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About The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1897)
The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. VOL. IX. LINCOLN, NEBR., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1897. NO.32 THE PROBLEM OF TODAY n,.amoiii nradford Thinks Tariff Nor Currency Neither The Key. THE PEESIDENT SHOULD LEAD ConffreBs is Cited as Harboring Great Dangers to the Wel fare of the Eepublic. Mollad lolM. In bio speech before those at tbodinner irttioNw England free trade club in Boston this month, Gamaliel Uradfor .gives lils Idoas on what tho country uoode In the way of legislation. Ho esys the question of government by tho poo- f ile Id first to be adopted and thou cur rency and tariff reforms will bo plucked like sunbeams in their proper time. Mr. Bradford said he did not appear un au expert upon the tariff, and would be sorry to undergo a competitive ex amination Uion the reMpective merits of the McKlitloy. Wilson and DiiiLflny bills. He proponed to spouk upon a subject which includes the tariff and a great many other questions of equal import nce and that Is government' From the financial Hide, the tariff means simply whether the people shall be plundered to the bone for the benefit of certain privato JntoreHts. From the political side, it involve tho permanent welfare of the people, the whole future of tho country and the very existence of our Institutions. Within the memory of men not very old, the "spoils system ' was the instru inentof carrying ou the government, nnd the public office were the stimulus of party work and the reward of party victory. But civil service reform, though not yet complete, practically put an end to that. Twenty years ago the speaker used to say to his friends, "It is an ad mirable work you are doing, but you must remember that the use of offices In politics must be replaced by some- thing, and that something will be mon ey." The prediction has boon amply justified. A difliculty arose at the start, and that was where the money was to come from. To make good the loes of all the government offices would require no email sum, and though some amounts might be obtained from public or party spirit, they would be trifling in com parison with the requirements. To the topublican party belongs the credit of (solving the problem, for though the democrats would undoubtedly have done "tho same thing, the republicans bad the 1 responsibility, if a number of power ful private iutereets could have a tariff ' passed to suit them, they would con tribute campaign funds to an unlimited 1 -extent. The tariff, however, which on v riched the private intends, also poured .anjimmonse surplus into the treasury and a now trouble arose. We had enough t up govorumuiit bonds till those outstanding only paid one and a half per cent internet, and the national banks were iu a panic lent the basis of their ; 'Circulation ehould be withdrawn. , lint the republican managers were equal also to this emergency. There was a large number of persona who had j been soldiers in the war. If every one of thorn could bo provided with a pen sion, to date from the war there would be uo more trouble from treasury aur pluse. This policy had the further ad vantage that It would bind all these pen eioner with hooks of steel to the party which had so geuorously provided tor thorn; and still another, that there was a group of penion agents, ready and auxious in view of a commission to arry it iuto eff eel. The country was raked with u fine toothed comb for everybody who could net up a war claim, The number of pouaioner thus far is Ubont a million, or say on ia four of all thu northern soldiers of the war. The othsr ittyuiue million! of the prmn-ut inhabitants of the whole 1'nited State are tnid lor the support of thie million, la twenty yuan the treasury lias paid out la pension between two and three thousand million of dollar, or say nearly one half ol the whole eol i war, Mat what is more mou. rou, a tally equivalent emu baa We i-id iuto the ptH'kxU til the prutrtd inWrtoU which lurnUhwl rmpign fund. A iugl luatnnr will ear?! lor illustr ation The editor of aa hratwh t oat ,4 Iron ,itgane a a rw-atly iu the lati4 Ktnl and rturu4 boats to Mi lit otri that oar