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About The Lincoln independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1895-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1895)
i 7 ' LINCOLN NEU11ASKA, FRIDAY, ' DECEMHFJl W, IS05. VOL. III. NO. 34 Cittttmi Now old wan remember the next time patronize the arid Fuel Go. JJKST G HADES of COAL in th Market at KOTTOM1MMCKS. 1024 O Street, Yard 16th and Y. ,., , I Office, 71(5. iELKPJlOXIiH:, yar(1;707 (10 TO Capital City MEAT CO. 101 i V Street, for Low Frice3. Chin,' White Lurd. Cic Choice Shoulder Steak, &c I'ologna, 5c Salt Pork. Dairy Butterine, L'lL for &",. Give us :i trial. Capital City Meat Co. J 014 P Street. ALL ABOUT I TT An illustrated Journal tell ing all about the workings of si Livk School in a Live city that i making a specialty of (.reining Livk hnsine&8 men TOM MKRCIAL STUDIES, Short Hand, Typewriting, etc. You can't imagine how much s it will help you in the eelee- tiou of the right school to at j t"iid without seeing a copy, (Hud to send it free l. LILLIliUIIKlE, Sec'y. Lincoln Uiwinefs College. Lincoln, Neh. Try 1K. I SIIOI" For lied iugs, And "ROACHINE" For Koaches, Fleas, Ante, Moths and All Vermin. For Sale Only by RIGGS PHARMACY, 1140 OSTUEKT. Heiueinher, we give a glai of L- .1 ....11, 'ill .....It OOUtl WHIT! " I' U 5"'J . I . . . . Ifc Wf J, O. Ct I wlii Physician and Surgeon. V 137 SOUTH ELEVENTH ST. Uruwiiell Elixk. . Ti j.Kt'iiit.NF-: Oihce, No !!. rii. delict No. otj'2. Surgical Diseases of Wsmsn, And Chrcnis Diseases penally. T.J. Thorp &Co Oonoritl IVY ikO 111 at 1 ft la.!.i,J, ri;isi:s i ,i. , f 11 ii li.nt Bicycle Bepat f ei IHl u M,,llt (a Ssats and Rubber Stamps. '.Xs S ilh lit.". . hlr.t. Li;J. Holiday Childrens' Books, Toys, Games, Dolls, Albums, Celluloid Novelties, Etc. These goods must he Sold in the Next Thirty Days' find they will he cold. We will make the price sell ROY'S DRUG STORE. Corner DISCOUNT SALE. Now 'On At Tie Palace of fashion. (Mrs. J II. Blair's Old Stand.) 117 South Eleventh Street. Imported iWerns $G 00, Worth $12 5.00, " 10 L" Trimmed Hats $3.00, worth $ 40 rt " 2.50, 5 50 " " 1.50, " 4 One-half oil on Fancy Feathers, Tips, Itibhone, Birds, Flowers, Etc. You will save money hy inspecting our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ' I Poor Man's Store. We buy for CASH and Sell for Cash. We will sell more goods for Less Money than any house in the City. We don't claim to have all the trade; only part. Specials for (joixl Flour V.h: Vinegar L" Onion- per loi 20 Eaisins t 11 boxes I'arlor Mutches 10 I liar White Coenanut -eiap 1 Don't forget the Place. H. A. BOWMAN, 1819 O St. e I AH Flaunt I. iio-i f I Ntiker ii.oKs1!.iM,i:MKi:.Ae. We ,,. I,.!,! rl oriiiHi.s. a i TSUOE-i ro. c M L hi l Miie, War f el looos, 10th and P Sts. Tizro IZTeolrs: Can Corn Pan cake Flu'ir, paokttg Fill, K Oats Eye ('rn Mi ni, per ihcI Phono 391. & Bumstead. STATE SILVER LEAGUE. Advocates of Free Coinage Meet and Organire. About forty freesihf r advocates from all parts of the state met ut the Lindell hotel last Saturday afternoon and or ganized the Nebraska Silver league. The following declaration of principles was adopted: "We declare ourselves in favor of the immediate restoration of free and un limited eoinageof old und silver at the present legal ratio of Hi to 1, without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation, such gold and silver coin to be alike fuil legal lender for ulldcbta public and private, 'We Invite all persons who believe in the financial policy above bet forth to unite with us in its dissemination. " The organization is entirely non-partisan und the executive power is vested in o committee of four chosen from the republican, jiopiili&t, democratic and