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About The Lincoln independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1895-1896 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1895)
SThf 'aTMg gmlqrcmlcnt BY H.HUCKINS. IINCOLTT, NIBRA3KA. A single Illinois cow has knocited out ft red bloomer In one round. The Cornell boys probably wl". not go Into mourning if tha America's cup Btays where it is. ThP woman with the big theater hat should bo mado to haul down her club topsail and reef her spinnaker. There is a Rev. Father Illoomor in Minneapolis, but ho is not to blame for fcds came. Ho was born with It. It is now generally conceded that there Is a woman in tho moon. Surely she has as much right there as tho niao. Holmes appears to have burned nil his bridges behind him, but it is not known whether they were covered with Insurance or not. It is authoritatively denied that Ger trude Vandorhilt is to marry Moses Tay lor. Where was Moses when the light ceased to, flicker? The contemplated action of the Illi nois Steel company, that of tapping its mployes, is most roundly denounced by all classes. Vvhat next? A New York paper says that "Cham pion Corl-ctt doesn't drink a drop." That's too bad; a drunken bully may 1)3 excused, but a rober one never. "Flnps for ihe schoolhouses" is n good cry, but vvhat Chicago, Boston, and fonie other cities urgently need Just now is schooll)ousp3 for the flogs. It Is said that the ll'inno-ic Indians refits?, to bo photographed. This cer tainly indicates that they are intelli gent and kindly deposed toward nil mankind. f . Jotnes Tagney of Chicago was sent to Jollet for ten years for purloining an old harness that ho sold for GO cents. But James, it seems, had been there be fore several times. , The New York state fair in Syracuse this year had a Midway platsance at tachment which scandalized tho visit ors; but, sad to say, the real character of the show was not found out until the day after the fair adjourned. There was a good deal of confusion via liostou concerning tho California knights. One story was, that they had brought 2,200 dozen bottles of wine with then:; another said they were assessed $2, 2(H) each f)r expenses; and a third theory was that among the members there were 2,200 millionaires. No one pee ms to liavo lilt upon the simple story that the 'Frisco knights were accompa nied by 2,iM0 little grizzlies. Mnie. Melha, the prima donna, has lifted that heavenly soprano voice oi hers to protest against bloomers. "Itest assured," she exclaims, "that tho bicycle is Eitnpl;' a pretext. It is much less for motives of convenience than for more mysterious reasons that the skirt Is paerilieed to ample trousers." It is n fact also, Mine. Melha, that some slan derous females do not wear bloomers from the very fact that they have not "mysterious reasons" enough to war Taat it. It is not always modesty, but -sometimes discretion, that prevents tho fair bicyclist from adopting tho fia do -ei;c!e, garb of the wheel. After sit days' Investigation and ex amination of witness, Denver's cor oner's jury lU'roveretl that tho liumry hold Mew up and 'killed Uvenly-Mvo reopK-. It says it was impossible to lis the resv.jnribiiity for the dh;a:-t"r upon an ''in) pi'i oou, but that the own ers, retcr Gnmry and Owen Oriemer, vera b'.amable for allowing their cn giarcr to work tdxtccn hours iI the twenty-four, and for employing an Jn cxpt rleneed engineer whose habits were dissipated and unreliable. The Jury eei!ic! 10 tie afraid to charge a dead man wiih suMt. and too wrmitivn about calling criminal negligence by its proper name. An Is-purtant order giving f't'l pro tection to foreign eotiHti'tu-r of Ann rl !.i af products was Ut ued by Secre tary Morion Lift week. It will prevent tho V illation of any beef thai j not !ai.i eic'd. and will nu:f the exporter.! of horse neat m to i.iark the ack:iRn thst the n mire of the content iIi:i!I bo r;aiuit. The action 1 1 i -cd by tin net of Marih 'i. 