Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1919)
Ji2 Tlr.TblAY. LZCE:ILEK IS, 1019. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURKAL rA:i: SEVZJ3 ft 4 is i jZ "V ISTINCTI E interiors tre no Icnger an magin I Ration but extreme icdliiy when 3 on command, our services. Our recognized tuccess in this line is the result of absolute perfection in workmanship, I?roT?r selection of mn'.ei'al and correct adaptation of color and ciei irn. We aie ie.'!y to furnish suggestions, plans and estimates 0.1 your interior decoration. MAX DUSTERHOF! Interior Decorator Painter Phone 19-G MURDOGK ilEI ( .Ooi.iiiiUeJ l'rciu I'a-e I ssi e at a;! t s. Noil. in? reir--.-. i!" lit hir.i. A ljr.-e v.u-l mt- . ;oc; of ni"rc!:a:;-.a.-o i- .carried this .-r.'erpri.-i:;? tlrr.i -one thai do cr--!;i to low r.s t-l m vera I ! !: e of Mr.rdoc :. -!id u j.i.;d at price inai L-ins :. cl.ise a !' :r..t.a' c.:.-i r:.m eo:i.-ei vat i ve ! u-i:o v a. '. .iid X-i.i-.tS. i . ' .i;.., 7 ot: t! .i tit. a a r; p ! e t ; i, r t urt: : : .-rai-' : i : - .t : I - i . r. -i : : : ; ." . : . . .: . . t i r . " 1 r '. . i e . '. . '..1 t i i ..: lit. .-. ' c:. el. !'- 'I. vTiH Ei.-.-e Ice ;. J. : an,- n. t a - :. ; r- . i .r t :.;-.r.;.- k ; .. v '. t ' ;, '"...'. ! - iaa i. ! a a S-UCCer.- !" : ' 'a a . a a .. i ' v d p a ' r i iaa -;:a r. .Mr. .l.-har- :. : id: of oa i . t ! ; 1 i- ou n t.a-::..-s. aad ! ; I a wa .et t.'.y a - a ' a at AGENCY rCH Kitcheil and Dodge Cars Quzhrnan footers! j Oir machine shop is especially veil equipped I with rr.otern machinery arid firsl-ciass vorkrnen. Vv e i are ready to do ali kinds of repair work, including i , - i- j acetynne tveiaing. I WECAHRYA LARGE LiKE OF ALL ! KlvDS OP TiRES: r r- .i.t3;:: c fc .--r : t". . V i' ui : I ia:n".X5 know t. i r r.i ' : a:ci ieni.i.v c.j ii. t!ii c: nrir.-.e ;n:.?D:':s.nce no o which L.r;cl ha3 climbed. Willi land j.eiling i;t rn' 5 ' j.v'j to f-400.CC- c.n c-.cre r.o one can riord, thrcuh'h"ct, io I y:-.2. !i':.t. :zc to ten bvxltcis cf grsiri per acrr-. n hy prctectinr' or rer.ev.;!irr tiicir land v.'lth r. c;"."sr:rt f eti'av, c manure triej could avoid it. The "One Man Straw and Manure 2pr?2C'cr" wi.'i solve tloj DJofclcm. See the machine and rrei lull iniainiaiicn rc:- vork and iiroiari w keeping up the fertilitv of the oii. WM. GEHRTS M .1 t s 1 Alia cock, itw . - - i r his own '.:. i...: for ii;-- :::: j.-I Intnl. iTLiU -i tlio.-e W!. t.:o : i ;-e i-i t !i t .r . I! .-SMI. : li-cesri;' o (o pe ttpon . ; suppiy fror.i a : !. t..-v :; t xt ' iner. Mr. Johai:s.-t; w ill .:-. bet i and pork to '!. ! y t ; carca.-.- t t" a t: v p..r. ; i;-. rci'. ; a.- halves or quarters. gozs 10 ,gut:-:la?,d. Ti.-s. :.-.y s !'h-'-. 'rday u.. : I": e : J ! . .- . v.: '-i:. . N. ": c'ty . .- r t'-e M is.- m nr.