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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1920)
K03CAY, JTLT 12, 1920. ALVO DEPARTMENT t Uncle Geo. Skiles was in town Tuesday. Charles Foreman celebrated the 4th in Omaha. Perry Cook has recently purchased a new Wallace tractor. Ed Stroemer went to Omaha Mon day evening: on business. Ike Hollenbeck is entertaining a brother and wife from Kansas: Mrs. Chas. Rosenow and son Verl, were In Lincoln Saturday forenoon. II. Moore and little Miss Rosalie Johnson, were in Lincoln Thursuay ' morning. Ed Stroemer, Phillip Linen and Alfred Stroemer were in Lincoln on business Thursday. Coalman Hardware Company, Alvo, Nebraska AtThis Season We "Sell the Most . I AST YEAR we had mJ that experience, and the year before, and so cn back. People are out-of-doors more-at their work, giving their autos exercise and indulging in other out-' door "sport. . ' ' Common sense says that a high priced delicate watch had better be at home on such occasions, and that an Ingersoll on active duty. . We're ready with a compleJ line of Ingersolls from tiife $2.5 J Yankee up to the 7-jewtl Re- liance in a gold-filled case ut $11.50. Of course we have the RaJiolites that tell time in tlio dxrk. mm m The Bahb'of S We believe we can render any service to our cus tomers than can be rendered by a country bank. We are always ready to make good farm loans for long terms at reasonable rates. Our officers are well pre pared to. advise on problems of farm finance, manage ment, accounting and on the legal matters with which a farmer must now deal. Deposits in This Bank are Protected by the Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska The Farmers and Merchants Bank, ALVO, NEBRASKA S. f. noVI.RS. Pre. HALE X. nOVLES, Cnnhier FLORA R. OAXZ, At. A. M. IIOYI.ES, Vice-Prim. - CARL I). G AXZ, Vlee-Prea. The Alvo National Farm Loan Association S. C. BOTLES, 1'rtFldPnt IfALE S. BOYLES, Sec'y-Treas. ItoYI.ES A r.lZ, Allornr).at-l.anr Buying Grain Farming only pays when the man who manages the farm receives at least one half of the net income from the farm. . Grain and stock should be bought by individual buyers who take an interest in keeping posted on the market. Co-operative associations will never be a success until they sell at least one-half their stock to their managers. Bring your Grain and Stock to us. Thirty-six years' experience on "market conditions' and "grading up" grain. Free to our customers.- . iitariay Grain and Lumber , J. H. Foreman, Jr., and wife of Omaha spent the 4th with his par ents. , P. D. Van Cleave of Lodi, spent a few days last week with G, P. Foreman. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Boyleg of Lin coln visited relatives here the lat ter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray King and daugh ter of Lincoln, visited Sunday with II. Moore and family. ' M. C. -Reefer and son Don, return ed from Litchfield, where they spent a week on Mr. Reefer's farm. . Miss Opal Cook who is attending the Nebraska Chiropractic oollege in Lincoln, spent Sunday with the home folks. Mrs. Hattie Strain and daughter Fern of Bethany, visited several ! days with their aunt, Mrs. D. A. Vincent.1 ! Miss Belle Sutherland of Lincoln and Messrs. John Inks and Floyd Pedist of Shelby, spent the 4th" with Miss Lois Reefer. Mrs Cecil Phillips and daughter of University Place, visited the. for mer's daughter, Mrs. Iola Rennedy a few days recently. Homer Cook,' Walter .Vincent, Verl Rosenow, Wesley Bird, Clifford Stroemer and' Carl -Rosenow, spent the 4th at Capital Beach. Dr. M. A. Lauermone, Miss Virgin ia Robbing and II. Leheigh of Lin coln, wree dinner guests at the Perry Cook heme Sunday evening. A. J. Brotst and family drove to ( Bradshaw, Sunday where they visit ed relatives and spent the 4th. They j returned home Monday evening. J Elmer Ingwerson and sisters, the Misses May and Elma, and brother . Clayton, drove up last week from ' their home near Pawnee City, spend- i ins "the 4th with friends here. Grandma Rosenow and son August Rcccnow and family of Elmwood, and sou Dan Rosenow of -Omaha, were dinner guests Sunday evening st- the home of the formers son, Chas. Rosenow. Mr. and Mrs. Lauritsen and child- ren ana tneir guests mt. ana airs. , Georee P. Jepsen and children, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. George Blessing at Elmwood Monday. The three fomi-, lies were formerly resiaents oi nus kin. Neb. Mrs. Sally Wellsleiger and sons of Hannibal.. Mo., visited Grandma Uptegrove and other relatives here last week, returning home Saturday, accompanied by Grandma Uptegrove. who will make an extended visit with relatives. Mrs. Hattie Rear entertained at dinner Sunday a week ago. Mr. and Mrs. H. Moore and daughter.. Miss Blanche. Mrs. Jessie Johnson and daughter Luella. and son Cecil, or 1 Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Sanborn j of Clay Center, Kansas. I A birthday dinner -was given for 4 M.iss Irene 'Friend," Sundar. June 16. at her home In honor or ner u birthday. Just before dinner her uncle. John Skinner, took them au to riding. The evening, was de lightfully spent at the Frank Cook 99 OrVIGQ and Stock! Alvo Nebraska V s home. There were eight guests present. