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About The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1896)
March 26, 1896. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. GIBBS ON POPULISTS. - The Fellows at the Forks of the Road Can't be Flayed for Suckers. TEXAS VOTES WILL BE COUNTED Fools Can't get This Country in a Worse fix than the "Smart" men Have. ' Ridicule of Pops Don't Pass as Stateemensnip any More Ex.Gov. Gibhsof Texas, who has re cently united with the populist party, gave out a stinging interview the other day of which the following is part: "The average populist may be as big a fool as the average democratic paid ' organ says he is, but there were 168,000 of him at the last election in Texas. auu tuvio nui uo uyv,uyu uj mem tuis fall at election time, and every son-of-a guu of him will be counted. If he hasn't been breeding fast enough under a sys tem of raised taxes and arrogantassump tion of of power by rulers there will be enough democrats and republicaas to help him keep the flies off the pie-eaters. They can't play the fellows at the forks of the creek for suckers and at the same time make them stand a raise. "The populists haven't got many rail road passes or organizers eating the bread of the people, but they will get there all the same. The fools can't get this country in any worse fix than the smart men have, and they haven't got sense enough to spend as much money or doctor up as many contingent funds. When they get that smart the people .1 1 U U OA A AAA - t 4.1 A 1. can turn them out, We gave the smart democrats a chance and they flunked on the first inning. Why not give the fool populist a chance? "Every vote cast in Texas this year will be counted as cast, and when it is done the syndicate will learn 'great are the people of Texas in search of ven geance.' Nosham shilly-shally democracy will go at par in Texas any more, and if the pie-eatiug wing of Texas democracy steal any more planks from the populist platform the people will not trust them to execute or carry them out or believe in the nerve or wisdom of leaders that have to be scared into adopting a political re form. No grand stand political plays or grandiloquent appeals to the old guard will fool democrats this year, for the game is stale. "These fine talking democrats raise taxes to where there is not money enough to pay them and then talk about honest debts. They put pensions and salaries to where their payment requires more money in one year than American dirt pans out in ten yearsand then they prate about honest money. The Washington city pie-eaters make their big salaries clear by paying for their liquor and everything else out of contingent and stationery funds and other unconscion able and unconstitutional funds. One of them was recently caught sending by mail every week free of charge, under the democratic franking system, his laundry to New York to have it doue up and re turned at the mudsillers' expense. In spite of their.big pay and blind salaries others of them have been caught selling their pro rata of government seed at five cents on the dollar. We must vote the straight ticket and indorse all these and a' thousand similar customs that they tell us the people have approved of for years under the only two parties that can live or be voted for. "The reason the deroocratscan'tdancfc together in Washington is because they have one democratic foot and one feder alist foot and they are in doubt which is the best foot to put foremost. They think it is safe to cuss populists, so that is their only sure game to play. Both Dudley and Hardy are emphatic and cer tain in their declaration that, the other is an ass; if they are telling the truth it would appnar that the populist ass is at least not stationary betweeu the bundles of fodder. He knows which one he is after. n' . 1. ..l" -. a. r county officers and weekly newspapers behind them they will become eminently respectable in the eyes of the world and they will get these things this fall., 'The peanut politicians who are trying to raise side issues and carry their party to victory by personal abuse of men who will no longer follow a political jack-o'- CAR LI EST H ' POTATO IN THP i. 1 IWORLD DO YOU KNOW ... That the finest vegetables in the world are i grown from Salzer's seed? Why? Be- , cause they are Northern-grown, bred to earliness, and sprout quickly, grow rapidly and produce enormously! 35 Packages Earliest Vegetable Seeds, $ 1 . POTATOES IN 28 DAYS! Just think of that! You can have them by plant- 1 ing Salzer's seed. Try it thisyearl LOOK AT THESE YIELDS IN IOWA. Silver Mine Oats, 197 bu. per acre. Silver King Barley, , 5 bu. per acre. ( Prolific Spring Rye 60 bu. per acre. , Marvel Spring Wheat, ... 