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About The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1896)
I March 26, 1896. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT 55 Nebraska 3nucpcnbcnt THK WEALTH WAKEXS mmd LINCOLN INDEPENDENT. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BV THI InrkpEijdeijt Publtehirjg Go. At 1120 M Strwt, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. TELEPHONE 538. $1.00 per Year in advance. Addreu all communication! to, and malt all drafts, money order, etc., payable to THK INDEPENDENT PUB. CO., Lihoolk, Nl. State Committee Meeting;. The itate central committee ot the people' party la hereby called to meet at the Boetwick Hotel. Hasting, on Friday, April 17, at J p. m.. lor the pnrpofte of making necessary arrange- menU for the election ot delegate to tne national convention, mi for the transaction ol such ' other business a may properly come before the committee, No proxle will be admitted unless n writing and nnleee those by whom they are presented are actual resident of the respective counties which they seek to represent. J, A. DaKRTO, Chairman. Fbink D. Eaobb, Secretary. The bankers are great producers of bankruptcy. . This time the old parties have got to shoot or give up the gun. The meanest and most wicked platform that can be made is a straddle platform. The record of a party is a better cri terion to judge by than its platform. The Independent proposes that we fight plutocracy this year and not each other. ' The Missouri World, always a bright newsy paper, looks brighter than ever this week in its now dress. McKinley for president means John Sherman for secretary of the treasury and nothing else. The mutual insurance department will ... 1 T l be found on page seven tnis ween. it. contains a very interesting article. Ifthe plutocrats were forced tolive one year on honesty there would be an awful lot of skeletons in the country within twelve months. ' Look at our advertisements and order goods and save money. These are re liable men. The swindlers don't adver tise with us. The populist cares no more for "the parityof the two metals"thanhe does for the parity of two stones. What he wants is a parity, of "dollars." The republicans say they are for silver and protection. Allen offered them both in the senate and they wouldn't have them at all. What is the use of lying wheu it deceives nobody. About four hundred populist papers remarked last week that the fiasco in Ken tucky proved the wisdom of the populist demand that United States senators should be elected by a vote of the people. The Indepeneent was oneof them. The republican county convention of Jas per county, Missouri, has made the only honest political straddle ever perpetra ted in this country. It's committee on platform reported two resolutions, oue forand one against silver and the con vention adopted both! The well established fact that there is a greater percentage of farmers and farmers wives in the insane asylums than of any other class, is said to be accoun ted for by the want of sleep, Thous ands of farmers and their wives rise at four or five o'clock a. m. and do not re tire until between nine and ten at night The Independent force is a happy amily all working peopleeach one do ing his or her best to get out a good paper each week and trusting the work will not only give us our daily bread, but also do something toward bringing to the homes of Nebraska happier days. The next move on the part of the bankers will be to knock out the post office money order system. The busi nees in that department has enormously increased in the last few months. Peo pie prefer money orders to bank certifi cates of deposit, and the bankers have it in for them. A few financial facts, by S. S. King, is a book full of tables, statistics, illustra tions and hard common sense. Every man who wants to convince his neigh bors of the fallacy of overproduction, in trinsic value and dispose of the thousand and one sophistries circulating in the daily press, will here find the authorities with which to do it. For sale at this office, price twenty-five cents. The Red Cloud Nation asks: "Why can't the populists of Nebraska have a patent house of their own? Itseems that the reform papers throughout the state wonld maintain such an enterprise easily." There are over 100 populist pa pers in Nebraska. If fifty of them will or der a patent inside, the Independent will furnish them with one that will be of some use to the populist party and a credit to the paper using It. THK It A ID ON THK THEABCKY That the readers of the Independent may understand just how the raid on the treasury was planned and who plan ned it, the following account of the mat ter is printed: Of course every intelligent man knows that! Charles Foster , of Ohio, wasa pro- tega andwas madesecretary of the treas nr hv John Sherman. He was a man t! - of no ability, not enough to attend 1 his own private affairs, and Sherman let him iro into bankruptcy, as soon as had no further use for him. This Charles Foster, secretary of the treasury, under date of "Washington, D. C October 1U, 1891. wrote to the Republican Club of Massachusetts (Any one who knew Fos ter and bis relations to Sherman and how every act of his was simply the act of John Sherman, can easily understand bow the planning of the raid was wholly the work of the man who surreptitiously demonetized silver. The letter was real ly KWmRti'a and not Foster's). The closing paragraph ol this letter was as follows: Treasury note are redeemed In gold when so presented for redemption at the treasury or any assistant treasury of the United States. Very Respectfully, CHARLES F08TER. Secretary. In pursuance of the conspiracy on Oc tober 13, the following telegram was sent to Secretary Foster: Boston, Mass,. Oct., IS, 1801, Noticing; In your letter of October 10 to Repub lican Club, published here this morning, state ment that'treasury notes are redeemed In gold at any assistant treasury, I sent a one-thousand. dollar note to ubtreasury here this morning re onestlng such redemption In gold. This was re fused. If your letter correctly states policy ol the treasury, will you please nend Instruction to subtreasurer here to redeem note In gold. An early answer earnestly requested. PHINEA8 FIERCE, Hon. Charles Foter, 82 Summer Street. Secretary of the treasury, Washington, D. C. Secretary Foster promptly telegraphed back: October 14, 1801. PHINEAS PIERCE. 82 Sumner Street, Boston, Mass: Assistant Treasurer Kennard has been in structed to redeem treasury notes In gold. CHARLES FOSTER, Secretory At the same time Foster also sent a telegram to the assistant treasurer at Boston as follows: October 14, 1891. Assistant Treasurer, Why didn't you apply to United State Treas urer for Instructions when treasury note are presented for redemption In gold? CH AS. FOSTER, Secretary. The assistant treasurer replied: Office of Assistant Treasurer United States, Sir: 1 have respectfully to own to the receipt ot telegram of Treasurer United States "Re deem Treasury note In gold. If presented, and a demand made for such redemption;" also to your dispatch of even date. "Why didn't you ap ply to United State Treasurer for Instructions when treasury note are presented for redemp tion In gold?" to which I wired the following re ply: "A no general demand had been made for the exchange of treasury notes In gold, the oc casion had not arisen for asking for specific In structions." Very Respectfully, M. P. Kennard, Assistant Treasurer United State. Hon. Charles Foster, Secretary of the Treasury, Washington, D. C. It was in pursuance of this conspiracy that Foster sent his order to the bureau of engraving to engrave and print a se ries of bonds and that John Sherman in troduced his bond bill In the senate be fore the close of the Harrison adminis tration. The result of this conspiracy has been the issue of nearly $300,000,000 of thirty year four per cent, bonds. The whole thing was conceived and executed by the advice and under the direction of John Sherman. If the republicans elect the next president he will be secretary of the treasury. During all the time that treasury notes and greenbacks had been n existence up to the time that roster under Sherman's directions invited this raid on the treasury, no such thing had ever been thought of by the bankers, save once. Dan Manning was then secre tary. He went down to New York, called the bankers together and told them if any more notes were presented, they would be paid in silver. No more were presented.' The raid was stopped nstantly. CITY POLITICS. It would seem that the condition of the city of Lincoln was such that the respec table and intelligentelements.if there are any ' such elements left in it, should lay aside their private affairs for a few days at least, and try to save what little there there is left of respectability and fortune to be found within its limits. Do not any of the men who have in vested all they had ofyhis world's wealth here, and have put in a quarter of a cen tury of hard word besides, ever stop to ask how it is, that now their hairs are grey and their faces wrinkled with care and toil they hardly know whether they are worth a dollar or not? It is said by men who have good oppor tunities of knowing whereof they speak", that nearly the whole city has changed or will change owners in the near future. For a quarter of a century the republi can party has governed this city. See the condition in winch they are aoourto turn it over to their children. Some may claim, and there are many grounds to do so, that the state of af fairs we seo is the result of thieves and rascals in office, but that is not the chief reason. The city has been governed upon wrong economic theories and the condi tion we are in, is the result of the viola tion of economic laws. The whole theory of municipal goverment as it has been evolved and put in practice by the re publican party must be abandoned, or there will never be any prosperitv for the inhabitants of tfcis city. The Idea that thecreatiug of enormous city debts, the giving away of valuable street and lighting franchises and the fostering of gambling