'J, nttended March 2 Li's. M'Ml w tilth in net so icm !:o.t 53 I hteh i IKil n t-.'"ip,inii d by a i er tiu. ti ff In I'"'' tt-.n will I t ej .) i tinitt jM t tel beef mid wtl! not be ;il- lOiI'd ".pottiittiltl. h'i" TcUiry Murai'l nt.jt.t (,i iiave yini fuu!nT and rcpi'id lie iB'x-ilr'S lux ,k tt fne on i ii vtVi.-UIOt T. If H re-tl W.iitU ti e It rmi.' Ill Mt U Ol II j(!i! I i a, bit l.n iibl It kttuw It m ti - ti Un ti i adJi'-f tn fur.1 tht iiiTlr.xn f. f- t';i' iiM irttlitB at H u itl.n-.i lt rW I'ft'f. f'l.Ul'l Y..iti. mi' I irtui tin-ro U'i" li.iii:t.ul rrU'tirv!'1 l' 1'iuird Msiut, T i!in ti itiitr't tb rbne of tr! t rct'lr;-, rm re Hint, h'ri f i . ;c , ; ' u iv iiu . i ii'iuK om In UM iy p trt f tbi m-i- Tfi h-r p'.i.HtW'l the p,i-ii: tl tiiit ( i,t t i .i h trti'iu rltt'dei. Th p.'' it it.tift" r li t tlb!te ilnt.tS t.i liU fU'.gef. t 4id. 4 lll'U"l U !' ,:Vt nt t bl.h !! u4 It 4 9 "'her l ts r end ( .i5. CONTEST IKIUXi ULAK. DISPUTED SEATS IN LEGAL DOUBT. Ilin ronlHit' i:vi(!onr In Rpbuttat not Hied In Ai rordnnop With the' 1'litlu Tro i'im c? thd Taw ConlMlant Mut I.avn au 'xt: Urong C'us to Win. Washixotox, Oct. 10. Not one of tho contests filed against the members of the new house of representatives is complete. In most, the, testimony furnished on behalf of both the con testant and contested has been de posited with the clerk, but in none have tho contestants filed their testi mony in rebuttal. In the I'elkuap Mcdarin ease from tho Third Illinois district .Mr. McOana has not yet furnished Ids testimony, xvhicli, according to law, ho should have done within forty days after t hut of the contestant, Although this in tho law, tho house is not always g-uided by the statutes if satisfactory explanations for tho delay are fur nished. In .the l'.eattie-l'rieo case from the Third Louisiana, for instance, Mr. Price's testimony was delayed by miiallpox, which was epidemic in cer tain parts of his district. Although no otlicial information has been received to that yli'cct, it is un derstood at the clerls's ollico hero that it. A. thcNcborougli, who tiled notice, of contest against Ocorgo It. McClel Jan of the Twelfth New York, has abandoned his contest. In the other New York cases (Mitchell against Wnlsh in the KighLh and f'ampbell n gainst Miner in the Ninth) the con tcstees have not filed their testimony owing to sonic ioeol hitch, and Milch ell, it is understood, charges Walsh with attempting to delay the case. All of the contestants of the thirty cases are Republican, save (ioodrieh, who is contesting' Cobb's teat in tint Fifth Alabama, und Campbell, who i t Contesting Miner's tlootlrieh is ii i'opulisl, who had the Kcpnlican in dorsement, and Campbell ran its an in dependent Democratic candidate. (icncral opinion is that the cases of the contestants seated by the next house will have to be very meritorious ns the llcjmblicii ti majority is over whelming and there is no political emergency which "would tend to make the members look on contests with anything but an impartial eye to their justice. POISONER MEYER ACAIN. llo Hang fi'lmrg In Sin?. Htiii; I'lo'.tcil Miiio Mui'drm. Nkw Yohi;, Oet. 10. Warden Sage of the state prison at Siug Sincf has se cured evicleuccalmost conclusive that Dr. Henry V. C. Meyer has been plan ning another murder since lit was hent to prison for life for poisoning J.udwig I'.raiidt. The crime that he is believed to have plotted is similar to the killing of liraudt, and for a sim ilar purpose that of receiving life in surance money. This money, if gained, was to be used to effect his re lease from prison. Tho evidence consists chielly of letters and memoranda found in Meyer's eclL These have been placed in Ihe