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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1920)
PAGE FOUR PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSrAY, MAY 27, 1920. Cbc plattsmoutb journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered t Postoffice. Flattsmouth. Neb., as ecosd-claas mall matter R. A. BATES, Publish e. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE The main trouble is too many try infi to become millionaires over iiisht. :o: Mary ami Dour seem to be striving for a record in permanent movie mar riages. :o: Take yood care of the heart, it is the main motor power of the human Lcin. :o: Ily the way, where is the man who used to touch you for two bits for a meal. :o: - Hungary's new money, which is to be pretty to look at, but silk money iiij't velvet. :o: The Atchison Globe declares that I the surest sisn of age in a woman is wrinkled hose. :o: When a man calks his wife a duck. 4 she may remind him that a duck is served with dressing. :o: These windy days certainly are tome advertisement for the hosiery department of the stores. :o: For the first eleven r.omho of 1'JiD o?ir tradi balance with Kurope was $4,10,000.000 in our favor. :o: There are some phople who ai e so stingy that they will not even laugh, for fear their face might crack. :o: News item says "U. S. watching the German situation." llei:ie says lie is well acquainted with Uncle Sam's "watchful waiting.' :o: .Mart managers have discovtre 1 that if '!iip tition and reward are nullified only to the bosses you get driving instead of supervision. :o: It is .said that General Obrcgou's friends in Mexico are putting an ap; tn-.pbc'betwccn the o and the b in his name to encourage the Irish vote. Gash Garry Grocer Pay cash, carry your groceries and save money. I offer for immediate sue: 3 No. .". cans kraut 3 N'o. caiis pork and beans. 2 No. : cans pumpkin N'o. 2' cans tomatoes No. 2 cans lima beans o No. 2 cans early June peas. 7 No. 2 cans corn Gallon can peaches Gallon can apricots 4 5c 4 k .25c 50c ooC 50c ?1.00 S.'c SSc T."c '.ul!.:i can apples lC-oz. bottle catsup, each 20-oz. bottle jam, pure fruit.. No. 2'a c-in peaches, per can. No. 22 can apricots, per can 2'Jc .! .jC 20c 3.',c Gallon can corn syrup $1.00 Gallon can white syrup lo-oz. can sardines, per can.. :! 12-oz. cais sardines f No. 'i cans ;irdines $1.10 23c 50c .38c 2 cans Lewis I. ye 25c 29c r.oc G5c Iire pkg. Ruh-no-More l.arr0 I kg. Sea foam 10 bars Pearl White soap E. P. LUTZ 'jkemebxm ::a::rM-::;5rBs.::;H:;::azM: WlSiySORSAL'DAY I b y l. S The Cass County Monument Co. has a fine lot of Monuments and I leadsloncs from which to select. The prices are right. Remem ber, there are not many days left in which to have your work done by the 30th of May. Wc also cut inschiptions at the cemetery. Give Us a Trial! Cass County Monument Company. H. W. SMITH, PRopr. a y Telephone 177 -:- -:- Plattsmouth, Neb. One of the leading statisticians re cently stated that it now takes 2o0 people to do the same work that was performed by 100 employees in 1914 :o: If those potatoes don't weigh any more than the ones that have been retailing around here, no one will be injured In the drop. So let 'em come down. :o: Farm life is themost independent in the world, as city dwellers are fond of saying. Now is the time for them to become independent. Every farm is calling them. :o: "Prices will be cut 20 per cent, except those articles regulated by manufacturers", we read. Prices regulated by manufacturers is uncon stitutional, you understand, but true. :o: Hungary may make herself feel prosperous with her new silk curren cy, but Hungary has never been so well oil since the days when she ground gypsy dance music by the ream. v A curious, perhaps unique, fea ture of the great money markets on the stock exchange is absolute lack of favoritism. "One" broker has pre cisely the same standing, if he fol lows the rules of the game, as any other. :o: THE COMING FOOD CRISIS The evidence now seems over whelming that considerably less food will be produced in North America this year than last year. The south temperate zone has jirst completed a crop season and its two great surplu--food growing countries, Argentina and Australia, report disappointing harvests. In