will bring pros perity mut be forever abandoned. The debts must be paid and and inter est stopped, the franchises must be re claimed and administered for the benefit of the inhabitants, and the laws pun ishing crime and degrading vices must be enforced before prosperity will return. In the very nature of men, it is impos sible that that the republican party, which has bonded this city almost with out limit, which has turned over to the leading managers in the party valuable franchise which ought to belong to the whole people of the city, cannot overturn the whole theory of government upon which they have run this city and inau gurate a new system. ' If this is ever done, it must be done by new men and a new party. ' It must be done by men whose theories of municipal government are the very opposite of the principles of the republican party. The republican principles have been on trial here for twenty-flve years. The ap plication of them has well nigh ruined the whole population. Now let us try the other theory of political economy advocated by the populists, that is: No going in debt and consequently no inter est to pay. Public franchises to be ad ministered for the benefit of the whole people, expenses always to be within the income. BETTER THAN A GOLD MINE An American traveler going to Japan twenty years ago took 100 American dollars to a bank. He got in return in the money of the country 100 yen. Going there now, be takes to the bank 100 American dollars and the banker gives him in return 200 yen. Then he goes to his hotel and finds the prices are juBt the same as they were twenty years ago. He goes out on the streets, he pur chases goods, and finds prices of all goods are the same as they were twenty years ago. Under these circumstances he cannot avoid the conclusion that American money has doubled its pur chasing power in twenty years. He can live twice as long at the hotel, he can buy twice as much goods with 100 Amer ican dollars as he could twenty , years ago. Being a Yankee it does not take him long to flndoutthatthereis "bigmoney" in this situation if rightly manipulated. He says: "Look here! I can take 100 American dollars and get 200 Japanese yen, take the yen and buy goods and ship them to America. Here are watches, I can buy one for two yen, take it to America and sell it for three dol lars, and get six yen for three dollars, then and buy three watches. Jewhilikers! This is better than a gold mine. I'll buy a car load of them." Meantime the Waltham Watch Co. after a big strike closes down and John Sherman and Bill McKinley are for sound money and protection. THE ARENA. The March number of the Arena has never been excelled by any issue of any review or magazine in the United States in profound and scholarly writing. Every article is pertinent to the day and times. In the field of the best literature, it is the most potent champion now fighting for the perpetuation of free government and progress and prosperity of the American people. The ideas of modern progress seems to have taken possession of it.and to paraphrase Heine.they mas ter it and force it into the present tierce conflict, where, like a trained gladiator it fights for them month by month. There are rallying around the Arena, not only the most profound scholars, but practical men, who know how to ap ply the best thought to the every day affairs of common life. In the very center of the camp of the plutocrats, it flashes its glittoring sword and biddine defiance to greed, to power, to accumulated wealth, it wages battle upon them all. As a sample of the matter published fn Mm Amnn urn rail Attention to two ex- cerpts clipped from the March number rhich will be found elsewhere in this issue of the Independent: THE BEST MONEY. If the "best" money is the dearest mon ey let us make it 100 times dearer than it is now. It can very easily be done. Just pass a law that the gold dollar shall be the only legal tender and that it shall contain 2,580 grains of standard gold and the thing is done. In the happy davs that would follow it would take 125,000 bushels of corn or 40,000 bu shels of wheat to pay a hundred dollars of taxes or interest. Would we not have prosperity then? Who would own the world and all that is in it? It would take all the wheat or corn or cattle in a whole county to pay a debt of $10,000. But that kind of money would be the ' best" money according tov Sherman McKinley logic. Last year the senate was short thre members because the legislatures of the states of Washington, Wyoming and Montana failed to elect. This year it is short one member.on account of the fail ure of the legislature of Deleware to elect. The next session it will be short one, be cause of the failure in Kentucky. The populist lunatics seem to have had "a method in their madness" when they de- manded the election of senators by the people. MAKING PRECEDENTS How naturally and automatically law yers "thiuk in precedents," if one may use such an expression, was illustrated in a discussion in a Lincoln economic club a few days since. The question of righting wrongs by