prohibition parties. Ex Congressman . L ' Laws, Governor Holcomb, ex Congressman iJryan and lion. II, W. Hardy, late prohibition candidate for governor were unanimously chosen as members of such committee. The persons present represented all parties and all parts of the state. A large number of free silver repull cans were there. Among the populists were the chairman and secretary of the state central committee, John II. Powers, . I. V, Wolfe and many others. HON, W. J. BRYAN. What He Thinks of Nebraska's ' new Silver Organization. Hon. W,J. ISryan was asked in re regard to the plans and purposes of the new organization founded in Lincoln last Saturday. He said: "I think that an organization to pro. pagate the gospel of bimetallism will be much more effective, composed of all t'jofy ho fs)vor the free and unlimited oomage of both metals, than seperate organizations restricted by party lines. Party orgaizations cannot avoid more or less antagonisms." I)o you think it is possible to get all thohe uho believe alike on the money (jiiestiou together in ou organization and t luts concentrate the educational work V "1 think so, for the iinancial policy of the government effects all alike. The fiirtner, the merchant, the professional men all, without exception feel now, and will in the i.ear future still more fully realize, that their interests are identical. Low prices ailed the farmer first. When he, gets but little for his products, ho has little or nothing with which to buy goods of the merchant When the merchants cannot sell the de posils disappear from the banks, then there is disaster to the banks, the de maud for all sortof professional sit vices ceases and we come to the coudi tion we .see to day." Do you think that Una new organiza tion will be successful? 1 "ISy next Saturday night we expect ! to have two congressional districts fnl j ly organized with a working committee in each county, and within two weeks i the whole, state. The time seems ripe J for active work in this line." What Mr. Hardy Says. Mr. II. W. Hardy was asked what he thought of the prospect of thoroughly organizing the state by the Nebraska Silw'i League. He said: 1 think the pronpect is guxj. The work ulreudy done shows that it will be a Ktucess and 1 bel:ee that in a short t i lilt the W hole st lie w ill be oi'guniz d." hat do you think the sentiment of tins uta'e Wiiii the 0,ursf ion t f Hi (rei coinage t Mlvtr? "Not U s than timeout of live voter are in (jut of the fun und unlimited oinak'e of nittcr, The tumble with theilt r,ertt'f"re is that they nnl tli'(r paity, w Integer it wm, m.r thm they dii free mini. Out now 14 4 i;oh1 tune t' j; t th 10 louvii; ite." It they ilon t tin y wilt pri..ihl g-t the mi ft f it, will they not "Ihiry nrlaitly will and tie oi.t Who Will git the W ut of it Will lint I the (iriiirt either. I tn f can live vm if we ! ,ae dronII,, f,. tui 4 1 "il l, a i rmk r t mi ii i,t- tir ir ywtf, i( wur-it 'icr 1 1 wo tmul race rooiili j.ot 4t..e, cm and b4ti ! 1 n. I of the Imi Wf aid ho filntil Will Ktr i.- thii n, Ui-t i 1 vt ty Line l' ij' f ' U t,i Huiikih l h.t 1 tl.ijutlr m t:. im I hi-I mi Ui in f.lini. in I!,.. , ,i, wi.A 11 Ji- .1 tl! U.e '( 1; I ),,', L .1 - 1 Ml1- tl.f.k-'.rf IT "WENT DOWN. The Best Banking System in tho World a Failure in Lincoln. One link in "the best tanking sys tem the world ever saw" Hew apart last Monday when the (li-rman .National Pink of Lincoln closed its doors. The failure is not as disastrous as sonic that have preceded it, hut in some respects it is most shameful. It appears that all the large depositors had, in some way, been forewarned, and when the doors closed, there were none but the small depositors left to stifler. Even these w ill not receive much sympathy from any one. 