-.:te : tie-';;:!.. M : "it I- O ' . I. '. i: . ' " l l .s i u . : e m ' 1' V. y- ; y -el a t i; -T" . cr i - .1 f., : tl ' t.".' t' V. !.; , . r. n .r,:scr. f.? v. :cir: - a: :Ve Jc.-;'-;-!'- tificr. r" i - r r '; : ' avrt fialurdccU, r ' c b . ; of Ll'C-pir.:.; up .i.C 1 At 1 1 ; v. on r.cco tX of the high nostjuiii'ies tor renewmi: a nd 5 NEBRASKA MRS. P. B, SMITH PASSES mm Fci nter Ci.cs Countv Lndy Dies at Hem? I7c,r Dk. infield Alter i Lena; Period 01' IUnebs. I- r M ,.1,. , ' I' t; f:om th ' .!! .S . O. I .o'lll sl'l IC1I O- .'- t.Cu' '' :i ' C :i K KV1 .1 I iv- ! !!:! i f i .'Kit Coif. tl. lit: - I'. I;. Si,;;,!:, who for a I' . a : redded imar Mif v. !: ;e s!.- has a L;r-e c:-- o. .a' ' iv . I ;! li t v i 11 r.--r 1 v. r-' n ! ta !,-a rn of 1 ho .;. d ev art: s. 1'. V.. Sir' tit pa--l av ..ya: ; ti.e ( f tevn !; Kaiday i. 1 la- vt"-l:. f a rather intended 1 ' , r- 1. 1 l ... l...,r v-rv f! r,:- J"";; s,n"' ,lh"?ah " c,,:;u:o:T ' r si-- err du;:i!y ir-n-d i r ' '" . of C 'lest h.l 1 1 Fridy v. ;..v. ;v' r 7. r-::'i Xi- Fx ,"h w a h-rn O-tel i - jr. 1 v 1 . I .i '" :..U :".:::. M!I ' :' ' 1 ' " " " " " if.i. ; . 1-?. . i ; :' v Vj-.jtt--" ;. II 1 J of t !: dceaset! ' i .:. v. ht:. i vars ( '! .V v l wtth vela- ; '. 7 1 ':..: 1 : I -! . ' i 1 't.i , . . ; ii.t : f 1 : t i in vii.i i 1 1 . i i i . . ti s i 1 1 "' ' ' ' :!" ' " ' - M ' - 'years hut seems now to httve finally ' ' "' :' '!:" (,i 1VcIo:-ed. Attorney I). O. Iwyer. who v,.;. -- .-!. v. t: -V- : e- i. r . T ' 1 - X h' vf b'.r::. o v, a ... " . i . i.ey a', 'a C.i i r tr: a ' e'a! aii-.! e a. 1 1 i . i . , a bat ; ir-d aad :h. .!'-' (i .-f-h -f "'"i ! ' 1 I. e ai-.-i . f : -1 a a ! faithful men- ; ! i a t : . ri ! r c ait n. r ' " i v - . n ( . , i a i:;c,t p.'-r. " ( r i-1 ' " : and was cot.ti-.-: a- a !; h rs 'I oa. ah a-. ,: ri-iT,-1' an 1 it: a" " .... . .i , v... ,: u to d.. 1 a-s v.' f h,ld at ":e- d.iy at 1 o'cPx k a a 1 , i ire1; at 1 ""'dork cou ; v. II A Kichu oad a"" ' v ;i- ;r.;de in 'he Tlo f'- . rv. a;, a i- with t he (-tit i- t't cx'i tidiio-' i:ie-a . ' ... .:':!' V.y a n d . .' ti -. b. v a v, .i u- bund a : d ; :? at a: d cr-is-J.i: -t ha- c. .n-e u;.. a t him. tt.. a:. t! (iiaitr or i;; u:ii. -.,ti,,. t- liiii... I'.ir v,. lli'?lti--t i' f'iil 11 t-i.:' : ' . - t ' .1 ! ' ! 111. ' t I . . I ' . I i 1 1 ;. a. I 1 a. I', la t " I : I " - . : : ! :. . I ; w ! 1 1 t o,. i u i; i : 5: i ' h : : i: i . ' 'r r.i !!: I i ' I' It rl -..!. mi.!.. I I ., '"' 1 a'' . i : . 1 1 i nil- ,-. :,:- -ii --'a .'mi ' '. 't't'ii- 0...1 -; i. i m.,-H.-. in. i s., a I-.. : i . ..f .. i i. -.. 1 t ii. a :! .-' 11 'l i . 1 I... i-,' ;.i ia v. I t u-y I ' 1 1 . . . i . . - : i . . w i i ... -.!. '-,..,' V i, t ... .. .a. ;.!;; a o. ::i;i x. i - .1 ,, i; JA CTI F0H SALE. r. go.d foal celt r, iTri tier's American Elixir of liiuer a vjhjt To tj,e ii)srary tl-at hp: ccntr :;,h: y -a -.