mass! tela rr .tt iron and ell ma prolan law art. l. at ! to S'ta addling r I mi kaixr titaa thotawtvM. tMonMthi .r-citi4- any IiiumM of ibe ring-tub .trtt.'Wa. Is tanS iy NMa that th att fnjir ran ad J tit lb itm d hi gHHl and Wvy a prull on lhia air lh bl amount l ttui dxty ahhk lh KnUh -r4n! would b l,i .t Mun imI4 in rwltun. it ti nnnUtrw prtidw wmr lhaa the aoaultf a eMittt at thi pra-m, lh ran wt4 a g'm of tfal l lmra bf Mta4 thipia ll.n!tf t-rw. Ik mw tlit '-hl k -ilJ l a srwat many bt s rtila, (M euarwa aaa ewntiil tHtee, nuwer aa ktrai knt a ! fMitase 4 rvins .h Um ! hi i4 t-a hnUU. lull l tl4s K ial, HMb! alo what ft tir cumwiiM In lt it Ur W a tl than tk tata 4 tk sanf lor tta ha I h aal tht in tha Um (4 fldonce in the government. There in a growing belief that congrees in merely an instrument for playing Into the bauds of the rich and powerful, regard lees of tho welfare and wiehes of the great mass of the people, and this be- lief is producinga degree of etrifo and exaeperation between claHsoe, which In full of danger. What ie to be clone? (Jertainly the remedy does not consist in a change of parties. In 1800 and 181)2 disgust with the republican party gave a democratic president and a democratic majority iu both houses. They produced the Wilson tariff, but showed euch in competence to govern that the lead pawned to Jiryan and the populists. The combination of fear and campaign funds resrorou me republicans to power and resulted iu tho Dlngley tariff, Involving that fluctuation which is woreo than the woret tariff, if only it could be kept steady. There are manifeet signs t hat the close 01 the century will see the republicans again nurieu irom power. and the substi tu to offered will bo the democrats of tho Chicago platform. A few years of thoee, might possibly drive the country back to the republicans and this alternation from bad to worse can have In the end but one result, which is armed strife, I repeat that the vital question before us is neither tariff nor currency, but government. The only safeguard in the struggle of private interest and the pub lic wellure, against increasing social restlessness and discontent, ugainst the agitation of demagogue and thu com binntions of capital Is to bo found iu stronger and more responsible govern ment. Inequalities of fortune and eta tion will be cheerfully borne, if sustained by a faith In the justice and impartiality of Intention In the government and Its power to carry that intention intoeffect. It is tho reverse of this belief which pro duces revolution Tho whole history of modern repre sentative government shown that de spotism of a legislature leads through anarchy to a despotism of the executive. The Long Parliament landed Englaud in the hands of (;romwell. . ibe National assembly at tho convention In France did the same work for Napoleon; aud though the Third Republic has preserved isjocs for a ouartor of a century, tho de spotism of the legislature points strong ly towards a similar result. Now despot- sm of tho legislature is the most marked characlistic of the governniont, not only of the Union, but of the several states. 1 he executive has been reduced to be its mere instrument, and the judiciary is fast following the same road. If we ex pect to escape the proved consequences, it must be by a restoration of the bal ance of power. Tho executive alone rep resents the whole nation or state, while the legislature represent only so many fractions, all of equal weight and does its work by bargaining and log rolling. The executive alone represents the ad ministration of the government, whereas tho legislature is in no way responsible for It, and regards law-making only as au instrument of party success. The ex ecutive should have the earns power of addressing its constituents that mem bers of congresH have. As responsible for administration it should have the power of publicly proposing and defend ing measures which it thinks necessary for the public welfare, and of criticizing aud opposing those which it believes to be Injurious. l$y taking the lead in all questions of public importance it would provide or public and continuous de bate from the opening of the session, thus informing the whole nation both as to the merits of the questions