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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1929)
la to Mien VOL. NO. XLV PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOV. 7, 1929. NO. 80 Officers Pick Up 'Ax Man Out in the County Man Held in Jail Here Several Days Will Now Be Sent to Walla Walla, Wishington From Monday's D&:iy Last night Deputy Sheriff Rex Young and Officer Dave Pickrel were called out to the vicinity of the Taylor school house on the Louis ville road where a stranger was re ported as prowling around the school and in the nearby fields and which caused some apprehension from the residents of that locality. On the arrival- of the deputy and the police officer at the scene, the man was seen near the school and the officers alighting threw the rays of their flashlight on the man and discovered that he was Bob Strick- ler, who was in jail here several days last week under investigation and was later released as no charge was preferred against him. Since the time that the man was released word has beeti received from Walla Walla, Washington, that the man is wanted there and accordingly the officers were very much pleased . . , , . . , 1,1"' t. CUVCl kttiilCU tUC iu :c iiiiii, uui iuc iJicitsuie was an the officers as Mr. Strickler did not demonstrate any degree of joy over the reunion Deputy Sheriff Young informed Strickler that he would have to re turn to Plattsmouth and be placed in jail, taking the bundle that Strick ler was carrying and placing it in the car, and inviting the man to get fnr thp hhp As Mr Vnn n p- st nrt fd . . to get in the car, Strickler leaped out and started to run along the road to the school house where Tie raced around the building but Mr. Young was able to keep him in the rays oi me nasn ligui anu noi kuu- ing the lay of the land very well, Strickler was soon stopped by a three wire Itnte aim tuc ucuij a.o him before he could get away Strickler, it will be remembered was picked up here a week ago by Officers Pickrel and Hadraba near the Ford garage and held in the city Jail for some time until he was dis- n- , m -n It . . . covered by Chief of Police Libershal with an ax concealed In his cell and I was then sent to the county jail for sare Keeping. Since being released from jail here i Strickler has secured somewhere a new soiaiers unnurm uuu un.u "c wa3 wearing when gathered in. 1 Strickler will be held here tor tne Washington authorities and further information as to what crime he is wanted for. INVITED TO BANQUET TJlattomnnth American Legion POSl members have been invited to attend the annual Armistice banquet of Om- aha post No. 1. to be held at tne Rome hotel in Omaha. Each year it rtm.nna nnat to have as their guest at the Armistice ban- quet the newly elected national com- mander and this year will De no ex- rmtion. In fact, they will have as honor guests both the national com- manaer of the Legion ant tne nation- al presitent of the American Legion Auxiliary. Due to the fact tnai me nation commander must be back in "Washington on Armistice day, the banquet will be held on Saturday evening of this week. November 9th, and immediately after his speech, the national commander will leave via airplane for Minneapolis, where he has an engagement Sunday, flying from there on east for appearance on Monday. Both Legion members and their wives may attend this banquet, the price per plate being $1.25. The hour of serving is 6:15. at the Rome hotel. W. T. Distell has been appointed chairman of the local post committee to check up on the number of Platts mouth Legionnaires who expect to attend, so that reservation can be made in advance, and is desirious that all those who plan on going let him know not later than Wednesday n'ght. For those who have no cars of their own, free transportation will bo provided thru courtesy of the more fortunate comrades. At least ten or twelve from here are expected to at tend the banquet. HAS BAD RECORD Sheriff Bert Reed has received from the office of State Sheriff W. C. Condit a copy of the criminal record of Bob Strickler, who was arraigned near this city on Sunday night. The man has a record that covers two type written pages and covers a large list of crimes of various kinds, largely burglarly and breaking and entering and also It has developed that he has spent the greater part of his lifetime In penitentaries