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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1920)
A : - MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1920. TAQE fOTJH PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL f ! r it i i I i t ?1 ill ! . I i Si f t i ' f 1 I I I Cba plattsmouth journal PUBLISHES 21X1. WEEKLY AT FLATTS2I0UTIL, ItEXOASXA Katerol potolce. Plattsmoutb. Nakw. mj eo4-elsa mU matter , R. A. BATES, Publitbe. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $Z,00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE J. 1 H L :'- i-" PRESIDENTIAL APATHY Has anybody seen, outside of the campaigfn literature speeches, any si&n of enthusiasm over aay presi dential candidate ol any party? Is there anywhere in Nebraska, for in stance, any great spontaneous Inter est in any presidential candidate in any party? Mark Sullivan has lately toured the middle west studying the presi dential situation. He finds every where the public indifference which seems so pronounced in Nebraska. The presidential candidates are not By a I interesting the common folks. great furore of campaigning a large vote was got out in South Dakota, but the voters showed no positive, trend even there. They divided al most eveuly among the three leading candidates. , . , . , Mr. Sullivan has an 'explanation of this apparent public apathy, and It is significant If true. The people are not interested In the presidential campaigns of the old type politicians, he says, because they have lost hope or faith in the old parties, or rather in the ways of their politicians. They consider congress and the politicians behind the times. They do not deal in the matters which the people have at heart. They continue dealing in political spoils when the people have nothing but disgust for the spoils sys tem. " They continue to run -politics for pontics' sake, whereas the people are anxious for a politics capable of solving the social problems under which they are bowed. What positive form does this pub lic attitude take? A disposition, ac cording to Mr. Sullivan, to. grade a presidential candidate up about in proportion as the party politicians grade him down. If" General Wood has any advantage over Governor Lowden, It Is because Wood has been less identified with the old party pol' itics. The real beneficiary of this attitude of the middle western pub lic, says Mr.' Sullivan, is Herbert Hoover. Hoover has been no poli tician at all. He ran the food ad ministration without taint of poli tics. He picked as his assistants men of notable ability, disregarding politics. Maybe a man so divorced from the politics-for-politicians uabli might do something to-set up a poli tics for the public system. Every where he went, says Sullivan, he found this point of view strongly supported. The apathy which Mr. Sullivan dis covers is self evident. . The existeace of a widespread, spontaneous Hoover sentiment in both parties Is equally obvious. The relation between thi two, as Mr, Sullivan sees it, is an explanation of what hitherto has been something of a mystery. :o: A MAD MARCH It is with devout satisfaction we arrive this year at the final day of March. There have been March months which made us feel like apol ogizlng for 'the bad name we give the windy month. This has not been one of the number. March has lived down to Its reputation this year and then some. It is impossible to imag Ine any one being sorry to see it go Here in Nebraeka the wind must have traveled close to a million miles this month. A great pendulum has kept swinging north and south, an alternation of bloirs. One day we swallow South pakota dust; the next we sample Kansas. The winds have trimmed the trees and wherever was a weak telephone pole, there has - downfall The roaring ol BLVU c . - he wind has been so Ineessant we have ceased to hear it- Maybe March afforded one sweet spring day and maybe two. B surely not more. At least once it na. with a zero chill. At no LUUuv" " time was it safe, o trust a bright morning to lead ter a pleasant day. After January and February had been quiet and kind, it was truly disap pointing to find March doing the lion act the whole month through. We have no special, complaint here in Nebraska. We seem, Indeed, to have been an isle of comparative calm and mildness with raging oceans of