and the character and motives of the individuals advocating or opposing them; instead of leuvmg them to be settled by secret in trigue in the committee room, with en tire iguorance on the part of the public both as to measures and men. In our single executive bead, i'reeident or Gov ernor, elected periodically by the whole people, we havetli8 finest instrument of government in the world, but we lose al most the whole benefit of it through the grasping and unchecked ambition of the legislature. Sucli an executive propos ing and conducting plana of government in the interest of the whole people and subject to the criticism and the veto of a watchful legislature would soon place o in the front rank ot uationa. This i what the Englishman, Mr, liagebot, meant when be enid that "if the New F.ugland stab a a separate nation bad cabinet government, they would baa renowned in 'he world lor politleal sa gacity as they now arc for diffused bappinea." There are now two subject prwuing upon us which ean be ttim tu this way and no othr, the tariff and Ihecurrwiicy, At preaeut tby are the football ol dia rordant and eonnVting Internet, no one of whh-h will tiatva lor a moment to tha argument ol the lui-r, while the whole euustry look on in hnlNM bwilder NMat. II tbeexvcntlve lor Ibe liui t. ing wr tu ub not a dettuitw plan, pre pared by adiuiniiraUva inm, and not by amateur eowinMaloo. and it that srbM" wr ubmittd to an biliv oVtutU aliK'tt would briMii lb troegval mind to th lop, and aroa h nihuiaia ol the country, live ytr ul inwrnuxliftta WtfioUuvviaaelioa would l Mora than ll at. la Ik its t4 ltira, lsl, a rr irt tu tha failed tw etaatx, mt nauiaiuuly Kv Uht wnatiera wl both part, HomMtnibt that tha inwtubef 11I th eliul houKI baa adaitMiun a tlAtrt df Iu both fcouwn lth lb raht (4 tatm part la 4baU ! t nttnuf qitatua ratia tu thr oVrtU. and pttif I4mI ! th nww ary haeM',a in tb taU. I hi tHirt ba nfr rii a ni.t n-u atuniMia nut U-easaa tt d-d st df f il, it b roaarwM m lwiri v th 4f la it aturpaMon ul Mtr, t h IM ii kaaft will h taka nha th Mitlif n4t44 (hat Ur Nm Ita km rpratw br , that bi4f w Hi4iti p hi ila4uui la lh "I eiWrau!" Na4 J8t la hm "Naiwi a iratat, K dt prnliaJima ttVtia4 u Mia4 I'm. Till BBDOBD What North Carolina's Delegation in Congress Has Accom plished for the People. WORK PLEASES POPULISTS Senator Butler Has Stood Success fully Against Great Odds in the Senate. Wlint Thry Have Done, Hon, L. Af. Whito, in an article In a recent issue of the Caucasian, describes tho meeting at Clinton, N. C, tho following on Congressman aud has Fowler's populists speech and the record of the from that state in congress: Mr. I'owler in introducing Senator Hutlor leforred to some of the fine work which he bad done during tho brief time be has been in the Hen ate, and also culled attention to the fact that the ma chine, jtress aud tho gold monopoly or gans in the State had refused to givs him credit for the same, or to even make a note of It when thoy could avoid doing so. Hut he said that there was one pub lication which showed no discrimination and whore thu people could find the official facts, and that was the Congro sional Hecofd. 1 Ills has caused me to use some of my spare time In examining this impartial Journal. 1 find many im portaut things in it that the public has not learned ol through tho newspapers I ask for space in your columns to refer to some of these. Congressman I'owler referred to how every, few months Cleveland was issuing a oaten oi government bonds, when this state sent Marion Duller to Wash ington as the youngest senator in the United Ntates senate, and bow, in less than thirty days, he introduced a bill to prohibit the further issuance of bonds. and how for three or four months he pressed it and fought for it vigorously and at last succeeded In passing the bill tnrougn the senate, while no other sen ator in either one of t he old oarties had ever ofWed such a bill or attempted to do anythiny to prevent these bond Is sues, Attention was also called to his efforts mid bill to cut off the big mail subsidies that are each year being voted So rail roads us a free gift, also to reduce tho enormous price which the government is paying these railroad for carrying the mans, ana bostuoe to stop the