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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1920)
TEUF.SDAY. MAT 27. 1S20. PLATTSMOrTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOUP-ITAL PAGE THHZ2 Mu rrav Ju Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readeri "'7 flirt' ' -r -J-s O'" T t" S -f: -?,7 - t mum w-wm mi :d fc'-..V -i ..." Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow Four pr cent interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. "W? All business transactions held in strict confidence Your Personal Bank. Roy C. 1 1 it chman. e xpert of the T. D. Folloe k Auto a mpaiiv, was a visitor Avtst (f Murray for a shrt time la.-t Tuesday looking after some business fur the finn. Mrs. Oldham and Mrs. v'. K. Dull were isitir.'-r v. ith lriciols and looking after .-o:..e ".u-!r.r-.--s r::;' in l'lattsm..uth l.i-' Tu-. dav. b. ing drove to that .I.iee Mrs. A. J. l;..x-cr l. I.. II. :' has resided !y for ae:r!y s!nrt time de ii 7i. who: s'i -? in the i'uiUie w in Murray and vie: t hirty year--, will in part for Il.ieiiie. Or wiM m.-ke l.i-r horn wiih her son. A little child of James IJrenher. was a Mr. a7id Mrs. taken suddenly si k last T:i( sday. and was att. bv Dr. 15. I". Diendel. and after n-b-d hav ing )f.-n treated, appeared some what better. It is hoped that the little o;i" will seen he well a vain. John F-irrie. who. while einp!;;y. 1 in filant inJT c rn. injured his hand on ill" lifter which h- was using. Ti" family were vl-iting in l'n- j ion on Tue-sd y of this wee'.:, driving . d-jwn in tlieir car. and being the cu'sts of I.e.1 Farris. J. C. Snaveiy, lilair and W. II. Poller as well as at the home of Stephen Oopenhaver. w. VI , ;W 2 2 & " AUCTIONEER Always Ready fcr Sale Dates far or near. RATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION Oil NO PAY! iievi:kse TVlfphon 1511 ALL. CALLS Wurriv F.vo ;an 14 L Label and T1 1 l hat is v. nat you pay of coffee. LISTEN, is can you clo'incs tliat? Is tins your kind of economy? I laj'den Iro.. of Omaha, feature BULK coffee, especially a genuine Santos, at 3S cents per lb. We are not as big a firm as they are but when it comes to coffee, we are going to give you the very same Santos at the very same price, GENUINE SANTOS Blend QPC Coffee, per lb uU A Sample if You Want It Buy Your Coffee in Bulk. ?! MURRAY, department J . . . St - s i "Money makes money" is a proverb that is old and true. Big opportunities often corne to folks with a little ready cash. By starting a savings account with us now, you soon will have sufficient savings to enable ycu to take advantage of some worth while bargain. To wait may be too late. i K EC &ik A Imam W. and (J D. M. Wh-Hlcr. in ford Henry flipped reamer car 01 !:eigs to the Omaha market last T;;.--day af'ernoou. A. L. UaLcr was vi.-iiing with his daughttr at (hna.iia over Sunday ar.d returned home to take uji his Work in the store on Sunday night. Peter lio t oi Pig Springs, wr.s a visiter with iritoris in Murray for a few days last v.'d-'.;, and was also looking after tome iiusine.--. I iarley Puis is recove ring from a tussle with tbe mcaks. and his si-ter, Miss Lcona. is just gripping with the malady at this time. L. II. Puis took a load ef eattl calves and hfig.s to the Omaha market for Cameron Cathey, they bringing good prices considering the marked. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Smith attend ed tiie bn e-alaureate sermon at Plattsmonth last Sunday evening and were well plea?ed with the ad dress. Mis; Clara Young, Mrs. Ona Law ton and son Lyie, and Mrs. Guy White, were guests v.t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Young last Sun day. Last Thursday and Friday Dr. G. H. (lilinore was looking after senne business matters at the city of Over ton, returning the latter part of last week. W. 1L Puis and family ar.d Wm. Puis Sr.. were the guests at the home of P. A. Ilild and family on the farm last Sund.iy and enjoyed the occasion very