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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1929)
PAGE TWO PIATTSMOT7TH SEMI - WEEKLY JOTJBUAL MONDAY. NOV. 4. 1929. Alvo News Earl West and the family were over to Lincoln on last Wednesday, where they were visiting for the day as well as looking after jsome busi ness matters. Simon Rehmeyer who has been purchasing ear corn and having fill ed his crib, shelled it out last week and now has the crop ready for all who may desire t ohaul in ear corn. This repeated filling and shell ing of the crib corn by Mr. Rehmeyer 13 a great accommodation for those who have a little more corn than crib room. The rains of the past week have materially Interfered In the comple tion of the spreading of the gravel cm the road leading to the DLD north of Alvo, and at the same time put the road both north and south in very bad condition. With the return of some good drying sunshiny weather, however, the roads can be gotten into condition for the closing in of the winter season. New Rules to Govern Basket ball Tourney Entertained for Sunday. On last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. -Simon Rehmeyer entertained for the day and dinner and they with their guests enjoyed the day most splen didly. There were there for the occa sion Fred Rehmeyer and family of Weeping Water, Chris Rasmussen and family, also of Weeping Water, Mrs. Andrew Rehmeyer and daugh ter May of Omaha. Select Two Good Men. In the selection for the petit jury for the fall term of the district court to be held in Plattsmouth, the selec tions from Alvo were Frank L. Ed wards and W. J. Althouse, and win E.-ve in this capacity. The selections are as good as could have been made and no one can help but admire the honesty of these two gentlemen in the settling of the cases which ir.ight come before them. Schools Are to Be Reclassified the State Before Annual State Classic in Stock Hauling I have a station at Greenwood for Hauling by Truck service. We will give special attention to your needs day or night. Very careful handling cf Stock and Goods. Call Phone 40, Greenwood, cr Murdock, for best of service. Your patronage appreciated. J. JOHANSON Need of 'Iron' 7 in School is Told Teachers That there be not more than 32 District Tournaments for Class "C" schools only, on February 2S and March 1. Of this group, the Winners and Runners-cp to be eligible to compete in the . Regional Tourna ments. Class "A" and "B" schools also to be eligible to compete at the Regional Tournaments: that there be not more than 16 Regional'Tour naments. These tournaments to be held on March 7 and 8; the Winners and Runners-up of each Regional Tournament to compete at the State Tournament; this group of 32 teams eligible to attend the State Tourna ment, to be classified into "A" and "B" -Classes and to compete on March 13. 14 ?nd 15, for their Class Cham pionships. Under the above plan all Class "C" schools are those schools with a total enrollment of 100 or less: Class "B" schools, all schools with total enrollment of 101 to 25V; Class "A" schools, all schools' with total enrollment of over 250. The above plan further indicates that this will meet with the approval of z. vast number of schools that had asked for classification cn basis of enrollment. Thus the first round of tournaments will find schools com peting on an equal bsis. This plan of admitting the winners and run-l.ers-up to the Regicnals will . pro vide a means for approximately 64 of the strongest. Class "C" schools t'. compete for honors with the Class "A" and "B" schools -in the Reg ional. The Regional Tournaments should find approximately 04 Class VETS' BODIES TO BE MOVED Santa Fe, X. M., Oct. 30. Santa Fe soon will witness the largest and strongest -funeral procession ever to wend its ' way through the narrow streets of this old city. The bodies of 212 soldiers are to be reburied in the National cemetery here. Superintendent G. W. Rose of the National cemetery Tuesday received orders to request bids on receiving and burying the bodies of the Amer ican soldiers which will be disinter red from the cemetery at Fort Apache In eastern Arizona. The bodies are those of veterans of the civil, Spanish-American, Mexican and Indian wars. Millions of Rockefeller Aid in Lift Reason Ship Sank Undeter mined as Yet Number of Persons Dead in Lake Disaster Is Set at Sixteen After Hearing. Kenosha, Wis. A federal inquiry failed to ascertain Wednesday the reason why the steamer Wisconsin sank, but it fixed definitely at six teen, the number