40 bu. per acre. , Giant Spurry 8 tons per acre. , Giant Incarnat Clover, . . 4 tons hay per acre. ( Potatoes, 500 to 1,100 bu. per acre. Now.above yields Iowa farmers have had. A full ( list of farmers from your and adjoining states, ( doing equally well, is published in our catalogue. ( OLOVKH BBBTJ. ( Enormous stocks of clover, timothy and grass I seeds, grown especially for seed. Ah, it's fine! I Highest quality, lowest pricesl IF YOU WILL CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT J With 12c in stamps, you will get our big catalogue ( and a sample of Pumpkin Yellow Watermelon ( sensation. Catalogue alone, Sc., tells how to get ( that potato. ' " ." .i i JOHN A. SALZER SEED CO., LA CROSSE, WIS. i Cr-- iVvu FOR lantern into the swamp will have leisure, if not greatnw thnmt npon them soon. Ridicule of 'pops' won't go for states manship any more. "The dying man, no matter how skeptical he may have been as to the authenticity of the Bible or the in spiration of its words, will, when he finds all hope of life gone, oftimes lend a will ing ear to the words of a preacher whom he scoffed and ridiculed when he felt the warm blood of active lite coursing through his veins. "The country is sick, the people are sick nigh unto death. Merchants, ar tisans, farmers and tradesmen all alike complain of hardtimesand impoverished blood. They have ceased to hope for relief through congress. People who want to rebuke present political conditions will find a way to get together before election day in every precinct in Texas. The People's Friend All bail the Christ of Nazareth.- - Who came to banish strife; He took the bitterness from death, The hopelessness from life; He gave to faith a mode of speech It ne'er bad known before; But, best of all, he came to preach Tne gospel to the poor. AlthouKh the sun of glory broke Upon his natal morn, He came from poor and humble folk. And he was lowly born, He was a common carpenter. He labored for bis bread. On all the earth, he had not where To lay his weary.bead. He went about In simple dress; He tramped from place to place; His aim to banish selfishness And raise the fallen race. Although he left a legacy. The richest earth has known. He lived himself In poverty, With nanght to call bis own. His helpers were but workingnien; He blessed the ones In need. He drove the rich from out their den And cursed them for their greed. He said that Mammon's sordid slaves Could never be the Lord's, He smote the money changing knaves With whip of platted cords. From Scribe and priest and Fharutee He tore the cloak of fraud. He recognized no royalty. Excepting that of God. Degrees and castes to him were naught; Within bis splendid plan He knew but equals; aud he taught The brotherhood of man. Unto the toiling multitudes - He opened heaven's gate: But said the rich should not intrude Into that blest estate. He yearned for those In misery, He bled for the oppressed, , "0, ye who labor, come unto me. And I will give you rest." He strove to make this warring earth More like the world above. He songbt to brlnx a state to birth, Built on the law of love; A state of charity and peace, Of good will nnto men; Where all should share the world's Increase, An Eden come agaiii. He pointed to the highest good. The truest liberty. He taught that love and brotherhood Alone can make ns free. If men would follow his commands. The clouds would roll away; And breaking over all the.lands, Would come the grander day. He was the poor man's dearest friend. The truest ever known. The things he taught would bring an eud To Sbylock, bond and throne; Would pot a stop to greed and war; Would free the world from hate; And near apon the future's shore. Would plant the social state, O, carpenter of Nazareth, We need thy message now. Thy people still are led to death. The thorns upon their brow. We need It here upon the earth, To help the toiling throng; To bring the better day to birth And free the world from wrong. J. A. EDUEUTON. The Kentucky Populist spread itself out on the first of the year. It changed its name to the Herald, and comes from press twice a week for $ 1 per year, with a weekly issue at 10 cents for three montliB. The Herald has decided to fill the "long felt want" of a populist newspaper one that will condense and present all the news up to press hour, with pointed edi torials ana a breezy special correspon dent from Washington City whose letters alone are worth t wice the price of the paper. Try the Herald, Padueau, Ivy. Special rate, three months for a