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sllger and children and Miss Golda Bird, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sliger, and Mrs. Sli der's sister, Miss Margaret Henn of Northboro, la., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Skinner and children and nephew Carl Rosenow, autoed to Lincoln Monday enjoying a picnic supper at Antelope park and later taking in the sights at Capital Beach. . Mr. and Mrs. George P. Jepsen and children pf Cedar Falls, la., visited a few days with their old friends. Mr. and Mrs1. L. Lauritsen and child ren. They left Tuesday, morning for a visit at their former home town, Ruskin. where Mr. Jepson was in the banking business in former years. Mrs. Lauritsen . accompanied them to Lincoln. They picnicked Sunday at State Fisheries at South Bend, Miss Mildred Bodley accom panying them. A reunion of the Reefer fam'ly was held June 27, 1920 at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Reefer. Those present from a distance were M. L. Reefer and family. Oris Fore man and family and Miss Ethel Hoagland of Valparaiso, Mrs. Captain Groff of Utica, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cole, Mynard, Mrs. Enid Bruen. South- Dakota, and Mrs. Mitchell Stoner of Waynesboro, Pa., the lat ter leaving that evening for her home after spending a few week.-? with relatives-here. On June 26, sixteen girls of the live wire Sunday school class of the M. E. church enjoyed a picnic at the park at Wabash. They autoed down and after a period of investigation they ate their picnic dinner (which we know was excellent, as these girls have been trying for honors in domestic science.) In the after noon those who were brave (?) went wading In the lake. Later they went to Weeping Water creek. Al together the day was Jolly and well spent. Wm. Hoffman, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer, autoed to Hastings Saturday afternoon vis iting Mrs. Shaffer's sister, Mrs. A. Dier and family, an on to Rearney Sunday, where ihey spent a short time with Mr. Shaffer's sister-in-law, Mrs. Ned Shaffer and son, where Mr. Hoffman purchased a thoroughbred Airedale pup. They drove home Sun day night. They were accompanied as far as Sutton by Mr. Joe Arm strong, who went on to Holstine to visit his sons. Glen and family and Ivan. Mr. Armstrong returned home Monday, evening. I INTERESTING ITEMS ' f t OF WABASH FOLKS f Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jackman and children autoed out to Rising City Friday evening. Mr. Jackman re turned Tuesday evening. Mrs. Jack man and children stayed for a longer visit. Mrs. Theodore Miller was a Lin coln passenger Friday evening. Mr. Miller went to Lincoln Saturday ev ening. They spent the Fourth with their children of that place and re turned home Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Van Every spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives and friends." Mr. and Mrs. Fred Creamer took them to Lincoln Sat urday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. McDonald spent Sunday in Lincoln returning with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Creamer. Mrs. Lawton had a picnic out un der the trees in her yard. Homer and family, Grace and family and Fred were all of the children that were home. Several others were there and a very nice time was en joyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Lance Van Every spent Sunday and Monday with Lance's mother, Mrs. A. M. Van Ev ery. Mr. and Mrs. Ollie 'Allis spent Sunday and Monday with Ollie's mother, Mrs. C. S. Allis. Miss Ruth stayed and will probably remain a week. A number gathered at the home of Mrs. A. M. Van Every for dinner last Monday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Lance Van Every. Mrs. S. A. Jacobson and baby, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Mitchell, and Mr. and Mrs. M. E. McDonald Among those who went to Lincoln on the train Monday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ohms. Robert Reese, Walter Wood and Ella Ger beling. Among those that autoed to Lin coln Monday evening were Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Woods, son John and daughter Myrlte, Warren Richard. Vrt and Albert Sylvester, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hardway. Fred Grant. Sdlth and Bettie Reee, Guy Hinds, ''earl Reynolds, Frank Wilson and Frank, Rlncks. Miss Ruth Davis is visiting at the '.iome of Homer Sylvester. . Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Richard are :'pend the week here. Mr. F. H. Burdlck has been sell :ng his house houl goods. He is coing to California with the boys. They expect to leave Thursday morn ing. L. R. Stanley bought the place where they lived. Frank Colbert bought the place south of the school house. Mrs. Bucy and children left for their home in Colorado Tuesday morning. Ross Burdick, a brother of Mrs. Bucy's accompanied her as far as Lincoln. Grover Otte was in town a while Wednesday morning. Mr. "and Mrs. Eugene Colbert was In town for a while Wednesday morning. Suffered Intense Pain "A few yers ago, when visiting relatives in Michigan, something I had eaten brought on an attack of cholera morbus," writes Mrs. Celesta McVicker, Macon. Mo. "I suffered intense pain and had to go to bed. I got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy and one dose relieved the pain .wonderfully. I only took two or three doses, but they did. the work. AT SEVENTY SHE GAINS 20 POUNDS "Tanlac Has Brought Me Health and Happiness," Says Mrs. Mary Noble. "I am now seventy years of age, but I have actually gained twenty pounds in weight In Just a few weeks time," declared Mrs. Mary Noble of 914 South Seventh street, West Cedar Rapids, Iowa, a few days ago. "During the past ten years," con tinued Mrs. Noble, "I have suffered all the misery that goes with stom ac h trouble and nervousness. I. had to be extremely careful about what I ate for even the lightest kind of food, such as milk toast, sometimes made me nauseated so I was unable to keep it down. Often I became almost deathly sick and I could taste my food for hours afterwards. Gas 1 would form on my stomach and press around my heart so that it palpitat ed terribly and I got so short of breath I often thought I would suffo cate. At night I was afraid to go to bed, for when I would lie down I felt like I was going to smother. J My nerves were in a wretched con dition and at night I would get to restless I could not lie in bed and would have to get up and walk the ' floor. As a result I began to lose in weight and I kept falling off un til I lost about twenty pounds and was no moresthan a shadow of my former self. I was almost a wreck and the little housework I could do was a drudgery and I became so dis jourage'd I saw little pleasure in life. "About two months ago I started 'aking Tanlac and it is Just wonder ful how It began to build me up .ight from the start. My appetite returned and my troubles gradually left me until today I have gained Sack all my lost weight and am once 1 more enjoying splendid health. It 1 a T I T naxes no amerence un i eai, i .:an digest it properly and my heart action is normal and my breathing is free and easy. My nerves are steady, my sleep is sound andvrest ful and every morning I get up feel ing refreshed and with plenty of energy. Tanlac has given me health, strength and happiness and I know Df no better way to show my grati tude than by telling others about it so that they may benefit by my ex perience." Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by F. G. Fricke and Company and the leading druggist in every town. t EAGLE Beacon JUUII rtAC, Y liKJ uvea OWUIU u j town, suffered a stroke of paralysis Tuesday of this week, and another this morning. His condition is said to be serious. Chas. Renner went to Lincoln Sunday evening and entered a hos pital, where he underwent an opera tion for vericcse veins in his leg at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning. Re ports Indicate that he is coming along fine. Wheat cutting commenced in this section last Friday and on Saturday several binders were at work, but the rain Sunday night and Monday forenoon put a stop to the work tem porarily. From all local reports the crop will be above the average. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Lannlng mo tored to Webster City. Iowa, to spend the Fourth with Mrs. Lanning's sis ter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Glenn of Plattsmouth and little William Glenn of Hamburg, la., accompanied them. On their re turn trip Merle expected to call on a couple of his soldier friends. A large number of relatives and Modern Ho -FOR SALE!