much. Miss Margie Walker spent a few days last week at Kmerson, where she was the tniest. of Mis Neva Latin, w ho is instructor in music in the schools at that plac-. Miss .Margie a N ) assisted in the closing program of the schools there. Mis Latta re turned home with her friends. an C 1 1 .11 tor wnen you cuy a one id. there any rjood reason for l utt 3 fiEDRASfCA Ora A. Davis was a victor in Oma- ha last Monday, where he had .some business matters to lock after. Jlis Neva Latta will depart in a few days for Lincoln, where she will attend schoud for a few weeks. Mrs. Jacob Minnier was viewing at the home of Charles Carroll and wife during the fore part of the week. Charles Carroll was a visitor in Plattsmemth Monday last, where he was looking after so:ne business mat ters for a short time. Me4 dames O. A. Davis and K. S. Tutt visited with friends in l'latts tnouth last Tuesday, driving to that ritv in t!ie ear of Mr. Davis. Mi-ves Viol . t iei 1 and Nit a Cook wire vf.-dtinvT in I'la'thiuouth last Tuesday ami atiended tlie class play ( f the eui'jrs of the l'latt.-mouth liish scliool. Searl Davis. (). M. Minfoid and -xlfred Ganemer were lookimj afWT s( !iie business matters at the county seat last Tuesday driving there in the car r.f Mr. Davis. Fred P. Busch and James Kuyden dail v.ere visiting in Murray la't Mondav for a short time looking af ter some business matters and also visiting with their many friends as -well K. T-:. Moore of Fnior.. vho i;' anjcharles lteod. All membors of the expert auto mechanic, was in Mur- society, the church and their fiends rav tor a short tun n few days ago to do some work em a car fcr a ciient of the firm lor which lie works in Union. Herman Smith of near Nehawka. was a business visitor in Murray for a vl'orr tine dining the fore part d' 1 1: i s week, overhauling the car of Daniel Clb-k. whieh he was put! ing in un'nl shap?. Mrs. Flizabeth Young, who ts m ik ing her home at Tnion with the fam ily of J. M. Patterson and wife wa--a vi-itor in Murray last Sunday an! the izut of her daimhtr-r, Mrs. Jo seph (ook and children. Leonard Austin and family who e?:deaver to kee-n apace with the times have had th. ir name added to the list of subscribers of the Journal in the Nehawka delivery district, v.-hero (hey are row re-dding. John Wi'.es and wife, who have hern' visitinsr in tlie south and espe cially rt points in Texas, relumed tha other day and were well plensed with they saw in the routh. saying it appeared to Tie an excellent eeuntry. Henry C. Long departed last Tues day for the western part of the state where he goes to ship his wheat to the Omaha market. Mr. Long has a large amount of wheat out at Hol hrook. xv I) icli ho is desirous of get ting te marked. While removing the dirt from the lister whieh h? was using, J. J. To man had the mi.-fortur.e to cut on0 1; is hands badly, and had to have 'he ram e dressed by Dr. (Jilmore and is rejoicing in the f:lt that it is get iiiL': along as nic( !y as could be ex pected. Our old time friend Joseph Cox. who has been one e;f the foremc.-f in?n far a nrmber of years in Cass county, is staying at the? home of his son. Frank Cox. s.eithw -st of Murrav. and is not in the best of health.. We are hoping that he will si on bo him s .If again and abb? to be about as in former times. Win. Troop, who has not been feel inr" b"t for ;-nn' time past, was a visitor at Omaha, accompanied by his physician Dr. Oilmore. where they were consnlti! a specialist as to the b-st method to pursuo in the treatment cf his rase which is pe culiar. Thev were at the metropo lis last Tuesday. Mrs. O. W. MeCraokcn and little daughter Elizabeth, who have been visiting in Orient, Iowa, for several w e-ks. returned lieime last Saturday and jut in time to have the pleasure ef riding home in the worst of the storm ed that evening. They expect to get into their new home some, time in the near future. j A small sized young lady, with blue eyes and a very fair compac tion and the most winsome smile that you ev?r did see. arrived at the home" of Mr. and Mrs. Fint Wilson and announced her intention of mak ing that her home also, to the de Mnrht eif the fond parents. Pnth the parents are de.ung well and happy, and the little lady is endeavoring to make life just what it should be air them. Now Liviii?