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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1920)
zr PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY. JULY 12. 1920. PAGE TW( T I (ifefeVJfer. Will I tr. intra tito The reoson F. G. FRICKE & CO. Mrs. Linda Harrod Endorse Cham berlain's Tablets I mffered for yeais -with stom ach trouble and tried everything I hoard of but the only-relief I got was temporary until last spring' I saw Chamberlain's Tablets advertised .i ni-rxMiml a bottle of them from .irucriot I eot immediate relief , from that dreadful heaviness anu ...r,- ' . ,i pain in the stomach arter eaung. Since taking two bottle. I can eat anvthing I want without distress." writes Mrs. Linda Harrod, of Ft. Wayne. Indiana. Charter No. 1914 V R3 -mtk : I REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BAN EC At IMattsmouth. in tlie State of Nebraska, at Jhe Close of. Business on June ::), 19i'0. RESOURCES Tjonn anl discounts. inclulinc rediscount" I479.SS8.24 - i?.,n. l.ill re.llsrounted with Fed. lies. bank. 4.000.00 I47S.SsS.24 Ov-rtlr;ifts. stc(irl. notie; tinsciurctl, S1.639.6S ; . S. limrrnmrHl i--urlti- "nnnli . n.i...).;t.'.l to wiirf circulation II". S. IkjtiiIs par value)...? 0,000.00 rie.tceil ax collateral for State and other deposit or Mils in vl.le ' 3 l.OtMI.IMI tc.1 ."nd utiplediteil other llnml.. r-nrllle, rl-.t S-ctiritic otln-r V. S. bonls (nut Including stocks I owned and tmpledired Stk ff Kedernl llwrrve Hank (S0r of subscript Km Vitlue of ankiiir house, owned and unincumbered..., Furniture and tlx Hires - . estiif owned, other thar. banking house , wfui reserve with Federal Reserve Dank Ok-Ii in vault nnd net aniountx ilue from national banks I'lie.-ks on other banks in the same city or town as reporting bank ;he.ks on banks located outside of city or tqwn of reportinK bank ai.d other cash items i:. demptb.n fund with I. S. Treasurer Int'-rest earned lut not eollecleu appioximaie n .ics anu uius due ; Kcceivable not past total l :!:.- TUCKS LIABILITIES "upifiil HtlM-k :i s fund paid in. T'lidivi.'.d proiits ; 2.377.04 l--s current expenses. Interest and taxes paid ,.. none lnttrcst and "iiscoiint collecletl or credited in advance of maturity nnd not earned (approximate t '. C"iTO'j! notes outstanding N"t t amounK due to banks, bankers and trust companies Ilriemid Itrpnitn I other thmt bank d ! 1 1 nubjer to lten-r e: I'.di vi.inal deposits subjet to, check SZ4 1.235.22 tVnirti .hps of deposit due in less than 30 days (other t! an for irionev borrowed 21.12S.C0 IHvidends unpaid - 5.000.00 Tfme l) HJret tn llmrrvf: Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed Hilts rH.vahle with Federal Reserve Hank TOT A I.. LI A lit LIT! KS j Liabilities for rediseonnt with Fedeial Total ..ntiiii-'cnt liabilities $4,000.00 f the total loans and discounts slfown above, the amount on which inter est and discount was ch-irtred at rates In excess of those permitted by law (Sec. .".17. !:-. Slat.) (exclusive of notes upon which total charge not to exceed 50 rit was m.idet was none; the number of such loans was none. State f braska 1 s. County of Cass I I. Ceo. . huvi v, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. OEO. O. DOVEY. (Vrri..utHM: Cashier. Jl. X. I..ev: A. C. Cole. F. K. Schlater. Directors. SuLs1'! ihe! -aI and sworn to before me this 7th dav of July. 1920. Al'BltKY If. DCXBCRY. Notary I'ublic. (My commission expires February 17, 19251 Final Clearance Sale Jordan Millinery Stock! 50 Discount Just Price Commencing TUESDAY, JULY 13th ( ) Having purchased the entire Jordan Millinery Stock it will be placed on sale Tuesday, July 13th, at 50 discount, just half price, at the Jordan Store. .rr-ii. i : I I..1..M I 1 l 1 ! 3 Jnnr 30th, 1920. The young couple on investigation it was found to be ROTnWSSSKWHBBKWSaEPH 1 11 1 1 1 1 will make their home in Omaha after a mother civit cat with Her live B , . . . t NEHAWKA 2 September 1. young kittens. Of course Bill called K s X Newn-Ledirer Ida Estee, daughter of Henry and Ed and some of the rest of his neigh- fc . j0' I e. i.iiorpeia Estee was born in Peoria bors to witness the spectacle. Of I'm w Mr. and Mrs. George Dodge of Plattsmouth, were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Kirkpatrick home. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Rosencrans and son of Plattsmouth visUfi! with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wuo derlich and other relatives and friends Sundav and Monday. Jerome St. John, W. H. Betts and Roscoe Harshman purchased a Uum- l , . f T lniAln till nrst oi : ley nauui in -""-"" - the wek. The tractor is a part- J nertiilD affair and will be used in , their fa power requirements in the j future. Dr. J.A. P.tllard of Salem. Neb came up in tb3 evening trair. Tikk day for a viit with his brother Mal coin. who is f.mte poorly. The doc- ' tcr is look'ng well and hearty. He Informs us that he and Mrs. i'ollird have sold t':eir home at Salem and will soon locate permanently in Oma ha. Friends of Julian Addison Pollard. Jr.. son of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Pollard .... . . . . a of Salem, win ne pieaseu 10 learn or his marriage lo mis laura urace Lobald of Sioux Falls. South Dakota. The wedding occurred at the home of the bride's father. Mr. Harry Lo- I bald, at Sioux Falls, Wednesday. Reserve Dist. No. 10-J 1.639.48 i 900.00 8 4.900.00 i:i, 2.2."0.00 11.000.00 n.31.V2 7.4S2.O0 2.VSS.90 51.320.63 70S.49 422.40 2.500.00 1.900.00 and due from I . . Treasurer . .$ ss 4.5 tr..7l 50.0dit.00 25,000.00 2.377.0 4 1.900.00 49.400.00 2,086.78 267.363.22 2 4...s::S.fi7 40,800.00 6S 4.5 4 5.71 Reserve Hank $4,000.00 OF THE "i county. Illinois, May 23, 1859. Here . she resided with her parents until 16 years of age. In 1875 she with her parents, removed to Milton Junction, Wis., becaues of the educational ad- vantages offered at Milton college was located at said city. On No- vember 27. 1884 she was united in marriage to Frank II. Burdick at Milton Junction, Wis. To this un- ion 8 children were born 4 sons and 4 'daughters. Three children pre- ceded her to that heavenly home. , , . ,,, one nau Dt-en a mtmu ui me j tlst church since young womanhood, Aboul ij years ago 't with the f am- placed her membership with the Bap- times willing to do service for h ev , K--HW--WXHi-iM--M-5-mas-ter. She was a faithful wif. a , . . , , , 1 AA1 . .1 - 4 w-. . list cnurcn anu was iuuu ai .n Hinu ana luviug uiuiuci, ami a u Christian. She passed to her re ward June 28. 1920 at 3 p. m.. aged 61 years, 1 month and 5 days. j leaves to mourn her departure, her j husband, Frank H. Burdick. son-"5 Howard and noss or i .aiuoriua. daughter Lina of Colorado. Marjorie of Murdock and son Iaurence of Wa bash. Dearest sister though has left us and thy Joss we deeply feel. But 'tis God that has bereft us. He can all our sorrows heal. Funeral services was held from the Baptist church at Wabash, Neb.. Wednesday. June 30. at 2:30 p. m., conducted by her pastor. Rev. W. A. Taylor of Union. Neb. Interment in Wabash cemetery, .1 mile west, 1-2 north of Wabash. X ELMWOOD Leader-Echo Dr. G. G. Douglas has a tooth for spring chicken and he is feeding a bunch of about 80 and biding his time when he can slip a few of them into the frying pan. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Liston are here from Plattsmouth visiting with his brother, I. M. Liston and wife. J. T. is taking au enforced vacation for a few days on account of his health. They will make a trip to Missouri before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. John Kupke and two little daughters and Mrs. O. H. Mil ler a sitter of Mrs. Fred Backemeyer. of South Bend, were over Wednes day and remained here until Thurs day. While here the two little girls underwent operations for the re moval of tonsils and adenoids. On Tuesday Mrs. Albert Denning was taken quite tick and she was found to be suffering with a serious trouble and was taken to a hospital at Lincoln. At the present time it Is not thought that an operation will be necessary but she will remain at the hospital for treatment in the hopes that her condition might be greatly improved. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hollenbeck of ftehawka, have been visiting their children and many friends here. Mr. Hollenbeck, who had been in a hos pital for two weeks for treatment for some serious trouble, has completely recovered and says be is feeling fine. Mr. and Mrs. Hollenbeck took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Murray on Monday. They expect to make an extended trip soon to points In Ohio, Iowa and Missouri to visit relatives. A short time ago as Wm. Borneme ier was sitting on his front porch one evening he noticed some queer looking animals cross the road and go over in Ed Earnst's pasture. Up- SI5 Hats at 10 " at , 7' " at 5 "at 2.50 All Trimmed Mid-Summer HATS! course they watched tlieir queer antics for awhile and it was indeed amusing. From all appearance, so to speak, it seemed as though the old cat was trying to ".shake" her family, they being considerably over half grown. After due consirl- eration and in behalf of the fact that there were many chicken on all titles that it was wished to mike frys out of, the old shot gun was put into play and the cats were assassin- a,tel. . mATCn . Rennblican Rev. and Mrs. A. V. Hunter and son Harold visited here Wednesday. Alfred had been called to Syracuse to 0f-lCiate at a wedding nnd they took the occasion fo visit here while out on the trio. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Schoemaker visited their daughter. -Mrs. Snyder, at Xehawka the first of the week. ; fj Mr. Schoemaker returned home Tues-;y day afternoon but Mrs. Schoemaker; stayed to help care for a sick grand- Uj daughter. Henry B. Ituhga of North Platte, ,g visited over Wednesday nignt wmi his. parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kuhga. Henry had come to Omaha to buy cattle to help eat up. the sur plus grass on his ranch and ran down from Omaha for an over night visit with home folks. He reports the family' well at the ranch. We are always pleased to note the progress made by our young people along any line they choose to take up'and push to make a success cf it. We are certainly glad to commend Ben Olive on t'.ie success he has made in the insurance business since he has taken it up. 'He is working under Messrs. Wilcoy and Lough ridge of Lincoln, who are very proud of the record he has made. During June he wrote $29,000 worth, of in surance. He attended a convention of agents at Dt-s Moinej on July 7, T, and 8, where we wager not many older men in the field made a better showing. Tuesday afternoon's Omaha pas r.enger unloaded what seem at the time a whole regiment of young men. To an onlooker who might not have known but what this was a manu facturing center it might have sug gested that they were strike break ers, t loser inspection nowever. re vealed County Agept Snipes flying around busy as could be piloting them up to li is oflice.. He had noti fied our farmers that he would have help for them, in the harvesT fields on Wednesday and to be sure of be ing able to keep his promise made a trjp to Omaha and brought down thirty-four-young mea-r-fini looking young fellows who wero ready lor business. Mr. Snipes succeeded in I lacing all but four and these young men wanted to stay together and no one happened to be needing that much help. Later they ere placed. Our- County Burea uETAOIUULDIt Our County Bureau and Agricultural Agent is certainly a fine thing for the farmers. In su-?h times as this when harvest was upon them a big shortage in help they would be un able to handle the situation in many cases. We are also very fortunate in having Mr. Snipes as manager for he is a live wire and always on the job. He placed thirty laborers in May, forty in Jun'e and fifty in July May, forty in June and already fifty in July. LOUISVILLE Courier Claude Seiver, who drives the oil wagon for the Standard Oil com pany, says that corn is making won derful growth along his route but that Lee Cole has the best piece of corn he has seen this season. He lives on the old Theo. Boedeker farm south of Louisville. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Pankonin en tertained the members of their fam ily last Sunday and celebrated the Fourth in a quiet way. Besides their own family, they had Mr. Pan konin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. fankonin and Mr. and Mrs. William Pankonin - and family from the country. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lau cele brated the Fourth on Sunday by having a family dinner. Besides their own family, they had as guests their son-inlaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Wiles and family of Murray and their son, Charles Lau and family of near Manley. Mrs. William Ossenkop visited her sister, Mrs. Frank Schlater and fam ily of Plattsmouth. the first of the week and celebrated the Fourth down there. Mr. Ossenkop and Mr. Schlaer had planned to drive to Walthill for the boxing match but on account of the condition of the roads, they gave up the trip. Mrs. George Reiebart was called to Omaha last week on account of the illness of her sister, Mrs. Ardell Hammond, who underwent an opera tion' at the St. Joseph's hospital for appendicitis. She is getting along nicely and Mr3. Reichart was able to return home Sunday evening, but 5he will go up often during Mrs. Hammond's stay in .the hospital.. We learn that William Dixon, son of James Dixon of Louisville, has resigned his position with the Beil telephone company of Omaha and has gone into the mercantile busi ness in Ashland. ; Bill is a splendid young man of. great business abil itv and -win maL-o irod in whatever line he undertakes. He is another , Louisville boy who has brought hon or to his old home town and his Jriends here with iim. the best 6t succes3. I AdveTti:irg is the mo it euec:ir method of "drumming up" trade. f3 m IL III C.E BUMPER CROP IN PROSPECT THIS YEAR Outlook Much Batter Than in Ear lier Forecasts Heavy Har- vests to Be Hule. . Washington, July Ik Forecasts of heavy harvests cf the country's principal farm crops marked the July report of the department of agriculture-today. The prospective -yield iu most instances is larger than the average production for the live years. 