- (d i. h.vine and other excellent Trintr': ofJty H?istCi Jn founding as tl;er G;.f -c of ; remedies, ironi picking herbs ta the can J)r fonnj voung and old di l ai a hi 1 . 1 pa i ; 1 a: ". y v at n '; '. ;. I Abo tt-f VS:i" in ao d :-i:upe. Idymoioh Ho'-k r i-i-u - I; NX! ra l a. ih.tes. Getlar Greik, tw-d Cora-:at(n: ;ivertisii.j; is the kind j aa.t '-- the public . very day in j r-y- ar. T' o of.--again. on-agaii. I ':ni :. -.'.:' r, kind usually doesn't gat ! v ry f-i r. ' Daily- Journal lite per week. LONG LITIGATED COALMINING IN CASE IS AFFIRMED; GASS COUNTY Case of Unma Palmer vs. Thomas Pannele is Affirmed in Slate 1 bupreme Court. .m TufKilav's r:iily. A case iliut lias been tried in the district court in this county a nuni- : her of tinus and been carried to t lie . -r.i r. nie court and reversed, has at la-t been affirmed by the highest ( . ::rt of the state. This is the case of Kt'iui;: Kaufman Palmer vs. Thoin- i as E. I'armele in which the plaintiff awarded ;i judgment in the sum , i in tiif (iisirici conn v incn (- i v :r; appeal d ly the defendants t o tl i si!;;:vt:ie court. The case involv : ed a mini her of securities which it was claimed was the property of Will- i I.. Vri U vtir wsk ilnm-tipil near (:;,;ar (;(;k sevral v,:irs ao. and -vM,l, the rdaintiff contended had " . ... .'(ti ;rien to her hy V."iliar.'. i V(.lk prior to his death. "The de - ... . fetolan? and the hank of wh Ch lie wi' the head clai-aed that the secur iii'; tti qti"'tion had beta placed with the hank a? security for loans that : had not been repaid and which st had net been repaid and which se curities were rtatned by the hank in i payment. The case has been on the . . , r . . ,.....,..,,1 ..,! ; lUtHKli 11 .lit Ml .llil UIM 1 K I duu I.; ..... . . 4 u t-i v ; repress nted the plaintiff in the cae ; was this morn:: a notified cf the . l.c l 'in? cf the court. ' THE W. R. D. HELD THEIR ELECTION I Otxiers Are Chosen by Ladies ?.t i Meeting; ui Lourt iouse aai- urday Afternoon. FY'im Motiftnv's I 'ail v. Th" ladies of the Woman's lis lief ct l ps met on Saturday after t;'".n at the !od?c rooms in the court h"u.-c to take up their business sr n for the mot "h and also the iir-P'-.i-mt work of the select iqn of ( f fie rs for the ensuinu year. The follawinir were ( hostn by the ladias t eo-o'luct the affairs of the orani ra'io:: far the coaiins year: Pre-sident Mrs. Nannie r.urkel. Senior Vice President Mrs. Alice C -v . Junior Vice President Mrs. France- Tardy.,. 'aaplain Mrs. W. I. Street. S-.t retary Misas i:ila Kennedy. Treasurer Mrs. Anna Kfrenbeiar- cr. rojuluctor Mrs. Martha I'eter.