silver dime. The jm Itoa't Vrrv. Fopulist voters never have any eause to worrv over the attitude of their lead ers on the money question. They are all aereed and their views are in accord with those of the eople. Topeka Advo cate. A n old Maid) Gneruor. To make the outside world think there is a governor in Kansas, and to add a mite to the general warclarnor, the state militia is to be put in fighting condition. As a military man Governor Morrill re minds oneof an old maid. Topeka Ad vo cate. Sociai Position. An officer of the United States army, who married the daughter of a private, has been socially boycotted by his brother officers and their wives because of his wife's want of "social position." Ye gods! How lone will it be before our gold-bug society leaders will assume titles of nobility? Silver Knight. ' lU publicans are for Iloiicls. Republicans everywhere express uni versal contempt for the issuance o' bonds but where, vhen and how have they made any attempt to prevent it? Bonds can only be issued by virtue of an act of Congress, and republicans passed the law. If they a re ho strongly opposed to it why do they not repeul the act that gives Cleveland authority to njsue bonda? The republicans have a large majority in the House and with the populists a major ity in the Senate, and every populistwould be glad to vote agaiiist any bond issue. The only rational view of the matter is, republicans or a majority of them are in favor of issuing bonds. Minden Courier. Found A pocketbook.pwner can have same by calling at this office, proving property and paying for this advertisement. . And they might run until they died, "fwould only give the plutocrat a ride. ALL EEFOEMEES SHOULD UNITE A Colorado Populist Colony a Success Denver, Col., March 18, 1896. Editor Independent: I send you a money order for one dollar to pay for the Indepedent for another year, I consider it one of the best reform papers published. It certainly needs such a paper to fight the battle in a monopoly ridden state like Nebraska. , Although I am a staunch believer in the Omaha platform, I believe all the re form elements should sink their differ ence and come together in one grand or ganization at St. Louis in July, if they do not do it, then there is no hope for the common people through political action. If by united action, we can secure the free coinage of silver and government banks at the next election, we can go on to other reforms dear to the hearts of every true populist. If we fail next fall, our case is a hopeless one, for four more years of McKiuleyism will reduce tbe common people to such hopeless poverty that they will never be able to make a successful fight again. I believe that this is the sentiment of a great majority of the populists of Col orado. Another thing I wish to speak of and that is the Colorado Co-operative colony. It was organized two years ago last February and is comprised of some of the best men and women, not only of Colorado but many other states are rep resented. ' ' Professor E. G, Brown, a graduate of the Kansas University, is president, Ex congressman, John S. Otis of Topeka, Kansas, is vice president. Its manager is 11. L. Smith who was the first populist senator elected to the Colorado legisla ture. Mrs. Annie L. Dgigs is also a member and is now lecturing in the east in the interest of this organization. Its outlook for the future is very flattering. - The colony headquarters is at Natu ri!a, Montrose county, Colorado. It has about 35,000 acres of land and a ditch to irrigate the tract is now being con structed. The water will be taken from the San Miguel, one of the finest rivers in the state, and practically inexhaust able as its source is in the ever lasting snows of the Uocky Mountains. The valley is surrounded on all sides by mountains and is from two to five miles wide and about twenty long. There is abundent pine and aspen timber near by and the colony has a fine new saw and shingle miil now running- This mill is owned by all the colonists as will be the ditch and in fact all the public utilities, but the land, up to forty acres to each family, or the lot in the village will be owned by the individual. So you see it is no communistic afiair. It is in the midst of one of the most wonderful min ing regions in the world. It is out of debt and v. ill keep out. It is in the finest fruit belt in this state or any other. The land is Ceeded Indian laud and can be entered under the desert land act. But as the laud is worthless without the water, aud the company will sell no water to others than members, the whole tract will be located by members of this company. ..Every person joining the colony must pledge themselAes not to peculate on the land. The colony will putiu all kinds of crops this spring on lands they have rented for three years. Last year on a small piece of land they raised 700 bushels of fine potatoes aud other vegetables. Its suc cess has been a great surprise even to the origi n al organ irers.. Many people are now looking to this favored spot for homes. Yours very Sincerely, C. E. Smjth. 