parrnent each year to the railroads for the rent of postal cars twice as much as it would cost to build the cars. No one else had ever called attention to these big steals or attempted to stop them. Attention was also called to Senator iiu tier's amendment to reduce the ar mor plate for our vessels from I4.ri0 to f 300 per tou, and also to his exposition oi the lact mat the armor plate trust had been putting off inferior defective armor plate upon the government at this enormous price, and also to his further amendment providing for the building of a government plant factory f the armor plate trust did not agree to furnish armor at that price, lie forced these amendments through congress, aud at this very hour the government is taking action in accordance therewith. This one amendment means a saving of over one million dollar to the govern ment on the three battleships now under construction. In addition to these things to which Congressman Fowler relerred, I find that there is much more that Senator Uutler has done In the short space of two years, and in fact Mr, Fowler could not have rehearsed hi proud and r markabte record in tho short time for an Introductory apeet-n. 1 wish to ak space at this time to re fer to some of (be other meaauroa Intro duoxd by Sun a tor Uutler, aud tha work done by biin as given by the Congress ional liecord. I find that he introduced an amend, meat to the postottle appropriation bill, making an appropriation ol ttlly thousand dollar and directing th hmi.-mntr-Knral to ut it in making ex wrlninu in lr mull delivery in th emiutrv a thwcity popl now bar it tnm, 'f hi waa dun in th Oral ion ol th Fill f-lourth eiiugwwt; thipert nmat wa mads in several diffiavnt loealt tie in tnal'aitwt 8tt, bat th ptit matrgnral tatormwl th last mg ra that b bad not Un abb in rota pli th iHiuai unVirntty lor him to wak a rtouniirnUtMta to rungr. Whereupon atnr ik-r ftn tin! aa uihr ai""pritim ol Ally hoMnd dollar dun; th la ww-ni t fon r lueoatiao lh eii"""!, la hut & apiriik4 tin mn iat bhti4 tkal lh HitrMHat tda pat lor d4iriaj th taati tu m in la lt nilMi lr ! chars at bm 4iK, aKii is mia ia th eutrr, b- tHat iKim t In lhr or liar nul, it nut aft, Iruat lh pMttttti, t lew4 tt iup b wurk and a lor bi ta ut ut lla it Im at li nfflt nnid b 14 tint MlftlL. l hott bli Mwb ! aa bml In lb laraMr by lrt tf Sia la lb hi xttawumly in aiaay fai buara ur b:t a 4r'liMluirlbr ta a b la St bi iMii, hu lit gif f atat ut I t nv Ur al a t wnU nt (a4 lhr ar ph-aly 4 lha Mi wa IS Urat! .i Uh s4 hum war piiirh a Ma a H arrts aa4 Mir lint In lh 4i (ti tvf Mirta 4 lh ift, aa4 bt4a Ink sp bt s4 a4 vat It bh tt h wftK, lit sbua4 that this would tiot cost tho government one-iouriii as much as we now spend each year for pensions, and that it would be a convenience and a blessing huh every single individual in the ooun try would enjoy and share equally in ill-side it would incrouso tha amount of mail and therefore increase the re ceipts of the postolllce department, In concluding, lie said: "Let us have free delivery for tha people in the country and villages or else stop free delivery iu the cities, because every man iu the city is near enough to get his mail in a few minutes walk." h (Continued on Fifth l'age.) .STARVATION, Klondikt Food Supply is Running Vsry . ' Low, Adventurers returning from Klondyko report the supply ol food running very low. Tho mines will not bo as product Ivo as they should be on this account Kerosene is f 15 per gallon and candles fl HO. 00 per hundred. The shortage of lights will prevent much work in tho mines until supplies can arrive next summer. Temperature was 70 degrees below f.wo on Novemtwr aoth. A meeting was held to apportion the supply of food -the people holding that those who had plenty must divide with the destitute. The police interfered In behalf of the provident. ANOTHER TRUST FORMINO. Wire Combination Trying to Interest tbs Billet-Makers. Ther Is talk among the steel men of a further extension of the soopo of the new wire trust. It is now said that efforts will be made to induce all the steel billet mills In tho country to ally themselves with the trust, not as members, but as contributors. The trust will seek to in duce the manufacturer of billets to promise, not to