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About The Lincoln independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1895-1896 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1895)
She fttwlti Jtlkieittett 0 VOL. III. LINCOLN, NKlUtASKA, Fit I DAY, OCTOHISI; II, isyr. NO. 24 A FEAST Of LOW PRICES. Dry Goods and Shoe Departments Full of Bargains. Our CUT PRICE on hundreds of articles will be Continued an other week. We realize that this season people are going to trade where they can get the best prices on the same goods. tbS In no case will we be undersold, ami our constant effort will be to go below the prices of Competitor. " DO YOUR ADPM HTriv nnnr luiivrn hnif.iT nDuULU I Li. I runt V AtU rMIIJ I . OUt! PAINTING, SHOE DEPARTMENT. Ladies Fine hand turued blioes, pointed and narrow equere toes, all sizes, wortji 1, this week at S2.85. Ladies' Dongola Shoes, flexible sole, all popu lar Htylen, worth 51, this week at $2.35. Ladien' dongola shoes, machine Bewod, patent tipp, opera and square toex, nil, worth $2.50, this week at $1.85. Ladies' dongola shoes, plain toe or patent tip a big bargain at $!.."() and $1.77). Misses' dongola sdioes, patent tips, new styles, at $1.50 and $!. Jlen'H welt whoe. calf stock, all styles, worth 84.50, reduced to $.1.45. Men's calf shoes, La's or cangess, worth $3.50, reduced to $'J.ST. Men's heavy work shoes at $1.50 now, worth 1.75. . Men's heavy work shoes at $1.75 now, worth Children's pebble "(rain and kangaroo calf t:lmo. shoes, sizes IVl, at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. Children's pebble grain and kangaroo calf tschool shoes, sizes 8J, 11 J, at fl, SLLj, $l.a... Elegant line infants' shoes at 50c, 0c, 75c and SI. Infants' soft sole shoes, different colors, at 80c and 50c Infants' soft 'sole shoes, wool lined, just the thing for cool weather, 5.0c. Men's Ladies' and children's heavy and light weight rubbers of all descriptions now in stock and for gale at very lowesi prices. DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. COIJSETS All corsets in black and drab for ffierly sold at 75c, this week at 47c. Fine stock of all regular lines of corsets at $1 and $1.25. S5CJ YARNS Spanish knitting yarns,"all Shades, 4 skeins for 22c. German knitting yarns,all shades 2 skeins for 25c. Imported Saxony yarns, all shades, 3 skeins for 25. Zephyr yams 4c a lap. Ice wool, black and white, lie per box. LINENS Turkey red table damask, 58 inch wide, fast colors this week at 42ic. Turkey red table damask, full lines at 22c and .'13c. Large as sortment of German and Irish table linen at 38, !!7l MO 4W r.". 7',n gn.I lin In (1 5.1 o lo-,,.. assortment of napkins from 50c to $5 a dozen. Turkish towels, firm and heavy, $1 a doz; crash toweling at G,-7L 8, . 10. 11 J, 12J3ca yard. DRESS OOODS-This week we will offer some new and desirable lines in Fall Dress Goods, including Henriettas, Serges, I'laids, Novelties, Lite. Everything in this department will be sold at prises especially suited to the times and the stock will be the largest we have shown for years. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS-Just received 20 bales more of cotton baits to sell at 5c each. A fine line of handkerchiefs from )c to $2. A fine line of dress trimmings of all kinds. An elegant assortment of buttons of all new styles. An ele gaat assortment of Ladies purses from 5c to $1 50 Ladies, men's and children's uuderwtar from the cheap to the best. Special prices this week in Domestic depart merit, Muslins, Shirtings, Ginghams, etc., all cut to lowest point. H. R. NISSLEY & Co: 1026 and 1028 O Street. W. M. SMITH, '.025 N