of persons who died in the wreck. Because the chief officer went down with the passenger-freight boat Tuesday morning off this port, Fred Men. government inspector at De troit, said he did not think it likely the cause of the disaster could be as certained. Ke did learn" from Harvey Lyon, the pursuer, that there were 75 aboard. Of these, 15 died, 19 were injured and 40 were unhurt. Disposing of testimony affirming the seaworthiness of the boat, the inquiry turned to the work of res Oil-Croesus Buying Bargains Stead ily; Close Exchange Friday, Saturday for Best. New York, Oct. 30. A gigantic concentration of the country's most powerful financial forces, headed by the J. P. Morgan and Rockefeller interests, threw buying support into the securities market Wednesday and brought about one of the most im pressive rallies on record. The action effectively checked the waves of hysterical selling. Prices of scores of issues on the New York stock exchange rallied $5 to 40 a share, with similar recov eries on the New York curb exchange and other leading securities markets, and in the prices of bank stocks and other unlisted securities. New York stock exchange sales to taled 10.727,320 shares. Total curb were 3,809,200 shares. See Crisis Past. Governors of the New York stock exchange, apparently acting on the theory that the stock market crisis had passed and that confidence had been restored, ordered the exchange closed on Friday and Saturday, and elayed Thursday's opening until noon. This action was taken to. give brokerage house employes a much needed rest. THREE OFFICERS SHOT IN AMBUSH Johnson City, Tenn., Oct. 30. Three officers were wounded, one seriously, near here Wednesday af ternoon when their automobile was riddled by bullets fired from ambush. The officers were Sheriff J. B. Worley of Washington county. Sher iff Sam Coin of Unicoin county, and Deputy W. M. Barnett of UniToin county. . , Barnett was shot through the body and physicians here held little hope for his recovery. The other two officers were only slightly wounded. Talk of Pros perity is Called Harmful to All Senator Robinson Comes to Front With Own Theory Regarding Plunge of Prices. Washington President Hoover and other "prophets and high priests of American prosperity" were blam ed Wednesday night by Senator Rob inson, of Arkansas, the democratic leader, for the stock market plunge and for failure to take prompt steps to check it. In a written statement, the demo cratic spokesman said confidence would return and stocks would re cover, but he laid the beginning of the trouble to the "repeated optimis tic statements" of Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover and Serretarv Mellon John D. Rockefeller, sr., patriarch in the reDublican DrosDeritv cam- of American financiers, emerged from naien "If the foundation of the belief of ruined investors was faith in the strong position of American indus- j try," he said, "it is also true that the nrnnhets nnil YA&h nriccte of ! r1 r i i j mmmz We not only gurrantee you highest market prices for your Butter i Jid Eggs but lowest prices on the goods you purchsse from us. Reap a double bene fit by trading us your Farm Produce for merchan dise Drive to our handy unloading platform at rear of our store. Quick service, highest prices! :z f1 K jfcJFVf Eancy Chocolate Covered Cherries AH ' : XsfWi&J L in 1 -pound boxes, extra special fff C 2 1 1 I L G. A., Soft ab- 1 fk 1. scrbent crepe, 3 rolls. JL wl 1 BAKING POWDER l A., per can. 27c I REE! One 25c Air King Monoplane with each Lb. TfVpQ LOYAL EHEAHTA3T in heavy syrup. i iv3k) Two No. 1 size tall cans "for j?JC QftYl A A & H or CCW oiard. OKJUH. Mb. package fcr a retirement of IS years Wednesday to support banking interests to bring order out of chaos in the securities markets. Rockefeller Buying, Mr. Rockefeller issued a statement American prosperity, represented by setting forth that he and his son, no less personalities than a former Til? A ?TTTT DFITT??D Linko brand 7c rand. 41 34-oz. jar jl , cuing. From Capt. Alfred Christo- "C" schools, 136 Class "B" schools n-herson of the Kenosha coast guard and 40 Class "A" schools, or a total came a simply told story of how he of 240 to 250 teams competing in and his men working with fishermen !jQhn D. jr.. have for some days been president of the United States, the the Kegional Tournaments. t rom this group, 32- teams of the strong est calibre should emerge to com pete for State Championship Honors. It is possible under this plan that a team might compete in three tour