1430, Logan Ave. City Populist Ticket. For Citw Attorney, A. S. Tibbetts. For Police Judge, Win. F. Schwind. For Water Commissioner, W. F. Hardy. For Councilman 2d ward, Joseph Whitman. For Councilman 4th ward, II. P. Lau. Hon. Henry Harkson of Davey was in Lincoln this week attending to some business and incidentally looking after his legislative boom. He is deserving of another nomination by the republicans of this county. WANTED. Lady or gentleman to take charge of Installment Business, and collect in every County. Salary $10 per week to begin with, .ffldress inclosing stamp for re ply. J. E. Campbell & Co., 42-2t Kansas City, Mo. Now is the time so subscribe. To say that the opportunity will never return again would be to predict the impro bable, but there is no time like the pre sent and no better use to which a dollar can be put. THE OBEAT WAVE- . "The General Tendency of Industries and Prices ia not Encouraging." , In 1893 we were told by all the single standard papers in the country that the repeal of the Sherman law would bring us prosperous times. The operation of the Sherman law was simply tbe adding of about $3,500,000 of new currency to our volume of money each month. The man is either a fool or a knave that would say that it would boom the busi, ness of the country to stop 'that supply of new money. The president called con gress together during the month of Au gust, 1893, for the sole purpose of re pealing that law, thereby stopping the above addition the to currency. We have been told by the plutocratic gold-bug press many times since 1893, that by doing this or doing that, that prosperity would follow. The single standard fellows will tell us to burn up the $346,000,000 of green backs. Thurston told us that the sell ing of $100,000,000 of bonds would boom the business of this country. There is a screw loose some where. The busi ness of the country was more depressed in some ways last weeek thau it has been for years, and the end is not yet. The following report shows that there are breakers ahead: "It. 0, Duu & Co. in their weekly re view say: Failures for two weeks of March cover liabilities of $6,799,397 against $7,372, 471 last year. Failures for the week were 261. in the United States agaiuBt 278 last year and 49 in Canada against 35 last year. The general tendency oi industries and prices is not encouraging and those who were most hopeful a month ago are still waiting, not so hopefully,' for the expec ted recovery. ? A troublesome feature of the situation is the stringency in commercial loans.uot because of scarcity of money, but be cause banks are disturbed by failures of some importance." The bankers are getting scared, well they may be. There will be no prosper ity in this country until silver is worth about $1.29 per ounce. iiiiitiituiaiiitiitiiiituitiiiiiimiaiig Are often required to determine what shall be nkept out" of a har vester than to say what shall "go into" it It is so easy to do the wrong thing and the wrong thing has such an inviting appearance that less experienced manufacturers than the McCormkk Co, frequent ly find themselves "putting their foot in it" and building a machine one season which they are obliged to abandon a season or two later. Because a good thing is a good thing in its place, it doesn't neces sarily follow that it is a good thing in a harvester or mower. Fight shy of the machine whose best recommend is that "it seems to have a bright idea" in its make up. Remember this every day in the year: McCormick Machines will work where others fail. The makers of McCormick Ma chines have been at it for sixty-five years. By long experience they nave found out ho v to build the best binders and mo wers. The new McCormick Light-Running Open Elevator Harvester and Binder, the McCormick No. 4 Steel Mower and the McCormick Corn Harvester are unequalled for capacity, light draft efficiency of service and long life. Built, sold and guaranteed by the McCormick Harvesting Machine Co., Chicago. Agent Everywhere. This paper and The Silver Knight both for one year for $1.15 in Advance. more Brains HASTINGS ITEMS. , Hastings, Neb., March, 21, 1896. The Methodist Episcopal rhurch people will begin work on the addition to their church building in the near future. It. A. Battr is fast recovering from h'm recent mishap, and will soon return to uis rancn. The furniture and fixtures of the Union club room were sold at auction on tbe 18 inst. for $300. 