STKKKT. Parlor Barber Shop. A c';ai, smooth shave for 10 cents. tiiiariuiftHi not to pull them out by (lie roots. Latest style Hair Cut 25 cents. ;ive me a call. e UVJ in Si Dr. W, Queen, lie Specialist Of the Well Known L JIT ITH'-W kW,: ft ssr, .Cancerj Its scientific treatment ami removal in twenty ?j without pain or a drop of blood PI!. QUEFX eurra I'itea ami Tu mora without, kulfo or In of i tlropof blood, he 1n.j cure Tatai rah Treat, Lur.jf a, llrart and Nenroua Iv hilitr. ii. vi iia titnile il.Ki aa o! Barr Parker Shoe Stock. SIMFSOH fc Co. I'roiu Kansas, dealers in bankrupt merchandise have purchased Ihis immense stock for less than one-third manufacturers cost and are now selling it for oiu-half original tost. This is the Largest and best Uetail Shoe Stock in th' state in voicing over $.'!0,iXX. Uarr I'urker wan celebrated for keeping the best good he could buy. consequently there are no ahoddy g'jod in this stock. Kvery pair inut be so!. I wit In tt the nest 80 days. , Think of it, shoe at ."-it cents on t la dollar. ThU is mi It is guaranteed to give Satisfaction by the Standard Glass & Paint Co. HEADQUARTERS FOR 12 & m Sts Paint, Glass, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Machine Oils, Plate Glass Mirors, German Mirrors, American Mirrors, Etc. TAtJBENECK Aim VnaTOH I I'he editor of the I vriKHKNOicxr wishes to bay to Col. Norton, Chair man Taubcncck and the editor of LINCOLN AND VICINITY. Will f;e be a just judge? That the) Stomach, K oticv, Liver, Hlnd aaa '. tiiintv vou cuinii.t Htfoid to inis. I''.M'4--s ,,f Wu'urii irci4ily fat tairt , tlie year-.. lit list- rrotur-4 IK-'ow W e tillutt oil it few t ri Jicuiuijj t., the -I--4 f ami aiht vo la j j.oithw.l ''i Kit-Trealmi'i;t an I fura , if -l I hn ii U' and l'ri-al Aiimvitia j harlnj-1 , In l lntuln and t.atuaur j isinity fur tii.riy yrar. j Ur ap lyiiijf u tr yLi,.-n th K!n rn'io, yui an u? IuUiit U4if an4 a lur InMii aU I'ma H!iriiiuatia .Voaral'a and all I Ur,iiic AUhl-bu aftrr all rvitimlipt hava (ail4 lotlitni and KV.-'riit Jiiu H.Him. Onion DIock.N K.ror. loth&O ' the Express, what he said to the delegates to the state convention. "Fight thj devil and let the saints alone." He doesn't deny that the saints may sometimes lose their temper. Even Jceovah is repre sented in the Bible as being angry, and one should not demand more of a populist saint. Doth Taube neck and Col. Norton are men of unimpeachable honesty and integri ty. Col. Norton has carried on the fight without a days interims sion for 25 years, and Taubencck has been tried in a furnace heated seven times hotter than usual and came out without the snull of fire on his garments. Now these two saints arc fight ing each other. Thf. Inoepkndent advfes them to stop and fight the devil awhile until they both get into a good humor again. Col. Norton got digusttd with the Horr-IIarvey debate. He had a right to get disgusted, so were we. That debate was conducted on al together wrong economic lines. The essential and fundamental principles of money and its func tions were almost uholy ignored. It was a battle between two metals whether' one or both should enjoy the favor of governments and what had been done with them in the past. Col. Norton got exceeding ly weary of it, so did we. In his disgust Col. Norton wrote an edi torial and wanted to drop both, gold and silver, and go in for scien tific paper money. Taubcncck saw the editorial and thought that Col. Norton was going to abandon the Omaha platform on silver, and wrote a sharp letter to Col. Norton in which he said that if the popu list party ever came into power it must get the votes from the free