over the country and especially on the Pacific coast. Strickler It seems is somewhat of a slicker in getting away as he has escaped several times from officers while en route to prison and was able to escape while going to the Washington penitentiary for a 1 to 15 year sentence, but was later captured His latest escapade was at Basin. Wyoming, where he escaped. The state sheriff and officers at Basin sf7ieJ,n8trUctfd Sherlff Reed to hold till IV' UwU1. offlcere can arrive to take him back to the west FUNERAL OF MRS. SCHMADER From Monday's Dally The funeral services of the late Mrs. Katherine Schmader were held bunaay morning at the St. John's Catholic church in this city and with tne interment at the Catholic ceme tery. There was a very large number Present at th Cprvicca arwl r ro their last tribute of love and respect to tnis estimable lady who had spent so many years of her lifetime in this community. The mass of the church was celebrated bv Father Genre- Agius, pastor of the church. The floral tributes at the grave silently at tested the deep feeling of esteem in which Mrs. Schmader had been held in the community. Platts Athletics Hand Defeat to Fontenelle Club locals Win Game on Brilliant Play by Spangler in the Opening Quarter of Game From Monday's Dally Tne T1 a t amrit V A fVili.Irt fll.t, , t.rH aft .t-ttA ronieneue Ainieuc ciud or Omaha on the local park in the favorite fall I i: , uulua"' lin ine resuu mat the local team annexed a 7 to 0 vie- lory. rrt . me visitors naa a very Clever team and made good a great deal of their aerial attacks as well as off tackle plays advancing in the third miartor tn tho vtrnlv rf a. T1ott ? V," v" . mQuin goal dui tney were unaDle to penetrate the local line and were forced to surrender the ball on downs. The locals had a very effective line anH nn tno Hunoltro tlia urnrlr of the Athletics was particularly ef- f.-ti inoa Mr7 onioiiv nn. ticeaDie for nis tackling and which Sprvort tn rSprV mmv nf the nlavs I OI tne Visitors. The first and only scoring of the gace came in iae nrsi quarter wneii I the Fontenelle's had brought the ball on a series or end runs and short I JXiOOTTO LU t.UC X laOlllUULU Lllll t.J I yard line Homer Spangler, who ,. j -- i,c r I Lincoln as a miier, showed his goods to the best advantage at this stage - f. nmo n no waa the hall ld sweeping ar0und the ' Platts- mouth end he was headed Into the pneT,v countrv and was able to I nake off the 8eCondary defense and with the field clear raced seventy vards for a touchdown for Platts- mouth. i The extra point for Plattsmouth wn mart whpn the nass from Sed-lln lacek to Koubek back of the line was I -nnri and left the tallv. Plattsmouth 7, Fontenelle, 0, which it remained f0r the rest of the game. The cool northern breezes ana tne threatening clouds served to hold rinwn th attendance from the game which was one of the best played here and in which both teams showed up very eu. START T0WAED PLATTSMOUTH rrom Monday Dally ..... I i Zv Tnv' the rainy season of Monday. Tuesday. and Wednesday of last week, and the work of getting their unloading sta tion moved and set up at Mynard, the paving crew working south of Plattsmouth began , work this morn ing at the corner two miles north of Murray crossroads and will spend the next two weeks or more bringing the concrete ribbon in this direction. When they get up to the Spangler farm, the mixer will be brought to the end of the pavement on Chicago avenue, and the final stages of clos ing In the mile and a half Btretch be undertaken, with hopes of com pleting the work by December 1st, if Old Man Winter himself doesn't ap pear on the scene and call a halt to all paving activity until Spring. The Iowa gangs are hurrying up the work on various projects, the Sid ney to Shenandoah road being; about completed, while on U. S. 75. which Is being paved between Onawa and Missouri Valley this year, only a short distance on the Missouri Val ley end remains to complete this all paved route between Council Bluffs and Sioux City. The greater part of this 40 mile stretch, completed earlier In the sea son is now open to traffic and only a short detour north of Missouri Val ley is now necessary, where formerly traffic was directed on east to Dun lap on the Lincoln highway, doubling back to Onawa over a traveled state road. SHOWING