worse wind and blizzard to the north, east, south and west. Nevertheless, even our sort of March was plenty. Begone, madcap month and return no more till capable of i better conduct. :o: OUT WITH, THE TUR5 Americans without regard to oth er division of opinion will join with President Wilson in demanding that the Turk be ousted from Europe and deprived of- any dominion over Chris tian peoples.. The character of the note to the allies with regard to the treaty of peace now being formulated for the Turk Is clear, emphatic and resolutely American in its tone. Along with it must go a perfect un derstanding of what it involves. The French government expresses perfect concurrence in the spirit and pur pose of the note, but asks "how these ends can be achieved without the force necessary to deal with the trou ble certain to result among the Mus sulman population." Mustapha Kemal, - leader or the Turkish 'nationalist faction, is busy striving to arouse- Mohammedans to a holy war, asserting that the occu- pancy of Constantinople is an insult to the Moslem world. He has de clared the sultan no longer caliph of Islam, an act of rebellion, but one that must certainly appeal to the fa naticism he is cultivating. Yet, in the face of this, the United States has a right to demand that the pow ers of Europe deal firmly with the Turkish situation, to the end that the presence of this enemy of civiliza tion in Europe will no longer irritate and disturb the peace. The proposal that Russia he given a voice at such time as a stable gov ernment is set up there, with a right to review any action now taken at Paris, is also sound. Russia's con cern in the Bosporus and Dardanelles exceeds that of any other European nation. Only jealousy of Russia and a desire to shut off Odessa from easy communication with the outer world by leaving the sultan supreme over the straits connecting the Caspian with the Mediterranean, has held the situation as it has been for so many years. When the Turk has been expelled from Europe, and the important wa terway he has so long straddled has been internationalized, a potent bond for permanent peace will have been given the world. Omaha Bee. -:o:- RUNNING A WIFE BY TIME-TABLE Efficiency in the home is quite as necessary as it is in the factory. The home is, in fact, a happiness factory for the family when its. mistress gives intelligent attention to her du ties. It Is,' of course, a moral obli gation that the husband, In his .wis dom, should aid to the extent of his ability in making the home all it should be, but alas! How often are his well meant efforts spurned. Take the case of William Economo of Detroit, for instance. William is a methodical man, a believer in time schedules, who would have his wife improve not only each shining hour. but every precious minute. Know ing that success is not attained by haphazard methods, he devised a time table for his new "wife. It required her to rise at 5:45. At 5:57 she was to be dressed. At 5:59 her hands and face were to be washed. Tlv 6:19 breakfast was "to ibq ready and eaten. ; ' : ' '.. William , went to-work then, but the time table provided for sweepin and other household work during his absence. It was an admirable ar rangement, in that it developed speed in the performance of. home tasks. One day William, discovered that 20 minutes of, his wife's time were un occupied, whereupon he revised the time table and suddenly found his domestic accommodation train side' tracked in the divorce court station The Judge, acting as train dispatcher ordered it run to Alimony, where the brakes were set and the engine taken to the round house. What encouragement is there any more for husbands to make them selves useful about the house? Here was a loving mate who might have made wife a standardized model of domestic efficiency. But she was not clock-broke. She would't work on a time schodule. Now she gets up when she wants to, does as she pleases, and her husband lias to pay her J 10 a week after trying to run her like an automobile faetory. It is discouraging for husbands isn't it? :o: -. vt i nmnnsed to make the first " - day of May "American Day". All days, in fact, should be American days in the United States. XOTICR TO XO.VHKSIDEXT In the District Court of Cass coun- y. iseurasKa. KK-naru jonnsun, i "m. 1. Merriam and Merriam. Iik wife (first real name unknown): V. K. Speck, a slnffie man: v iiimm ii .1 a. o inc1 man: Frank M. Price. a slnsle map: Joiianathan B. Quln and Quin.' lus wire inrsi rci unknown): Harlan R. Quln and Quln. his wife (first real name un known): tne unKnown " ,.