- in Colorado Miss Nettie Connelly, formerly of Murray, but now making her iom ? in Central City. Colorado, which is some forty miles west of Denver, writes very i tit crest ingly to ner friend. Mrs. Joseph Cook and her laughter. Nita. as to how she likes .be country there. Miss Connelly -.ays she is getting along fine in the vest and feels better than at any 'ime in her life, but that she is neit o heavy as when living, in the east. tJio says there are many tourists making their hnme in the mountains during the summer. Breaks Her Arm. Mrs. Benjamin Dill stepped out in the yard a days ago and slipping she fell catching one arm under hsr as she went down, sustained a frac ture of her wrist and a sprain on her arm. which placed this lady in such a condition that she could not work 'and caused her much suffering as well. The injury is mending as rap idly as nature can do the work, anel it Is hoped the will soon be able to lock after her duties again. ! Bank Vill Close.. The hank will be closed on Mon day next. May 31st. on account of Memorial day and those who expect to have business on that day can ar range their matters accordingly. Iftnyof the readers of the Journal knoy of ar:.v socia.1 event or item of iiiterest in this vicinity, and will mail a line to this office, h will sy pear under this liead'ng-. We want all newsHems - Editor i Will Held Memorial Service Sundav Arrangements have been perfected I tVir tli holiliiir of mcnit iri:i 1 servif-es : at tlie Christian ehurch on Sundav Mav'SOth. with appropriate music and tlie pre. per observance of the day yet aside for th? remembering of those who have given sacrificing ser vice for the gooel of tlie country. Tlie theme of the discourse will be 'Three Great Wars" and tlie lessons taught by each. The memorial ad dress will be delivered by the Ut-v. F. S. White, who a quarter of a ccntury ago, was a teacher in the public schools of Cass county. The speak er s grandfather fouglu in the Kev ol'.it iuiiary war. his ! it her in the Civil war and his sou in th World war. The latter being in the :i."th division. The speaker is eminently prepared to t-peak advi-tably on the les.Mns tatitdil by these three reat conflicts. Come and hoar the ser mon at the Christian tl.ureh. Ladies Aid Society Will I-leet The ladies aid st . ;Uy of the Chiistian church of M.irrav. will ! meet at the home e.f Mr.s. Robert i Iiurr, southeast of town and will be j entertained by the ; dames Robert Iiurr, hostesses, Mes- W. 'irgin and re cordially invited to be in attend ance. The meeting is to b' held on Wednesday afternoon. June 2nd. A Sunbeam i:r the Home. There is joy at the home of Mr. ind Mrs. Lee Hosiett'-r on aefount iof the arrival a short time ago of I the most charming little blue eyed baby girl imaginable, and who has , won the1 hearts cf all the household I and there is more smiles for the acre about that place than it would be thought possible. This is a joy that makes the heart glad. Our wish is little Miss, that ou m.ik. the hearts of all ou know glad all your days. Will Move to Elmwood Mrs. Lucy Lyie. who has been etlieient and courteous manager th? branch office at Murray for the of the Lincoln Telegraph and Tele-phone i-ompany, has asked for a transfer from Murray te Klniweod and having 1 een assured that such a change was agreeable to the company, has pack ed her goods ami shipped them to the new home. The podlion which has been vacatenl thus has been fill ed by the appedntnient of Mrs. Mor ton 15artlett te the position, and Mr. Partlott. and family. ;,rj moving io the telephone building. This also makes a place for another family ta live in Murray and helps solve a dif ficult problem in that direction. Ladies Aid Society. The ladies aid society of the Chris tian church will met at Mrs. Robert Purr em June "nd. Mrs. Iiurr. and Mrs. Charles need. the home of Wednesday. Mrs. Virgin hostesses. Horses for Sale. I have from erne to five horses for sale, weighing from 1200 to DIOO pounds, all good work horses, and sound. Three mares, you can have vour choice. Murrav phone li:;u" M i:',-4v. A. D. UHODFN. Osag-5 Pests For Sale I have over two thousanel osage posts for sale in wasron load or car load lots. Call phone IGl."