'They have ulmobt to 11 man rejected the truth when presented to them. They have by their vote and their influence supported a system of finance that could result in no other wuy. Let both bunker and depositor get out 011 the road and tramp aw hile. Perhaps alter a year or two of such ex perience they will be able to tell the difference between plenty of good, full legal tender money and this wiud.whieh is the basis of the best banking system in the world. - There was some ejcilement on the street at (irst, but when it was learned that there was less than 5U,(XX) depos its in the bank and some of the stock holders were wealthy men, tho idea that at Borne time, the depositors woull get part of their money back had a quieting effect. There was a run for some time 011 the First National but the cashier con tinued to hand out money to all comers and toward noon it subsided. On Tuesday there was more excite ment. The Lincoln Savings bank put up a notice that they would require the sixty ,days notice allowed by law, in case of any withdrawals of deposits. The excitement increased when it was announced early In the forenoon that H, II. Niksley & Co's, large dry goods house was closed up. All these chunks of republican prog pentycoming at once, had atendency to unsettle the nerves. Vet the people went quietly about their business and there was no disorder at all. A great many people however are seriously in quiring how much of this sort of prot perity can the people ttand and remain orderly and submissive. Men who are such fools as to vote such a state of affairs upon themselves are not to be relied upon to maintain order and good government w hen the time of trial comes. A man who will vote to rob himself w ill not have any more sense than to try to kick up a row when the robbing is done. nON. O. L. LAWS. He Makes Some Remarks About the Nebraska Silver League. To the Lii:pi;mi:sis inquiry con cerning the prospects of the Nebraski Silver League, Mr. Laws replied: 'it will take a good deal ofhard work to thoroughly organize the w hole state, but we are willing to do the work. I think the plan adopted is practical, and the work is going rapidly forward,' Do you think the people generally will take it up? " Ves, I think so. There is not a citi zen in the state who is not vitally inter ested in it, whether he bo laborer, banker, farmer, nierchantor professional man. No man can escape tho power of money. A fanner out of debt is in the safest position, but ho is by no means safe. If prices continue to fall, al though he umy own a farm and be out of debt, the time will come when he will be unable to support his family and pay his taxes. There in no exemption l iw that applies to taxes. Taxes will t ikn t:,u pillow out front under a man's head. A few men think they ar" ife with a t-t tut 1 1 11 it till in price, but they are not. No one is satnexceM the owner of debt', the principal and m!cie-.t of1 w hit li are payable by t mation," hat proportion the peo iMl')" thilik f.or the In-e coinage of mher; "A my Urgn majority uf them m- I in ly, aii'lllicy aie to ! f..tinui:ii ery l.i o( miciety." OoPI Standard l'ropirily. UUi 1 10 r, 11., lie, i v.,. Ihhoi hlui'iMUM: Mont-) 11 ury mam ti n, 411I 4 l.