1 he recent snow storms have made a demand for rubber boots. J. II. Losee, a prominent farmer and leading Populist of Highland township this county, we are glad to sav is a aim in on our streets, having recently recovered from a spell of lagrippe. 1 lie Uepublicans of this countv will meet in county convention on April. 4th. for the purpose of appointing delegates to attend the republican congressional convention to be held at Minden April, a, lavo. And also to appoint delegates to the state convention to be held at Omaha April, 15. It is generally under stood that W. E. Andrews the present representation in congress will have the united support of the republicans of this county for a renomination and will prob ably have no opposition in the conven tion He will be easy prey in the race for reelection arainst Prof. W. A. Jones as a populist candidate. The closing sceue of the city campaign will no doubt be a very interesting and exciting affair. , We are glad to see our farmers in terested iu the alfalfa question. Personallinterest prompts agreat many to take an active part in tbe city'politics. Not many years since Illinois, Iowa and Missouri were furnishing horses for Nebraska. Now Nebraska sends her own surplus to the southern states. The crystal lake ice now measures six inches. This insures Hastings people plenty of ice. Mrs. Binderup, wife of Gustave Binder up died at her home 714 lielvue Avenue, March, 21. Mrs. Binderup was much be loved by all who knew her. The entertainment given by the Busy Bee and Willing Workers at tbe Presby terian church Friday night was a grand success from start to finish and reflects much credit to the queen bee, Mrs. L. A. Ilemer. Proceeds for the church debts. It is a pleasing fact that tbe increasing population of our city continually de mands additional school room. What is the matter with Omaha, that her dressmakers have to come to Hast ings? Archie Cole, of Hastings has signed with the Peoria, 111 , ball team for this season. Miss Lund, a patient at the asylumn, accompanied by her sister and one at tendant started for her home in Sweden. Miss Annette Newcomer, the state or ganizer of the Christian Woman's Board of Missions, addressed a very apprecia tive audiance at tbe church of Christ Monday evening. Hastinsrs circle No. 19, of U. A. H. will hold an anniversary meeting in G. A. 11. ball on Wednesday evening March, 25. All old soldiers and families are cordially invited. A good time will be bad. Prof. I. L, Lyman, of Lincoln addressed the farmers institute at this place on Inst Saturday on the poultry industry of this andothorcoimtries. The Professor's talk was to the point and it is to be hoped that all those who were present will eive this subject more careiui con sideration and take hold of the business in a business like manner. Good and profitable results are sure to follow. Prof. Moritz. of the Hastings college delivered a very able lecture last evening on the development theory of astronomy at tbe Y. M. C. A. rooms to a large and appreciative audiance. Business Directory. Men whose advertisement appear In tali col omn are thoroughly reliable, and Doelneas en trailed 10 them will receive prompt and careful attention. M cNERNEY EAGER. Attorneye-at-law. 1034 O Stret, Lincoln. Neb. Telephone mi. w. L. STARK, Attorney-at-Law, Aurora, Ne braska. LONG ft MATH KW, Attooneyt-at-Law. Loup . City, Nebraska. D R. H. B. LOWRY, 117 North 11th Street, Lin coln, Nebraska. CHARLES A. MUNN, Attorney-at-Law, Ord, Ne braska. DR. J. M. LUCAS, Dentlet, Brace Block, Lin coln, Nebraaka. 1 BH AMP IMPLEMENT CO.. Bohanan Block. J. Lincoln, Neb. Farm Machinery a specialty. Uschinee shipped to all parte of the state. I Y. M. S WIOART. Mutual Fire and Cyclone ' Insurance, Lincoln. Neb. Attenta wanted. w HEN In Lincoln, Populists should stop at the Llndell Hotel. It is Populist ncaaquarwre. 0lMI COM Attorney-at-Law. Rooms . WILoUiN, M aud 1. florr Block, Lin coln. Nebraska. H A VnnriUllS arTnrnnv.nU.AV Hranil Ta land. Neb. Office over First Nat'l Bank. H. D. RHEA, AUori)ey-ai-La W , Offloe-3d Floor, Brownell Blook. Telephone 108. X.IVCOLN. WEB. Arlington Nursery and Fruit Farm, MARSHALL BROS., Props., Arlington, Neb. A full line of Nursery Stock, Fruit and Forest Trees, Vines and Plants, Roses and Ornamentals. WRITE ITOlt P11ICE LIST. 7 suae r, WHY? ar, They embody more points of genuine merit than any wheels made. No other ma chine seands so high in the estimation of cyclists, because Waverley's are built on honest value lines, and purchasers receive full value for the investment. ! Boy Waverley and you will never be ashamed of your mount, f, .... . 