IMPROVEMENT Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Todd of Long Beach. California, report that their son, Albert, has. practically recov ered from an attack of diabetes, and that he is now attending the Long Beach school. Mr. and Mrs. Todd have for several years made Long Beach their winter home and are always glad to return to their old home. ' Mr. Todd says he enjoys the win ters of Southern California, but that he has not gone- back on good old Nebraska. Young People are Joined in Marriage Today j ss Anna Marie Sievers and Mr. William Wamhaff of Cody, Wyoming, Married From Tuesday's Danr This morning at 11 o'clock at the ei. raui s .evangelical church oc- curred the marriage of one of the popular young ladies of this city. Miss Anna Marie Sievers to Mr. Wil liam Wamhoff of Cody, Wyoming. The wedding was very quiet and bride and a few of the intimate friends of the contracting parties. The marriage lines were read by the Rev. O. G. Wichmann, pastor of the church and the beautiful ring service was used in the uniting of the lives of the two estimable young people. The bride and groom were at tended by Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Delaney of York, Nebraska, as best man and matron of honor. The bride and Mrs. Delaney were gowned in dark velvet, the bride I u'oarincr a trnu' rt rt f tfia V.-wti val. I t trirvmd it tOT, -a- I " k...-v - t lit mil VJ i V coiiar ana cuns wun Drimants as or- naments, wearing a picture hat of 6 corpse oi the Bride roses. Mrs. Delaney also tt tuisage oi roses. I TT 11 An.i l .11 i j i ruiiuwiiig iue weuuing me uriuai party returned to the home of the bride's parents where a very delic- lous wedding luncheon was served, I Miss f:lara Wlrlrman. Mlsn Anna KT" ."" 7 "Tl ,, " , oeyuiore ui iom ana airs, ineoaore Starkjohn serving. I Mr. and yrs. Wamhoff departed I by auto immediately after the wed- ding luncheon for the east where thV Will enloV & honevmOOn Clf sev- eral months before returning U the west where thev will make their home on the ranch of the groom near COdV. WVOIlline. in tfie tUtUre. "c u,luc U1 lut pllshed and popular young ladies of vuiuuiuuh; nut one c3 u and brougnt up and nas received ner euucauuii in me local scnoois anu - O Mrs. Han Siever. old residents here, She has In the nast few vears been engaged in the service of the Lin- coin Telephone & Telegraph Co.. in their exchanges at Plattsmouth. David City and York, serving as cnier operator at tne various points and was a most efficient worker and one held in the highest esteem and affection by all who knew her. me groom is one oi tne leading young ranenmen oi near uoay ana has been very successful in his work the ranching business and is a young man that possesses the highest oi inuse who nae me picas- ure 01 Knowing nun. ine many inenus uere join in ex- lenums iu "'f; muon ineir dcbi wisnea ior a. me 01 nap- piness ana success tnai tne so weuiig. waa annriseri of hla wife's de-tth deserve. DEATH OF MRS. MAUER The death of Mrs. Rosana Maurer. 66; for many years a resident of Plattsmouth, occurred on Sunday mAFnin cr at "h rm a 1 A K Li. T I street. South Omaha, where for the I five years she has made her j home, Mrs. Mauer has not been In the best of health following the death of her husband. John Maurer, Sr., several years ago and which was followed In a very few weeks by the death of the eldest Bon, Edward. The news of the passing of Mrs. Maurer will bring a great regret to the many old time friends in this community where Mr. and Mrs. Maurer were numbered among the industrious and highly esteemed residents for a great many years and made their home In the south portion of the city. The deceased lady is survived by two sons. John W. Maurer of Sum- merville, Kansas, and Eugene Maur- er of Omaha and two daughters, Mrs. I Magdalina King of Fremont and Mrs. I Charlotte Stevens of Omaha. There I are also eight grandchildren survlv- ing the passing of this good woman, BURIED AT HARVARD The body of the late George Hut ton, Sr., was taken Sunday to Har- vo i-f? MAhraaVa wnere If tiroa lalrt to the last long rest in the cemetery there and where the wife was buried. There was no service held here but the services held at the old home where a large group of the old friends were present to Join in the tribute 'to the departed. The body I was accompanied from this city by George Hutton, a son. and at Har- yard the other children met the funeral party. TAKEN TO NEBRASKA CITY From Monday's Dally Sheriff Carl Ryder of Otoe county! came up yesterday from Nebraska I City to secure J. C. Wheeler who! was caiten in custody Dy tne ponce nere baiuraay nignt on the telephone Instruction of Mr. Ryder. WTieeler. I it waa stated, was wanted In Otoe county on a oaa cnecK cnarge ana warrant ior nis arrest as sworn out Dy county Attorney ueorge 11. 