-c -.. innatccii. Dersonal representatives, and all other persons interested in the es tates oi the roreftoinff namea ueieu- dants, and each of them: and the East Halt ib'jl oi ine ui iiiconi .( n x . . . (KEVt . less, however, a strip of land one rod wide off of the south end, twiner about one and one-half acres: and also less a strio of land along the west side of said East nair ua' the Northeast quarter (NE Vi 1 ten feet wide on the south end thereof and broadening as the line Is extended northward until it ia forty-Pine (49) feet wide on the north end: and also. he Northeast nuarter (n."4) or ine Southeast quarter (SK4). all in hec- ion tweniy-tnree yzn. iuwiimj tion twenty-three (23). lownsmp welve (12 V, Range nine t) hasi. Lass count v. Nebraska, and a.ii persons claiming any interest of ary mna in said real estate or any part-thereof, Defendants. You and each or you are nereoy notified that on the 31st day of March. 2tt. the. plaintiff in the above entmea action "filed in the- District court pi Cass countv, Nebraska, his duly veri fied petition in an action against you. and each of you. the object and prayer of which is to obtain a decree of said court adjudging JUchard A. Johnson o be the owner In fee simple oi me following described real estate, to- wit: East half (E&) of the Northeast quarter (XEV4 ). less, however, a strip of lanV one roa wiae on oi me uni end. being about one and one-half acres, and also less a strip of land along the west side of said East half of the Northeast quarter ( N E V ) ten to,. wide on the south ena tnereoi and broadening as the line Is extend ed northward until it is forty-nine feet wide on the north end: ana also, ine Northeast quarter (NEU) of the South east quarter SEU. all in Section twentv-three. Township twelve. Range nine East Cass countv. isebrastca, anu to enjoin you. and each of you. and all other persons. from asserting any riB-ht title, lien, claim. Interest or estate, in. or to or upon said described real estate, or any part tnereoi; 10 remove certain clouds from the title thereto: to decree that Richard A. Johnson, and those under whom lie claims, lias been in open, notorious. peaceable, continuous ana averse pos session, under claim of ownership thereof and title thereto for more than ten years last past, made vaiuaoie improvements thereon, paid the taxes as they became due; and for general equitable relief. You and each of you are hereby re quired to answer plaintiff's petition on or before tne ltmi uay oi aiay, or the allegations of said petition will be taken as confessed - ana as being true. . - JilCHAKU A. JiJUiASUi, Plaintiff. I. O. BUELL, attorney for Plaintiff. al-4w. - Ashland, Nebr. CrTICK TO CHKDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun in the I'nuntv uoun. In the matter of the estate of John Nichols, deceased. Tii the creditors OE said estate: Ymi nre herebv notified. That I will slt'at the County Court room in Platts- raouth in said county, on the zuttv uay of April, 1920, and on the 20th day or July. 1920, at ten o'clock a. m., to re ceive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their aa justment and allowance. The time lim ited for the presentation ox ciaims against said estate is three months from the 20th day of April, A. Ul 1920, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 20th day of 'April. 1920. Witness my hand and tne seat oi said County Court, this 22nd day of Mar-ch, 1920. ' ' ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) County Judge. ORUKR OP HKAKIG and Aotlce of Probate of Will In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. State. - of Nebraska, County of Cass, To all persons " Interested in the es tate of John Kraeger, deceased: On - reading the petition of Jacob Krager and William Kraeger praying that the instrument filed lu this court on the 22nd day I March. 