sell tu wire iiianulaet ureJs that they may possibly start out side of tho trust, and in return the trust will promise to take billets from all these manufacturers as it may need them, 'J ho object is to keep tho billet makers in good humor aud prevent their going iuto the wire business themselves, Those who are closest to the sources of iuformitlon express the utmost confidence iu the carrying through of the plan for the formation, of the, trust and It may be suld that all the negotiations are pro gressing favorably. OUTGOING TREASURERS. Tby Should Settl With 8uccaaiors In Actual Cash, Auditor Cornell and tils assistants aro busy with the settlement of the accounts of the outgoing couuty treasurers. Fifty-throe couuty treasurers will go out of olflco next year, and the accounts of all of these as well of those who suc ceed themselves are being carefully ad- usted. The auditor bos sent the following ad vice to outgoing treasurers: "As you go out of office this year it is necessary that the transfer to your suc cessor be made so complote that you and your bondsmen will be relieved from annoyance and possible loss iu the fut ure. There is no way you can do thi but by counting out the actual cash for all money in your hands except what is n me depository banks, whose bonds are In fores at the tlmo the transfer la made. The supreme court has said that cer tificates of deposit, checks, etc, are not money and will not release tha retiring treasurer, should they lor any reason not be realized upon. I make this sug gestion as the court's opinion in ths Mill case ia not fully understood by many. AMMUNITION FOR CUBANS. rUibuatartng 8hip Lasvaa Nsw Yoih Loadsd With Supplies, Nw York, Iee, 2.1. Tha l're aays: During th thick tog of the early moro ing of lat Saturday th chaonr Jauiiw M. ilaskeli ekippwd quietly from ita pier fastening ia the 1,'rkt basin, nrnd it no toward lb ba, vadd th custom otfierr and aadr the niaatl ol lb fog bt-gaa It fourth fllibutring iptfditiua to Cuba. Tu Jame U. II- kn in vi oi it rtat wrlormu' la r.iiU4 witn wing tu laatewt and hhm uniilu!ly Managed nlibusUrmg m -booat f ailiiat Halt last I rip. twgan on Saturday tHiirntsg. il farri4 gram and pntiiia tlly. It rWafn papr r4, a aual. Ir I tiarlMilua, K. t . la II bald It rnrm-4 .Vhi.ihmi ruudi4 aamtiniMoa and V.tHHlr.iW. Th vartn m-r eaMattjr n i In bal4 hay, lh ri;t lit Imi ill th iwirtat ktadisi w 4i t aitfbl. IKitM and 4n 4 b He matt I ''rata. appl'' wvr rri-i tia Wi4l a if lhy tilai. t aNi i-rKi i4 4. it U aid, th) MHiln th tiM ilaariu 4ibmiiIk t thiuar llhU was ttetiy a t.iia Imal. It rw t tHtMMt ntMiy tiiriaa, tt It pUia aaat ui4 not b ar tia4 Joba .t4t a a lt 1brdr rua w4 id lh awjrdr 4 HHaut a!e Ka4, aial 4 tb II if S her, hi lb blb , m t i lat a4 n4ff thia h ruarl i Mb b4 ti lUrvb t Mil, a liMsith stMt tuiirt i b 1 att4 aui la lb stiiM it4uM, CRUCIFY How One Teaching as Christ Taught Would bo Be celvod Today. THE RIOH WOULD HATE HIM Less Roststanoo to the Encroach raents ofWalth Today Than Ever Dofore, Christ Would It Vailed an Anarchist Walter Clark, of the supreme bench of North Carolina lias the following In "Now Time" for December, Kvery ago has lis seclal vices as well us its apodal religious development, The past centuries were ofteu marked by great, lume. and sometimes great for tunes acauirod bv military triumph Hut there at least was this rsdeeming icauire mat me uespouers had the man hood to risk their lives and persons on the battlellnld. This ago is marked by me accumulation oi still vaster fortunes, but it is dons without tstrsonal risk without heroism, by the wholesale denrl vation and spoliation of the musses of the people the creators of th is wealth In the Interest of a few combinations of capital, Uo you think that if Christ cnmo to day lis would be better received in this so-called Christian age and laud than lie was la Judea nineteen centuries ago? iiememuer that lie was a carpenter au: if is opostlos were poor laborers and fishermen. Suppose some obscure car penter, la this (Jar and generation, ac companied by such companions, should go about ths country denouncing tho wmj.