!. Wm 'porrcr, Murray, Neb. 4w s-w Fer any itchiness of tlie skin, for skin rasbe's, chap, pimples, etc., try Doan's Ointment. COc:- at all drug sterres. W. R. Young was among those go ing to Omaha this morning to spen.T the day visiting with friends and attending a Holslein cattle sale' be ing held in that city. Noted French Draft Stallion . i. : A hi E R ! C K -Registered No. 21312- Will make the season of 1920 at D. C. Rhoden's barn at Murray, Nebr., every day in the .week. Frederick is an excellent brow n French Draft i stallion and lias been thoroughly examined by the State Sanitary Hoard and found to be sound in ev ery way. lie was foaled June 24, 190S, bred by North fc Robinson, of Grand Island, Nebraska, and has an excellent reputation as a foal getter. TERMS $15.00 to insure colt to stand and suck. If mare is disposeel of or removed from the community, service fee becomes due and payable immediately. All care will be taken to prevent accidents but owner of horse will not be held responsible should any occur. D. C. RHODEN, Owner, i WILL -WITHDRAW - F B 0 i'l THE RACE F. J. Libcrshal. Nominee cf Bsmccrat ic Primary, Will Not Make ilace Owing to Business Affairs. The? democratic coiiimittee which is county central to meet in this t city on Saturdi y. June fill the ".til, v.ill be vacancy on of clerk of called upon to -the ticket ft tlie oMIce the district court, as Frank J. Libcr shal the nominee of the primary will not be in the race lor the position at tlie November election. Mr. Lihershal has since th5 pri mary election engaged in business in this city with August Pach in the firm of Pach fc Lihershal and docs not feel that he is justified in making the sacrifice that will be necessary in making tlie campaign this fall, a a if would nece-sitate a great deal of time away from his business inter ests. There has been no one suggested for th"? vacancy and unless someone is desirous of dipping i!ito the poli tical game if will be up to the coun ty committee to draft someone for the job. STOIIACH TROUBLES VER SUS T. A. E. OF B. W. The days when stomach troubles were feared as an almost invincible enemy are cone. They lose now al ways. Their powerful rival, Triner's American Klixir of Hitter Wine, takes the game away from the-ni any ;ime the opportunity offers. Triner's American Fiixir ed Hitter Wine beats the stomach troubles and always wins the pennant because its team is matchless. The best bitter herbs, roots and harks of eminent medici nal value have been selected for the formula of this remedy, and the re sult is that it never disappoints. It acts wonderfully in all cases of stom ach disorders, constipation, poor ap petite, headaches, etc. Ami Triner's Angelica Fitter Tonic is another ex cellent remedy. It builds up the sapped health and stimulates the eli-ge-siive eirgans to work. It is very valuable in convalescence. Yoiy druggist or dealer in medicines has these lomedies in stock for you. Jo seph Trine-r Company, 13:'.:!-4:; South Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. rURNITURE FOR SALE Six large rugs, nearly new. Four smaller rugs. 1 linoleum. Oik dining room set. Oak library . table. Oak chairs. center tabic. Six rockers, one extension table. Four heather upholstered setces. Six common chairs. One good sewing machine. One bed. springs and mattress. Many oilier useful household deees. You can see furniture any ime. day or night. Phone (115. 