- Eight room house all modern. Has steam heating plant, one-half block of ground. .Nice location. This is one of the best built homes in the city, and we consider it a splendid investment. If desired, we will give you the following attractive terms: $l,000i00 down, balance In monthly payments. Deferred payment to draw 6 interest. This is an exceptional oppor tunity. Act quick! J. P. Falter & Son Real Estate PHONE 28 Insurance I ,tl.,l.,j ,,.f.., l,,t, t.,t I fr.frifrifriffiifiiinti l,,a..l.,g.J me I DR. H. G. LEOPOLD j OSTEOPATHIC $ PHYSICIAN t Coates BIk. Phone 208 $ i u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 in i ill 1 1 n w n friends gathered at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs.'E. P. Betts last Sunday and thoroughly enjoyed the Fourth of July. In the inviting shade of the spreading bows of an cient trees on the lawn tables were spread and a bountiful picnic dinner was served, together with an abund ance of homemade ice cream and other delicacies. The afternoon was spent in the usual manner of sue.h gatherings and in the evening fire works were brought out ior the de light of the little ones. Those pres ent were: Mr. and Mrs. l.d Shack ley and two children. Miller and Daisy Pearl of Avoca; M.rsand Mrs. Chas. Jacobson and family, north of Eagle, a sister of Mrs. Betts; Mr. and Mrs. Hortman and nephew, Buddie McFadden, a ?is-er ut' Mrs. Betts; Mr. and Mrs. Jessie West lake and family; Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Adams and daughter, Eva Pearl. At . a seasonable hour the guests departed expre-sin delight with the day's entertainment and each looking forward to another such occasion. MANLEY NEWS W. H. Frost, the lumberman, and uncle Joe. Macenry, are kept busy these times building hay racks when not otherwise employed. The mat ter of a good hay rack at this "time of stress of work is appreciated by those who have to use them and to meet the emergency and supply their customai with an excellent article, these men are putting in good time. Frank Wanamaker and wife of "Weeping Water, were visiting at the home of Mrs. Isadore Flashman in Manley last Sunday. A. H. Humble was visifting with friends in Weeping Water last Tuesday evening and also looking fit ter some business matters. Herman and Otto Harms, who have been visiting for some time & the home of George Schaffer, Jr.. at Benson, where they enjoyed the time greatly, returned home last Thurs day. Virgil Miller has accepted a po sition as cook for the grading caiap. which is doing the work on the ro;id from Murray to Murdock. while Eli Reckler is doing an excellent jr.b of conducting one of the large machines in the grading. Adolph Strinkamp. who some time ago had concluded to retire from active farming, has again got ten into the work, and is' making a good man in the harvest fields. Bert Mason was a visitor in Platts month, where he visited with nis folks for a short time and rc'unud in time to go to work on. the rail road, going down last Saturday and returning last Monday. John Routh. who has been kept to his home -on account of an in jury he received from a horse wnich he was riding some time ago. Is sble to be out again. John Relly and familv of near Greenwood, were visiting at the home of friends and relatives in and about Manley last Sunday, driving over in their car. Mrs.. A. .W. Neihart of Crete, avhh a visitor for a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Neihart of Manley, and returning io her home last Saturday evening. Mrs. Charles Gerlich and daugh ter, Miss Vera, were visiting with friends in Omaha last Thursday Miss Minnie Peters of Brock and who was one of the teachers of the Manley schools during the past ypr. has been visiting at the home ot Theo. Harmes. and departed lact Saturday for her home. Rev. George Stohlnian, who is a professor in one of the schools at Fremont and who is spending his va cation with his mother, Mrs. George Stohlman of near here, is assisting In the harvest fields during the har vest season. Herman Dall was a visitor in Plattsmouth today, driving over in his car to look after some business at the county seat. ' Appreciate the Fact. The farmers in the vicinity of Manley, who, like those of many oth er places, have teen, very short of farm help during the stress of the harvesting season and are expressing in a very appreciating way the thanks they feel towards county agent 19. R. Snipes for the admirable manner in which he has supplied them with farm help and of a very good quality. Visiting With Friends Here. Mjorgan McCurdy and Lyle Graves, who formerly made their home near Manley. but who moved some time ago to near Witten, South Dakota, are visiting with friends near Man ley. They accompanied the father of Mr. McCurdy, Mr. Daniel Mo Curdy, to a hospital at Lincoln, where he underwent an operation for the removal of a cancer. Returns From Retreat Rev. Father Higgins, who, dur ing the past week, was attending the Retreat of the Priests of the Catholic church of the Lincoln dio cese, which was held at York from July 5 to 10. returned home last week and reports having had a very profitable time in listening to the missionary who was helding the Re treat and in conference with the Irage number o'f priests who were In attendance. The Fields are A'Smiling , From many a high knoll on this county, one can get a view of the fields well cultivated in Cass county, where the harvest of, golden wheat, is being harvested and where the cats, only a few degrees different in colr. are soon to receive the sickle, while the darker shades of green which