silver wings of the democratic anil republican parties and on that i- sue alone. Then Col. Norton got frightened and thoui'ht that taubcncck wanted to abandon the Omaha platform demanded for a govern ment issue of money direct, with out the intervention of banks. The Chicago Express jumped up and demanded that Tauhcneck resign the c hairmanship of the National committee ami said several very naughty tlungs. Sn the saint got to fighting. The ( ! .ire Col Niiftnil in er intended t ) abandon the tree m'ui plank and Taub in i k hcvirf it iu time a l'matel making a! light on .1 amIu' mU i iMie, I h il by a hap w 1 Udie- line IVemh Kid Mum L't3 former price y,. now tl.-,. I TtZtZt ! 1 '.m hi '" mVt"Vt ' " Elegit 1'ittt ul 'leather walking kit.- " . , " hi, ,, . .1 v.U;t I. ,!, , , p, meral .. .. i' t l i .. .. . .. .. ,,,, ! r tlie pat. lit inside, wiio wfit ti. , JI,jMrri.a M,,e,fr.erpr,.e (itt , U lh0;,,:itt,;, ur, I.ldien Pnllk,'"Ii alioe. f,. mer ltlee 1. i.l !H I , , , , . . , i , , ... . . MB I k. . I I M k I.M t.r4 44 mi t l I Ova pa w a MimaiM -4 . . - -4 M. I U- I"- l I- 4 - . I , J t, 4 1 ( rt , 4, '' I V .,41 I 1, , . n J u. I 1 I ! 4 i i - 4. , ,4 j . . a ! t, i! i ' i 1 4 ,,.., 'i t. , s I , a. a , 4 - ' C. A. S N OW&CO. iiCuln In" a utiuer p KliM' kid ahoea " " 'A ' I f ,, l ine toe bp era " " ' Ml In .. l Im". t ?K - Mril'a Uurl 8h'irt rty fllte f ttllier prfe 4i to ? now 'J Ml to ;.j"i .i .il . m ' .. . w . a ......, " I ttinire.14 , !tH 4 i"iv hue unto r i rU' to fit, ,V''.i to . ia - tf..r h.a " " " " It t.i i low t.t 1,7. ' Vik h.m " " " I .".!.. J ."( le.W t.. l.t'l ' n lu I ir,t l, i-tii " 1 ri " ii.i.i.r itaiu tir-i .juiit - " i i .'at.i i ' te -:: an would not dij u:ie da, out iif re ni'liii piiiiha 1 l.i l lii tm t tteg and pi I I hii lau.iU. Hu., r how lis the point to consider in this cam paign. Low stock is at a very low ebb, doubtless owing to Sam's question able political affiliations. Kx-CoDgressman McKtigan will speak in Lincoln, Oct. 23d, and every one should hear him. Orders for copies of The Inok I'ESDENi have been received from several different states this week. Several bundles went to Iowa and Kentucky. Hon. V. J. Bryan returned this week from his speech making trip in the tar west. He received a hearty greeting from his numerous friends. Lincoln pa'k presented a splen did attraction last Sunday in Ag new's Juvenile band, of Creston, la. It is a splendid organization and drew a large crowd. The republicans, after reading the Ixdepeni.enk last week, built a funeral pyre and burned their Irish terrier transparency, and will rely on the old yellow dog breed of candidates. Mrs. T. II. Tibbies (Bright Kycs) arrived in Lincoln, Wednes day evening, and immediately be gan work on The Indei-edkni'. For sometimes at least, she will w rite for no other paper or maga zine. The young bloods who are run ning the republican party ibis year have learned that it is a much big ger job thin they contracted for as the old stand-bys refuse to over look the snubs of the bleeds in the outset, when they started out tc run the camnaicn on their own took. lupoids from every portion of the county are to the effect that the populists are gaining votes e.ery o.iy. I itiens of the county have become tired ol ting rule, jobln ry thieviry and the result will be the eh lion of the entire populist tuk et. The people want honest gov t riuiirnt one more, 1 lie 1 -.!(. I ('.ill l.. imlli 1,. ..I., J ! , ..1 . ... 11. -.i . 