1, -,..,.. . N. P. CURTIS CO.; Agents. r Lincoln, Neb. -OF- Lincoln Ncrmal University OpenM Juii irtli. Rummer emesW opeqs pfil Qh Specialties to be emphasized in our Summer School. 1. Child Study. 2. School Superintendence. 8. Methods of Teaching. 4. Elementary Science. 5. First Ornde Certificate Studies. 6. Second Grade Certificate Studies. 7. Third Grade Certificate Studies. 8. College Preparatory Studies. 1. State Certificate Studies. - 10. High School Preparatory Studies. 11. Latin, Greek, German, French. 12. Methods of Teaching and Princi ples of Education. More .Than Four Hundred Teachers Enrolled during thesumroer term of 1895. It will thus be seen that this school is needed and is appreciated by the teachers of Nebraska. Tbe work is so arranged and classified that every teacher and stu dent iu attendance will find work suited to his needs. This Expense, It Is cheaper to come here and attend school than it is to stay at home and do nothing, f 24.00 will pay for your room, board, and tuition in any of the regular courses for the entire term. Write to us about May 1st, for our complete, illustrated Summer School Announcement. Address, Hill M. Bell, M. S., ' President. No. 607, Normal, Lincoln, Neb. Mention Nebraska Indepedent. CONSUMERS' PUR0HA8ING AQE50T Buy Tour Goods Direct From the Mann factnmrs. These hard times compel many to economize, and if you want to make what money you have go as far ar possi ble,! believe I can help you. Since com ing to Omaha I have had many of my friends throughout the state write to me to make purchases for them, which I have always freely done and such splendid sat isfaction has resulted that I have conclu ded to establish a Consumers Purchasing Agency. Knowing inside prices of whole salers and manufacturers, and buying in large quantities, I can undoubtedly buy goods for you cheaper than you could buy them yourself and if you are in need of any kind of merchandise, dry goods, groceries, clothing, farm implements, buggy, bicycle, any make, or in fact any thing, I am satisfied I can save you mon ey by getting you inside wholesale prices. If you will write me, giving full par- ticulars about what you need, I will quote you prices on anything you want, and give you my terms which are very reason able. This will be much cheaper than for you to come to Omaha yourself and I will be as careful iu making a purchase for you as if I were buying tor myself and I believe I can please any reasonable per son. For further information, terms, samples, prices etc. write me. ; Few Prices, Listers, plows, cultivators at wholesale prices, from $4 to f 6, less than you hav to pay at home, llicycle entirely com plete, M& w quick repair or Vim tires, a perlect beauty lor oo. write lor Bicycle circular. Good buggy $55. Farmers two seated spring wagon good and strong $52. Mens suits, $4 to $7.50; boys suits, $1.23 to $3.50; overalls with or without bib, 45 cents; jumpers, 40 cents; jeans pants, 75 cents to $2; 5 gal. keg syrup, 95 cents to $1.45; prime Caro lina rice, 5 cents per lb.; 2 lb. cans corn, 60 and 75 cents per dozen; all kinds of dried fruits from 5 to 9 cents per Ib.J all kinds of teas from 19 to 40 cents per lb.; all kinds of coffee from 22 to 30 cents per lb.; family mackerel, 10 lb. pails, $1; imported Holland hering, 10 lb. pails, 85 cents; round shore herring, 10 lb. pails, 55 cents; decorated dinner sets, 100 pieces, $0.95 and $8.78. D. Clem Deaveb, Room 9 Granite block Omaha, Neb. Will he do H? If Ex-Governor Boise of Iowa votesjirr accordance with his recent declaration ' of financial principles, he will be found among the populist boys next November. Silver Knight Grover's Sermon. The place of this discourse was appro priate. It was in Carnegie Hall, a hall named after the most arrogant, grasp ing, impudent, alien, goldbug that ever infested this country, and in a city so no--torious for its corrupt practices of every name and nature that every American deplores the existence of such a plague spot in the great republic. In this speech for the benefit of the missionary work of the Presbyterian church of New York, he undertook to destroy the influence of the western states by proclaiming the peo ple of those states in effect a wicked band of outlaws. Silver Knight. u Mini. 1 to aveniirUa. ARE BUILT IN THE LARGEST IGYlsLES AND best . EQUIPPED nfiffpPAC0TORr W 1 pudthk World . I 1" : 1