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About The Lincoln independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1895-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1895)
VOL. III. LINCOLN NEBRASKA, FUIDAV, DKOEMIiKfi Hi, ISO.: NO. BAMUBL8 Q-zreaut Oleaiiriri. Of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Carpets, Cloaks, Capes, Millinery, Ladies and Gent's Furnishing Goods. For Twenty Days, Commencing Monday. December 14 ! The object (if this .sale is to dispose of our Entire, Stock of winter goods wlu'cli we will sell for Lchs Hum Half the Actual prices. We believe in Cutting our Prices and Marking our goods for little money while winter (Joods are in Seiison and not wait till spring and then cut prices to well these goods. The way we are going to Bell goods v ill he sufficient proof that we mean what we say when we fell you that we are going to sell these goods for legs than half price, JJelow we will .mention a few prices which we hope the people will rend carefully and take advantage of this great .offer: It will he money in your pocket to attend this sale: Read These: Men's all wool clay worsted suits, sizes 'AH, :tii, 40 and 12, worth 2( and 82, Clearing Trice all IS Men's Scotch cheviot suits!, sizes "A-40, worth 10 to 812, Clear ing Trice. $ 5 7X Men's three button cutaways, worth 12 and 1 5 Clearing Trice !'H Men s Scotch suits, worth ( 'leuriiiir Trice g Hoys suits, 14 to IH, wortli 5 Clearing Trice IJoya' suits, knee pants, ages 4 to 8, worth 82 go at Boys' Scotch suits, knee punts ages 4 to S worth si (Hearing I'ri Hoys Scotch cheviot suits, knee pants, ages to 14 worth 84 Clearing Trice Men's lilaek overcoats worth 87 (Hearing; price Men's Overcoat 6 worth 810 clearing price Men's Tine Melton overcoats worth 81H, clearing price 48 2 48 HA 1 38 1 HA A 48 4 78 u t Prices Over Carefully. Gent's Furnishing Department: Men's fleece lined Underwear worth 82 suit, Clearing price SiTc suit. " grey underwear worth ."ilk;, go at jUe Wright s lleece lined underwear 82 So suit go at 81 2'A 10CX) pair suspenders worth 40 to (iOc goat 18c' pair too duz sox go at .'i',,c pair .")00 caps worth 40 to "t c go in one lot for ZAa each Mens silk plnsh cups worth 82 clearing price n,V (ireat reduction in shoes during this sale. Ladies Furnishing Department: Ladies gre Merino underwear worth TAkt go at Hoc " grey wool underwear wortli 81, clearing pries u'.tc " union suits worth 81 50 dealing price 8.'tc I lot Ladies hoods and fascinators worth 81 go at 17c Our Best c rsets worth COc go at 21c "ior"' worth 81.25, clearing price ti'.ic "Our llattler" corsets worth 75c, go at i:ic 85 H :i ;s 2 (18 7 as :iV AH Cloak Department. Ladies Cloaks worth 815, clearing sale price " 88 and 10, clearing price " 8t!, clearing price " Cliiuchitla cloaks, worth 815 clearing price (Jood unbleached Staple Muslin worth 8c go at l'leaclied Muslin worth 7'je go at 50 pieces Hi inch Fine Castmiere all shades worth 50 to Mo yard cierrmg price 2U 50 pieces Novelty goods 5 inches wide, worth m to 75c a yard clearing price 25 pieces don tile width dress flannel worth 75c! yard, clearing pr 'AVi 25 Tieces French Moire worth 40c yard, clearing price is 50 pieces double width Cashmere now 35c, clearing price 15 Great Discount in Ladies Trimmed Ilats. Half prices in Table Linens ami Bed Spreads During Our sale. liemeaiber these prices are good for HO days only, so take advantage of these (ireat Bargains and Come early before the Best Mar. gains are gone. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. Don't Forget the Place. lAHELS Bros. CORNER 10TH AND P ST- Lincoln, nn oor m Store. We buy for CASH and Sell for Cash. We will sell more goods for Less Money than any house in the City. We don't claim to have all the trade; only part. Spoclalc for Ttzto "SSTeelazs: i ochI Flour I'.'c Vinegar V.l Onions p-r bu 2'. llaisins ( I'J hose Parlor Mutches It) I Mar White Coconnut soap I Can Corn " Tan cake Flour, package o I'Mh li Oats " '-'" L)e i Corn Meal, jht sack S Don't forget the Place. H. A. BOWMAN, STARTLING NEWS. New Combinations Being Formed Against the Gold Standard is Washington. SENATOR JONES MANEUVER ING FOR THE POPULISTS Don Cameron Will Not Run For Senator in The plutocracy never did and never will forgive or foreet the follow ing sentences in Cameron's speech, de livered in the senate Sept. 24, WX) "How does this much abused Sherman act injure Pennsylvania V In no way whatever. Under this act we increase the currency now about !?H(i,(KJ0,0(M year, barely enough to meet the needs of the natural increase of population.' "1 am not, I admit, as a mere matter of personal opinion, especially anxious to see much foreign capital come here.' 