naments; however, the vast majority of teams will not have over two tournaments of competition. Thi should meet with the approval of school men wh6 have indicated their desire that the number of tourna ments be limited. In designating the large number of District . arid Reg ional Tournaments the Board indi cated that this plan will provide ac- f I1I7 flj Finest quality virgin oil. lLii V jlLs 4-oz. table bottle 23c i More Thorough and Disciplined Teaching Probably Greatest Aid, Educator Declares, Kearney, Oct. 31. American schools need a little in their educa tional systems, said Edgar V. Knigh of the University of South aCroIina during his address before the district teachers' convention here on "The Danger of Fads." "More thoroughness and bet ter standards," he asserted, "is our greatest want." Changes may mean progress, he went on to say, but then again they may not. There are many complaints now that standards have been low cred and the value of discipline de nied. "It seems the fashion, he stated, "to believe now that a thorough and systematic knowl edge of a subject is likely to crush the student's initiative. The word 'obedience' has become unfasionable. The student who rebels against doing anything is commended for his independ ence. . . T "It may be seriously questioned. whether the modern educational doc trine for freedom has not been car ried to a dengorous extreme," he said adding that "probably the greatest heed of American students at thi time is for more thorough and dis ciplined teaching. "The ideals governing educa tion today are reflected in adult life tomorrow. If the ideals in schol lack virility, it is not rea sonable to look for robust ideals outside of school. t "Perhaps modern education needs to have injected into its theory and practice a little iron," he mused in ending. Friday Dr. Knight speaks at the Holdrege division of the teachers' meeting. Chicago, of course, still has a "murderer's row," but a postcard ad dressed to the Cubs will not reach It. Household Goods One Electric Washer; 3 good Pianos (one a player) priced from $50 to $200; 4 Kitchen Cabinets, $7.50 to $20; 5 Kitchen Ranges, $12.50 to 15; 3 Laundry Stoves, $4.50 to $10; 4 Duofolds, $12.50 to $20; one Bed Davenport, $20. Beds, Dressers, Mat tresses, Springs, etc. SEE THESE GOODS AT Ghrist Furniture Co. Telephone 645 and guardsmen at Racine saved persons. Launch Is Imperiled. While a packed hearing room lis tened intently, he explained that twice the launch in which he went to the rescue had been imperilled by the huge waves as first a rope tossed from the Wisconsin and then the underwear of a survivor became en tangled in the propellor. Guided by flarest on the sinking ship after receiving its SOS, the launch drew up alongside the Wiscon sin, he said, but had to move away cessible tournaments to every team Us it nearly was crushed beneath the in the state at a minimum distance I larger ship. , of travel. While there are more I "They threw us a line, and we got tournaments, yet it will reduce the it all right, but the end got in our Hze of each ' individual tournament,- wheel. I hollered to get it away from enabling each local center to better theme, afraid It would spill-the whole accommodate the teams aod.crpw.d outfit. Finally the propellor cut the purchasing sound common stocks and secretary of the treasury and the for- would continue to do so as "there mer secretary of commerce, now prec is nothing in the business situation ident, contributed by unduly and re- to warrant the destruction of values peated optimistic statements to the that has taken place on the exchange creation of enthusiastic, if not f ren- during the past week." zied ventures in stock. Leading New York bankers held Savs Steps Inadecmate. ASPARAGUS tender tips. No. 2 can JC two short informal conferences in the offices of J. P. Morgan & Co again Wednesday,, but apart from a "The good faith of these gentle men may not be impugned except insofar as their zeal is justly attrib- ider, small. 