revolution was under discussion. Two lawyers of distinction were present. One favored the idea that it was only by revolution that great re forms could ever be brought about. How did he attempt to prove it? By citing precedents. He referred to the Puritan revolution under Cromwell and the French revolution. The other lawyer was of the opposite opinion. How did he sustain his propo sition? By citing precedents. He told us how the French revolution ended in the despotism of Napoleon and the Puri tan revolution in the despotism of the kings who followed Cromwell. The different conclusions reached were a fair sample of the method. It is not scientific. If lawyers are to maintain their prominent positions in the coming renaissance, they must stop thinking in precedents. They must search for the truth and when they find it, hold to it, whether there is any precedent for so doing or not. If they must have a pre cedent let them make a few new ones. ABSOLUTELY FALSE. It I claimed by Mr. Taubeneck's friend that he la trying to coax the silver men into our parry. Since he asks us to surrender nearly everything but the name, and the silver men to surrender nothing, it would seem more like he was trying to coax us Into the silver part Ar kansas Kicker, A paper that will print such an un truthful paragraph as the above cannot consistently claim to be a populist paper, and it must not be surprised if it is de nounced as an agent of the enemy. When and where did "Taubeneck ask us to sur render nearly everything butthenames." Give the time and place. Who are the men who heard him say it? Every au thentic report of what he has said is di rectly contrary and the Kicker's state ment, is absolutely false. The Independent does not endorse everything in every speech or book it ad vertises for sale. It could not do that in any case, unless it might be some of the standard economic works works in which every sentence has been gone over many times with the greatest critical care before publication. There are grave economic 'errors in some of Harvey's writings. They were prepared hurriedly and for popular reading, but he presents many fundamental principles so clearly and pointedly that the minor errors he makes, by no means destroy their use fulness. They have done an immense amount of good and will continue to do good where ever they are circulated. The following is the celebrated Ohio plank, concocted by Sherman and Mc Kinley and adopted by the Ohio repub lican convention, of which so much has been snid. There is no necessity for any comments on it in a populist paper: We contend for honest money, for a currency of gold, silver and paper with which to measure our exchange, that shall be as sound as the gov ernment and as untarnished and to that end we favor bimetallism and demand '.the use of both, gold and silver as standard money, either in ac cordance with a ratio to be fixed by an interna. tional agreement. If that can be obtained, or under such restrictions and such provisions to be determined by legislation as will secure the maintainance ot the parties of the value of the two metals, so that the purchasing and debt paying power of the dollar, whether of silver, gold or paper shall be at all times equal. Some of the would be all-wise fellows, who think it is wisdom to never print an issue in which there is not an attack on some populist leader, get behind the blind and say; "point out the isms in the Omaha platform." It is not the isms in the Omaha platform that we ob ject to but the isms that come from the crazy brains of men who thiuk they know more and are far more honest that those we have chosen to lead the fight. The Pioneer Press says: "that while the prices of 220 articles taken together, fell nearly 33 per cent, from 1873 to 1861, wages rose about 10 per cent." A man who can assert that wages are higher now than in 1873 stands on the same pedestal of infamy as Satan him self, and the man who can believe it, can believe the moon is made of green cheese. J. Y. M. Swigart says that ninety per cent of the remittances on his insurance business are sent by postoffice order. The people know that the government is behind the postofliice. If government saving banks were established, the peo ple would do nearly all of their business through them. We are going to write a private note to two or three editors in this state one of these days and soy: "please send us the patent inside of your paper only and save expense, for the press work on the home side is so bad we cannot read it and it is of no use." There is just one way and one set of men who can defeat the populist candi dates in the next presidential election. The men are the free silver democrats, and the way but we will not tell for fear they will adopt it. If there is one kind of property above another which the courts hold most sacred, it is railroad property, which is for the most part made up of watered stocks and inflated bond issues. The market value of no commodity on earth is so susceptible of manipulation by interested parties as than of gold Horace Boise. ABOUT LAWYERS. Some