the United States and Canada, the only agricultural coun tries remaining in the world upon which the human race depends for i largo exportable snrplus, the spring conditions are unfavorable. The planting season is very late; the railroad tie ups and freight conges tion have seriously delayed the ship ments cf fertilizers to t lie farms of the country; farm labor in unpre cedentedly scarce and costly and the tendency is widespread for the smal ler farmers to cultivate only such an acreage of land as they can care for without hired help. No contribi: tion to the world's exportable food supply can be expected this year, or perhaps next year, from central and eastern Kurope. Krmania and Hun gary before the great war could be depended upon for w heat, as the mid dle and western European countries ooifld be depended upon for beet su gar, but Rumania and Hungary must be dismissed for the present from all calculations. Russia's great wheat belt. Is in the Ukraine, but the now Polish war of conquest as far south as Odessa is not the right sort of spring planting. The come back of Russia as a food exporting country on a large scale still seems rather remote, regardless of bolshevism, if a new cycle of wars must be fought for the political control of the rich western zone of the old empire stretching from the Baltic to the Black sea. The economic chaos and dismal social misery of' eastern Europe is now so extreme that one might see K B U B .'in thiu condition the clear warning of the downfall of civilization. It is many centuries since the situation of a vast population was more criti j cal. Those w retched human hordes I now more than half starved, must be kept alive in tne next iew years. If they are to survive, by means of the surplus food grown elsewhere which is where America conies in. It is futile, perhaps, In these days. to talk about attaining a higher civili zation; the present task is to hold on to what civilization the world al- nmilv lms The lirst essential of civilization is food. Newspaper headlines suggest that here in the United States bread may before long go up to 2 5 cents a loaf This fear is not based on the sliort wintpr wheat froD. for the United States could grow enough wheat in the worst season imaginable to fee' its own people at a price by no means excessive, provided that little wheat or wheat flour were exported. The trouble now anticipated arises, first, from the European demand for American Hour; second, from the end oa June 1 of the regulation of wheat prices by the United States government. The question immediately arise whether government control of the market should not be continued, if puch consequences of its expiration are threatened. After the armistice, the cry arose that the government should get out of business immedi ately, and the government did get out of business as fa&t as it could. But there were some disastrous re sults, as in the case of sugar. Ev erybody now wishes that sugar had been kept under direct' government control. The railroads have gone back, also, but railroad transporta tion suffers. It may turn out that monumental mistake will be made in letting government control of the grain market prematurely expire. Spring Held Republican. -:o: MANAGEMENT OF PAR- MELE GIVES BANQUET Managers and Employes of Theater and Their Families Enjoy line Time at T. E. Parmcle Home From Mnnflaj'n Daily. ' Saturday beiir-4 the second anni versary of the management of the Parmcle theater by Messrs. A. O. Moore and August C'loidt, the occa- ion was fittingly observed by the management in a social evening and banquet for the members of the sia:i of employes and their families. Each year" the management has tendered some fitting recognition of the ser vices of their assistants and Saturday evening the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. l'armele was tlu cone of the pleasant gathering. The festivities were commenced following the second show at the theater and lasted until the early morning hoim v.