-i inn in mil rivii nun corruption III high places: suppose lis should sav that salvation could only bs had by bailor. ing in him and that it was more possible for a camel to puss through the eve oi a neoillii than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God; suppose such a one should enter your rich churches, where tne preacher, reclining on soft cushions. offers lucense and adulation to the mil lionaire bond holders, gorged with the wealth they have Illegally wrung from the People, and with hi krmi t,-il nnnl should scourge thosa ministers and those worshippers of Mammon froln those temples erected to (Jod, how would he fare? Suppose he should teach ths naked gospel as Christ tumtht it, tnnt wealth comers no privileges, but impose great auties and responsibilities. Suppose further that when these men who daily rob a whole people of their just earnings snail be wont to give nuuared dollars hero, a thousand von dor, a million to this hospital, two mil lion to yonder college, and every time they thus give back a small part of their stealings they should cause .every newspaper in ths laud to proclaim their magnificent generosity, and that this obscure carpenter, with his bare- looted followers, should denounce such hypocrites, as be of Nazareth did those In his day, who, in like manner, when they gave their alma, had a trumpet mown Doiore morn; ana suppose that ob scure man who waa no respecter of per sons had aroused their fears as well as their hat by his miracles, which should cauee the common people to hear him gladly, and what, I ask, would this gen oration do to such a man? If It did not crucify him, it would bs only because of the influence of bis teachings, which in the lapse of nineteen centuries have given the masses a power they did not have in Judea. lbs millionaries and their t :ols, ths preachers that worship them; ths papera, whether church or secular, that defy thorn, aud all ths other followers of Mammon would hate Christ, as those other rich men hated Mini in th coasts of Jordan and tJall. Ie nineteen centurion ago and a they today really hat everyone who truly teaches Ilia sayiitg in their purity. If the rich syndicates and truata other robbers ol tbs iieopleof this day and tneir toadtea and bnuencariea wer uot .... . w allowsd to crucify I hrist they would wish to do it. Tbsy would sun I bale blm into prison and denounc liim and 111 followers a anarcblat. socialist, aud com mutual. U thi not tru, men and brethren? If (brit cams today, a bo would r civ. and who would crucify lltin? Ilavayou ever thought about it? Ths pur iitiudiHl litll children would r- immv Him. They did ao wba II cam auietvea tatart ago. Oar Hpl ar tM-iug robWd by bol al. Tbr do not rwiv th iut t ward ol Ibmr labors. They ar twlng auiwrutKi aa4 kpt is want wbii a low nin by trii'b and eoatbtuattuo ar gathertui la llHatl tb earaiug ol a rntit-ut. lihu tuaay Miinilt, bow tuaay la lia rhurb tnHitir, bow Mtany barrb atltr ar Uvrnms. i4 tu hilM and th a mag a lh Mi-r lt, a-l it i still wrtita la IU word loa Man la bl ar puraaieg an Mppiwii tir? ea t.nm no ataa. 11 aacb wa'a nma-tn aa- r bii, arb aJ buiurr a4 o will lad so a abea lb flUry 4 lb jul ara-ss i4 lb mn wa ! r-I!!-, aiot liaiM!M and H rii4 than l-Ur, l'h ar a Hw ha lh uhip u gfwit ra-b, b r ba4'- H4lr-l, waa niia lhaa no, fthtl lb par la htt uMit4 nub lh laftattda iMva lh aatnaiil, sail I riun l as4 dah Ibat a ro4 abat Itiat, iat ns br. aa-t ain- thiMH, a til i-, aty I vit ar ! 4-n lit lb fail 4, a4 lby f a as 'btt th U.U tt Ual." WbMi a4 JMbaa r-ta;b4 Aama wub bf duct, he laid the fault on the people and said that to please them he had thrown the gold ornaments Into the fire and "thore had nniii in Hilu unit " lm..i In L - 'uw r.,, ik wiiis u was accuieii tan though id not dare to snv nl. mwl tl..i Im was In no wise responsible. So in this country, In which ths public opinion of today, they who like Aaron do not en lighten it, but on tho contrary, without resiB'atieeto the robbery of thopeoplo, bow down to those who have taken away their oarniugs, in effect any with the Idolaters of old, "Ws did not do it; we merely cast the gold Into tho fire," or permitted it to bo done, "and then there camo out this calf;" hence we ars not to blame for worshipping it. For my part, 1 believe that something mors is re quired, and that resistance to wrong is obedleiioe to (Jod. : . POSTAL SAVINOS