time since a kindly letter was re ceived criticising some remarks in the Indepenednt conneruing lawyers. The other night a bright young lawyer spoke to the editor on the same subject, and said he thought that the few lawyers who had joined the populist party deserved some consideration, for to do it they must abandon the most lucrative part of the business of the profession that in which corporations were litigants, all o' which leads the editor to make the fol lowing remarks: The great lawyers have been in a large measure the great men of the world. All of these men were orignal investigators and thinkers, but the modern lawyer has been trained in a school where orig inality and investigation is wholly aban doned if not forbidden. Ileisnot trained to take the basic principles of justice and ethics as his premises, but to wholly rely upon precedent. This relying upon precedent has become second nature and automatic with him. If aproposition is presented to his mind, in stead of looking for some ethical princi ple upon which to leave his argument, he looks for a precedent. Of course he can find precedents on both sides and he naturally applies those that accord with his prejudices or interest. The lawyer is not to blame for that. He bas been trained to that course from his youth up, and he knows no other way to arrive at a conclusion. This habit prevents all growth. If we shall do nothing except we have a pre cedent for it, then there can be no ad vanceroent for the human race. Yet this is the cast iron mould within which a lawyer, with very rare exceptions, al ways thinks. Very rarely indeed a law yer or a judge gets out of it. If he does, it makes a great sensation. What would happen in a case before one of our learned judges, if a lawyer should attempt to submit a list of pre cedents and the judge should say: "Go to your precedents. I care nothing for them. Submit to me evidence or argu ment that you are right. I am concerned only in arriving at justice." " Would there not be a sensation in that court? The writer of this saw a scene like that once. It was the case of Standing Bear, the Indian chief. The lawyers were read ing precedents to prove that an Indian could not come into court, could not sue or be sued, that he was a ward of the government, and like any other ward, he could not appear except by hisguardian. If it depended on "precedent" the law yers were right, but Judge Dundy said: "If there is no precedent I will make one. There is no human being thatGodever made, however humble and poor he may be, who may not not come into my court and have his rights tried there." There is one decision of Judge Dundy's that will live. Traveling in Europe a few years after the writer found that Judge Dundy's name was familiar to the common people everywhere on account of those words. But it was contrary to all precedents. In economics, precedents cann ot be applied. For this reason, no lawyer has ever been.a great economist, with the ex ception of Stanley Matthews. , After Mr. Matthews went to the senate he threw aside the old habit of the lawyer, ahd not looking for precedents, went to work to find the truth. In three or four years he became a fair economist and is so re garded by the standard writers of the day. Taking all these things into consider ation, the conclusion is, that lawyers must first learn to base their conclusions on truth and not on precedent, before it will be safe to allow them to make all the laws of this republic. Many of the populists in this locality believe that Mr. George W. Berge is the most available man that could be selec ted to make the campaign for congress from the first district. Mr. Berge is a young attorney of high standing at the Lincoln bar, a splendid speaker, and thoroughly, posted on all the political issues of the day. He would receive the support of all those who believe that only honest and moral men should be elected to public office. His campaign would be vigorous and when elected, he would faithfully and honestly preform bis duties. The people who help to send him there would never regret it. Gov. Holcomb has appointed Judge Wm. Neville as vice president for Nebras ka of the Trans-Missippi exposition to be held at Omaha in 1898. There could not have been a better selection made, for Judge Neville isin every way qualified to fill that important position. His efforts will not be wholly given to pro mote the interests of corporations. The interests of those who made Nebraska and who stand up for it sixteen hours a day between 'the plow handles or else where will also be looked after. In checking up the accounts of Maxey Cobb, the republican county treasurer, of Lancaster county, state examiner Fodrae finds that there is an apparent shortage of $3G,688.61. Mr.'