hands of Superintendent of l'risons (icncral Lal hrop. It seems almost certain that Meyer, since his incarceration, ha been able to send letters secretly to his wife, and other persons, outside the prison. Jn these he in, alleged to have given his accomplices directions how to get the desired policy of insurance on the proposed victim's life and carry out the plan. There were several masons and other mechanics employed inside the prison walls during the summer, and it is suspected that some one of these offered to the prisoner means of com munication with his outside accom plices, i Some time ago Dr. Meyer handed a letter to tho prison chaplain to be mailed. It was written m Herman and addressed to Mrs. Meyer. In it he said that on a -certain day hc would send an underground" letter wherein he would pdre the "prescription ' to lie used. From references in ttiisltter it was made clear that the prisoner bail sent other letters tbfongh lhi "undcrf-round channel. Then War den agc ordered Meyer's cell to do f.ea relied. The keeper-, fiinii l letters, iiiemoranda and oilier proof which gae the authorities the clue to the puiposed crime. (iiiuet r.ino-v i;hi o.T r.;iv. W i-uiiM.roN, i t-t. o -The report .! the e nirt mart hi I in the eu--e of Colonel .lames I'orncyof the marine corpse, recently tried at the l'r"ik!yti navy yard, has been' received. The court found him guilty of neglect of duty. The charge of fmiie .lenient as declarer, to It- part Iv prove t but not wholly nsiiiineit. nf i be nmi'-r-mis oilier charge and K -c ilieatioii lie Wis ticijiuttwl. The te u-nee ii thai he be publicly repri eaiideii. h ip'iiii I unri x o. I", Vi ,i , . ii ,der's I'ui'i-r l i-(ihi-i. n,-:. i i Woo-- ti'jt.. N 'illf ol--. CI Iks. lb:1, ihdn ' e matt i m it char'.! ' ef s, t ill' ll ll I in OIli X I", r wn u' .c f r t v t t. in . b r I II III.' U ' r. .i..-. i , r fill f.'" c 1 " !l. .'' ' tl f i. the eat t'i 1 1 1 ..--; t ic I let,, I in.. I d. "-"iiiec t '. en be ,a- lc guiar. oi 'i"ii a id l.-utd iriiitct clc i l I Ulli t'Cts Ml t i.i it t h. hi lie HI t' i. in . ll.o 1. I ! , I: t hi silM Si II i I Ii t, f om Jul !ir-,e I'-.U , j!l,.H ttl'CS "let' i.'n- (..r, ,,n t In l !n,t i.i tutu All I l li . i c III., II inn I 1 1 in i Ii' X lull, ttlurM ,(.( Ni it. i . vi .....un ht '.' it'U'i' Oi nil"-, .' iti.i'n, l,'l-r(,lH'll Mild I I I r J i.l. lit ,.f ( ,u inn lutlii. il .!.(, i (i n tliii, h u' ft iiiii.t1 i r ioti of t . 1. ' aci IS -'' It - ii HI'. I Mi l ' . , t I ti her On. I Mutt,, il i h, ! . l-il r I e r 1 1. ' '"i,' !.i.-. t Uor'd ' , ...... ! .. i I In ( lit III , lltitrr lt it til tt l.f I ill). I , J.l - till .vito'n Cm ti,. in i ui in, i inii I: !' I til Itlj-t I ) l illtf., fctept X. .It H fill I ete Otic i om.. i i d it I not 1 Oi ( ll.e itiintti is it me h'k it . i i- J lllllltlltll JOINT DEBATE ON CUBA. rour l eading ( iilcaffo sn DIkciu Hie An nvli ion tSII. CirtcAco, Oct. lo. At the nuarterly mcctingaud dinner of the I'nion league club last night, under the formally announced subject: ' Phalli the I'olicy of tho United States lie to Extend Its Dominion?'' the ruestion of Cuban an nexation was discussed. The selected speakers were A .el F. hatch in the allirmative, Congressman K. D. Cooke in the negative, Harry Kubens in the allirmative, and ex-Congressman William K. Mason in the negative. The discussion took a wide range, mid the desirability of absorb ing Conada, Mexico nnd Hawaii was discussed, but the matter dwelt on the most earnestly was the annexation of Cuba, which was interestingly and learnedly handled. Mr. Hatch was in favor of extension in order that the market might be en larged. If Hawaii wanted to raise the Hag tho country ougiit to take advan tage of it. The Nicaragua canal should be aided, and the l.'nited States should become the envy of the world. Mr. Cooke, on the other hand, spoke of the "fust for territorial gain," and called it a colossal crime." Social, and political reform, he thought, should engage the attention of Americans, lie took up Canada, Mexico, Hawaii and Cuba, and to tho uestion, "Shall they be annexed?" lie returned an em-, phau'c "no." They should be aided in maintaining independent republican government, he said, but not annexed. 