-hen the members of the party wended their way homeward. A very elaborate banquet had been arrange ! under the supervision of Mrs. Par- mele, which with her gracious hos pitality aided in making the event a most memoraMe one for all those in attendance. The management of the popular show house is very appreciative of the excellent support given them by the amusement loving public of the city and which has made their hand ling such a pronounced success. The rleasant event which was enjoyed by the employes on Saturday will ever be pleasantly remembered by them. VERY HAPPY OCCASION Last evening the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cheval was gladdened by the arrival of a tine little daughter, who has come to make her home with them in the future. The moth er and little one are doing nicely and the father is feeling greatly elat ed over the addition to the family circle. Gift cards at Journal office. Poultry Wanted! Please call phone 2411 when hav ing: poultry for sale. I can take your poultry any day in week except Sat urday. W. T- RICHARDSON i2d, 2w . Hynard, Nebr. The reosonMa2 Yuc OruoflUt ... F. G. FRICKE & CO. IClli:it TO MIOM" CAI'SK In tht- District Court of Cass coun ty Xoliraska. In tin matj-r of tlie :i ppl i?at ion of lii'illia 1 Stan.llov, etuardian of Hubert Stamlley. Irt ni' Statilley, Mabel Stand ! an.l Vt-rna Stainlb-y. nil ilinors, for lii'tTisf to sell rf-jil esto.te. On reading and filing the petition, .Inlv veiilinl, of la-rtha 1. Standley, Ciianliun of llnbtit Standley, Irene Si a ml If y, Mal i-1 Standley and Vi-rna. Standley, all minors, for license to fell the follow in if described real estate, to wit: An liTKllvided eiht-twenty-seven-llis .sl'7 of the following described lots: Lots MMy-threo 0U), sixty-fix tf.;) and sixO-sevtn (C7, all in Lenox Subdivision of the northwest quarter iNU'U) of tlie. northwest juarter (Nt) of Section twenty-nine 21t, in Townsliiji ten 10 North of IlanKe s. ven (7), east of the etli 1'rincipal Meridian, astcr -oi;nty, Nebraska, a shown on the jiiblished and record ed plat thereof, for the purpose of raising funds for the education and maintenance of said minors, and it ap pearing from said petition that said i-al estate consist or three lots on which there are two houses which are iti a poor state of repair, and that tuere is very little income from said property after paying expenses for keeping the houses in repair and the taxt-; It is ther.-fcre ordered that the next of kin of said minors and all others i'ltereste.V in said estate appear before mo at chambers in t'.ie court house in the Citv of IMattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska, on the 1Mb day of June, A. 1 . K'-'U. at ten o'clock a. m., to show ause. if any there be, why license should not be granted to said Kertha I.. Standley. ji;arlian, to sell said real .state for the purposes above Set forth. And it is further ordered that a copy of this oriler be published once ( a.'li weeK lor three successive wc-ks hi fore said hearing. in the I'latts Miouth Journal, a 1 gal' newspaper em ulating in said County of Cass, Ne-.- ka. Dated at chambers in said Cass county this l'tli day or .May, A.. l. jam ics t. iu:e;i.i:v. Judge of the District Court of mi::-Jw e'ass county, Nebraska. muk i: m- iii:iu; In the County Court of Cass coun- lv, Nebraska. In tlo- matter of the estate; of ilat- ;ie tsray, Ucttaseo. To all persons interested in said es tate, itors anil lieirs-at-law: lmi He herebv notified that on the loth .av of May. 1 :-, Matfie Kgenberger iUd ler petition in this court, alleg ing that Mattie C.rav. l.lte of IMatts mouth, 'ass county, Nebraska, died in state on the 'JJ'. h day or iecemn-r. I'.iit."., while a resident or said county f Cass, and left surviving her. as her -Jiile and onlv heirs at law, her Hus band, Joseph It. (iray and Nellie S. Avers, a daughter: Mary K. Hooper, a lighter; MaUie lOgenbergcr, a daugh ter: William armacK. a son: nenna I.. Long, a lauclitr: John K. Carmack, a son and Kditli M. Creg. a daughter. ill of legal age. and that said decedent was seizeii ot tne ife simple line n the following described real property to-wit: The north half of Lots one (1 ) and two (!'), IUock seventeen (17) in IMattsmouth. Cuss county. Nebraska, which was the homestead of said de- as'd, and that on the death of the said decedent the said title to said real ropertv descended according to the iecedeat laws of the State of Ne braska, to tlie said children of said leceased, in common, ana undivided, ;hare and shale