.Cobb has always been considered as one of the honest county offioials, and it is believed by many that he will repay the entire amount. The commissioners have made ii o demand for the money, but Mr. Cobb frankly admits that if they did he could not produce the cash. We wait to con. demn him until the particulars are better known. Delinquent subscribers must pay up,at east in part. IT A IIS WICKED PLAINS. Vest has had wh ack at G rover's sermon. He said: "Our President stood with Dr. Talmage on one side and the Rev. Sheldon Jack son on the other and gave us a new version of that blessed old missionary hymn which we have heard so often in our childhood: From Montana's sinful mountains. From Utah' wicked plains, Tbey call us to deliver ' Their land from error' chain. We are told by high ecclesiastical au- tuuribjr luui ixm w&ueueuujr una iai7ijr ituu down his honors at the feet of Jesus. I m glad to know it. It has been th general impression of the Democratic party that the mugwumps and incensa burners had got all those honors and intended to keep them." A NEBRASKA POPULIST HONORED. J. A. Edgerton, the populist chair man, and writer, has, been honored in being elected a member of the "Shake- speare society oi jew ior&. xuib ib mo most noted Shakespearian club in the world. There are only 129 members ol it all told and Mr. Edgerton is the only one west of the Missouri river, the only other west of the Mississippi river being TJ. S. Senator Cushmar, K. Davis of Minnesota. On the roll of membership are such well known names as Sir Heurjr Irving, Thomas W. Keen, Algernoan Charles Swinburne, Wilson Barrett, David D. A. Chapman, Augustin Daly, Maurice Francis Egan, Harrison Grey Fiske, George Frederick Holmes, Lionel Booth, Wallace Bruce, LeGrand Burton, Apple ts. UA.nn William J XfnPllirO PllflrlAR. Wells Moulton, William J. Rolfe, Thad deusB. Wakeman, D. W. Wilder, etcv including the most distinguished actors, poets, and publishers of the day. The office of the society is at 21 Park Kow in New Y'ork City, and its assem'bly rooms are Hamilton Hall, Columbia College,. and Forty-ninth street and Madison Avenue, N. Y. City. The Society pub lishes a Shakespearian magazine and has gotten out a fine Bankside edition of Shakespear, and various other works. It is now engaged in buying ane preserv ing the old home of Edgar A. Poe in New York. Mr. Edgerton was also, about a year ago elected a member of the "Ameri can Academy of Political and Social Science." Recently his matter has been published in the liberal and reform presB all over the United States, one of his poems lately being accepted by th "Arena." " He has long written for such papers as the "Twentieth Century," of N. Y., the "Open Court" and "Philo sophical Journal," of Chicago, the "Non conformist," the . "Rocky Mountain News," etc., etc. .Last lau ne was given a fine write-up in the "Magazine of Pufnn Tliiffnln W Y. TT in nnlv twenty -seven years of age, but already A UV 1.1 , J'UHU.VI -' u his reputation as a writer is becoming national. The Independent is glad to note these- things, for Mr. Edgerton is one of our own people. Mr. Lambertson asserts that a re dundant currency causes low prices? If twenty billion of gold were discovered and coined into mney, then each dollar of it would exchange for more comodities than it does now! Some men are born idiots and some achieve idiocy. A gold bug would admit that if it should rain for a week all over Nebraska farmers would know it without having to be told through newspapers, but they think that if the farmers had prosperity for a week they would not know it unless Dunn or Bradstreet told them. Denver on Candidates. Omaha, March 16, 189G. Editor Independent: When naming presidential electors- we should aim to nominate the most popular men of the party. The personejj of the electors is an important matter in getting votes and should be considered in every state. Then I wish to say an other thing to the readers of the Inde pendent, i When vou cro to town Saturday eveW ings take a copy of the Independent in your pocket and get your neighbors to subscribe for it. Thisi s your duty and if you get a man to take the paper it will do the the rest, kvery man who is with us must work some for the cause. D. Clem Deaver. Another Worker Columbus, Neb., March 13, 1896. Editor Independent: Enclosed 'find pestoffice order for f 1.50 for which send the Independent to the enclosed names. When you are in the capitol building and have a few minutes time step into the library and ask for the re port of the secretary of the treasury of 1871 and 1872. Turn to page 309. I vv in u juu tvvjuiu uiioii i lie tilll w U ii t J money destroyed as reported in said re port. There are thousands who think the government never destroyed any money. Assoonasths weather moder ates I will drive out in the country about twenty miles and get some more sub scribers for your excellent paper. J. S. Freeman. Will Stand by the Guns. Clarks, Neb., March 16, 1896. Editor Independent: Enclosed find order for a renewal of my subscription together with the Silver Knight and Farm Field and Fireside, also a year's subscription for J. B. Philbrook, Clarks, Nebraska. I will try and send you a few more subscribers in a few days if you nin oeuu iub Buiiio sample copies ot your paper. Don't get discouraged. Stand by your guns. I hear nothing but wor'ds of praise for the Independent. . W. F. Porter,