'i he meeting was largely . attended by representative citizens. MAHONE PALLBEARERS. Ill ICx-CoiifcdcmM' SoMiern lit Do Jlnnor to Ills KiMiciliiH Tho Kitviccm. TiCTKitsnriiti. Vu.. Oct. 10. Tho c.cath of (icncral Mahona in Washing ton, though not unexpected, was re ceived here with much sorrow and re gret. The body arrived here this morning nt d o'clock and was met at the lower depot by the A. I'. I!ilt camp of Coiiiederate veterans and a. delegation of citizens. Tho casket was borne to St. Foul's Episcopal church, where the funeral services were preached by the Uev. (.'. It. Haines. D. J)., the rector, and tho Ittv. John Kidout. rector of Grace Episcopalchurch. The interment will bo in the family vault at Jilnnford cemetery. The funeral cortege will be escorted by A. I'. Hill camp, the Petersburg Grays, members- of Mahone's division and citizens. The active pallbearers have been selected from among the privates of the old Mahone brigade. DIXON-MORRILL. The Is a ii h;is llovcriiiii-tj J).oi(;l!cr I'nllrd 1r u K;iiii;iii lly Man. Hiawatha, Kan., Oct. 10. In the presence of only a small number of relatives and close friends, at i:"0 o'clock yesterday afternoon in the par lor of tho governor's residence here, Miss Grace Morrill anil Mr. Charles Dixon of Kansas City were uutodiu marriage. Mrs. C. lj. .Maker, sister of the briili; played tho wedding march and Father Glennon of Kansas City, Mo., performed the eeriv.nony, using t tie short form of the Catholic church. Governor Morriil gave, the brido away. A reception followed in the evening, at which many guests were present. Later, the bridal party left for an ex tended trip through Southern Cali fornia. DURRANT ON THE STAND. Ihe Ymiii-; Medical M iidi-nt Tell His ,Slory of Hi Dointi-t April a. San FiiAM isi o, Oct. 10. - Theodore Durrant took the stand in his own be half to-day. lie told a story precisely as outlined by his counsel of accom panying Hlanche l.unnmt to the school on the morning she disappeared. He described bis movements in the after noon, detailing his route and arrival at the church at 5 o'clock. i leniency Kcl'tiHcd l,v the rrc-ddeiit. Oet. lu. The presi dent has refused to interfere further iu the case of Thomas St. Clair, con victed in California of murder on tho hii;h se;is and originally sentenced to lie lia mred September .'!, ! s'i, but. re spited four times, the last earning the rate of execution to violerl s, ami has a!v denied the application for a pardon in the . of Hans Han sen, coavicle l in California of murder mi the high seas and sentenced to be bunged i- ritiay, October is. A I urd t !". Suld I'.nr. I.omhi.x. Out. I'1.- Lord Henry Fr;in cis Hone has ahoi.t eoiiipleled arranffe- niciiti In trausfi'i bis includ i iu- Depeilen, Surrey, to an insurance , i-oiniiair, for an aoeiaut sudicieiit to ; pay his dclits. The D.-ncilcu estate ' will liedixided !ut building lots i : part The trustees are t-vuig to sell the Hope iliiiiiinilil, ii a i licit at - . '.'o.oilii. 1 An American recent !v oli'eretl l,fi.'.iNi I for i'. I. oril llie,. iii.i-ricil Mey Vohc, the llleiiii! II (.ill ;es,,ue uctlV 1.1 s I I sjic'icf. I oiled l.v tlt I'um.ii -it, i K AS .M .M., Mull.. Oct, ". - bold atira ' was made Us! cvcitci,; to bold up the ti-.' n I llnpl N ac t Indiana iii'ii th tx' i'nl , . ,t nj-er I'-iiti tiiy j, inti I ti i f I i.i i-;i v . 