4 v igor:, i, lo i-M.,Mivl, John ' l", "m " 1 . , , t,,Jm . , , I . I'1 till. IvMlll, T'OIVll bO OIlCI Jia.iuiir ' Another conscientious republican editor has been discovered the Bennett Union man. Having tired of re publican ring rule he has bolt ed the ticket and is but in support of the populist nominees. livery republican paper in the county has endorsed Col. Fred Miller's honest, economical ad ministration ,of the sheriffs office time and again during the past two years. Fred will be re-elected by a handsome majority. Lhas Baker is making a clean, honorable campaign. His record of the past four years in the dis trict clerk's office is above re proach, his character clean and his' integrity beyond question. Baker is all right. For twenty-five years the re publicans held the office of district clerk in Lancaster county tnd worked it for all there was in it. In all that time there was not h word said or printed about the ex cessive emoluments of the office. Of all the hypocrites on the face of this round earth, a republican ring hypocrite is the most disgust ing. As the canvass advances the fact becomes more-and more apparent that in the acceptance of the nomi nation for county clerk by Prof. G. II. Walters, the citizens of this county have an opportunity to pro cure the serv ices of the most compe tent man for whom they have ever had the priviledge of voting for that office. The court records under his charge would be models for the whole state. A beautiful penman, a fine scholar and a per fect gentleman everywhere and all the time, the county should feet honored in having Mr. Walters in iti sevice. The speeches 1 e has ma Je in this campaign show a very high order of intellect. Mr. Wal ters will be elected. Lancaster county never had the opportunity to secure as competent a man in all it history for probate judge as it has now in the person of Mr. i. W. Berge. Heisaman well learned in the Uw and Ot the highest M inding in the better ur- CO .pas,!. I i LMihlten ''-HulldlM4 ; jlKt I all WiHi!..) ,k. IU lo 1, 1, when i j 1 4'.lv ttei k it sitiiute ti. l t tlu K had l-c tl let UK lili been Known loiho ragtag ami bob tail id the pinf. ssi.n,, although j ,111 really meed the most important poMle-ri in ht) i (Ui'iiv '!) I uht a 011 the iiiAl id hi no:m i.. ....... .... . 'in I i.n;f t .i 3 liliu ,i 4 1 t , .1 VI . 4.'. ' -.. t . ft . I Upiii 111 l ' 11 'i r ii. 1 ii, Mll t liairtiim I ai;l link ha wr ll 11 ' ' "'h ue u in uniuv on (iat . u 4rati; In tV I Ihia niliie at k i n'k I ibn to ." n,i ln d -liar an 1 1 .!-n, i I ib I W dh the i'imv M 1 ii, ., l',v r 4!. ! I letter t 1 ( id Nulloii It . ,i. Ui! ,i i i tilt, lit I t-pacr, t '.I p ill id it 1 !. at'y t ! 1 p -pill st. whvil i ie-vi 1 'i. v ; , 4 a ito Mi I. 1 '! loan who preside tntr it hUiil 1 4 man o! leirnmi;, integrity and I pi th'iicnt Sin I, man ii lh rf. I he 1 0 mi is will U Mr II 1 hoitoird by ' ul illg hit si I v u t m llbbifa. tt.e . !,M (' ,, ,, ,.,. , , ... , ..... j I lUlii-Hi' n I hi Imi 11 i m, lem ll.e by raUiniJ t' Vily tll I utt ot Ik e an I H'ni'tiii I n 1 1 j he make l.oi i f In n. . f j , H 1 , lll lll l , 1 ' ' i' ""V" 1 " y, auU,( d.MlM he, II bacU'tlftl Simx)son & Co. PaiUrs OIJ Stand ICQ90S!., tincoln, Neb. l 'I, ..e t I .i.m 1 , A e p i,t itlta'l ! 4 1 v ! 1' , , 1 ,1 n v 1 ! i 4'i I pci .1.1, V p"ptii,t p. A. M I w'liri, 4.i,;.j 1,-1 1 i. i"i.c t t it "i is 1 1 ,i W 1 i Ml ,1 I il 41 1. 1 it It 1 i " 1 : tl ! ie 1 teiMiiii. u I, r ich ! '"" te i!av bi lti, , Ti si..-. , !,.- I'fil! I pi h't I 'HI' trli'i l!l ,1 ,11, ell) I iii I A hi that and ,li' ,(Jtd r the d.ii'k ; l r 1 it ! 1 1 a very lire majoi.l). liviry IIHII Wh , 4M , Ih htj wm .I w.ll h ive o vtds? 1 .1 et I Vic t iifMi.ltli't' id one i 1 ilt u u.h il.ipajtr h slut ill W 11 ,y 1 h eiltt u , Ii Jiit"llil. -Ol