1 II 1 4-1 S. while tobacco and rice pro-' duct ion promises to be the largest on record, tobacco with 112.000.000 pounds more than the previous larg est crop, and rice with 11,000,000 bushels more than ever produced. Compared with last, year's output, this year's winter whea,t, rye, corn, sweet potatoes, peach and hay crops give indication? of being smaller. Larger crops than last year are fore ras.t for spring wheat, oats, barley, white potatoes, tobaccos, flax, rice and apples. . Throughout June better weather conditions- increased the prospects cf the output cf every important crop. The improvement was reflect ed in a forecast of 2S. 000. 000 bush els more in the combined winter rnd spring wheat crops than esti mated a month ago; seven millior bushels more oats, S, 000. 000. bushels more barley and 2,000,4)00 bushels more rye. The spring wheat crop is larger than last year's by S2. 000, 000 bush els, but the winter crop is 114.000. 000 bushels smaller, although it is only 45,000.000 less than the five year average production. Wheat of last year's crop remain ing on farms July 1 was reported as 47,756,000 bushels, or more than 5 ARE YOU argains and You'll want to be dressed in your best? Is your best good enough or do you need a new suit? Keep in mind our "Burgular Sale." We are of fering you good, all wool honest suits at 823.00 $33.00 $42.00 for a few days more. They are rapidly r .1 .-11 getting fewer,, but there are still more r i nnA naffpms in worsteds, flannels and 1 7 mixtures. They will be much higher by fall so if you are in your pockets to get busy NOW! tvrrimr'Wh" &.ir'"4ti Say! People! take it from us B Fl gest in boosting the town and biggest in money saving op poitunities to the people. Write or phone your friends to come. Plan your affairs to be on hand with both feet July 15th to 31st. Join the crowd. Wescott's Son EVERYBODY'S per cent of the crop. That, added to this year's prospective production, makes available about 856,000,000 bushels of what wheih, according to officials, will be ample to meet do mestic requirements " and leave a surplus for export. - The condition of the corn crop was reported not so good as a year ago, but the area planted shows an increa?e of 671,000 acres. Indica tions are the crop will be 138.000, 000 bushels smaller than last year's but 10.000.000 bushels larger than the five year average. SEMI-WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE JOURNAL DELAYED Owing to the fact that the Journal office has been engaged for the past two days in preparing and printing some 30.000 special four page bills for the big Bargains Circus, this is sue of the Semi-Weekly Journal ap pears one day late. Our lubscribers are asked to overlook the delay which is absolutely unavoidable, as the work was of such volume as to make it impossible to get the weekly out on time. THE JOURNAL. MITKK TO CIIKI)ITK.S Tlic State of Nebraska. Cass coun ty, SS. Ta the county court. in the matter of the estate of Kneliel A. Kirkee. deceased. Te the creditors of said ostate: You are herebv notified that I will sit at the Countv Court room In Platts moutii in said countv, on the 10th day of MiK'frt. 193d. and on the tltli day of nectmher, 19-'0. at 10 o'clock a. ni.. on each of said days toreceive and examine all claims asrninst said es tate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of clainjs asainst salfl estate is four months from the lOtli dav of usrust. A. I. IS'-'O. and the time limited for payment of debts is one vear from said 10th day of Aug ust 1920. Witness mv liand and the seal of said Countv "Court this 10th day of July. A. P.. 1920 nBI!Sns. (Seal jl2-tw County Judge. ALL SET FOR THE Circus Chautauque? "Mi.1 1 t .a- G1RGUS is going to be by far the greatest trade . event ever held in Plattsmouth. Big s STORE' If you want good printing let us do your work Best equipped joli shop in southeastern Nebraska. FURNITURE AND RUGS FOR SALE One Angle Persian rug, 3x6. Four Wiltons, 3x6. . Two large rugs. Oak dining room suite, consisting of 60-inch buffet, 48 inch heavy plank top table, with six genuine Spanish leather seat chairs. Host chair included. Large white enamel Hoosier kit chen cabinet with porcelain top kitchen table end chair to mat&. Two kitchen tables. Genuine Circasian Walnut dresser and chiffonnier; also chair. One oak dresser. : Oak buffet ; China closet. Four beds ; Vernis Martin, brass and white enamel. ' . New mattresses and springs. Three library tables; One library suite. One refrigerator. One electric washer. One electric vacuum sweeper. Two gas plates. One combination writing desk and case. - One hall seat; One couch; One sanitary cot. Six genuine Spanish leather seat dining room chairs. Five rockers; Six other chairs. One Reed go-cart, with- top and rubber tires. ! - The above, furniture and rugs are nearly new, exceptionally good and priced right. CALL S. Al CHRIST PHONE 645 PLATTSMOUTH 1 rn r hi thrifty, it will be dollars ft .1 '1 n