1 li en n'-er npi netl Hi" thrii'lc' in.,! rushed ! throii.'ti the ImicI t'f ri l,, which, c.oisilel o. f.c.i ii u The bead Iibl t -t in, uistietl an I the call IV .1 l..lillctl tt.ii iiiiiits ttlid ttictt-t I . t retl ii!,li, I ii .' i ;c irff. but ti. it,,- HiU'Fri'i,,!, hi'! ' H lletirit lice ll'ldjl- lirni, I u i ii I . Mo , i v ' lot ii,., nd., I ii ni t ll't I't ii t.r ! .' II Ihe ilcclrm ; ! i.e I. dwell ! it till. I I arl-1 1 !l;c. I t lie I l. i' 4s ills. e. i I mt'l ex I ' i i.i Iti'il Itftire I lie i'tittifc ws c li' i.:. It It I'M s. , to tulle It rH , pi, t e of i'!' I m. I win n ui I' o i,iir l tl'tl ViM kltf ti I I Iiiiiic Ki l .11 d ,.' I, ! I I llt ' III , tlf II ,1 Ui ..i O'Mr . " 1 'lie K.lll .ts I t M.jw . t'ti rtfd ' Tot-t I. f I t lot D vviii'nu, mi. lei l: ' . tKitt'nii, tl. .uy ft j ii. hi ,,r, jiid W . limn t ol K It in .in rjii l A4 it A FILTERIXSIDE YOU HOW YOUa BLOOD 13 K2PT PUBE.f Health Coram From Pure Wood. I'ore Jtlood Pcjiomli on Your Filter inside Von. four nidnryg Keep Tour ISloo.l Para It They Are H'll. A Few F&cla ADoot Them, and How to Make The iu Well, When They Are Sick. Tour blood is what nourishes your body. New blood Is made every minute. It goes to tho lungs, gets fresh air, and then passes through the body. In pass lug, it deposits new flesh, fat, tjones, etc., and takes up worn out matter. This worn out matter goes to the kid neys. Tho kidneys filter it out of the blood and throw it out of the body. That Is, when they ure well, they do. When your kidneys are well, they act, as perfect filters, to keep your blood pure. When they are sick, they act imperfectly. They leave the bad matter in. Sometimes they take out the good. There is nothing moro poisonous than bad blood. A proof of this Is rheumatism. It Is simply a blood-poisoning caused by the bad inattar left in the blood by sick kidneys. Bright's disease is the kidneys work ing the other way taking the good food out of the blood. Both kinds of kidney sickness are dangerous. Both can be cured by Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills. One of tho most wonderful facts of our body Is this natural filter inside us. Our kidneys arc very important organ:;. We don't take enough care of them. We are sick oftencr than there is any need for. It is simply because we take no heed to our kidneys. Sick kidneys show their effects in many different diseases. Rheumatism and Bright's disease arc very common. Anaemia, Neural gia, Pain in the Back, Dizziness, Blad der Troubles, Gravel, Diabetes, Sleep lessness, Nervousness. These are only a few symptoms, or Eo-callcd "diseases." Back of them all are the sick kidneys. Once the filters can be mado towork, all these symptoms will disappear. Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills are made principally from the roots of the asparagus plant, which has a spe cial curative action on tho kidneys. It gives them new life and strength. It helps them to do their work as it ought to be done. It cures their sickness. It cleans and renews the filter. When the kidneys are well you will feel a great difference at once. Your complexion will clear, and your whole body will get renewed life and fresh ness. This is the effect of Dr. Hobb's Spar agus Kidney Pills on the sick kidneys, cf the re-vitalized kidneys on the im pure blood. With a course of Dr. Hobb's Spara gus Kidney Pills you will get new life. They will cure you when other medi cines, which do not reach the real seat o disease, cannot help you. Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills are for sale by all druggists, price 50c. per box, or will be sent prepaid to any ad dress on receipt of price. An interesting, booklet, explaining about the kidneys and their power for good and evil, sent free on request. Address Hobb's Medicine Co., Chicago, or San Francisco. A torcau Da nty. In Core a dog meat, and, above all, cloar soup, is tho supremo dish, and tho king, despite the protests of his American doctors, often indulges in it. Tho secret of this is the universal belief that canino meat and soup is u euro-all. Tho belief amounts to a dogma in t'orcr.. CHEAP EXCURSION SOUTH. The Farm, Field and Fireside, Chicago, isdoins; a most excellent work in helping those w bo want to better their condition to secure hoircs in a more congenial elimaie, til where tho opportunities for getting a start in life are better. Its colony pian is very popular, and enables home-seekers to M-care a chunk of excellent bind at, almost half the usual price. For its Oct. 1" ex cursion to ireen Cove Springs. Florida, tlt lowest rates eer given . to that state havo t-ecn secured. A splendid train wiil lie rim fiiiai Ciiiciirn with special cars from Oma ha. Kansas Citv. St. Paul and Cleveland, and a steamer from New York. The traia v lil tie composed mainly of sleeping ears, w iiu-lt wilt be used for beds throughout tho trip. Fifty-six thousand acre m the best iand in the state has been :,eci:vrd. tho greater part of which wiil l o sold at i.YBO an aeri. Any of our readers :t want to join this excursion i-itovUl write the h arm, i- ield and r i reside at once. They ili also nm a special excursion tu California on tho llth cf .ov. Hut We Ar ot Thfrf. lTammarion, tho French astronomer, remarks that our planet, if it wro as n -ar to tho mm ai it i.-t to tho i-ioi.n. would melt liko wax- under tho Jiettt froir. the to'ai" surface, which i-i coniio.scd of a stratum of luminous dust that iioats ujmiii all oc.ui of Very U i. n so ga-t."' -AMONG THE OZAEKS." The l.aml of lK Itec Apple. It n ptlraetivi m d nitereitiim tuV.k, lindstiiiily i!li ii 'f euth Mi-noun ..-iv. iiii-iudmc tliJ turnout den fnut t,i: :n id ;U-s "" i'l Howell cmitity. U , i;.ir. to f'uit r-iiiiuR tn lht srmt fru.t I. It t f Auief e.. t'" j ut ' h ft the 0.:.i. H't dl lioe tif cr-at l"' i.ulyti (rioli.'t..' i. t ut 1 1 er) .nil l.ooic-e, kef luok i J 'r ''"i ii in . .Mn lod ft.'. A'idrt'w, J. It. I .m moon, kit una t'd JI . lU'iiVt lliidii .u mn-iiikdv lli'iim art-, n'lutil of t h i!ll "l". l'-h I emild i ci'v Ki Hie l!ii cf m itvt nu. I put i . i, to tiix I ruth Kt Ivuvwr. e't. I" .My loii.iiev funn ( ti tCii w -i wer thti i li.i'to u i i l ii if i on A tjulil ' imtitidil. mm 'f ii m!i..t'tt. ss'eiiii III Hi" eoillltiy. I tiii llo' -..IV. j dw'.np bv thrt t t I i'.t iup . '' ittni'oit I fXnri- I, tiif rxetl nee of l- rii.i lutt. mi. I tin pi liciiii iv nf t-rivt. I in i-.nliv rciched 1 vuer hf ni ..f tin e. II-' llt rlinnlon l'-'e !" l M. lutil. etriueaf'i. taU iu Kaii-i A PENITENTIARY FIRE. The Harnes.H Siiop of tin? Misgtuurl 1'rlKon Kntlrely IXsl roved. ,TeI'TI'.i:son Citv, Mo., Oct. 10. The Strauss harness shop, belonging to tho penitentiary here, was destroyed by fire with most of its contents this fore noon. The loss on harness and sup plies is S..ri.O0(), fully insured: on build ings ?'J0,()U0, with no insurance. Tho fire was con lined to the harness de partment of the prison. About Fi'l convicts were, working iu the shop when .suddenly a blazo broke out on the second story that spread so rapidly as to render it impossible to save any of the contents of the build ing. The conduct of the convicts was most praiseworthy, and to their work is due the credit of saving most of tho property rescued. The prison offices and hospital narrowly escaped de struction owing to the miserable supply of water. ' TWO SUICIDES. An Indicted Kansas City I'.lcetion JndffO Taken rolnon to llrown Hid TrnuhleH. Kansas Citv, Mo., Oct. Jo. Fred (. Knodle, one of the. indicted election judges' in the Second ward last fall, committed' suicide by taking poison last night in a room at the rear of Justice of the Peace O. W. Krnoger'3 dnrg store at :!'n West Fourth street. Troubles which had their source in his participation in the election