1920, and purporting to be the last will and tes tament of the said deceased, may be proved and allowed and recorded as the. last will and testament of John Kraeger, deceased; that said instru ment be admitted, to probate, and the administration of said estate be grant ed to Horatio N. Dovey, as executor; It is herebv ordered, that you and AH persons Interested in said matter, may. and do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said coun tv. n the '23rd day of April. A. D 1920, t 10 o'clock a. m., to show cause, if uny.there l'". why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted, anu that notice of the utndencv of said I ietitlon and that the hearing thereof be given to ail persons interested in said matter bv publishing a copy of this Order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly . newspaper printed In said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness mv hand, and seal of said court, this 12nd day of March, A. D. 1920. ALLEN J. BEESON, (Seal) m25-3w. County Judge. NOTICE OK" SUIT TO QUIET TITLE. In the District Court f Cass coun- . Elwood IL Buttery, Plaintiff, vs. Plattsmouth Ferry Co. et al. Defen dants. To the defendants Plattsmouth Per ry Company; Abljah Harris; the unknown- .heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of Abljah Harris, deceased; Mrs. Abljah Harris, first real name unknown; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons Interested in the estate of Mrs. Abijah Harris, first real name un known, deceased; Mary Jennings; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives and all other persons interested in the estate of John W. Jennings, deceased; and Lots 1. 2, 3 and 4 in Block 99, in the City of Plattsmouth, In Cass county. Nebraska. and all persons claiming any interest of any kind In said real estate or part thereof: You and each of you are herebv no tified that on the 19th day of March. 1920, plaintiff in the foregoing entitled cause filed tiis petition in the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, where in each and all of you are made par ties defendant, the object, purpose and prayer of which said petition is to ob tain a decree from aid court remov ing clouds from and quieting the rec ord title to tlie following described real estate in the plaintiff, Elwood M. Buttery, to-wlt: Lots one (1), two (2), three (3) and four (4), in Block ninety-nine (99), in the City of Platts mouth, Nebraska, as against you and each of you and. to exclude- ana en join you and each of you from ever asserting or claiming any estate, right, title or interest therein adverse to plaintiff, .by reason of plaintiff's ad verse possession of said premises for more than ten years prior to the com mencement of said suit, and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable. You are required to answer said pe- tition on or before the third day of May, 1920, or your default will be duly entered therein and a decree entered as prayed for in said petition. Dated March 19. 1920. ELWOOD M. BUTTERY. Plaintiff. By JOIJN M. LEYDA. m22-4w. His Attorney, NOTICE OK GIAKDIAN'S SALE In the District Court of Douglas county. Nebraska. Doc. 172; No. 165. In the matter of the Application of Alice W. Kiewit. Guardian of the Per son and Estate of Charles D. Wood worth, a Minor, for leave, to sell real estate. Notice is herebv given that In pur suance of an Order of the District Court of Douglas county, Nebraska, by Hon. N nils U. Sears, judge, made on the 17th day of March. 1920, there will bo sold at public vendue, to the high est bidder, lor cash, at the front door of the court house in the City of Plattsmouth In Cass county, Nebras ka, on the 12th day of April, 1920, at ten o clock a. m.. the undivided one- fourth interest in and to all of the following described real estate, situat ed in Cass county, Nebraska: Lot four (4), being a subdivision of Government Lot four (4); also Lots ten (10) and sixteen (16), being subdivisions oi Government. Lot five ta) and accretions there to, all in Section fifteen (15). Township twtlve (12)." North Kange eleven 11, east of the 6th P. M.; also Lots twenty-seven (27), twenty-eight (28).' twenty-nine (29) and thirty (30). Inthe Village of Louis ville. Cass county. Nebraska. subject to all unpaid taxes thereon. Said sale will remain open one hour. Bated this 20th day of March. 