'If the silver is sacrificed, the maim facturers will be responsible for it." "I do not want to see the time when the Republican i what is now passing; in England shall . U. I 1 i ' ; 1 1 1819 O St. Tarty Tin; Indki'ic.nkkxt 1ms been very fortunate in receiving news from Wash ington from a man holding one of the highest ollicial positions and whose name is a household world on two con tinents. The news is as startling as unexpected. W Asiiisiio, Dec. K Special. - The force opposed to plutocracy are gradually coming together. Things are occurring here that to an outsider may have little significance, but to those who know what they mean, are of last import. Within a day or two )on Cameron wilt give to the public a letter in hich he will positively decline to be a candi date for re-election to the tinted Slates senate, (The letter upjteared in Tnes da) 'papers. Ki. Imhtmkm.i This is thii jirst htep in a withdrawal from the republican party. lon tame ron has n more intimate friend than Sfimtor June of Nevada. They are in entire accord in their view tijton the money tmeallon, and within the hl few li t) have had long to,. I rncil rimMit4tt"n, muiiHliattly after which, lone, for the t rt time, took an i.ttvu t happen inPennsylvania,w here a hundred and lifty thousand miners starving for food after a strike which has already lasted two months thall unanimously vote to continue the strike even if they die for it, rather than consent to a re duction of their wages." "The I'ritish fiovernment may prefer to shoot its miners, as it has lately done. I do not think that a senator of United States should legislate with a view to shooting his constituents.' "I will not vote to rum Colorado or Nevada. I will vote to help them, and in return I will ak their help to ufsist the other interests that ar struggling throughout the Union for existence against heavy odds. I will vote insucli a way as to lighten the many ditlieult iws of the Southern statet and aid them to keep abreast of the national move ment." It is v hisjx red around that a great combination is being formed for the overthrow of the gold standard Into lin combination are coming hot only j lit producing interest-, but the great I life insurance itiKtUtitiotm ud thesiv I ing buiks, nuny of which ai getting' dangerously near rccriVt rdnp. It is j aid tint M, John, prfnii iit of the Mer J tlaiilde Nati'iuil batik of New Yok, The NEW ARLINdTON. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Formerly the Opelt, Corner Ninth and Q. WHY IS IT Trie BSST? BECAUSE: It has the best Location. It is two Mocks from 13. & f , three from F. E. fe M. V. and M. P., ami two from Tot Office. Therefore it is easily ac- lt it one block from street car line. ccgsililo to ail points iu thfl city. The location avoids the noise and Inistn of the main street. It has all the modern improvement:: with modern conveniences. It is newly equipped Special attention to Commercial Men. Its rates are iu accordance with the time. It it. utider the management of an expireneed hunt. A. L. BROWN, Pop- KstiiididuHi Hates $1 and $I..i0 pt-r day. WANTED ! 10,000 FARMERS to Know that the RESTAURANT, A EX t33 SOUTH 12, TllOnO THl ' ,,,'', mih "', l,"l"l''t and ji tii'"" i vmt mi l.nitiy for U? tin A XlUilU Uu J. . j luwt ffigrt of tu m a'hohol l t$ipopi j IhmM vMitagf of siher. h tn d the .t t"t'.!l,i t in ,,t U dy at Mri. tfy ' l"nw workf m tlu .rg.o.j t.on , 4rti io, V!l Hot no-411 son , ih,i j f,,,, ""''31 'r (,n,' iniioieovrr it I lit f M l It liiral. it i t tb t pl ltH tl. tt, liw li.ti inU to g ithrr Hn i,il I uudr oiw and etpritu,,I management wlii r' ia can t all yon want to . a, ervtliiu, oa th J'tlt .f Kr for 'Open Day and Night. .in j the -pi,lt paity. e la ku latit l.iM of llolvdm N. V r ii.ti r.S, sl,'KNl'Fl.'.v.. w. ,tr.. I.. iunuM;s, 4i-.-t rvii.or.r Paine, Warfel & Bumstead. re-. m.M..-lJ.M.,H, M,wl,t,, ,Uh,n; Ni illt1Jfi ,I4,U .,e,e, '. .tUt ... w.niM. U)lUl tB, ((l(tJ to.r I..m4ke t u, V,.te4I.l..f h;.('. ,Hi ,U u.tliU .If . . t ' t,' l . I liJi.l Hint .ii Ik a. iiiw. ii t. o ti f.. tMt'.d" tt,ftii :i t' -n l-a.r. .t Uoii.-ui' and Mio'.J -uK U t-rtWil li f .i . (;, i tr "''" " I l V,. WVr'h from j I lle.-M.-tt-et l,(;?-'lM'"'.",,f trl'l I.ndv po.f omM )lU- .1. l40 l(i,,Ji v, lt,,r! n ,' ak o ,UH hue l t.. m .M, iu O M. ! f n .,tr4iiet M( ,fi ,.'ti iit.H,it ! : t-tionir) 4i4 ! en tl t(.. pr -s-j-i.t . t'e t- !'.,.. ,f .1 V. -t.ttr of hit tr.-n . i',.i'. 4? Special Oyster Soup IOc, TPfY" IT. i Your Produce Taken nt C;uli l'rii ri. L. 0. HOLADAY, Prop. V f in fit Ui t.. 11.. Hli I K - I !t I i . m l,iti .Met I mol -t.l V t I -. 4lit! fc'l 1 1" t : ! i ii ut ft tot til .r,lt. tiHof of ifuihan l M tp-U r It. k M, t k- !!" Anithiit tit th totrlx-r 1 Me f t ti-o i !( tt titrf i -.'ro'-r of I !,',!, f .. I n ; '. -m r to .i I 1 1 , !' ' ' I i n . !. (.'i .!.! r r. it . , t 4 t- e a n