frauds were responsible for the act. lie was a widower and left four small chil dren. II. C. I.itchh'old, superintendent of the Kailroad Transfer company, com mitted suicide shortly before 2 o'clock this afternoon, by shooting himself through the Head. He was implicated by Thomas Nolan, who confessed to a long continued aeries of thefts from railways. WAGN ER'S TRIAL DAY. Tilt; I-Jx-I'rlent Wilt'J'.t? Arraigned for I'.iiil)cs...lcmeiit October J.!. Sr. ,Iosi:pii, Mo.. Oct. lo. When ex j'riest Dominick Wagner wasarraigiicd in the criminal court to-day on the charge of embezzling money from his former congregation of St. Mary's, his case was continued for trial to Octo ber Although the bond was fixed at only 1,:00 less than his 'alleged shortage the priest iays that he does not care to give it, arid "will lie in jail, "lam disgraced," said lie, "all that is possi ble." AFTER THE FIGHTERS. Corbe-tt and I'llzsliumoiis Likely to 15c Indicted by the Austin Crawl Jury. Acstix, Texas, Oct. (I. The grand jury concluded its examination of members of the Corbet t training party tit 1 o'clock this afternoon, and they returned to San Antonio. Dclaney said after the examination that he knew no more about, the mat ter now than he did before, but from the (uestions asked it was very evi dent that the grand jury would at tempt to indict Corbett and Fitzsim mons and probably some member of the Florida At hletie club for arrang ing a light on Texas soil. A FIREMAN KILLED. The Notorious T!itatir (oiniiie of KuiisitK City ISnriK'tl, Kansas Citv, Mo., Oct. Jul The Theater CouMnc, one of the oldest nnd toufjhest low variety dives in tho West was totally destroyed by lire at an curly hour this morning. As its walls melted in the fire they crushed to death A. F. ('tnmiay, a brave canviismun of Insurnnce Patrol Mo. 1. .till oil on llr W.'diliii;; Day. I'JIOUIA, III.. Oct. 10. St. Joseph's Catholic church this illuming was crowded to witness the marriage of Anton .!. Thiers to Miss Anna l.urlett. ;i nd at the home of the bride a wed iling breakfast had been prepared for '.'tin p-iiests. The j.;!'001". however, laileit to apjiearai the appointed hour, and after a lonjf wait bis biother ap peared an I made the stateiutuit tlmt the yoiinjr man hud lied to I a I his. 'J'h bride has lieeu iu a hysterical condi tion all day. Kebclit ltliiw I"iii Uritlifc, Havana, "et. In. A dispatch from Ilemedio! announces that the insui jrents luivt tleslrnved. u ith dynamite. .ni. nf the tnvhfs of the linest ami largest bridges of 1 he Satrua lit Chica railway not fuv from aniajnani. iu tin. province of Santa Clara. Adviifs received here from Mantua, i-ay that t he nife. ammunition and liirht t'lins of t he w recked cruiser Cristobal I olon have been saved. Cnrtli;ii;t,- I'unrl lltinst Ilfilit-nleJ. CAinilAoK, Mo.. Or!. 10. The tledi- lation ti( Jasper inuiity's soo.uon riitlit house here o-day til traded J.",.!!'"! people !o the city. There was a parade a mile in IciitrtU at V o'clock. :tisii b'.' iiliineroiis builds. b:iln in as. ccnsioiis uml hpeecli malt ill if iiileiesttd the crowds. A liannuet tc,- the Jasper county l-ar will take pl.n e to-nitrht. stilt ll I I k is llllll.M, II twin it.. Mo.. Oil. lo. Or. and Mr.. Ilea rue. churned with the mur der of Amos J. Slillwt II. were In ml.t into court here this niorniin mid iii.cie lippliealiotl for chit life of cliie fur their tri:i), ti tt-li was set fn1 Satur day, iec'iiier 1 1. The application was jm jilted, ami lliP I' sent to the ibcait eotitt tif I'll.e coiiiiiy at llowb injf ocii. Kltl-I Un ' l ift. Si I ui i. Vo , i it I 1" li Mir presence of lime di hbeii. ii.'biei it (,'rimd t hiblien, c rvr't jfr. ltt t ruo.1 tlolilifii and arpo h'.st of (rieiMls. Finl Henry rtibikuii'icr uml bin witf. I lam mer IU-ryo r. tt ll bfal d ll.cir tlliitiioiitl weibUm." las' nic ' llm hmiie