1 ieine 01 utoe county. I RETURNS FROM ST. JOSEPH Mrs. G. O. Schwenneker of this city returned home Sunday from St josepn, .Missouri, wnere sne was called the last part of the week by the illness and death of a sister, Mrs W. T. Clary, who passed away on Thursday while Mrs. Schwenneker was en route to tier bedside. Remain ing over for the funeral services. While at St. Joseph, Mrs. Schwen neker met a number of the old time friends and associates of her girl- I noo aays and wtuie tne mission was one OI 6rrow 11 was un occasion that gave Airs. acnwenntKer tne oppor tunity of seeing so . many of the friends of years ago. ' The school friends are now well advanced" in years and the reunion of the old 5riend3 was one lhat a11 appreciated Louisville Bridge Company Incorporated Capital Stock of the Company Is Set at $175,000 by the Incor p orators in Filing Thi mr.rninr in tho r-, ty clerk George R. Sayles the incor- poration papers of the Louisville Bridge Co., were filed, the same to h r,mrHpH t thp nflW f the I . v. I The nnmnanv iriirci as ita hticfnoc th f nr,ir0 Qt t n:,Uo Nebraska. the operation of the same and the collectioa of tolla on tne . ... ... siruciure untn it is made a free structure. The capital stock of the company as named in the articles of Incorpora tion at $175,000 made in shares of $100 each. The incorporators of the company are E. G. Pautsch, L.. J. Mayfield. H. A. Schneider. R. H. Hastain. E. H. Worthman and F. H. Nichols, all of the incorporators being residents nf Tnlavillo with 'the OTPentinn of ,r cVnil,H t . Mrs. Peter Van Fleet Dies at Lincoln Home Former Resident Here and Wife of One of the Early Methodist Ministers of the Church Mrs. Peter Van Fleet, seventy- three, wife of the vetpran Nehraska minister, died In T.innnln Mnndav mnrnini? after an Illness nf nhnnt tWo months. Rev. Mr Van Fleet, recovering in a Lincoln hospital from injuries received in an auto accident Sept Monday evening. Altho knowledge of the loss was a severe shock at first, his physical condition appar ently was not affected, according to his physicians. The news had been withheld from Rev. Mr. Van Fleet during the day at the request of rol nf xrca He is eighty-one years old 1 Mrs. Van Fleet had lived in Lin- coin about fifteen years. Her hus- band was first pastor of Normal Methodist church here and later of St. James Methodist. He was at one time financial secretary of Ne- braska Wesleyan and for a number of years has been a member of the board of trustees of the school. Rev. Mr. Van Fleet resigned as pastor of St. James church' about a year ago. In the past few years he and Mrs. Van Fleet had traveled extensively in the United States, Canada and Mexico. They came to Lincoln after a long service to the church in southeast Nebraska. Rev. Mr. Van Fleet held charges at Hebron. Falrbury, Seward, Table Rock, Auburn, Peru. Platts- mouth, Nebraska City and Elmwood. They called Table Rock their home before coming to Lincoln. They made their home at 5243 Leighton avenue, Lincoln The friends of the Van Fleet fam ily in this county will regret to learn of the sorrow that has come to the family circle, as Rev. and Mrs. Van Fleet made a host of friends in Pastorate in Plattsmouth and Elmwood. ENTERTAINS FOR GUEST From Tuesday's EaJlr Last evening the Chotsie club wre entertained at Bingo and danc- hnS at the home of Miss Carlyne Thomas in honor of her cousin. Miss 1 nomas 01 luriocR, camornia. The home was very handsomely arranged. In the decorations of pink and yellow chrysanthemums while the color scheme was carried out also in the refreshments served. In the course of the play first prize was awarded to Miss Marie Lutz, with the guest prize to Miss Carol Thomas, guest of honor, and the consolation to Miss Patricia Ferrie. Those who enjoyed the pleasant event were Ruth. Rose and Patricia Ferrie. Ellen Nora Meisineer. Marie Meisineer. Mildred Jahrisr. Marie Lutz, Kathryn Hirz. Marie Vallery, Lola Dow, Carlyne and Carol Thomas. Woman's Club Holds Most Inter esting Meeting J Ladies Civic Organization Gathers at the Home of Mrs. J. E. Wiles Have Fine Debate From Tuesday's Da!l Plattsmouth Woman's Club held a very interesting and well attended meeting last evening at the home of Mrs. J. E. Wilts. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. E. H. Wescott, president, and very encouraging re ports of the various departments and their work was given. The Club at present has a membership of 77 and the membership committee are still very active and new members are be ing enrolled continually. The dues of the club are $1.50 per year and every women in Plattsmouth is in vited to become a member Mrs. Mullen, Chairman of Finance Committee, announced the play which will be sponsored by the club entitled "Sixty Miles an Hour" and this will be given on the evenings of Dec. 19th and 20th. Mrs. Turpin, Chairman of Year Book, presented the Year Books to the club. These are very interesting and show much work and thought on j tests In which 91 young Nebraskans Bergman, Frank Bergman of Man the part of this committee, composed I are taking part during the Diamond ley, Joseph- and Anna Martis of of Mrs. L. L. Turpin, Mrs. W. G. Kieck and Mrs. R. E. Bailey. Very interesting reports of the State convention recently held at Norfolk were given by the delegates Mrs. J. E. Wiles and Mrs. L. L. Tur pin, who with Mrs. E. H. wescott, represented the local club very ably at this meeting. The delegates gave some interest ing information gained from the var ious speakers at the convention. There are 341 vlubs in the state with a membership of 15,600 and the re ceipts for the year totaled over $11.- nnn it' i. a i the opening program of the conven- tion, which was very unique, insplr ing and beautiful. She portrayed by pageant the three different parts of the work of Woman's Clubs the General Federation, the State Feder- ation and the District Federation. There Were some 400 delegates in at- tendance and some 174 clubs re- ported. Mrs. Nuqist was elected President, Mrs. Whitfield, vice-president. Mrs. Thompson, secretary and Mrs. Gal braith treasurer of the State work for the year. The state club work is very much interested at present in the foundation which is a plan to provide funds for General Federation work. v The Library Dept. of the club work , brought out the fact that 90 per cent of all libraries were started by club women. The Convention went on record , v as favoring the ban on fire works and the elimination of bill boards over the country. The program of the evening was in the nature of a debate on the question "Shall We Disarm" the af firmative being taken by Mrs. Wm. Woolcott and the negative Mrs. D. O. Dwyer. These ladies were very fine and held the clubs undivided in terest while they discussed the pros and cons of the question. The evening closed with serving of delicious refreshments by the hos tess, assisted by Mrs. M. E. Brant- ner, Mrs. Mildred Lloyd, Mrs. Carl Ofe and Mrs. John Griffin The next meeting of the club will be on Monday Nov. 18th at the home of Mrs. George Farley. DEATH OF J. T. LISTON The death of Joseph T. Llston, for many years station agent at Platts mouth for the Missouri Pacific, oc curred on Monday afternoon at the home in Lincoln where he has for many months been in a very critical condition, having suffered a paralytic stroke over a year ago and since which time he has been gradually failing. Mr. Llston was retired from the active service of the railroad as one of the veteran employes and since leaving this city has made his home at Lincoln. The deceased was a member of one of the well known families of Elm wod and it is in the old home com munity that he will be laid to rest, the funeral occuring on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 at the Methodist church at Elmwood with the services by the Rev. Victor -West, an old time friend of the family officiating. Mr. Llston is survived , by the wi dow, Mrs. Hattie Liston and three daughters, two of whom reside at Lincoln while Miss Gladys Liston is located in Georgia where she is en gaged in teaching. VERY CRITICALLY ILL ' From Tuesday" Dally The many old time friends of the J. V. Weckbach family, old time residents of this community, will re gret very much to learn that Miss Lydia Weckbach, Is in verv