-en. Assist;! nt CoJiductor Mrs. Eliza beth Forbes. Guard -Mrs. Elizabeth Strciaht. Assistant Guard Mrt. Eucinda Drittain. Gidor Hearer-; Mrs. Gatiieiit.e Wiles. Mrs. Dollie Hudson. Mrs. C;-ort;e Winrcot ami Mrs. Viola Ward. Installing Officer Mrs. Jennie lo(iC(. Tl:e Ilelicf corps will hold joint installation of officers with the meir bers cf the Grand Army of t lie He public or. the first meeting: in Jan uarv. CARD Or THANKS. lo the kinl friends and nei- - i s who so vry kindly assisted us at the time of f u- death of our Tiovh cr r.tal grandmother, we desire te- -:-I rss cur lasGna gratitude and sura these f; i ui that their kind--. ' will be .'ii (ti.hcred a lone -lifi shall last. Especially do we d - sj.-c to thav.l no. A. V. Hunter, in ' members of the choir for their bea.i- : j jf ni musical mi tubers and the inai:' j friends for Iheir floral tributes. It. j l'ropst and family. i ..T-PTrr7'R 100 WAT.T. TATT-TfTlAP.. EXCEEDS ALL EXPECTATIONS If. '1 G..l.w1n... -.1 . , i niter s w.,,, o.r-ii ...e '' ii .i iiways beautiful, but the new caleu-' tar ior "oais os in.-aR- "I'.'.-i itw..i . i it 1 J vl'i y w i - v i. nw.4.1..... Ictraing the I.cacue of Nations" is us subject. A new. better life rises from the ruins. in the mull i-colore 1 itliror.c vou will find the national . r'ac of the country where, you or yi.sir tiareuis were born. Fifteen sir. ail iainty pictures brine before you tij atirc pro'-ess of the manufacture of; douu - stic shipment ar.d foreign (:: port. Sand lf'c to cover mailing ex- pern-w. Jos. Triner Company. 1 3t' K. Ashland Ave.. Chicago. 111. tf haisI'old remedy in America for 2 years Dr. Thomas' Electric oil. For cuts, sprains, burns, scalds. biruises. 30c and 60c. At all drug stores. Journal want ads pay. Several Attempts to Dig Coal in Hills I jjear 1 City and Rock Bluffs City ailed to Produce Results. Frerr, Two? day s Pail. The recent idiorlag" in Ike ecu : supply of the country revived t'o- 1 clriuc -if ill.. Tlt v lltll.l'itiK 1 h ;l i . " ....... . i - I have becn n,acie in tllCJ J,"st 1,1 "r j . . ..-., i muriu iti t ti Ti-.;t In tin ! dure coal in the state et Xebraki and which the period .f 3 0 and yv rs ago caused many prospective ! coal mines to he stared hi v-tri 11 I :d;:ces t hroughott eastern portion of 1 st ::U- Cass coanty in common with oth--; river counties had their share of ih" ca;l pro.1-pec? s and ot.e -d tl." favt.-r- alv tli cue 1:1 cf mir.-.- v loea- the IUirHrpton v. the farm of J. W. Thomas whor- a h.,ft t -a-sis rlacd and ?opie of the d-fosi's ihk - h resonhled coal were --.-;:;, lii. r.-m c.rl r,f till Id v:;1!',-. :s .'1 ' . ' m? euppiy- 1 !1? S 1. ' ' - e ) ' to be in the nature a ( ha'h that much re?ml le 1 th-- t -. -Trades of conl I'aur d :t: : he T ,v, a fiilds but was not of -u !;!:: : to make it worth nrlri'n.T and the la: ' on the Thomas place va- a!U .