2 cans and- reimburse nnancially to. a greater, extent the . expenses of these ' line but we did not have much power because part o f it was wrapped teams. This plan should eliminate, around the shaft. The boat just about early, the poorer teams, yet provide a means for the stronger .teams to continue competition. It provides also. a fair and just method for the small school to compete for Class "A" honors. Censure of Bingham is With held by Norris got thrown on top of us so we ran away. "I reasoned this way: 'If we go alongside we might pick up a half dozen men and some might drop off while jumping.' I said, 'I guess I'll hang out. If she goes before day light we'll get some. I had judged by the way she rolled she would hold out until morning.' " State Journal. VARIED N0KRIS COMMENT Omaha Announcement by Sen ator Norris of intention to run for renomination as a republican brought professions of support and opposition from members of the republican party in Omaha. Some republicans, who said they did not want their names in print, said this was an opportune time for an outstanding democrat to Eesolution Not Introduced, Pending Conferences of Mutual Friends: May Bring Explanation. Washington, Oct. 31. An over night -truce was in effect tonight win as mutual friends of Senator Eing- District Court Clerk Robert Smith nam iLonn.) and . Norris (Neb. J strong Norris supporter, who orposes sought to bring about an understand- him in the primary or the election ing between the two which would Many shining lights of the repub prevent presentation of the Norris lican party have not always support resolution proposing sensure of Bing- ed the republican ticket nara- Former Congressman Jeffries said Senator Reed (rep., Pa.) voluntar- he was for S. R. McKelvie uy intervened today-when the Ne- "it's a republican row." said Ar braska senator aame into the senate thur F. Mullen, democratic national chamber with his resolution asking committeeman. "Let them settle it." condemnation of Bingham for .his ' 'i'm not for Norris, but I believe relations witn tne Connecticut juanu- . he can lick any candiadte," salcl lacturers' association of the tariff j George W. Pratt. legislation. ... Mayor Dahlman opined that "Nor No Sign of Recession. - Iris will be a "hard man to beat Neither ol the principals would discuss the proposal tonight, pending MICHAELS0N TO DODGE CHARGES runner comerences witn rrienas, out the Nebraskan by withholding his Washington, Oct. 30. Further resolution snowea nis intent to give action will not be taken against Rep make ture any predictions for maha Bee-News. the fu- BAZAAR AND FOOD SALE brief statement expressing approval Utable to the desire for that Partisan of the stock exchange closing. They political advantage which is so often made no official comment on the day's derived from real or fancied business developments. - conditions. Had the democratic party Reports received by bankers indi- been In Dower when the slumo on cated a distinct improvement in the tne stock exchange occurred, the situation, but they again declined to ruinous results would have been charged by republican leaders to the financial policies of the administra tion. Whatever cause may have con tributed to the trouble it must be admitted that neither the president, the secretary of the treasury, (the greatest since Alexander Hamilton,! we are told), nor any other leader or agent of the administration took adeauate steps to prevent the col lapse which they should have known must follow the orgy of speculation stimulated by their utterances: nor were any appropriate steps promptly taken to stay or check the recession when it passed belof the same eco nomic level the level established by the due and proper influences of the capital involved and the earning! power. Talks of Farm Problem. After calling attention to troubles of the agricultural and other indus- A A Q Sifted Early June. Sxeet, IUn i JLi.TiiJ tend STPlT ft HDT U KEBIA brand. Crushed. FilFrLrEi Lars Jbc E Large No. 2y2 size can. 32c QA klJ fOIDQ ICA brand. Lighten UVjm Will iJ worl ork. Large Siz3 pkg. Will --21c i 7, A TTlYrf IRA's snrer-oialiv Vil ft'-ilk R 5 GTP. 7T, ; . sn A-. i. ruLse anywnere. o large boxesfccw jj St. Paul's ' Evangelical Sunday school will hold a bazaar and food sale in The church parlors on Satur day', Nov. 9. Lunch will be served. n4-2twtfd B Fremont Man Finally United with Family Had Tried for 6 Years to Gain Ad- ittance to TJ. S. of Mother and 4 Children. m Where You Wait on Yourself Telephone No. 42 BIS Fremont After striving M. Alired . Michaelson (R.) of Illi nois in connection with charges he brought liquor into the port of Key West, nearly a year ago, it was an- the Connecticut senator an opportun ity to make a statecent of explan ation to the senate. Norris indicated he would prefer not to present the resolution if Senator Bingham would nouueed late Wednesday bv the De- explain. - partment of Justice Uespite the day of conferences, Michaelson was tried and ocauit- there was no Indication that Bing- ted by a federal jury at Jacksonville ham would recede from his position, about six'mcnths ago when his bro- He would sav onlv that out of re- tner-in-iaw, v alter Craram. a Chi snect for his friends In the senate he cago coal dealer, testified he had ar had the matter under consideration. ranged for bringing the liquor into Woric.V.W VUiA .