of th- i'' il IM Uw. 1 bin V 4-mImMI'. Tr.lrr rrsirt. S A ItiMo, ItA.ts ll-t lo, -M luntl, tI.V. lloiiuMsoii tind Joe "of tit it! liiiini rs ol fu' i linmpi.ui. wire uricsteil )t t .t Ivpiiti -li. rift Nm her nil n uttachmeiit lnm the Truvis etmlil.V ifriiul jurv. i-itinai tUcm tn appear V Aust , . NUT BROWN AT FIRST. But They So Change to a Jet IslacU Keg-ro Children. At fiirth a negro child is of a red dish nut-brown color, which turns to a slaty gray in the first week of the child's oxistenco. The black color is not fully developed for a period varying from two to three years, ac cording to tho nature of the locality and tho inHuence of the climato. Dar win says that the children of Austral ians, immediately after birth, aro yellowish brown, and becomo darker at a later age. Those of the Guaranya of Paraguay aro whitish yellow, tuS they acquire In tho coursa of a few weeks the yellowish-brown tint of their parents. It is curious to notice thai, tho eyes of a negro child aro blue aft birth, his hair of a dark chestnut color, being only curled at the ends. To make some provision for your physi cal health at this season, because a cold or cough, an attack of pneumonia or ty phoid fever may now make you an in valid all winter. First of all be sure that your blood is pure, for health depends upon pAire blood. A few bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla will be a paying investment now. It will give you pure, rich blocd and invigorate your whole system. Sarsapariila 13 the One True Blood Purifier. 14 .il't- r! I !t5 arn tasteless, mild, !tW. 1 l(JsJU tt ill J I live. All druXKl-.U. SOc World's Fair t HiGntST AWAKU. MPERIAL tK -n a. -it -it TIT T"ir TT t. t J. Tryitwknthe digestion ; is WEAK and no FOOD; I seems to nourish. Try it when fAt-itno imtncciM i n i 7t 5twiu5 imyudtMuiw iu i keep FOOD the stomach!; Sold by DRl'GOISTS EVr-RYWHERHI John Carle & 5ons. New York. Go to California in a Tourist Sleeper. It is the RIGHT way. Pay more and you are ex travagant. Pay less and you are uncomfortable, i The newest, brightest, cleanest and easiest rid ing Tourist Sleepers are used for our Personally Conducted Excursions to California, which leave Omaha every Thursday morning reach ing Saa Francisco Sunday evening, and Los Angeles Monday noon. You can join them at any intermediate point. Ask nearest ticket agent for full information, or write to J. Fuamcis, G. V. A., Omaha, Xcb. 'west MISSOURI. The best fn:lt tlon In Hie West 'o tliouth k fniluro of crops nev.T known. MiM climate. r."tt''-tlve toll. Aimnil!ifo of r"oo1 pure water. lor Mapt sml Ciiviihir (ri. in? full (Ji-rtpUoii of U' Klcli Mlneial. t-nilt nl Acrlt-nltiirsl Lnil la Si.HlhWe.lMiMii.llrl, writOto JIIIIV sj.l'l ItllV, Jlantwer of th Mliturl l.aml ni e Mock Coni a'.y, Neosho, Neitl-n Co., M Isjmojt 1 WELL MACHINERY Illnntrntwtt ct.nomio shnwln? WEIX ArOEJtS, H'n-li Vf-n.l., in i i-iiu AND Jr.lTlMi aiAitusr.m, "c. sent Fr.i. liavo beea tateu ana ll Kurruntftt. .'lour Cllr Ettaitl anrt Iron Works, H ict't'jt.oi'f to I'f.'li If'r. i Mltitiv I liv. Iowa. fur. 'ii sr. M m iiisi.iiv i o.. III! Wtt MvMitii sikti, Kic city. S" SALESMEH l.ot'iUarx.t'-a-i-vnne. flMIiwy Vrm.,rt. ft Htliltsl tvr It i liu ihs tr9tf V w , ftvl lit. i,m MtMg.un. lit. Patents. Trade-Marks. F""Min n ilti ii bi rt-'-.' !l'r nf Iti VrklKifa. M. u i t ' I. ui, If t r !(. tn 11 a ; a i .mi tizzzz s nnx. AiEut;:t. s. i FIHNS10N,v:ir.K.,r.V.,!.,,,: itaku 11 , 1 i1jtMaw mt tl - A I LU 14 t-rf r,i, J, Htr-fl&H iuaall fltw. Iwm U 4. Cat f I htt aitt. 1 1., f.t. k- I. Na U. No. 4'. ISSS. ftVKindly Vltntlon Th Papr Who Yo' Wrdt Ui& Admit er. ItAwIs! Pay Hood s M fft ' SI I rrj;aoTuii i fe-SlrM Vri"K4 BARKER'S r.u HAIW BALSAM '-l" h-ili- 1.1 Ihui.miI (n-rtV rwi'tt " All'tir FjiI .i Orty L -f!V s2-tj Ita-r .. rolot. p,. -risyiv ,tt -,,...t .,,, ... ff ANTED 1