-red t remain untouched autho iah. the ,wi. er pf the place had ut t conf i.'ei: ' that ; more thorejaii "a : mitrht have uneart'.ied a t- -: vei-i of the d''atnoi d-a Atiothr (f the nitninc prospects was tva.r th ri:n.pine st ; t ion of the I'la 1 1 Water Go., which can s' ill be in the lar?e cavern like evf ;.vat : an that is found in the h'.uff jt'.-t "a- of the pumping s:at;on ami althouah for years it has larcely 1 e-n ::-ea 1 y the youm-'sTCTs as a id.K-e to p'ay i: was once the source of much hop--' of p-oduciiiu: coal mine. I"vn iv the hills near vlj Zl:vi i:lt:i:'s was Ptcated what came h" n'-are-t to be a real coal mine that was found in this section of the canity atai if was attempted to P am a company t. develop the mine but the rs-vi:s "id rot prove as favc raid- a- ra.a Poped for hy the originators if tl loan and this mine also went th way of all ihe visiona'y nn'nitia; ploits of the early days. The iteneral results in other por tions of t"pe state were 'imiiar t" that of Cas county and the coal ;. 'ot itic industry of Nebraska failed to become more than a m r.' ideal dream. The most favorable, indica tions of coal was at l'eru wlore a small mine was opened and th- : fa duct used with soma mi o: tat state normal school and by :1 re-i- den t s f that commit :: it y its ".ia!- ity was so poor that it di 1 rod Ma' the competition of laruer and be---producing" mines. A LASTING MQ?!'iJ- ment oub mm Public Librarj- in This City s. lAst ir.g1 Memorial to Lite and Public Service of Andrew Carnegie. from 51 nrtay's t'any. The service to ;n;itil.i: i . i' i'c fireat American iron:. i. a 1 ia Ao.latv. '"arne-ie. is shown i the ma: y he-iutiful library builainrs thai art in thousand-- of cities of the Fnite i States and the building in this coy that houses the "ibrary ro;inl-ori aa thouMinds of the chotci-.-t paries (f literature is one of tho-a h : . ' i tion.-. of the departed phiiau;; The city would never have Pre?! a.h'e to enjoy such a plea..-it. a home for one of their most l:r:p;ian? i -.ta-tutions had it not 1 ec u ft r ihe pub lic t-pirit of Mr. Garnegic it. p- vl.l inc the sum that whs . a-'da a-t the use of this build -nc In the past few man: Its several valuable reference works have lit', added to the library by the -r ! :: eto-.r.-. of 1 ti e ni.-niitj-; 'lu-i.t f I'r- ; ;i .:.,., a,!f1 advantage of by the ptiblic ia :-'i:d- il!t, aIli ir.(,kinp m. special ref-r. su,.jt.,..;. (lf presrnt ,;.:y iI;U.reat The lihrarv is now ore f .he a- - ; . . etticient m tlie Mate a:. a ..a hf ! thotnands every day in the loaning oi oookh iiiat ic-i:vi to a '.la.aar cui zenship in the community and i cf lasting benefit. The uentli of Andrew Gari.