tell of the well, tilled. cornfields and the portion which has been allotted to alfalfa and other forage crops, tell of the bounteous love of the giver of all good and perfect gifts to man. The fields are a'smiling and all 'nature . seems in accord with the reward which is apparent for the work o fthe husbandman. No one can look In the scene which can be viewed from many advantage points and not be convinced that a JiMfciKitlMI I 'inMt; .Mil tt '! Clieaper Power ami Move of It That's just what evCry farmer, rnd power user is looking for. It will be well worth your while to as!: us to explain why Stover Good Engines give maximum engine service cheaper power and more of it. Thousands of users in a'I parts of the worlJ have tested and proven the mechanical perfection and over plus of power. H r 0f. TLTT S2 CASOUNF, KEROSENE tO t&fl & iCm rj-SllLLATE. CRUDE OIL Ctover construction is exceptional drop forced and machine hardened parts. Cylinders and l iotona accurately ground cr.J fatted, saving wear and maintain ing compression. Heavy enouf,li to eliminate vibration, but no excess weight. Stover Good Engines arc parti': :!ail Ji-ri!nnl f t Ihn work you ere fAv ' to do. Th'-y are built by fTpc-rts fxr-e.-rt n 'i-ti ;-;,;:" i .) and i..'i:d.M 1 'V"'1" fci;i2irtts. Dimension for tlinieu eion, rating for rating, kzli m fur 6 Ion i t iml u Movt-r iOod Lntiiie af!urls cheaper power and more v( it tfmn fe&y or.nitie yud c n t-o v. 'ihry come to you all ready to i-t up 'jJ Urdia oiit at once. TTcir loristructioii, I .atc-nnl. wcrkiuujvliip and feuturtrg aflorj .-eJ)f user fcf a Stover Cued LiigJiit iaay years of bbtisfactyry, tcououiical power bci vice. HERMAN Manley We carry Stover Ramscn Windmills, Pfamp Jacks, Saw Rigs, etc I A ...v living Father has spokt-u in an j abundance ot crops to hLs children. Clearing the Roads. In putting in Letter sdiapo the roads between Murray and Murdock, it was found necessary to remove some large trees on the Augur.'. Stander place, which is o.-cupied by Fred li. Hauer west of Manley. It required the blasting of the stumps as well as the felling of the trees. Some thirty six large cotton wood trees, as well as a large number of hox alders had to be removed. This will make the thoroughfare so much better when the work has been com pleted. Mr. George Supp from the state engineers office, is here super intending the work. Reception Tendered. The many friends to the number of some half a hundred, gave a very beautiful reception to t h neulv wedded couple, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kanalev, the bride formerly lx in;; w:.:b ;!:!B.3,:a.:w::i:ti:::a tzz m ve :; is:. ;a m Special Bargains in Automobiles! One Ford Tourinp: Car, 1918 model motor. One Chevrolet 490 Touring, 1913 model. One Velie "6" Red Seal Contcntial Motor, 1918 model. One Chevrolet Roadster, good as new. One Ford Sedan, good running order. Also new Chevrolet automobiles, all models. Ycu can buy now and pay small payment down, balance monthly payments. 20 per cent discount on all Firestone G,000 mile Tires for 10 dnys only. Come in and look them over. ti ii ti i n si n X d ri a a m q W. W. WASLEY, Garase Phone 650 inr-.E'8""'Si::n s:rK::::fr s:.: 3' r sr sr.: rsJi'f c -. a. :' c. ' a.:. sr.. a-..: b.i B K. F for FORD CARS ' This little accesory on your Ford car will work wonders. Starts easily in zero weather, puts pep into the motor. Easily installed lasts the life of your Ford. No ojling required. No rollers to wear out and short your motor. Money Back Guarantee With Every. B. K. F. Timer Sold We have the agency for Cass county and carry a stock for immediate delivery. Call and have one installed. GARAGE AND REPAIR MEN We have a fine Sub-Agency Proposition for YOU. I Repair and overhaul your commanu. oniprrierii ut uciuuui oiluhu juoi J. F. WOLFF, Main St. Garage ' Telephone 79 Block South of PostofFice mmm ' " m ii 1 1 ft 1. 1 uli 1 1 i' i i i t ' "Vim in.. DALL Nebraska Feed Mills, Comiulonters, Ensilage Cntteri, j m Mis 1'raucM Ash. The friends had prepared at the Modern Woodman hail and with a delightful luncheon they had a most enjoyable afternoon i.'st Sunday. .Mr. and Mrs. Kana lev will make their home in Fails t'itv soon. Electric Lilit Question TLe matter oi .the eciiriii-T of electric lights f'.r Manley and Mur dock is still unsettled and whil" tli ones who art interested in the lights are willing to do all they can, they hardly know how to take hold :is no dei'mif; information as to what the cost would be can be obtained by the people here from the company and until something is known that is tangible no progress can be mad. He thoiiaht she was beautiful, but was pop ubir? Well you ean tell at Ho- f .iins Circii1?. Plattsmouth, .Tnlv ir.!b tit aist. : u a B n B B B B B (I B - B n B B r : M B a a House Phone 502 I imers B M ti y m ii IB ti y car now Our shop is at your r - m ii 1