alike, to each indi vidual onc-sevc nth. but subject to tlie ght of homc-uad e the snid lius- l and, Joseph H. Cray, therein: that i t it ioner is one of the heirs or said lecedent and tlie owner of a one-sev-nl!i interest in said estate, and pray-ii-' for a determination of the time of ti e dentil of the said Mattie Cray, and of her heirs at law. the degree of kin ship, and the right of descent or the real property belonging to said de cedent in the State of Nebraska, and for an order barring claims against said estate, and lor such other orders r.ecot sar- for a correct determination of said matter. Said matter has been set for hearing at the County Court room in IMatts Tiioutb. C'a.-s county. Nebraska, on the iMh day of June, li20. at 5) o'clock a. n., at which time and place all per sons interested may appear and con test said petition. Dated May i:th. In. ALLEN J. BEESO.V. ml7-oW. County Judge. MlTIt i: OF IIKAKI-Xfi IVIiiioo tor Helcriiiluntloii Oil of llcirlii Estate of llarbara J. Wiles, deceas ed, in the County Court ot Cass coun tv, Nebraska. " The State of Nebraska. To all per sons Interested in said estate, credi tors and loirs take notice that Cash L. Wiles has filed his petition alleg ing that llarbara J. Wiles died. intes tate in Cass county, Nebraska, on or about April , 1H07, being a resident and inhabitant of Cass county, Ne braska, and the owner of the follow ing described real estate, to-wit: The south, half (S'.'. of southwest quar ter (SW'i) of "Section three (3). and tNe northeast quarter (NEU of the :oi:thest quarter (SYV'i) of Section four ill. all in Township twelve (12). North Kan go thirteen (Hi), east of the ;th 1'. M., e'ass county. Nebraska, now owned hv Canna O. Finch; also the south half (Si.) of the northeast qparter I i "and north half (N"Ms of north half iN' , ) of north half (N'o) d' southeast quarter (SK1;) of Section four ill and the north half (NVi) of the southeast quarter (SE'i) and the north hair l i.. ) of the northeast ruarter NI-:'4) T-f the southwest quar ter (SW'4; of Section fourteen (14), a!l in Township twelve (12), North Kange thirteen (1), oast of the 6th I. M.. e'ass county. Nebraska. now owned by Thomas Wiles. Jr.; also the south half (S':.i of the north half (X1.) of the imrth half (N'i) of the southeast quarter isll'i) of section four the (4), and tLe south half (Si) of southeast quarter tSH'i) and the south half (S'i) of the northeast quar ter NE'i of the southwest quarter (SV, of Section fourteen (14), all in Township twelve (12), North liange thirteen (!:;, cast of the Cth 1 it.. e'ass countv. Nebraska, now owned by e'ash L. Wiles; also Lot forty-four 4t), in Sect ion thirteen (13). east of the cth 1 M.. e'ass county. Nebraska, now owned bv Luke I Wiles; also the south half" (S'.-j 'f the northwest quarter (XW'i'i of Section live ("), and tlie east half (E1,2 of-tne north east quarter NKU of Section six l t all in Townsiiip seven (7), North Kanxe t wen I v-nine (29), west of the I'. M., frontier county, Nebraska, now owned by James Hurnett: also I he northeast quarter (XKVi of Sec tion 'twenty-nine, and the east half d-;1'.) of the southwest quarter (SW'ii of Section twentv-nine 29) and the southeast quarter iSK'i) of Section twenty 20), all in Township eight (8), North Ranefe twenty-nine (29). wst f the 6th P. M., Frontier county. Ne brafka. now owned by Loren M. "Wiles, and leaving as lier sole and only heirs at law the following named persons, to-wit: Thomas Wiles, Jr., widower. and Loren M. Wiles and Cash L. Wiles, sons, and Canna CJ. Finch, daughter; and praying for a decree barring claims: that said decedent died intes tate; that no application for adminis tration has been made and the estate of said decedent has not been admin istered in tlie State of Nebraska, and lliat the heirs at law of said decedent as herein set forth shall be decreed to be the owners In fee simple of the above described real estate, which lias been set for hearing on the 29th dav of May, A. D. 1920, at ten (10) o'clock a. in. Dated this 2Sth at day Plattsmouth, Nebraska, of April, A. 1920. ALLEN J. BEESON. County Judge. (Seal) m3-lw M)TI( i: TO I'HKOITOHS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Al-bc-rt Vallery. deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You arc hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in I'iatts moutli, in said county, on the 12th day of June. A. D. 