-..tne states in .Micnaeison s trunks. c,.,,. , ' - Gram.m a few weeks ago pleaded Mnn n: rbnit-mnn nf the InHicinrv ""1' A" '-"-"ec "S":auy maue - - rft Incrainet Mlrhaolsnn lw T. I V. 1 .1 i.j Ts 1 I - lJlJKJ He was fined mittee which investigated Bingham . t f r, hinr t.d and which committee, the Connect!- ment cf Justice ofScials say, the case cut senator contended in the senate. was studied. Following Gramm's was "framed aeainst any friend of pIea and sentence, it was decided to the administration." drop the Michaelson matter. It was understood that Norris felt that Bingham should explain to the senate both his ' views over the use of a salaried employe of the Con- neticut Manufacturers' association to help him in writing the tariff bill, and also clarify his statement that Norris had "framed', the lobby com mittee against him: World-Herald. ARTIST SUES THEATEH WEEKLY FOR $100,000 New York, Oct. 3i. Declaring it published a picture and article in which it was stated he wore a beard to "confuse people." Albeit Hirsch- field, artist, has entered a $100,000 James Doyle, one of the employes J variety it was revealed Thi, of the Burlingtonwas at Omaha to- iy' vanely. " as revealed Thurs day where he was called to look af ter some ' work there for a short tide., returning horn this afternoon. day. Phone yenx Joh Printing !To. 6. Prompt service. order to tripe: Pnhincnn enirl t Vi rp tifirt Tippn a for SIX I Afnr(ine.a in t h r niirr-liacinf nmvpr nf ' r ji tt5 - p r eel States, til lilliner, wno came iieie "PnnMniPA will return ami stocks from Poland in January, lyzt, was win recOYer so that their price3 will Wednesday reunited with his wife h. fa, riatinnhin tr nr-tiui and four children, one of whom he Talues These conditions and results, Had never seen. howpvpr. mav bpst. hp nrnmnteri hv LnaDie to understand ingnsn, on- Frank recoenition of the certaintvi tner, upon landing in America, gave thaf nnprvtif.n wil snprsP(1(1 rprk- answer to a question concerning his iessness in business affairs and that Greco-Turkish Situation Said to he Serious stitute the -ultimate aim of An gora's systematic persecutions." Greece Charge Violation of Lan sanne Treaty To Ap peal to Leajrne family which led immigration offi cials to believe he was single. Later when he applied for the right to have his family enter the country he was informed that the records showed him to be a single man and the applica tion denied. He then sought to get a certificate of marriage, but the new Polish government refused to recog nize records made under the old gov ernment. A from this may seem some shinkage in the volume of business transacted for a considerable time." State Journal. HUNT MECHANIC AND CAR Athens The Turoc-Grecian dis pute is assuming a more serious aspect in consequence of the difficult ties the Angora Government is said to be raising against Greek vessels traversing the Dardanelles and the Bosporus by the application of "un justified formalities." The Christian Science Monitor's representative learns from a semi-of5eial source that the Greek Government will shortly apply to the League of Grand Island, Neb. With East St Loufs, 111., officers failing to find his body or automobile, the belief is Stowing mat me buiaae uuie irii uu .. nrntPtin ntminct n n immigration visa was obtained - f "" Iar alleged breach as well as against r. TTnitcH 5tatpa vprnmpnt by paul J- Hartsough, local automo- th seizure r,f r,rfr nrnr,o-t,v.c A. A UA r.v.w - - " I , . , - , , t " V' 1 . V and thru efforts of the Polish coun- "lie aeaier was a noax. which is said to be wholly contrary sul Bittner's marriage record was . -ueanwmie aumonues ait ; ceuiei- to jhe accords existing between the finlW .crtificH Thl hnwpver. d rt '"S "vuSauuu uu d uijcmuus tv,o countries. not end Bittner's difficulties. Money chanic, employed by Hartsougb, and These measures against the Greeks which he sent his family for trans- on a Iost can About two weeks ago are considered to be arbitrary and nortation expenses was lost but was tlttllsouBu yusieu a s,iSn m ms. m- inegai. it is cieciarea. necatice th ir,, ot,h fmmii cpvpra 1 weeks later. mecnanic wanteu, anu, ac- conventions nave .ijstinctly ruled cut s the family concluded preparations coraing 10 ouiceis, xie mreu a biraus- inis mmiv ol estimating tne proper- fnr fVio Innrrsv r,np ftf thp Children I L " 11";' " ! -i" o.