BANKS, Failures Mors Frsqusnt In Savings Banks Than Others. The report of the comptroller of the currency to July lu7,bowe an increase of bank failure for the year, asoom-, pared with the year preceding, liurlng the twelve months ending July 1, IMUU, tho percentage of banks failed to ths totulnumber of banks was 1.00 percent, and of savings banks 1,18 per cent. During ths year ending July 1.1HU7, the lust report gives the number of banks and failure as national banks In existence, 11,01!) failures, UH; per cent, IA)T), State band trust com panies ia existence 4,009; (all ures CO; per cent,, 1.J10. Sav ings bunks In existence, l,'21H; failures. IU; percent 1.40. l'rlvats banks and bunkers, In existence, Si,H2(; failures, 47; percent, l.U.'J. , , . Thus It is seen that a greater per cent, of auvlrlg banks full than of any other class, notwithstanding tho tact that these institutions have a greater per cent of their business with ths poor than any other banks and should bo made all the mors solid and sure of safety to their depositors. $400,000 FAILURE, Kraf. Reynolds Company of Indianapolis Oo Undsr, , ,?., Tho great prosperity wave has alairnod another victim. The Krug-Rcynolds Co., of Indianapolis, lad., wholesale gro. cers, failed last Monday for over S-'i50,- oou. J be company was unable to meet its various mortgage Indebtedness and was forced tu assun, ..The great wave -was too much for It, NEW VORK NO MORE. , Tomorrow Nigbt at is O'clock it Be- comes "Greater" Nsw York. When ths bells toll for the death of 1HV7 and ring merrily over tbs birtb of another year, they will be ringing with an unusually significant purpose in tbe greatcity,for with the last stroks of mid night on December II I dies the city of New York, and Is born the Greater New York. It has been decided to bold a "wake" ever tha remains of Father Knickerbocker's city, although soms have protested against tbe use of tbe term as signifying that Now York Is to die, while as a mutter of fact it is to live, with additional Importance aud power. The celebration will take the form of a mass meeting of representative citizens of New York and Brooklyn. which meeting is to bs addressed by three chosen orators wbo will recite the history of tbe city from its early stages to the present day, each orator e speech dealing with a section of ths period and bia successor taking up the recital where he leaves off. Ths eiieecu of ths orator who ia to bring the recital to date and wind up ths oration will be replete with facts of interest to ths patriotic Amerioan. lie will show the citiiena that on January tmerica will potatoes ths second larg est city in the world as regards popula tion, the vast city of London alone sx ooeding her in ths number of Inhabi- tanta. Tbs New York ol will com prise an area ol 11M.H00 acre, or aquars miles, thus making it the largaat la the world, so far aa extant of terri tory la .concerned, Ixmdoa having but 74,U7y acre. And bow much better oft are ths resident a of the Ureatsr Nsw York, 'Do whr money la if you want to utak rnouKV," aaye ths wise man of buaiue. That twins: interpreted mean go to New York, and ao tha uatkiaa of lh urth flock to th atrn gataway of America. Tuv And bur a city that II haotfT&,lNHi,iMHa year to main tain In th pat. and during tbs lour yar tilth nw mayor' mining rat will ncilau aa outlay ol Hhi.iKM),, KHi. lb uioay baa bwa wil apat. (or It baa gua Iu tbs rtiuaa l.uoi mil ul paved trwU, l.l&tl mil of mbtM ?, a daily wir supply of fi;ui.iiiMi,tMM gtlloa, , ft sT a-r uf uhliw parka and pUnnr ground. athuule that ot iS.tMM.tunl 9 maialaia, a4 th lr-l HiiH aa4 nrw partiaata uf aaf any la lh worul. lb gigaatw gruwlb d tbgrair ally a b iiat4 by lb wy la whma iniiura ar a4 l a( W lb gra bati4 la thai rr thr b4 it th y li iiratr ith. lh iira- Una aasab l Vi.issi.omi M a a 4. til lh ilt , th aiaoaal t taf s lirii4 I hfMMjia lh teari4 boa la orb ih p day e id hwh hw via IihiI ap ti h imim lalal 4 !M,thHI,lKat, m tt atat at lt"fiisi riMtarM. aa aatuaat doable thai i4 ail lb aibf tti4 ia Uw toib, t Mia th arwajl 4it mI th tiatr Sm l'nr ihr aitt Iwrartani by - grfhaa4 Iraaiu t aa t aiHd ewl. m thaaJ til kifviaa bi thai rp MM talw e4 tuiwJillHULiHMi aJ tbaf al awpt hit mut ! it b harbor vwaM atM tb sbip iaf b OtIJ.