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., and on the 13th day of September, A. D. 19 20, Tit 10 o'clock a. in., to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation . of claims against said estate is three months from the 12th day of June, A. I . 1920. and the time limited for payment of debts is cue year from said 12th day of June, 1920. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 6th day of May, iy20. ALLEN J. BEESOX, (Seal) County Judge. , MITK i; TO 4 HICIMTOHS Tlie State of Nebraska, Casa coun ty, ss. In the County Court. in the matter of the estate of Eli zabeth Harry, dee-eased. To the creditors of said estate: You are- hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth, in said county, on tlie 12th day of June, A. I . 1120. at 10 o'clock a. in., and on the 13th day of September, A. I . 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjust ment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 12lh day of June, A. D. 1920, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 12th day of June, 1920. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this 6tli day of May, 1920. ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) County Judge. oiini'it or iii:iu; on I'd it ion for Appointment of Ailittiiilxlriiirix. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Jo seph Zitka. deceased. On reading and tiling the petition of Anna Zitka praying that administra tion of said estate may be granted to Anna Xitk.i as Administratrix; Ordered. That June lath. A. I . 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all per sons interested in said matter may ap pear at a County Court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer ef petitioner should not be granted: anil that notice of tlie pendency of said petition and the hear ing thereof bo given to all persons interested in said matter by publish ing a copy of this order in the l'latts mouth Journal, a . semi-weekly news paper printed in said county for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Dated May 13th. 1920. ALLEN J. BEESON, (Seal) m.17-3 jCounty Judge. MITICK TO ('It I'.IUTOHS The State of Nebraska,- Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Fred Conden. Dei-eased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the? County Court rom in I'lattsr mouth in said county, on the 22nd day of June, 192(t, and the 22nd day of Sep tember, 1920. at 1) o'clock a. m. of each day, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 22nd day of June, A. D. 1920, and the time limited for pay ment of debts is one year from said 22nd ilay of June. 1920. Witness my hand and the seat of said County Court, this 25th day of May, 1920. ALLEN J. BEESOX. (Seal) m27-? County Judge. XOTII K TO Itl'.IMTOItS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Hum phrey Lee Oldham, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notitied that I will sit at the County Court room in IMatts mouth, in said county, on the 22nd day of June and the 22nd day of Septem ber, 1920, at 9 o'clock a. m. of each day, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for tlie presentation of claims against said estate is throe months from the 22nd day of June. A. I. 19J0. and the time limited for pay ment of debts is one year from said 2 2 nil dav of June. 1920. Witness mv hand and the seal of said County Court this 25th day of May, 1920. ALLEN J. BEESOX. (Seal) ni27-? County Judge. l.l'.fiW. MITICK In the District Court of Cass coun tv, Nebraska. Benjamin E. Snodgrass. Plaintiff, vs. Ellen M. White: Mattie Williams; Mary E. Keithley; Ann Mickelwait; Maud Tacetti: the following named persons and also their unknown heirs, devi sees, legatees, and personal represen tatives 'of each of them, to-wit: Abel U Chiids; Mary Wolcott; Mary E. Wol cott, and the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and personal representatives of Wheatlev Mickelwait, lllisiania Mickelwait and Fred II. Mickelwait; Also tiiat part of eJovernment Lots one and two in Section 20. in Town ship 12, North, Bangle 14, East of the Mh P. M.. in Cass county, Nebraska, described as follows: Commencing at tlie northwest corner of srfld Section 20. and running thence east on the north line of said section to the south western line of tlie right-of-way of the Burlington & Missouri Biver rail road companv in Nebraska: thence fol lowing sai.l line of right-of-way in a southeasterly direction until said line intersects tlie division line described in a certain deed made by Wheatley Mickelwait and wife to said railroad companv, recorded in Book "B' of deeds, at page 568, of the records of said countv: thence following said di vision line in a southeasterly direction to the south line of said Government Lot one; thence south 53 W., 18 chains nd X3 links; thence west - 12 links: thence north 10 chains; thence west 10 chains to the section line: thence tiorth on said section line 29 chains and 2fi links to tlie place of beginning (except Lots 27 and 39. as indicated on the plat books of said county) and known as sub lot one of Government Lots one and two; also lots numbered 0 and 41 in said Section 20, and all persons claiming any interest of any kind in said real estate or any part thereof. Defendants. To Kllen M. White, Mary L. Keithley. Maud Tacetti and to tlie following named persons and also their unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and personal representatives of each of them, to wit: Abel L. Chiids: Mary Wolcott and Marv E. Wolcott: and to the unknown !..;.'. ,i.ri;, lec-atfcs and personal i representatives of the following named OOft BANK iS A SAFE PLACE FOR YOUR A10NEY NOBODY WANTS TO SLAVE AWAY UNTIL THEY DIE. NO ONE IS LOOKING FORWARD TO AN OLD AGE OF POVERTY AND WANT. BUT OLD AGEIS COMING AND YOUR EARNING CAPAC ITY IS GOING. YOU WON'T LOOK FORWARD WITH FEAR, YOU'LL LOOK FORWARD WITH JOY TO SLOWING DOWN V HEN YOU HAVE A GOOD FAT "BANK ACCOUNT" AS THE RESULT OF YOUR STEADY DEPOSITS IN THE BANK. PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK. YOU WILL RECEIVE Z7 INTEREST ONSAVlNG3 ACCOUNTS. Farmers PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA wait, deceased: Illisiana Mickelwait, dec-eased and Ered II. Mickelwait, de ceased: and also to the above describ ed real estate and all persons claim ing any interest of any kind in said real estate or any part thereof. De fendants: Yon and each of you are hereby noti fied that on the 24th day of May, A. D. 1920. Benjamin E. Snodgrass, plaintiff herein, has tiled his petition in the District Court of lass county. Nebras ka, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to quiet the title of the above described real es tate in the plaintirr, against atu claims and demands, each and all of said de fendants might have in and to said real estate or anv part thereof, and to permanently enjoin each and all of said defendants from making -any claim or iletnand in law or in equity against iid real estate. You are required to answer said pe KSBEE33 be months behind when Don't blame the hot weather for your discomfort. It's you! We need warmth and you need good old ath letic unions. They are here for you in the style you like. If you have never worn Kool Athletics, try them for comfort ; if you have, then you know where to come for the real ones. $1.25 - $1.50 - $2.00 All weights and sleeve and knee lengths in the knitted kind for the man who prefers them to the .Athletic. Pliitip Shimc JOHN DEERE Farm Machinery! We carry a full and complete line of the reliable John Deere farm machinery, and are ready to fill your order for anything in oujr line. Plows and corn farming implements of all kind, as well as haying and harvest ing machinery. Also threshers' necessities. WARE ROOMS ON SOUTH i: SIXTH STREET D. B. E PLATTSMOUTH State BanL tition on or before the 32th dav of July, 192(1, or your default will be en tered aiol title quieted in plaintiff, as prayed, for in the petition. Dated this 22nd dav of Mav, 1920. BLNJAMIX E. SNODCIIASS. Plaintiff. D. O. DWl'Ki;, 11127-4W. tloriiey. DR. H. G. LEOPOLD OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Coates Blk. Phone 208 33WC1 Anybody "Merry Christmas" in April! CjJYet lots of men seem lo the hot weather hits them. Wc would like to talk straw hats, silk hose palm beach suits, and palm beach trou sers and everything: for the hot weather thats our business. NEBRASKA