-c l"u.:i 1 ' - became ill and further delay resulted. caunt in an" "F",11?? Xl .ii a. liniiici auu iiir ivui l vi finii nrriv0H ir, vr,rk last Fri- " nao a good car, tne man is s-reeue 31 NABBED IN HUNTING DRIVE Lincoln, Nov. 1. Thirty-one addi tional arrests for game law violations which were made during the closing days of the-pheasant season, were re ported Friday by State Warden Frank O'Connell. The season closed Thurs day evening. The 31 hunters arrested paid fines totaling $396 and $113 in damages. Eleven of the arrests were for hunt ing without a permit, seven for shooting after sunset and six for shooting pheasants outside cf those counties in which the season was opened. The others were varied in fractions of the law. IOWA DE JlIOLAYS ELECT OFFICERS - Atlantic. Ia.. Oct. 30. Donald Minor of Atlantic has been elected master councilor of the newly formed district association of De Molays. or ganized recently when representa tives of Red Oak. Creston and At lantic chapters met here. Gerald Rey nolds of Red Oak was named senior councilor and Dale Custer of Creston was elected district junior councilor. Howard Lorenzen was appointed scribe for the district. I ..,..,i i, v. mL.i Itn assure Ki!ih navn-ert -tt- .i atq ,i.0 Vilr1rpn Mar- icvwicu iu i.tx 1 c oaiu, v-uuiu mo . Jfm t! tel Mi,hel eiLht- " amuel $2,000 a week. When a young worn- Thus Greece has deposited in ad- A' L'vpn and Mosko Ber six an employe remonstrated against his vance with the International Flnan- Aron, seven, and Mosko Ber, six, th ff. Mrs Hartsoueh clal Commission C 500.000 for that ctnivHci thru their first dav in an presence in tne onice, urs. riartsougn ....... ! V. 1 CTA Tniirnll I resort to reprisals. LONG FLIGHT IS PROPOSED ! discharged Vtpp linchanrl Hut thrit nicrht a new , ' - " - i r. .i:,..- t. Velie rnr disa Tinea rerl tnether with U,CT" ienv- i.,-i:uf mui ap L, , .. ' . , reprisals as an international illegal Stockholm An airplane Dignt n.o ti.,i rt latL '""" lu prcvciu - . . I ItlUlU lu ioiniiii, uiu "J- ,. ,., , . ; ,I 1, J ; .. . I V, -r,rl from Swpflen PY .1. i. i humuuh.- U) llll- u.ui.u i. vv ' ' - - i mh IliPLL Ul Lilt: Ldl - I; . ... . l . . . . . way of Siberia. Kamchatka. Alaska Tal hank(.rs Ml(1 it wolll(1 take ""' . "A"" ,u l"e -v. .. v... a-o,l. Z . :. . . . ol me .ear r.uii. anu-ew iofms pwutu "-" " , . I months to unravel all the entangled Tt u renorted that the te-ct r.f tin fnh 4 TA- n-lnn IJ i-t Tt" t I T fTi n Ci fl III f ' . . . . I ' " " -"uV1' wu,6",.!' "a,":r ,J 7 Z1 Claims, mru mortgages ana otner letter to the League is bt in? prepared t n o nvmcr on nnoi i r i n hii. i n lu.. i i a z. t r-.,,i .n rv v a i. . ..... . bankers have recovered some of their sidered probable that in conse-iuence cars, but are minus six of them southern Tirovince of Scania. Count Hamilton is a descendant of Scottish noblemen who settled in Sweden sev eral centuries ago. The Swedish, army flier, Goesta An- dree, has arrived at Cape Town, South Africa, on his flight from Stockholm. Andree. flying a Brit ish' plane, hopped off from the Swed ish capital on Sept. 19. and stopped t oCnenhagen. Berlin, Cairo, Knart- tum, Victoria, Nyanza and Living stone. After overhauliug his macmue he will return to Stockholm by th same route. PLATE SUPPER AND PROGRAM Plate supper and program given at of this application, (he Lengue will take over the solution of the Creo- Turkish dispute in its entirety ns it did in the Grcco-Bulgar incident. The parers report new and grave District 42, Tuesday, Nov. 5th. Ev- seizures of Greek estates in Constan eryone cordially invited to come. ELIZABETH NOLTING, -daw Teacher. tmopie, ccnsiderinrr them an open VioMtion ot the Laur-anne treaty, and urge the quick remedjltip of the situation, a continuation of which, they say, will inevitably bring about fVie u-ciT.-iinin if not cnra tug. icli your iaw-er you wonw ion, of the last veti;e of Greek le- Iike your brief prxuted at home. ment in Turkey, which is said to con The Journal does Law Brief print- Mauley" News Items REGISTERED RED POLLED BULL I have a good registered Red Poll ed bull for sale and a good one ARNOLD SCIILEIKKUT. Manley, Neb. Cream Station I have taken ever the Cream Station cf the Omaha CoH oicrairc Co.. and am located at my home in Manley across from the Blacksmith shop. Highest prices paid for Cream. Produce and Esss. Most cour teous treatment to all. Anton Auersvald Manley, Neb. J