-gii re moved one ef the world's created philanthropists and his benefits to the V(,ri(1 caI, hvhX j.P appreciat vu l.v rearch of the knowledge that can only be found in a public library of t lie si::" arj( -j'iipuu nt of one that we have in our city. 1 SECETVES SD KETT5. From Tue:-.laVs Dnilv. j Last eveninc Estes V.'iHici:: re-j cei'-ed a message anr.-,:::: ir.g the; sad. news that his father, llenrv W iil-i lams, had suffered a stroke of paral- O T mm iiOaiis FEDERAL LAKT? l r.i) i.a as -('alio i i t .- to i. !"! , '. i I ' a ; a a . , : . i : ' . i-a i it ; .. : ;:...y. : la: !..-..! i a a ! a-i Her, a..' V. a '. .,: ia i. i" ! S!i : !::X' ; ;..n ia this I : ' i - i hi: ,1:1 .1 .n r T 2lc L w. c ; . y -t, W $ i-i 4. -v -T '- BUY HER s Lii i. ."..I- . a - -. i..'r : J e r . s Yi e 5.; "' r." m: B J V HSfvl A r'rii SitFLTi K.AZvit T": T ' f ' liCcie ddiiCv "lie ;; .: i : things tie car, ;.c ttuoa - - ihc IZ z!l Store g & Ksf k h.v' Fo School Dircotcr, uti.v: s!.-v--r.i he t-. to Pi c a n L.-li iJh"i.-0-C. ilF tor-di. ir:f-c iitiii f Jcsk.. beatt i fioorta and all -.j.htr satfaces i:i ti.e school j o -.m. And !3 other public and private bail Ji.'G;-. t Ei 5 2- tcs is so Litre :n wu'er, nzs a and is endorsed throughout nd 1 a jikCtCl IOJC i-'ll-tS. 3 P $ FOR SALE Plattcmouth, rvcL;rc: ". !-a DHS. BkCAl & iMCif, P in charge of ail v. erk. Lady jiitenciant. MODERATE PRICES, g Porcelain filings just lihe tooth. Instruments carefully stenhzed J after using. irt U . FisttiSa-Pay When Cured p. i! f rmi. Sgr-X A. rr.i!.! system of treatment that cures Pils. Fistia and I?; ; KTr '"4 oth-r Koa lDiEeaft in a short time, without a sevrre Bur ibj r t-i :li VsJJt' vS2 f.ha! cptraticn. No Ca.'onjjoraj. Uiher or other central anasthnic -t. A gaerp.i.reed in everv case actepted for tTtntineri.. and ro innn-y tr. r p.-. 1 J. ! cu--d .". . . - I.k.s on Recta 1 Diseascit. itu a d festia-.-r '-i!r cl mor . ttaa 1 "' prctr.tncat r-er.pi 1 vc Ik ca rrmcoetitly cured. C'K. E. t. TASRY 240 Ceo OMAHA, NEBRASKA L 7: . i 1 A L at ACiuai oosi HAI'-'K CF OMAHA ' i a : . , a, a o i ! ' a.),, 7 i I. aoi- are at ; : - ! . if. - t lie ;;:oh t - 1 I '!'.', liS. '! I - i'r h ral . ,. i!ivii!i in!- t. t ! a : 'a ; v i. i. h v i 1 rr v ; a u ad' r t h i 11. t a : . h. : . -t ate. ..' . ia : a t - (a t ! -4 T - ; i. x i :! n i i.i. M'ir t,i i a a a 1 a ; ! ivu.i : i. loo.-.t I) -irs a-,i tor . ' : a a a 1 1. i ; a d i - 1:!- t!i. . i" f ! .".". a boi ! ! ..11 examine i the L.:c cf JcdHia ' ; i r i c e : e our list cf . v ' gS 1. 5 C .v rler taiio:;laY "flas:: lights "i pV.b'c to "Her." whether cut or wile. HILII: j.iAiR HKUSHLS TTIiriMOS ZOfTLLS IT-AVLHavr- SFTr? 7 t . " i : ' r i ; ?: ciica! ielidit- eal man o p riattsmoulh, Neb. -i35 r?:ox v- V 4 ; r 1 11 f Teachers ar.d n'.ioihcrs U -rcvt iil a icpetiiion of the a- '-fcT U Kjsa 12 S !ra;;fa nt o -!r, is nan-irrifatir the ciiuaiiy 03 th'5;cians THE OEHTiSTi iperts I rcliMRD rLDOS, FAXTCI ELCCK, CKAHA Ml TaTIJ