l k... ... ...I. t I d by th "Qrt fc,ck I.U.J" IfyotiaiU ae4 a SJ BiMmiMa Klaal m. ai.. . s ft. . .. - .-w , aM-aifii, t). hMUm In lvta, a ) uu Itial abal yt aaj lu kauw aK.ul t ttataguaad ta a I.iMiti ...I ... IkMatapyutiahtMild kae, abetlief tut MU lkMII; .ad .IMIutuM u it. vt abeiber ), au Ut ta I ku-mgM aa4fomf yuttr Irw,) MtitiM.Ut taaiaet a Inn. (JJm. - - - - r.eee" H, . r. t at ago, a heei-Meeiaeaft, J.aa I k.ku ... . . . . ... ft aaJ it sa a-a - - . ' LINCOLN TANNERY r " a- a.iwei vaai a .Tmt.m r " iiu a atl V. ana ,.v j,,,, r a. Moa.a tai