critical condition at the St. Elizabeth's hos pital at Lincoln where she was operated on Monday morning. ' Miss Weckbach has been quite poorly for some time and her case became so severe that an operation was neces sary and she has not rallied as had been hoped from the ordeal and her condition is most serious. MAINTAIN LARGE GANGS The low -Nebraska Light & Power Co., are having a large gang of men operating out of this city in,the past week as the work of placing new poles and changing over lines is be- ing carried on along the lines in this locality. The company is working on the building of a new high tension line from this city to Nebraska City and which when completed will make i this one of the important trunk lines of the light and power company. The Iowa-Nebraska company is one of the leading organizations of the west and has given the residents of southeastern Nebraska, western Iowa and northern Missouri the very best of service in the years that have j followed their taking over the util- ity lines in this section. Cass County Entrants Still in State Contest Vilas bneiaon, Jr., ana Jbiorenoe bno- gren, Win in First Round of Citizenship Contest. The first round in the good citizen j Jubilee celebration has been finished. Intelligence and personality tests' were given at Central High school at! J Omaha, to the entrants. The-following contestants success - fully passed these tests. Charles Auld. Red Cloud; Reynold Beck, Franklin; Earl Bragg, Elwood; Elmer Chederquiest. Hartlngton; George Flora, Sidney; Robert Frisch, Tecumseh; Bernard Fuhr, Spencer. Wilbur Johnson, Norfolk; Kenneth M. Joyce, Imperial; George E. Moore, YAnsiae;TI Albert' Moorman Ord; I Milton Nielsen. Trenton: Earl Rok- ers, Central City; Vilas P. Sheldon, jr., Nehawka. Cecil Stanley, Havelock; Laurence Taylor, Stapleton; Caleb C. WTorth - Ing. Kearney; Nine Berger and Glen- dene Berry, Trenton; Ruth Bozell, Fullerton; Marguerite Dobesh, Brok - en Bow. Marie Duffy, Petersburg; Dorla Elliott, Rosalie; Vera Freese, Ruth- ville; Cora Mae Gatch, Melbeta; Ruth Keyes, O'Neill; Ruth-Mitchell, I Holdrege; Margaret Meyer. West Point; Marian E. Nelson, Blair; Max- Ine Packwood, Riverton. Arda Salley, Crofton; Helen Sel- over, Kimball; Florence Shogren, Louisville; Frances J. Stevenson. Thedford; Florence Tousignant, Mad- ison. This group underwent physical and health tests Tuesday afternoon. Throueh a series of intelligence . . and personality tests during Tuesday and Wednesday the four best of the group will be chosen and presented with medals at the City auditorium at Omaha Thursday. The tests were e-lven hv T)r n L?.J?V'5Z.?I; mC """"' Nebraska. W1 1.111 A. A. 1. - - ine intelligence iesi was me same given the Edison aspirants and the and Mrg weaver their deepest svm personallty test is designed to eva- pathy in the bereavement that has luate traits of the individual: iCome to them in the death of the MAKING IMPROVEMENTS The Anheuser-Busch building at Knurl h and Main afreets 1 heincr given some attention in the way of j The announcement has been re exterior decorations that fill make'eeived here of the death at Lincoln it one of the attractive buildings in - Sunday of Mrs. Earl Ballance, daugh the city. The building is of red ter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bal brick and white stone facings and ' lance, for a number of years resi trimmings and as the main portion j dents of Plattsmouth. The deceased of the building was painted not so ( lady is survived by the husband and long ago the facings are now being two small children. The funeral touched up and John C. Brittain is j services will be held on Tuesday af engaged in the work. "Jack" as Mr. j ternoon at the late home with the Brittain Is best known, is an expert ; Interment at the Wyuka cemetery, at being able to handle these dif-! Mrs. Martha Peterson and Mr. and ficult painting jobs that require a j great deal of aerial work and has no difficulty in scaling a ladder to a good height or being suspended on a swinging platform to paint away as unconcernedly as though he was setting firmly on the old earth. HOLD ARMISTICE DAY PROGRAM From Tuesday's Dally The Plattsmouth club of the In- ternatlonal Rotary at their weekly luncheon today took note of the ap- . p roach of Armistice day with a short program along the line of the observ- ing of the ending of war and interna - tional peace and good will. Repre- sentlng .the service men. Frank H. Smith gave a iew remarks on the Armistice observance and the world peace.. The club also had present two high school representatives who are to serve as members for the month of November in the Rotary, they be ing Frank Schackeis and Jack Troop. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend to the friends and neighbors the expression of our appreciation of their many acta of klndnes during the long illness of our loved wife and mother, also we wish to thank those taking part in the last services and all who sent the beautiful floral offerings of remem- brance from this city and other ' points. These kindnesses will lone be pleasantly remembered. Joseph . schmader and Family. - Cass County People Sue for 528,000 Damage I ' ! ! Manley and Plattsmouth People Are Plaintiffs in Suit Filed in Ne braska City Tuesday One of the largest damage suits growing out of an automobile acci- dent ever filed in Otoe county has een fi,ed in the district court of loe county for adjudication. The sum asked for is $28,736.20 The suit, in fact, consists of five actions brought by five separate per sons against Vernon Brown, as agent, and Ted Holmberg, a princi pal. It is the outgrowth of an ac cident on U. S.-75 last July 22. when a car driven by Brown, Nebraska JCity motor car dealer, crashed into jone driven by John Bergman, Cass county man. I The petitions are almost identical (except for paragraphs alleging sep- jarate injuries and causes of action. ana eacn avers inai urown. driving I tt o r ,. t ii t south on U. S.-75, struck the Berg man car at a point about one mile south of the north line of Otoe coun ty, demolishing it and injuring the occupants, John Bergman, Mrs. Anna Plattsmouth. Mrs. Anna Martis sues for $15.- 000, alleging serious physical hurts: Mrs. Anna Bergman sues for $5.- i 000; Joseph Martis. $5,090.45; John (Bergman, $3,130.75, ani Frank Bergman. $515 Plaintiffs allege that Brown, an active agent for Holmberg, was driv ing at an excessive and unlawful rate of speed; that he had passed one car at the summit of a hill and was attempting to pass another when the accident occurred; that he was driving a car without lawful license Ttlntaa Qnd ti?it Vila it V a A fmtltv Crnt' ' j Rrnwn had been In Omaha, he Ralrl nftr th af.riflpnt. with a car .owned b,. Paui Kelloee. Percival. iQwa. On his return with the same car he collided with the Bergman : machine. 1 Mr. Holmberg says his employe, Brown, vai covered by public 11a- bility Insurance and the insurance company will defend the suit. , RECEIVES SAD NEWS The message was received here Saturday afternoon of the death of Mrs. Thomas Wright, mother of Mrs. George B. Weaver of Mynard, which occurred Saturday at the family home in South Dakota and where Mrs. Weaver has been for the past week. airs, w rignt, wno is in ner eighty-fifth year, had recovered some- 1 . . V 111., rt "" "CI "'ol " able to be up and around some but on Thursday she well and suffered Je hf1racchfnJau ? advl .!5e - T"0,,?' cu sible and she gradually grew worse until death came to her relief The many friends in this section nf th ,.mlntv will extend to Hev. loved mother. DIES AT LINCOLN mmm Mnnilo'i Tt rrw Mrs. John E. Schutz, old time friends of the family will attend the last services at Lincoln. FUNERAL OF MRS. MAURER From Wednesday's Daily The funeral services of the late Mrs. Rosana Maurer, former - resi- dent of this city, was held Tuesday afternoon at the Korisko-Brewer chapel at Omaha, the Rev. H. L. Humphrey, officiating. The body brought by auto from Omaha to this city and the interment made at the Joak Hill cemetery were the husband land the two sons are buried. A j number of the old time friends were jat the cemetery to join the family who had for so many years made this city her home. TO UNDERGO EXAMINATION From Tuesday's Daily This morning Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burrows departed for Omaha where they go to have Mrs. Burrows under go an examination there by special ists as she has not been in the best jof health for some time and it is I hoped that the causes of her trouble 'can be determined and she be given ' relief from her suffering, i VjyT .nfmTnTnff nnniinii . . , . corative material, favors, etc. The Bates Book and Gift Shop carries the entire Denmson line.