1920. ALICE W. KIEWIT. Guardian of the Person and Estate of Charles D. Woodworth, Minor. NOTICE OF SI IT TO QI IET TITLE In (Jie District Court of the Coun tv of Cass, Nebraska. Joe Felthauser and Glioma E. Hath away, Plaintiffs, vs. Henry 11. Wilson et al. Defendants. To the defendants Henry H. Wilson: Mrs Henry H.' Wilson, first real name unknown: John Harvey: Mrs. John Harvey, first real name unknown; Jo seph L. Heel: Eunico L. Reel; Mrs. Thomas K. Faniniore, first real name unknown; James R. Humble; Eveline M. Willson; Willson, first real name unknown: William Dorrough; Wm. H. SDratlin: the unknown heirs. devisees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons mieresteu in the estates of Henry H. Wilson; Mrs. Henry H. Wilson, first real name unknown: John Harvey; Mrs. John Harvev, first real name unknown; Jo seph L. Reel; Eunice L. Reel: Mrs. Thomas K. Fenlmora. nrsi real name unknown: James It. Humble; Eveline M. Willson; Willson, first real name unknown; v illiana u.orrougn. Wm. H. Spratlin. each deceased; the northeast quarter (NEU) of the north east quarter (NK 1 ) and the north west quarter (NW,i of the northeast quarter (NE all in Section twenty- five (25). Township ten tiui, Range thirteen (13). east of the 6th P. M., in the County of Cass. Nebraska, and all persons claiming any interest of any kind in said real estate or any part thereof: You and each of you are hereby no tified that on the 17th day of March, 1920, plaintiffs filed their suit in the District Court of Cass county. Nebras ka, to quiet the title of plaintiff Joe Felthauser to the following described land, to-wlt: the northeast quarter (NE'4) of the noitheast quarter. (NE '4) of Section twenty-five (25). Town ship ten (10), North Range thirteen (13), east of the 6th P. M.. -in the County of Cass. Nebraska: and to quiet the title of piaintlff Thomas K Hathawav to the following described land, to-wlt: the northwest quarter (NVH of the-northeast quarter irnr 14) of Section twenty-five (25), Town ship tun (10, North .Range thirteen (13), east of the 6th P. M., in the County of Cass, Nebraska, because of their respective 'adverse possession of said respective tracts of land by them selves and their grantors for more than ten vears prior to tne commence ment of Kaii unit and to enjoin each and all of you from having or claim ing any right, title, uen or inicreni. either lecrnl op ecmitable in or to Said lands or any part mereui; i icnu.ic set forth your right, title. r-inim lien or interest therein, if any. Mtlier legal or eijtiuanie, anu i the same ad Indeed inferior to the title of nlaintiffs and for general equi tnVtlo lAllAf This notice is made pursuant to the order of the court. You are required to answer said petition, on or -before Monday, May 3, 1320, or your default will be duly entered therein. JOE FELTHAUSER and THOMAS E. HATHAWAY. Plaintiffs. W. A. ROBERTSON. ml8-4w. Atty. for Plaintiffs. political :;:du::cemeiits! ' Tor State Senator : , T dnslm to announce my candi- darv fnr thf nnmirJation to the POsl tion of state senator for the second Konatorial district of Nebraska, com posed of Otoe and Cass counties, sub ject to the decision of the voters of the republican ine pnmaiy election to be held on Aprn zu. ivtv A. P. STURM, Nehawka, Nebr. "LetVtop it off with a good smoke" Chesterfield NOTHING touches the spot Ufce a good smoke and nothing can touch Chesterfields for genuinely "satisfying" body and flavor. In Chesterfields the finest of silky, aro matic Turkish and rich, mellow Domestic tobaccos are blended to bring out a new and finer quality of flavor. Now you know why Chesterfields "Satisfy!1 And because this blend is exclusive and cannot be copied, only Chesterfields can "satisfy!" ' Each package is wrapped in moisture-proof, glassine paper that keeps all of the original nayor iniact. y LEGAL XOTICR In the Dictrfct Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. 