(!!e moot) n pi 1 1 lui o( corn oi l gram. ( orn ft II twl. e m ti Wrck Iron M L l.".,t l 1 1 for af lout, Vn! ,iru cent, ; m,i' j t 1"' (i -ni, 1,1 at d in l) toi cr:U, the l I tut r ; ' M lt l ( 1 i . M. M A - 1 1 1. I N'ltb'ii K II I!iwI"h(j 4 1 il M j iio- :t ftf bill lift !n I h-"!. Ill iVe ! A nAPPY WEDDING. Mr. D. M. Small and Miss Elrie Blake Join Hearts and Hands. t One of the prettiest wedaings ever occurring in Lincoln was celebrated at the residence of the bride's parents, 17UO L street at noon Monday, Dec. ICtb, Miss Klvie Wake and Mr. I). M. Small were there united in marriage, lv. Lewis Gregory ofTicieting, the beautiful ring ceremony being used. Promptly at the stroke of noon Miss, Alice IJ. White at the piano struck tt, first notes of Mendellssohn'a wedding march and the bridal procession, headed by little Miss Ktta Small bearing the ring on a silver tray, entered the parlor doors, The rooms were very prettily decorated and being darkened afforded opportunity for some tasty decoration with candles. The bridal couple were preceded by Miss Clara Irwin, maid of honor, and Mr. Frank H, Small, a brother of the groom, who otllciated as the groom's best man. Th bride was a bright, beautiful young woman with sparkling eyes, and a graceful ai:d elegant carriage. She was attired in u gown of white Bilk, with a veil of white tulle, and carried a boquct of bride'i roses. Tho maid of honor, Miss Irwin, wore pink mouseline de soie over pink silk, und can led LaFrauce roses. After the young couple had leeu hear tily congratulated, refreshments were served by Misses Lou Kimball, Maggie Williams, Kuby I'rindle, Ida Herpol sheimer anjl Km ma Jackson of Court larid. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrg. (JoorgeW. Make, one of the beat families in Lincoln. Mr, lllakeis the business manager of the Indki'kndknt. The groom has for years been optician at Ti ickey & Co.'g store, and is well es teemed as a youg business man of character and fidelity. The jouag couple left at 6 p. in. on the day of the wedding for the south stopping at Monmouth, 111., and St. Louis. After spending a few week's at the Atlanta exposition they go to Montj gomery, Ala., where Mr, Small goes into business for himself, and where their future home will be made. A large number of wedding present were received during the morning and afternoon. No bridal couple ever left Lincoln with more hearty good wishes for their future welfare and success. About tho Blind Institute. Nkhkaska Citv, Dec. IS, II. H ircKi.vs, Lincoln, Neb.: IfKAKJ'iit-The situational the blind " institute is not very materially changed. The removal of W. F. Wright by the superintendent has had no tendency to make peace with many populists hero v ho respect and admire Mr. Wright for his long devotion and earnest work for populistic principles and who at the tame time are led to question Mr. Johu son's devotion to reform. Since the superintendent aililiates mainly w ith republicans since assuming the duties of his position, and from tho fact that he prefers republican em ployes to the exclusion of competent populists, it woul l seem that we aro justified in questioning Mr. Johnson's fidelity to the party of which he Is now a beneficiary. As you know, Mr. Johnson's appoint ment was bi ought uboutlargely throug 1 the efforts of Otoe county is to be regretted that he has so con ducted himself and the institution as to create strife and distentions among our friends here and over the stale, and and bring discredit upon the adminis tration and the party. 1 think the ImH'K.mi:. r rtrutk the keynote lift Wtk when it remarked that "evidently Mr. Johtison was no the right man in the right place,' yet I sw that one of bit favorite euipl i) W making a vigorous e.Iorl to lioMter Mm up through the columns of the Wealth-Maker-, Warden Peidti who wa once 11 nop porter of John. ui, M-eum to ta t X r rieiuitt a 1 hung of lit a II evident (y xe the itu'oiopt ti my, und that a bitter iM : oO, Uli'l l.,. a!.rd t lial ilt It evl!! to lie all t litHV th !!: Id the It' 4lM;em lit t f the llotltutlott I tl.r 4..irt. ! r"-d nut f thMV t tMVffy tf I ru lot. 4ilr. J alii l ' r la aiHijul4 At lslil" I. t ' mt l! lal (.- Or" U''.l li fr I, H ILiOitH. I (t.! iJ.Cki H..r itn ( r '.SM u-i' )r. 0