'latfsmouth. Neb. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF" TIIK BANK OF GASS COUNTY of riattsmouth, Nebr. Charter Nn. C, 1 2 in the State of Ne braska at the. I ive of Onine'ss on .May l.Mh, RKSOURCFS i.ttis nm! d isoou nts . . . . . jc.m.r.L'S.Tfi . . . . l'o.soi;..j7 -enl rat ts, s'-curit i-s. judgments. claims, -.- i re i lid i ali i.-ovi rur.H'iit ImitiiIs ; In-r jifse-ts I'ai'Uije-T house, f u in i t u rc and II x t ures i io r real estate "ii rri'iit ex;icus--s, ta s atnl i n r pa id '".i.-li items I ae from National and State hanks 'ie-oks and items of'e i 'ill i-'!u-y 'eId coin Tr.n.nn ",i;s::. as t,:;in.oi l i.js :.:: -'.; 1 7. 1 r. 17.S I",. I'e at'L'.r. ti IV.I'.L'.Ol) Silver, nickels and cents.... T )TAT $7 1; '.(!(. ;": LIATtlLTTIFS C.iTdtfil stock paid in $ r.O.OOfl.on Surplus I'liinl "O.OiMi.Ou CnUi i.leil pri.tits l.x.liS .S!1 I in! i v ill ua 1 deposits, stiPjec-t t- cheek 256.."il.07 Time celtilieates of deposit. a;'.2.1 SO.O'.t e'aslder's checks outstanding ::0,".y7.!' f i me to National and State hanks 11,S7:..7fl Pills i-av!.le V, ei.000.0l) 1 icpositor's guaranty fund... ei.i'lu.SI T )T A 1 .$7.; '.1)0. State of Nebraska County of Cass U j 1. If. V. Patterson. Cnslifer of the above named bank iie liereby swear that the above statement is a correct and true copy of the report made to the State Hanking Poar.l. j:. f. pattkrron. Attest: Casbier. CII.S. C. PARMICLF, Director. JACOH TRITSCU. Director Subacid led and sworn to before me V ANN! C. HASSLKt:. Notary Public. ! (Seal) My commission expires Sect. 22. 1923. Mrs. Ward Clark was among those going to Omaha this afternoon to visit for a few hours attending to some matters of business. Isaac Cecil is being compelled to take an enforced vacation from the Burlington shops Sue to an attack of rheumatism. Fred Stewart of Omaha, was in the jcitj' today looking after some matters of business. Of Summer Apparel Family will be Hoys' work shirts Men's broad. long work shirts Hoys' u n inn suits .ii.-n"s union suits Men's Hatch One-P.utton union Hoys' Hatch Oi.e-Iiutton union Also Local Agent Sewing The Service Store ALFRED GANSEMER, Proprietor PAINTS PasntaH We are closing out our line of House Paints, Darn Paint, Var nishes, etc., and as we do not. intend restocking will give our cus tomers the advantage of the price. We handle the Paintall Products, manufactured at Lincoln and especially adapted to this climate. I louse paint, gallons $4.25 Vz Gal $2.15 Quarts $1.15 Small quantity red barn paint, gal.. . .$2.25 If we haven't enough of colors you select on hand to com plete your job, will order it for you at same price. It will pay you to sc us before buying your paint. iray G. W. McCracken, Prop BRUSHES Hardware and Implements! We are carrying a full line of the John Deere farm machinery and implements and our stock is most complete just now for your selection. It consists of plows, harrows, disks, listers, planters and every known implement required in the corn farming line. In addition we also carry a complete line of heavy and shelf hardware; electric washers and general hard ware. Our aim is to serve you always. W- H. MURRAY TIE iiilDiHIGHT MAN! There will be presented the seventh epi sode of the serial now running at the Puis hall, on next Saturday evening, and in addi tion three other reels of fine and interesting pictures. The show will begin promptly at 8:30 and the charges will be the same popular prices 15 and 25 cents. Remember Saturday evening, May 22, seventh episode of serial and three other reels. Puis & Company Qood Home Carown Soudan Grass Seed for sale. Soudan Grass is next to prairie hay in food value. All mail orders filled same day received. Price 15c per pound. W. T. VALLEK Y, Phone 2321 Lne for Every Member of the Found at Our Store (i suits (it suits ti $1.15 1.C0 50c and up $1.00 and up $2.0fr 1.25 for the Famous Singer Machines. WALL PAPER Products! wu GLASS PUL NEBRASKA Murray, Neb. 9