1'latt.smouth Louse io. s. Ancient Order of United Workmen, Plaintiff, vs. Enos W ilKams ct al. Defendants. To the defendants, Enos Williams and wife. . Catharine Williams; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per sonal representatives anil all other persons interested in the estate or Enos Williams, deceased; the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons in terested in the estate of. Catharine Williams, deceased: You and each or you are nereuy no tified that on the 19th day of Janu ary. A. D. 1920, Plaintiff filed its suit in the District Court or Cass county, Nebraska, the object and purpose of which is to quiet and confirm . plain tiff's title in and to that part of Lots 1 and 2 in Block 42, lying, outside of the boundary of Chicago avenue, in the City of Plattsmouth, in Cass coun tv. Nebraska, and to enjoin each and all of you from having or claiming to have anv right, title, lien or interest. either legal or equitable,, in or to said real estate or any part thereof, and to enjoin you and each of you from in any manner interfering with plaintiff's title, possession and enjoyment of said premises and for equitable relief. This notice is given pursuant to an order of the Court. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 10th day of May, A. D. 1920, or your default win oe eniereu therein. PLATTSMOUTH LODGE NO. 8, Ancient Order United Workmen. Plaintiff. By A. L. TIDD, m29-4w. Attorney. NOTICE OF 1IEARIXG In the County Court of Cass county, Nebraska. - . . In the matter of the estate of hei- win Kinkead, deceased. To all persons interested in said es tate, creditors and heirs at law: You are hereby notined tnai on xne 23th day of March, 1920, James Kin kead filed a petition in this court, al leging that Selwin Kinkead, late of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, died intestate on the 20th day of De cember, 1911. In the State of Missouri, while temporarily residing tnerein, and left surviving him. as his sole and onlv heirs at law, his widow, Jennie E. Kinkead, and a son, James Kinkead, and a daughter. Bertha L. Crisman, nee Bertha Lu Kinkead. ail oi legal age, and that said decedent was seized of the title in fee simple of the fol lowing described real property, to-wit: I-ot lour (4) in biock sixteen in Townsend's Addition to Plattsmouth. in Cass county, Nebraska, which was the homestead of said deceased, Sel win Kinkead, and that same was whol ly exempt from attachment, execution or other mesne process, and not liable for the pavment of the debts of said decedent, and on the death of said de cedent the title thereto aescenaea ac cording to the decedent laws of Ne braska, to the said widow and child ren of said deceased in common and undivided, that petitioner Is one of the heirs of said deceased and as such is the owner of an undivided one third interest in said real property and Is now the owner of the other two thirds hv virtue of a conveyance made by the said Jennie E. Kinkead, widow, and Bertha E. Kinkead, daughter of said deceased, and praying for a de termination of the time of the death of said Selwin Kinkead and of his heirs at law, the degree of kinship and the right of descent of the real property belonging to said decedent in the Sta'te of Nebraska. and for an Order barring claims against said es tate and for such other orders neces sary to a correct determination of said matter. Said matter has been set for hear ing at the County Court, room in Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, on the 2ith day of April, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., at which time and place all persons interested may appearand contest said petition. Dated March 25th. 1920. - ALLEN J. BEESON, JOHN M. LEYDA, County Judge. Attorney for Petitioner. m29-3w. ' . ' ' " j l' TOE SALE ' " 240 acres of land near Murray. Will sell all or one eighty separate. All in Sec. 2J, Township L0. Kauj;e 13. For particulars call on 'II.? G. Todd, Murray, Nebr. '25-4-a'w. M . .VJ.iiS''?''r' Duste rhofflnte rio rs bear the distinctive mark or STYLE and QUALITY! ORIGINAL! EXCLUSIVE! They are always recognized by those who appreciate the BEST! We strongly urge that yoa book your orders for SPRING W0EK with us now, so that you may be sure to have your work done well and with out any delay. CaU write or phone today. Max Du steffi off, Exclusive INTERIOR DECORA TING and. Practical Murdock, We carry the newest and -525 i J 5 55 I iJ --5- MEMORIAL DAY K1T0 . The Cass County Monument Co. has a fine lot of Monuments and Headstones from which to select. The prices are right. Remem ber, there are not many days left in which to have.your work done by the 30th of May. We also cut inschiptions at the cemetery, Give Us a Trial! Cass County Monument Company ' H. W. SMITH, PRopr. Telephone 177 . Nebraska finest Wall Paper in stock! jjj 5 j 5. ji-55. jj5j.x -15 II u ti n n n ti II a i a a y Plattsmouth, Neb. v IT